Agenda: BICC COE Steering Committee On 19th April 2019

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Agenda: BICC COE Steering Committee on 19th April 2019

## Topic EY Owner FEC Owner EY Action FEC Action

Collation of potential IT data systems Map missing data in EDW and develop
1 Enterprise Data Map Suvidha Imran
and Solutions in FE Credit eco-system the implementation plan
Develop a maintenance framework. Start implementation for existing
2 Business Measure Ankit Imran, Vi
Maintain it for EY delivered reports. reports / measures
Develop a maintenance framework. Start implementation for existing
3 EDW Data Dictionary Ankit Imran
Maintain it for EY delivered reports. reports / measures
Develop a maintenance framework. Start implementation for existing
4 Host System Dictionary Ankit Imran
Maintain it for EY delivered reports. reports / measures
Streamline Product P&L on the SAS Handover accepted. Tables in non
5 Product P&L Niky Imran
Visual Analytics platform SDM layer to be moved in IBM EDW
Streamline CEO BOM Deck on the SAS Handover accepted. To continue
6 CEO BOM Deck Niky Imran
Visual Analytics platform monthly reporting and enhancements
Identification and mapping for required Assessment of missing fields in IBM
7 HR Data Mart Niky Imran
fields in the host system EDW and implementation of use cases
Design and execution for reconciliation Data discovery and coordination with
8 GL CIR Reconciliation Suvidha Imran
report build Business. Transition of code build.
Extraction of data as per the CEO Design, build, business validation and
9 Cards NPM Model Niky Imran
agreed methodology roll out of Cards NPM model
Design, build and rollout of Loan Take transition of the method and
10 Lifetime Loss Model Niky Imran
Lifetime Loss model usage of same going forward
Extraction of data and processing to Take transition of the method and
11 RF Performance Analysis Niky Vi
build the complex report usage of same going forward
Extraction of data and benchmark Take transition of the method and
12 RF Benchmarking Niky Vi
setting with Risk and Collections usage of same going forward
Design, build and rollout of Sales Take transition of the method and
13 Sales Agency Scorecard Ankit Imran
Agency Scorecard usage of same going forward
Design, build and rollout of XS/TU Take transition of the method and
14 XS/TU Projection Model Bharti Dimitry
projection model usage of same going forward
Design, build and rollout of Loan Take transition of the method and
15 Lifetime Loss Model Niky Imran
Lifetime Loss model usage of same going forward
Design, build and rollout of Campaigns Identification of team which will take
16 Campaigns Productivity Ankit TBD
Productivity SAS VA dashboard hand over of Campaigns Dashboards
Requirement gathering and wireframe Enhancement of existing reports and
17 PQR Reports Bharti Vi
finalisation converting them to sub-product level
Requirements gathering and
Enhancement of existing reports and
18 Credit Operations Deck Bharti Vi wireframe finalisation with
converting them to sub-product level
Identification of team to take hand
Loan Ideal and Actual Design, build and rollout of Loan
19 Shaurya TBD over of the solution for monthly
NPM Lifetime Loss model

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