SIS TechTimes Issue 2
SIS TechTimes Issue 2
SIS TechTimes Issue 2
Issue 2 Volume 1
Role Feature: Mapping HR to corporate strategy and the HR role centre in Dynamics 9
Copyright: All rights reserved. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily represent the views of the
publisher, editorial and advertising staff. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from
the publisher. All effort has been made to ensure accurate quoting of sources.
The First Word
So far 2009 has been an eventful year for SIS Holdings and our customers.
Being named Microsoft Dynamics Partner of the Year, achieving President’s
Club, growing the customer base across industries and the recent
acquisition of infrastructure and Managed Services company, MyMSP has
caused an increased enthusiasm within the company as so many interesting
opportunities arose.
· SIS launches new corporate identity and embarks on Web 2.0 strategy
Intels Nigeria
Lowe Bull
In this issue of TechTimes SIS takes a closer look at Microsoft Dynamics’ Roadmap
acceleration with its announcement of acquiring industry solutions. This includes Microsoft‘s
acquisition of the Process Manufacturing, Professional Services and Retail solutions.
We also feature the first in a series of Q&A‘s to better understand the National Qualifications
Framework and invite our education customers to submit their thoughts in the establishment
of the Quality Council for Trade and Occupations. Our solution partner Three Rivers Systems
INC will also be attending EduCause 2009.
Our customers in the Advertising and Media industry also got to Feed Their Egos in September
with the annual Loerie Awards. This prestigious event took place in Cape Town from the 24th
to the 27th of September. A big congratulations to SIS customer Ogilvy with its Grand Prix
award for Channel O‘s Experiential Mixed-Media Campaign, ―Young, Gifted & Black‖. Another
congrats to Y&R, Ogilvy, Lowe Bull and Ireland/Davenport with impressive positions on the
Creative Circle Agency Rankings at this years Loeries.
Nadia Landman
Marketing Executive at SIS Holdings
10 Reasons to Implement ERP in an Economic
premise delivery model. Now, however, ERP soft-
ware has evolved to include more options, such
as Software as a Service (SaaS) and open source.
These alternatives often times require a lower
initial investment than traditional ERP solutions
and should be considered during the ERP soft-
ware selection process.
Microsoft Dynamics AX
Roadmap Acceleration: Microsoft Acquires Industry
Building on the Microsoft Dynamics enterprise resource
planning (ERP) strategy to drive industry-specific innovation for
customers and enable partners to deliver repeatable, vertical
solutions, Microsoft Corp. today announced the acquisition of
four industry solutions that will extend the core capabilities of
one of Microsoft‘s ERP products, Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Microsoft Dynamics ERP innovations boost business
productivity for customers
Less than a year since the milestone release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, Microsoft
Corp. announced new capabilities and enhancements to the product‘s RoleTailored user
experience that further increase business productivity. This move supports Microsoft‘s
promise to enable the Dynamic Business, which includes offering flexible business appli-
cations that remain relevant as business needs evolve.
The new visualization capabilities allow partners to create innovative visual custom controls
using Microsoft technologies such as Silverlight, while additional personalization capabili-
ties such as improved data entering and quick navigation can result in appreciable time
savings across an organization. Customers also benefit from having direct access from within the Role Center
to the latest product information and user forums through a feature called Connect.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has been positioned in the Leaders quadrant of the
Gartner Inc. CRM Customer Service Contact Centers 2009 Magic Quadrant, a
research report that looks at contact center desktop software for customer
service and support that is best suited for different economic situations.
―As a result of the economic slowdown, business leaders are focusing on the
central role of customer service to simultaneously lower costs and build
customer loyalty,‖ said Michael Maoz, vice president and distinguished analyst, Gartner Inc. ―The
loss of a profitable customer, or a potentially profitable customer, is expensive and preventable.
The contact center, which integrates and synchronizes post-sales customer interactions, is the
most critical flash point for the customer relationship.‖1
Learning plans are a great tool to help your employees get trained on Microsoft Dynamics and
related products. Training on Microsoft Dynamics is available in many formats to fit your needs – E
-Learning, self-study training materials and instructor-led training – and certification exams for
Microsoft Dynamics are available to validate your expertise. The learning plans outline every
training and certification option available so your employees can choose the training that‘s right
for them. By becoming trained and certified in various disciplines, you and your employees can
document your knowledge on Microsoft Dynamics products and unlock the full potential of your
Microsoft Dynamics solution adding value and increased productivity to your business.
For more information contact: Tel: 011 646 9369 or visit
As a result, executives now expect their HR departments to concentrate on Talent Management and HR
Services that provide a clear-cut measurement of how employee performance maps towards company
objectives, in an environment of increased globalisation and regulation.
Put simply, HR departments now need to focus on People, Process and Strategy if they want to remain
competitive and increase their profitability of their companies. Effectively managing human capital is the key
to achieving these organisational goals. The collective effort of all individuals and departments drives the
company as a whole to achieve its desired objectives. As a result, organizations are turning to human resource
management systems‘ to ensure that their systems, processes and strategies become the foundation for
achieving the effective use of their valuable human capital assets.
Already using Microsoft Dynamics? Human Resources Role Centre now standard
This Role Center provides access to key tasks, activities, and business data related to human resources
management. Common tasks for this role might include participating in daily human resources activities,
planning and budgeting for human resources, establishing workplace compliance policies, assessing
workforce trends, working with individuals throughout the organization, overseeing sensitive investigations,
and monitoring appraisal interviews. Contact SIS to start using this feature
Interpret and process pay accurately and quickly from any location. An international payroll
platform that is multi currency, multi language and multi location. DynamicPay is a user friendly
and wizard driven, modern payroll platform. A flexible architecture written in .Net and running on a
SQL database it seamlessly integrates to Microsoft Dynamics. DynamicPay can also operate
standalone as well as integrate to third party applications.
Ideal for Dynamics users, companies with a Microsoft centric technology platform or companies
with complex payroll software requirements including international or regional payroll
Contact SIS Holdings on 011 367 8200 or [email protected] for more information.
Industry News
Higher Education: Introduction to the QCTO Act
A: It is a framework i.e. it sets the boundaries - a set of principles and guidelines which provide a vision,
a philosophical base and an organisational structure - for construction, in this case, of a qualifications
system. Detailed development and implementation is carried out within these boundaries. It is national
because it is a national resource, representing a national effort at integrating education and training into
a unified structure of recognised qualifications. It is a framework of qualifications i.e. records of learner
In short, the NQF is the set of principles and guidelines by which records of learner achievement are
registered to enable national recognition of acquired skills and knowledge, thereby ensuring an
integrated system that encourages life-long learning.
In 1994 the international community witnessed the birth of a new democracy and welcomed the new
South Africa as the most recent member of its global village. In accepting that honour, this country took
on the associated challenges of that position.
Many countries all over the world are looking for better ways of educating their people and organising
their education and training systems so that they might gain the edge in an increasingly competitive
economic global environment. Furthermore, the world is an ever-changing place, politically,
geographically and technologically. Indeed, the rapid technological advances of the twentieth century
have placed education systems under extreme pressure as they try to adapt and incorporate these
changes in an effort to produce more creative, effective and adaptable people. Success, or even survival,
in such a world demands that South Africa has a national education and training system that provides
quality learning, is responsive to the ever-changing influences of the external environment and promotes
the development of a nation that is committed to life-long learning.
When learners know that there are clear learning pathways which provide access to, and mobility and
progression within education, training and career paths, they are more inclined to improve their skills and
knowledge, as such improvements increase their employment opportunities . The increased skills base of
the workforce has a wider implication namely the enhancement of the functional and intellectual
capability of the nation, thereby increasing our chances for success in the global community.
The objectives of the NQF as outlined in the SAQA Act are as follows:
CAMS at EduCause 2009
The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference is the one event for IT professionals in higher education that
consistently delivers insight, thought leadership, and community interaction. No other event
offers more value for your travel dollars than the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. But with travel
bans and reduced budgets presenting new challenges for many campuses, EDUCAUSE is
offering an exciting new opportunity—EDUCAUSE 2009 Online, where you will have the chance
to learn and network with colleagues without leaving your campus.
SIS‘s technology partner Three Rivers Systems INC will be meeting delegates in Denver at booth
559 from the 3rd to the 6th of November 2009.
Ultimate currently owns the software, adds new functionality, supports all existing clients and
partners and provides services to partners. Logica, as the new value added distributor, stays
committed to the FlexShip/Port solutions with their core activities of selling and implementing
the system and providing services to it‘s customers in the Nordic Countries, including upgrading
customers to upcoming new releases provided by Ultimate Software. Like all other partners,
Logica will continue to market the Flex solutions on it‘s current markets, but also on new
markets where the solution fits.
Ultimate will expand the FlexShip/Port business and bring existing and new partners together to
make the solution a leading player in the shipping industry. Ultimate will, together with the part-
ners, put efforts in making the FlexShip/Port solution the world wide leading integrated ERP
(Enterprise Resource Planning) system for the shipping industry, based on a Microsoft platform.
To find out more contact Michael van de Weg at SIS Holdings on 011 367 8200
Industry News
Advertising and Media: Loerie Fever 2009
Loeries delegates were treated to performances by Goldfish and Lira, and to the antics of comedian John
Vlismas, who hosted the evening. Premier of the Western Cape Helen Zille also made an appearance,
telling the audience that once they‘ve partied in Long Street, they‘ll never want to hold the Loeries
anywhere else but in the Mother City. It wasn‘t only the organisers who went all out when it came to
honouring the year‘s best work in the advertising industry. All Loeries delegates were dressed to the
nines, having taken Loerie Awards CEO Andrew Human‘s words to heart: ―Look in the mirror and ask
yourself, ‗Am I jealous of me?‘‖
The awards were judged by panels of local and international experts in their fields. A total of 225 Loeries
Awards were handed out over the course of the weekend, including four Grand Prix awards, 19 Gol‖
Loeries, 50 Silver Loeries, 113 Bronze Loeries, nine Craft Golds and 30 Craft Certificates.
The Grand Prix awards, which reflect the breadth of creativity and opportunities for brand communication
in the industry, embracing different kinds of media and ways of communicating, went to:
TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannesburg, for their Advertising Poster Campaign, ―Cheaper Than Money‖,
for The Zimbabwean.
FOXP2 for their Achitecture and Interior Design entry, ―FOXP2 Offices‖.
Ogilvy Johannesburg, for Channel O‘s Experiential Mixed-Media Campaign, ―Young, Gifted & Black‖.
Net#work BBDO Johannesburg, for Virgin Atlantic‘s Radio Commercial Campaign, ―Ferret, Dancer,
Dog, Child‖.
This year, a new award – the SABC New Voice Award for Non-English Radio – was introduced to promote
the production of non-English radio advertising. The Gold Award went to TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannes-
burg for ―Tatollo, Funeral‖ for Tiger Brands, the Silver Award went to Draftfcb Johannesburg for ―Bua FM –
1, 2, 3‖ for Vodacom, and the Bronze Award went to Joe Public for ―Don‘t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough, Buf-
falo Soldier, Beat It‖ for No doubt it was some of these winners at least who woke up this
morning not knowing exactly where they were or how they got there, or why they were wearing a se-
quined headdress or were covered in permanent marker scrawl. But, clutching a little gold bird in their
hand, they would smile, and this thought would run through their heads: ―It just doesn‘t get any better
than this.‖
Feed your EGO with a dynamic
advertising management solution
from SIS Holdings
SIS Holdings provides consulting services and solutions for the Advertising and Media
industry. Advertising agencies manage quick turn-around times on projects, demand
accurate costing and have to offer high quality products and services to gain a competitive
SIS provides industry standard solutions as well as expert consulting services to address the
business challenges faced by agencies. Solutions on offer provide a fully integrated, real-time
system that manages jobs, time, workflows, archiving and costing with minimum input and
maximum efficiency.
SIS Holdings provides software systems for advertising agencies and media houses. When our
clients purchase our Advertising Solutions systems, they get more than a robust agency
software package. They get a commitment to a long-term partnership with us
Business Intelligence and Reporting
IDC: Another Step Toward Pervasive
Business Intelligence
The closer alignment of these technologies positions Microsoft well to
take advantage of the current broad trend for more pervasive availabil-
ity of BI and related solutions." - Dan Vesset, IDC
Latest Trends
CIO Priorities for 2009
The following is review of the top CIO priorities for 2009 as published by CIOInsight
( This is what over 220 IT executives have indicated as their top priorities.
We analyse some of the trends for the year and provide some commentary and context.
Why Business Intelligence solution implementations
filter out bad data at the ETL (Extract, Transform
& Load) stage. Good data governance is a
separate but linked project to ensure a good data
warehouse with clean, high-quality data.
Data Quality issues
The GIGO equation fits well here. Garbage In =
Virtual Labs
Garbage Out. Bad Data leads to bad decisions.
Too many bad decisions or just one crucial one White papers
will cause immediate distrust and abandonment. Data sheets
Monthly Feature
Moving towards a dynamic IT
In this issue:
A look at IT Outsourcing
Considering Managed Services?
Managing the IT lifecycle
How IT Outsourcing Helps your business
So how does IT Outsourcing work? IT Outsourcing is growing at a rapid pace and we hear this
question every day. We have 3 easy guidelines that will help you evaluate the benefits of IT
Outsourcing for your business.
First, we define IT and how IT Outsourcing will make your technology simple.
Second, we describe our commitment to make your computing lifecycle manageable.
Third, we illustrate how predictable costs make your IT affordable.
We take all the technology in your business and divide it into two categories: Information
Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS). IT includes technology infrastructure like file, print
and messaging on computers, servers and networks as well as common services like data backup,
monitoring and help desk. IS includes the industry specific technologies that leverage the IT
infrastructure your business depends on like your accounting software, specialised applications
and extranets.
Common IT infrastructure is commoditising. Most businesses use email, data back-up, printing,
file sharing, etc. However, at the same time IT is commoditising, IT is also becoming increasingly
complex. Technology continues to change rapidly and important topics like security and
compliance require core expertise to stay abreast of the changes.
Our most successful customers outsource their IT to MyMSP and have technical staff in-house to
handle their IS. MyMSP lets your in-house technical staff focus on high-value, mission-critical
technology. MyMSP can handle IT support services faster and less expensive than in-house staff.
In summary, MyMSP takes much of the complexity out of your IT to make your technology
Considering Managed Services?
Managing the IT lifecycle
When you outsource your businesses IT lifecycle management, MyMSP takes responsibility to
manage your Computer Systems Lifecycle from beginning to end. We work with you as a part-
ner to your business to understand your technology needs and provide the right solutions from
the start.
Our team of IT lifecycle management leaders is certified and current on the latest technology
trends, best practices and industry compliance requirements. We combine our industry knowl-
edge with your business requirements and standardise your IT lifecycle for manageability and
economies of scale.
Then we continue to manage and monitor your IT & computer systems lifecycle with our indus-
try leading support. We partner with you for the long haul to make sure your technology stays
current with your changing business needs.
SIS House; Eton Office Park
c/o Sloane and Harrison Streets
News and Insight
Around the office
Recently one of our computers not only crashed, it made a noise that sounded like a heart
monitor. "This computer has flat-lined," a co-worker called out with mock horror.
About SIS Holdings
SIS Holdings competencies and vertical market focus include broad experience and market
penetration in the professional services, advertising and media, manufacturing, mining, ports
and shipping, staffing and recruitment and higher education institutions.
As the leading Microsoft Dynamics Partner* in South Africa, SIS has the capability and capacity
to provide services to large organisations as well as small and medium sized entities. With
offices in Johannesburg and KwaZulu Natal as well international implementation partners , SIS
is well positioned to add value to their clients.
AxPact was formed in 2001 to develop a global network of the very best
Microsoft Dynamics AX expertise to work together in delivering high
quality multi-site, multi-national Microsoft Dynamics AX projects.
Today, AxPact accounts for more than 1000 Microsoft Dynamics AX implementa-
tions, over 10% of ALL AX projects worldwide. Our members are all highly proven
and meet the strict AxPact criteria which means that you are in safe hands if you choose AxPact. We ensure
your Microsoft Dyanmics AX project is delivered to a very high standard, with maximum benefits and
minimum risks.
Dealing with an AxPact member will ensure quality and maximise your return on investment, because each
AxPact member shares the same common goal:
―To work together to provide world class Microsoft Dynamics AX solutions and to exceed the
expectations of our customers in all aspects of their project.‖
SIS House; Eton Office Park
c/o Sloane and Harrison Streets