SIS TechTimes Issue 2

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Issue 2 Volume 1

10 Reasons to Implement ERP in an Economic Downturn

Record retention made easy in Microsoft Dynamics

How Microsoft Dynamics NAV makes BI more accessible to users

Why BI Solution Implementations Fail
What‘s behind Microsoft‘s discontinuation of
Microsoft Mobile for Dynamics


The first word 3

Feature: 10 Reasons to implement ERP in an Economic Downturn 4

Microsoft Dynamics AX: 5

Roadmap acceleration; Record Retention Made Easy and Upgrading to 2009
Microsoft Dynamics NAV: 6
Great news for NAV users; NAV makes BI more Accessible for Users; Compatibility with
Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7
Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Gartner‘s Magic Quadrant Highlights 7

Resource Watch: Microsoft Dynamics Enables Real-world SOA 7

Opinion: The changing face of Human Resources by Des Squires 8

Role Feature: Mapping HR to corporate strategy and the HR role centre in Dynamics 9


Higher Education Q&A: Introduction to the QCTO Act 10

Higher Education: CAMS at EduCause 2009 11

Logistics: Ultimate Software acquires FlexPort / FlexShip Solutions 11

Advertising: A look at the Loeries 2009 12


IDC: Another step towards pervasive Business Intelligence 16

AMR: Microsoft repackages BI and PM products to further promote mass adoption 16

Feature: Why Business Intelligence solution implementations fail 17


CIO Priorities for 2009 16

MONTHLY FEATURE: Moving towards a dynamic IT Infrastructure

How IT Outsourcing helps your business 19
Considering Managed Services 20
Managing the IT lifecycle 21

To contribute any articles or to advertise in TechTimes please contact us at

[email protected].

Copyright: All rights reserved. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily represent the views of the
publisher, editorial and advertising staff. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from
the publisher. All effort has been made to ensure accurate quoting of sources.

The First Word

So far 2009 has been an eventful year for SIS Holdings and our customers.
Being named Microsoft Dynamics Partner of the Year, achieving President’s
Club, growing the customer base across industries and the recent
acquisition of infrastructure and Managed Services company, MyMSP has
caused an increased enthusiasm within the company as so many interesting
opportunities arose.

Highlights of 2009 so far:

 · SIS named Microsoft Dynamics Partner of the Year 2009

 · SIS achieves Microsoft President‘s Club 2009

 · SIS launches new corporate identity and embarks on Web 2.0 strategy

 SIS welcomes nine (9) new customers:


 Kumba Iron Ore

 Ogilvy

 Intels Nigeria


 Weigh-less

 Ireland/Davenport


 Lowe Bull
In this issue of TechTimes SIS takes a closer look at Microsoft Dynamics’ Roadmap
acceleration with its announcement of acquiring industry solutions. This includes Microsoft‘s
acquisition of the Process Manufacturing, Professional Services and Retail solutions.

We also feature the first in a series of Q&A‘s to better understand the National Qualifications
Framework and invite our education customers to submit their thoughts in the establishment
of the Quality Council for Trade and Occupations. Our solution partner Three Rivers Systems
INC will also be attending EduCause 2009.

Our customers in the Advertising and Media industry also got to Feed Their Egos in September
with the annual Loerie Awards. This prestigious event took place in Cape Town from the 24th
to the 27th of September. A big congratulations to SIS customer Ogilvy with its Grand Prix
award for Channel O‘s Experiential Mixed-Media Campaign, ―Young, Gifted & Black‖. Another
congrats to Y&R, Ogilvy, Lowe Bull and Ireland/Davenport with impressive positions on the
Creative Circle Agency Rankings at this years Loeries.

Enjoy this issue!

Nadia Landman
Marketing Executive at SIS Holdings

10 Reasons to Implement ERP in an Economic
premise delivery model. Now, however, ERP soft-
ware has evolved to include more options, such
as Software as a Service (SaaS) and open source.
These alternatives often times require a lower
initial investment than traditional ERP solutions
and should be considered during the ERP soft-
ware selection process.

6. Scale for growth and economic recovery.

Smart companies are implementing ERP now to
better position themselves for business growth
There is considerable discussion among ERP and scalability when the economy does recover.
industry analysts around whether or not
now is a good time to select and implement 7. Leverage available resources. Although there
a new ERP system. Indeed, some reports are is never a good time to implement ERP, a down-
predicting IT spending to stay flat or turn is as good a time as any. There are often
decrease slightly in 2009. more internal and external resources available to
help implement ERP effectively, which isn't always
However, many companies are finding the the case when the economy is booming and
current economic environment is an ideal time companies are busting at the seams.
to replace their current enterprise systems. In
fact, according to Panorama Research, a ma- 8. Prepare for mergers and acquisitions. Given
jority of organisations (53%) plan to either the high levels of consolidation that often take
replace or upgrade their ERP systems in 2009. place during economic slowdowns, many compa-
nies find that ERP software will help them stan-
Below are the top 10 benefits and results of dardize their business and prepare for either ac-
implementing ERP in the current economic quiring other companies or being acquired.
9. Force management to focus on benefits
1. Reduce total cost of ownership. ERP soft- realisation. It's unfortunate, but ERP implemen-
ware vendors are pricing their offerings more tations are not always required to demonstrate
aggressively than usual. This presents a unique measurable results when economic times are
opportunity for companies to procure software good. ERP implementations are now required
at a lower cost than possible during a more more than ever to deliver results. Of course, we
robust economic cycle. argue that this should be true in both good times
and bad.
2. Increase revenues. Many companies are
facing flat or declining sales during this eco- 10. Increase rationalisation of ERP invest-
nomic downturn. ERP functionality such as ments. The scrutiny that many CIOs will face in
CRM and sales force automation can help 2009 require ERP expenditures to be rationalised
companies sell more effectively to better con- and justified. Rather than overspend on unneces-
front these economic headwinds. sary ERP functionality, CIOs now need to deter-
mine what the business really needs vs. the nice-
3. Increase productivity. Many companies are to-haves. It also requires ERP project teams to
laying off large numbers of employees and/or properly manage risk to avoid cost overruns or
are on a hiring freeze. ERP enables companies implementation failure.
to get more work done with less people, allow-
ing them to maintain payroll costs both now Although it is easy to put off ERP projects until
and when the economy recovers. the economy improves, it is even easier to use
this time as an opportunity to improve business
4. Improve business process efficiency. ERP operations and systems. The main caveat is that
provides companies with a unique opportunity companies need to be smarter than ever in doing
to automate manual business processes and so.
eliminate non-value-add activities. In addition,
ERP allows companies to more efficiently
Looking to upgrade from a basic
match customer demand to inventory, result-
ing in reduced inventory and carrying costs.
accounting package to a more
dynamic solution? Contact the team
5. Ability to choose from multiple ERP de- at SIS to discuss a business solution to
livery options. Traditionally, companies inter- fit your needs.
ested in ERP had to choose a costly on-

Microsoft Dynamics AX
Roadmap Acceleration: Microsoft Acquires Industry
Building on the Microsoft Dynamics enterprise resource
planning (ERP) strategy to drive industry-specific innovation for
customers and enable partners to deliver repeatable, vertical
solutions, Microsoft Corp. today announced the acquisition of
four industry solutions that will extend the core capabilities of
one of Microsoft‘s ERP products, Microsoft Dynamics AX.

This move supports Microsoft‘s promise to enable the Dynamic

Business, which includes offering flexible business applications that remain relevant as business
needs evolve.
Read Full Article

Microsoft Dynamics AX TechnoByte

Record Retention made Easy for Now’s the time to upgrade to 2009
Microsoft Dynamics: How stricter
With Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2009, you can
regulations what files to keep
have a winning strategy for making your
Of all the important tasks associated with
business more competitive—by streamlining
managing our business, we rarely focus on
your organization, reducing costs, and staying
business records. Despite all the published ahead of the competition while you prepare for
guidelines or programs, we tend to keep every better times ahead.
invoice, PO and sales order. Over time, the file
cabinets fill and the off-site... Leave the risk of an older ERP platform behind by
avoiding high integration and maintenance costs
and overtaking limited scalability. By upgrading to
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, you can achieve
your place in the winner‘s circle by building on the
value of your existing ERP solution.

And, you can take advantage of professional

pit-stop services and support to realize a faster
return on investment:

1. Mitigate risks and reduce upgrade time

with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step
Methodology and significantly improved
upgrade tools designed specifically for 3.0
Sizing Tips for Microsoft Dynamics AX customers.
2. Replace a significant number of
We‘ve seen a number of sizing tips coming out
customisations in your current installation
over the last few months – below you‘ll find a with new standard functionality, and help
consolidation of the majority of them – please simplify upgrade efforts.
note there is now a Benchmark toolkit available on 3. Optimise the value of your Business
Codeplex from the Microsoft Dynamics AX Ready Enhancement Plan and explore the
Performance Team benefits of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 by
accessing CustomerSource for online train-
ing, Knowledge Base, downloads of
product updates and regulatory and tax
upgrades, and newsgroups.

Contact SIS today to discuss your requirements.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Microsoft Dynamics ERP innovations boost business
productivity for customers
Less than a year since the milestone release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, Microsoft
Corp. announced new capabilities and enhancements to the product‘s RoleTailored user
experience that further increase business productivity. This move supports Microsoft‘s
promise to enable the Dynamic Business, which includes offering flexible business appli-
cations that remain relevant as business needs evolve.

The new visualization capabilities allow partners to create innovative visual custom controls
using Microsoft technologies such as Silverlight, while additional personalization capabili-
ties such as improved data entering and quick navigation can result in appreciable time
savings across an organization. Customers also benefit from having direct access from within the Role Center
to the latest product information and user forums through a feature called Connect.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV TechnoByte

Great News for Microsoft Dynamics Compatibility with Windows Server
NAV Users with the release of Service 2008 R2 and Windows 7.
Pack 1 We are proud to announce that Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 is compatible with
The Dynamics ERP team had another great
Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows
announcement come out today, announcing the
release of the SP1 of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server 2008 R2.
2009. From the role-tailored features that are
really getting partners and customers alike excited Is it time for an upgrade? Let SIS assist
about this product to the 70+ enhancements in
this version, although it‘s technically labeled a ERP solution upgrades are critical if a company
―service pack,‖ the early feedback from the is to realise the full benefits and rewards of
Dynamics community is that this is a great release and ERP system.
for existing Dynamics NAV customers, as well as
ERP solutions are a key driver for many companies
mid-market organisations to grab a hold of.
in staying competitive and profitable. Enterprise
systems that include on demand solutions such as
How Microsoft Dynamics NAV makes with many of the popular CRM, customer relation-
BI more accessible to users ship management, applications like Microsoft
What's the real purpose of Business Intelligence
Dynamics CRM and the emergence of new SaaS,
(BI)? That was the subject as the NAV User Group
software as a service, based ERP solutions
Summit 2009 kicked off with a general session,
applications which are developed on open source
round table discussions and breakout sessions. At
platforms are no longer nice to have technologies
an executive roundtable, "Business Intelligence...
for companies.

What’s behind Microsoft’s Contact us to discuss your technology roadmap

discontinuation of Microsoft Mobile and how a solution from SIS and Microsoft can
for NAV drive your business forward. Our account
The news is out and it's not good for fans (or managers can align a unique business solution to
adopters) of Microsoft Dynamics Mobile. Micro- your exact requirements. Whether your company
soft has discontinued development and support of requires a new business solution or would like to
the Microsoft Dynamics Mobile product for AX discuss reasons for technology upgrades—SIS can
and NAV. Dynamics CRM Mobile is unaffected. make IT happen.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has been positioned in the Leaders quadrant of the
Gartner Inc. CRM Customer Service Contact Centers 2009 Magic Quadrant, a
research report that looks at contact center desktop software for customer
service and support that is best suited for different economic situations.

―As a result of the economic slowdown, business leaders are focusing on the
central role of customer service to simultaneously lower costs and build
customer loyalty,‖ said Michael Maoz, vice president and distinguished analyst, Gartner Inc. ―The
loss of a profitable customer, or a potentially profitable customer, is expensive and preventable.
The contact center, which integrates and synchronizes post-sales customer interactions, is the
most critical flash point for the customer relationship.‖1

Looking for an industry-specific customer relationship management solution?

From Higher Education to Mining—SIS can help! Contact our Sales Team today to see
how Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help your organisation manage marketing-, sales–
and customer services processes.

Solution Focus | Existing Customers

Learning Plans for Microsoft Dynamics
Help your employees focus on specific goals and access the training they need to gain in depth
product knowledge and obtain certifications!

Learning plans are a great tool to help your employees get trained on Microsoft Dynamics and
related products. Training on Microsoft Dynamics is available in many formats to fit your needs – E
-Learning, self-study training materials and instructor-led training – and certification exams for
Microsoft Dynamics are available to validate your expertise. The learning plans outline every
training and certification option available so your employees can choose the training that‘s right
for them. By becoming trained and certified in various disciplines, you and your employees can
document your knowledge on Microsoft Dynamics products and unlock the full potential of your
Microsoft Dynamics solution adding value and increased productivity to your business.

Read Full Article

Resource Watch: Microsoft Dynamics Enables Real-

World SOA
Business need to connect processes, people, and information both within
the organization and across organizational boundaries. Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA) is an emerging architectural style that helps meet these
demands. Microsoft Dynamics has made investments in Web services and
other SOA technologies across our product lines to help customers take a
―Real-World‖ approach to SOA. Real-World SOA is about taking a pragmatic
approach to systems integration where time-to-value is much more
immediate. This paper walks you through the tools and technologies that
enable service orientation. Check out the success stories of our customers
who have taken on Real-World SOA projects to support their business

Get the whitepaper


The Changing Face of Human Resources


of cohesion and little discussion between HR and

other departments in various organisations.

Managers have explained to me the HR

department recruit and select the staff required in
other departments or divisions and the new
employee is then placed in the relevant division.
The manager is not involved in the recruitment
process. The problem here is the lack of
communication, discussion and involvement of all
In many instances HR departments are relevant parties. In the area of training and
being treated as just another depart- development the SDF is sometimes not a
ment in many organisations. The prob- permanent member of the HR department. This
lem here rests with senior management task has been outsourced to a person whose
who have not recognised the impor- function it is to complete a WSP and ATR. This is
tant role individuals in the HR depart- totally wrong.
ment play and the value of the contri-
bution they can make. The SDF should fall under the HR manager and
must be capable of performing a vitally important
It is the responsibility of senior HR function. In many companies nothing is done
management to make sure all personnel to promote a culture of learning. An external SDF
in the HR division are fully aware of the will certainly never be able to develop such a
goals and objectives of the organisation. culture. Is this not perhaps a reason many
By the same token it is the responsibility companies are not achieving the envisaged suc-
of the HR staff to make an effort to cesses as outlined in terms of the NQF?
ensure they are aware of what is going on
in the organisation and not to remain out Another important function of the SDF is estab-
on a limb or in a cloistered situation. lishing the training needs of the employees?
Unfortunately in many companies this is a ―thumb
Many HR employees are not aware of suck‖ decision and is handed down to the SDF by
what the company‘s goals and objectives the HR manager. Training and development
are. Surprisingly many do not know what should be conducted based on the real need of
the vision, values and mission statements the employees and not perceived needs. Once
of the company are. In many instances again the problem is lack of discussion and
there are no such statements. cohesion between departments or divisions.

In many instances HR departments see Finally it is my belief HR personnel should spend

themselves providing services such as time getting to know and understand the
recruitment, selection, appointments and operation of each and every department. They
terminations. If we consider the need to become totally acquainted with how each
recruitment and selection of staff for department and division in their organisation
instance, some HR departments are works. By the same token they must be allowed
simply looking for bodies to fill positions. to do so – once again I say, senior management
There is no discussion with department must realise the importance of the HR depart-
managers who require the staff. HR ment. HR managers and SDF‘s, need to work
personnel have no idea of the require- closely together and be capable of offering advice
ments of the position, what the work to each and every member of management in a
involves and what attributes the wide variety of areas.
incumbent should possess. There is a lack


Des Squire is a Director at Applied Management Studies International (Pty)



accredited (ETDP 10146) service provider. Over the past 12 years AMSI has
developed extensive knowledge, experience and reputation in the area of
Occupationally Directed Education, Training and Development Practices.

For more information contact: Tel: 011 646 9369 or visit

Mapping Human Resources to Corporate Strategy

Industry research by leading firms such as Gartner, Aberdeen and
Forrester confirm what many organisations already know--that com-
panies that have engaged their Human Resource departments in
communicating strategic objectives create better shareholder returns
than companies that have not.

As a result, executives now expect their HR departments to concentrate on Talent Management and HR
Services that provide a clear-cut measurement of how employee performance maps towards company
objectives, in an environment of increased globalisation and regulation.

Put simply, HR departments now need to focus on People, Process and Strategy if they want to remain
competitive and increase their profitability of their companies. Effectively managing human capital is the key
to achieving these organisational goals. The collective effort of all individuals and departments drives the
company as a whole to achieve its desired objectives. As a result, organizations are turning to human resource
management systems‘ to ensure that their systems, processes and strategies become the foundation for
achieving the effective use of their valuable human capital assets.

Already using Microsoft Dynamics? Human Resources Role Centre now standard
This Role Center provides access to key tasks, activities, and business data related to human resources
management. Common tasks for this role might include participating in daily human resources activities,
planning and budgeting for human resources, establishing workplace compliance policies, assessing
workforce trends, working with individuals throughout the organization, overseeing sensitive investigations,
and monitoring appraisal interviews. Contact SIS to start using this feature

Looking for an integrated payroll solution?

Pay staff quickly and accurately across multiple sites, regions and countries from a single
state of the art payroll software designed to work like and with your Microsoft technologies.

Interpret and process pay accurately and quickly from any location. An international payroll
platform that is multi currency, multi language and multi location. DynamicPay is a user friendly
and wizard driven, modern payroll platform. A flexible architecture written in .Net and running on a
SQL database it seamlessly integrates to Microsoft Dynamics. DynamicPay can also operate
standalone as well as integrate to third party applications.

Ideal for Dynamics users, companies with a Microsoft centric technology platform or companies
with complex payroll software requirements including international or regional payroll

Contact SIS Holdings on 011 367 8200 or [email protected] for more information.

Industry News
Higher Education: Introduction to the QCTO Act




A: It is a framework i.e. it sets the boundaries - a set of principles and guidelines which provide a vision,
a philosophical base and an organisational structure - for construction, in this case, of a qualifications
system. Detailed development and implementation is carried out within these boundaries. It is national
because it is a national resource, representing a national effort at integrating education and training into
a unified structure of recognised qualifications. It is a framework of qualifications i.e. records of learner

In short, the NQF is the set of principles and guidelines by which records of learner achievement are
registered to enable national recognition of acquired skills and knowledge, thereby ensuring an
integrated system that encourages life-long learning.


In 1994 the international community witnessed the birth of a new democracy and welcomed the new
South Africa as the most recent member of its global village. In accepting that honour, this country took
on the associated challenges of that position.

Many countries all over the world are looking for better ways of educating their people and organising
their education and training systems so that they might gain the edge in an increasingly competitive
economic global environment. Furthermore, the world is an ever-changing place, politically,
geographically and technologically. Indeed, the rapid technological advances of the twentieth century
have placed education systems under extreme pressure as they try to adapt and incorporate these
changes in an effort to produce more creative, effective and adaptable people. Success, or even survival,
in such a world demands that South Africa has a national education and training system that provides
quality learning, is responsive to the ever-changing influences of the external environment and promotes
the development of a nation that is committed to life-long learning.

When learners know that there are clear learning pathways which provide access to, and mobility and
progression within education, training and career paths, they are more inclined to improve their skills and
knowledge, as such improvements increase their employment opportunities . The increased skills base of
the workforce has a wider implication namely the enhancement of the functional and intellectual
capability of the nation, thereby increasing our chances for success in the global community.


The objectives of the NQF as outlined in the SAQA Act are as follows:

 To create an integrated national framework for learning achievements;

 Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within education, training and career paths;
 Enhance the quality of education and training;
 Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment
 Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic
development of the nation at large.

CAMS at EduCause 2009

The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference is the one event for IT professionals in higher education that
consistently delivers insight, thought leadership, and community interaction. No other event
offers more value for your travel dollars than the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. But with travel
bans and reduced budgets presenting new challenges for many campuses, EDUCAUSE is
offering an exciting new opportunity—EDUCAUSE 2009 Online, where you will have the chance
to learn and network with colleagues without leaving your campus.

SIS‘s technology partner Three Rivers Systems INC will be meeting delegates in Denver at booth
559 from the 3rd to the 6th of November 2009.

Find out more

Ultimate Software aquires FlexPort/FlexShip solutions


On June 26, 2009, Logica and Ultimate Software BV from the

Netherlands have agreed on transferring the intellectual property
rights on the FlexShip/Port software and the existing FlexShip/Port
business to Ultimate Software. FlexShip/Port is an integrated
software system for the shipping industry, based on Microsoft
Dynamics AX.

Since 2005, Ultimate and Logica have a strong cooperation in

developing the FlexShip/Port solution. Ultimate has continued to
invest in the FlexShip/Port solution by adding additional
functionality to adapt the system to different parts of the shipping
industry, e.g. multi cargo, equipment control, intermodal transport
including door-to-door, forwarding etcetera.

Ultimate currently owns the software, adds new functionality, supports all existing clients and
partners and provides services to partners. Logica, as the new value added distributor, stays
committed to the FlexShip/Port solutions with their core activities of selling and implementing
the system and providing services to it‘s customers in the Nordic Countries, including upgrading
customers to upcoming new releases provided by Ultimate Software. Like all other partners,
Logica will continue to market the Flex solutions on it‘s current markets, but also on new
markets where the solution fits.

Ultimate will expand the FlexShip/Port business and bring existing and new partners together to
make the solution a leading player in the shipping industry. Ultimate will, together with the part-
ners, put efforts in making the FlexShip/Port solution the world wide leading integrated ERP
(Enterprise Resource Planning) system for the shipping industry, based on a Microsoft platform.

To find out more contact Michael van de Weg at SIS Holdings on 011 367 8200

Industry News
Advertising and Media: Loerie Fever 2009

The final Loerie Award winners were announced at the

electronic awards ceremony hosted by the SABC at the Good
Hope Centre in Cape Town last week.

Loeries delegates were treated to performances by Goldfish and Lira, and to the antics of comedian John
Vlismas, who hosted the evening. Premier of the Western Cape Helen Zille also made an appearance,
telling the audience that once they‘ve partied in Long Street, they‘ll never want to hold the Loeries
anywhere else but in the Mother City. It wasn‘t only the organisers who went all out when it came to
honouring the year‘s best work in the advertising industry. All Loeries delegates were dressed to the
nines, having taken Loerie Awards CEO Andrew Human‘s words to heart: ―Look in the mirror and ask
yourself, ‗Am I jealous of me?‘‖

The awards were judged by panels of local and international experts in their fields. A total of 225 Loeries
Awards were handed out over the course of the weekend, including four Grand Prix awards, 19 Gol‖
Loeries, 50 Silver Loeries, 113 Bronze Loeries, nine Craft Golds and 30 Craft Certificates.

The Grand Prix awards, which reflect the breadth of creativity and opportunities for brand communication
in the industry, embracing different kinds of media and ways of communicating, went to:

 TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannesburg, for their Advertising Poster Campaign, ―Cheaper Than Money‖,
for The Zimbabwean.
 FOXP2 for their Achitecture and Interior Design entry, ―FOXP2 Offices‖.
 Ogilvy Johannesburg, for Channel O‘s Experiential Mixed-Media Campaign, ―Young, Gifted & Black‖.
 Net#work BBDO Johannesburg, for Virgin Atlantic‘s Radio Commercial Campaign, ―Ferret, Dancer,
Dog, Child‖.

This year, a new award – the SABC New Voice Award for Non-English Radio – was introduced to promote
the production of non-English radio advertising. The Gold Award went to TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannes-
burg for ―Tatollo, Funeral‖ for Tiger Brands, the Silver Award went to Draftfcb Johannesburg for ―Bua FM –
1, 2, 3‖ for Vodacom, and the Bronze Award went to Joe Public for ―Don‘t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough, Buf-
falo Soldier, Beat It‖ for No doubt it was some of these winners at least who woke up this
morning not knowing exactly where they were or how they got there, or why they were wearing a se-
quined headdress or were covered in permanent marker scrawl. But, clutching a little gold bird in their
hand, they would smile, and this thought would run through their heads: ―It just doesn‘t get any better
than this.‖

Ogilvy Johannesburg Lowe Bull

Feed your EGO with a dynamic
advertising management solution
from SIS Holdings

Managing your agency with software you have outgrown - or a patchwork of

un-connected applications - can prevent sharing accurate data and reduce your agency's
productivity. At SIS Holdings, we can help you learn how business
management software can help you overcome customer service and operations barriers
that limit your success.

SIS Holdings provides consulting services and solutions for the Advertising and Media
industry. Advertising agencies manage quick turn-around times on projects, demand
accurate costing and have to offer high quality products and services to gain a competitive

SIS provides industry standard solutions as well as expert consulting services to address the
business challenges faced by agencies. Solutions on offer provide a fully integrated, real-time
system that manages jobs, time, workflows, archiving and costing with minimum input and
maximum efficiency.

SIS Holdings provides software systems for advertising agencies and media houses. When our
clients purchase our Advertising Solutions systems, they get more than a robust agency
software package. They get a commitment to a long-term partnership with us

At SIS Holdings, we specialise in delivering flexible business management solutions such as

Microsoft Dynamics, tailored to meet the unique business needs of advertising and
media agencies.

Want to find out more?

Contact SIS today on 011 367 8200 or
[email protected]

Feed Your EGO

The 2009 Loeries sported the theme ―Feed Your

Ego‖ and was featured on sidewalks, window
dressing and even catering at the event.

For more information visit the official website


Business Intelligence and Reporting
IDC: Another Step Toward Pervasive
Business Intelligence
The closer alignment of these technologies positions Microsoft well to
take advantage of the current broad trend for more pervasive availabil-
ity of BI and related solutions." - Dan Vesset, IDC

Read the report

AMR: Microsoft Repackages BI and PM

Products To Further Promote Mass
"This decision, which was not wholly unanticipated, streamlines Microsoft‘s BI story and uses its
trinity of beachhead products—MOSS, Excel, and SQL Server—as the vehicles to cost effectively
bring business intelligence to the masses." The closer alignment of these technologies positions
Microsoft well to take advantage of the current broad trend for more pervasive availability of BI
and related solutions." - John Hagerty, AMR Research

Read the report

Latest Trends
CIO Priorities for 2009

The following is review of the top CIO priorities for 2009 as published by CIOInsight
( This is what over 220 IT executives have indicated as their top priorities.
We analyse some of the trends for the year and provide some commentary and context.

Why Business Intelligence solution implementations
filter out bad data at the ETL (Extract, Transform
& Load) stage. Good data governance is a
separate but linked project to ensure a good data
warehouse with clean, high-quality data.

Not Anticipating change

Most of the requirements that drove the
implementation of the BI project will change
within a year. BI systems evolve and as users
adopt it more readily, new requirements will
urface. Ensure that your organisation is prepared
for (is flexible enough to handle) evolutionary
Today's entry addresses the reasons why so change and choose a product that will allow you
many Business intelligence deployments are the flexibility of rapidly changing what has been
flawed and why a lot of BI projects are eventu- delivered and ensure that your BI project budgets
ally abandoned or taken up very slowly. reflect these allowances.

Lack of upfront planning Differences in Perceived Need: We must

have a single version of the truth !
The most common assumption in BI Projects is
that "If we build it, they will come". Some people don't really want a single version of
the truth, thus the proliferation of "spread marts"
Inconsistent implementations, lack of executive in an organisation. Some people are happy to
sponsorship, lack of cooperation and intra- work with common assumptions and manipulate
departmental conflicts cause slow adoption and the numbers in meetings. Ignoring the cultural
abandonment of BI projects. The success of a BI challenges in on organisation can threaten the
Project is directly related to consideration of success of a BI deployment. The "single version of
business, user & training requirements, because the truth" mantra must be embraced and
the value of a BI deployment is NOT that obvious propagated throughout the organization from
that all users would be lining up to learn to use the CEO on down.
the system, despite the sales pitch that BI vendors
make. Organisations should start with a solid
business case for why they want BI, carefully con- Looking for a BI Solution?
sidering requirements and strategically aligning BI Business Intelligence (BI) allows organisations to
with business problems. Too often, BI systems are
improve their business performance by
built for the power user and thus only a handful of
leveraging information about customers,
employees use it. Instead the BI systems should
appeal to the mass majority of users and once suppliers and internal business operations.
these users have what they are looking for to Business Intelligence helps centralise, organise
make their lives simpler, the power user and standardise information in data warehouses
capabilities should be c o ns i d e r e d . and data marts, so your information becomes a
powerful tool. SIS Holdings‘ data warehousing
Pass the RACT test before you touch a keyboard
and business analytics consultants help
companies implement corporate performance
The RACT test asks: Is this product
• Relevant? management solutions to facilitate effective
• Accurate? decision-making at all levels of the organisation.
• Consistent? Read more
• Timely?
Looking for more Business Intelligence
If your BI implementation does not pass and con- Resources?
tinue to pass this test, forget it: it is a failure.

Data Quality issues
The GIGO equation fits well here. Garbage In =
Virtual Labs
Garbage Out. Bad Data leads to bad decisions.
Too many bad decisions or just one crucial one White papers
will cause immediate distrust and abandonment. Data sheets

Where a data warehouse is used, it is important to

Monthly Feature
Moving towards a dynamic IT

Brought to you by myMSP

In this issue:
A look at IT Outsourcing
Considering Managed Services?
Managing the IT lifecycle

How IT Outsourcing Helps your business

So how does IT Outsourcing work? IT Outsourcing is growing at a rapid pace and we hear this
question every day. We have 3 easy guidelines that will help you evaluate the benefits of IT
Outsourcing for your business.

 First, we define IT and how IT Outsourcing will make your technology simple.
 Second, we describe our commitment to make your computing lifecycle manageable.
 Third, we illustrate how predictable costs make your IT affordable.


We take all the technology in your business and divide it into two categories: Information
Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS). IT includes technology infrastructure like file, print
and messaging on computers, servers and networks as well as common services like data backup,
monitoring and help desk. IS includes the industry specific technologies that leverage the IT
infrastructure your business depends on like your accounting software, specialised applications
and extranets.

Common IT infrastructure is commoditising. Most businesses use email, data back-up, printing,
file sharing, etc. However, at the same time IT is commoditising, IT is also becoming increasingly
complex. Technology continues to change rapidly and important topics like security and
compliance require core expertise to stay abreast of the changes.

Our most successful customers outsource their IT to MyMSP and have technical staff in-house to
handle their IS. MyMSP lets your in-house technical staff focus on high-value, mission-critical
technology. MyMSP can handle IT support services faster and less expensive than in-house staff.

In summary, MyMSP takes much of the complexity out of your IT to make your technology

Considering Managed Services?

Whether you are looking for ways to allow your

current IT personnel to stay focused on strategic
initiatives or you want your IT outsourced
altogether, we have managed IT solutions to help.
MyMSP provides a full suite of IT outsourcing
tools and managed IT services to help you man-
age your entire computing infrastructure in a
more efficient and controlled manner.

Instead of outsourcing to multiple vendors to

evaluate, acquire, deploy, and support
technology, you can outsource your IT to one
reliable company to help with all aspects of your
management, dynamic DNS services, and wireless
computing infrastructure. Outsourcing IT through
access. Outsourcing IT reduces technology
MyMSP's managed services and computing
distractions, increases productivity and efficiency
solution creates a centralised and standardised
and maximises your technology investments.
environment for your business, enabling you to
realise economies of scale, and helping your
business remain competitive in your market. Let OUTSOURCED IT
MyMSP become your IT outsourcing partner Outsourcing your managed IT needs allows us to
for all of your outsourced network and IT deliver preventative solutions and services to
ensure the health of not only your server,
management needs.
network, and PCs, but also for your business. We
simplify the network management and server
management processes within your computing
MyMSP's Complete Outsourced Solution makes
environment by taking responsibility for and
outsourcing technology simple, manageable, and
managing the entire computing lifecycle as your
affordable by providing all of the needed
trusted IT outsourced partner, so you can focus
equipment, software, and services for your PC,
on managing your business. By combining the
server, and networking needs. This equates to
benefits of IT outsourcing, and network and
one point of contact and support to manage your
server management, MyMSP offers small and
entire IT environment for one low, monthly fee.
medium-sized businesses a superior way to use
integrated technology.
MyMSP‘s Small Office Solution provides all of the Small to mid-sized businesses typically struggle
core network, server, hardware, software, and to effectively and affordably manage their
support management services a small business computing environment. MyMSP provides a
needs to run smoothly and efficiently. For a single technology solution that includes server
single, low monthly fee, your business will have management, network management, and PC
an outsourced, managed IT solution that is support; all of the needed technology, services,
secure, reliable, customizable, and most and support a business needs. Outsourcing your
importantly – cost effective. And, as your sole IT has never been easier!
outsourced IT service provider, we proactively
manage all aspects of your server and network. Contact myMSP today on:

0861 MYMSP (69677) or visit

The MyMSP managed IT solution includes all of
the server components for file, print, messaging,
FTP, proxy, LDAP, local backup, Web, and
database. The network components include
managed firewall and VPN, content filtering,
intrusion detection and prevention, bandwidth

Managing the IT lifecycle

When you outsource your businesses IT lifecycle management, MyMSP takes responsibility to
manage your Computer Systems Lifecycle from beginning to end. We work with you as a part-
ner to your business to understand your technology needs and provide the right solutions from
the start.

Our team of IT lifecycle management leaders is certified and current on the latest technology
trends, best practices and industry compliance requirements. We combine our industry knowl-
edge with your business requirements and standardise your IT lifecycle for manageability and
economies of scale.

Then we continue to manage and monitor your IT & computer systems lifecycle with our indus-
try leading support. We partner with you for the long haul to make sure your technology stays
current with your changing business needs.

In summary, MyMSP makes your technology & IT lifecycle manageable.

Tel: 0861 MYMSP (69677)

Fax: +27 (0) 11 463 9141
E-mail: [email protected]

SIS House; Eton Office Park
c/o Sloane and Harrison Streets

News and Insight
Around the office

Heard in the office….

The Computer is Down
I work in a busy office, and when a computer goes down it causes quite an inconvenience.

Recently one of our computers not only crashed, it made a noise that sounded like a heart
monitor. "This computer has flat-lined," a co-worker called out with mock horror.

"Does anyone here know how to do mouse-to-mouse?"

Psiber Insurance Brokers

Need insurance for your computers, laptops or business
premises and fleet?

Contact Psiber Insurance Brokers for a quotation today.

Tel: 011 367 8200
E-mail: [email protected]

About SIS Holdings

SIS is a proudly South African Information and

Communication Technology company. SIS has
gained recognition as the complete ICT partner
to a considerable client base of large technology
users in both the public and private sectors. The
companies intellectual capacity, business model
and extended geographic footprint is
unparalleled in the local market as a Microsoft
Business Solution Specialist and provides clients
with sophisticated and diverse service delivery
options in the solutions, system integration and
networking arenas.

SIS Holdings competencies and vertical market focus include broad experience and market
penetration in the professional services, advertising and media, manufacturing, mining, ports
and shipping, staffing and recruitment and higher education institutions.

As the leading Microsoft Dynamics Partner* in South Africa, SIS has the capability and capacity
to provide services to large organisations as well as small and medium sized entities. With
offices in Johannesburg and KwaZulu Natal as well international implementation partners , SIS
is well positioned to add value to their clients.


AxPact was formed in 2001 to develop a global network of the very best
Microsoft Dynamics AX expertise to work together in delivering high
quality multi-site, multi-national Microsoft Dynamics AX projects.

Today, AxPact accounts for more than 1000 Microsoft Dynamics AX implementa-
tions, over 10% of ALL AX projects worldwide. Our members are all highly proven
and meet the strict AxPact criteria which means that you are in safe hands if you choose AxPact. We ensure
your Microsoft Dyanmics AX project is delivered to a very high standard, with maximum benefits and
minimum risks.

Dealing with an AxPact member will ensure quality and maximise your return on investment, because each
AxPact member shares the same common goal:

―To work together to provide world class Microsoft Dynamics AX solutions and to exceed the
expectations of our customers in all aspects of their project.‖


Tel: +27 (0) 11 367 8200

Fax: +27 (0) 11 463 9141
E-mail: [email protected]

SIS House; Eton Office Park
c/o Sloane and Harrison Streets


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