Fault-Tolerant Lyapunov-Gain-Scheduled PID Control of A Quadrotor UAV
Fault-Tolerant Lyapunov-Gain-Scheduled PID Control of A Quadrotor UAV
Fault-Tolerant Lyapunov-Gain-Scheduled PID Control of A Quadrotor UAV
Abstract: The work has done in this paper concern the passive fault tolerant control. Based on Gain-Adaptive
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) using the approach from the theory of Lyapunov and their application to the
model vertical flying drone Quadrotor type, the PID controller with fixed parameters may fail to provide acceptable
control performance. To improve the PID control effect, new designs of the Lyapunov gain Scheduled PID controller
(LGSPID) were presented in this paper. The proposed techniques were applied to the Quadrotor, where adaptive PID
controllers were proposed for fault-tolerant control system in the presence of actuator faults. The parameters of PID
controller were adjusted by an adaptation algorithm gradient type, used to tune in real-time the controller gain, the
proposed adaptive PID controller was compared with the conventional PID. The obtained results confirm the
effectiveness of the proposed method.
Keywords: Adaptation algorithm gradient type; Gain-adaptive PID; LGSPID; Quadrotor model; PID control.
s 0 1 Where:
) e(t ), 0
n 1
s 2 c s 2 c s s c c 2 c c
2 2
s (t ) ( (15)
J I s s c c 2 c s 2
c 0 0 where: e(t ) yd (t ) y (t ) .
Choose the Lyapunov function:
C 1,1
C1, 2 C1, 3 0
C I xx ( c s 2 s c s c )
V s2 (16)
2 ,1
I xx s c s
C 2, 2
The derivative of (10) along paths (9) is bounded
C 2,3
I xx c (9) by:
I xx ( c s 2 c c 2 )
C V s
3,1 (17)
C I xx ( c c 2 s 2 )
3, 2 The derivative of the filtered error can be
C 3, 3
0 written as [24]
Y position (m)
It is assumed that a loss of control effectiveness 1.5 1.5
3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 2.5
yaw ange (rad)
Z position (m)
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1 PID control
PID control
Desired 0.5 Desired
LGS-PID control LGS-PID control
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time (s) Time (s)
PID control PID control
Figure 2 Synoptic scheme of the proposed control 0.05
LGS-PID control 0.08 LGS-PID control
pitch angle (rad)
strategy 0.06
0 0.04
Table 2 Synthesis parameters of the proposed
controller -0.05
Definition Parameter Value
-0.1 -0.02
PID (φ) Kp =4.5, Ki =1.5, Kd 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Kp, Ki, Kd
angle =1.5 Time (s) Time (s)
PID (θ) Kp =3.5, Ki =0.5, Kd Figure 3 Comparison between PID control and
Kp, Ki, Kd LGS-PID control
angle =2
α=20, ε=0.001, β=10,
υ=3, λ=5
LGS-PID α=10, ε=0.001, β=20,
Z position υ=4, λ=20
α=18, ε=0.001, β=2,
υ=0.5, λ=1
LGS-PID Kp α=22, ε=0.001, β=12,
U2 (N.m)
U4 (N.m)
2 2
1 5. Conclusion
-1 In this paper, we presented the Fault-Tolerant
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 Lyapunov-Gain-Scheduled PID Control of the full
Time (s) Time (s)
Quadrotor helicopter in the presence of the fault.
Figure 4 Commands u1, u2, u3 and u4 of PID control Firstly, we started by the development of the dy-
and LGS-PID control namic model of the Quadrotor taking into account
the different physics phenomena, after we are in-
15 terested in proposing the FTC controller based on
Kd gain of X position
Ki gain of X position
20 that the presented FTC had a satisfactory tracking
40 0 5
performance and was robust to the external dis-
20 -20 turbances.
0 -40 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
60 15
Ki gain of Y position
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100 20
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50 0
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Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
100 150 16
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Kp gain of roll angle
40 40 2.5
30 2
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0 20 40 60 80
0 20 40 60 80
0 20 40 60 80
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