This blueprint summarizes a questionnaire that will be used to conduct a needs analysis for improving the English learning process in an Economic major program. The questionnaire is divided into three parts to evaluate the current English learning process, identify students' target needs and learning needs. It includes questions about lecturers, the learning process, students' language skills and knowledge, preferred learning materials, activities, and roles of lecturers and learners.
This blueprint summarizes a questionnaire that will be used to conduct a needs analysis for improving the English learning process in an Economic major program. The questionnaire is divided into three parts to evaluate the current English learning process, identify students' target needs and learning needs. It includes questions about lecturers, the learning process, students' language skills and knowledge, preferred learning materials, activities, and roles of lecturers and learners.
This blueprint summarizes a questionnaire that will be used to conduct a needs analysis for improving the English learning process in an Economic major program. The questionnaire is divided into three parts to evaluate the current English learning process, identify students' target needs and learning needs. It includes questions about lecturers, the learning process, students' language skills and knowledge, preferred learning materials, activities, and roles of lecturers and learners.
This blueprint summarizes a questionnaire that will be used to conduct a needs analysis for improving the English learning process in an Economic major program. The questionnaire is divided into three parts to evaluate the current English learning process, identify students' target needs and learning needs. It includes questions about lecturers, the learning process, students' language skills and knowledge, preferred learning materials, activities, and roles of lecturers and learners.
The Example of Blueprint in Creating Instruments on Need Analysis
This blueprint is used to create a questionnaire as an instrument in doing need
analysis. The questionnaire will be designed to reveal the effectiveness of English learning process in Economic major, to find out the learners’ and learning needs which are needed by the students in mastering job-oriented English skills. Therefore, the questionnaire that will be designed is divided into three parts, namely: the evaluation of English learning process in Economic major, target/learners’ needs, and learning needs. Those three components are described in the following table of blueprint.
No. Component Sub Component Total Item Sub Item
1 Evaluation of The quality of lecturers’ service 5 English learning The quality of learning process 5 process in Economic The level of students’ satisfaction 1 major Comment 1 Suggestion 1 2 Target/learners’ need The needs of English for occupational 1 purposes The students’ perception about the 1 26 urgency level of language skills, namely listening/speaking and reading/writing The students’ perception about their 1 22 ability in mastering those four language skills The students’ perception about language 1 7 knowledge that can help them in mastering language skills 3 Learning needs The material that students want 1 6 The input text which is wanted by the 1 18 students The input oral text which is wanted by 1 5 the students The topics of the text that students want 1 8 The total of spoken and written text that 1 4 students want The learning activity that students want 1 20 The lecturer role that students want 1 6 The learner role that students want 1 4