Chinese Baha I Terms

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巴哈伊信仰 Bā hā yī xìnyǎng --------- Baha’i Faith

巴哈欧拉 Bā hā ōu lā ---- Baha’u’llah 巴孛 Ba bèi ------ The Bab

阿博都·巴哈 Ā bó dōu•bā hā ----- ‘Abdu’l-Baha

守基·阿芬第 Shǒu jī•ā fēn dì ------- Shoghi Effendi

世界正义院 Shìjiè zhèngyì yuàn -------- Universal House of Justice

巴孛之墓 Ba bèi zhī mù ------------- Tomb / Shrine of the Bab

以色列 Yǐsèliè ---- Israel

海法 Hǎi fǎ -------- Haifa

巴哈伊世界中心 Bā hā yī shìjiè zhōngxīn ------- Baha’i World Centre

 神的独一 Shén de dú yī One God (God’s Oneness)

 宗教同源 Zōngjiào tóng yuán One Religion
 人类一体 Rénlèi yītǐ One Human Family (body)
o 性别平等 Xìngbié píngděng Gender Equality
男女平等 Nánnǚ píngděng Equality of Men and Women
 消灭偏见 Xiāomiè piānjiàn Elimination of Prejudices
 世界和平 Shìjiè hépíng World Peace
o 宗教与科学并行不悖 Zōngjiào yǔ kēxué bìngxíngbùbèi
Harmony of Religion and Science
(go hand-in-hand)
 独立探求真理 Dúlì tànqiú zhēnlǐ Independent Investigation of Truth
(search for truth)
 普及义务教育 Pǔjí yìwù jiàoyù Compulsory Education
 制定世界通用的语言 Zhìdìng shìjiè tōngyòng de yǔyán
Develop a Universal Language
 服从政府,不参与政党政治 Fúcóng zhèngfǔ, bù cānyù zhèngdǎng zhèngzhì
Obedience to Government, non-participation in party politics
 消灭极端的贫困和富有 Xiāomiè jíduān dì pínkùn hé fùyǒu
Eliminate Extremes of Poverty and Wealth
磋商 Cuōshāng Consultation

Study Circle 学习小组 xue2 xi2 xiao3 zu3

Devotional 起到會 qi2 dao3 hui4

Children’s Class 儿童班 er2 tong2 ban1

Junior Youth / JYSEP (group) 青少年 / 青少年賦能项目

qing1 shao3 nian2 fu4 neng2 xiang4 mu4

19-日灵性聚会 ri4 ling2 xing4 ju4 hui4 19-Day Spiritual Gathering

( 灵性 short for 精神性 jing1 shen2 xing4 )))

Community-building activities

New Millennium Publication International Ltd.

新纪元国际出版社 Xīnjìyuán guójì chūbǎn shè (New Century Int’l Press)

里兹万节快乐! Lǐ zī wàn jié kuàilè! Happy Ridvan!

“工作即是崇拜.” Gōngzuò jí shì chóngbài Work is worship.

目标 Mùbiāo goal / purpose / aim

The happiness and greatness, the rank and station, the pleasure and peace, of an individual have never
consisted in his personal wealth, but rather in his excellent character, his high resolve, the breadth of his
learning, and his ability to solve difficult problems.”


"The progress of the world, the development of nations, the tranquillity of peoples,
and the peace of all who dwell on earth are among the principles and ordinances
of God."


From Confucius Analects: "The Lord of Culture Ultimate Sage and Great Accomplisher" which is
the name on his tomb.

The Master said, ‘At fifteen, I set my mind/heart on learning.

At thirty, I stood firm. (15 Years of study)

At forty, I had no more doubts.

At fifty, I knew the decree/Mandate of Heaven.

At sixty, my ear was attuned. (I can hear the truth/falsehood in what is said.)

At seventy, I can follow my heart’s desires, without transgressing what is right.

子曰、吾十有五而志于學 。





四海之内皆兄弟 Within the four seas all men are brothers

 [sìhǎizhīnèijiēxiōngdì]

你在我生命里占据看一个无可替代的位置 (You have a special place in my life)

You live to do good and to bring happiness to others


Ren ren sheng lai shi wei le tui dong wen ming bu duan jin bu de.

All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization.


Tuan jie zhi guang ru ci qiang da, zu yi zhao liang zheng ge di qiu.

So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.

"In the garden of thy heart, plant naught but the rose of love"

- 在你的心田里, 只种爱的玫瑰 –
超自然的 chao 1 zi 4 ran 2 de spiritual, religious, divine,

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