School Health Services
School Health Services
School Health Services
The School Nurse and our partner experts in the field keep a health record of all
students as well as provide salient information to improve student wellness.
I. Introduction
School Health Services are established at the school site to promote the health of
students through disease prevention, early case finding, referral for intervention and
remediation of specific health problems. The school health services are vitally
necessary in order to provide first aid and triage for illness and injuries, to provide direct
services for students with special needs, and to provide health counseling and
education for students, staff, and parents.
The primary purpose of the School Health Services Program is to promote the physical
and emotional health of students and staff thereby maximizing the educational process
and work functionality.
On Consultation
All students are very much welcome to seek health consultation on their most
comfortable and available time.
Health teachings and health education meetings can be scheduled.
One–on–one or group health consultation is enjoined.
Clinic Confinement
Any student who suffers from any sickness are accommodated at the clinic.
Basic first aid treatment and pharmacological management is given.
Parents, Advisers, Dorm Managers are notified as to student’s health status
Students with conditions that are aggravating are referred to the School MD’s for
further medical evaluation (usually at the MD’s private Clinic).
The consultation fee at the clinic is shouldered by the school, yet laboratory fees
and prescribed medications are shouldered by students/parents if consultation is
made with the school affiliated doctor.<\li>
In case a student needs to be confined, hospital of choice will be asked and
granted/followed. Hospitalization fees are shouldered by students/parents
including Professional Fee of Doctors.
In the hospital, you may or you may not choose the school physician as your
private doctor since bills will be taken cared by you.
As soon as you are being notified of your child’s condition you are obliged to
send somebody or come over to stay with your child at the hospital or inform us
(dorm managers, nurse) for arrangements.
Students with communicable diseases are mandated to be sent home to avoid
spread of the disease.
In case of highly communicable diseases, the student is not allowed to report to
school during the communicability period of the disease, the student is also
obliged to undergo the required treatment and finished the minimum required of
pharmacological management, the student is required to present the school of a
medical certificate/proof that he/she is not any more communicable or is
undergoing treatment.
The most patronized in the roster of student services provides work space equipped
with teaching–learning resources to assist all faculty and student needs in realizing the
educational goals of the institution.
The PSHS–CVC Library provides wide–ranging print and non–print materials services
to support the research, teaching and learning needs of our PSHS–CVC clientele. It is
tasked to serve as a repository of a universal collection of human knowledge and
creativity of our clients (students and employees research output).
The library is a support unit of the administration, faculty, staff and scholars in order to
achieve excellence in academic and to become a responsible individual with dedication
to the service of the country.
Library Schedule
Library Services
Each student is allowed to borrow a maximum of three (3) Home–use books for
one (1) week. The fine rates for the late return of book is Php 2.00/day including
non–school days.
Library Computers
Students are allowed to use the library computers for their researches and
assignments provided that they have laboratory permits. Accessing pornographic
websites, playing games, gambling, sport sites and e–commerce are strictly
forbidden. It is a must to observe the ICT Acceptable Use Policy.
Students are allowed to access the STARBOOKS especially for their researches
provided that they sign up for an account.
Guidance Services
Individual Inventory
Testing Service
Follow up
Homeroom Guidance
Evaluation and Research
Service to Administrators
Service to Faculty
Service to Parents
Service to Community
Individual Inventory Service. This service aims to gather information about the student
that will help her/him know and understand herself/himself and assist the teachers,
counselors, administrators and parents in understanding the students. The data are
gathered through test and non test techniques. The test techniques include the different
tests such as Mental Ability, Scholastic Ability, Achievement, Aptitude, Personality, Values,
Interests and Critical Thinking. The non test techniques include inventory forms, interviews,
checklist and rating scale.
Testing Service. This service helps the student assess and understand her abilities,
capacities, interests, personality and pressing concerns. It is also a useful tool for the
counselors as basis for guidance and counseling and helps diagnose behavioral and
emotional problems that affect school performance. Every year students are given various
psychological tests and are interpreted by their respective guidance counselors.
Information Service. This service provides valid information which are educational, social,
personal and occupational in nature so that the student may be able to develop his/her
decision making competencies. It is implemented through Group Guidance and information
materials are also made available to the student through the Guidance bulletin board.
Orientation Service. This service assists new students and transferees in becoming at
home in their new environment. Talks on various topics that deal with adjusting to college
life and the various programs and services that the Guidance Center offers are
discussed. Old students are also reoriented with the various Guidance programs and
services through their student assemblies, group guidance and classroom sessions.
Counseling Service. Respect for the dignity of the person and recognition of individual
differences underlie this service. This service is rendered through individual counseling,
group counseling, home visits, referrals. The latter is rendered to anyone in difficult situation
needing specialized counseling or advising. This service aims to help students attain self
awareness so that they can be responsible for themselves, overcome personal difficulties
and imbibe the Vincentian values such as love for the poor, simple lifestyle and realize her
role as agent of transformation. Counseling may be walk in, referred or call in. Peer
counselors are also available to students who are hesitant to approach their counselors or
Follow up Service. Follow up service focuses on the graduates, school learners and
counseled students. It hopes to look into the effectiveness and adequacy of the guidance
program and the educational program in general. Follow up is done through letters,
telephone calls, personal interview or questionnaires. This may also include contact with
school heads, counselors of former student to gain insight into her level of adjustment.
Service to Faculty. The teachers and counselors are partners in helping the students go
through the process of integral development according to their God given talents and
potentials. This service aims to identify students with difficulties and share with faculty
appropriate individual data of students. Teachers are also assisted in utilizing students’ data
to the best interest of the student . Through meetings with the teachers, they are assisted in
understanding their students and discovering ways of handling them. The guidance staff
also provides available data to teachers/faculty and students conducting research and to the
university researchers.
Service to Parents. This service aims to provide parents with information about their
children, inform them about the educational and other programs of the school, policies, rules
and regulations and assist them in developing a realistic perception of their children’s
development in relation to their potential through seminars and forum. It also aims to assist
parents with their parenting skills.
Service to the Community. Service to the Church and society is the mission of Universidad
de Sta. Isabel. As such the school makes available to the community its resources and
services. Interested persons avail of the counseling and testing services. Counselors are
also invited as resource speakers or facilitators for seminars/trainings/workshops and
formation sessions.
Evaluation and Research. These services aim to determine how effectively the guidance
program is meeting the need, interests and abilities of the students and discover what aspect
of the program has contributed to the development of the total educational program of the
school. Every year, the guidance center conducts evaluation on the different programs and
services it offers, it also assists the Student Development Services in disseminating its
evaluation form which covers the different Student Services; Canteen, Guidance, Bookstore,
Sewing, and Clinic.
Homeroom Guidance. The permissive atmosphere in the classroom during the homeroom
session promotes an atmosphere of freedom, trust and security. This affords them the
opportunity to explore themselves, their potentials and capabilities. The guidance
counselors for each grade level schedules a session with class once a month. This gives the
counselor a firsthand contact with the students in the classroom.
Referral. Referral happens when a student with personal problems and complains of
anxiety and depression, poor self image, relationship problems and family difficulties are
referred to the guidance counselor, which in turn provides specialized counseling. However
if the situation requires a highly specialized approach, clients may be referred to other
professionals in their field.
Service to Administration. The guidance service is a support service in carrying out the
Vision Mission of the school. It assists in the recruitment and screening of students applying
for admission in the Basic and Higher Education Department and screening of employee
applicants through the administration of psychological tests.