2022 Ohio School Report Card

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Guide to

2022 Ohio School Report Cards

September 2022
Ohio School Report Cards give parents, caregivers, community members, educators and policymakers information
about how districts and schools are performing — to celebrate successes and identify areas for improvement.
The information provides transparent reporting on student performance, drives local conversations on continuous
improvement and identifies schools to receive intensive supports. The goal is to ensure Ohio’s students are prepared
for the future.

This Guide to 2022 Ohio School Report Cards provides an overview and explanation of the key components of
the 2022 Ohio School Report Cards. Districts and schools now will receive star ratings on five components, with
measure data reported for additional context.

Report cards are only one part of Ohio’s education story. To get a more complete picture, visit schools, talk to
educators, parents and students, and review school or district websites. A lot of great things are happening every
day in Ohio’s schools!

Table of Contents

What do Ohio School Report Cards measure?........................................................... 4

Understanding Ohio School Report Cards

Achievement........................................................................................................... 5

Progress................................................................................................................. 6

Early Literacy.......................................................................................................... 8

Gap Closing............................................................................................................ 9

Graduation Rate.....................................................................................................11

College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness.............................................. 12

Other Report Card Information.................................................................................. 13

Career-Technical Planning Districts............................................................................ 20

Dropout Prevention and Recovery Schools.............................................................. 25

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What do Ohio School Report Cards measure?

The Ohio Department of Education uses data reported by districts and schools to analyze performance in several
categories. The types of data are collected into six components. The components are Achievement, Progress, Early
Literacy, Gap Closing, Graduation, and College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness. With the exception of the
College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness Component, the components receive 1-5-star ratings based on
performance. This helps give Ohio parents and schools a snapshot of the quality of education being provided to students.

Achievement Progress
This component represents whether student This component looks closely at the growth all students
performance on state tests met established thresholds are making based on their past performances.
and how well students performed on tests overall.

Early Literacy Gap Closing

This component measures reading improvement and This component measures the reduction in educational
proficiency for students in kindergarten through third gaps for student subgroups.

College, Career, Workforce and Military

Graduation Readiness
This component looks at the four-year adjusted cohort This component looks at how well prepared Ohio’s
graduation rate and the five-year adjusted cohort students are for future opportunities, whether training in
graduation rate. a technical field or preparing for work or college.

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Achievement Component
Performance Index
Performance Indicators - report only

Description: This component represents whether student performance on state tests met established thresholds and
how well students performed on tests overall.

The Performance Index measure uses the performance level results for students in grades 3 through high
school on Ohio’s State Tests. The Performance Index score accounts for the level of achievement of every
student, not just whether they score a proficient level on the tests. Each test a student takes is assigned
an achievement level based on the test score, with higher scores resulting in higher achievement levels.
On the Performance Index, the higher achievement levels receive larger weights in the calculation – but all
achievement levels are included. More information about test achievement levels is available annually in
the ‘Understanding Ohio’s State Tests Reports” guidance document.

The Performance Indicators measure is a report-only measure within this component – meaning the
data does not factor into the rating determination. The Performance Indicators report the percentage
of students scoring proficient or higher on each of Ohio’s State Tests disaggregated by grade level and

Rating Scale:


Percentage of Maximum Points Earned Rating Rating Description
Significantly exceeds state standards in academic
Greater than or equal to 90% of Max Score 5 Stars
Greater than or equal to 80% but less than 90%
4 Stars Exceeds state standards in academic achievement
of Max Score
Greater than or equal to 70% but less than 80%
3 Stars Meets state standards in academic achievement
of Max Score
Greater than or equal to 50% but less than 70% Needs support to meet state standards in
2 Stars
of Max Score academic achievement
Needs significant support to meet state standards
Less than 50% of Max Score 1 Star
in academic achievement

How to use the data:

• Which students are performing well? Which are not?
• In which subjects and grades are students doing well? Why? Have they improved since last year?
• In which subjects and grades are students not doing well? Why? Is something different since last year?
• Which districts, similar to ours, are doing better than we are? What are they doing?

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Progress Component
Measures: Overall Value-Added Progress Measure

Description: The term “value-added” refers to a statistical analysis used to measure the impact of districts, schools
and teachers on the academic growth (or progress rates) of groups of students from year to year. More
simply put, academic growth is measured by looking at the current achievement compared to prior
achievement results on Ohio’s State Tests.

In Ohio, two numbers – growth index and effect size – are used to assign the component rating.

Growth Index is a measure of statistical certainty. For the Progress Component, the growth index can
include several years of growth data and helps determine the certainty that the expected growth did
happen or that there was a shortfall in expected growth. The growth index, also called the gain index, will
fall in the range of +20 to -20 for almost all schools and districts.

Effect Size is a value that measures how strong the relationship is between two variables in a population
or a sample-based estimate of that quantity or magnitude. For the Progress Component, this value tells
us the magnitude of academic growth relative to the state as a whole. Effect size can be a positive or
negative number. The higher the positive number indicates higher magnitude of growth. The higher the
negative number indicates a shortfall in the expected growth to a higher degree.

The rating scales for the Progress Component are unique to districts versus schools. Community schools
are included in the school rating scales.


Percentage of Maximum Points Earned Rating Rating Description
Growth index of at least +2 and Significant evidence that the district exceeded
5 Stars
effect size of at least +0.1 student growth expectations by a larger magnitude
Growth index of at least +2 and Significant evidence that the district exceeded
4 Stars
effect size of less than +0.1 student growth expectations
Greater than or equal to -2 but Evidence that the district met student growth
3 Stars
less than +2 expectations
Significant evidence that the district fell short of
Less than -2 and effect size of at least -0.1 2 Stars
student growth expectations
Significant evidence that the district fell short of
Less than -2 and effect size of less than -0.1 1 Star
student growth expectations by a larger magnitude

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Percentage of Maximum Points Earned Rating Rating Description
Growth index of at least +2 and Significant evidence that the school exceeded
5 Stars
effect size of at least +0.2 student growth expectations by a larger magnitude
Growth index of at least +2 and Significant evidence that the school exceeded
4 Stars
effect size of less than +0.2 student growth expectations
Greater than or equal to -2 but Evidence that the school met student growth
3 Stars
less than +2 expectations
Significant evidence that the school fell short of
Less than -2 and effect size of at least -0.2 2 Stars
student growth expectations
Significant evidence that the school fell short of
Less than -2 and effect size of less than -0.2 1 Star
student growth expectations by a larger magnitude

How to use the data:

• Which students are making progress, and which are not?
• How can we change instruction for groups that are not making progress every year?
• Which districts, similar to ours, are doing better than we are? What are they doing?

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Early Literacy Component

Measures: Proficiency in Third Grade Reading
Promotion to Fourth Grade
Improving K-3 Literacy

Description: The Early Literacy Component measures reading improvement and proficiency for students in
kindergarten through third grade. This component includes three different unrated measures that help
provide a more complete picture of early literacy in our schools and districts. The three measures are
combined to create a single rating for the Early Literacy Component.

The Proficiency in Third Grade Reading measure reports how many students score proficient or higher
on the reading segment of Ohio’ State Test for English Language Arts for grade 3. It is important to note
that this score is separate from reaching proficiency overall on the Third Grade English Language Arts test.

The Promotion to Fourth Grade measure reports the percentage of students in third grade who were
promoted to fourth grade.

The Improving K-3 Literacy measure uses two consecutive years of data to evaluate how well
schools and districts are doing at providing supports needed to help struggling readers become
on track with their reading.


Score Range Rating Rating Description
From 88% to 100% 5 Stars Significantly exceeds state standards in early literacy (K-3)
From 78% to less than 88% 4 Stars Exceeds state standards in early literacy (K-3)
From 68% to less than 78% 3 Stars Meets state standards in early literacy (K-3)
From 58% to less than 68% 2 Stars Needs support to meet state standards in early literacy (K-3)
From 0% to less than 58% 1 Star Needs significant support to meet state standards in early literacy (K-3)

How to use the data:

• To what extent does our local literacy plan align with Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement?
• How does our early literacy curriculum rate on the Ohio Materials Matter Reviews?
• What district(s) with similar demographics are performing significantly better than we are? What programs,
practices, professional development and coaching are in place in these other districts?

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Gap Closing Component

Measures: Gifted Performance Indicator
Chronic Absenteeism Improvement Indicator
English Language Proficiency Improvement Indicator
Graduation Goals by Student Subgroup
English Language Arts, Math Achievement by Student Subgroup
English Language Arts, Math Progress (Growth) by Student Subgroup

Description: The Gifted Performance Indicator is a measure with three elements that evaluates the performance of
students identified as gifted on the Gifted Performance Index, Gifted Progress (Growth), and school and
district performance with Gifted Identification and Services provided. This indicator was included in the
Achievement Component in the previous accountability system and report cards.

The Chronic Absenteeism Improvement Indicator measures the chronic absenteeism rates of schools and
districts against annual goals and the reduction of chronic absenteeism year over year. This indicator was
included in the Achievement Component in the previous accountability system and report cards.

The English Language Proficiency Improvement Indicator measures the English language proficiency of
students identified as English learners on the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA)
against annual goals and the improvement of proficiency year over year.

Graduation Goals by Student Subgroup evaluates whether the applicable subgroups for a school or district
meet their four-year graduation goals. There must be at least 15 students per subgroup (as listed below) to
be evaluated on this measure.

English Language Arts, Math Achievement by Student Subgroup evaluates subgroup-specific Performance
Index scores to determine whether each subgroup meets their English language arts and math
achievement goals. There must be at least 15 students per subgroup (as listed below) to be evaluated on
this measure.

English Language Arts, Math Progress (Growth) by Student Subgroup evaluates subgroup-specific Value-
Added results to evaluate whether each subgroup meets their English language arts and math growth
goals. There must be at least 15 students per subgroup (as listed below) to be evaluated on this measure.

Student Subgroups:
All Students Black, Non-Hispanic

Asian or Pacific Islander Multiracial

Hispanic English Learner

White, Non-Hispanic Economic Disadvantage

American Indian or Alaskan Native Students with Disabilities

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Range – Percentage of Points
Rating Rating Description
Earned out of Possible Points
Significantly exceeds state standards in closing
Greater than or equal to 60% 5 Stars
educational gaps
Greater than or equal to 45% but less than 60% 4 Stars Exceeds state standards in closing educational gaps

Greater than or equal to 30% but less than 45% 3 Stars Meets state standards in closing educational gaps
Needs support to meet state standards in closing
Greater than or equal to 10% but less than 30% 2 Stars
educational gaps
Needs significant support to meet state standards in
Less than 10% 1 Star
closing educational gaps

How to use the data:

• Which students are performing well? Which are not?
• Do we have some student groups that are meeting their goals and others that are not? Why?
• Are our student groups meeting growth but not achievement goals?
• How can we maintain or improve instruction or supports for students who are not meeting their annual
• Do we see a connection between chronic absenteeism and achievement?

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Graduation Component
Measures: Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate
Five-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate

Description: Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate is calculated by dividing the number of students who graduate
in four years or less with a regular or honors diploma by the number of students who form the final
adjusted cohort for the graduating class.

Five-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate is calculated by dividing the number of students who graduate
in five years or less with a regular or honors diploma by the number of students who form the final
adjusted cohort for the graduating class.

The resulting graduation rates are multiplied by the weights established in state law to create a weighted
graduation rate. The weighted graduation rate is the value used to determine the Graduation Component


Weighted Graduation Rate Rating Rating Description
Significantly exceeds state standards in
Greater than or equal to 96.5% 5 Stars
graduation rates
Greater than or equal to 93.5% but less than 96.5% 4 Stars Exceeds state standards in graduation rates

Greater than or equal to 90% but less than 93.5% 3 Stars Meets state standards in graduation rates
Needs support to meet state standards in
Greater than or equal to 84% but less than 90% 2 Stars
graduation rates
Needs significant support to meet state standards
Less than 84% 1 Star
in graduation rates

How to use the data:

• Has our graduation rate remained steady, improved or declined?
• What are the reasons students are not graduating?
• Are we seeing an increase in students graduating? Does that align with known efforts or programs to
increase graduation for our students?
• What are we doing to grow the number of students who graduate?
• Which districts, similar to ours, are doing better than we are? What are they doing?

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College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness Component

Measures: This component is made up of 14 separate measures that are used to estimate how prepared the
graduating class from a district or building is to go on to postsecondary education, enter the workforce or
join the armed forces.

ACT/SAT Remediation-Free Scores

Honors Diploma
Advanced Placement (AP) Credits Earned
International Baccalaureate (IB) Credits Earned
Twelve or More Credential Points in a Single Career Field
State-recognized License
Twelve or more College Credit Plus (CCP) Credits Earned
Enlistment in the Military
Completion of a Pre-Apprenticeship or Apprenticeship
Acceptance into an Apprenticeship Program Post High School
OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal and 250 Hours of Internship/Work-based Learning

The readiness of a graduating class is estimated by calculating the number of students who achieve one
or more of the component measure goals.

This component will not be included in the overall report card rating or rated as an individual component
until the 2024-2025 school year at the earliest. The data will be reported but not rated until that time.


5 Stars
4 Stars
3 Stars
2 Stars
1 Star

How to use the data:

• Which of the opportunities for this component does our school offer?
• Are those who are moving on to college able to succeed in college-level work immediately? Is remediation
• How do we inform parents and encourage students to get involved in these opportunities?
• Are all groups of students accessing the variety of opportunities to demonstrate readiness?

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Other Report Card Information

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
PBIS is a framework that guides school teams in the selection, integration and implementation of evidence-
based practices for improving academic, social and behavior outcomes for all students. The PBIS process
emphasizes four integrated elements: data for decision-making; evidence-based interventions and practices
that support varying student needs; systems that efficiently and effectively support implementation of these
practices; and continual progress monitoring to ensure outcomes are met.

Opportunity to Learn
Data availability on access to technology devices and high-speed internet became of great interest and
importance. The Department began collecting and reporting this data in 2021. The data within the Opportunity
to Learn measure is report only and intended for informational and planning purposes. It does not factor into a
school or district’s report card rating.

School Choice Options

The School Choice Options report provides readers with an understanding of the number of students who
are partaking in enrollment options other than their own district of residence. The data does not reflect the
quantity or quality of options within each category.

Wellness and Physical Education

State law requires the reporting of physical education and wellness measures. For district and school report
cards, the data are reported through four measures. These measures include:
1. The extent to which the students meet physical education benchmarks
2. Whether the district implemented a local wellness policy required by federal regulation
3. Whether the building and/or district elected to administer Body Mass Index screenings to students (data
gathered by Ohio Department of Health)
4. Participation in the Physical Education Pilot Program

Attendance Rate
The student attendance rate reports the aggregate percent of time the enrolled students in a school or district
are in attendance over the course of a school year. This data point is reported on the school and district report
cards for informational purposes only and does not directly factor into the component ratings.

Expenditure Calculations and Rankings

The financial measures provide information about spending on classroom instruction and average spending per
student, as well as comparisons to other districts and schools. The reported measures also include source of
funds (local, state, federal, other) for the district in comparison to state totals. Specifically, states must report
on a per-pupil basis how much of a district or school’s expenditures were paid with federal funds versus the
amount paid with state and/or local funds. Each district’s expenditures are ranked statewide in two ways: by
operating expenditure per pupil and by percentage spent on classroom instruction.

Similar District Methodology

In order to evaluate performance data for a given district, it often is useful to consider how similar districts
compare on the same data. The method for use on Ohio School Report Cards starts with any given district and
identifies up to 20 districts that are most similar according to certain criteria. Statistically speaking, these are
the “nearest neighbors” of the selected district.

Education Management Information System (EMIS)

The Education Management Information System (EMIS) is a statewide data collection system for Ohio’s
primary and secondary education, including demographic information, attendance, course information, financial
data and test results.

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What do the Career-Technical Planning District Report

Cards measure?
The Career Technical Planning District Report Cards include specific marks of performance, called measures, within broad
categories called components. They receive grades for up to six measures and four components.

Achievement Post-Program Outcomes

The Achievement component has two measures – This shows the percent of students who, within six
Technical Skill Attainment and Performance Index. months of leaving high school, are employed or in
Technical Skill Attainment shows the proportion of apprenticeships or the military, or are enrolled in
students passing technical assessments. These postsecondary education or advanced training.
assessments measure the skills and knowledge learned
A second ungraded measure reports information on
in a student’s career-technical program.
industry-recognized credential attainment. Students
must earn either 12 points through an industry-
recognized credential or group of credentials within a
This grade measures the percent of students who
single career field or any industry-recognized credential
concentrate in career-technical education and graduate
within six months of leaving school to be counted in this
from high school within four or five years.

Career and Postsecondary Readiness

This component looks at how well-prepared Ohio’s
students are for future opportunities, whether training in a
technical field or preparing for work or college.

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What do the Dropout Prevention and Recovery Report

Cards measure?
Community schools that serve a majority of their students through dropout prevention and recovery programs receive
the Dropout Prevention and Recovery Report Card. These schools receive one of the following ratings for report card
measures – Exceeds Standards, Meets Standards, or Does Not Meet Standards.

Achievement Gap Closing

This rating reports the percentage of students who This rating shows how well schools are meeting the
passed or met the cumulative performance score on all performance expectations for students in English
applicable tests required for high school graduation. language arts, math, graduation, and English Language
Proficiency Improvement.

Progress Graduation
This rating is the school’s academic growth for its This rating reports the number of students graduating
students in math and reading. Progress looks closely from the school in four, five, six, seven or eight years.
at the growth that all students are making.

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Quick Facts for the 2021-2022 Report Cards

• Star ratings will be assigned to five of the six components. College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness
Component is not rated this year.

• No overall rating will be assigned this year.

• Chronic Absenteeism Improvement Indicator is a report-only data item; it does not factor into the Gap Closing
Component calculation for this year only.

• ANNUAL PERFORMANCE GOALS are performance targets set for each student subgroup and separately for English
language arts, math and graduation. These goals are used in the Gap Closing component and negotiated with the U.S.
Department of Education as goals used to close educational gaps over the next 10 years. These often were previously
referred to as Annual Measurable Objectives.

• COMPONENT is a group of measures that are combined into one data point and assigned a star rating on the report

• MEASURE is a single calculation about one specific data point. The measures do not receive their own ratings on the
report card, but they are combined into the relevant component.

• OVERALL RATING is the highest data point on a report card, it combines all the data from each rated component.
There are no overall ratings for the 2021-2022 school year.

• PERFORMANCE INDICATORS are a report-only measure of achievement proficiency. Previously called the Indicators
Met measure, the Performance Indicators report proficiency percentages by grade level and test subject.

• REPORT ONLY MEASURES are single calculations about one specific data point that do not contribute to the
component rating. These items are reported for informational and planning purposes only.

Report Card Resources and Technical Documentation

View Report Card Resources online

Select “Resources and Technical Documents” to view a list of available documents

for each component calculation.

Select “Annual Reports and Information” to view the state report card and annual
ranking lists.

Select “Download Report Card Data” to see all available Excel spreadsheets with
the annual report card data for this year and prior years.

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Ohio School Report Cards
(877) 644-6338 | reportcard.education.ohio.gov | [email protected]

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