Individual Inventory: Guidance Counseling Services
Individual Inventory: Guidance Counseling Services
Individual Inventory: Guidance Counseling Services
Individual Inventory
The Counseling service is provided to assist the student in exploring his feelings, values,
perceptions, interpersonal relationships, fears and life choices. In so doing, he will be able to
understand himself better to become a self-directed individual.
Routine Interview
The counselor calls for each student periodically to find out how he/she is doing in
school and whatever needs he/she has. The routine interview serves to update the information
in the individual inventory.
Exit Interview
Before the student graduates from grade school and high school he/she is given the
opportunity to discuss with the counselor his/her future plans, assess needs to be addressed
before he/she evaluates his/her growth and development in school and to give comments/
suggestions regarding the school.
Information Service
Psychological tests are given to students or classes needing them. Tests help to measure
a sample of students’ interest, mental ability, aptitudes, academic achievement, personality
and adjustment. Tests results are interpreted to students for purposes of greater self-
awareness, self-understanding and career planning.
Follow-Up Service
The progress of the underachievers and students with failing grades are followed up in
terms of their low academic performance and poor study skills. Achievers or scholars are also
followed up in terms of their academic progress and personal adjustment. This service hopes to
help underachievers cope with strong pressures, temporary disappointments or frustrations.
Serious cases of mental and physical problems are referred to the family.