Implementation Review On The Science Laboratory Program of Asia Pacific College of Advanced Studies A Swot Analysis

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A Research Presented to
Basic Education Department
Asia Pacific College of Advanced Studies
Balanga City, Bataan


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Practical Research 2



Juliana Mae Dela Cruz

Jules Ashley Parayo
Reyniel Banadera
Rainer Tuazon

October 2019


A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or

technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. Laboratory

services are provided in a variety of settings: physicians’ offices, clinics, hospitals,

and regional and national referral centers. Laboratories used for scientific research

take many forms because of the differing requirements of specialists in the various

fields of science and engineering. A physics laboratory might contain a particle

accelerator or vacuum chamber, while a metallurgy laboratory could have apparatus

for casting or refining metals or for testing their strength. A chemist or biologist might

use a wet laboratory, while a psychologist's laboratory might be a room with one-way

mirrors and hidden cameras in which to observe behavior. Scientists in other fields

will use still other types of laboratories. Engineers use laboratories as well to design,

build, and test technological devices. Scientific laboratories can be found as research

room and learning spaces in schools and universities, industry, government,

or military facilities, and even aboard ships and spacecraft. Early instances of

"laboratories" recorded in English involved alchemy and the preparation of medicines.

The emergence of Big Science during World War II increased the size of

laboratories and scientific equipment, introducing particle accelerators and similar

devices. The earliest laboratory according to the present evidence is a home

laboratory of Pythagoras of Samos, the well-known Greek philosopher and scientist.

This laboratory was created when Pythagoras conducted an experiment about tones of

sound and vibration of string. In the painting of Louis Pasteur by Albert Edelfelt in

1885, Louis Pasteur is shown comparing a note in his left hand with a bottle filled

with a solid in his right hand, and not wearing any personal protective equipment.

Researching in teams started in the 19th century, and many new kinds of equipment

were developed in the 20th century.

A 16th century underground alchemical laboratory was accidentally discovered

in the year 2002. Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor was believed to be the owner. The

laboratory is called Speculum Alchemize and is preserved as a museum in Prague. It

is imperative for schools to have the latest and high quality science lab supplies these

days. Science is different from any other subject. In order to understand its concepts,

one has to look beyond the books and conventional classroom teaching. Effective

teaching and learning of science involves seeing, handling, and manipulating real

objects and materials. The knowledge that kids attain in classrooms would be

ineffectual unless they actually observe the process and understand the relationship

between action and reaction. Effective teaching and learning of science involves a

perpetual state of show and tell. Good schools combine classroom teaching with

laboratory experiments to ensure that their students grasp each and every concept

thoroughly. It is also believed that laboratory teaching and experiments that are being

conducted there help encourage deep understanding in children. Children are able to

retain the knowledge for longer when they see the experiments being performed in

front of their eyes. Science lab equipment allows students to interact directly with the

data gathered. They get a first-hand learning experience by performing various

experiments on their own. Students are made to use the models and understand

different scientific theories and concepts. It is also found that school science lab
equipment and supplies make teaching and learning easy both for the teachers, as well

as for the students. There are several scientific theories and concepts that are difficult

to explain directly from the books. Anatomy models, physics science kits, and

chemistry science kits for instance make it easy to understand the otherwise complex

theories of science. By virtue of equipping themselves with the latest and the

advanced materials and supplies, schools are able to contribute a lot in the scientific

advances yet to come. The advances and developments in the field of medical science

and technology would not take place if schools did not prepare brilliant and dedicated

scientists and researchers. Children develop interest in scientific research in science

labs. When they observe various things and carry out different experiments, their

reasoning skills are honed and they start thinking deeply on those theories and

concepts. Schools thus play a vital role in bringing up the next generation of engineers

and doctors.

To conclude, schools must have the latest science lab supplies and equipment to

make science interesting and effective for students and to encourage them to make

significant contributions in the field of physics, biology, chemistry, and other streams

of science later in life. If laboratory safety is an unquestioned core value and

operational priority for the institution, then safety will never be traded for research

productivity. University policies and resource allocations have a strong impact on a

department’s ability and willingness to help provide for a strong, positive safety

culture. If an institution or individual laboratory wants to develop and sustain a safe

and successful research program, then it must consider the resources it has available

for safety and explore research options and requirements accordingly.


This study aims to review the science laboratory program at Asia Pacific
College of Advanced Studies.

Specifically this study sought answer to the following questions:

1. How way Asia Pacific College of Advanced Studies Science Laboratory Program
is described in favors at:

1.1 Policy

1.2 Equipment

1.3 Physical Aspect

2. How way Asia Pacific College of Advanced Studies Science Laboratory Program
is assessed in favors at:

2.1. Strength

2.2. Weakness

2.3. Opportunity

2.4. Threat

3. What are the suggestions to improve the science laboratory program at Asia Pacific
College of Advanced Studies?

The scope of our study is for the science laboratory program at Asia Pacific
College of Advanced Studies. The study will include the Strength, Weakness,
Opportunities, Threat and suggestions to improve the science laboratory. The study
does not cover any other classrooms or facilities that aren’t connected to the program.


The results of the study will be great benefit to the following:

STUDENTS. The result will provide a great help for the students especially courses
that required to use a science laboratory in Asia Pacific College of Advanced Studies.
In addition, this will add knowledge to them what to expect in science lab at schools.

TEACHERS. Educators won’t problem the science laboratory and can discuss/ teach
more comfortable because of the proper place to do experiments and such.

SCHOOL. This study will provide them the right and proper science laboratory to
give the school a compliment for following the rules. Also, this will give suggestion
about the program.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This research may help future researchers serve as their
basis or guide for aiming improvement of this study and assist them to solve these
rising problems and seek the precise solution.

Input Process Output



1.1 Policy
-Checklist  Implementation review
1.2 Equipment at science laboratory
1.3 Physical aspect

 Recommendation in the
APCAS SCIENCE LAB improvement of science
IMPLEMENTATION laboratory program

1. Strength

2. Weaknesses

3. Opportunity

4. Threat

Figure 1

The first box shows that what we are going to do in the research. The second

box is the specific on what we are planning to do like interviews and many more on

how are we going to find the solution. Lastly, on the third box it is our assuming

outcome on how we did in our research.

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