Science and Technology For A Sustainable Future: Abstrak

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The key takeaways are that STEM education is important to prepare students for future careers and challenges, especially with the 4th Industrial Revolution. Countries like Malaysia and Japan are promoting STEM education through various initiatives and policies.

STEM education refers to science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. It is considered important as these subjects are part of our daily lives and will help students develop skills needed to meet future science and technology challenges.

Malaysia implemented a policy to enroll 60% of students in science fields and supports the National STEM Movement. Japan provides special funding to prioritize STEM subjects although it does not use the STEM acronym. Both countries aim to promote critical thinking through STEM.


Roslinda Ithnina, Teratani Shosukeb and Matsubara Shizuoc

Pusat Asasi Sains, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Professor Emeritus,Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
Toin University of Yokohama, Japan


Mathematics and science are part of our daily lives. They are also part of STEM (science, technology,
engineering and mathematics) education which is considered as one of the the key to fulfilling many of
our future challenges. In 1970, Malaysia implemented the first National Science and Technology
Registration Policy 60:40, which guarantees that 60 percent of Malaysian students will be enrolled in
science with the remaining 40 percent in art. This paper discusses the rise of Malaysia's activities,
including those conducted by the National STEM Movement of Malaysia. This movement is an integrated
effort that gathers communities to promote STEM education that helps prepare students with the skills to
meet science and technology challenges especially with the presence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
(4IR). The Center for Science Studies, University of Malaya supports the STEM Movement. Although the
acronym STEM is not a buzz word in the Japanese education system, the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology Japan (MEXT) awarded Super Science High School (SSHS) special
funding to prioritize science, technology and mathematics. STEM education is in line with the activities
conducted by ECoS, a Japanese-based collaborative research group that emphasizes on Sustainable
Development and Green Chemistry. This paper also discusses the science activities that is adopted from

Keywords: science and technology, STEM education, Green Chemistry


Matematik dan sains adalah sebahagian daripada kehidupan seharian kita. Ia juga merupakan sebahagian
daripada pendidikan STEM (sains, teknologi, kejuruteraan dan matematik). Pendidikan STEM dianggap
sebagai salah satu kunci untuk memenuhi banyak cabaran masa depan kita. Pada tahun 1970, Malaysia
melaksanakan Dasar Pendaftaran Sains dan Teknologi Kebangsaan 60:40, yang menjamin 60 peratus
pelajar Malaysia akan mendaftar dalam sains dengan baki 40 peratus dalam bidang bukan sains. Artikel
ini membincangkan tentang aktiviti di Malaysia, termasuk yang dilaksanakan oleh Pergerakan STEM
Kebangsaan Malaysia. Pergerakan ini merupakan usaha bersepadu yang mengumpulkan komuniti untuk
mempromosikan pendidikan STEM yang membantu menyediakan pelajar dengan kemahiran untuk
menghadapi cabaran sains dan teknologi terutama dengan kehadiran Revolusi Perindustrian Keempat
(4IR). Pusat Asasi Sains, Universiti Malaya menyokong Gerakan STEM. Walaupun akronim STEM
bukan perkataan buatan dalam sistem pendidikan Jepun, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Sukan,
Sains dan Teknologi Jepun (MEXT) menganugerahkan pembiayaan khas Super Science High School
(SSHS) untuk mengutamakan sains, teknologi dan matematik. Pendidikan STEM adalah selaras dengan
aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh ECoS, kumpulan penyelidikan kolaboratif berasaskan Jepun yang memberi
penekanan pada Pembangunan Mampan dan Kimia Hijau. Kertas ini juga membincangkan aktiviti sains
yang digunakan oleh EcoS.

Kata kunci: sains dan teknologi, pembelajaran STEM, Kimia Hijau


Today’s educators have a responsibility of not only making sure students complete their schooling or
graduate but also, that the students are well-prepared careers, even though their career choices are as yet
undefined. Educators must realize that their students may be involved in future jobs which have not been
invented yet and future workers may not involve in the same jobs over a long period of time. Malaysia is
in need of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians among others. To ensure that Malaysia
can become a developed country, requires firstly human capital that possess critical and innovative
thinking which can be nurtured through STEM related subjects in schools: Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics.

The key to the success of Japan in education is the traditional belief that all children can be achievements
until today where Japan is one of the world's success stories in education. Japan's strong commitment to
education leads to rapid economic growth and Japan is currently one of the major players in high
technology production and high-value products. Although Japan is one of the most developed,
economically and sophisticated industrialized countries in terms of its education system, there is ongoing
concern in Japan about the loss of moral standards and the reduction of student motivation. Therefore,
Japanese schools need to attract the most talented teachers to the most challenging classrooms, and the
most capable principals for schools that need the urge to compete with current challenges. Effective
school leadership is needed, together with a stronger emphasis on uncertainty, to allow rapid decision-
making, and freedom to act so that educational authorities and local schools can respond to changing
circumstances and the surrounding environment. Japan still survives due to the clear and ambitious
academic standards of Japan and a coherent delivery chain where curriculum goals are achieved,
translated into teaching systems and quality teaching practices as well as effective student learning
approaches (Schleicher, 2013).

According to a report by Shukan Toyo Keizai (a publisher with experience in politics, economics and
business, based in Tokyo), technological advances in Japan have side effects which are economically
demanding higher education and higher entry prices. School children struggle to learn while teachers
struggle to teach in a more competitive manner. The report also claims that 60 percent of public
elementary school teachers are "karōshi" (death due to hard work) which means they work at least 60
hours a week, although contracting works for less than 39 hours. In addition to providing lessons, grade
assignments, overseeing extra curriculum and counseling activities, they also need to deal with the parents
concerned, attend meetings and manage administrative tasks. Toyo Keizai was worried that the schools
turned into my burial kigyō (black companies) who worked too hard and paid less to the point of neo-
servitude. Toyo Kenzei is of the opinion that high school and junior high school seem to be moving in that


According to Dato’ P. Kamalanathan, Malaysian Deputy Education Minister, some significant progress
has been made after the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (MEB) to transform the education
system was launched in 2016. The Education Performance and Delivery Unit of the Education Ministry is
tasked to drive the progress while also supporting and facilitating the transformation of Malaysia’s
education system through the implementation of the six core traits that need to be inculcated into
Malaysian students: knowledge, thinking skills, leadership skills, bilingual proficiency, ethics and
spirituality, and national identity. The MEB was formed to create an education system that promotes the

students’ holistic development. Currently Malaysia is at the second main waves of transformation (2016-
2020) which is centered on structural changes. Consecutively, the third and final main wave will be from
2021-2025. It is essential that all stakeholders (teachers, students, parents and private sector partners)
work together for the success of this noble game-changing transformation Blueprint since education is a
means for social mobility and a key to a better future. MEB can aspire Malaysia to be in the top third of
countries in terms of performance in international assessments, as measured by outcomes in the Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Program for International Student
Assessment (PISA) within 15 years.


The acronym STEM was suggested by Dr. Rita Colwell, a bacteriologist who was director of NSF in the
1980s. STEM education is an approach in the teaching and learning process which combines the content
and skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematic. Experts in the field of science, business
and education believe that the ability of Malaysian nation to compete globally is related to the ability of
the Institute of Higher Learning to shape the graduates from the STEM program. Malaysia is envisioned
to be a fully developed country by 2020. Looking at the sixth challenge mentioned in the 2020 vision,
Malaysia needs to establish itself as a scientific and progressive society that is innovative and forward-
looking. Clearly in order to attain this level of achievement, Malaysia needs scientists, technologists,
engineers and mathematicians as human capitals. The Ministry of Education for Higher Learning is
encouraging all institutions in Malaysia Students are expected to apply STEM in seeking relations with
schools, communities, careers and global entrepreneurship.

Just like any other global issues, there are many forums, seminars and conferences which discuss about
STEM education as well as STI (science, technology and innovation) in Malaysia. One of the main
question is whether by 2020 when Malaysia is supposed to be a developed nation, it is producing the
required number of scientists, engineers and mathematicians. Malaysia needs to draw experiences that are
relevant to developing countries in developing a sound STEM education program.

What is STEM education program? Can we refer to Japan? According to Kadota (2015) the chosen Super
Science High Schools in Japan have been involved in robot education in addition to the regular lessons of
mathematics and science. The first batch of Super Science High Schools were awarded in 2002 and these
schools received special funds to develop links with universities and other higher academic institutions
since the SSHS students are expected to excel as scientists and engineers. In general, Japan high school
students do not study technology or engineering. This is part of the reason why the term “STEM
education” is not known to many students or teachers in Japan. According to Kadota, another reason that
STEM education has not really taken off in Japan is the lack of facilities that should be available in order
to emphasize to students on technology and engineering. As a way of involving themselves with the
Japanese government’s aspiration to make Japan into a technology leading country, it is necessary for
schools to spend time for education in ‘monozukuri’ where students and teachers are expected to work
with a deeper impression of skilled craftsmen. Kadota labeled Tokyo Tech High School of Science and
Technology as the only national High School of science and technology in Japan. Tokyo Tech High
School has been a Super Science High School since 2002 by maintaining its high standard in its students’
quest for science, mathematics as well as engineering and technology. Basically, STEM education is
covered in this school, theoretically as well as practically although there is not much of a conscious effort
to label it as such. The curriculum which sets Tokyo Tech High School apart from others include
curriculum development of robot education and curriculum of machine design course. Clearly these two
curriculum are not the emphasis of Malaysian high school curriculum. STEM education will have to take
another form.

In his research work regarding comparison studies between STEM education in the USA and in Japan,
Kumano et al (2016) listed the definition of technology as “any modification of the natural world made to
fulfill human needs or desires”. Engineering is defined as “a systematic and often iterative approach to
designing objects, processes and systems to meet human needs and wants”. Application of sciences is
defined as any use of scientific knowledge for a specific purpose, whether to do more science; to design a
product, process or medical treatment; to develop a new technology or to predict the impacts of human
actions”. One of the major difference regarding the STEM education implementation between the USA
and Japan, the former country allocates a much higher budget for STEM education activities and issues
compared to the latter. Just for the state of Iowa, the governor’s STEM Advisory Council had a total
budget of 4.7 billion dollars from its own state funding and the National Science Foundation for the
period of 2012-2013. Another observation recorded by Kumano during the comparison studies concerns
the new framework of the USA’s science education after 2011 which emphasized on the developmental
stages of children and the learning progress. STEM education should begin from an early stage.

While STEM movement began to take shape in 2006, the addition of arts has been made by transforming
STEM to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics). It is claimed that by
integrating art and design to various forms with stem subjects, schools are working to strengthen students’
abilities, among others, to be creative and flexible problem-solvers and to communicate well with others.
By adopting STEAM, students are also expected to feel driven towards understanding the true meaning of
design. The arts integration in schools is expected to improve critical thinking skills and academic
achievement. However there are not many studies which address the actual results of STEAM since it is
relatively new. Various forms of art including music, dance, sculpture and creative writing will challenge
students to explore the human condition and bring empathy to others. Discussions with non-scientists will
enrich the emotional, social and cultural aspects of every possible thing when scientists discuss issues
among themselves. Institutions must strive to reinforce the ability of students to become creative and
flexible problem solvers, to explore different ideas, recognize failure as an opportunity for discovery and
communicate well with others. Building this kind of human relationship is what drives true innovation.
With the STEAM project, students learn by creating, creating and designing and understanding the true
meaning of the design.

Even newer and by far fewer, STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and
Mathematic) education was claimed to have started by several institutions although the real complete
curriculum are still vague. Apart from STEM, STEAM and STREAM, we are now on the brink of a
fourth industrial revolution (4IR). It is said that students must participate in STEM subjects to meet the
demands of its evolving job markets. The 4IR is supposed to represent new ways in which technology
becomes embedded within societies including the human bodies. Is our education system converting
enough students into modern, high-level professions such as nanotechnologists, bio-engineers and
computer scientists?


Japan has been consistently among the world's leading systems in the OECD (Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development) Program for the PISA International Student Assessment Program, a
competent international test among 15-year-old school students, on the quality of learning outcomes,
learning opportunities and value-for-money. Although the current status of STEM education in Japan is
of concern for policymakers and society, analyzing policies, strategies and programs, and offering a
preliminary assessment concerning their impact and effectiveness. STEM provisions, attitudes toward
STEM, participation in STEM in schools and career paths for STEM students are examined in section
three along with statistical data and evidence from other sources, including international comparisons of
STEM education such as PISA (OECD's Program for International Student Assessment, and TIMSS

(Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study). critical issues pertaining to Japanese STEM
education. According to Ishikawa (2013) Japan is trying to focus on four major strategies enhance STEM
in four key areas of education: (1) science advocacy programs to generate interest and enthusiasm among
the general population, especially among young children; (2) 'elite' science programs to nurture and
encourage the brightest talent from high school (upper secondary) to post graduate levels; (3) programs to
ensure successful career linkage from university to labor markets; and (4) programs to rectify the under-
representation of women in STEM subjects and research as well as workplaces.


In his book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive
Chairman of the World Economic Forum, describes how this fourth revolution is fundamentally different
from the previous three, which were characterized mainly by advances in technology. These technologies
have great potential to continue to connect billions more people to the web, drastically improve the
efficiency of business and organizations and help regenerate the natural environment through better asset
management. The Fourth Industrial Revolution holds unique opportunities to improve human
communication and conflict resolution.
Since 2016 with the announcement of 4IR by Klaus Schwab as "emerging technology breakthroughs" in
fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, (IOT) the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3D
printing, quantum computing and nanotechnology, Japan looked to 4IR to reach “impossible” gross
domestic product target by 2020 which is the same year as the Tokyo Olympics (Boyd, 2016). The
Japanese Prime Minister promotes 4IR by having the public and private sectors collaborate to apply key
technologies that are expected to increase Japanese business and industry. At the same time, this will also
be part of the solutions to Japanese societal and global challenges. In order for this revolution to happen
in Japan, the Japan’s Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI) suggested that the existing
systems and regulations including those at the Japanese national universities must be reformed to achieve
the full potential. New sources of funding for research projects are crucial for innovation in topics such as
cybersecurity, AI, Big Data Analysis, robotics, Internet of Things, biotech, as well as materials and
Looking at Japan, Takuma Iwasa, founder of Cerevo's start-up consumer electronics firm in Japan,
believes that Japanese organizations have the ability to produce something innovative, but whether the
company's management will allow product creation to market use is another matter (Oi, 2016). Iwasa
thinks that the larger the company, the company finds it difficult to take risks. He added that globally,
large companies succeeded in producing serial innovation (making better versions of the product as it
would sell) but less successful to produce new innovations. It can still be proven whether the Japanese
government can assist to encourage more innovation. The Japanese government’s promotion of
entrepreneurship has helped to boost the country’s spirit. A number of government-to-government and
academic collaborations have been promoted through "Abenomics", including the SIP (Cross-Minister
Strategic Promotion Program) and Impact (Changing Paradigm Change through Disturbing Technology).
At the same time, research and development related to advanced chemistry, incorporating information and
communication technology (ICT) will also be further enhanced (Searle, 2016).


The Malaysian government is facing several major challenges in achieving the goal of strengthening
STEM education in its country. The Ministry of Education Malaysia has targeted a ratio of 60:40 for
science to non-science students. However, over the years, a huge challenge is the decreasing enrolment of
science students at secondary education level. Another challenge is the lagging in science achievement

and literacy of Malaysian secondary students in international assessment studies specifically in
mathematics. These are worrying trends. By 2050, the population of Malaysia will reach 50 million but
will be an ageing population. To ensure that they can live healthy and independently, there is a need to
put in place Research & Development to develop robotics and smart devices, infrastructure to
accommodate them, designs that support their needs, personalized medicine and remote healthcare
monitoring for their welfare. The Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through
Academy of Sciences Malaysia are doing studies to identify ways to position the country moving forward
through maximum use of Science, Technology and Innovation by looking at mega trends that would
impact Malaysia. This is vital to ensure sustained national development and global competitiveness.

In 1996, a policy had been introduced to teach mathematics and science in English but this policy was
reversed in 2012. There have been many discussions dialogues including town hall meetings as well as
heated debates regarding the medium of teaching mathematics and science in Malaysian schools at the
moment. This issue can be linked to the teaching of STEM in Malaysia. One side of the group thought
that Malaysia risks lagging behind unless STEM is taught in English. According to a group of retired
high-ranking civil servants, Malaysia may fall behind other Asian countries if the government does not re-
introduce the policy of teaching STEM subjects in English. It was argued that the quality of local
graduates had fallen. The poor English proficiency means that the graduates cannot interact effectively
on the global front.

The opposing group is of the opinion that just like our neighbor in Singapore, English should be the
medium for STEM education in Malaysia since English is a currently acceptable language in many
countries and in most field of human endeavor. Singapore has repeatedly taken top positions for PISA and
TIMSS while Malaysia whereas Malaysia has fared poorly on both. There must be more studies taken to
ensure whether the medium of teaching is the main culprit for the success of PISA and TIMMS in
Malaysia. According to Hurford (2010), it is important to understand experience by looking at patterns of
activity or interest and the relationships between them. It is important to make sense of human learning.
Hurford also stated that students who are non-achievers indicate there exist an unsolved problem during
their learning process in the classroom. This is also supported by Mullis et al (2012) who observed that
the conduct of teaching and learning in classrooms is a dimension that must be studied especially when it
relates to students and the teachers who will affect the students’ performance.

What are other methods that can be used to enhanced students’ ability to learn? Stokes (visual literacy in
teaching and learning: a literature perspective) stated that using visuals in teaching results in a greater
degree of learning. Wileman (1993) defines visual literacy as the ability to read, interpret and understand
information presented in pictorial or graphic images. With the advent of 4IR, the students must be able to
use computers for this purpose. Wileman also stated that associated with visual literacy is visual thinking,
described as the ability to turn information of all types into pictures, graphics, or forms that help
communicate the information. This scenario also describes the importance of STEAM education to
enhance students’ ability to learn. This is also emphasized by Sinatra (1986) who observed that the active
reconstruction of past visual experiences with incoming visual messages to obtain meaning, with
emphasis on the action by the learner to create recognition.

Japan like Singapore, has also enjoyed good success in PISA and TIMSS results although the medium of
teaching mathematics and science is in their mother tongue and not in English. Thus, one may ponder
whether the knowledge of mathematics and science has to be delivered in English in order for students to
excel in those subjects. Comparatively, it has been pointed out that Japan’s Honda has adopted English as
its official language to survive in the very competitive automotive industry, while India and the
Philippines continue to teach science and mathematics in English and have gained success.

The cooperation of all quarters including the stakeholders is vital in instilling passion and creating
awareness among students on STEM. Such a cooperation could be implemented via the Malaysian
National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS) initiative where the relevant quarters in education would work
together to plan and carry out activities to achieve the objective. Apart from that, there is now an active
organization, namely the Malaysian National STEM Movement which is headed by representatives of
several universities in Malaysia as well as those from the Education, Higher Education and Science,
Technology and Innovation Ministries. The Malaysian National STEM Movement is currently being
chaired by Professor Dato’ Dr. Noraini Idris (Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation,
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris). Idris et al (2014) observed that STEM education can be implemented
effectively in Malaysia if properly planned since the teachers’ preparedness for STEM education is at a
high level while the students’ level of readiness in learning STEM education is at a moderate level which
can be enhanced even further. Some of the challenges that should be overcome to ensure the success of
STEM education include learning materials and infrastructure facilities in schools. In addition, factors
such as time constraints, professional training or retaining of teachers and increase in teaching materials
should be addressed to ensure that STEM education can be carried out effectively. Idris et al (2014) also
observed that students from different background are interested in STEM education and to improve their
knowledge including in problem solving and higher order thinking in creativity. Unlike Tokyo Tech High
School of Science and Technology, the Malaysian schools are still not ready to implement curriculum
such as robot education or machine design course.

In a separate but related movement, the Prime Minister of Malaysia discussed The National
Transformation (TN50) at the University of Malaya in January 2017. ‘Transformasi Nasional 2050’ or
TN50 is an initiative to plan for the future of Malaysia in the period 2020 to 2050. The public’s voices
and those of 1.5 million youths will be sought to draft the 2050 National Transformation (TN50) policy
document in one of the country’s biggest policy formulation exercises to date. The TN50 policy document
is supposed to outline the economic, social, cultural and environmental targets Malaysia aims to achieve
by 2050. TN50 outlines that by 2050, Malaysia is "To become a top 20 nation in economic development,
social advancement and innovation". STEM education is part of the issue that is supposed to be outlined
in TN50.

Channeling students into STEM subjects represents only the first hurdle in the pursuit of enabling them to
take pathways in STEM. The National STEM movement focuses on large scale STEM education events
and activities in Malaysia. Members of the National STEM movement not only include the academicians
from Malaysian’s universities and the Ministry of Education but also IKIM radio station, Malaysian
Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT), Akademi Sains Malaysia, National
Innovation Agency Malaysia, Petrosains, IBM Malaysia as well as various corporations and NGO (Non
Governmental Organization).

The National STEM movement has been regular in promoting and organizing various activities. Monthly
meetings at either the Malaysian Science Academy; Petronas Science Centre or local university campuses
allow the members to organize and report the outcome of such activities including mentor-mentee
gatherings and scheduled science fairs where the activities at these science fairs are injected with cultural
themes. Clearly some activities are already progressing towards STEAM where arts and culture elements
are part of medium presented during the exhibitions. For all the activities, more parties are invited
including the NGO groups. Well-known Malaysian cartoon characters Upin & Ipin tend to be invited to
promote interest in science amongst the kids at science fairs organized by members of the National STEM
movement. The National STEM Movement is also embarking on more exposures of STEM education
issues in media. Apart from all these organized activities, there remains a huge task of increasing the
number of science students beginning with the Form 4 Science class. The National STEM Movement
will have to work together with the education authorities to improve this situation. Another suggestion

regarding the STEM education is that there is a need to relook at the courses being offered in STEM areas
since there is an inability for some STEM education graduates to gain employment.

Reportedly, 700 out of 2,400 places available for undergraduate science courses at the local Malaysian
universities remained unfilled in 2017/2018 session intake (Hamid, 2017). At the tertiary level, one
deputy vice-chancellor of a public university informed that he was finding it increasingly tough to fill up
the places for science courses at his university. There is just not enough demand, as opposed to social
sciences and business administration courses, where there is no shortage of applicants. Could it be that
students are no longer interested in STEM programs? Hamid wrote that universities now have to bear the
brunt after years of neglect in STEM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) at the
school level. He also stated that science labs are now a rarity in secondary schools. Is it also true that he
teaching of science these days is dry and uninteresting as claimed by some parents? The Malaysian
government has, since the 1970s, been giving priority to science and technology education. The first
National Science and Technology Enrolment Policy of 60:40, which guaranteed that 60 per cent of
students would be enrolled in science with the remaining 40 per cent in arts. Around 69 science secondary
schools (Sekolah Menengah Sains) and 51 Mara Junior Science Colleges were built as part of the strategy
to meet this target.
The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 aims at, among others, improving the learning and teaching
process of science and mathematics-related subjects to get more students to enroll in science streams.
Despite having the 60:40 ratio target of having more students to enroll in science streams since the 1960s,
the government has not been able to achieve it. Revamp the way teachers teach science and mathematics
in schools. It must focus on developing the students’ higher order thinking skills, encourage project-based
systems and the use of ICT-based games to make learning fun. There should be more hours allotted to
science subjects so that teachers can carry out inquiry-based science approaches. STEM education
teachers should be given access to continuous professional development on delivery methods to
encourage inquiry thinking.


A survey regarding awareness in STEM education has been carried out at the Centre for Foundation
Studies in Science, University of Malaya. The 75 respondents aged between 17-18 years old came from
various schools in Malaysia to continue their studies at the Special Japanese Preparatory Program (RPKJ
or Ambang Asuhan Jepun) for two years before embarking their undergraduate studies in engineering at
universities in Japan.

Only thirteen (13) out of seventy five (75) students have heard of STEM education before they came to
RPKJ. Out of the 13 students, only a few have been to STEM education carnivals or STEM education
camps. These students definitely have not been able join any of the activities organized by the National
STEM Movement since 2016. Is this a concern to Malaysia? Comparatively, Saito et al (2015) believe
that Japan still needs evidence that integrated STEM learning will be successful in improving students’
knowledge and skills for future sustainability. Saito et al developed and tested a “T-SM-E” instead of a
“STEM” template, thinking that teachers may find Technology interesting and better defined than
Engineering. The template was tested during a Summer Camp where the learning materials had been
labeled as Technology while Scientific and Mathematical activities were conducted during the camp for
development of prototypes. Japanese school teachers are unclear of how to implement engineering
problems in school lessons. Many questions arise after the STEM education camp. The integration of
STEM into daily school lessons are still unclear. It was then suggested that future STEM education
research should include design research for teachers’ needs as well as for the integration needed in the

Another survey was carried out to a group of high school students from Melaka who visited the Centre for
Foundation Studies in Science, University of Malaya in July 2017. All 39 of the students wanted to visit
the facilities at the center including the laboratories. Only 34% of the students (or 26 out of 39 students)
have heard of STEM education even though 100% of them informed that they are interested in science.
The students were given briefings about the center’s program as well as a short and basic briefing
regarding biological life cycle as an introduction to STEM education. At the end of the program all 100%
of the students stated that the visit to the center increased their interest in science.

Another survey was conducted on seven science teachers from Kobe Super Science High School, by the
Center for Foundation Studies in Science using the same questions. Out of seven (7) science teachers
from Kobe Super Science High School, only two (2) of the teachers have heard of STEM education. Only
one (1) of the two teachers have had a STEM education activity at his school which involved a project
study for students. This survey’s result reflects Kadota’s (2015) observation regarding the lack of STEM
education label in Japan even though science and mathematics are emphasized on the students.
Therefore, it is not surprising that all the seven Kobe Super Science High School teachers have not heard
of either STEAM or STREAM education.

In a survey conducted by Kumano et al (2016), pre and post questionnaires were given to 40 high school
teachers regarding their attitude toward STEM education. As expected, results of the survey shows that
most teachers realized that science is more interesting and more exciting when it is connected to STEM.
The survey also shows that most teachers realized that mathematics is more interesting and more exciting
when it is connected to STEM. However, the survey also shows that the teachers did not improve their
attitude toward STEM careers. The teachers cannot relate STEM education with STEM careers. Results
of the survey also shows that the teachers identify STEM education as appealing, meaningful, interesting
and beneficial. However, the teachers do not find STEM education as active nor easy to understand.
Kumano further inferred that although the teachers can identify the importance of STEM education, they
may not realize the importance of integrative lessons in science education and they may also not
understand the importance of STEM careers in Japan.

Kumano et al (2016) reported that in 2016, there are only a few universities in Japan that have STEM
education centers: Saitama University and Tamagawa University. Meanwhile Shizuoka University
received a STEM education grant from the Japan Science and Technology Agency to set up STEM
innovation for graduate school courses. Kumano also reported that there is a need to develop high quality
robotic and radiation protection technologies which can work at severe radiation environment. Therefore,
there is a need for Japan to develop a unique model for STEM education for its students.


ECoS (Educational Co-Research for Sustainability) members from various institutions in Japan,
Philippines, Korea and Malaysia usually meet on an annual basis to discuss teaching materials which
focus on risk assessment; green chemistry and teaching material unit on air pollution as well as
sustainable development (SD) and development of teaching materials. ECoS which was formed in Japan
is currently headed by Professor Matsubara Shizuo of Toin University of Yokohama. Amongst its
Japanese members are researchers from the National Institute for Educational Policy Research (NIER) as
well as educators from various universities and high schools. ECoS has been supported the program of
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research. Activities carried out with ECoS have the following objectives:

i. To better prepare students so that they are aware of the issues concerning sustainable

ii. To make the students aware of the global pollution which arise from the existing social
iii. To provide a platform for the students to think of ways to make chemistry more
environmentally friendly.

One of the topics which are normally discussed during ECoS’s annual meeting is usage of using the One
Page Report Writing Template (Teratani et al, 2012) which can be used as a One Page Portfolio
Assessment (OPPA) to assess students’ knowledge on a given subject the Study History Sheet (SHS)
allows students to write their prior and gained knowledge, summarization of the lesson learnt as well as
impressions on the lesson study. Often times, students are not inquired regarding their impression of the
topics which they learnt during lessons. Another section of the SHS requires students to express their
frank reflections on the SHS exercise itself. The template which is also called OPPA can help to cultivate
scientific expression ability by Teikeibun (Report Writing Template). ECoS has been attempting to use
the one page Teikeibun as a method of propagating Education in Sustainable Development (ESD). This
one page Teikeibun which acts as a SD educational material has the potential of helping students to
become more conscious of the values and benefits that science can offer.

Students at the Center for Foundation Studies in Science, University of Malaya were asked to make use of
the Study History Sheet to write down their prior and gained knowledge impression of a specific topic
which was Green Chemistry. The format of “before” and “after” GSC lessons adopted from NIER is
interesting to the respondents and has raised the respondents’ level of awareness regarding Green
Chemistry. Responses from students for “before study”, “after study” and a reflection study are given in
Figures 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

Figure 1. Three chosen responses to the instruction: Write three sentences using Green Chemistry.
Most of the responses in the “before study” section are in question form.

The topic of “Green Chemistry” is not included in the Chemistry syllabus at the Center for Foundation
Studies in Science even though it is of importance to researchers including ECoS members. The students
were given a briefing of the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry (Anastas, 1998) before being asked to
express their thought in the Study History Sheet. Figure 1 shows that most of the sentences regarding
Green Chemistry were in the form of questions. All three respondents asked the obvious question “What
is Green Chemistry?”. Two of the respondents inquire about the significance of Green Chemistry. One
of the respondent poses his strong opinion by asking “Who cares about Green Chemistry?”. He further
explained that “We have a lot of other stuff to learn” which reflects the time constraints and the packed
schedule that this student feels at the center.

The responses to the “after study” section shows that the respondents are much more appreciative of the
Green Chemistry topic, having realized that this topic shows “the proper way of handing chemical
substance”, “reduce chemical waste” and that “everyone plays important role in practicing green
chemistry” because this is “for a brighter future for our next generation”. It can be inferred that Green
Chemistry is a topic which can assist students to pave the way for sustainability. The rest of their
responses clearly show an awakening regarding the importance of Green Chemistry. The respondent who
complained about this additional topic began to realize that “Green Chemistry is a topic that should be
added to the syllabus learnt at school”.

Figure 2. Three “after study” responds by the students concerning Green Chemistry. All the
responses are in statement form unlike the response in the “before study” section.

We can infer that the students had benefited from the Teikeibun exercise because the realization about the
importance of Green Chemistry topic is carried through in their positive responses in the final section of
the Teikeibun which requires them to frankly look back and ask themselves what they have learnt from
the lesson as shown in Figure 3. The students now realized that before they venture into any experiments,
it is essential for them to “plan wisely” in order to “save our world” not only from “pollution” but also
from “depletion of rare and limited resources”. This section of the Teikeibun again allows the students to
express the importance of the Green Chemistry lesson “to increase the awareness of the public about the
usage of chemical in daily life”.

Japan has a track record of overcoming the problem of environmental pollution, and in this regard, it has
become the world leader in developing solutions to environmental challenges (Searle, 2016). The current
Japanese Chemical Association President, who is also the Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
Chairman Sadayuki Sakakibara, emphasized that chemical innovation based on Green Sustainable
Chemistry represents the path to Japan's resurgence over the last 20 years as the chemical industry in
Japan has grown to be largely Japanese economy. He also pointed out that the development of
environmentally friendly products is increasingly important and although the pursuit of wealth and
environmental conservation simultaneously is very difficult, but it is not impossible. He urged the public
to think of ways to limit the environmental impact while continuing to increase GDP. Teikeibun assists in
the process of liberating the students’ mind from ignorance and allowing their new knowledge of Green
Chemistry to be reflected and expressed frankly in a written form. The short lesson using Teikeibun
regarding Green Chemistry at the Centre for Foundation Studies in Science, University of Malaya has

been not only an important but also satisfying reflection on the importance of the topic Green Chemistry
for everyone.

Figure 3. This section of the Teikeibun shows the students’ frank reflection regarding Green

Can the Teikeibun exercise on Green Chemistry be part of inquiry-based learning for science? Inquiry-
based science (Gibson and Chase, 2002) aims at stimulating greater interest in science and scientific
careers. It adopts an investigative approach to teaching and learning where students will investigate a
problem, search for possible solutions, make observations, ask questions, test out ideas, and think
creatively and use their intuition. In this sense, inquiry-based science involves students doing science
where they have opportunities to explore possible solutions, develop explanations for the phenomena
under investigation, elaborate on concepts and processes, and evaluate or assess their understandings in
the light of available evidence. This approach will challenge students’ current conceptual understandings.
Several other ways which could assist the inquiry-based science are: schools should be given greater
autonomy in choosing textbooks and in implementing the science curriculum and also STEM teachers
should have access to continuous professional development on delivery methods to encourage inquiry

What about inquiry-based teaching? Would inquiry-based teaching be more appropriate for STEM
education? Sachiko Tosa (2011) examined similarities and differences in how the USA and Japanese
middle-school science teachers teach science through inquiry by measuring how much cognitive scaffolds
that teachers provided in order to help students construct conceptual understanding. Tosa observed that
little inquiry-based teaching was observed in either of the countries for different reasons: scientific
concepts under the classroom discussion were not clearly identified in many of the USA lessons, whereas
Japanese lessons often exhibited lack of teachers' support for students in constructing their own
understanding of scientific concepts. The study also indicated that majority (79%) of teachers in the 2
countries thought that inquiry-based teaching includes student own explorations of scientific concepts.
According to Tosa, the findings imply the importance of student self-directedness in inquiry-based
teaching might be acting as an obstacle for increasing inquiry-based teaching both in the United States
and Japan. Teachers can gauge the success of their teaching through students' level of engagement with

the topic and each other, the scientific language they use to communicate their ideas, and the quality of
the work they produce. What types of comments will students make when they have enjoyed participating
in science investigations? Inquiry-based science challenges students' thinking by engaging them in
investigating scientifically orientated questions where they learn to give priority to evidence, evaluate
explanations in the light of alternative explanations and learn to communicate and justify their decisions.
These are dispositions needed to promote and justify their decisions. However, there are still many
challenges. Can the new teaching and learning will focus on developing our students’ higher order
thinking skills, allow project-based system and use ICT based games to make the subjects fun? Are
teachers and students prepared to create interest simulations and role play apart from the normal
experiments and group discussions?

Chemistry is a very important science field and is often known as a central science as it transcends most
fields of science and technology. The mastery of the concept of chemistry requires an understanding of
macroscopic, sub-microscopic and symbolic levels. Students who have been adhering to the subjects need
to master the knowledge of chemistry in order to master the S & T knowledge and subsequently generate
S & T innovations as needed to meet the 4IR. There should be variations and changes in chemistry
learning for example digital game-based learning (Prensky, 2001) which will also attract and motivate
students. Digital games are the preferred medium of current students. This digital learning can be
implemented through two learning approaches namely learning through digital gaming or designing
digital games. These approaches may be more applicable in order to prepare students for the 4IR era.
However, there may be obstacles and challenges for the process as the need for the proper and complete
content of a chemical experiment. Not many studies have been made regarding the Japanese science
students approach to digital game-based learning in Japan. Bolliger et al (2015) reported that out of 226
Japanese college students’ survey results toward the use of digital games in English language learning,
most students viewed the potential integration and utilization of digital games as positive. However some
students expressed concern that the use of games may not be an effective or efficient method of learning.

Part of the motivation for the advancement of science and technology in Japan is due to the constant
natural disasters or hazards in Japan including the Higashi Nippon Giga earthquake, the tsunami and the
Fukushima nuclear plant explosion. All this disasters and hazards require a strong reexamination of the
Japanese education frameworks. Kitagawa (2014) observed that although disaster education has always
been delivered at school since the post-war Japan era, its curriculum has changed over the years from the
scientific knowledge model to the civic participation model. There is also a change towards multi-hazard
model to the daily life model to suit the current economic, political and social context. There is a need to
develop a culture of “everyday preparedness” (seikatsu bosai) which is extended beyond the framework
of School Safety and therefore the scientific knowledge of disasters and life skills need to be enhanced
(Kitagawa, 2014). STEM education could provide some of the essential teaching materials and training
for the teachers and students.


By improving the learning and teaching process of science and mathematics related subjects to get more
students to enroll into science streams. Governmental plans such as the Malaysia Education Blueprint
which aims to address the weaknesses through various measures should assist to revamp the way science
and mathematics are taught in schools. STEM education should be more than just an acronym for
science, technology, engineering and mathematics because it is a philosophy when added with arts.
Teikeibun exercise regarding Green Chemistry topic is an approach and a way of thinking for students to
help them integrate knowledge of the Green Chemistry together with the actual reflection regarding the
subject and encourage them to increase their awareness regarding a safe environment for the future.
Although there has been an increase in STEM education promotion in Malaysia especially with the

formation of STEM National Movement Malaysia, many Malaysian students are still not exposed to
STEM activities. STEM education activities organized by the movement which include regular and
scheduled events such as meetings between academics, NGOs and the community as well as science fairs
across Malaysia must be increased and there must be a concerted effort to document STEM education
issues. Several of the STEM education activities are progressing towards STEAM in Malaysia. It remains
to be seen whether the current STEM movement can reach the target of 60:40 science:non-science. These
STEM activities are in line with the activities conducted by the ECoS members. Malaysia has much to
learn from other countries regarding STEM education. Apart from the common cause of improving the
country’s standing in PISA and TIMMS, we need to realize that the emphasis of STEM education may
differ from one country to another. It is hoped that the Malaysian education system through STEM
education will attract more students to enroll in science courses to meet the daily challenges as well as
those of 4IR.


The support from the University of Malaya and Grant-in-Aid Scientific Research (B) are highly


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