Retrofit: Should You Retrofit or Rebuild?

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Chapter 6

Should You Retrofit
or Rebuild?
It is usually true that if you have

L og construction makes good

economic sense in areas where
there are local trees to cut and use.
a log house that isn't rotting into the
ground, it is probably worth retro-
fitting. This is especially true in
So does making the effort to rescue remote communities of Alaska
and rehabilitate our existing log where shipping costs and heating
structures since the cost to erect fuel prices are very high.
them has already been spent. Log building restoration
We call this cost “embodied projects may also be for historical or
energy.” Embodied energy is all the aesthetic reasons and not just for
manufacturing, shipping, and labor energy efficiency. Very old buildings
to build our homes the first time. may need many improvements to
extend their life to reach their
What is Payback? predicted payback time.
Payback is all the money, work, and
fuel that you save if you retrofit
your house to become energy

Retrofit Checklist
The following checklist is meant to guide you through the assessment process and to focus
your efforts on areas needing improvement. Details on how to do some of the work follow.

Foundation and Floor Assessment

❏ Is foundation above the flood plain? Raise foundation elevation above high water mark.

❏ Is the floor level? Jack and level on existing foundation.

❏ Are foundation supports in good condition? Repair or replace pads/joists/plywood as


❏ Is foundation protected from moisture or wet soils? Raise floor joists at least 8 inches
above ground—12 inches is even better. Install a capillary break between floor and

❏ Is the floor airtight without cracks and holes through the floor? Observe insulation
installation at perimeter of floor below exterior walls and ensure the cavities are tight and
full to minimize edge air intrusion. Air-seal at all floor penetrations, cracks, and perimeter

rim joists. Where space does not allow for working from below,
airtight insulated skirting may be applied to the exterior of the rim
joist area. Keeping the floor perimeter air tight is the key to
comfortable and efficient floors. Do not interfere with the free flow
of air under the house if it is built on permafrost.

❏ Does the floor insulation level meet the BEES R-value for the
region (see Appendix A)? Add fiberglass or cellulose insulation
between floor joists if space allows. Add rigid insulation to top of
old floor with new plywood above where space does not allow
placing fiberglass or cellulose in joist cavities.

❏ Is the insulation between the floor joists protected from critters?

Sheath the bottom of the floor joists with plywood to support and
protect insulation.

Log Wall Assessment

❏ Does air leak in between the sill log and the floor? Caulk and seal
the perimeter sill log to the floor membrane inside the house.

❏ Does the floor protrude beyond the sill logs outside of the
building? If so, this shelf area can allow moisture from rain and
snow to enter the structure. Use a wedge of wood cut from 2-by-4
or 4x4 to fill this area and caulk the top and bottom to the sill log
and floor or use metal flashing to protect the shelf from weather.

❏ Are the logs of sufficient size to provide adequate insulation for

the region? Select a design for increasing wall R-value. Apply wall
insulation and furring to the interior or exterior.

❏ Are joints between the logs tightly sealed and chinked against air
leakage? Apply appropriate Weatherall/Perma-Chink type
material to joints.

❏ Are the logs in good shape around window and door penetrations?
Test logs with a probe to determine their condition. Replace or
treat wood at penetrations to prevent further deterioration.

❏ Does air leak around windows and doors? Remove trim and
inspect the gap between the rough opening and frame. Remove
fiberglass chinking and install backer rod and fill cavity with
minimally expanding foam if settling is over (older buildings). Air
seal the perimeter of windows and doors between the frame and
the rough opening.

❏ Are log wall corner joints tight and sealed against air leakage? Test
log ends with probe and treat to prevent further deterioration. Air
seal as necessary with caulks or chinking.

❏ Are the upper gable end wall purlin and ridge penetrations sound
and air tight? Use a probe to ensure wood condition is adequate

for supporting the roof. Apply air sealing measures to penetrations
and purlin and ridge pole ends. Treat logs in these areas as needed
to prevent further wood deterioration.

Roof and Ceiling Assessment

❏ Does the roof overhang protect the log walls from rain? Extend the
overhang at eaves to move drip line away from walls and corners.
Install gutters and direct runoff away from the foundation area.

❏ Does the top log to ceiling/roof joint show signs of leaking or

staining? Apply air sealing measures to eliminate leakage. Add
insulation as needed to improve thermal properties at this
connection. Use a probe to ensure wood condition is adequate for
supporting the roof.

❏ Does the roof show signs of water staining or dry rot? Inspect and
probe the wood around chimneys and light (electrical)
penetrations. Inspect areas around interior wall connections with
ceilings. If the house has a cold roof, turn over insulation batts to
locate air leaking from below. These leaks will show as dark and
dirty areas in fiberglass batts. Seal air leaks from the attic side
using acoustical sealant and poly patches. Seal air leaks in hot roofs
from the interior using appropriate sealants if no major exterior
roof replacement is planned. Treat chimney penetrations with
utmost care and concern for fire potential. Replace or reinforce all
roof supports that show signs of rot or deterioration. Add
insulation to cold roofs only after all other work has been
completed. Maintaining an airtight roof and ceiling is critical to the
success of any project.

❏ Does the roof exterior show signs of potential leak areas or weather
damage? Replace or repair shingles and metal as needed to prevent
water entry. Replace or repair the flashing around penetrations in
roofing. Install eave flashing to “kick” water away from facia

❏ Does the roof cover all log ends? Cut off all log ends that extend
beyond the drip line of the roof.

❏ Finish interior and exterior of logs as recommended in Chapter 7.

❏ Remember, use all resources available to you to make your

decisions regarding log retrofits. The AHFC Resource and
Information Center has a library of information available at no
charge (1-800-478-4636). The University of Alaska Cooperative
Extension has an energy and building specialist on staff to answer
your questions (474-7201 or 1-800-478-8324). These and other
resources are listed at the end of Appendix D.

So What Shape is
Our House In?
Lower Log Condition

Check all lower logs for dry rot. The

lower logs of buildings in ground
contact will often be rotten beyond
use and must be replaced. This can
photo by Phil Loudon

be a daunting task that requires

digging, jacking, and sometimes
rebuilding the floor-to-wall connec-
tion as the bottom few logs are
A new roof in Arctic Village. This may seem difficult, but it
can help extend the life of a poorly
insulated, energy-wasteful building
40 or 50 more years and save energy
too. Where material and fuel trans-
portation costs are high, this diffi-
cult job will still pay back good

Looking for Rot Around

Log Penetrations

Where air leaks occur in buildings,

moisture will build up and cause
rot. Inspect all mechanical and
rough opening penetrations before
making any decision to retrofit an
photo by Phil Loudon

existing log house. Use an awl, ice-

pick, or a sharp knife point to probe
the wood around any opening in
the log walls. Where the wood is
rotten the probe will go in easily.
Areas of good wood will resist your
The lower logs of buildings in ground contact will often be rotten
beyond use and must be replaced. efforts.
Usually, the lower openings will
contain rot from outside moisture
while the upper penetrations will
rot from exposure to inside mois-
ture. Because windows may let
snow, rain, or ice collect on the
exterior sills, be sure to probe the
exterior logs in these areas.

If wood around a window
opening is rotten, there are two
common ways to fix it: Option one
is to make the rough opening
bigger if it is possible to cut out the
rot and make a surface for reinstall-
ing the window, and add foam
insulation to fill in the gap.
Option two is to remove and
replace the logs in the area of the
opening. This is more expensive
and so takes a longer time to pay
If two or more windows have
severe rot and logs need to be
removed, go back and look at the
project budget very closely. The This cabin was almost destroyed by rot.
building may not be worth retrofit-

Top Log Condition

The top log (cap log or plate log) is

an area where air leaks open up
over the years and moisture from
indoors starts wood rot. When the
temperature on the interior surface
of the log drops, moisture will
collect and possibly freeze on very
cold days. This wetting, freezing,
and drying cycle promotes rot.
Use the same probing method
to find rot in the logs and framing.
You should also check the joint
between the ceiling and the wall for The cabin was saved by cutting out all four log corners and
air tightness and insulation. installing large vertical log corner posts. A good solution to use
as much of the old building as possible. Note the trimmed roof
logs and shorter porch.

One way to fix the top wall log has a high compressive strength
to ceiling joint is by spraying that makes it suitable for such
several inches of a two-part ure- installations. The covering plywood
thane foam into the wedge formed may be 3/4" tongue and groove. Use
by the wall and ceiling (see illustra- a structural adhesive and apply it to
tion, page 81). Then add a vapor all plywood edges, including the
barrier (usually polyethylene tongue and groove, to construct an
sealed with an acoustical sealant), airtight floor membrane. Seal the
and finally cover it with a nice trim joint between the perimeter ply-
board. wood and the log wall with a
durable polyurethane caulk. Dry-
Let’s Start at the Bottom wall-type 3 1/2-inch screws are used
to fasten the plywood through the
If you have enough room, a popu-
foam, resulting in an additional
lar way to add insulation to the
R-10 insulation, an airtight floor,
floor is to cover the existing floor
and a new durable surface for the
with rigid foam, and cover this
finished flooring.
with plywood.
The negative associated with
In many projects we have used
this approach is that rigid foam
two-inch extruded foam (usually
insulation is a higher cost per
blue, pink, or green) for the insula-
R-value insulation than “soft”
tion overlay. This rigid insulation
insulations (fiberglass) and the

Some Problems to Look For

no insulation
at rim joist

air gap above rotten or collapsed critters have easy access to

insulation framing, causing floor damage insulation
to sag

This floor is accessible and has floor joists that are deep enough for the minimum
amount of insulation (see Chapter 3).

Observations from Arctic Village
Sometimes, people cut logs in the spring and summer and then build with them
in the fall. The logs may be only partially peeled or not peeled at all in some
cases. When they build a house with logs like this, large cracks will develop in
the logs after one year. First as the house is heated through the winter , the
cracks will appear on the inside, and then the following summer as the sun
heats the exterior, the cracks will appear on the outside. Eventually cold air will
be able to travel completely through the cracks into the house, making the
strucure very leaky .
Another problem that results is that the cracks and unpeeled areas will
catch rain and snow, which will eventually rot the logs. This will speed up the
process of failure of the bottom logs that are providing the foundation, which
in turn will help to destroy the rest of the building. Homes that are built in this
manner are falling apart much faster than they should.

(comments from local resident, collected by Mimi Burbage)

new flashing

bottom log
sealed against
air leaks with

new rigid foam

around the
outside of the

new fiberglass
installed tightly
new two-part up against the
foam sprayed floor, with no air
on the rim joist pockets new sheathing to keep
out animals

A large part of the decision to fix the old floor and reinsulate or build up the floor from the inside of the
house depends on whether you can even get under the house. It is usually more labor to go under the
house and fix the old insulation, but the materials can be cheaper.

plywood sealed
to bottom log tongue and groove
plywood caulked at rigid foam insulation fitted
all joints. tightly between new 2-by
lumber cut to make a level

gaps in a severely warped floor

filled with soft insulation

In spite of the insulation cost, it is less labor to install the insulation above the floor than work-
ing below the floor, framing additional cavities and making other labor-intensive modifications.

Seal the joint

between the
plywood and
the log and
between sheets
of plywood.

rigid foam

glue designed for Don't line up plywood

use with foam joints with foam joints.

Here is an example of adding rigid foam to the top of the floor without any additional framing.
Be sure to stagger the joints of the foam so they don’t line up with the joints in the plywood.

added floor thickness of 2 3/4 inches outside of the logs. This leaves the
makes adjustments to doorways massive logs on the inside of the
necessary. However, in spite of the thermal envelope and provides very
insulation cost, it is less labor to effective thermal storage. Once the
install the insulation above the logs are heated to room tempera-
floor than working below the floor, ture, it may take days without heat
framing additional cavities and for the logs inside the thermal
making other labor-intensive envelope to cool off, even in an
modifications. Alaskan winter.
An exterior retrofit of a log
Exterior Wall Retrofit house typically involves chain
sawing off the log extensions at all
The most energy-efficient way to
corners of the building. Do not
retrofit a log home is to attach an
compromise the structural integrity
insulated curtain wall on the


add a Tyvek or other brand

air/weather barrier between
the insulation and the siding
6-mil poly
vapor barrier


A three-sided log wall retrofitted with a

stand-off wall, a good continuous
vapor retarder, insulation, and siding.
You can also use a 2-by-4 wall with
6 inches of insulation packed to fill in
between uneven logs.

of the house by cutting off too off stud with a system of blocking
much. The objective should be to and plywood gussets attached to
remove any corner log ends that the logs on two-foot centers. First
stick out beyond the curtain wall to establish the corner stand-off studs
be attached. Remove any other plumb and at a distance from the
projections that would interfere log wall to accommodate the de-
with wrapping the exterior of the sired thickness of insulation. Use a
log walls with a continuous 6-mil string line pulled tight between the
poly vapor retarder. Pay particular corner studs to establish the align-
attention to sealing the vapor ment of all the rest of the studs.
retarder at the top and bottom and Sometimes the roof rafters can
at all window, door, and utility support a hanging curtain wall. If
penetrations. the house has not completely settled
Since log walls are irregular, it (8 to 10 years in a dry climate), then
will be necessary to fit each stand- be aware that the roof is still on its

Exterior Wall Retrofit vapor retarder

slot to
allow for

Tyvek or other
brand house wrap

two options
for stand-
off wall

6-mil siding

cover bottom to
keep critters out

way down and attach the studs and Interior retrofit on a log wall
the bottom plate in a manner that
2-by-4 stud 6-inch
will allow for settlement. fiberglass
It may be a good idea to wrap insulation
attach to log wall with
the insulated stand-off walls with a slots to allow settling
weather retarder house wrap such
as Tyvek or Barricade before install-
ing horizontal beveled or rough-cut
spruce siding. The bottom of the
wall should be covered with flash- Sheetrock
ing, plywood, or dimensioned vapor
lumber to keep little creatures out.
Interior Wall Retrofit l e c tric
h t e ation
As stated in the introduction, an tig tr
air ene
interior retrofit of a log home turns p
the logs into very heavy and expen-
sive siding, with all the thermal
mass on the outside of the thermal
envelope. Nevertheless, it is very Caulk vapor retarder
common to fur in, run electrical to subflooring
wiring, and insulate and vapor
barrier walls constructed of small-
diameter logs. This does indeed
improve the thermal performance Attaching an interior wall to a three-
of the wall, not only by increasing
the R-value but also by reducing
sided log exterior wall with a 2-by-6
the air leakage.
The interior retrofit also reduces
space and can make a small cabin 2-by-6 stud
into a really small cabin.
A simple way to add R-value to
the inside without a lot of fastening
problems is to use 2-by-4 studs and
plates on the inside of the exterior
walls. These should be installed
tight to the logs and plumbed.
Some shimming or shaving may be washer
necessary to achieve a fairly
straight wall, but this will depend
on the quality of the original con- slots
struction. vapor
After the wall is fastened in retarder
place, use 6-inch fiberglass insula-

caulk vapor retarder

to subflooring

tion and pack it into the stud cavi-
ties so that it fills the cracks be-
tween the logs and provides a good
friction fit. Even though the insula-
tion is compressed in some areas, it
old will still provide good insulating
Remove the old roof down to insulation qualities since it will fill the voids
the ceiling boards. If the ceiling adequately.
is still in good shape it can be
Install airtight electrical and
used again without removing.
This allows the building to be mechanical outlets before installing
occupied while the roof is being the air-vapor barrier.
Roof Retrofit
new vapor
retarder If the finished ceiling is still in good
shape but the roof is under-insu-
Saw off the remaining
overhanging ceiling
lated or needs a vapor retarder, you
boards. may consider cutting off the eaves
with a chain saw at the outside of
Wrap the house with a
continuous vapor retarder
the logs and running the new
(6-mil poly or better). Care exterior wall vapor barrier of
and craftsmanship are 6-mil poly up the wall and over the
stressed at this point to get old roof and down the other wall.
a good sealing balloon The gable-end wall vapor retarder
effect to keep in warm air.
should be caulked at the joint
air space between the log and the ceiling as
well as where the log meets the
floor at the bottom of the wall. Lap
over and seal the vapor retarder to
the other sheets of poly at the four
Place this exterior 6-mil polyeth-
ylene wrap on the warm side of the
Add an exterior wall with a thermal envelope. Whether in the
vapor retarder and insula- wall or roof system, at least two
tion. Observe the 1/3–2/3 rule thirds of the R-value must be on the
(see opposite page). cold side of the vapor retarder to
keep the humidity in the air warm
enough so it doesn’t condense into
liquid water inside the wall or roof.
Build up a new roof on top of the
vapor old, taking care to protect the vapor
retarder during construction.

Hot Roof Retrofit
Hot roofs are typical in log build-
ings with traditional purlin and
If you put a new air barrier on
top of the existing roof, and more
insulation and roofing above it,
then the building science one-

At least two
thirds or more of
ridge pole exposed ceilings. Here thirds/two-thirds rule must be the R-value must
the insulation is installed between rigidly adhered to. This rule helps be on the cold
the roof rafters. By definition, the you locate the air/vapor retarder in
instances where the barrier might
side of the vapor
hot roof does not provide ventila-
tion. It usually has no access for be placed between two insulation retarder. In the
installing additional insulation. layers. If there is an air gap over the far north, at least
Ventilated hot roofs are being old insulation, pack the area above three quarters
constructed on newer log build- the outside walls to maintain a
ings, however, this is a recent continuous blanket of insulation on should be on the
development and it is rare to find all six sides of the house: four walls, cold side.
such designs in older log cabins
and houses.
You must first determine which
surface to add the insulation to,
floor, and roof.

inside or outside. If the roof con-
sists of leaky shingles and rotten
plywood, the obvious area to
modify would be the outside. Strip
off the shingles, install a vapor
retarder, put insulation on the
outside of the vapor retarder, and
reinstall roofing.
The inside is a better approach
because it is easier to get an airtight

photo by Phil Loudon

installation. Framing additional
ceiling surface supports and insu-
lating between the top log and
purlin and between the purlin and
ridge pole have proven successful,
although this covers most of the log An interior retrofit of a ceiling in progress; note new electrical
ceiling and may not appeal to some wires being installed.
It is most important to locate
the surface that will serve as the air
barrier or vapor retarder if you put
more insulation on the outside of a
hot roof. If it will be the interior
surface, great care must be taken to
make it truly airtight, because if air
leaks into the roof, the moisture
carried in the air will damage the


Water vapor in
the air gets
cooler as it
What’s a Dewpoint ?
The dewpoint is the temperature at
which moisture condenses from vapor
Cold Roof Retrofit
We typically call a truss roof a cold
roof because the space above the
into water. Water vapor in the air in insulation is ventilated to the
moves out the house gets cooler as it moves out outside. While not always venti-
through the wall and roof, and at
through the wall some point it condenses. If this temp-
lated, this attic space is designed to
and roof. If it erature is inside the wall of the house, be significantly colder than a hot
it will cause rot. This is why at least roof, where ventilation space is
condenses inside two-thirds of the R-value of your minimal or nonexistent. The cold
the wall of the insulation must be outside of the roof can receive more insulation
vapor retarder. In the far north at
house, it will least three quarters should be on the since space is usually available.
cold side. Before putting more insulation
cause rot.

” dew point
vapor retarder
in the attic, seal all ceiling and attic
penetrations to prevent any air
leakage from carrying moisture into
the attic space. This is usually done
from the attic (top) side by finding
each leak and applying a heavy
bead of acoustical sealant around
the penetration and embedding a
patch of polyethylene into the
sealant. Tape this patch in place so it
won’t move around. Do this to all
penetrations and breaks in the air/
vapor barrier, including partition
walls. This is not the place to skimp
or save on acoustical sealant.
vapor retarder stops After all air sealing has been
moisture-laden air from done, you should measure the
entering wall space distance between the outside edge
of the wall and the underside of the
roof plywood or metal. If room
dew point exists for meeting the minimum
temperature recommended BEES insulation,
then proceed with putting new
insulation in place. However, most
older roofs don’t have enough space
to allow for high levels of insulation
over the wall. Use a rigid insulation
that has a high R-value per inch
such as foamboard where space is
tight. Cutting the rigid material to

moisture-laden air
condenses inside wall,
causing damage

fit tightly into the cavity is impor- tion temperature occurs. It will
tant! By placing three layers of two- ignite and burn easily at much
inch polyisocyanurate rigid foam lower temperatures.
insulation (R-48), you can come Maintaining a good air gap
closer to meeting the minimum around the insulated pipe above the
recommended BEES standards than ceiling is also necessary, and more is
would be possible using soft insula- better here. If the attic contains lots
tions (fiberglass) in this tight space of insulation, you should extend the
over the wall. insulation dam (a sheet-metal
cylinder around the chimney) to
Chimney and Flue prevent insulation from getting into
Penetrations the air gap surrounding the chim-
ney. The dam should always be left
This is an area of frequent failure in open at the top to allow air currents
all types of roofing. There are two to cool the space between the dam
potential problems: chimneys and chimney. Always follow the
located too close to wood are a fire manufacturer’s instructions. Just
hazard, and leaks can develop in following codes and regulations
the roof around chimney penetra- may not be enough to prevent the
tions, leading to rot. wood framing from turning into
Research has shown that where fuel.
heating appliances are near wood, a Chimneys typically found in
significant drop in the wood igni- older buildings must be improved

air space above sub-standard truss

fiberglass insulation

rigid foam
2x4 nailer

vapor retarder
ceiling boards
trim board retarder
vapor retarder batt or
plate log blown-in
two-part foam insulation

stack rigid insulation

rigid foam in truss-style roof with attic

One way to fix the joint between the

top wall log and the ceiling is by
spraying several inches of a two-part
urethane foam into the wedge formed
by the wall and ceiling. Then add a
vapor barrier (usually polyethylene
sealed with an acoustical sealant), and
finally cover it with a nice trim board.

to prevent moisture from entering Note that different caulks and
framing members in the roof and sealants are used to provide for a
ceiling. Therefore, care must be complete and airtight seal around
taken to eliminate all air leakage the chimney and to the surrounding
around chimneys. See the illustra- drywall. Use a high-temperature
tions for examples of how to do this heat rated RTV silicone caulk for
safely. air-sealing the trim ring to the
insulated chimney.

This stove pipe and chimney are This is an example of a proper installa-
overdue for a good safety upgrade tion of a chimney and stove pipe.
and retrofit.

insulated at least metal insulated at least
chimney 2" air space chimney 2" air space

to metal to metal
insulation insulation
dam 18" 18"

acoustic sealant


trim collar acoustic sealant
Sheetrock trim collar
metal insulated high-temperature metal insulated
chimney RTV silicone chimney
sheet metal slip joint per
flashing manufacturer’s
single-wall pipe to
single-wall pipe to
high-temperature heater (typical)
heater (typical)
RTV silicone

Attic side air seal (typical on new construction) Interior side air seal (typical on retrofit)


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