A Comprehensive Guide To Underfloor Insulation 2021
A Comprehensive Guide To Underfloor Insulation 2021
A Comprehensive Guide To Underfloor Insulation 2021
Home insulation DIY projects often focus on exterior walls, ceilings, and other parts of the house, but one part of the house
that can easily get overlooked in insulation projects is the flooring.
When looking to insulate your home to make it more comfortable and economical year-round, while also adding value to the
property, it pays not to overlook underfloor insulation and to address how the space under your floors is affecting the comfort
of your home.
In this comprehensive guide, we will cover all you need to know about underfloor insulation. This guide will explain what it is,
how it works and why it’s effective, as well as the most popular types of underfloor insulation in Australia, how to install it, how
it adds long-term value to your home, and where you can buy it. We will also discuss what type of homes would benefit the
most from having underfloor insulation.
As effective as underfloor insulation is, it’s important to note that underfloor insulation is not always required. It all depends on the age of
your home, the specific flooring conditions of your home and, to a lesser extent, where your home is located.
So it’s worth first determining if your flooring is eligible for underfloor insulation before investing your time and money into it. If you know
the flooring materials and method used in constructing your home, then you should know whether or not your home is a candidate for
underfloor insulation. If you’re not quite sure, it might pay to consult a professional underfloor insulation expert.
One such example is expanded polystyrene foam While some underfloor insulation products require professional
panel products. Installing this type of underfloor installation, on the whole underfloor insulation doesn’t typically
insulation product is simply a matter of: require an extensive or overly strenuous installation process,
which makes it a favourable option for DIY enthusiasts. If you’re
• Measuring the distance between your joists.
planning in installing your new underfloor insulation as a DIY
• Cutting the panel to size if required. project, it’s worth choosing a product that is non-toxic, such as
• Sliding the panel between the joists and pushing it so it’s rigid expanded polystyrene boards. They do not release small
nestled flush with the floorboards to ensure there are no air fragments that can get trapped in airways, and they do not irritate
gaps. the skin.
The cost of your underfloor insulation will depend on the following variables:
• The size of the floor area you wish to • The type of material and R-value you • Whether you will require labour to
insulate. choose for your underfloor insulation. install or whether you do this yourself.
Some underfloor insulation providers have an insulation calculator on their website that can help you determine the materials cost for
your underfloor insulation project.
Where to buy Underfloor insulation products can be found at most hardware stores, such as
Bunnings, Home Timber & Hardware, and Mitre 10. In some cases, underfloor
underfloor insulation? insulation can also be ordered direct from the supplier.
Where to buy
Underfloor insulation products can
be found at most hardware stores,
such as Bunnings, Home Timber
& Hardware, and Mitre 10. In some
cases, underfloor insulation can also
be ordered direct from the supplier.
Trusted for more than 20 years, Expol Underfloor Insulation is the ideal rigid board for insulating
under timber floors. It is easy to install, available in four convenient joist widths (560mm, 470mm,
410mm, 360mm), and a popular option for DIY underfloor insulation projects.
For more information and tips on underfloor insulation, visit expolinsulation.com.au. To discuss your
underfloor insulation project call the experts 1300 AU FOAM or email [email protected]