Science Olympiad Syllabus 23
Science Olympiad Syllabus 23
Science Olympiad Syllabus 23
Course Description
The Science Olympiad Elective is a class that provides students with the opportunity to participate in
science investigations beyond what they experience in their core science class. Class curriculum is based
on National Science Olympiad competition events covering a broad range of science topics. Class time
will be spent developing in-depth knowledge of various science subjects in preparation for Science
Olympiad Competitions. Students enrolled in the class will have an opportunity to try out for the Madrona
Science Olympiad Competition Team. While participating in the competitions is not a requirement of the
class, all class members are expected to support and assist in competition preparation during class time.
In addition to preparing for Science Olympiad Competitions, students enrolled in the Science Olympiad
elective will do other science and engineering related activities after the competition season. For example,
students may have the opportunity to create and run sessions during our school’s annual Family STEM
or Family Academic Night.
Students in the Science Olympiad Elective will have the opportunity to try out for Madrona’s Science
Olympiad Competition Team. This is an optional component to the Science Olympiad Elective and no
students will be penalized if they are not interested, unable, or not selected for the Competition Team.
Science Olympiad Competitions consist of teams participating in 23 different events. These events cut
across a variety of scientific disciplines and may test students on science concepts and knowledge (typically
written tests), science processes and thinking skills (typically lab based events), and science application and
technology (typically building events).
Science Olympiad Teams are limited to 15 students. The Madrona Science Olympiad Competition Team
will be selected from students enrolled in the Science Olympiad Elective Class. Selection for the
competition team will be based on factors such as try-out test performance, availability all day on
competition dates, and citizenship. Students who are selected for the competition team will be expected
to participate in more than one event and must be able to collaborate well with a partner as students will
be competing in teams of 2 or 3. Students who are selected to be on the team must be fully committed
and willing to spend additional time outside of class to prepare for their events. Alternates will be selected
and may participate in the competition in the event that a Competition Team Member is unable to attend.
Exemplary behavior and dedication is expected from students who are chosen to represent Madrona
Middle School at Science Olympiad Competitions and students who do not conduct themselves to these
standards risk being ineligible for the team or removed from the team.
We are aiming to have our Science Olympiad Competition Team participate in an Invitational and
Regional tournament. Teams that perform well at the Regional tournament are invited to attend the State
tournament. Tournament information, including dates and format have not yet been announced.
Regardless of the format, tournaments are held on Saturdays and are typically all-day events. Competition
Team members are expected to attend the entire event and will need transportation to and from the event.
More information about the Science Olympiad competition can be found at on the National website
( and the Southern California State website (
Topics and Events
The 23 events scheduled for the national 2023-2024 Science Olympiad Competition are listed below.
Please note that some events may be altered or substituted at the regional level.
Life, Personal, Physical Technology Inquiry and
Topics Earth and
and Social Science and and Nature of
➔ Space Science
Science Chemistry Engineering Science
Anatomy &
Dynamic Planet Air Trajectory Flight Codebusters
Disease Can’t Judge a Experimental
There is no official textbook for this class. Students will be given copies of Science Olympiad event rules
and guidelines. Supplemental materials will be heavily utilized to help students build and increase their
knowledge of assorted science concepts.
Students should bring their Chromebooks to school daily in order to utilize online resources. The
following materials may also be helpful when preparing for Science Olympiad Events:
▪ Printed Study Materials/Event 3-Ring Binders
▪ Highlighters, Sheet Protectors, Index Cards, Post-it Notes, Post-it Flags
Policies and Expectations
The following scale will be used for grading. Quarterly Grades will be based on in-class
Academic Effort Citizenship event preparation, tests/quizzes, projects,
A 90-100% 5 Outstanding E Excellent*
presentations, and classwork/homework.
Grades are not rounded.
B 80-89.9% 4 Satisfactory S Satisfactory
C 70-79.9% 3 Fair N Needs Improvement Grades are updated online in PowerSchool
D 60-69.9% 2 More Effort Needed U Unsatisfactory periodically. Students are highly encouraged to
F 0-59.9% 1 No Effort Evident monitor their grades and contact me with any
* To earn an “E” in citizenship, students must participate regularly in class questions or concerns.
discussions and contribute positively to the classroom environment.
Any student who is not in class and ready to work by the class start time will be marked tardy. Students who
are tardy will be subject to the tardy policies outlined in the Student Handbook.
Late Work
The nature of the Science Olympiad class is extremely time sensitive with set deadlines including
competition dates. No late assignments will be accepted without permission from the teacher. If
students are missing assignments, they should talk to the teacher to determine if the assignment can still
be submitted. Please note that assignments turned in late will have points deducted (up to 25%) as a late
Group Work
Science Olympiad values collaboration. Many projects and assignments will be done as groups and
students are expected to fully participate with their group mates. Students need to be just as respectful
when sharing and hearing ideas or questions in groups as they are expected to be any other time in class.
Depending on the particular project or activity, students will be assigned an individual grade for their
contributions in a group, a group grade, or a combination of both.
Chromebooks: Students should bring their Chromebooks to class daily. Chromebooks should be
charged every night so that they can be brought to school fully charged. Students are responsible for
keeping their Chromebooks safe. Students using Chromebooks inappropriately will be subject to
Madrona’s school-wide discipline policy.
Cell Phone Use: Cell phones should be turned off and put away out of sight unless otherwise
instructed by the teacher. Students bringing their cell phones to class are responsible for keeping their
own devices safe. Students using devices inappropriately will be subject to Madrona’s school-wide
discipline policy.
Computer/Internet Access: Students will have class materials and assignments that require
computer/internet access. If computer or internet access becomes an issue, students should contact me
right away so that we can find a solution.
Class Website and Online Gradebook: Many class materials and assignments as well as reminders can
be found on Schoology. Students should check Schoology and their email daily to stay informed about
the class. Current grades can be viewed online via PowerSchool. Login information for the online
gradebook is provided by the school and questions regarding access should be directed to the front
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to do their OWN work at ALL times. ALL acts of academic dishonesty including (but not
limited to) plagiarism, copying answers from friends, classmates, or the internet, allowing friends or
classmates to copy off of you, cheating, or sharing or discussing answers during tests/quizzes is never
acceptable and will result in an automatic zero on the assignment in question, no exceptions! Academic
dishonesty on homework or classwork may result in an “N” in citizenship for the first offense for all parties
involved. Subsequent offenses or academic dishonesty on a test, quiz, project, or similar will also result in an
automatic “U” in citizenship. In addition, the incident will be referred to the administration for potential
further disciplinary action. Please talk to your teacher if you are struggling with an assignment and are
tempted to cheat so that an acceptable solution can be found.
Inappropriate behavior will result in disciplinary action including (but not limited to) warning, conferences,
parent notifications, detention, and office referrals. Additional measures will be taken if problems persist.
Severe infractions will result in an immediate office referral. Citizenship grades will be negatively impacted
by inappropriate behavior.
The teacher reserves the right to make changes, additions, and deletions to the syllabus during the course of the year.
Science Olympiad
Syllabus Signature Page
Parents - Please feel free to tell me any extra information about your child that you would like to share: