Philadelphia Trumpet Magazine
Philadelphia Trumpet Magazine
Philadelphia Trumpet Magazine
a Special
report on
of Music china
December 2010
The Philadelphia
contents December 2010 Vol. 21, No. 10 Circ. 295,382
4 23
28 18 32
Departments science WORLD
11 from the editor 21 The Perfect Ecosystem 211 On the Edge of Tyranny
Pope Meets the
Queen—Insight 1
specia l report china
Into Man’s
Magnificent WORLD 181 Where Did Music Come From?
Future! 41 This Means War
Where global trade disputes are leading—
141 worldwatch and how they will upend your life
231 Practice Happy
321 principles of living 81 Why Chinese Miners Are Smiling
Ending the War 101 Map: Conquering the World News of the work
on Poverty One Contract at a Time
101 Reach Out to Your Neighbors
281 T he Magnificent New
341 letters Armstrong Auditorium
121 The Silk Superhighway
351 commentary
Thy Kingdom
241 Is China in the Bible?
361 television Log
The Key of David
diligent work of those involved, it didn’t
ecosystem—would it work? by Michael Dattolo quite work right.
It was meant to be completely sealed
n 1991, eight people volun- cliff. Peering off the cliff, we watched gen- for two years. Sixteen months in, how-
tarily sealed themselves in- tle waves roll across a million-gallon ocean, ever, the biospherians were losing too
side a three-acre collection of complete with an ecosystem of fish and much oxygen. The balance of plant life
domes for two years, cutting coral. We learned that the fish there are not had not been correct, and carbon in the
off air, water and food from fed—they feed off each other, as in the wild. atmosphere was rising to dangerous levels.
the outside world. From the savanna, we passed through Though the cause was eventually discov-
The volunteers planned two sets of plastic curtains and instantly ered, there was no way to reverse it. The
to receive everything they began sweating. We had entered a des- team either had to pump in extra oxygen
needed to survive from inside ert, as brown and hot as the savanna was from outside, or end the experiment. They
the glass domes, collectively called Bio- green and cool. Here, the biospherians pumped in the oxygen.
sphere 2. They grew fruits and vegetables had studied the effects of drought. Other unforeseen complications arose.
and raised goats and chickens for food. From the scorching desert, we passed Food was more difficult to grow than ex-
They recycled every drop of water they through two more sets of curtains and pected, and after one year the biospheri-
used—condensing water from the air and encountered a heavy mist we could barely ans had lost 10 to 18 percent of their body
reusing waste water for see through. We had en- weight. Eventually, extra food had to be im-
the plants. They didn’t tered the oxygen factory, ported. Partly because of these problems,
want to take oxygen brave new WORLD the rainforest. Trees and the scientific community wouldn’t take the
from the outside world, Clockwise from top: The savan- vines grew to the top of project seriously. Shortly after the first ex-
so Biosphere 2 was to- na biome sits atop a three-story the 60-foot ceiling. periment ended in 1993, funding dried up,
tally sealed. It was more cliff overlooking a million-gallon We t hen headed and Biosphere 2 was put up for sale.
airtight than the space ocean; dense mist fills the downstairs into what As we concluded our tour, our guide
shuttle. In order to keep rainforest biome; Biosphere 2 was called the techno- remarked on the abundance of machinery
the air inside oxygen- includes multiple biome struc- sphere. To support the in the basement necessary to sustain life
ated, plants grew every- tures and living quarters; a path three acres of land inside in the biomes. “It just makes you realize,”
where, especially in the winds through the desert biome. Biosphere 2 above, there he said, “how much we take for granted
rainforest area; the abun- were over two acres of what Mother Nature has provided for us
dant plant life soaked up carbon dioxide. supporting machines in the basement. here on Earth.”
It was an experiment unprecedented in The technosphere distinctly contrasted Mother Nature. I laughed to myself at
scope and ingenious in design. It was ex- the natural beauty of the biomes above. that.
pensive too—construction alone cost over Here, stiff concrete walls surrounded us. Biosphere 2 represents the pinnacle
$150 million. No one had attempted to cre- Massive mechanical water pumps circu- of human achievement in creating a life-
ate a complete, separate ecosystem like this lated and treated water. Giant fans pushed sustaining ecosystem. Hundreds of bril-
before. Like Earth, which draws energy air through the corridors and up above. liant minds—scientists, engineers, build-
from the sun, the only thing Biosphere 2 There was even a 158-foot-diameter ers—considered and discussed thousands
would draw in from outside was power. circular room called the lung. At the top of technical details needed to sustain life.
In September 1991, the eight inhabit- of the lung was a massive metal sphere, The biospherians were extremely careful
ants (“biospherians”) began the first of affixed to the walls by a flexible rubber to care for their environment, avoiding all
what was to be 50 two-year missions. sheet. At night, when Biosphere 2 was chemicals and pollutants (nothing from
cool, the metal hung only a few feet above perfume to chemical fertilizers was al-
And Through Here, the Desert Room the floor. Then, as the sun rose and the air lowed in). And still, Biosphere 2 couldn’t
Located just north of Tucson, Arizona, inside the biomes heated and expanded, quite sustain life on its own.
Biosphere 2 looks like a giant greenhouse. the pressure would push the metal sphere Yet here we live on Biosphere 1—
It is now open to visitors, and I took a guid- up. It was awesome and frightening to Earth—which functions flawlessly, de-
ed tour there in September. No one lives in stand under the 16-ton metal sphere that spite man’s lack of care in its stewardship.
it now—but I saw the trees the biospheri- was suspended only by air pressure. With- Could this remarkable life-supporting
ans had planted as saplings 20 years ago, out this lung, the pressure changes inside planet have happened by accident?
and learned the story of the experiment’s Biosphere 2 would have caused the glass I left Biosphere 2 with, more than any-
thrilling conception and painful demise. structure to explode. thing, wonder and gratitude for the re-
Walking through the Biosphere is like markable intelligence of the Being who
walking into new worlds again and again. Impressive, But … conceived, planned and built the remark-
Stepping through the living quarters, we No doubt, Biosphere 2 was an incredible able ecosystem we live on, draw breath
entered the first “biome,” a lush savanna achievement. But for all the brilliance of from, and survive in without thought ev-
that flourished atop a steep, three-story the design, for all the money poured into ery day—Planet Earth. n
Aspersions at the English language Wikipedia, trumpet photos The Philadelphia Trumpet December 2010 3
Where global trade disputes are leading—and how they
War Perhaps the most significant fact, es-
pecially for Americans, is the enormous
will upend your life By Brad Macdonald and Robert Morley leverage China has over the U.S. econo-
my—and the fact that China’s leaders ap-
s China waging war on the platitudes and promises, and look square- pear ready to use it as a weapon!
United States? Many would say ly at the incontrovertible facts. If we look at the facts, it’s hard to deny
the notion that Beijing is actively Among those facts are China’s un- that the United States and China—even
trying to topple the U.S. is pre- scrupulous land grabs in Australia, New now— are at war!
posterous. But is it? Zealand and across the continents of Af- Presently, it is a financial war. More-
Sun Tzu, the fifth-century rica and South America. The fervor with over, the globalized nature of our world
Chinese military general, taught which it seeks to gratify its insatiable ap- means this trade and currency war is not
that “all war is based on decep- petite for raw materials. Its near monopoly confined to just these two economies. In
tion.” What if China has managed over vital and strategic rare earth miner- fact, the increasingly radical actions of
to blind America to its true motive? The als. Its aggressive, unrelenting acquisition these two behemoths have set off global
thing about deception is that the deceived of foreign companies and businesses. Its trade and currency wars—wars that his-
have no clue they have been deceived. insidious relationships with anti-Amer- tory and Bible prophecy say precede a tu-
Is it even possible to discern China’s ican, anti-democratic states and tyrants. multuous and terrifying future.
true ambitions? The brash confidence with which its lead-
It is. First, we must look past the politi- ers operate in international relations. Its Race to the Bottom
cally correct words being uttered by poli- striking military aggrandizement and Around the world, national economies, es-
ticians on both sides. We must see beyond growing appetite for military provocation. pecially those of industrialized states, con-
debt-laden national economies. tured in the U.S. remain uncompetitive.
This is precisely what experts fear is How bad are the consequences? So bad
now happening. that the White House—hardly a confron-
In September, Brazil’s Finance Minister tational administration—now appears
Guido Mantega declared that “we’re in the willing to confront Beijing on the issue.
midst of an international
currency war.” Billionaire
investor and financial guru
George Soros agrees. “I
share the growing concern
about the misalignment of
currencies,” he wrote in the
Financial Times. “Brazil’s
finance minister speaks of
a latent currency war, and watch 2011
he is not far off the mark” The IMF’s Dominique
(October 7; emphasis ours Strauss-Kahn warns
throughout). of currency wars.
Dominique Strauss-
Kahn, the head of the In-
ternational Monetary Fund
(imf), warned that in gov-
“Currencies can be used as
ernments the world over
the idea is beginning to
a policy weapon.”
tinue to suffer the aftershocks of the global “circulate that currencies can be used as a In October, for example, the U.S.
financial crisis set off in the United States policy weapon.” “With almost no country House of Representatives passed the Cur-
in September 2008. In Europe, North and wanting a strong currency … as they try rency Reform for Fair Trade Act. Under
South America and Asia, economies are to stimulate economic recovery, and with this new law (which has yet to pass in the
stagnant, or only growing at a snail’s pace. the U.S. and the EU pushing for a yuan Senate), punitive tariffs would be imposed
National debt is soaring, industry is seiz- revaluation, the big theme in 2011 is shap- on Chinese exports as long as Beijing in-
ing up, and unemployment is rocketing. ing up to be some sort of currency wars,” tentionally devalues the yuan to promote
Governments are looking at their stall- warned Chris Weafer, chief strategist at its own economic growth.
ing economies and becoming desperate. Russian investment firm Uralsib. Of course, America was accused of
A new trend is emerging. In an effort to In October, Robert Kuttner, co-found- using this law to start a trade war with
kickstart their economies, more and more er of the American Prospect, wrote, “Trade China. Truth is, as Democrat Rep. Linda
countries are enacting beggar-thy-neighbor war is here—and we’ve disarmed.” Sanchez stated before Congress, “We are
fiscal policies to devalue their currencies. already in a trade war. And China is using
When the currency of a nation loses value, China vs. America cannons and we’re standing here shooting
it becomes cheaper to foreign countries and The two actors at the center of this global [air-gun] pellets.”
investors. Foreign nations and investors are drama are China and the United States. In Whichever way you look at it, the con-
motivated to buy more goods, causing an an effort to sustain high exports, China’s sensus is the same: Trade war is starting
increase in exports, which means more in- government has for years intervened to between China and the United States!
dustry and manufacturing, and eventually keep the yuan low compared to the U.S. This is deeply alarming, especially for
lower unemployment. Sounds like a great dollar. Although this has long frustrated Americans! Why? Because if a full-scale
way to help an economy, right? Washington, it was able to put up with trade and currency war erupts, China has
Why Chinese
lapse of America and Brit-
ain is here.
Are you ready for global fi-
nancial chaos? It doesn’t matter if
Miners Are
you live in America or Europe, South
America or Africa—the economic bedlam
that Bible prophecy says precedes global
political and military conflict has begun.
China is waging economic war on the
U.S., a war that is intensifying and will
soon precipitate America’s collapse. As a
means to this end, China is forming an
economic axis with Germany and Europe
(more about this pivotal development on
page 12, “The Silk Superhighway”).
Scripture says this China-Europe
economic axis will be responsible for
besieging America and causing its final
economic downfall. “And he shall besiege
Whoops! Right under level contact with Japan, and instructed
travel agents not to offer holidays in Ja-
thee in all thy gates, until thy high and everyone’s noses, they pan. More importantly, according to the
fenced walls come down, wherein thou scored a monopoly on a Japanese government, they cut off all
trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shipments of rare earth minerals.
shall besiege thee in all thy gates through- rare resource we all use. Japan gave in and released Zhan
out all thy land, which the Lord thy God In a swoop, this could unconditionally.
hath given thee” (Deuteronomy 28:52). Now it may be America’s turn. The
As America falls, prophecies in Rev- bring the world to its New York Times published a story on
elation 17 and 18 show that this European knees. by Richard Palmer October 19 quoting three anonymous
empire will replace the U.S. as the nucleus industry officials saying that China had
of global trade and commerce. In the end magine if Walmart sold 97 per- quietly stopped all rare earths shipments
time, the Apostle John wrote in Revela- cent of the world’s potatoes. It would to the U.S. and Europe. “The embargo is
tion 18, the “merchants of the earth” will have complete control over the sale expanding” beyond Japan, said one of-
be “waxed rich through the abundance of fries, chips and potato salad. ficial. China has denied there being any
of her delicacies” (verse 3). (For more in- There would be an outcry. embargo. The spokesman for the Chinese
formation about this prophecy, request a Think of the power it would have. If a Embassy in Washington claimed that his
free copy of Daniel Unlocks Revelation.) district raised taxes or passed labor laws country is just implementing tougher en-
Why should you be concerned by that Walmart didn’t like—bam: no pota- vironmental standards on the rare earth
trade and currency wars? Because these toes. McDonald’s would be selling a Big mining industry.
financial crises are creating the bibli- Mac and fries without the fries. This cutoff may be China’s response to
cally prophesied conditions that precede China has this type of monopoly. Not an investigation, launched by the U.S. in
World War iii! on potatoes, but on rare earth metals, October, into whether China is breaking
Don’t remain ignorant of these devel- the vital ingredients of the technologi- World Trade Organization rules by re-
opments. Take these crises seriously. More cal revolution. These minerals are used stricting clean energy imports and subsi-
importantly, make it a goal to educate in small quantities in a host of products dizing its clean energy exports.
yourself on how to prepare for this immi- from iPods to hard drives, guided mis- Will America be the next nation forced
nent period of global chaos and carnage. siles to smart bombs. And China is using by China into a humiliating climb-down?
If you are willing to embrace God’s its control of 97 percent of the industry to
law and lifestyle, the Bible reveals that hold the world to ransom. How to Get a Monopoly
God mercifully provides a way to escape Its ownership of these metals is just a For years, China has been laying the
the impending turmoil. When the global part of its wider plan to gain security by foundations for control of rare earth
tribulation strikes, God says that those controlling the world’s resources. On Oc- minerals—elements with an atomic
who follow His law and support His tober 18, China cut off exports of rare earth number between 57 and 71, plus scandi-
work on Earth will “flee into the wilder- minerals to Europe and the United States. um and yttrium. China woke up to their
ness, where [they] have a place prepared This is economic war. usefulness long before any other govern-
by God” (Revelation 12:6, Revised Stan- China had cut Japan off over a month ment. In the 1960s, it started trying to get
dard Version). earlier, using rare earths to force Japan all the rare earths it could out of mines in
To learn more about this into a humiliating surrender. On Sep- Inner Mongolia.
place of safety, and how you tember 8, a Chinese fishing boat rammed During the 1980s the government of-
can find solace there during two Japanese coast guard ships near is- fered subsidized loans to rare earth min-
the soon-coming tribulation, lands claimed by both China and Japan. ers and similar industries. Production
request and study our free The skipper, Zhan Qixiong, was arrested. increased by 40 percent during the de-
booklet Repentance Toward The Chinese were livid. They arrested cade. The Chinese Society of Rare Earths
God. n four Japanese citizens, cut off all cabinet- was founded, the organization that, to
government, bought New Zea-
Used in studio
lighting, land’s third-largest dairy pro-
projectors, cessing company and owner of
Lanthanum optical glass 15 farms, Synlait.
Prof. Zhang yue Zhou
of James Cook University’s
this day, publishes the only two ing projects could take 10 years. School of Business said that China is buy-
scientific journals dedicated to rare earth Mining rare earth elements produc- ing up land overseas in order to secure a
elements. As China gains a foothold es radioactive waste, which means that food supply for the nation. He warned that
in this field of research, interest in the mining companies have to dig through a the farms China is buying will start send-
U.S. has waned, according to Prof. Karl mountain of paperwork before they can ing food back to the home country rather
Gschneidner Jr. of Iowa State University. even make a dent in the ground. In West- than selling it to locals.
In 1992 Deng Xiaoping, the late leader ern nations, they face stiff opposition from “Chinese vultures circle Austra-
of China, said, “There is oil in the Middle the environmental lobby. In both the U.S. lian farms,” Australian state mp Robert
East; there is rare earth in China.” His and Australia—which have some of the Brokenshire has warned. In fact, Chinese
successor, Jiang Zemin, went even further, biggest rare earth deposits—the govern- investment interest in Australia’s farms
saying China must “improve the develop- ments are changing mining laws, though grew tenfold in the six months before this
ment and applications of rare earth, and they haven’t yet released details. The un- past April, according to the Real Estate In-
change the resource advantage into eco- certainty is making mining firms reluc- stitute of Australia.
nomic superiority.” tant to start new projects in these areas. Foreign investment in Australia’s agri-
In the 1990s, then, China quadrupled Once a rare earth mineral is dug from cultural land is causing many to demand
its rare earths production. Many mining the ground and separated from the rock that the government intervene to regulate
firms ran at a loss, but with unlimited and other minerals—a complicated pro- the purchase. China is also buying up
subsidized loans they kept running. In ad- cess in itself—it is still only an oxide com- farmland in Africa.
dition, a large number of illegal rare earth pound. It must be refined in order to get But farmland isn’t the only aspect of
mines sprang up, cutting costs by ignor- a pure metal. And China also happens to agricultural production that China is in-
ing worker safety. As a result, rare earth have a stranglehold on rare earth refining. terested in. A consortium of government-
prices plummeted. On average, rare earth Since no one else has been doing much owned Chinese companies is vying to
minerals cost only 5 percent of what they refining for 25 to 30 years, China holds a take over Potash Corporation, based in
did before China got involved. clear technological edge in this area. Saskatchewan, Canada. Potash Corp. pro-
The low prices were a boon for the Even with determined effort, it would duces 20 percent of the world’s fertilizer
growing high-tech industry. But no oth- take several years to pry the rare earth in- and sells 45 percent of its goods to North
er country could compete. Western rare dustry out of China’s control. American farmers. Experts worry that
earth companies shut down. should China buy it, the fertilizer would
Now China’s control of 97 percent of Not Just Rare Earths be redirected to China.
the rare earth market gives it tremendous Nations worldwide are waking up to the Potash, a key component in fertilizer
power. Over the past year, it has reduced need for security in the supply of a whole manufacture, is becoming scarcer. Some
its exports of rare earths, shrinking them host of resources. A recent EU report warn that the modern era of cheap food
from 50,000 tons per year to 30,000 tons. warned that land grabs could erupt as na- is coming to an end. China is expected to
Then in July, the government announced tions scramble for minerals globally. South spend $15 million a year looking for do-
it would export only 8,000 tons for the rest Korea has revealed plans to use its pension mestic potash supplies.
of the year. At the same time, it has raised and sovereign funds to secure access to rare
export taxes for the minerals. Other coun- metals; it says it will even direct its foreign “We Are at Economic War”
tries are feeling the pinch. aid monies to countries that can return the China is buying up the production of raw
favor with access to the precious resource. materials the world over, from food to
Fixing the Problem? The need for security goes beyond even rubber to iron and steel. It may not own
Governments around the world are only metals and minerals. The Oakland Insti- anywhere close to 97 percent of the world’s
just starting to address the problem. But tute, an American think tank, says that steel or rubber production capacity, but it
solving it won’t be quick or easy. In July, China is “seeking to acquire land as part appears to be aiming at self-sufficiency in
the U.S. Congressional Research Service of a long-term strategy for food security.” all essential resources. Most other coun-
said that developing new rare earth min- It says Japan and South Korea, as well as tries have nowhere near that capability.
a price is history. And the West has been s China rises, it is cementing ports along the Myanmar coast in the
sound asleep on this. The level of igno- relations with the rest of the region. Bay of Bengal, which affords Chinese
rance about the upstream of mineral sup- Warming relations with Myan- access to the Indian Ocean and extends
ply … is just out of this world.” mar were underlined on September 8 its naval capability.
It seems the whole world—apart from when Myanmar’s junta leader, Than Warming ties with Russia were high-
the U.S., Britain and its daughter na- Shwe, visited Beijing, marking the 60th lighted when, on September 26 to 28,
tions—has woken up to this reality. anniversary of cooperation between the Beijing hosted President Dmitry Med-
China is prophesied to play a key role two nations. Official Chinese data says vedev. Speaking to Russian and Chinese
in end-time events. By securing so many the two countries did $2.9 billion in war veterans on the trip, Medvedev said
strategic resources, it is ensuring that it business last year, but analysts believe Moscow’s friendship with Beijing “was
can remain a great power the actual figures are higher. sealed by blood years ago,” and that the
even when the world falls Beijing’s investment in Myanmar, “friendship between Russian and Chi-
apart. n which is centered on the country’s en- nese peoples cemented by the military
ergy resources, sharply outweighs trade events will be indestructible and do
For more about China’s future, between the two countries, but China’s good for our future generations.”
request our free booklet interest in Myanmar goes beyond re- The nations issued a joint statement
Russia and China in Prophecy. sources. Beijing is developing numerous in which Moscow supported China’s
PetroChina allied with Royal Dutch Shell
China has taken control of Greece’s
largest port. It has agreed with Greece chin a to take over Arrow Energy in August, and
now co-owns the formerly Australian firm
to spend $700 million modernizing
that focuses on unconventional energy
the facility. It has also promised to buy
reserves. China may have up to 30 trillion
Greek bonds at the next bond auction.
cubic meters of unconventional natural
gas deposits. As well as sending gas back
Sudan to the mainland, China will use Arrows
China has invested $4 billion technology to tap its own gas reserves.
in oil production and port
development in the nation. Laos and Myanmar (Burma) Australia
Several Chinese rubber firms Though Australia has not allowed them to
dem. rep. of the Congo have contracts to farm rubber. buy its mining giants outright, Chinese firms
invested nearly $8 billion in Australian min-
China lent the country $5 bil-
ing between June 2008 and June 2009. In
lion in exchange for the right
June 2009, Chinese Minmetals bought many
to mine resources including
of Oz Minerals’ assets. China’s Angang Steel
cobalt, copper and timber.
is working with an Australian mining firm
to develop the Karara iron ore project, with
Nigeria Zambia Mozambique most of the funding for the project coming
from the China Development Bank. The bank
Nigeria paid China’s CNMC has hundred of millions The Chinese govern- funds several other iron ore projects.
CCECC $8.3 billion invested in Zambia’s copper ment has invested
to update the mining and smelting industries. It $800 million to mod-
nation’s railways. plans to invest $600 million more. ernize the country.
land in June 2008. in dairy farms in the north of the island. third-largest dairy processor.
sovereignty over Tibet, Taiwan and Xin- Organization member nations, and was
n China is positioned to sign a $2 billion
jiang, and Beijing supported Russia’s the largest of its kind ever held.
agreement to construct a railway line in
“efforts to promote peace and stability And in a sign of China’s expanding
Iran as the first step of a broader plan to
throughout the Caucasian region and the power and influence over the island na-
connect Beijing to Central Asia and the
Commonwealth of Independent States.” tion of Taiwan, the two launched mari-
Middle East. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
In September, China and Russia also time search-and-rescue drills in the Tai-
wan Strait on September 16. The exercise raised the idea earlier this year, and
joined forces with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz-
tested the capacity of maritime personnel China’s railways minister visited Tehran
stan and Tajikistan in joint military ex-
on both sides of the Strait to safeguard on September 12 to finalize the contract.
ercises. A major 16-day affair in Kazakh-
transport within it. The drill was the first The new line—the first step in an entire
stan, “Peace Mission 2010” was officially
of its kind jointly undertaken by China rail system for Central Asia—will run
labeled a counterterrorism drill, but its
and Taiwan since the end of 2008. from Tehran to the town of Khosravi
scale—it involved around 5,000 troops,
As China’s global clout grows, it will on the Iran-Iraq border. Bible prophecy
1,600 armed vehicles, 100 cannons and
keep building its regional hegemony describes a time when great masses of
mortars, and 50 combat aircraft—sug-
as it joins forces with Russia to form a soldiers from Asia will sweep into the
gested an exercise in conventional war-
military alliance as foretold in end-time Middle East, and the proposed rail sys-
fare. The exercise was the seventh joint
prophecy. tem could help facilitate such an event.
drill conducted by Shanghai Cooperation
The Road to Greece also being courted to build a new monorail
ho is China’s largest trad- The most recent example of this trend is line, five-star hotels and theme parks.
ing partner? China’s growing partnership with Greece. Additionally, China is setting up a spe-
If you guessed the United Encouraged by government incentives cial $5 billion Greek-Chinese shipping
States, you’re wrong. It’s the and rock-bottom prices, China is pump- development fund that will offer Greek
European Union. ing hundreds of millions and on the road shipping companies financial support to
If you got the first one right, here is to billions of euros into Greece, even as purchase Chinese-made vessels.
another question: Who are the biggest Americans and other investors head for “We have a saying in China, ‘Construct
exporters in the world? First place goes the exits. According to the Washington the eagle’s nest, and the eagle himself will
to the European Union. Second goes to Post, the cornerstone of those plans is the come,’” said Wei Jiafu, a high-ranking
China. Third would then go to Germany “transformation of the Mediterranean port member of China’s Communist Party and
if it wasn’t already included within the of Piraeus into the Rotterdam of the south” chief executive of Cosco, in a televised in-
EU. America comes in at a distant fourth that will create a “modern gateway linking terview in June. “We have constructed such
place, followed by Japan. Chinese factories with consumers across a nest in your country to attract such Chi-
The world has changed. Not long ago, Europe and North Africa” (June 9; em- nese eagles. This is our contribution to you.”
America was both the largest exporter of phasis mine throughout). Already, half of all Chinese merchan-
manufactured goods and the world’s most Greece’s severe economic woes created dise and 60 percent of China’s oil imports
important economy. an opportunity that China is exploiting. are transported on Greek boats, according
Change is accelerating elsewhere too. Strapped for cash, the Greek government is to Chinese Premier Wen Jaibao.
“Patterns of growth” are transforming in privatizing the economy in blitzkrieg fash- Yet the Chinese aren’t investing in
China and Germany, reports French Fi- ion—and that has opened the doors to rich Greece out of the goodness of their hearts.
nance Minister Christine Lagarde. There is Chinese investors. Government-owned It is part of a well-engineered plan to
a “shift and an evolution” in domestic con- utilities, rail and transport networks, create a network of rail lines, highways,
sumption and regional trade hubs, she says. even casinos are on the auction block. In pipelines and shipping ports to boost
Yes, a shift is occurring—and it is ti- June, the giant Chinese shipping company East-West trade. The new Silk Road is
tanic. Today’s global power centers of Cosco assumed full control of the primary booming, and China wants to control it.
manufacturing and trade have swung container dock in Piraeus. In return, this
back to Europe and China. The most im- one Chinese company has promised $700 Gateway to Europe
portant and lucrative trade routes are once million in infrastructure upgrades. In In early October, at a joint press confer-
again between the old world’s East and Athens, the government is pushing China ence with Greek Prime Minister George
West. The modern Silk Road is swarming to develop a giant new distribution center Papandreou, Wen highlighted the grow-
with the new merchants. in the city’s old industrial sector. Beijing is ing relationship between Europe and Chi-
rope,” noted Greece’s Deputy Prime Min- of nations” that acts in economic alliance. ain and America), we believe there may
be a brief alliance between the German-
led [European Union] and certain Asian
powers (Russia, China, Japan—the kings
of the east). Should Europe … find a way
to take advantage—even for a moment—
of key resources and strategic holdings of
China, Russia and Japan, it would have
more than enough power to besiege the
ister Theodoros Pangalos in an interview. This alliance includes the nations of China Anglo-Saxon nations and enslave them.
“They are not like these Wall Street [ex- (Chittim) and Tyre (representing the com- “This is why Isaiah’s prophecy of an
pletive] pushing financial investments on mercial center of the European Union, also end-time ‘mart of nations’ that includes
paper. The Chinese deal in real things, in called the king of the north in other proph- both European and Asian powers is so in-
merchandise. And they will help the real ecies). This chapter, along with other scrip- triguing,” writes Mr. Flurry. “And why the
economy in Greece.” tures, makes it evident that these two pow- trend of collusion between these two great
Even Germany—which as a major eco- erful economies are prophesied to work in economic blocs is worth watching.”
nomic exporter is increasingly in competi- confederacy to dominate global trade for a China’s new Silk Road to Europe is re-
tion with China for market share—seems short period of time—at America’s expense. routing the flow of global commerce and
content to allow the Eastern merchant Deuteronomy 28 foretells America be- finance—and it is skirting America. The
powerhouse more access to Europe. ing besieged by its enemies: “And he shall early stages of America’s economic siege
Angela Merkel came out in have begun.
support of China being grant- “The Chinese deal in real Yet despite the bad
ed “market status” on October news, there is great hope
8. During a joint press confer- things, in merchandise. for America. “Two great
ence with Wen, she said, “Ger-
many will continue to actively
And they will help the trading blocs are position-
ing themselves to control
support the quick awarding real economy in Greece.” the world,” says Mr. Flur-
of the market status to China ry in his Isaiah booklet.
from the EU. China will in- —Greece’s Deputy Prime Minister “Both power conglomer-
tensively continue to dialogue Theodoros Pangalos ates are discussed in Dan-
with the EU on this issue.” The U.S. and besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high iel 11:40-45 and in Isaiah 23. But that trad-
other countries currently use the fact that fenced walls come down, wherein thou ing partnership won’t last long. Soon they
China is not considered a free market trustedst, throughout all thy land, which will clash, just before Jesus Christ returns
economy by the World Trade Organiza- the Lord thy God hath given thee” (verse and destroys both of them.”
tion as justification to levy tariffs and re- 52). Other prophecies reveal that the en- That’s the good news. World events are
strictions on Chinese imports. emy that besieges the modern nations speeding along the greatest superhighway
Goodwill between Europe and China of Israel will be a German-led European of all—the one leading to the return of
is growing in other ways too. On Octo- Union (Habakkuk 1:6-17). Jesus Christ and the establishment of an
ber 5, Bloomberg reported that Germany Besiege in the above verse means to equitable and just global economic system
agreed to cede two of Europe’s seats on shut up or tie up, or to be cramped, and that is guaranteed to bring prosperity to
the International Monetary Fund board. has economic connotations. Europe will the whole world. n
R epresentatives of the
Taliban and the Afghan
government have begun high-
the government the U.S. ousted
in its 2001 invasion of Afghani-
stan. It is now based in Pakistan.
to negotiate out of fear of defeat;
in fact, it has little to lose. What
sorts of concessions would the
in the West Bank that
killed five Israelis—two
men and two women,
level, secret talks to negotiate an The Post says the agree- U.S. and Kabul have to make to one of whom was preg-
end to the war in Afghanistan, ment under discussion would bring it to a political settlement? nant. The al-Qassam
according to Afghan and Arab place Taliban officials in Af- When similar plans were pur- Brigades terrorists
sources cited by the Washington ghanistan’s government. “What sued last year, we wrote on gunned down the Israe-
Post on October 6. it really boils down to is the, “This policy lis in an ambush by a
Though the talks are only Americans both supporting is a defeat in all but name. The Jewish settlement near
preliminary, this is the first time and in some cases maybe even world’s greatest military power … Hebron. Hamas has
that representatives have been participating in talking with the cannot defeat the Taliban. This also stepped up its rock-
given authority to officially nego- enemy,” a European official said. demonstrates what [we have] et attacks on Israel in
tiate on behalf of the Afghan Tal- The Taliban is in a strong been forecasting for many years: an apparent attempt to
iban organization that remains of position. It is not being forced America has won its last war.” wreck the peace talks.
getty images, lionel bonaventure/afp/getty images, atta kenare/afp/getty images, istockphoto The Philadelphia Trumpet December 2010 15
Europe n ubs ag’s Bhanu Baweja being within its sphere of
influence, dislikes America’s
n The Catholic Church has “Given the risk to the dollar and U.S. as- presence in the country and
found itself in hot water once sets from their fiscal position, [China and will likely exploit Kyrgyzstan’s
again, in both Belgium and shaky political situation to try
Germany. In the first half of
Russia] want to reduce their dependence to oust the U.S.
this year, 475 cases of sexual on the dollar as an invoicing currency.”
abuse by priests were report- n Beijing and Moscow an-
ed, said a Belgian commission
in a September report. In Au- Mideast has been largely filled, how-
ever, by Turkish and Chinese
nounced plans on October 13
to begin trading in each oth-
gust, it was confirmed that the n Iranian President Mahmoud companies. Combined with er’s currencies by the end of
former head of the Catholic Ahmadinejad visited Lebanon Tehran’s claims of refining this year, which would shrink
Church in Belgium, Cardinal in mid-October in what was self-sufficiency, the willing- the dollar’s role in global
Godfried Danneels, advised a seen as a major boost to Iran’s ness of such companies to con- commerce. Amid the global
victim of sexual abuse to keep ally and proxy Hezbollah. He tinue supplying the rogue state financial crisis, both China,
silent about his treatment received an enthusiastic wel- demonstrates the futility of the world’s largest energy con-
until after the bishop who had come in Beirut, toured a Hez- sanctions in pressuring Iran. sumer, and Russia, the world’s
abused him retired. On Au- bollah stronghold in southern largest energy supplier, have
gust 31, the German Catholic Lebanon, and gave a speech n Turkey and Iran should called for the dollar’s role in
Church published new guide- predicting Israel’s demise. Ah- increase their coopera- the financial system to be di-
lines saying all allegations madinejad and his Lebanese tion and solidarity, Turkish minished, and are taking con-
of abuse must be reported to counterpart, Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip crete steps toward that end.
authorities. The old guide- signed a number of agree- Erdoğan said September 16. “I
lines simply think that there are initiatives n An increase in intra-Asian
“advised” we can launch together to commerce and improving
the church to UPSET French ensure welfare, peace, stability liquidity of Asian curren-
report abuses protesters clash with and confidence in the entire cies bode well for the usage
if the allega- police near Paris. region,” he said, adding that of regional currencies, and
tions were the two countries’ geographi- cast ominous clouds on the
“proven.” cal closeness offered unique greenback. On August 27,
opportunities for them to Malaysia’s central bank lib-
n Once again boost economic relations. eralized its foreign exchange
Europe has Turkey’s increasingly friendly rules to allow non-residents to
been hit relations with Iran mean trou- convert foreign cash into its
by a series ble for Israel, which has relied currency, the ringgit. China
of strikes. on its defense agreement with has also moved to allow yuan/
French Turkey inked in 1996 to help ringgit exchanges, within a 5
unions stabilize the region. percent reference band. The
walked out U.S. dollar has been the pri-
in a national mary currency in the region
strike on
September 7 as parliament ments in the areas of health,
Asia for so long that it still carries
weighty market advantages.
debated raising the retirement tourism, energy and water. n After Kyrgyzstan’s October But dependency on the dol-
age from 60 to 62. Refinery The visit demonstrated Iran’s 10 parliamentary elections, lar is diminishing with every
workers and students joined growing clout and confidence five political parties opened passing month. Gone are the
similar protests October 12 within the region. discussions on forming a co- days when the greenback was
to 14, raising fears of fuel alition government. Several the only currency option for
shortages. Britain was hit n Iran announced September Russia-backed parties, like international trade.
by strikes on September 7 as 7 that it has reached self- the staunchly nationalist Ata-
train station and maintenance sufficiency in producing petrol Zhurt, campaigned on closing
workers, signalers and some
drivers protested plans to cut
and no longer needs foreign
imports, thus foiling sanc-
America’s Manas military
base near the nation’s capital
800 workers. On October
13, protesters blocked off the
tions. Oil Minister Masoud
Mirkazemi said Iranian re-
of Bishkek, a crucial hub for
U.S. military efforts in Af-
entrance to the Acropolis in
Greece, claiming they were
fineries are pumping out 66.5
million liters of petrol daily.
ghanistan. Last year, under
pressure from Moscow, Kyr-
owed two years of back pay. New sanctions by world pow- gyzstan’s parliament voted to n Emerging-market econo-
Romanian tax employees also ers have targeted Iran’s petrol close the base, but it then set- mies in Asia and South Amer-
went on strike from October 13 imports; major oil companies tled for quadrupling the U.S.’s ica have been barely affected
to 14, until the Finance Minis- have stopped selling petrol to rent payment instead. Russia, by the “global” economic
try gave in to their demands. Iran in recent months. The gap which views Kyrgyzstan as slowdown. In Brazil, for ex-
bertrand guay/afp/getty images, sergio costa/afp/getty images The Philadelphia Trumpet December 2010 17
Where Did Music Come
Learn what py-accident theory, believe music origi-
nated with a descendent of Cain named
Consider how sound exists in this spirit
realm. Ezekiel heard the “noise” of the
musicologists Jubal (Genesis 4:21). Because they view great cherubim (Ezekiel 1:24). The book of
have never taught. the Bible as a valid yet flawed historical re- Revelation records the lyrics of the angels’
source that is not superior or more special shouting and singing around God’s heaven-
By Ryan Malone than any other historical text, they lend ly throne, not to mention that they are play-
s music a happy accident? Is no special credence to what the Bible (and ing instruments in this spiritual dimension.
this glorious organization of its supposedly biased Jewish authors) says The Bible reveals that God sings (Zeph-
sounds the product of millennia of over any other historian’s work. aniah 3:17). He has always existed—without
chance discoveries, trial and error, But if we proclaim to follow Christ, we beginning of days or end of life (Hebrews
and so-called evolutionary devel- should—as He said—live by “every word 7:3). The question then arises, since God
opment? Did vocal music originate … of God” (Matthew 4:4). “All scripture is has always existed, wouldn’t His attri-
from prolonged grunts of early human- given by inspiration of God …” (2 Timo- butes—His eyes, hair, hands and voice—
like beings? Did instrumental music de- thy 3:16). have always existed, as well as His infinite
velop accidentally from a prehistoric hunt- The Bible actually indicates that the first wisdom? (see Proverbs 8:22). Surely, there-
er becoming fascinated with how his bow man knew and practiced music. What’s fore, music—or at the very least, the capac-
twanged after an arrow was unleashed? more, music existed long before Adam. ity for music—has always existed.
The greatest human minds in musicol- Now, there was a moment when music
ogy cannot answer this most basic ques- Music Before Man took on a more institutionalized form.
tion: What is the origin of music? When God was talking to Job, putting this That was with the creation of angels. In
The answer is as inspiring as it is little wise man in his place in comparison to the them, God created innate musical ability.
understood. creative feats of God Almighty, He asked The chief of this angelic (and musical) cre-
Most music historians begin their a question that gives insight into history ation was the archangel Lucifer.
study of music around the third century before Earth’s creation. “Where wast thou
a.d. at the earliest, overlooking four mil- when I laid the foundations of the earth?” Lucifer’s Music
lennia of music history—and completely God asked, “When the morning stars sang Ezekiel 28:12-13 relate: “Son of man, take up
ignoring music’s origin. together, and all the sons of God shouted a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and
The history of “ancient” music needs re- for joy?” (Job 38:4, 7). say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God;
writing, because the greatest source avail- This reveals that God created angels be- Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom,
able has been rejected: the Word of God. fore He created Earth, that they witnessed and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in
Even many professed Bible scholars, this magnificent moment, that they shout- Eden the garden of God; every precious
though they may reject evolutionists’ hap- ed for joy, and that they were singing! stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz,
me From?
Pythagoreans did not simply discern con- the Hebrews believed. Sound can occur
gruities among number and music and anywhere pressure waves can travel, mean-
the cosmos: They identified them. Music ing that sound waves can echo through the
was number, and the cosmos was music. atmospheres of the planets and even the
… The Pythagoreans conceived of the gas surrounding an enlarging black hole.
cosmos as a vast lyre, with crystal spheres The universe contains the equivalent of
and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and in the place of strings.” The spheres were rhythmic pulses, like a percussion section,
the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and known to be spaced according to the same as well as low drones, like a bass section.
the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship ratios that existed between frequencies in Science has also discovered “heavenly
of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared the musical scale. music bellowed out by the sun’s atmo-
in thee in the day that thou wast created.” King David had this understanding. sphere” (, April 18, 2007). These
This is not a physical king, or else the “The heavens declare the glory of God; and frequencies, at a thousandth of a hertz,
notion of musical instruments being cre- the firmament sheweth his handywork,” he are too low for human ears to hear (we
ated “in” him makes no sense. This refers wrote. “Day unto day uttereth speech, and can hear between 20 and 20,000 Hz). The
to a magnificent, beautiful, wise spirit be- night unto night sheweth knowledge. There sun’s corona carry magnetic sound waves
ing, an angel, who was in Eden. is no speech nor language, where their voice similar to those of musical instruments.
This being’s “tabret” is very similar is not heard. Their line is gone out through “[E]xplosive events at the sun’s surface ap-
to a timbrel, or percussion instrument of all the earth, and their words to the end of pear to trigger acoustic waves that bounce
the Hebrews (the tabret). The phrase “thy the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle back and forth between both ends of the
pipes” comes from a root meaning some- for the sun” (Psalm 19:1-4). The word for line loops, a phenomenon known as a standing
thing “hollow,” but it is not the word used in verse 4 can mean rope or musical string. wave,” the article stated. Stand-
to describe the typical Hebrew pipes. In In fact, when the Apostle Paul quoted ing waves are “exactly the same waves you
fact, the word neqeb is used only here in the this verse to the Romans, he used a Greek see on a guitar string,” said Robertus von
Hebrew Bible. It appears this was a unique word for “line” that actually translates into Fay-Siebenburgen of the Solar Physics and
spirit instrument that required a unique “musical sound.” “But I say, Have they not Space Plasma Research Center at the Uni-
Hebrew word, though similar to the pipes. heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all versity of Sheffield (ibid.).
The great cherub Lucifer was endowed the earth, and their words unto the ends of By flying through space, celestial bod-
with musical talents beyond human ca- the world” (Romans 10:18). ies are emitting sound. Deeper study of
pability. God told Job the morning stars The ancient Hebrews, who were well the heavens indicates that those sounds
“sang together.” This means there was aware of this astronomical reality, un- are working together much like a musical
ensemble, community and cooperation in doubtedly applied it to their understand- composition.
music, and Lucifer was of course includ- ing of music theory. Man did not start The Bible indicates that God created
ed. How this must have changed, though, with a one-, three- or five-note scale and sound waves to emanate from all cre-
when he rebelled! Imagine how distorted slowly decide that seven tones work bet- ation in an organized fashion to make
and warped Lucifer’s music became when ter together mathematically. God gave His a certain music—perceptible at least to
he turned from God’s way. Just before the people understanding in science, astrono- Him. 1 Chronicles 16:33 states that “the
description of Lucifer’s fall, Isaiah 14:11 my and the use of stringed instruments— trees of the wood sing out at the presence
talks about the “noise” of his neballim— and a seven-tone scale whose relationships of the Lord.” Isaiah 44:23 reads: “Sing, O
astern Europeans are starting Of this the German public is largely inno- The best observers know that since the
to get edgy. Having lived for five cently ignorant. Treaty of Rome in 1957, which established
years under the boot heel of Nazi Having successfully moved to establish the foundation for European unity, a pan-
terror barely 70 years ago, followed an EU diplomatic force—intended to sub- European military force was inevitable.
by crushing Soviet Communist dictator- sume the once-sovereign diplomatic corps Even before World War ii, Herbert
ships lasting over 40 years, they fear that of the once-independent nations that have Armstrong prophesied this when it was on
by joining the European Union, their na- since handed over their sovereignty to nobody else’s mind. From the earliest edi-
tions may have leaped from the frying pan Brussels/Berlin—senior German political tion of the Plain Truth magazine in 1934,
into the fire. leaders want to take the next step. On the he was writing that Europe would become
They have reason to be concerned. sidelines of a meeting of the EU’s defense a united superpower.
It has taken less than one year since the ministers in Ghent, Belgium, in September, Soon after presenting a number of op-
enacting of the Lisbon Treaty for EU elites Christian Schmidt, parliamentary secretary tions to refine Germany’s military force into
to move to establish the world’s largest dip- at the German Defense Ministry, said, in a high-tech, professional rapid-response
lomatic force and a consolidated European relation to national defense, that the pres- machine, on September 2 Germany’s De-
police force, and to commence moves to sure on governments to cut costs had “led fense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
develop a combined European army and to the realization that we have a lot of com- unveiled the latest initiative for the develop-
implement a pan-European spy network. mon interests in Europe.” ment of a pan-European military: the Euro-
Through the implementation of trea- Guy Verhofstadt, who leads the liberal pean Air Transport Command (eatc).
ties, the European combine has evolved grouping in the European Parliament, ar- This joint military air transport com-
from the European Coal and Steel Com- gued, “We have now a diplomatic service, mand “is to be prepared to conduct fu-
munity, comprising just six nations, to a which is very important, but we also need ture war missions of the German military
27-nation monolith comprising a single the other instrument—a common Europe- (Bundeswehr) and other European states
imperial political entity. To astute ob- an defense, a common European army. And in a far more efficient and cost-effective
servers of this process, the EU’s moves certainly, at a time when every European way,” report-
over the past year are proof positive of EU country has to make savings, maybe it’s the ed (September 2; our translation).
elites’ imperialist intentions. right time to build up this common Europe- Just what does this mean for Germany,
The sharpest minds now fear that these an army” (emphasis mine throughout). for Europe, and for the rest of the world? It
latest moves may recreate the very tyranny means that the nation that gave the world
that European elites duped the public into two global wars in the space of just two
believing the EU was set up to prevent. decades of the 20th century is gearing for
war once again! Read it for yourself:
Let’s Form an Army This force “is to be prepared
Herbert Armstrong said often to conduct future
during the early postwar years
that the German Nazi elites had
gone underground during the
last stages of World War ii, to re-
emerge to revive their imperialist
vision within new Europe. Many
other authors at the time agreed.
Recently I spoke with a former Brit-
ish Army colonel who was an aide to Ger-
many’s first postwar chancellor, Konrad
Adenauer. He confirmed that Adenauer
oversaw the careful placement of ex-Nazis
back into positions of influence in educa-
tion, the judiciary, commerce, banking,
business and industry after the war.
The result has been the education
of an upper stratum within the Ger-
man social order that is pursuing
the old vision of German hegemony.
22 December 2010 The Philadelphia Trumpet MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images; STR/AFP/Getty Images; Getty Images; PhotosToGo
D Happy
o you have a pencil? Another author collected
Place it in your teeth, hundreds of studies in a book
and don’t let it touch called Feelings: The Perception of
your lips. Great! We’ll Self. All of them concluded that be-
come back to this. Now, think of havior can actually cause feelings.
something you enjoy. Coffee and a Maybe this phenomenon seems like
Sunday paper, beautiful hiking weather, an unexpected snow a magical shortcut to happiness—or, if
day, a pencil that tastes like beef jerky. Whatever it is, the your eyes are scrolling side-to-side, maybe
reason you enjoy it is ultimately that it makes you happy. you think of it more as cutesy junk science. But nod your head and
If we could draw happiness out of a stream or pluck it from a think about this: It reflects an important truth about happiness.
tree, we would. We would seal it up in jam jars on the counter, “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be
sorted by flavor: delight, joy, contentment, belonging, peace. established” (Proverbs 16:3).
Everybody wants happiness, but it doesn’t come in jam jars. The Bible teaches that our actions flow from our thoughts.
Though we may not always know where it comes from, we can But in this proverb, the Creator of happiness indicates that the
see the effects. When people are happy, we smile. When positive, reverse can also be true: Thoughts can flow from actions. In real-
we nod. When amused, we laugh. life terms, if we take action and do what
But here’s something interesting: Scien- Follow the biblical God commands, our minds and hearts will
tists analyzing happiness have discovered
that the thing also works in reverse. When
prescription: To be happy, be settled, mature, at peace—happy.
The Bible often stresses how actions
you smile, you become happier. act happy. By Philip Nice matter. The book of James, for instance,
A popular psychology book called 59 teaches that faith is “dead” without works.
Seconds, Think a Little, Change a Lot lists a Proverbs 29:18 has this nugget: “[H]e that keep-
digest of three experiments testing this eth the law, happy is he.” Jesus Christ Him-
“proprioceptive” idea that the behavior self said, “If ye know these things, happy
can cause the thoughts instead of the are ye if ye do them” (John 13:17). If you
other way around. want to be happy, keeping God’s law,
In the first study, people in doing what God says, is the way.
one group were asked to furrow Perhaps we think, But I can’t do
their brows. Those in the other it if I don’t feel it first. We think
group were asked to smile. The it’s only natural if we let our emo-
result: Members of the latter tions dictate our actions. But the
group had significantly happier conventional wisdom is wrong
moods simply because they on this. Letting our emotions
used their smile muscles. drive life makes the pursuit of
In the second study, partici- happiness like running on a
pants looked at products scroll- treadmill and riding a roller-
ing across a large screen. Some coaster at the same time. We
scrolled horizontally, some must do good works, and the
scrolled vertically. Participants happiness will follow.
favored the random products A great Creator designed
moving vertically, apparently the happiness you experience
simply because they were un- when your friend helps you, your
knowingly nodding their heads. spouse loves you, or your child
In the third study, people read makes you laugh. He wants the
Far Side cartoons. Half held pencils in effect of happy thoughts to be
their mouths using only their lips. established in your mind, and
Half held pencils in their mouths He tells you the cause: Take ac-
using only their teeth. The latter tion! Do what sometimes you feel like
group found the cartoons much funnier, not doing. Chat with a group of peo-
without realizing that while the others were ple. Find a little something to joke
frowning, their mouths had been forced about. Force your mouth into a
into a bit of a smile! smile. And keep a well-
You can drop the pen- chewed pencil
cil now. But why around. n
not leave it
hina: The Next Superpow- nant ethnic group and many small minor- Chinese language—a feat few other lan-
er.” “China: America’s Num-
ities. The ethnic Han comprise more than guages have managed.
ber-One Enemy.” 90 percent of the 1.3 billion people living in This was partly due to the size of the
Such headlines have be-
China. Though minority ethnic groups— Han population. In a.d. 2, the first avail-
come common. It is logical that the na-
such as the Uygurs, Tibetans, Mongols able census shows a Chinese population
tion with nearly 20 percent of the world’s
and Manchu—make up a small percent- of about 60 million, one fourth of the
population, the second-biggest economyage of the Chinese population, in absolute world’s population at the time!
and the biggest military (in terms of man-
numbers they are still large populations. To better rule this immense popula-
power) would inspire such discussion. For example, there are actually more tion, nomadic invaders typically adopted
But will China become the world’s Mongols living in China than in Mongolia. Chinese administration techniques and
next superpower? The truth is, you cannot These other ethnic groups have been the Chinese language, a language quite
know China’s future unless you under- absorbed into China through conquest unrelated to their own. Eventually their
stand that nation’s identity in the Bible,
by the Han Chinese. The Han have long descendents adopted Chinese culture and
the only source that can reveal the answer!
dominated the heartland of China, usual- the agricultural lifestyle as well. When the
Yes, if you believe the Bible, you can ac-
ly defined by the Yellow River in the north, Han reasserted themselves, they easily ab-
tually know for certain—without a doubt—
the Yangtze in the middle and the Pearl sorbed the invaders that remained.
who will dominate the world very shortly!
River on the south. This rich agricultural All the mixing and migrating of dif-
Hundreds of think tanks spend count-
region is surrounded by border regions ferent peoples has made it impossible
less hours and vast sums of money in occupied by non-Han peoples, such as to characterize what a pure ethnic Han
search of an answer to this question. Yet,
Tibet, Xinjiang (home of the Muslim Ui- is. Nevertheless, prophetically speaking,
the Bible reveals the answer—if they ghurs), Inner Mongolia and Manchuria, China refers to all the people of China, not
would only believe! the historical name given to the territory just the Han ethnic group. And at any rate,
The Bible is a book primarily about Is-
north of North Korea. the Chinese and all the minority groups
rael, physical and spiritual. When other Historically, fierce nomadic cavalry living in China are of the Mongoloid race,
nations are mentioned, it is typically in
armies from the northern border regions which stems from Noah’s son Japheth.
relation to Israel. In biblical times, the in-
have posed a difficult challenge to the ag-
teraction between the Chinese and the Is-
riculture-based Chinese. The incursions The Mongoloid Race
raelites was of no major consequence, and
motivated the building of the Great Wall. As Herbert W. Armstrong taught through-
so China was rarely mentioned. When the Han were strong, just like out his ministry, Noah’s son Japheth mar-
However, the Bible does speak propheti-
today, the border regions were under their ried a woman of the yellow race, and went
cally of China’s role in end-time events.
rule. When they were weak, they lost con- on to father the Mongoloid people. The
Technological advances in communication
trol of those buffer regions and in some Hebrew word Japheth means enlargement,
and trade have shrunken the distance be-
cases were even invaded by their Turkic according to The Zondervan Pictorial Bi-
tween China and the modern descendantsand Mongol neighbors. ble Dictionary, and a glance at the modern
of Israel considerably (for an explanationThe foreign invaders all achieved mea- world shows that the Oriental populations
of who these nations are, request our free
sures of success, controlling portions have been enlarged and multiplied to an
book The United States and Britain in of Chinese territory for various periods, unparalleled degree. Japheth’s descen-
Prophecy). Today China has considerable
mainly in northern China. The most dants have long been the most populous
global influence: Witness, for example, the
complete conquest was the Mongol inva- people on Earth, with the bulk living in
amount of U.S. debt China holds and the
sion started by Genghis Khan in the a.d. China, Southeast Asia and Japan.
huge trade imbalance between the two na-
1200s: The resulting dynasty fully con- Genesis 10:2-5 show that the enlarge-
tions, and the fact that China is the world’s
trolled China for a century. ment of Japheth began with the patriarch
most dominant trading nation. All these invasions had one thing in himself siring seven sons and an untold
An understanding of these prophecies
common, however: They all met their end number of daughters. Obviously, these
hinges on knowing the biblical identity of
by the Han Chinese. sons and daughters were a mix between
the Chinese people. Before delving into No matter which foreign invader occu- the Caucasoid and Mongoloid races, the
this, however, we must gain a basic over-
pied the throne, China always remained latter of which grew more definitive in
view of Chinese history. Chinese. subsequent generations. Soon after the dis-
One remarkable demonstration of the persion at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:8),
A Brief History of a Great People resilience of their society and culture was Japheth’s descendants migrated through
The Chinese people comprise one domi- the survival, amid all the invasions, of the Central Asia to the lands they occupy now.
ng Manchuria
er ia
Xinjiang Innngol Extent of
mo Khitan
migration to cyprus
migration of magog
2000s B.C. Chittim’s descen-
2000s B.C. Some of
dants migrate from Mesopo-
Magog’s descendants move tibet East
tamia west to Cyprus, giving Erlitou
eastward from Mesopotamia, china
their name to the island.
settling in China. They are sea
the predecessors to the Han.
Arabian sea
One of the seven sons of Japheth bears golic and Turkic. The name Mongol is sians and Chinese. One of the Mongolic
special importance to the prophetic iden- even derived from the name Magog. nomadic tribes in this area bears a special
tity of the Chinese and even their nomad- The ancient history of this land is a story relationship with China. They are the
ic neighbors. That is Magog, the second about different Turkic and Mongolic tribes Khitan, a people responsible for China’s
son of Japheth mentioned in Genesis 10:2. vying for control of the area. Whenever a modern name and one of China’s biblical
tribe grew strong enough, it would rule names, Chittim.
Where Did Magog Go? the area; in rare cases—such as with the
Again, the Bible deals primarily with Is- Huns, Seljuk Turks and Mongols—if these China Is Chittim
rael. Since Magog’s descendants migrated nomadic tribes consolidated enough power, Isaiah 23:1 has a prophecy about “the land
to an area largely independent of the civi- they conquered lands beyond their own. of Chittim.” To which modern nation
lizations developing in the Middle East, The resulting conquests led to much does this end-time prophecy apply? This
no sons of Magog are listed in Scripture. cultural and genetic intermixing with the biblical name refers to both the island of
However, Jewish historian Josephus people of Central Asia—and makes their Cyprus and to the nation of China, whose
indicated where Magog’s descendants set- national borders largely irrelevant to de- progenitors first populated Cyprus and
tled. He wrote in the first century, “Magog fining their ethnic backgrounds. gave it its name.
founded those that from him were named Today the land the Bible calls Magog is Jewish historian Josephus records that
Magogites, but who are by the Greeks dominated in the west by Russia—which some descendants of Japheth—such as the
called Scythians” (The Complete Works of is reasserting control over the region it families of Gomer, Tubal and Togarmah—
Josephus). once possessed through the ussr—and first settled in southern Europe before
In a prophecy in Ezekiel 38, the Bible China in the east. migrating east into Asia. Kittim was one
labels this vast territory of northern Eur- Details of the ancient history of Magog such family, originally settling lands to
asia where the Scyths lived—a region that and its people remain obscure since the the west of Mesopotamia before moving
stretched from the Russian steppes east Turks and Mongols didn’t develop a written to the Far East.
into modern-day China and Mongolia— language until after their contact with the Genesis 10:4 lists the sons of Japheth’s
as Magog. Chinese or Persian civilizations. Though fourth-born son: “The sons of Javan were
This territory contained many differ- these nomadic peoples have a sketchy his- Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim”
ent tribes of people of the white and yellow tory, they still play an important role in un- (New King James Version). Kittim is syn-
races, all of whom were called Scyths or derstanding China’s prophetic role. onymous with the Chittim of Isaiah’s
Scythians by the Greeks (see last month’s While the Mongols’ connection to Ma- prophecy. Verse 5 mentions that these sons
installment in this series). The Ezekiel 38 gog is most obvious, they were just one of Javan settled the isles, or the coasts. This
prophecy demonstrates this as well, listing tribe of a related people that carry the bib- occurred shortly after the dispersion of
numerous nations and peoples associated lical name Magog. Ezekiel 38 is a prophecy the Tower of Babel, when the sons of Javan
with or dwelling “in the land of Magog.” about the land of Magog and all the dis- migrated to the northern Mediterranean.
The people who most prominently settled tant “cousins” that live there and are as- These tribes gave their names to various cit-
this land are typically identified as Mon- sociated with each other, such as the Rus- ies and islands, such as Cyprus and Rhodes.
fter the Queen of Sheba
toured Solomon’s temple, Scrip-
ture says “there was no more
spirit in her” (1 Kings 10:5). She From Around the World
had heard about the penetrating insights “Jaw dropping” is how Ray
of King Solomon, the luxurious splendor of Hibbard described his experience.
the house he built for God, the magnificent “Frankly,” Hibbard wrote in Edmond Life grand lobby, are three massive
gardens surrounding the temple, the bliss- & Leisure, “calling this palace a building chandeliers, weighing nearly six tons in
ful countenance of Solomon’s entourage, is probably the largest understatement total. Of the more than 50,000 pieces of
their regal attire and the sumptuous deli- you have ever seen in print. At every shimmering crystal clinging to the chan-
cacies served in the royal court. But when turn of my tour, I was at a loss in finding deliers, about two thirds are Strass crystal
she finally saw it all for herself, it literally words to describe how impressed I was made by Swarovski of Innsbruck, Aus-
took her breath away. with the choice of materials and quality tria—the “Rolls Royce” manufacturer of
I didn’t know the half of it, she ex- construction.” chandelier crystal.
claimed. This actually exceeds the fame He was especially moved by the inter- The two 7-foot candelabras featured on
that had spread by word of mouth (verse national array of building materials and the lobby floor were commissioned by the
7). She left Jerusalem so moved with emo- feature pieces that are displayed through- Shah of Iran in 1971 to commemorate the
tion, so giddy with delight, that she actu- out the facility. For example, the grand 2,500-year anniversary of the Persian Em-
ally glorified the great God of Israel! mall, which wraps around the entrance, is pire. Each candelabra weighs 650 pounds
In September, the Philadelphia Church covered with 40,000 square feet of Turkish and supports 802 pieces of Baccarat crys-
of God, which sponsors the Trumpet mag- travertine marble—nearly enough tiles to tal from France.
azine, completed a new performing arts fill a square acre. The 120-foot-long reflect- Behind the candelabras in the grand
center on the campus of Herbert W. Arm- ing pool in the middle of the mall show- lobby are three gorgeous feature walls
strong College in Edmond, Oklahoma. cases a beautiful bronze sculpture, Swans made of caramel onyx. The semi-precious
Armstrong Auditorium may not rise to in Flight, made by world-renowned British stone was quarried in Azerbaijan, near the
the level of excellence of Solomon’s house, sculptor, Sir David Wynne, who personally southern shores of the Caspian Sea, and
but judging by the initial wave of reviews, attended the auditorium’s dedication. then cut and polished in Italy.
it will take your breath away. Inside the house, suspended above the Upstairs, Spanish and Chinese marble
covers 2,000 square feet in the balcony lob-
by. In the theater, American cherry wood of its September issue. “The aesthetics of in 1974—Ambassador Auditorium in
veneer, with matching grain, stretches Armstrong Auditorium are, in a word, Pasadena, California. That house became
from floor to ceiling on both sidewalls. breathtaking,” wrote Kent Anderson. It the crown jewel of the Ambassador Col-
Backstage are two concert grand pianos gives Oklahoma a concert hall that is truly lege campus toward the end of Mr. Arm-
manufactured by Steinway and Sons in world-class, he said. strong’s 55-year ministry.
Hamburg, Germany. Chris Pritchard, the lead architect for After Mr. Armstrong’s death in 1986,
It is palatial, said Tricia Pemberton in the project, said, “This is going to become the new leaders systematically dismantled
the Daily Oklahoman. Touring the edi- a landmark for north Edmond—a true the church’s body of beliefs plank by plank.
fice and its surrounding grounds is like a world-class facility, the scale of which is They changed the church’s commission
“study in opulence,” she wrote. unmatched here.” Clif Warren, who wrote and gutted its faith. They stopped the tele-
Writing in Distinctly Oklahoma, a about the project back in April, predicted vision program, closed the college, and
monthly periodical, Dena Edwards said it would possibly become “the most beau- eventually sold off all the church’s most
the auditorium, with its 12 towering pil- tiful temple in the Southwest region.” valuable assets—including God’s house.
lars in front, dominates the surrounding Beginning in late 1989, the same God
woodlands in north Edmond “like a mod- Raising the Ruins who raised up His Church under Mr.
ern Greek temple.” From the beginning, we have modeled our Armstrong started all over again with just
Edmond Monthly, another local maga- construction project after a similar proj- 12 people, led by my father, Gerald Flur-
zine, featured the auditorium on the cover ect completed by Herbert W. Armstrong ry. After a little more than 10 years, the
The lobby
principles of living
ince the grand opening of Armstrong Auditorium had given to Mr. Armstrong. They sold
in September, we have received an outpouring of positive literature, libraries, instruments, pianos,
response—mostly from Church members and co-work- chandeliers, candelabra and furniture—
ers who helped fund the project. virtually anything they could get some
We have also gotten a handful of negative responses, which cash for.
is not unusual. But the interesting thing is that all the critics And today, the Worldwide Church of
have essentially said the same thing: That the money used to God doesn’t even exist.
build Armstrong Auditorium would have been much better Through it all, these leaders spoke
spent if it had been given to poor people. often about funding pensions and giv-
Critics of God’s work have often moaned about the way it ing to the poor. Mostly, though, like
uses God’s money. Judas before them, they just lined their stephen
As I point out in my book Raising the Ruins, Herbert W. own pockets. flurry
Armstrong—one of the most prominent religious leaders of Judas, remember, was appalled when
the 20th century—raised up a worldwide work that helped im- he saw Mary anoint the feet of Jesus with some costly ointment.
prove the lives of multiple millions of people. Yet, that did not Why, we could have sold this expensive ointment for 300 pence
stop his successors from badmouthing the way he went about and given all of the proceeds to the poor, he said.
building God’s work. Judas said this, John 12:6
“We neither have nor relates, not because he cared
promote an extravagant for the poor, but because
lifestyle,” Joseph Tkach he was a thief. He didn’t
Jr. smugly said in his book care about poor people. He
Transformed by Truth. “We cared about himself. And in
have divested ourselves, and the end, he betrayed Jesus
continue to, of those things Christ for 30 pieces of silver.
that are opulent and do not In Matthew’s version of
befit a church.” the incident at the house of
And yet, even as they Lazarus, Jesus reproved His
were canceling or slashing disciples for being so easily
programs Mr. Armstrong swayed by Judas’s feigned
established for the benefit of show of concern for poor
church members and their ANSWERS No matter the people. “Why are you an-
families, and for millions of level or type of poverty, temporar- noying the woman?” Jesus
co-workers and Plain Truth ily easing the pain is no solution. asked. “It is a beautiful thing
readers, the Tkaches were she has done to me. The
collecting hundreds of millions of dollars in income. The World- poor you always have beside you, but you will not always have
wide Church of God income hit its peak in 1989 at $212 million. me” (Matthew 26:10-11, Moffatt translation).
In 1990, it was $211 million, followed by $197 million in 1991. He went on to say that by pouring that precious ointment
By today’s standards, after adjusting for inflation, that on Christ, this woman’s act of kindness would be remembered
amounts to more than $1 billion. One billion dollars over wherever the gospel message was proclaimed! What a witness.
the course of three years. And the money continued rolling in Still, the movement to “solve” the problems of this world
right up to the time Tkach Jr. wrote his book in 1997. by giving handouts to the poor is powerfully strong—and the
In addition to receiving that staggering income, the Tkaches strength of its message shows no signs of abating.
were profiting from the business of “divesting” themselves of
the “extravagant lifestyle” Mr. Armstrong built. They sold The War on Poverty
off all the festival sites used by church members. They sold Look at America. More than 40 years ago, after declaring war
the campsites Mr. Armstrong built for teenagers. They shut on poverty, President Lyndon Johnson created all sorts of en-
down the college campuses Mr. Armstrong raised up for the titlement programs intended to help poor people—food stamps,
work and for young people. They canceled the World Tomor- Medicare and Medicaid, just to name a few.
row program, watched by hundreds of thousands each week. And what has been the result?
They discontinued literature read by millions. They sold the Today, the poverty rate in the U.S. is at 15 percent—the high-
property and all the buildings used for preaching the gospel to est in 50 years. That means one in seven Americans now lives
the world. They sold the airplane Mr. Armstrong used to visit below the poverty line. Forty-five percent of American house-
church members and world leaders. They auctioned off equip- holds do not pay federal income tax. They are too poor. And
ment, paintings, sculptures and personal gifts world leaders the gap between the rich and the poor just keeps widening.
have a news clipping I’ve been holding on to since human beings comes in such a torrent that we can easily grow
July that sickened me. It’s a Washington Times article called numbed to it. And—truth be told—we are helpless to do anything
“Portland’s dark world of child sex trafficking.” substantive to stop it. These blights are painfully endemic to the
It says that Portland—a beautiful West Coast city I have human condition, resilient against virtually all efforts to stop them.
visited several times—has the biggest per capita legal commer- There is one, however, who has seen it all, who has never suc-
cial sex industry in America. Dallas has three strip clubs; Seattle cumbed to apathy—and who absolutely will put a stop to it.
has four; yet within Portland’s city limits, “One directory lists 40 When Jesus Christ walked the Earth, He witnessed untold
erotic dance clubs, 47 all-nude strip clubs, 35 adult businesses and human suffering, and did what He could to alleviate it. He was
21 lingerie modeling shops,” the article says. moved with compassion, seeing the people as sheep having no
Bad enough. But this makes it far more disgusting: “Many of shepherd (Matthew 9:36).
these, though legal, are also fronts for underage exploitation.” He brought the good news of a kingdom that would come and
A combination of ugly factors has turned uproot the corrupt kingdoms of this world—
this city into a mecca for perverts who want to that would fulfill the prophecies of the Scrip-
use children for sex. tures: “He shall judge the poor of the people,
This article describes a girl who, on her he shall save the children of the needy, and
13th birthday, was sold by her drug-addicted shall break in pieces the oppressor” (Psalm
mother to a man for $5,000 to be his personal 72:4).
sex slave. In Portland. He continually directed His disciples to seek
This is the type of thing that makes me sick that kingdom, to press toward it, to set their
of this wretched world. heart on preparing for it. When they asked Him
The fbi figures 300,000 minors in America how to pray, He responded, “After this manner
are employed as prostitutes each year. Stagger- therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heav-
ing. One for every thousand people. An advo- en, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
cacy group called Shared Hope International Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”
estimates their average age is 13. (Matthew 6:9-10).
Thirteen years old. On average. To this day, Christ’s disciples keep these
Statistically, how many girls (and boys) age words on their lips. When we see oppression,
13 and younger does it take to balance out the when we see suffering, when we see immoral-
number of 14-to-17-year-olds? ity spreading, and unmentionable evils seizing
I look at my daughters, ages 9 and 7, and boil at the thought our cities, when we see minds and bodies of helpless children be-
of anyone or anything so evil as to violently strip a child of her ing abused with impunity—Thy Kingdom come.
innocence, dignity, and chance of a decent life in order to indulge 2 Peter 3:12 admonishes us to be “Looking for and hasting
perverse and selfish lusts. The Department of Justice says there unto the coming of the day of God.” The Greek word translated
are pimps in America earning money off girls as young as 5 and 6. “Looking for” means earnestly waiting for. And the more de-
Try for a moment to wrap your mind around this. Worldwide, praved human behavior becomes, the more earnestly we wait.
millions of children live in slavery, and unicef says as many as Thus, even as Christ says, “Surely I come quickly,” we say,
1.2 million more are trafficked each year, a great many for sex. as the Apostle John did to close the words of sacred Scripture,
The UN’s International Labor Organization (ilo) estimates “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”
that at any given moment, at least 12.3 million people, including In his masterful booklet The Wonderful World Tomorrow—
children, are in forced labor, bonded labor, and commercial sex What It Will Be Like, Herbert Armstrong expounded on the
servitude. Four out of five are female. Half are children. many scriptures that fill the Bible with inspiring descriptions of
The slave trade, the ilo believes, is a $32 billion business, satu- the utopian world God will create. It is utterly refreshing to read,
rated in unchecked greed, sleaze and abuse. And shamefully, it is a sweet song amid the din and clamor of this world. You owe it to
the fastest growing industry in the world, according to the 2009 yourself to read it—just ask and we’ll send you a free copy.
State Department “Trafficking in Persons Report.” “Feast your eyes for a while on the picture of the World To-
Somewhere in here, the imagination of many of us reaches morrow which God’s government will produce—as we shall now
its limit. Unexposed to such grotesque realities, we can barely do,” he wrote, “and when you take your eyes from this book, and
conceive of them. look again on this drab, ugly, sin-sick world of corruption, vio-
Yet this is only one of literally countless ways that people are lence and suffering—it will make you sick at heart.
putting other people through indescribable torment. Cruelty. “But doesn’t it make you want to shout for joy, to realize what
Tyranny. Corruption. Thievery. Poor resource management that a civilization—what a world—is actually coming?
results in starvation, poverty and disease. Racism. Religious per- “Doesn’t it make you want to really put your heart into your
secution. Violence of every stripe. Full-blown warfare. prayers, praying earnestly, ‘Oh God! Thy Kingdom come! Thy will
The human mind can only take in so much. And in this in- be done on Earth, as it is in heaven!’”
formation-saturated age, news of people mistreating their fellow That it does. n
A rticl e n u m
Why Christmas Is
Important To God ted from the Decem
ber 2002 Philad
elphia Trumpet
Believe it or not, all of the above statements are false!
Reprin ins
Mark Jenk
lliker and
Surprised? Few people know why they believe what they do. Most just
By Carl Hi
ds always brought
in Judaea. The shepher to be corralled
a cold, rainy season ins
Christmas stir the fields and mounta Song of
surrou nding their flocks in from their protection.
he tradit ions young and old at the latest, for was a
the hearts of many— by mid-October show that winter
warm feelings in s come together. Ezra 10:9 and 13 not
the Earth. Familie Solomon 2:11 and the shepherds would
accept what they were taught from childhood. Did you know the Bible
alike—a ll over the day they’ll receive confirming that
a frenzy. Kids await rainy season, thus on December 25.
Shoppers go into quite like it. in open fields
celebrated on this
is no other time
isn’t surprising.
have been Christ’s birth be
their presents. There feel to these days Why then would “The reason
ent people s of ica states,
The attachm on for hundred pedia Britann
s have been going day? The Encyclo on December 25
After all, these tradition following description in the Bible: as came to be celebrated is that
r the why Christm y the reason
generations. Conside out of the forest, the work of the hands in, but most probabl the pagan
To learn the amazing truth about Christmas and which days are
opening of verse “Christmas was as was
But consider the t be talking about right— Christm
Vain? This couldn’ Church ….” That’s d by any of the apostles
the people are vain.” by Jesus Christ,
nor was it observe
it? He is
Christmas, could as? Rest assured, persona lly instruct
ed by Christ. as in late
What does God
think of Christm celebrat ion. told that “The word for Christm
its yearly In fact, we are of Christ, first found
this holiday and Maesse, the Mass
very interested in follow the custom
s of their family,
Old English is Cristes the death of Christ.
truly God’s holy days, request our free reprint, “Why Christmas Is
Most people simply knowing where those customs 1,000 years after from Egypt” (not
without the in 1038.” That is e of the feast is
region or nation never ask about “The first evidenc ians began
they are kept. Most e presents on this a.d. Egyptia n theolog
originated or why people exchang Jerusale m). About 200 25th of Pachon , which
as, why on the
origins of Christm represents the birth of Christ
celebrating the birth by our calendar.
this holiday really
day, or even whether named! 20
corresponds to May early Christians did not observe
after whom it is its observance?
of Jesus Christ, The truth is, the an
ty God command Christian theologi
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