Building Construction Tender
Building Construction Tender
Building Construction Tender
Office: Divisional Engineer Office (H) NABARD and Rural Roads, Erode
Tender ID : hwa165097
Eligibility Criteria, if any Contractors those who registered in Highways Department for the year 2019-20 will
(in brief) be eligible for attending the tender.
163701200/ 7-A
Clauses: -
1. Tender Schedules can be downloaded at free of cost from the website and upto 5.45 P.M on 28.10.2019. The tender schedule can also be obtained during
office hours upto 28.10.2019 from the concerned Office of the Divisional Engineer (H) NABARD and
Rural Roads, Erode duly remitting the cost of tender schedule.
2. The tenders and Pre-Qualification documents will be received upto 3.00 PM on 31.10.2019 and Pre-
Qualification documents will be opened by the Superintending Engineer (H) NABARD and Rural Roads
Circle, Salem at 3.15 PM on 31.10.2019 in the presence of tenderers.
3. Details regarding class of contractor, Tender specification and other conditions are available in the above
4. The Contractors those who registered in Highways Department will eligible for attending the tender.
5. The contractor those renewed for the year 2019-20 only eligible for attending the tender.
6. Furthur any amendment to the tender will be hosted on above website only.
Tender Notice No. 2/ 2019-200/ Dated: 30.09.2019
For and on the behalf of Pranav Mitra & Associates, sealed percentage tender will be received by
the Manager, Pranav Mitra & Associates, Pvt. Ltd., C-Scheme, Jaipur at his office upto 1500 Hrs on 30.10.2019
for the following work as detailed below:
1. One outer cover containing the following two inner cover.
2. Pre-qualification document and EMD in one inner cover.
3. Price bid document in another inner cover.
SL. N. Name of work Approximate E.M.D. (In Security Class of Place from
value of work Rs.) Deposit (In contractor where tender
(In Rs.) Rs.) schedules can
be obtained
1. Construction of 10,00,00,000 20,00000 1,00,00.000 A Acoounts
Mixed-Use Office Office, Pranav
Building at Bandra Mitra &
Kurla Complex, Accsociates
Bandra East, Pvt. Ltd., C-
Mumbai Scheme, Jaipur
1. Tender Schedules can be downloaded at free of cost from the website upto 5.45 P.M
on 28.10.2019. The tender schedule can also be obtained during office hours upto 28.10.2019 from the
Accounts Office Pranav Mitra & Accsociates Pvt. Ltd., C-Scheme, Jaipur, duly remitting the cost of
tender schedule.
2. The tenders and Pre-Qualification documents will be received upto 3.00 PM on 31.10.2019 and Pre-
Qualification documents will be opened by the Manager, Pranav Mitra & Accsociates Pvt. Ltd., C-
Scheme, Jaipur, at 3.15 PM on 31.10.2019 in the presence of tenderers.
3. Details regarding class of contractor, Tender specification and other conditions are available in the above
4. Furthur any amendment to the tender will be hosted on above website only.