Equipment, Workplace, and Environmental Design
Equipment, Workplace, and Environmental Design
Equipment, Workplace, and Environmental Design
Nicolas Marmaras and Dimitris Nathanael
National Technical University of Athens
Athens, Greece
Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Third Edition. Edited by Gavriel Salvendy
Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
requirements best posture that can be assumed for long periods of
time. Consequently, the effort should be put on
designing the components of the workplace in such a
way as to form a “malleable envelope” that permits
Workplace Working workers to adopt various healthy postures. The two
components person other sections deal with the design of individual
workstations and with the layout of groups of
workstations in a given space.
Shoulder tendinitis
and bursitis
Low back pain
30 cm
−6070 cm
Lordotic Kyphotic
inward outward
arch arch
80 −100
−40 50
2.3 Spatial Arrangement of Work Artifacts particularities of the working persons). An additional
While working one uses a number of artifacts: for issue that has to be dealt with at this phase is to ensure
example, the controls and displays on a control panel, the participation in the design process of the people
the various parts of an assembled object at an assembly who will occupy the future workstations. Access to
workstation, or the keyboard, the mouse, the visual workstations where similar jobs are being performed is
display terminal, the hard-copy documents, and the also advisable. The remainder of the design process will
telephone at an office workstation. Application of the be influenced significantly by the decisions taken at this
following ergonomic recommendations for the phase.
arrangement of these artifacts helps to decrease 3.2 Phase 2: Identification of Work System
workload, facilitate work flow, and improve overall Constraints and Requirements
The aim of phase 2 is to identify the various constraints
and requirements posed by the work system that have to
1. Frequency of use and criticality. Artifacts that be considered during workstation design. More
are frequently used, or are of special importance, should specifically, during this phase one has to collect data
be placed in prominent positions: for example, in the about the types of tasks to be carried out at the
center of the work surface or near the right hand for workstation designed; the work organization (i.e., the
right-handed people, and vice versa for left-handed interdependency between the tasks to be carried out in
people. the workstation and others in the proximal
2. Sequential consistency. When a particular pro- environment); the various technological equipment and
cedure is always executed in sequential order, the arti- tools that will be used, their functions, user interfaces,
facts involved should be arranged according to this shape, and dimensions; the environmental conditions of
order. the broader area in which the workstation will be placed
3. Topological consistency. Where the physical (e.g., illumination and sources of light, level of noise
location of controlled elements is important for the and noise sources, thermal conditions and sources of
work, the layout of the controlling artifacts should warm or cold drafts); normal as well as exceptional
reflect the geographical arrangement of the former. situations in which working persons could be found
(e.g., electricity breakdowns, fire); and any other
4. Functional grouping. Artifacts (e.g., dials, element of or situation related to the work system that
controls, visual displays) that are related to a particular may interfere directly or indirectly with the workstation
function should be grouped together. designed. These data can be collected by questioning
the appropriate people as well as by observation and
Application of the recommendations above requires analysis of similar work situations. Specific design
knowledge of the work activities to be performed at the standards (e.g., ANSI, EC, DIN, or ISO), as well as
workplace designed. Task analysis provides enough data legislation related to the type of the workstation
to apply these recommendations appropriately, as well designed, should be collected and studied during this
as to solve eventual contradictions between them, by phase.
deciding which arrangement best fits the situation at
hand. 3.3 Phase 3: Identification of User Needs
The needs of future workstation occupants are identi-
3 DESIGNING INDIVIDUAL WORKSTATIONS fied during phase 3, considering the tasks to be per-
Figure 6 presents a generic process for the ergonomic formed at the workstation designed as well as the
design of individual workstations, with the various characteristics of persons who will occupy it. Conse-
phases, the data or sources of data that have to be quently, task analysis (see Chapter 14) and analysis of
considered at each phase, and methods that could be user characteristics should be carried out at this phase.
applied. It should be noted that certain phases of the Of particular importance are the characteristics of
process may be carried out concurrently, or in a the user population, which depend on their gender, age,
different order, depending on the particularities of the nationality, or particular disabilities, and concern the
workstation to design, or the preferences and experience size of body parts (anthropometry) (see Chapter 12), the
of the designers. ability and limitations of their movements (biome-
chanics) (see Chapter 13), visual and auditory percep-
3.1 Phase 1: Decisions Regarding Resources tion abilities and limitations, previous experiences and
and High-Level Requirements work practices, and cultural or religious obligations
(e.g., women in certain countries are obliged to wear
The first phase of the design process is to decide about particular costumes).
the time to spend and the people who will participate in Task analysis aims at identifying mainly the work
it (the design team). These decisions depend on the processes that will take place and the workstation ele-
high-level requirements of stakeholders (e.g., improve- ments implicated in them; the physical actions that will
ment of working conditions, increase of productivity, be carried out (e.g., fine manipulations, whole-body
innovation, occupational safety and health protection, as movement, force exertion), the information exchange
well as the money they are ready to spend), and the required (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) and infor-
importance of the project (e.g., number of identi-cal mation sources; the privacy required; and the necessary
workstations, significance of the tasks carried out,
Decisions about
Users’ and stakeholders’
resources and
requirements analysis
high-level requirements
standards and
Identification of work legislation
Work system
system constraints
and requirements
at similar
Task and
Identification of
user characteristics
users’ needs
Aggregation of
Setting specific
requirements and
design goals
Users’ population
and biomechanical
Design of
of prototype(s)
Improvements and
final design
proximity with other workstations, equipment, or ele- ergonomic requirements of workstation design into a set
ments of the broader working environment. The more of specific goals. These will guide the choices and
the design team can analyze work situations similar to decisions to be made in the next phase. Furthermore,
the workstation designed, the more valuable the results they will be used as criteria for assessment of the pro-
of the task analysis will be. totype designed and will guide its improvement. The
At this phase, data about performance and health specific goals are an aggregation of shoulds and consist
problems of persons working in similar work situations of the requirements of the stakeholders (e.g., the work-
should be collected. Ergonomic and occupational safety station should be convenient for 95% of the user popu-
and health literature may be used as the main source for lation, should cost a maximum of $X, should increase
the collection of such data. Finally, as in the preceding productivity at least 10%); the constraints and require-
phase, user needs should be identified not only for ments posed by the work system in which the designed
normal but also for exceptional situations in which
workstation occupants may be found (e.g., electricity workstation(s) will be installed [e.g., the workstation(s)
blackout, fire). should not exceed X centimeters of length and Y cen-
timeters of width, should offer working conditions not
3.4 Phase 4: Setting Specific Design Goals ◦
exceeding X decibels of noise and Y of wet bulb globe
Considering the outputs of preceding phases, the design temperature], user needs (e.g., the work-station should
team is now able to transform the generic accommodate elderly people, should be
appropriate for prolonged computer work, should facil- Table 1 Recommendations for Choosing the
itate cooperation with neighboring workstations), the Working Posture
requirement to avoid common health problems asso- Working
ciated with similar situations (e.g., the workstation Posture Task Requirements
should minimize upper limb musculoskeletal prob-
lems), and design standards and related legislation (e.g., Working person’s It is preferable to arrange for both
the workstation should ensure absence of glare and of choice sitting and standing (see Figure 3).
cold drafts). The systematic record of all spe-cific Sitting Where a stable body is needed:
design goals is very helpful for the next phases. It is • For accurate control, fine
important to note that agreement on these specific goals manipulation
among the design team, management, and users’ • For light manipulation work
representatives is indispensable. (continuous)
• For close visual work with
3.5 Phase 5: Design of Prototypes prolonged attention
• For limited headroom, low work
Phase 5 is the most demanding in the design process. In heights
fact, the design team has to generate design solutions Where foot controls are necessary
that meet all the specific design goals identified in phase (unless of infrequent or short
4. Given the large number of design goals as well the duration)
fact that some of them may be conflicting, the design Where a large proportion of the
team has to make appropriate compromises, considering working day requires standing
some goals as more important than others, and Standing For heavy, bulky loads
eventually passing by some of them. Good knowledge Where there are frequent moves
of the particularities of the task that will be performed at from the workplace
the workstation designed, as well as the specific user Where there is no knee room under
characteristics, is the only way to set the right priorities the equipment
and avoid serious mistakes. Where there is limited front – rear
A first decision to make is the working posture(s) space
that will be assumed by users of the workstation Where there are a large number of
designed. Table 1 provides some recommendations for controls and displays
this. Once the working posture has been decided, the Where a large proportion of the
design may continue to define the shape, dimensions, working day requires sitting
and arrangement of the various elements of the work- Support seat (see Where there is no room for a normal
station. To do so, one has to consider the anthropomet- Figure 7) seat but support is desirable
ric and biomechanical characteristics of the user popu- Source: Corlett and Clark (1995).
lation as well as the working actions to be performed. In
addition to the ergonomic recommendations pre-sented
previously, some additional recommendations for the
design of the workstation are the following:
Comfort zones
of lower limbs
(nonadjustable) Seat
Convention line
Figure 8 Common comfort zones of the hands and legs for large and small users of a driving workplace with a
nonadjustable chair.
thermore, many existing design solutions may disre-gard
important ergonomic issues. Finally, although the
population. (Care should be given to the usability of
adjustability controls.)
5. While envisioning design solutions, check con-
tinuously to ensure that the workstation elements do not
obstruct users’ courses of action (e.g., percep-tion of
necessary visual information, manipulation of controls).
users, simulating the work with a full-scale mock-up of • The layout of the workstations should conform
the designed workstation prototype(s). The assessment to the organizational structure.
should be made in conditions as close as possible to • The layout should ensure the necessary privacy.
those of the real work. Development of use scenarios of
both normal and exceptional work situations is useful • There should be appropriate lighting, conform-
for this reason. Experimental assessment is ing to task needs.
indispensable for the identification of problematic • The lighting should be uniform throughout the
aspects that are difficult, if not impossible, to realize working person’s visual field.
before having a real workplace with real users. • There should be no annoying reflections or glare
Furthermore, this type of assessment provides valuable in the working area.
insights for eventual needs during implementation (e.g., • There should be no annoying hot or cold drafts
the training needed, the eventual need for a user’s in the workplace.
• Access to the workstations should be unob-
3.7 Phase 7: Improvements and Final Design structed and safe.
In phase 7, considering the outputs of the assessment,
the design team proceeds with the necessary modifi- In this section we focus on the ergonomic layout of
cations of the design prototype. The opinions of other workplaces for office work. The choice to focus on the
specialists, such as architects and decorators, which ergonomic layout of workstations in offices has been
have more to do with the aesthetics, or production made for the following reasons: First, office lay-out is
engineers and industrial designers, which have more to an exemplary case for the arrangement of a number of
do with production, materials, and robustness mat-ters, individual workstations in a given space, encompassing
should be considered at this phase, in case such all major ergonomic requirements found in most types
specialists are not members of the design team. The of workplaces (with the exception of workplaces where
final design should be complemented by drawings for the technology involved determines to a large extent the
production and appropriate documentation, including layout, such as workstations in front of machinery).
the rationale behind the solutions adopted; cost estima- Second, office workplaces con-cern a growing
tion for the production of the workstation(s) designed; percentage of the working population worldwide. For
and implementation requirements, such as the training example, during the twentieth cen-tury the percentage
needed and the user’s manual, if required. of office workers increased from 17% to over 50% of
the U.S. workforce, with the rest working in agriculture,
3.8 Final Remarks sales, industrial production, and transportation (Czaja,
The reason for conducting a user needs and require- 1987). With the spread of infor-mation technologies, the
ments analysis is to anticipate the future work situation proportion of office workers is expected to increase
in order to design a workstation that fits its users, their further. Third, health problems encountered by today’s
tasks, and the surrounding environment. However, it is office workers are to a great extent related to
impossible to anticipate a future work situation com- inappropriate layout of their work-places (Marmaras
pletely, in all its specificity, as work situations are and Papadopoulos, 2002).
complex, dynamic, and evolving. Furthermore, if the
workstation designed is destined to form part of an 4.1 Generic Office Layouts
already existing work system, it might affect the over-all There are a number of generic types of office layouts
work ecology, something that is also very difficult to (Shoshkes, 1976; Zelinsky, 1998). The two extremes are
anticipate. Therefore, a number of modifications will the private office, where each worker has his or her own
eventually be needed some time after workstation personal closed space or room, and the open-plan office,
installation and use. Thus, it is strongly suggested to where all the workstations are placed in a common open
conduct a new assessment of the designed workstation space. In between are a multitude of combinations of
once users have been familiarized with the new work private offices and open plans. Workstation
situation. arrangements in open plans can be either orthogonal,
with single, double, or fourfold desks forming parallel
4 ERGONOMIC LAYOUT OF WORKSTATIONS rows, or with workstations arranged in groups,
Ergonomic layout deals with the placement and matching the organizational or functional structure of
orientation of individual workstations in a given space the work. A recent layout philosophy is the flexible
(building). The main ergonomic requirements to meet office, where the furniture and equipment are designed
concern the tasks performed, the work organization, and to be easily movable in order to be able to modify the
environmental factors. More specifically, such workstation arrangement depending on the number of
requirements are as follows: the people present in the office as well as the projects or
work schemes themselves (Brunnberg, 2000). Finally,
• The layout of the workstations should facilitate to respond to the current need for flexibility in
the work flow. organizations and the structuring of enterprises, as well
• The layout of the workstations should facilitate as to reduce costs, a new trend in office management is
the cooperation of both personnel and external the free address office or nonterritorial office, where
persons. workers do not
have a proper workstation, but whenever at the office, The decision as to the generic type of layout should
use the workstation they find free. be made by the stakeholders. The role of the ergonomist
Each type of layout has strengths and weaknesses. here is to indicate the strengths and weaknesses of each
Private offices offer increased privacy and better control alternative to facilitate adoption of the most appropriate
of environmental conditions, being easily fitted to the type of layout for the specific situation. After this
particular preferences and needs of their users. On the decision has been made, the design team should
other hand, they are more expensive to both construct proceed to a detailed layout of the workstations. In the
and maintain, not easily modifiable to match changing next section we describe a systematic method for this
organizational needs, and render cooperation and purpose.
supervision difficult. Open-plan offices offer flexibility
in changing organizational needs and facilitate 4.2 Ergonomic Method for Office Layout
cooperation between co-workers but tend to suffer from The ergonomic method proposes a systematic way to
environmental annoyances such as noise and suboptimal design workplaces for office work. The method aims at
climatic conditions as well as lack of privacy. To alleviating the design process for arranging the
minimize the noise level as well as to create some sense workstations by reducing the entire problem to a
of privacy in open plans, movable barriers may be used. number of stages during which only a limited number
To be effective, the barriers have to be at least 1.5 m of ergonomic requirements are considered. Another
high and 2.5 m wide. Furthermore, Wichman (1984) characteristic of the method is that the ergonomic
proposes the following specific design requirements to be considered have been converted to
recommendations to enhance the working conditions in design guidelines (Margaritis and Marmaras, 2003).
an open-plan office: Figure 9 presents the main stages of the method.
Before starting the layout design, the design team
• Use sound-absorbing materials on all major should collect data concerning the activities that will be
surfaces wherever possible. Noise is often more performed in the workplace and the needs of the
of a problem than expected. workers. More specifically, the following information
• Equip workstations with low-noise technologi- should be gathered:
cal devices (e.g., printers, photocopy machines,
telephones). For example, provide telephones • The number of people who will work perma-
that flash a light for the first two “rings” before nently or occasionally.
emitting an auditory signal. • The organizational structure and the organiza-
• Leave some elements of design for the work- tional units that it comprises.
station user. People need to have control over • The activities carried out by each organizational
their environments, so leave some opportunities unit. Of particular interest are the needs for
for changing or rearranging things. cooperation among the various units (and
• Provide both vertical and horizontal surfaces for consequently, the desired relative proximity
the display of personal belongings. People like to between them), the need for reception of external
personalize their workstations. visitors (and consequently, the need to provide
• Provide several easily accessible islands of pri- easy access to them), as well as any other need
vacy. This would include small rooms with full related to the particularities of the unit (e.g.,
walls and doors that can be used for conferences security requirements).
and private or long-distance telephone calls. • The activities carried out by each worker. Of
• Provide all private work areas with a way to particular interest are the need for cooperation
signal willingness of the occupant to be with other workers, privacy needs, the reception
disturbed. of external visitors, and the specific needs such
• Have clearly marked flow paths for visitors. For as for lighting.
example, hang signs from the ceiling showing • The equipment required for each work activity
where secretaries and department boundaries are (e.g., computer, printer, storage).
• Design workstations so that it is easy for drop-in At this stage the design team should also request
visitors to sit down while speaking. This will detailed ground plan drawings of the space concerned,
tend to reduce disturbances to other workers. including all elements that should be considered as
• Plan for ventilation airflow. Most traditional fixed (e.g., structural walls, heating systems).
offices have ventilation ducting. This is usually
not the case with open-plan cubicles, so they 4.2.1 Stage 1: Determination of Space
become dead-air cul-de-sacs that are extremely Available
resistant to post hoc resolution. The aim of stage 1 is to determine the space where no
• Overplan for storage space. Designers of open- furniture should be placed, to ensure free passage by the
plan systems, which emphasize tidiness, seem to doors and to allow the necessary room for elements
chronically underestimate people’s storage such as windows and radiators, for manipulation and
needs. maintenance purposes. Following are suggestions for
(data and requirements) Ergonomic requirements
• Walls
• Easy access
• Columns
to: Doors
• Doors Determination of
• Windows space available
• Radiators
• ….
• Desk
• Fitting the workstation
• Chairs
Design of workstation to its users and tasks
• Computer
modules • Easy access to
• Lockers workstations
• ….
• Cooperation
• Facilitation of cooperation
• Available surface (internal and external)
• Required surface
Placement of • Ensure working conditions
• Organizational units organizational units meeting task requirements
• Already-existing • Utilization of already existing
closed spaces closed spaces
• Facilitation of cooperation
• Organizational units (internal and external)
• Cooperation • Ensure working conditions
• Lighting needs Placement of the meeting task requirements
• Privacy needs workstation modules • Easy access to
• External visitors workstations
• Structural elements • Ensure required privacy
• …. •…
• Facilitation of cooperation
(internal and external)
• Cooperation • Ensure appropriate
• Doors Orientation of lighting conditions
• Windows workstation modules • Easy access to
• Supervision workstations
•… • Facilitation of supervision
Figure 9 Main stages of a method for office layout meeting ergonomic requirements.
determining spaces that to remain free of furniture free space should be provided around the furniture for
(Figure 10). Allow for an area of 50 cm in front of any passages between workstations as well as for
window, an area of 3 m in front and 1 m at both sides of unobstructed sitting and for getting up from the seat.
the main entrance door, an area of 1.50 m in front and This free space may be delimited in the following way
50 cm at both sides of any other door, and an area of 50 (minimum areas). Allow for an area of 55 cm along the
cm around any radiator. front side of the desk or the outer edge of the visitor’s
seat; an area of 50 cm along the entry side of the
4.2.2 Stage 2: Design of Workstation Modules workstation; an area of 75 cm along the back side of the
The aim of stage 2 is to design workstation modules that desk (seat side); and an area of 100 cm along the back
meet the needs of workers. Each module is composed of side of the desk if there are storage cabinets behind the
the appropriate elements for the working activities: desk.
desk, seat, storage cabinets, visitors’ seats, and any other A number of different modules will result from this
equipment required for the work. A stage, depending on the particular work requirements
where Atotal
where no modules can be placed
0.50 0.50
55 cm
55 cm
100 cm
workers who cooperate closely should be placed near 1. Orient workstations such that there are no
each other. windows directly in front or behind workers when they
2. Place workstations at which external visitors are looking toward a visual display unit (VDU). In
will be received near the entrance doors. offices, windows play a role similar to that of lights: a
3. Place as many workstations as possible near the window right in front of a worker disturbs through
windows. Windows may provide benefits in addition to direct glare; one directly behind the worker produces
variety in lighting and a view (Hall, 1966). They permit reflected glare. For this reason, ideally, VDU
fine adjustment of light through curtains or venetian workstations should be placed at right angles to
blinds and provide distant points of visual focus, which windows (Grandjean, 1987) (Figure 14).
can relieve eye fatigue. Furthermore, related research 2. To avoid direct glare, orient workstations such
has found that people strongly prefer workstations that that there are no direct lighting sources within
are placed near windows (Manning, 1965; Sanders and ±40 vertically and horizontally from the line of sight
McCormick, 1992). (Kroemer et al., 1994).
4. Avoid placing workers in airstreams created by 3. Orient workstations to allow workers to observe
air conditioners and by open windows and doors. entrance doors.
5. Place workstation modules to form straight
corridors leading to doors. The corridor width allowing
for one-person passage should be at least 60 cm, and for
two-person passage, at least 120 cm (Alder, 1999). Windows
6. Leave the necessary space in front and to the
sides of electric switches and wall plugs.
7. Leave the necessary space for waiting visitors. In
cases where waiting queues are expected, provide at
least a free space of 120 cm width and n × 45 cm length,
where n is the maximum expected number of waiting
people. Add to this length another 50 cm in front of the
Ia Ib Ic
4. Orient workstations to facilitate cooperation Dainoff, M. (1994), “Three Myths of Ergonomic Seating,” in
between members of work teams. Figure 15 shows Hard Facts About Soft Machines: The Ergonomics of
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the number of team members and the presence or London.
absence of a leader (Cummings et al., 1974). Grandjean, E. (1987), Ergonomics in Computerized Offices,
Taylor & Francis, London.
4.3 Concluding Comments Grey, F. E., Hanson, J. A., and Jones, F. P. (1966), “Postural
Given the complexity of workplace layout design, a Aspects of Neck Muscle Tension,” Ergonomics, Vol. 9,
No. 3, pp. 245 – 256.
designer trying to apply the various ergonomic Grieco, A. (1986), “Sitting Posture: An Old Problem and a
guidelines in the various phases will almost definitely New One,” Ergonomics, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 345 – 362.
encounter contradictions. To resolve them, he or she Hall, E. T. (1966), The Hidden Dimension, Doubleday, New
should be able to focus on the guidelines that seem most York.
important for the case at hand and pay less attention Helander, M. (1995), A Guide to the Ergonomics of Manu-
(eventually, even ignore) others. Good knowledge of facturing, Taylor & Francis, London.
generic human abilities and limitations, the specific Jampel, R. S., and Shi, D. X. (1992), “The Primary Position of
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designed workplace, and the specificities of the work Visual Head Plane,” Investigative Ophthalmology and
Visual Science, Vol. 33, pp. 2501 – 2510.
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as possible. A systematic assessment of these alternative Kroemer, K., Kroemer, H., and Kroemer-Elbert, K. (1994),
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