Salting IN, Salting OUT, and Dialysis of Proteins.: Objective
Salting IN, Salting OUT, and Dialysis of Proteins.: Objective
Salting IN, Salting OUT, and Dialysis of Proteins.: Objective
;Differential Solubility
.Loss of solubility = loss of affinity of solute for the solvent
.Protein solubility affected by : PH( =7), ionic strength, temperature
Proteins show a variation in solubility depending on their solution ionic environments.
Salting in:
The effects of salts such as sodium chloride on increasing the solubility of
proteins is often referred to as salting in.
When low concentrations of salt is added to a protein solution, the solubility
increases. This could be explained by the following:
Salt molecules stabilize protein molecules by :
decreasing the electrostatic energy between the protein molecules which
increase the solubility of proteins.
Salting out:
When the ionic strength of a protein solution is increased by adding salt, the
solubility decreases, and protein precipitates. This could be explained by the
The salt molecules compete with the protein molecules in binding with water.**
Some salts, such as high concentrations of ammonium sulfate, have general effects on
solvent structure that lead to decreased protein solubility and salting out. In this case,
the protein molecules tend to associate with each other because proteinprotein
interactions become energetically more favorable than proteinsolvent interaction.
Proteins have characteristic salting out points, and these are used in protein
separations in crude extracts.
The most effective region of salting out is at the isoelectric point of the protein
because all proteins exhibit minimum solubility in solutions of constant ionic strength
at their isoelectric points.
The salt commonly used is ammonium sulphate because:
1. Its large solubility in water.
2. Its relative freedom from temperature effects.
3. It has no harmful effects on most of the proteins.
Separation of dissolved small molecules from macromolecules by virtue of their
molecular dimensions through a semi permeable dialysis bag is called dialysis.
One application of dialysis is desalting a solution. The salt molecules move from the
more concentrated solution ( from inside the dialysis bag) to the less concentrated
solution ( e.g. distilled water).
Factors affecting the rate of dialysis:
1. The ratio of the higher to the lower conc of that molecule on the two sides of
the membrane ( to maximize the rate of movement it's necessary to stir the
2. The pore size of the membrane
3. The size and charge of the dialyzable molecule
In this experiment myoglobin is isolated from skeletal muscle by salting out technique
which discards up to 75% of the crude proteins in the protein purification process.
We usually measure the total concentration of proteins rather than its type by using a
general protein detection method (as Biuret Test) in addition of a specefic prorein test
after each step of protein purification (as salting out ) to follow the purification steps
of the target protein, But in this lab we will only take one purification step (Part 1)
with only the Biuret Test ( part 2).
Part One ( 1 ) .
Salting Out Technique :
Materials and apparatus:
1- Skeletal muscle.
2- Waring Blender.
3- Solid ammonium sulphate.
4- Magnatic stirrer.
5- Spectrophotometer.
6- PH meter.
1- Cut skeletal muscle (100 g) into small pieces.
2- Homogenize it for 10 secons In 100 ml distilled water at room temperature in
a blender.
3- Devide the homogenate in 5 equal parts.
4- Allow the homogenate to stand for 20 min. , and then Centrifuge at 2000 rpm
(rpm = round per minutes) at 4O C for 10 min.
5- Descard the residue (pelette) and adjust the pH of supernatant to Ph7.0 by
adding ammonium hydroxide solution (2M) (NH4OH).
NOT: We used sodium hydroxide (NaOH (0.1 M very diluted strong base) )
in replace of ammonium hydroxid solution.
15- Remove the ammoniume sulphate used in the salting out procedure by dialysis
using dialysis tubing ( or bag)
16- Place the protein solution in the dialysis bag made by tying knots in the end of
cellulose dialysis tubing.
17- Put the sealed bag in a large volume of cold water which is being moderately
remove and the protein solution is equilibrated with water ( at least 6 – 8 hours
are required for complete dialyisis or overnight).
18- After that, transport the remaining protein solution into new centrifuge tube
and store it at 4-8 Co temp. (refrigerator) until use.
19- Find out the amount of protein in the dialysed sample using Biuret Method.
( The nex Lab )
NOTE: record your calculation with the method steps.
This Test used to detect and determine the protein concentration. So, it can be used for
both qualitative and aquantitative analysis of protein.
This test or reaction is given by peptiedes containing at least tow peptied bonds, i.e. it
is not given by dipeptides and most of the free amino acids in general ( except
histidine,serine, and therionine which give areaction)
The principle underlying the test can be demonstrated with the chemical compound
biuret which, just as proteins, is able to complex copper (II) ions to give a violet
colored complex. The biuret assay does not in fact use biuret, but is also named as it
detects the peptied bond between the urea molecules or between the amino acids.
So, the biuret reaction takes its name from the fact that biuret itself, obtained by
heating urea gives a similare coloured complex with copric ions.
(Urea) (Biuret)
Not all Biuret Test actually require the same reagent ( Biuret reagent, our
experiment`s reagent today). Rather, the term '' biuret test'' is a generic term for
testing of proteins by using copper (II) sulphate solution in an alkaline environment.
In this experiment the amount of isolated protein from skeletal muscle is determined
by the Biuret assay and from the standerd curve of Bovine Serum Albumin ( BSA).
) 11
Tube 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Blank
Standard 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dis.Water 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1
Sample 1 1
`Sample 1 1
Sample 2 1
`Sample 2 1
. reagent 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5- Mix will.
6- Allow to stand for 20 min.
7- Read the absorbance at 540 nm against the blank.
8- Record your results in the Result table.
9- Plot a standard curve (graph) using concentration of bovine serum albumin
against the absorbance at 540 nm.
10- Determine the concentration of protein present in sample 1,1`, and 2,2`.
11- Record the concentration in the result table.
12- Calculate the average of the two concentration of sample 1 (1, &1`), and
sample 2 (2,&2`).
1- Calculation of Standared Protein serial concentraions (Std. Pro.tubes):
By using the dilution law (Dilution Eqation) as following:
C1 x V1 = C2 X V2
1 0.5
2 1.0
3 2.0
4 3.0
5 4.0
6 5.0
8 (sample 1`) ?
9 (sample 2) ? * ( C. of tube 9
+10) /2
10 (sample 2`) ?
Discussion :
Discuse your samples results, which of them has the hyighest content of protein in
How was your standared curve accuracy? Is it accurate?