SPI RRT Checklist User Guide
SPI RRT Checklist User Guide
SPI RRT Checklist User Guide
Version 4.0
Page 1 of 41
Users’ Guide for SPI-RRT Checklist
I. Background
The expansion of HIV/AIDS testing, care, and treatment services has been driven by the increasing
need for HIV services including HIV rapid testing, the increasing provision of antiretroviral (ARV)
drugs to treat persons living with HIV, and the demonstrated effectiveness of ARVs taken consistently
to prevent further transmission (e.g., prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT),
discordant couples, etc.). Considerable effort and resources have focused on expanding and
decentralizing HIV testing services (HTS), PMTCT, and HIV care and treatment services so that HIV
testing is performed at both facility and non-facility levels. As such, a continuous and systematic
approach is needed to ensure good quality, accuracy and reliability of rapid HIV diagnostics for HTS.
To assist ministries of health and national programs, a Stepwise Process for Improving the Quality
of HIV Rapid and Recency Testing (SPI-RRT) checklist has been developed. The checklist provides
guidance on quality assurance (QA) practices for sites using HIV rapid tests to diagnose HIV infection
and for sites using the rapid test for recent infection (RTRI) to determine whether a newly HIV
diagnosed person has been infected within the past 12 months. The SPI-RRT checklist sets minimum
standards for all HIV RT/RTRI testing points and provides guidelines for continuous quality
improvement (CQI). Working through the SPI-RRT Checklist will enable the individuals in charge of
the HIV RRT/RTRI testing points and facilities to recognize quality gaps and shortcomings, identify
areas for improvement and where additional resources may be needed to achieve national
Using the SPI-RRT checklist, the HIV rapid and recency testing site audits are intended to be effective
means to 1) determine if a testing point is providing accurate and reliable results; 2) determine if HIV
RT/RTRI testing point is well-managed and is adhering to quality practices; and 3) identify areas for
The users’ guide has been developed to provide instructions on how to implement the associated
checklist in an accurate and standardized way. The information should also provide testing point
personnel with a clear indication of the requirements for compliance and some direction on the SPI-
RRT auditors’ expectations.
The rationale for each standard and the methods that should be used to assess them are explained in
this users’ guide. Specifically, the users’ guide outlines the steps and requirements throughout an
audit and provides a description of how and what data should be collected. For elements that require
reviewing records and documents and/or verifying and confirming evidence of compliance, the
user’s guide also explains how it should be done. In some instances, an observation may be
sufficient to assess whether or not there is compliance.
Examples are used to illustrate the methods described in Section IV. Tips on How to Conduct the
It is recognized that some of the questions related to personnel competency (Section 1.0) or the
HIV testing registers (Section 6.0) may be outside the purview of the testing point personnel.
However, the data collected from these audits will be used for advocacy and decision making at a
higher level.
Users’ Guide for SPI-RRT Checklist
Review HIV RT/RTRI testing/site records to verify that the HIV RT/RTRI testing site guidelines,
supervisory visit reports, incident reports, logs, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and job
aides are complete, current, and accurate.
Follow a specimen through the HIV rapid testing or RTRI procedure whenever possible, from
specimen collection through testing, analyzing, and result reporting.
Users’ Guide for SPI-RRT Checklist
The SPI-RRT Checklist contains four distinct parts. Detailed instructions are provided below on how
to use the checklist to audit HIV RT and/or RTRI testing points.
Date of audit: Provide the date of the audit, using the format provided.
Audit round: Audit round corresponds to the number of times the testing point was audited, as of
the day of the audit.
Testing facility name: Provide the official name of the facility.
Testing facility ID: Some countries have a listing of the facilities with unique ID assigned, if
available provide the number.
Type of testing point: Circle the type of testing point to be audited that is the most appropriate
one, if not listed specify under “other”. HIV programmatic areas vary from countries to countries.
Therefore, in some instances, countries will have to customize to reflect the program types
available in country.
Physical Address: Provide the complete location or address of the testing facility.
Level: Circle the most appropriate sub-national level of the health tiered systems; if not listed,
specify under “other”. Sub-national levels vary from country to country. Therefore, in some
instances, countries will have to customize to reflect the country context.
Affiliation: circle the most appropriate one; if not listed, specify under “other”
Number of testers: Specify the number of individuals performing testing in the testing point at the
time of the audit.
Number of clients tested for HIV: Provide the number of clients tested for HIV for the past month
and quarter
Number of newly identified HIV positives: Provide the number of newly diagnosed HIV positives
for the past month and quarter.
Number of HIV negatives: Provide the number of clients that tested HIV negative for the past
month and quarter.
Number of newly identified HIV positives tested by RTRI: Provide the number of newly
diagnosed HIV positives tested by RTRI.
Number of Recent by RTRI or RITA: Provide the number of recent clients by the rapid test for
recent infection only or the recent infection testing algorithm (RTRI +viral load)
Name of the auditor 1: Provide the name of the auditor.
Name of the auditor 2: If more than one auditor, provide the name of the second auditor.
Users’ Guide for SPI-RRT Checklist
For each of the sections listed below, responses to all questions must either be, “Yes”, “Partial”,
or “No”.
• Indicate “Yes” only when all elements are present, and the evidence of compliance is
present in a tangible and/or observable form (e.g., written material, physical items, etc.)
• Indicate “Partial” if the testing point has a written procedure but there is no evidence of
consistent implementation or if there is evidence of non-adherence.
• Indicate “No” when an element (e.g., SOP or job aides) requires a written procedure but
it is not available at the testing point or there is no evidence of compliance.
• When marking “Partial” or “No”, provide comments for each “Partial” or “No”
• State N/A (not applicable) in the comments field of the Section 8.0 questions (*) if RTRI
is not implemented.
Each element marked will be assigned a point value:
• Items marked “Yes” receive 1 point each.
• Items marked “Partial” receive 0.5 point each.
• Items marked “No” receive 0 point each.
At the end of each section, total points scored for the section should be reported.
The table below describes the total score expected for each section of the checklist. The possible
maximum score a testing point can obtain is either 64 points, if the country has not implemented
RTRI (Section 8.0 questions 8.1 - 8.11) or 75 points if the program does include RTRI.
The percent score obtained by the audited testing point will correspond to a specific performance
level as described in the table below.
Users’ Guide for SPI-RRT Checklist
This checklist consists of five different levels to indicate status toward national certification.
Levels % Score Description of results
Level 0 Less than 40% Needs improvement in all areas and immediate remediation
Level 1 40% - 59% Needs improvement in specific areas
Level 2 60%-79% Partially eligible
Level 3 80%-89% Close to national site certification
Level 4 90% or higher Eligible to national site certification
Auditors complete this audit using the methods outlined above to evaluate testing point operations
using the SPI-RRT Checklist and will document findings in detail using the Auditor’s Summation
Report for SPI-RRT Audit. A copy of the summation report will be made available to the head of
facility or testing sites at the end of the audit.
The overall total points obtained by each HIV testing point audited will be weighed using the
following formula:
Total points scored (exclude all N/A) = a. The auditor will compute all the points obtained for each
Total score expected = b. The auditor will decide whether or not to include the 11 questions related to
RTRI. If so, the total score should 75, otherwise the total score to expected will be 64
% Score = (a/b) x 100. The total score obtained weighted in percentage. The percentage obtained by
the testing point will be translated in level of performance.
The correct pre-certification level should be indicated for each site audited.
In the summary table, gaps and areas for improvement should be documented. The section number
should be referenced, immediate corrective actions by testing point or the facility or a follow up
(e.g. higher level) should be noted. The auditor should provide some relevant comments and jointly
with the testing point staffs, agree on actions to be taken, the timeline for completion and identify a
person as point of contact.
The staff audited, the person in charge and the auditors should review, date and endorse the
Auditor’s Summation report. A copy should be retained by the testing point and another copy by
the auditor.
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
HTS should be offered by only testers with adequate and documented training,
1.0 competent skills, and certified to administer tests and interpret the results, in
accordance with national guidelines, policy and regulations.
- Verify dates of trainings
- Verify training contents including
hands-on sessions
Note: Mark “Yes”, if training documents
are available and content include all
Have all testers received a quality elements (e.g., safety, EQA/PT,
comprehensive training on HIV rapid waste management, inventory, QC
testing using the nationally approved documents and records, testing
curriculum? procedures, etc.)
Mark “Partial” if training documents are
available but content does not include all
Ask the following:
quality elements
- How many testers are on site?
Mark “No” if training documents are not
- How many are trained?
- Documentation of training (e.g.,
‐ Verify a copy of HIV testing register
certificates) for all testers including any
and check all required elements are
refresher training
filled out correctly by the tester(s)
- Training manual or training competency
Note: Mark “Yes” if all testing QA
Are the testers trained on the use of criteria
elements are accurately documented
1.2. standardized HIV testing
Mark “Partial”, if inconsistent or
inaccurate documentation of QA
Mark “No” if no testing QA elements are
‐ Verify the tester(s) training record
on external quality assessment
Are the testers trained on external
(EQA) or proficiency (PT) process
1.3. quality assessment (EQA) or proficiency
Note: Mark “Yes”, if EQA and PT module
testing (PT) process?
is included in training and tester PT
result are satisfactory
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
NRL (e.g., central lab in the capital) for - Verify documentation of EQA/PT
scoring participation (e.g., HIV testing
- If the EQA/PT panels are rotated among register, QC log, EQA/PT forms)
multiple testers - Verify the most recent EQA/PT
- If EQA/PT program is specific to results, and if more than one year,
individual testers document in the comments field to
follow-up with the NRL
Note: Mark “Yes” if there is evidence that
the testing point, or all testers are
enrolled and participate regularly in
EQA/PT program.
Mark “Partial” if there is evidence the
testing points and/or testers are enrolled
but do(es) not participate regularly in
EQA/PT program.
Mark “No” if there is no evidence of
enrollment or participation.
- Verify which testers participated in
the most recent round; if no one
participated, document why in the
comment field.
Note: Mark “Yes” if all HIV rapid testers
at the site have had an opportunity to
Ask the following:
Do all testers at the testing point test the - How many testers have performed test EQA/PT panels and returned results
7.2 to the NRL.
EQA/PT samples? EQA/PT testing?
- Documentation of EQA/PT test results Mark “Partial” if not all HIV rapid testers
at the site have had an opportunity to
tested EQA/PT panels and returned
results to the NRL.
Mark “No” if none of the testers at the
site has ever participated in the PT
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
- How many testers are trained on Note: Mark “Yes”, if training documents
RTRI? are available and content include all
- For documentation of training (e.g., quality elements (e.g., safety, EQA/PT,
waste management, inventory, QC
certificates) for all testers including
documents and records, testing
any refresher training procedures, etc.)
- For training manual or training Mark “Partial”, if training documents are
competency criteria available but content does not include all
quality elements or not all testers at the
site that are supposed to perform RTRI
testing are trained
Mark “No” if tester has not been trained
or evidence of training is not available
- Verify documentation of direct
observation of the tester
performing RTRI testing by
trainer, supervisor or person in-
charge (e.g., signature and date)
- Verify personnel training log
indicating the trainer or
Are there records indicating all testers Ask the following:
supervisor signature and date
8.2* have demonstrated competency in RTRI - For documentation of competency
Note: Mark “Yes”, if demonstrated
prior to testing? assessment for all testers
competency is well documented for all
Mark “Partial”, if demonstrated
competency is well documented for some
but not all of the testers
Mark “No” if there is no documentation
of demonstrated competency
- Verify that the relevant job aides
Ask the following:
and/or SOPs on recency testing
- To see all relevant SOPs or job aides on the
Are all current versions of recency SOPs process is available.
8.3* and/or job aids readily available at the - Verify that the job aides/SOPs are
- RTRI testing
site? current, accurate and complete and
- Enrollment and consent process
follows testing algorithm (i.e., RTRI
- Counseling
is run after national testing
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist
Expected Score 10 5 11 13 9 9 8 11 b=
Guidelines for SPI-RRT Checklist