To Get Things Done Good Afternoon, Sir.: Mr. Rahmat's Attendance
To Get Things Done Good Afternoon, Sir.: Mr. Rahmat's Attendance
To Get Things Done Good Afternoon, Sir.: Mr. Rahmat's Attendance
: Hello, Ahmad.
: Hi, Deni. Nice to see you.
: Nice to see you, too. How are you?
: Fine, thank you. And you?
: I am quite well, thanks.
: may I introduce my friends?
This is Nani. This is Tono and that is is Nana.
: How do you do everybody?
Glad to meet you.
Nani, Tono and Nana :How do you do Ahmad?
Glad to meet you, too.
: Are you all students?
: Yes, we are.
: I am sorry, friends. I am in a hurry…
: Oh! Are you? See you again some-time. Goodbye, Ahmad.
: Good bye, everybody. Glad to have met you.
NOMOR SOAL: 15 – 20
KOMPETENS Merespon makna dan Text 4 is for questions no 15 – 20
I DASAR langkah retorika teks
tulis esei secara Diary of a student name Tyra
akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam June 3rd, 2006
konteks kehidupan Dear diary,
sehari-hari dan untuk Today is my first day as a college student at UNCLA. I feel really excited, it seems
mengakses ilmu like just yesterday I started my high school, but now is my time to begin my new life
pengetahuan dalam in college. I really hope that everything will be okay today, because I don’t expect
teks berbentuk: something bad will happen and ruin my day. Oh, I really hope NOT…
recount, narrative, dan
procedure June 4th, 2006
MATERI Teks tulis berbentuk Yesterday wasn’t a good start for me. Something came up and ruined my entire
POKOK recount mood for that day. I wasn’t pleased with my new beginning of college’s life.
Honestly, I doubted whether I could survive in dealing with people in this college.
INDIKATOR 15.Mengidentifikasi
SOAL makna kalimat dalam
teks yang dibaca
16.Mengidentifikasi urutan
peristiwa dalam teks
kejadian dalam teks
yang dibaca
18.Mengidentifikasi urutan
peristiwa dalam teks
kejadian dalam teks
yang dibaca
20.Mengidentifikasi variasi
susunan kalimat dalam
teks berbentuk:
But, HEY, I have to survive, right? Although the are cruel and ignorant, but I can do
P.S: I really miss my hometown buddies… wish they were here…
16. When did Tyra started her first day as a college student?
a. June 3rd, 2006
b. July 3rd, 2006
c. June 4th, 2006
15. Jawaban yang benar: C
27. a. Me b. Mine c. I
e. My self
29. a. Our b. us c. we
d. ours e. ourselves
25. Jawaban yang benar: D
26. Jawaban yang benar: B
30. Jawaban yang benar: B
31. Jawaban yang benar: A
33. Jawaban yang benar: C
35. Jawaban yang benar: E
INDIKATOR Mengidentifikasi
SOAL kalimat nominal dan
verbal dengan tepat
KOMPETENS Memahami ungkapan- Please, Give example of nominal and verbal sentences!
I DASAR ungkapan dasar pada
interaksi sosial untuk
kepentingan kehidupan