System Design and Control of Anthropomorphic Walking Robot LOLA
System Design and Control of Anthropomorphic Walking Robot LOLA
System Design and Control of Anthropomorphic Walking Robot LOLA
6, DECEMBER 2009
CCORDING to a recent paper on the robotics market,
A humanoid service robots might be an emerging applica-
tion area [1]. The anthropomorphic structure is one reason why
such systems are ideal general-purpose assistant robots for typ-
ical everyday tasks. Other scenarios include the entertainment
industry and academic education and research. Fig. 1. Photograph of the 25-DOF humanoid walking robot LOLA.
Quite a few sophisticated full-size humanoid robots are devel-
oped by companies, like Toyota’s running robot [2] and Honda’s TABLE I
ASIMO [3], while most are developed by research laboratories HARDWARE SPECIFICATION
and universities, for example, H7 [4], HRP-2 [5] and HRP-3 [6]
(AIST and Kawada Industries), WABIAN-2 [7], HUBO [8], and
For everyday tasks in production, office or home environ-
ments, stable and fast biped locomotion is a basic skill. Com-
pared with human beings, higher walking speeds, and flexible
motion generation still remain challenging due to many un-
solved control problems, e.g., fast walking and running [2], [10],
sudden turning motions, walking on rough terrain and trajectory
generation in complex environments. On the other hand, the
robot hardware contributes significantly to system performance
components of the mechanical design are presented. The second
if designed thoroughly: both robot hardware and software must
part deals with the robot simulation, and outlines the real-time
be seen as tightly coupled parts of a highly integrated mecha-
trajectory generation and stabilizing control.
tronic system.
The first part of this paper gives an overview of the mecha-
tronic system: the fundamental design considerations and key II. SYSTEM OVERVIEW
LOLA is 180 cm tall and weighs approximately 55 kg. The
Manuscript received February 13, 2009; revised July 1, 2009. First pub- physical dimensions of the robot are based on anthropometric
lished October 9, 2009; current version published November 11, 2009. Recom- data. Fig. 1 shows a photograph of the robot, the key data are
mended by Guest Editor M. Goldfarb. This work was supported by the Deutsche summarized in Table I. The distinguishing characteristics of
Forschungsgemeinschaft under Grant UL 105/29.
The authors are with the Institute of Applied Mechanics, Technical Univer- LOLA are the redundant kinematic structure with 7-DOF legs, an
sity Munich, 85748 Garching, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]; extremely lightweight construction, and a modular joint design
[email protected]; [email protected]). with high power density based on brushless motors. The mass
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at distribution of the legs is improved to achieve good dynamic
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMECH.2009.2032079 performance.
1083-4435/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE
Fig. 3. Mechanism employed for the knee joint (left). Torque and speed re-
quirements of knee joint, human torque capacity adapted from [17] (right).
Fig. 8. Example solution using spline collocation with 30 equally spaced A common strategy for stabilizing the upper body inclination
control points. ly := T x /Fz is the center of pressure. is to control the contact torques at the feet [9], [24], [25]. Usu-
value problem (BVP) for the time interval t ∈ [tB , tE ] instead ally, the foot torques are measured by a six-axis force/torque
sensor and controlled via position control of the ankle joints.
mb zb ÿb − mb yb (z̈b + g) = − T̃x (10) Another common strategy is to accelerate the CoM [2] and [26],
creating a reaction force that stabilizes the robot. In order to
(yb (tB ), ẏb (tB ), yb (tE ))T =(yb,B , ẏb,B , yb,E )T . (11)
reduce landing impacts, many robots also incorporate an active
Obviously, this is an ill-posed problem, since three boundary control of vertical contact forces. This can be done by measur-
conditions are prescribed for a second-order ODE. To obtain a ing the contact force and changing position set points [9], [24].
well-posed problem, we modify the reference torques by adding Large impacts from early foot contact have also been avoided by
γ∆Tx , where ∆Tx is a shape function, and γ the additional using low gain joint position control in combination with gain
degree of freedom required. scheduling [26] or inverse dynamics feed forward control [2].
These control components are often combined in an ad hoc
C. Numerical Solution manner. However, since they are not completely orthogonal, un-
Generally, (9) has no closed form solution, so we have imple- wanted interference is possible. Such unwanted interactions can
mented a collocation method with cubic splines as basis func- be avoided by using an integrated control approach. Löffler pro-
tions to numerically solve the BVP in real-time. An important posed an approach based on feedback linearization for the biped
property of cubic splines is their linearity in the control points JOHNNIE. Unfortunately, the performance of this method was
p, i.e., si (t) = ∇p si (t)p. Calculating the gradients ∇p si (t) in- limited by the available sensor bandwidth, computational power,
volves solving a tridiagonal system of linear equations, which model accuracy, and the difficulty performing joint torque con-
can be done very efficiently by LR-decomposition requiring only trol without joint torque sensors [9].
O(dim(p)) operations.
Putting all elements together, we have a linear set of equations B. Proposed Method
in the unknown spline parameters p We propose a generalization of the impedance control method
mb [zb,i ∇η̈i − ∇ηi (z̈b,i + g)]p = −T̃x,i − γ∆Tx,i (12) previously used for JOHNNIE [9]. The basic idea is to use hybrid
force/position control in task space with an inner joint position
pT (∇p η0T , ∇p η˙0 T , ∇p ηnT −2 ) = (yB , ẏB , yE ). (13) control loop. The contact force trajectories are modified in an
Here, η denotes the approximation of the solution of (10). outer control loop to provide inertial stabilization (Fig. 9).
Fig. 8 shows a solution obtained by the proposed method for The method uses a kinematic model of the robot describing
a periodic gait at 2.5 km/h using 46 cm steps and leg masses the dependency of the workspace trajectories x on the general-
ml of 8.2% of the robot mass. We used 30 spline parameters ized coordinates q. The workspace trajectories include relative
for three walking steps. Evidently the trajectories are smooth positions of the feet with respect to the CoM, and the orientation
and the contact torques stay within the region prescribed by the of the feet with respect to the upper body.
sequence of support polygons. Furthermore, we introduce a simplified contact model for
calculating contact forces λ as a function of q.
VIII. STABILIZING CONTROL 1) Contact Force Modification: If the reference contact force
trajectory λid from the on-line walking pattern generator is not
Due to modeling uncertainties, disturbances and an inherent modified, even small perturbations will destabilize the robot.
instability of the walking system, on-line stabilizing control of Following the idea described in Section VIII-A, desired contact
the robot is required. forces are modified in order to stabilize global dynamics. We
have chosen a potential difference (PD)-type control with sat-
A. Related Papers uration to obtain the modified contact torque reference λd as a
A large number of methods for stabilizing control of biped function of the torso’s orientation error ∆ϕtorso
robots have been proposed. A number of similar ideas have λd = sat(λ
λid + K P ∆ϕtorso + K D ∆ϕ̇torso ) . (14)
been successfully implemented on full-size humanoid robots.
Without attempting to review all methods, we briefly describe The orientation ϕtorso is expressed by the rotation about the
the ones we consider to be the most relevant to our approach. gravity vector ϕz , and the relative angles ϕx , ϕy between the
Fig. 11. Simulated upper body orientation for LOLA walking in a straight line
(ϕ x in sagittal, ϕ y in lateral plane).
Fig. 10. Simulation of LOLA and walking experiment with JOHNNIE, both
using the proposed control system. where (·)# denotes the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse. ∇q λ is
calculated from (14) and will approach zero for the swing leg,
therefore, (17) is modified to include a position control term
torso’s vertical axis and the gravity vector in the sagittal and
lateral planes, respectively. K P and K D are gain matrices and
∆ẋλ = αλ { S λ ∇q λ(S̄ x ∇q x)# S λ K λ,ff λ λ̇d
sat is a saturation function that returns only physically feasi-
ble contact forces. The control gains are scheduled to follow +K λ (λλd − λ) } + αx S̄ x K λx (xd − x) . (18)
changing load factors during different walking phases and to
distribute the contact forces between left and right leg during Here, αλ and αx are gain matrices and αλ + αx = E is the
double support. unity matrix. The gain K λ,ff modifies the feed-forward term
2) Contact Model: The foot ground contact is modeled as a λ
λ̇d and is tuned during walking experiments. The force control
set of decoupled point contacts with stiffness C i and negligible gain αλ is zero for the swing leg, avoiding instability due to
damping. Using the known contact state, i.e., which contacts are a vanishing contact stiffness and allowing the position control
opened or closed, the total force F j and torque T j acting on term to move the swing leg back toward the reference trajectory.
foot j are given by To obtain a position control reference on joint level, the task
space reference modified according to (18) must be mapped
Fj j C i dc,i into joint space. For this we use a resolved motion rate control
= (15)
Tj i∈I c , j j ∆r c,i × j C i dc,i scheme [28] with nullspace optimization [29]
Using the least squares solution for ∆q̇ and λ λ̇ = ∇q λq̇, we Humanoid robots are a new and promising application area
obtain the following reference trajectory modification: for robotics. In order to be useful and commercially success-
# ful, humanoids must have reliable biped locomotion capabili-
∆ẋλ = (S λ ∇q λ S̄ x ∇q x )# S λ λ λ̇d + K λ (λ
λd − λ) ties. In this paper, we focused on aspects of the mechatronic
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