Rcaces History

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Romana C. Acharon Elemenatary School is located at Cahilsot Avenue, Barangay

Calumpang,Genral Santos City. It is adjacent to H. N Cahilsot Central Elementary School at
the General Santos City High School. It is also near the Mayor Antonio C. Acharon
Sport Complex. Its distance from the school heart of the city is 6.5 km.

The school was established on October 16, 1984 wgen superintendent Leonor F. Peñalosa
(retired) ordered for the division of H.N Cahilsot Central Elementary School. Both schools
have 60,000 square meters for the school site. The school site for Romana C. Acharon
Central Elemenatary School was formerly intended for the Gneral Santos City High School
but because of the problems on classrooms and other facilities, the Former High School
Principal, Mrs.Cristina N. Mari(retired) opted to stay within the vicinity of the sport complex,
which is the former school site of Romana C. Acharon Elementary School. But situation
compelled by Miss Selfa C. Celis( retired), Former principal, to vacate its site inside the
Sports Complex and moved to its present site.

On November 23,1993, the Sangguniang Panlunsod of the City of General Santos, During
its 7th Special Session has to come up with the Resolution Number 236 donating the school
site the Department of Education Culture and Sports in favor of Romana C. Acharon
Elemenatary School. Thus, a Deed of Donation was executed by and between the Former
City Mayor, the Hon. Adelbert W. Antonino and then School Division Superintendent,
Gloria C. Obenza (retired)
The people in the community are of varied ethnic groups. There are Cebuanos,
Boholanos,Ilongos, Blaan, Muslims, Chavacanos, and Warays .But despite tribal References,
people live peacefully and Harmoniously with one another. Most of the families largely rely
on fishing for livelihood and some various Factories in the locality.

Romana C. Acharon Central Elemenatary gains its independence from Cahilsot District
when it became Central school on January 25,2011. Mr. Vicson C. Olivirio is the first District
Supervisor and Balunto Elementary School became a part of Romana C. Acharon District.
Name of Cooperating teacher: Novylene M. Taluse

Civil Status: Married

Education Qualification: BEED Major in Mathematics with ECE Units

Civil Service Eligibility: LET

Status of Appoinment: Teacher I

Years of Experience: 5 Years

Name of Student teacher: Enrique M. Cunah

Civil Status: Single

Course: Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in Pre-School

Brokenshire College SOCKSARGEN,Inc.
Ced Avenue, National Highway, Lagao General Santos City
In order for them to behave I used this star as reward for them to listen during
my discussion and fortunately they participate in my class and it is effective
way to get their attentions.

Our last day . We will always treasure the memories with this kids. we would
to think the opportunity for experiencing the real word of teaching.

Their animal mask. That time our lesson it all about the animals who lived in
land, air and water and they very happy and the topic as well very interesting
for them.

My first time joining luck session and they welcome us

First time receiving flowers and said Happy Valentines Sir

Painting activity .

Or daily task cleaning the room before starting the class.

Distribution of ribbons during their 2nd and 3rd convocation.

Colorring activity .

They watch video about the parts of the plant and that time I used it a

Sample of Visual Aid

that day my lesson is parts of the plant and plant provide us food .So my
cooperating teacher let them bring those fruits seen in the pictures.
We also help our cooperating teacher in checking the papers of our pupils.

They start their class in Prayer



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