A Look Back in Time: Letters To The Editor Welcome

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PAGE A4 www.thermopir.com July 18, 2019

Our view A look back in time

Customer beware
It seems as if the population of Thermopolis has doubled
in size. With the tourist season already well upon us, the re-
cent hailstorms have brought even more people to town in the
form of contractors, vehicle dent specialists, adjusters, roof
repair teams and insurance representatives.
The sudden inflow of people means there’s going to be more
drivers out and about, most of which are unfamiliar with our
streets — particularly the flagpole intersection at Fifth and
Broadway — so be sure to give them a little leniency if they
don’t make a turn like they should or drive a bit slower try-
ing to find a correct address.
While having more people in town does make routine trips
a bit more interesting and, yes, at times challenging, we are
certainly reaping plenty of economic benefits. The added popu-
lation won’t be here permanently, though some have expressed
they’ll be around for months or at most a couple years. In that
time, they’ll be staying at our hotels, paying rent on building
space that would otherwise remain empty, purchasing fuel
and other supplies and eating at our restaurants.
That is all money coming into our community. As rough a
time as the county and town has had with budgets and add-
ed expenses — the town most recently had to allocate over
$100,000 to replace a drive at the clarifier — we need as much
help as we can get. Rate increases for services are always
looming on the horizon, and hopefully the incoming monies
will take some of the edge off when they happen.
That being said, while tragedy and disaster brings plenty
of people to help, it unfortunately brings those who are out
to scam people out of their money. This situation is no differ-
ent. For every legitimate company providing services, there
is at least one that’s not so reputable, looking to exploit the
loopholes and line their pockets.
If you have damage to claim from the storms, on your prop-
erty or vehicle, keep in mind that you are the owner and you
do have the right to question anyone who doesn’t seem on the
level. Don’t think your questions unnecessary, and ask about
any detail you don’t understand. Most importantly, be sure
to contact your insurance and an adjuster to make absolutely
sure of what damage is covered.
If you’re not satisfied with the information given to you
after your questioning, you can always contact the Better
Business Bureau by phone or online to get a company’s his-
tory and rating, lists of any complaints and how those com-
plaints are handled.
Let’s do what we can to make sure our recently gained
businessmen and women are welcome here, but also to make
sure they’re not just trying to take a quick buck.

Letters to the
editor welcome
We appreciate receiving letters to the editor
and regard them as our readers’ opportunity to
improve our community, express their beliefs
and communicate through the Thermopolis In-
dependent Record.
We want to give the people of Hot Springs
County the opportunity to read those views as
well as voice them.
If it is convenient, letters should be typed and
double-spaced. Handwritten letters are allowed.
All letters must be signed, with a telephone
number and address listed for verification of the
source and to assist with clarifications.
Unsigned or libelous letters are discarded.
All letters to the editor are edited for clarity,
style, brevity and accuracy.
The number of letters which one author may
write per month is limited. View of the corner of Seventh and Broadway in 1949 and now.
Advertising products and services or thank-
ing businesses or people is not allowed, and that
portion is removed.
Criticism of specific individuals or businesses
are also not allowed.
We can handle this
Because of space limitations and for fairness to
political candidates, the Independent Record does
not accept letters of endorsement or opposition of
Welcome back HSCHS Alumni
political candidates nor do we allow support of or by Cindy Glasson yourself to your classmates again, because let’s Very few of us have stayed exactly the same
opposition to election ballot issues. They say there’s no feeling like coming home face it, whether it’s a few more pounds, a little as we were in high school, from totally chang-
We are pleased to print initial candidacy again and for the Alumni of Hot Springs Coun- less hair or a few extra laugh lines, we’ve all ing our career paths to living somewhere no
announcements as news, which is always free. ty High School, this weekend is their oppor- changed a bit since gracing the halls of our one would have ever guessed you’d want to
Other scheduled news coverage includes stories tunity to wave the Bobcat banner once again. alma mater at 18 years old. put down roots.
in the election editions before both the primary Sure, people root for college teams and pro- One thing I have noticed is fewer and fewer Reunions are not just for reminiscing, but
and general elections. fessional teams, everything from football and of the younger alumni attend their reunions for making new memories as well. I will not
Letters may be delivered to 431 Broadway, basketball to cricket and polo, but nothing these days. mention any names, but the shenanigans
mailed to P.O. Box 31, faxed to 864-5711 or e- says pride like cheering for your home team. I Its sad they’re missing out on some of the I’ve witnessed during reunion weekend are
mailed to [email protected]. guess that’s why I always look forward to this most fun they’ll ever have, like seeing how most epic.
weekend and all the memories it brings with it. people have changed, how those old cliques So, raise a glass to the Purple and Gold!
Of course, sometimes you have to introduce have dissolved with the merge into adulthood. Welcome home, Bobcats!

Mail this form with your check to Box 31 or bring it to our office
Independent Record at 431 Broadway, Thermopolis, WY 82443.
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Office hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Fri. Lara Love Mark Dykes Cindy Glasson
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