Alumni Hit Town This Weekend: Events in Meeteetse
Alumni Hit Town This Weekend: Events in Meeteetse
Alumni Hit Town This Weekend: Events in Meeteetse
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Events in Meeteetse
The Meeteetse Museums is music expert David Romtvedt
hosting two, free events the will join his group, Ospa.
weekend of Meeteetse’s Nation- The tour of the historic Double
al Day of the American Cowboy. Dee Ranch will be led by an array
An outdoor concert will be held of folks, including Byron Bennett,
Friday, July 19 at 6 p.m. behind Doug Johnston of the Forest Ser-
the Meeteetse Museums featur- vice, and museum staff. Partici-
photo by Cindy Glasson ing Miss V, the Gypsy Cowbelle pants of the tour will gather at
Brew at home and Ospa. The following Sunday, Meeteetse Museums and leave at
July 21, the museum will be giv- 8:30 a.m. sharp. Those wanting
As part of Still Strollin’ Saturday, Kent Shook, head brewer for One Eyed Buffalo ing a guided tour of the historic to meet the tour on site and not
was on hand at the museum to teach folks how to easily brew at home. Double Dee Ranch which begins travel with the group must ar- A hangover
on-site at 10:30 am. rive at the Double Dee by 10 a.m. is the wrath
Miss V, the Gypsy Cowbelle, There is no charge for the tour. of grapes.
Lucerne Bulldog
This year’s event will be held Thermopolis has trusted for over 30 years.
on July 30 at 6 p.m. 864-2369 610 S. 6th St.
Deadline for registering
Meet and Greet
(Inside Mack’s Market)
CASH PRIZES!!! • Will be Licensed CNAs • Will be eligible to obtain CNA II Certification
• Will have Medication Aide Certification • Will have Dementia Certification
WANTED! Apply online at
Ages ld F
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Gr ll!