Speakout Vocabulary Extra Upper Intermediate Unit 7

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UPPER INTERMEDIATE UNIT 7 3 Underline the correct alternatives.

1 Negotiations between management
7.1 Television and the trade union have broken
1 Put the letters in italics in the correct order to complete the 2 Youre not well enough to have your
sentences. lesson today. Lets put it down/off
1 I watched an interesting crayonmuted about until next week.
space travel yesterday. 3 The lorry pulled in/out onto the road
2 Did you see the contestant on that mage hows without even looking.
last night? She won a fortune! 4 The salary wasnt high enough, so
3 I dont have time to sit down and watch a whole I turned down/off their job offer.
seesir on TV. 5 I really wish Michael would stop
4 That costmi has been on TV forever but it still bringing up/off his new car. Im tired
makes me laugh. of hearing about it.
5 Did you see that excellent weldfili programme 6 Last week a local team took on/out a
about tigers last night? professional team and won!
6 Marta prefers poas earsop set in the present day 7 I was supposed to move last week,
to scoutme madras set in the past. Theyre more but the buyers pulled off/out at the
realistic. last minute.
7 Rami enjoys the excitement of a good hertrill or an 8 Dont eat with your mouth open.
intelligent citetevde seesir about an interesting cop. I didnt bring you up/down to have
8 The swen is always too brief for me. I prefer a those kind of manners!
more in-depth recturn raffias programme.
7.2 Reporting verbs
Multi-word verbs
4 Find and correct six mistakes in the
2 Match a beginning in A with a word in B and an ending in C to conversations.
make sentences. 1 A: I thought Naya had offered to do
the housework this week.
A B C B: Yes, she promised do it but so far
shes done nothing.
1 All the major phone
across to my student days. 2 A: Someone needs to apologise
companies will bring
breaking this mirror.
everything I said about B: Well, Ali denies to do it and it
2 I hope lots of people turn across
Indian food! certainly wasnt me.
3 Taking my son to university 3 A: Adams refusing to taking on any
back the best in you. new projects.
took me
B: We really need to persuade to do
4 Were putting my sister back OK in the end. it. We need his help.
5 Every morning commuters for the fun run this 4 A: Apparently a mans accused a
put weekend. local shopkeeper of hit him
aer he refused to give the
6 That curry was amazing. with a lack of available
out shopkeeper the correct change.
I take seats.
B: Well if thats true, the
7 I was in the library the other a fascinating book about shopkeeper should agree to go
day and I came Mongolia. on a yoga course or something
8 Volunteering at the childrens and chill out!
out as a bit grumpy.
home brings
temporarily while she
9 You sometimes come up
finds a new flat.
10 The weather was awful at new versions of their
first but it turned mobiles this year.

1 All the major phone companies will bring out new versions of their
mobiles this year.
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7.3 The press Focus on phrasal verbs with out

5 Complete the conversation with the words in 7 Underline the phrasal verbs with out in the sentences.
the box. Then match them with their meanings a)l).
1 Microso has just brought a new laptop out.
biased circulation edition
editorial page sensationalism 2 You should stop work and go to bed or youll burn out.
supplement tabloid 3 Ive got no money for the bus, but Ill figure something out.
4 We need to breed more pandas before they die out.
A: How can you read that 1
5 When you get to work, look out for Ben. Hes got a file
newspaper? Isnt it just full of gossip?
for you.
B: Yes. It loves to excite its readers with a bit
6 Dont pull out yet. Theres a cyclist coming.
of 2 , but the Sunday
7 Dont get so stressed. Chill out!
has a great sport
. Its twenty pages long. I buy 8 The tickets for the match on Saturday sold out months ago.
it for that. 9 It really hurt when I fell off my bike. I couldnt help but
A: I dont like their 5 . I never burst out crying.
agree with the editors opinion and hes so 10 My parents and our neighbours have fallen out again
towards a particular over some loud music.
political party. You know the one! 11 Brians pointed out that my jumpers on back to front.
B: Ah, you must have read the paper to be How embarrassing!
so familiar with it! 12 It was so hot today that Laura almost passed out.
A: Yes, youve got me. Ive bought it once or
a) relax
b) stop speaking
B: Well, youre not the only one. It has got the
highest newspaper 7 in the c) faint
country. d) become extinct
e) launch into the market
f) suddenly start
Parts of a news website g) to all be bought
6 Choose a word from box A and a word from h) tell someone something
box B to make collocations. Then match each i) look carefully for someone
collocation with its meaning 18. j) drive into the road
k) find a solution
A breaking forum lead menu
l) get ill
news popup video weather
8 Complete the spidergram with infinitive form of
B ads bar feed forecast link (x2) the phrasal verbs in Exercise 7.
news story
Inseparable, no object Separable, object
1 Predictions about changes in the climate in 1 10
the near future. weather forecast 2 11
2 Found at the top of a web page to help
navigate around the site.

3 Constantly updated current affairs 5

information online. 6

4 An important current affairs story 7

happening right now. 8
Three parts
5 The first and main news event of the day. 9 12

6 Small online promotions that appear.

7 Something that directs you to an online
area where people discuss a topic.

8 Something that directs you to a recorded
broadcast. out

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10 Use the clues to 1 2 3

complete the crossword 4

with words and phrases
from Unit 7. 5

6 7

9 10

11 12



15 16 17

18 19

4 a special newspaper report or article (7)
5 an opinion piece written by the editor of the
publication (9, 4)
6 a fictional story told in regular instalments (6)
7 comedy programme involving a number of short
humorous clips (6, 4)
9 to tell someone that something bad might happen (4)
13 a way of writing newspaper stories to make them exciting (14)
14 say you might harm someone in future (8)
15 employ (i.e. staff ) (4, 2)
18 A programme which gives factual information with some
scenes acted out by actors. (9)
20 move an event back to a later time (3, 3)

1 titles of news stories (9)
2 a competitive test of knowledge on TV (4)
3 stop working (i.e. machine/car) (5, 4)
8 change sound or heat to a lower level (4, 4)
10 make someone remember something (6)
11 TV programme based upon members of the public (7, 4)
12 a small-sized newspaper concerned with gossip and
celebrity news (7)
16 make a recommendation (7)
17 parts of the website that enable you to move around the page (10, 7)
19 To finally say that you did something that you refused to say
you did before. (5)

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