Team Opheim Does Well at State Summer Games: "No Bull"
Team Opheim Does Well at State Summer Games: "No Bull"
Team Opheim Does Well at State Summer Games: "No Bull"
Published by BS Central
515 2nd Ave. S • Glasgow, MT 59230
406-228-4558 • fax: 406-228-4578
[email protected]
l. 8 20
Wed y 22
nesday, Ma
Thank You
dryer hookups, full basement, 1 car garage, & storage shed. 103 Sioux St.,
Fort Peck, located near the Summer Theatre. CALL SHERYL BELCHER
AT 406-230-2675 OR 701-721-5214
The family of Mark Jakanoski would like BUZZ
to thank everyone for your kindness, calls, FOR RENT: 3-bedroom home, 1600 sq. ft. with detached garage. 1.5 bath,
big kitchen, built-ins. Water/sewer provided. No smoking or pets. Deposit,
beautiful cards, memorials, hugs, and lease required. (406)367-9300 OR (651)490-5757
memories. A thank you to Bell Mortuary for APT. FOR RENT. 925 sf, 2 bdrm, 1 1/2 bth townhome apt. City of Glasgow.
all the comfort, help, and graciousness. I also Cozy. Good neighbors. Sm pets OK. Laundry room in unit, A/C. $595/
want to thank the person who gave a beautiful month. 360-750-6746
card and memorial money. You didn’t sign FOR RENT IN HINSDALE 2 bedroom House. Redone with stove,
the card so I don’t know who to thank. I hope refrigerator, washer & dryer. Available June 1. Dogs considered CALL
JUSTIN 364-2156 OR 263-2631
you read this to thank you again. BUZZ
~ Nadine, Paula & Family, FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apartment on the south side. Water/Sewer provided.
$450/mo. plus security deposit. Available immediately. CALL HELLAND
Scott & Family, and Lana & Family AGENCY INC. 228-2114
Spiffing up the pool....
... if that is possible! But, as fund-raising efforts for the Thunders’ first meet of the season is in Harlem June
Valley County Pool Fund continue, we’ve got to make 1st & 2nd. If we don’t get some warmer weather soon, it
due with what we’ve got. Michelle Huntsman, who was could cut practice time short as that much water needs a
once a Kiwanis Swim Team member and now has kids little time to warm up! Glasgow hosts a swim meet June
in the program, pitched in to help paint the pool. The 15th & 16th which is less than three weeks away.
Consultations will be
free if needed! GEER FENCING
Call Tina Chappell
Open House
Itʼs all happening (406) 945-2909 & REPAIR
the vfw 230 5th St. S • Glasgow
Located inside Headquarters FOR
Privacy &
Chain Link
middle and high school students used e-cigarettes – an LUCAS WETHERN Fencing
alarming increase of 1.5 million students in one year.
Several factors have contributed to Juul’s rising MILK RIVER FOR A SPECIAL RATE
popularity with teens: ACTIVITIES CENTER CALL RYAN 263-2972
• Juul e-cigarettes are sleek, high tech and easy to hide. 219 2nd Ave S. FOR DETAILS
They look like USB flash drives and can be charged in
the USB port of a computer. They don’t look anything Check out this one bedroom, one
bathroom home for sale located on the
like a traditional tobacco product. Juul comes in south side of town in Glasgow, Montana.
flavors that appeal to youth, including mango, fruit, The residence would make a great hunting
and fishing camp or even as a rental
creme, mint, menthol and cucumber. Research shows property! There is a small garage, bonus
that flavors play a key role in youth use of tobacco room and a few new updates! Recently
there has been a new roof, paint, counter
products, including e-cigarettes. top and carpet added to the home.
• Juul appears to deliver nicotine more effectively and at Call Helland Realty at 406-228-2114 or
20-1003 Jon at 406-263 -2113
higher doses than other e-cigarettes, increasing users’
CALL Jon at 263-2113 TODAY Reduced $39,950
risk of addiction. The manufacturer has claimed that
each Juul “pod” (cartridge of nicotine liquid) contains THURSDAY
as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. However,
SOUPS: Beef Barley • Chili
research has found that many young Juul users don’t SPECIALS:
know the product always contains nicotine, and many Grilled Ruben
teens call use of the product “juuling,” indicating they Club Sandwich
may not realize it is an e-cigarette or tobacco product.
• Juul and other e-cigarettes are addicting a new Dine at the “O”
generation of kids and threaten the decades-long
progress our nation has made in reducing youth
tobacco use. 228-8006
• A 2016 Surgeon General’s report concluded that youth NORTH-SIDE FAMILY HOME CLOSE TO SCHOOLS!
1744 +/- sq. ft. home with 4 bedrooms
use of nicotine in any form, including e-cigarettes, is (includes 1 bonus sleeping room), 2
unsafe, causes addiction and can harm the developing updated baths, refinished hardwood
floors, new carpet and paint throughout.
adolescent brain. The kitchen has new stainless-steel
appliances, counter tops, and is open to
Nearly 50% of Montana high school students have dining room. Attached insulated double
tired e-cigarettes and 23% are current users. This World car garage with breeze way. Located in
a private cul-de-sac.
No Tobacco Day, and every day year round, let’s educate ASKING $185,000 #348
ourselves and our youth about the dangers of electronic Offered by: Karen Waarvik, Broker/Owner
(406) 228-2525 -
cigarettes, vaping and JUULing.
Existing & New Patients
Monday, Wednesday,
Friday, and Saturday
10am-6pm Custom Carpentry •Roofing Repairs •Windows •Doors •Kitchens •Baths
Organic Medical
406-228-4202 Call Shawn Beard • 230-1025
Alternatives Email: [email protected] • Licensed & insured • Free Estimates
Head & Shoulders
Above the Rest
No Appointment
Ham & Cheese Bar • Tri Tater
Juice • Milk
Macaroni & Cheese • Ham
Peas • Carrots • Rosy Applesauce
Bun w/ Jelly • Milk
Whitefish Lake watershed project earns international honors
A collaborative effort between state and federal purchased a conservation easement on approximately
agencies, conservation groups, timber and energy 10,218 acres. The DNRC purchased the underlying fee
companies, and a public land trust to acquire and ownership from TPL once the conservation easement was
conserve 13,398 in northwest Montana has received in place. The Bonneville Power Administration provided
international recognition and accolades. funding for the purchase of the other 3,180 acres in the
The Whitefish Lake Watershed Project earned the Swift Creek drainage. In exchange for their funding, BPA
Habitat Conservation Partnership Award at the 2019 retained a perpetual conservation easement on the five
Wings Across the Americas Ceremony in Washington, sections. The U.S. Forest Service Forest Legacy Program
D.C. on April 23. The U.S. Forest Service International provided funding along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Programs and Environment for the Americas co-hosted Service Habitat Conservation Plan Land Acquisition
the special event to recognize exceptional efforts in Grant. FWP’s Habitat Montana Program also provided
advancing conservation for migratory species. funding.
The Whitefish Lake Watershed Project involved
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and The Trust for Public
Land proposing to conserve more than 13,000 acres of
high-quality forests, wetlands, and endangered species
habitat approximately nine miles northwest of Whitefish.
I'll Fly Away Dance
The land, owned by Weyerhaeuser Company, was poised Friday, May 24th • 6pm-8pm
for potential residential development in the future. Prairie Ridge Village
The completion of the project placed the land under Live Music by the Classics
permanent protected status, managed by the Montana treat - prizes - free
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation for for more info Call 228-2208
habitat conservation, public recreation, and sustainable
timber resources.
“This project shows what we can achieve when we
work together and partner to conserve important habitat SUPPLIES
for migratory species. It’s not easy, but it’s always worth
it,” said FWP Director Martha Williams.
Needed & GIFTS
“FWP especially appreciates the commitment from
Fireworks display.
Would like people Weddings
Weyerhaeuser, The Trust for Public Land, Bonneville for 2 hour shifts Paris French
Power Administration, and DNRC, who have all helped at 2 intersections & Colton Hill
downtown glasgow June 8, 2019
to provide this opportunity to continue sustainable
Fireworks Brady Funk
forest management, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, & Matthew Brooks
and provide for continued public enjoyment on these Boot-drive June 15, 2019
treasured lands.” Friday, May 24 Closed Monday for Memorial Day
TPL acquired the entire project area from please call Red Barn
Weyerhaeuser in 2017. FWP, with the guidance from Gifts
Region 1 staff members Alan Wood and Kris Tempel, 263-7672 10 am - 5:30 pm M - F
10 am - 4 pm Sat.
your help is appreciated