The Secret of Rich Dad
The Secret of Rich Dad
The Secret of Rich Dad
The scientific study implies the use of systematic methods such as observation and
experimentation to gather information about human and animal behavior. Scientific method is a
systematic and organized series of steps that scientists adopt for exploring any phenomenon in
order to obtain accurate and consistent results. These steps involve observation, description,
control, and replication. Psychology’s methods are not casual. They are carefully and precisely
planned and conducted. Psychology doesn’t accept assumptions about human nature at face
value, however reasonable they may sound. It is a rigorous discipline that tests assumptions.
Therefore, as a science psychology obtains knowledge through systematic observation and
experimental methods. It uses scientific procedure that is essential to be adopted in order to carry
out psychological research. In addition, it describes, explains, predicts, and controls the
behaviors as any science does. Moreover, psychology relies up on the scientific assumptions
such as:
Introductory Psychology
Order: the world is not random; rather it has regular patterns or order.
Determinism: psychology tries to find the causes of human behavior.
Empiricism: theories must be based on available evidences gathered through observation
Parsimony: explanation of events should not go beyond the available evidences, and
should explanation as much of events as possible in the simplest way.
In addition to these, such scientific assumptions as: Measurability, Objectivity,
Replication, being systematic…etc are also applicable in psychological study.
Psychology studies both overt behaviors and covert behaviors. Overt behaviors are those
behaviors that are measurable, observable or external actions like swimming, walking, crying,
laughing, speaking, various physical activities… etc. Covert behaviors are those behaviors which
include internal actions or reactions and mental activities (cognitions) such as feeling, thinking,
remembering, attitude, belief, imagination, perceiving, motives…etc which each of us
experience them subjectively (privately). These behaviors are not observable directly.
As any other science psychology has also precise goal. Psychology tries to describe, explain,
and predict human behavior and mental processes. Moreover, it will help people change and/or
modify their bad behaviors and improve their lives by adjusting themselves with the world in
which they live. So, the following are the major goals of Psychology:
Introductory Psychology
A. Description: this first goal of psychology is all about the description of behaviors after
observing them thoroughly under various settings repeatedly. Through description the extent,
degree and type of the behavior observed will be described objectively.
B. Explanation – While descriptions come from observable data, psychologists must go beyond
what is obvious and explain their observations. In other words, psychologists will study why did
the subject do what he or she did? Why someone behave in certain way? In short, this goal of
psychology deals with understanding the cause of (factors) certain behavior.
C. Prediction – Once we know what happens (prediction), and why it happens (explanation), we
can begin to speculate what will happen in the future regarding human behavior. It is all about
forecasting the likely hood of certain behavior in the future. There’s an old saying, which very
often holds true: "the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."
D. Controlling – Once we know what happens, why it happens and what is likely to happen in
the future, we can excerpt control over it. Under this goal of psychology issues such as
modifying, improving, managing, changing …etc of one’s behavior will be considered. For
instance, if we know you choose abusive partners (describe) because your father was abusive
(explain), we can assume you will choose another abusive partner (predict), and can therefore
intervene to change this negative behavior. Not only do psychologists attempt to control
behavior, they want to do so in a positive manner, they want to improve a person’s life, not make
it worse. This is not always the case, but it should always be the intention.
As a separate discipline of study psychology has a recent history. However, the standard view
of psychology’s history is that it stretches back to ancient Greek philosophers before the 19 th
century. For examples, Plato and Aristotle tried to answer questions about personality types and
the relationship between the mind and body. Such questions are a part of psychology today but,
as we shall see, psychology uses rather different methods to answer the questions. Not only this
but also they (early Greek philosophers) raised many issues that are relevant to Psychology.
Socrates and Aristotle for instance urged us to know ourselves, to use logic to make inferences
about mind, and to systematically observe behavior. It was Aristotle who argued that an
Introductory Psychology
empirical approach, rather than dialogue, was the best route to knowledge. Direct observation
remains an important dimension of psychology today.
Moreover, for centuries philosophers enjoyed arguing and debating questions like these: How
do we acquire knowledge? Does information come to us through our senses and our experiences
with the environment, or is it born? However, these scholars of the past did not rely heavily on
empirical evidence. Often their observations were based simply on anecdotes or descriptions of
individual cases. Although such speculation fueled a great deal of intellectual passion, it didn’t
yield much in the way of concrete answers.
Not only them (early philosophers), but also others like: theologist, educators, physiologists,
experts in the medical area and other ordinary people tried to answer the above question
beginning from distant past. Based on this some argue that “Psychology has long past but short
history.” Of course, philosophy and physiology are considered to be the source of psychology.
Until the 19th century, psychology was not a formal discipline- did not stand by itself as a
separate field of study. Psychology, as a separate and independent discipline developed
(emerged) in the late 19th century when the German physiologist Wilhelm Wundt (1879)
established the 1st psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig. He said, the mind need
to be studied scientifically and objectively and it should be psychology which studies the mind.
Hence, credit for the establishment of psychology as a science usually goes to Wilhelm Wundt
[VIL-helm-voont), who formally founded the first Psychological laboratory in 1879, in Leipzig,
Germany. With Wundt Psychology began as the science of mental life. His focus was on
understanding mental processes, focusing on inner sensations, feelings and thoughts.
Until the 1920’s, psychology remained as the science of mental life. From 1920’s to 1960’s,
American psychologists led by J.B. Watson refined psychology as the science of observable
behavior. They focused only on observable and measurable behavior. After the 1960’s,
psychology is considered to be concerned both with mental processes and external behavior.
During the first decades of psychology’s existence as a formal discipline (independent field of
study), psychologists came to hold quite different views about the nature of the mind and the best
ways to study it. About the same time fundamental questions were raised about what should be
studied in Psychology (the subject matter of psychology): Should Psychology be the study of the
mind, should it study Behavior, or should both mind and Behavior be included?
Introductory Psychology
Different influential psychologists of the time held quite different views on the nature of mind
and the proper subject matter for psychology. As a result Schools of Thought formed around
these leaders as their students adopted their ideas. These schools of thought are known as the
Schools of Psychology. Therefore, Schools of Psychology is a group of psychologists who held
similar view regarding the nature of mind, how to study it and the subject matter of psychology.
B. Functionalism
Introductory Psychology
structuralism- who study the elements of the mind they dealt with the functions of the mind and
behavior in adapting to the environment. They were interested in the fact that mind and Behavior
are adaptive- they enable an individual to adjust to a changing environment.
The functionalists did experiments on the ways in which learning, memory, problem
solving, and motivation help people and animals adapt to their environments. The inspiration for
this was partly attributed to the evolutionary theories of British Naturalist Charles Darwin. The
functionalists developed many research methods other than introspection, including
questionnaires, mental tests and objective descriptions of Behavior. The functionalists
emphasized on the causes and consequences of behavior. So, their main method was
C. Gestalt Psychology
This school of psychology was founded in Germany in the early 20th century by Max
Wertheimer and his colleagues Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler. These psychologists argued
that the mind is not made up of a combination of elements. The German word gestalt refers to
form, whole, shape, configuration, complete, general or pattern. Accordingly, the Gestalts
maintained that the mind should be thought of as resulting from the whole pattern of sensory
activity and the relationships and organizations with in this pattern.
In brief, the Gestalts acknowledged consciousness; they just refused to look at it in little pieces.
Unlike the Structuralism, Gestalt psychologist said the mind should be studied just as one entity.
They held the view stated as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts- a view that had a
particular impact on the study of perception. Their goal was to understand the phenomenon of
conscious experience in holistic terms and their subject matter was subjective experience with
emphasis on perception, memory and thinking.
D. Behaviorism
This school of psychology came into being with John B. Watson. Other proponents include E.
Thorndike and B.F. Skinner. For Watson, Psychology was the study of observable and
measurable behavior- and nothing more. As a science, they argue psychology should focus on
the behavior that can directly be observed, measured and recorded. They held the view that the
subject matter of psychology should be over behavior but not the covert ones. Moreover, they
Introductory Psychology
support the view of environmental determinism with respect to behavior. They argue observation
is the best method to study behavior.
E. Psychoanalysis
The founder of this Early School of Psychology is Sigmund Freud. While researchers in
Europe and America were working in their laboratories struggling to make psychology more
scientific, Sigmund Freud- an obscure neurologist was in his office listening to his patients’
reports of depression, nervousness and obsessive habits. Freud became convinced that many of
his patients’ symptoms had mental but not bodily (organic or physiological) causes. Their
distress, he concluded, was due to conflicts and emotional traumas that had occurred in early
childhood and that were too threatening to be remembered consciously.
According to Freud there are three levels of human consciousness (mind). These are:
Conscious (mental abilities that we are fully aware of), Preconscious (memories which we are
not currently remembered but easily and readily remember with minimum efforts) and
Unconscious (all life experiences that is forgotten and repressed or never remembered or
Freud argued that conscious awareness is merely the tip of the mental iceberg. Beneath the
visible tip, he said, lies the unconscious part of the mind, containing hidden wishes, passions,
guilty secrets, unspeakable yearnings, and conflicts between desire and duty. We are not aware
of our unconscious urges and thoughts as we go blithely about our daily business, yet they make
themselves known- in dreams, slips of the tongue, apparent accidents, and even jokes. Freud’s
ideas evolved into a broad theory of personality and a method of personality and a method of
psychotherapy, both of which became known as Psychoanalysis. Freud believed that unlearned
biological instincts (contents of unconscious mind) influence the way individuals think, feel,
imagine, perceive and behave.
In general, according to S. Freud, it is the content of people’s unconscious mind that governs
their behavior. So, Freud argued that the subject matter of psychology should be the unconscious
mind of individuals.
The discourses made by the Structuralism, Gestalt Psychologist, and the Functionalism schools
of psychology have become part of the general store of psychological knowledge (unable to be
part of the modern perspective in psychology); i.e. these schools as such were vanished.
Introductory Psychology
Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis on the other hand are still in modified forms among the modern
(current) psychological perspectives.
Modern psychologists tend to examine human nature and behavior through several lenses.
These lenses that predominate psychology today are the biological, learning, cognitive, socio-
cultural, psychodynamic and humanistic perspectives. These perspectives hold various views
regarding human behavior, different assumptions about how the mind works and most important
they give different kinds of explanations on why people do what they do (why people behave the
way they do).
Introductory Psychology
realm of psychology. Behaviorism is thus the study of the relation between people’s
environments and their behavior; what occurs within their heads is irrelevant.
iii. Social-learning Perspective
One of the famous people in this regard is Albert Bandura who conducted a lot of research on
observational learning. They argued both the environment and one’s cognition play a great role
in shaping one’s behavior. Those favoring the Social-learning Perspective, combine elements of
behaviorism with research on thoughts, values, expectations and intentions. They believe that
people learn not only by adapting their behavior to the environment, but also by imitating others
and by thinking about the events happening around them. In other words, these theorists believe
that behavior is determined not only by its own controlling environmental conditions, but also by
how thought processes modify the impact of environment on behavior.
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cultural rules, norms and values- both explicit and unspoken- affect people’s development,
behavior and feelings.
Introductory Psychology
it is best (more advisable) to apply Eclectic Approach- applying in their psychological research
or practice what they believe to be the best features of diverse schools of thought (perspective).
Before we proceed to the research methods used in psychology let’s see the scientific research
in general. What is scientific research? Scientific research is a systematic, controlled, empirical,
and critical investigation of hypothetical and propositions about natural, behavioral, and social
phenomena. To conduct any scientific research gathering information or evidences is very
crucial. To collect this information different methods/techniques are employed.
Psychology is not an absolute science and is often referred to as a 'Social Science' or a 'Soft
Science.' This is because it deals with human thoughts, feelings, and behavior, and as we are all
aware, humans are not always predictable and reliable. Instead, we interact with our environment
in ways that alter how we behave, how we think, and how we feel. Change one thing and the
domino effect can change everything else.
In the subsequent section, how research is conducted and the different types of research
methods used to gather information in Psychology are discussed.
A. Naturalistic Observation
It is the observation of behavior as it occurs in its natural setting. It is more than simple looking.
For observations to be effective they have to be systematic. The researcher has to have such
ideas as: what to be observed, whom to observe, when and where will observation takes place,
how to observe, and in what form will the result of observation be recorded? (In writing, using
Introductory Psychology
checklist, tape recording, video… etc). Observing behavior in their natural environment often
involves counting behaviors, such as number of aggressive acts, number of smiles, etc.
The other important points to be considered while conducting naturalistic observation are:
The researcher must record simply & passively what are occurred.
Taking care not to interfere with the people or animals being observed. This is because if
there is interference of the researcher, the subjects may not show their real behavior.
Provide an in-depth information (both qualitative and quantitative) about the case
under study
It is more helpful in understanding rare cases and applying specific interventions.
It may be a source of hypothesis that may be used in studying large cases
C. Survey Method
It is the way of assessing people’s behavior, thought or attitudes by selecting samples from
the population, then generalizing the findings to the whole population. They are often used in the
news regarding various issues for instance in gathering and disclosing viewers’ opinions such as
during a race for presidency. In most cases interview and questionnaires are the tools used to
collect information from the sample/participant in survey method.
Introductory Psychology
D. Correlation study
Correlation study is used to determine whether there is relationship between two or more
variables or not. Moreover it tells us the direction of relationship and the strength of relationship
between two variables (if the correlation already exists). It does not show cause- effect
relationship. For example, if two variables (A & B) are correlated: i. The 1st variable (A) may
cause the 2nd variable (B) ii. The 2nd variable (B) may cause the 1st variable (A) iii. The 3rd
unknown variable “C” may causes the correlation between variable A & B iv. There might not a
clear cut cause –effect relationship between the two variables (A) and (B). Therefore, we cannot
conclude that the 1st variable causes the 2nd variable and vice versa.
Statistically the number that helps us to know the direction and strength of relationship
between two variables is called Coefficient of Correlation (represented as r). The values of
correlation coefficient (r) range from -1.00 to +1.00. The negative and positive sign indicate the
direction of relationship while the magnitude (the number or the values) indicates the strength or
degree of relationship between two variables.
Cannot make any assumptions of cause and effect relationship (does not explain how
third a variable can be involved, or how the variables can influence each other).
Mostly applicable for quantitative data only
E. Experimental Study
This is a carefully designed procedure in which the extraneous variables are controlled and the
cause-effect relationship between variables will be determined.
Some basic elements in experimental method include:
Variable: is a characteristic that takes on different values or conditions for different
individual in experiment. It is something that changes.
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Extraneous variable: is variable which can theoretically affect the observed phenomena
unless it is controlled by the experimenter/researcher. It cannot be measured or
Control group: is the group which do not receives the experimental treatment/
independent variable. Both experimental and control group are identical (the same) in
every ways except on the level of independent variable.
Most of the time researchers use two methods to divided participants as experimental and
control groups. These are through Randomization-assigning participants to experimental and
control groups by chance and Matching-trying to balance the two groups by deep consideration
such factors as age, educational background, IQ level, economic status …etc.
Introductory Psychology
After we state the hypothesis which is the first step in doing an experiment before we proceed to
the next step of the research, we need to be aware of some aspects of research that can
contaminate our results. In other words, what could get in the way of our results in this study
being accurate? These aspects are called research biases, and there are basically three main
biases. These are:
Selection Bias – occurs when differences between groups are present at the beginning
of the experiment. This occurs when there is a problem on the selection and assignment
of the research participants to various groups (control and experimental group).
Placebo Effect – involves the influencing of performance due to the subject’s belief
about the results. This is the influence of participant’s expectation rather than
experimental treatment on an experimental out comes. In other words, if I believe the
new medication will help me feel better, I may feel better even if the new medication is
only a sugar pill. This demonstrates the power of the mind to change a person’s
perceptions of reality.
Experimenter Bias – The same way a person’s belief’s can influence his or her
perception, so can the belief of the experimenter. If I’m doing an experiment, and really
believe my treatment works, or I really want the treatment to work because it will mean
big bucks for me, I might behave in a manner that will influence the subject.
After carefully reviewing our study and determining what might affect our results that are not
part of the experiment, we need to control for these biases. To control for selection bias, most
experiments use what’s called Random Assignment, which means assigning the subjects to
each group based on chance rather than human decision. To control for the placebo effect,
subjects are often not informed of the purpose of the experiment. This is called a Single Blind
study, because the subjects are blind to the expected results. To control for experimenter biases,
we can utilize a Double-Blind study, which means that both the experimenter and the subjects
are blind to the purpose and anticipated results of the study.
Introductory Psychology
1. Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychologists diagnose and treat emotional and behavioral disorders that range form
mild to very severe. They are trained to do psychotherapy with highly disturbed people, as well
as with those who are simply troubled or unhappy or who want to learn to handle their problems
better. Most clinical psychologists have a Ph. D, Ed.D. And a smaller but growing number have
a Psy.D. Clinical Psychologists typically do four or five years training of graduate work in
psychology, plus at least a year’s internship under the direction of a practicing psychologist.
People often confuse clinical psychologist with three other terms: psychotherapist,
psychoanalyst, and psychiatrist. But these terms mean different things. A psychotherapist is
simply anyone who does any kind of psychotherapy (psychological treatment). A psychoanalyst
is a person who practices/ uses the particular psychotherapeutic techniques, which originated
with Sigmund Freud and his followers. Anyone who has the training who has the training to use
these techniques can be a psychoanalyst.
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (M.D.) who has done 3 to 4 years of residency training in
psychiatry, the medical specialty concerned with mental disorders, maladjustment, and abnormal
behavior. During the residency period, a psychiatrist learns to diagnose and treat mental
disorders under the supervision of more experienced physicians.
Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists do similar work, but psychiatrists, because of their
medical training, tend to focus on possible biological causes of mental disorders and to treat
these problems with medication. They prescribe, whereas clinical psychologists cannot.
Psychiatrists are however, often untrained in current psychological theories and methods.
2. Counseling Psychology
Counseling psychologists are concerned with “normal” problems of adjustment that most of
us face sooner or later, such as choosing a career or coping with marital problems. They deal
with countless personal problems that do not involve psychological disorders. A number of
counseling psychologists try to help people who are having problems with family living; these
are marriage and family counselors.
3. School Psychology Much of the school psychologist’s job consists of diagnosing
learning difficulties and trying to remedy them. Using tests and information gained from
Introductory Psychology
consultations with the students and his parents, the school psychologist tries to pinpoint the
problem and suggest action to correct it. For instance, a school psychologist might suggest that a
poor reader be assigned to a remedial reading class. Other school psychologists are involved in
vocational and other forms of counseling. These are the school counselors.
4. Educational Psychology
Educational psychology may include school psychology, but educational psychologists as such
are usually involved with more general, less immediate problems than are most school
psychologists or school counselors. Educational psychologists are especially concerned with
increasing the efficiency of learning in school by applying their psychological knowledge about
learning and motivation to the curriculum.
5 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Industrial/or Organizational psychologists study behavior in the workplace. They address the
problems of training personnel, improving working conditions, and studying working effects of
automation on humans. The primary concern of industrial/or organizational psychologists is to
make-work as pleasant as possible and productive as possible. They apply psychology to
problems of management and employee training, to supervision of personnel, to improving
communication within the organization, to counseling the employees, in recruiting employee for
certain organization and to alleviate industrial conflict.
6. Social Psychology
Social psychologists study the way we affect and are influenced by other people, both in groups
and in intimate relationships. This focus covers a wide range of possible interests. For example,
it includes the study of the ways in which we perceive other people and how those perceptions
affect our behavior toward them. Similarly, it involves concerted efforts to understand the
determinants of interpersonal influences and of attitude change. Thus, social psychologists might
study how perceptual stereotypes affect interactions or how the decisions of a committee
member are influenced by what others on the committee do or say.
Introductory Psychology
In addition to those sub-fields of psychology listed above others are also there. These are:
Forensic Psychology, Health Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Personality Psychology,
Experimental Psychology, Political Psychology, Community Psychology, Sport Psychology,
Consumer Psychology, and Psychometrics.
Introductory Psychology
Dear learners, how you have become the person you are today? In what ways do early
experiences influence your present self? What roles do the family, community, and culture play
in your development? How do you acquire language when you were child? How does change in
one area, such as physical growth, influence other aspects of your development such as social
interaction? Answers to these and other questions are studied under the field of human
development. This unit, therefore, deals with the fundamentals of human development
(developmental psychology). It will cover the major aspects and principles of human
development, the issues, approaches, principles and theories in the study of human development.
Introductory Psychology
The following are the major principles that govern the study of human development.
A. Development involves change. The changes could be in size (physical or brain size), or in
proportion or disappearance of old features (such as baby hair, milk teeth), and acquisition of
new features (such as second teeth, running and jumping, better thinking abilities, etc.).
B. Development is the product of maturation and learning. Maturation is the biological
unfolding of the individual according to the plan contained in the genes. On the other hand,
learning is any relatively permanent change of behavior that occurs through experience and
training. Thus, human development is the product of interaction between nature (genetic
endowment and maturation) and nurture (environmental influences and learning).
C. Development follows definite and predictable pattern, order, sequence or direction.
C1. Cephalocaudal sequence: suggests that development proceeds from the head (cephlo)
to the tail (caudal) region. Most of the time, it is responsible for height increment.
C2. Proximodistal sequence: states that development spreads outward from the central axis
of the body to the extremities. Most of the time, it is responsible for weight increment.
C3. The Principle of developmental complexity: states that human beings are more and
complex in their behavior and abilities with age.
C4. The Principle of developmental specificity: states that people get more and more
specific in their behavior and abilities with age.
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Psychology
ii. Activity versus passivity: are people active in their development or are they passively shaped
by forces outside themselves? Some theorists believe that children are active creatures of their
own development by exploring the world and shaping their environments. And others argue that
humans are passive beings who are largely the product of forces beyond their control- usually
environmental influences but possibly strong biological forces. Currently the view is that human
beings are both active and passive.
iv. Universality versus context specificity: are developmental changes common from person to
person and from culture to culture to everyone (universal) or different from person to person
(context specific)? The answer of the scholars in the area is “it depends”.
Introductory Psychology
During this stage, infants develop the ability to explore their own bodies; but soon they turn to
the external objects. At about 8 months, infants develop the notion of object permanence, i.e.
objects that are out of the sight are continued to exist. The other characteristic of this stage is the
appearance of trial and error learning. This is risk exploration stage which Piaget call them
little scientist. An infant progresses from reflexive instinctual action at birth to the beginning of
symbolic thought toward the end of this stage.
At this stage children start to represent their world with words, images, and drawing. The child
begins to represent the world with words and images. These words and images reflect increased
symbolic thinking and go beyond the connection of sensory information and physical actions.
The implication is that children at this stage understand their world more through symbolic than
sensorimotor thought. However, the type of symbolic thinking that the children are able to
perform at this stage is limited-they lack the following abilities:
Conservation – refers to certain properties of an object (such as weight, width) remain the
same regardless of changes in other properties (such as height, length, etc.). Preschool children
of this stage focus on only one aspect/property by ignoring all others.
Introductory Psychology
Reversibility – refers to thinking through which one the ability to reverse has or change
direction in one’s thinking and returns to the starting point. For instance, children may easily
answer that 5 + 5 = 10 but they may lack 10 - 5 = 5.
Egocentrism – refers to the inability to distinguish between one’s own perspective and
someone else perspective. They assume/expects everybody thinks in the way they think or has
the same perspective with them.
The child can now reason logically about concrete events and classify objects into different
sets. These ages are often called elementary school years. At this stage children are less likely to
be affected by the limitations that happened during preschool year such as reversibility,
conservation, egocentrism or centration. However, they understand the world on concrete or
tangible level. So, abstract thinking is not yet developed. According to Piaget, they learned
important tasks such as seriation (putting things in sequence), reversibility, objective thinking,
number concept, classification… etc at this stage.
4. Formal operational stage (11 years of age through adulthood): adolescent reasons in
more abstract, idealistic and logical ways. Adolescents are no longer limited to actual concrete
experiences. They now develop the ability to test hypotheses, ability to understand possibilities
beyond the here – and – now (immediate and concrete environment). These abilities continue to
develop into adulthood. At the same time at which adolescents think more abstractly and
idealistically, they also think logically. According to Piaget, adolescents begin to think more the
way scientist thinks, developing plans to solve problems and systematically testing solution i.e.
hypothetical – deductive reasoning.
Introductory Psychology
with a crisis that must be resolved for successful development of an individual. The eight
psychosocial stages and their typical features are presented hereunder.
Introductory Psychology
their energy toward mastering knowledge, creating something new, trial & error, to be competent
and intellectual skills. Children want to make new exploration and creativity. Erickson believes
that teachers have a special responsibility for children’s development of industry. If they are
encouraged with great care, children will develop a sense of competence, diligence, hard-
worker…etc. If not, they develop a sense of inferiority (a feeling of incompetent and
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relationship should enhance the identity of both partners without shifting the growth of either.
The young adult who does not seek out such intimacy or whose repeated trials fail, may retreat
into isolation, while a person successful in forming intimacy proceed in success or achievement.
Introductory Psychology
tasks. Despair can occur in those who regret the way they have led their life and how they
discharged their responsibilities.
In Europe, a woman was near death from special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the
doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had
recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times
what the drug cost him to make. He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for a small a
small dose of the drug. The sick woman’s husband, Heinz went to everyone he knew to borrow
the money, but he could only get together $1,000, which is half of what it cost. He told the
druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the
druggist said, “No, I discovered the drug, and I am going to make money from it.” So Heinz got
desperate and broke into the man’s store to steal the drug for his wife.
After reading the story, interviewees were asked a series of questions like stated as follow to
find out the moral dilemma: Heinz have stolen the drug? Was stealing is right or wrong? Why?
Is it a husband’s duty to steal the drug for his wife if he can get it no other way? Would a good
husband steal it? Did the druggist have the right to charge that much when there was no law
setting limit on the price? Why? In doing so Kohlberg’s more attention was not on the
answers (moral judgments) of the participants rather on the way individuals’ reason out
their moral judgment.
Introductory Psychology
After rigorous research Kohlberg formulated the human moral development stage with three
levels and six stages (two stages per level). These are:
3. Stealing is wrong because, Heinz might get caught and sent to jail.
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Psychology
Sensation is the process of receiving, translating and transmitting messages from the
environment to brain. Sensation is the activation of the sense organs by a source of physical
energy. It is the simple experiences that rise from the stimulation of the sense organs. To be fully
understood sensory messages must be translated into neural impulses. The process of changing
neural impulses/energy is called transduction. It is the first stage in becoming aware of our
Traditionally, it believed that human beings have five senses of organs. However, scientists agree
that human beings have more than five senses. But the exact number is not clearly known.
For example,
A) Skeletal muscles- kinesthetic- sense of body movement. It tells us the position of our body
parts in relation to each other.
B) Ear- the sense of the vestibular – balance. Tell us the position in relation to gravity.
C) Skin- sense of heat, cold, pain, …
1) Absolute Threshold- it is the minimum amount of energy that a person can detect. It is
determined by half of the time (50%). When the energy of a stimulus fall below the absolute
threshold, we cannot detect its presence; when the energy of the stimulus risen above the
absolute threshold we can detect the stimulus. For instance: how bright does a light is so that we
can see it. How loud a sound is so that we can hear it.
2) Difference Threshold /Just Noticeable Difference
The smallest difference in stimulation required to discriminate one stimulus from another in half
the time (50%). WEBER’S LAW- said that, the amount of change in a stimulus need to detect a
difference is indirect proportion to the intensity of the original stimulus.
Example, adding one candle into 60 candles and notice a difference.
3. Signal Detection Theory- Going beyond the threshold. It focused on the decision making
about stimuli in the presence of uncertainty; detection depends on variety of factors besides the
Introductory Psychology
physical intensity of the stimulus and the sensory ability of the observer. An observer’s response
in detection task can be divided into a sensory process which depend on the intensity of the
stimulus and a decision process which influenced by the observer’s response bias.
Sensory Adaptation- is weakened magnitude of sensation resulting from prolonged presentation
of the same stimulus. When the same stimulus is continuously/repeatedly presented the sensation
often disappears or fades away. In other word, if our senses are exposed to the same kind of
stimuli they stop to change the sensory energy/electrical impulse or they stop to react.
Sensory Overload –it is the confusion as a result of great source of stimuli and it’s beyond the
ability to senses. When we exposed to different stimulus at the same time the sense organs are
3.3 Perception
It the process of organizing and interpreting information received from the environment. Or it
is the process of becoming aware of our environment. Perception is also defined as the
sorting out, interpretation, analysis, and integration of stimuli carried out by the sense
organs and brain.
i. Basic Processes of perception
Filtering or discarding out some stimuli from the mass of different stimuli. Paying attention to
stimulus by eliminating other irrelevant stimulus. This is the first stage in perception.
Factors Influence Selective Attention
This can be divided into personal and environmental factors.
I. Environmental Factors
1. Intensity- the more intense the stimulus the more it will be attended. Example, the louder
the sound, the better is it heard.
3. Contrast- things/objects contrasts with the environment attract our attention easily.
4. Repetition- stimulus that regularly repeated can draw our attention easily.
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5. Movement- human beings as well as most of the other animals are quite to objects that
move within their visual field.
6. Novelty- some objects/things which are new or not seen before attract our attention. Any
novel/unique stimulus draws our attention.
Personal factors like motivation, attitude, experience, memories, emotion and interests are
affecting our attention.
B. Perceptual Organization
Organizing and interpreting sensation into percepts, meaningful perceptual units, puts these
percepts in perspective and locates the in space and prevents stimuli from changing their
appearance as the perceiver examines them from another point.
1. Form Perception – it refers to the way sensations are organized into a meaningful shape and
patterns. This is systematically studied by gestalt psychologists. They said, “Perceptions are
more than the sum of their sensory inputs.” According to them, our perceptions are actively
organized according to the following Gestalt Principles of perception.
i. Figure-ground -When we perceive a visual stimulus, part of what we see is the center of our
attention – figure and the rest is considered as ground.
ii. Continuity- we tend to perceive lines or patterns as being continuous even if interrupted by
another objects.
iii. Proximity – things that are close together are usually perceived as belonging together than
those that are far apart.
iv. Similarity – objects that are alike in some way (color, size, shape) are tend to be perceived as
belonging together. Orientation- objects with the same orientation are seen/perceived as part of a
v. Closure – incomplete figures of familiar objects will tend to be perceived as wholes. Our
brain tends to perceive complete by filling the gaps of incomplete figures.
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2. Perceptual Constancy- it refers to ability to perceive objects’ (shape, size, color, brightness)
as being constant or unchanging even though the sensory patterns they produce are constantly
shifting. It is the ability to perceive things as they are in contrast to retina images changes. For
example, the size of image that falls on the retina changes as a person walks away from us, but
we do not perceive the person as shrinking in size. There are several types of perceptual
a) Shape Constancy- According to this, the shape of an object remaining constant, even though
the shape of the retina images produced by the object changes when our point of view changes.
Example, shape of a books; See by turning and twisting a book through different angle.
b) Size Constancy- An object is perceived to be a constant size regardless of how close or far
away it is. We continue to perceive a familiar object as having a constant size even when retina
images size change as we get closer or far from object.
c) Color and Brightness Constancy: The color of the objects is seen/perceived constant
regardless of the context (dark or light).
3. Depth Perception
It is concerned with how we perceive the three dimensions nature of the world (object). Depth
perception is our ability to judge accurately how far the objects from us. The objects are three
dimensional and they have depth. The problem is that retina registers the image in two
dimensional, flat, but we perceive the objects in three dimensions. How do we do this?
Generally, depth perception depends on two types of cue: binocular cues and monocular cues.
I. Binocular Cues
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2. Retinal Disparity- difference between the two retina images. We have two eyes, spaced
apart by a few inches. Because of this separation each eye gets a slightly different view of
the world. When an object is far away the disparity (difference) is small and vice versa.
II. Monocular Cues Judgement about what we perceive based on the information
from one eye. There are about eight monocular cues.
2. Linear Perspective The two lines known to be parallel appear becoming closer together
as they are farther away from us. This is because objects become smaller images on the
retina when they are more distance. Example. Rail way
4. Light and Shadow Bright objects are perceived as closer while darker, dimmer objects
are perceive as farther away.
5. Aerial Perspective Objects that are far away look fuzzy and blurred in comparison to
near objects. This is because, dust particles, smokes, water vapor and pollution decrease
the clarity of view.
6. Speed of Movement Objects farther away appear to move more slowly than closer
objects. Example, Bus
7. Accommodation The process by which the shape of the lens of the eye change to
follow the visual image on the retina from stimuli that are different distance from the eye.
8. Vertical Position When objects are on the ground, the farther they appear to be below
the horizon, the closer they appear to be to us. Example, when you see the sky, as it far
from you is seems to meet the land or the sea.
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4. Movement Perception
i. Perception of Real Movement We perceive actual movement of the objects when there is
actually a change in position in space of the object. We are able to see the real movement of the
object because the image moves across the retina. Therefore, the eyes and the head move to
follow the path of the object.
ii. Apparent Movement (Wrong Perception or Visual Illusion): Perception of an object when
there are no actual changes in position in space.
a) Stroboscopic Motion: When you sit in dark room and look at two adjacent lights being
turned on one after another, it will seem that a single light is jumping back and forth.
b) Auto-kinetic Motion: Perceive motion of single stationary light or object. You can
perceive this illusion by looking at a small dim-light at far in a completely dark room. If you
stare at the light for a few seconds, it will appear to move. Eg. Light of cigarette in the dark room
d) Muller – Lyer Illusion: Two lines with exactly the same length have perceived to have
different length when arrows are added to their heads/edge. Thus, car crash between small cars
and big cars are usually resulted from illusion.
3.2. Extra Sensory Perception: tend to receive stimulus without using their senses of organs.
I. Telepathy: A direct communication from one mind to another without the usual visual,
auditory and other signals. Those who tends to be telepathic claim to know you’re thought.
III. Pre-cognition:The perception of events that has not yet happened. Eg. Fortune teller.
IV. Psycho-kinesis: The ability to affect the physical world purely through thought. Persons
with this abilities claim to move or affect objects without touching them.
Introductory Psychology
Learning can be defined as the process leading to relatively permanent behavioral change or
potential behavioral change. In other words, as we learn, we alter the way we perceive our
environment, the way we think, the way we interpret the incoming stimuli, and therefore the way
we interact with others or the environment, or behave. John B. Watson (1878-1958) was the
first to study how the process of learning affects our behavior, and he formed the school of
thought known as Behaviorism. The central idea behind behaviorism is that only observable
behaviors are worthy of research since other abstraction such as a person’s mood or thoughts are
too subjective. This belief was dominant in psychology in the USA for about 50 years.
Perhaps the most well known Behaviorist is B. F. Skinner (1904-1990). Skinner followed
much of Watson’s research and findings, but believed that internal states could influence
behavior just as external stimuli. He is considered to be a Radical Behaviorist because of this
belief, although nowadays it is believed that both internal and external stimuli influence our
Behavioral Psychology is basically interested in how our behavior results from the stimuli
both in the environment and within ourselves. They study, often in minute detail, the behaviors
we exhibit while controlling for as many other variables as possible. Often a grueling process,
but results have helped us learn a great deal about our behaviors, the effect our environment has
on us, how we learn new behaviors, and what motivates us to change or remain the same.
So, in general in Psychology Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that comes
as a result of practice or experience. In this statement there are about three main concepts
related to human learning. These are:
iii. Learning is a change in behavior that comes as a result of practice or experience. This
means it is not the result physiological or other biological changes.
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During his experiments, he would put meat powder in the mouths of dogs that had tubes
inserted into various organs to measure bodily responses. What he discovered was that the dogs
began to salivate before the meat powder was presented to them. Then, the dogs began to salivate
as soon as the person feeding them would enter the room, when they hear the sound of this
person, with the sight of the dish on which the meat was presented to them…etc. These were the
surprising observation of his students. After that he (Pavlov) soon began to gain interest in this
phenomenon and abandoned his research on the role of saliva in digestion in favor of his now
famous Classical Conditioning study.
Pavlov began pairing a bell sound with the meat powder and found that even when the meat
powder was not presented, the dog would eventually begin to salivate after hearing the sound of
bell. Since the meat powder naturally results in salivation, these two variables (the meat and the
salivation) are called the unconditioned stimulus (US) and the unconditioned response (UR)
respectively. The bell and salivation are not naturally occurring; the dog was conditioned to
respond to the bell. Therefore, the bell is considered the conditioned stimulus (CS), and the
salivation to the bell is the conditioned response (CR).
Many of our behaviors today are the results of the association between certain stimuli and
responses we made to them. Have you ever noticed that certain stimuli such as the smell of a
“dorowet” or perfume, a certain song/music/manzuma, a specific day of the year, results in fairly
intense emotions? It's not that smell or the song that cause of the emotion, but rather what that
smell or song has been associated with...perhaps an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, the death of a
loved one, maybe the day you met your current spouse, or issues related to your nationality. We
make these associations all the time and often don’t realize the power that these connections or
pairings have on us. But, in fact, we have been classically conditioned.
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Before Conditioning
Neutral Stimulus (CS) No Response/ Irrelevant Response/no specific response
Unconditioned Stimulus (US) UR- Unconditioned Response (Salivation)
During Conditioning
CS (to be conditioned stimulus) (Bell)
+ UR (Salivation due to US)
US (Meat)
After Conditioning
CS (Bell) CR (Salivation only due to the sound of the bell).
Introductory Psychology
Read more on these and other areas of application of the Classical Conditioning Principles
According to Skinner we learn this way every day in our lives. Skinner also argued that our
personality itself is the result of reinforcement hence operant conditioning. He stated “we are
what we have been reinforced for being.” Imagine the last time you made a mistake; you most
likely remember that mistake and do things differently when the situation comes up again. In that
sense, you’ve learned to act differently based on the natural consequences of your previous
actions. The same holds true for positive actions. If something you did results in a positive
outcome you are more likely to do those same activities again- phenomenon called reinforcement
Introductory Psychology Reinforcement
The term reinforcement means to strengthen, and is used in psychology to refer to anything
(stimulus, conditions, events…etc) which strengthens or increases the probability of the
occurrences of a specific response preceding it (reinforcement). For example, if you want your
dog to sit on command, you may give him a treat every time he sits for you. The dog will
eventually come to understand that sitting when told to do so will result in a treat. This treat is
reinforcing because he likes it and will result in him sitting when instructed to do so.
We all apply reinforcers everyday, most of the time without even realizing we are doing it.
You may tell your child "good job" after he or she cleans her/his room; perhaps you tell your
partner how good he or she looks when she/he dresses up well; or maybe you got a reward at
work after doing a great job on a project. All of these things increase the probability that the
same response will be repeated.
Types of Reinforcement
A. Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement are stimuli, events, conditions or any other factors whose addition,
presentation or application increases the reoccurrence of the responses (the behaviors) preceding
them. The examples given above describe what is referred to as positive reinforcement. Think of
it as adding something in order to increase a response. For example, adding a treat will increase
the response of sitting in the dog case; adding praise will increase the chances of your child
cleaning his or her room. The most common types of positive reinforcement are: praise, money,
promotion, and rewards. And most of us have experienced this as both the giver and receiver.
B. Negative Reinforcement.
Negative reinforcements on the other hand are conditions, stimuli, events or other factors
(mostly aversive) whose termination, ending or elimination increases the likely hood of the
occurrence of the behaviors preceding them again. Think of negative reinforcement as taking
something negative away in order to increase a response. Imagine a teenager who is nagged by
his mother to take out the garbage weekly. After complaining to his friends about the nagging, he
finally one day performs the task & to his amazement, the nagging stops. The elimination of this
negative stimulus is reinforcing & will likely increase the chances that he will perform it weekly.
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This is all about when and how to give a positive reinforcement. For example, do we apply
the positive reinforcement every time a child does something positive? Do we punish a child
every time he does something negative? To answer these questions, you need to understand the
schedules of reinforcement.
Giving the reinforcement every time the behavior occurs (getting a raise after every successful
work or getting punished after every negative behavior) is called a Continuous Schedule. It’s
continuous because the application occurs after every behavior. This is the best approach till
certain behavior is learned very well since it makes learning rapid. However, after the behavior is
learned reliably to make that behavior resistant to extinction, it is better to reinforce it not
continuously. Rather, it is advisable to reinforce it intermittently/partially/sometimes.
Fixed Ratio: A fixed ratio schedule refers to applying the reinforcement after a specific
number of needed behaviors. Example: giving a reward for the students after answering every
five questions correctly.
Fixed Interval: Applying the reinforcement after a specific amount of time is passed since
the last reinforcement. An example might be getting a raise every year and not in between. A
major problem with this schedule is that people tend to improve their performance right before
the time period expires so as to "look good" when the review comes around. The monthly salary,
the daily wages, the weekly rest from work …etc are examples of fixed interval.
Variable Ratio: This refers to applying reinforcement after a variable number of responses.
Variable ratio schedules have been found to work best under many circumstances. Why?
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Variable Interval: Reinforcing someone after a variable amount of time. If you have a boss
who checks your work periodically, you understand the power of this schedule. Because you
don’t know when the next ‘check-up’ might come, you have to be working hard at all the times.
In this sense, the variable schedules are more powerful and result in more consistent behaviors. Punishment
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punished may strike back or run away. Being physically punished in childhood is a risk
factor for depression, low self-esteem, violent behavior and many other problems.
3. The effectiveness of punishment is often temporary: depending heavily on the presence
of the punishing person or circumstances
4. Most behavior is hard to punish immediately.
5. Punishment conveys little information. An action intended to punish may instead be
reinforcing because it brings attention for some.
This is the decline and finally disappearance of certain behavior due to the removal of a
positive reinforcement. It is stopping to behave in certain way because of the fact that the
consequence of our behavior is not reinforcing.
2. Chaining
The major difference between shaping and chaining lies on the nature of the behavior they
are related with. In the case of shaping we said that the person is trying to develop a behavior by
reinforcing every successive approximations made by the individual toward the target behavior.
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But in chaining, we are trying to establish a very complex behavior which consists of
independent and interrelated chains of other behaviors that are embedded in this behavior. In
here, we do not reward any sort of approximations. Instead, what we reinforce is actual
accomplishments of the series of behaviors.
Eg. Teaching a mentally retarded child to make his own bed and Training on project preparation.
3. Behavior Modification
The basic idea underlying this area of application is the issue of changing maladjusted and
unwanted behaviors of humans and animals alike through the use of the effects of reinforcement
and punishment. This is actually a very important technique formulated by behaviorists so as to
treat people who are suffering from various kinds of psychological problems. The intention, in
here, is molding or changing abnormal behaviors which create some sort of malfunction in the
lives of human beings. This is the application Operant condition in Psychotherapy.
Read more on these and other areas of application of the Operant Conditioning
For half a century, most American learning theories held that learning could be explained
by specifying the behavioral “ABCs” – antecedents (events preceding behavior), behaviors, and
consequences. In the 1940s, two social scientists proposed a modification they called Social
Learning Theory. Most human learning, they argued, is acquired by observing other people in
social context, rather than through standard conditioning procedures.
By 1960s and 1970s, Social Learning Theory was in full bloom, and a new element had been
added: the human capacity for higher level of cognitive processes. Its proponents agreed with
behaviorists that human beings, along with the rat and the rabbit, are subject to the laws of
operant and classical conditioning. But, they added that human beings, unlike the rat and the
rabbit, are full of attitudes, beliefs and expectations that affect the way they acquire information,
make decisions, reason, and solve problems. These mental processes affect what individuals will
do at any given moment and also, more generally the personality traits they develop.
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B. Latent Learning
‘Latent’ means hidden, and thus latent learning is learning that occurs but is not evident in
behavior until later, when conditions for its appearance are favorable. It is said to occur without
reinforcement of particular responses and seems to involve changes in the way information is
processed. In a classic experiment, Tolman and C.H Honzic (1930) placed three groups of rats
in mazes and observed their behavior each day for more than two weeks. The rats in Group 1
always found food at the end of the maze. Group 2 never found food. Group 3 found no food for
ten days but then received food on the eleventh. The Group 1 rats quickly learned to head
straight the end of the without going blind alleys, whereas Group 2 rats did not learn to go to the
end. But, the group three rats were different. For ten days they appeared to follow no particular
route. Then, on the eleventh day they quickly learned to run to the end of the maze. By the next
day, they were doing, as well as group one, which had been rewarded from the beginning. Group
three rats had demonstrated latent learning, learning that is not immediately expressed. A great
deal of human learning also remains latent until circumstances allow or require it to be
C. Insight Learning
It (the Insight Learning) is cognitive process whereby we reorganize our perception of a
problem. It doesn’t depend on conditioning of particular behaviors for its occurrence.
Sometimes, for example, people even wake from sleep with the solution to a problem that they
had not been able to solve during the day. In a typical insight situation a problem is posed, a
period follows during which no apparent progress is made, then the solution comes suddenly.
What has been learned in insight learning can also be applied easily to other similar situations.
Human beings who solve a problem insightfully usually experience a good feeling called an 'aha'
Introductory Psychology
There are various definitions of the term memory forwarded by the scholars in the area.
According to Information Processing Theory, memory refers to the capacity to encode, store,
and retrieve information and also to the structures that account for this capacity. The whole
system is guided by control processes that determine how and when information will follow
through the system. The information processing approach relies on the computer as a model for
human learning. Its process includes the following:
The first process of memory is attention. There is much more information in your environment
than you can process at any one time. Thus, you must make choices (conscious and unconscious)
regarding the stimuli to which you will attend. Imagine two persons who are driving to
recreational park (Langano) during their break for enjoyment. Both have different plans for how
they want to spend their vacation: one listening to local bands and the other observing wild
animals. While they are in Bishan Gari Lodge, they are approached by a stranger who asks if
they see monkeys nearby. Assuming they have more monkeys and other wild animals in the
lodge and while passing, the chances are that the one planned to see wild animals, but not the
friend, would have remembered seeing it. Had the stranger asked about music clubs, you might
find the opposite scenario. Each one likely attended to what was of interest. This is presented
here to emphasize the roles attention and selection play in our memory.
Once something is attended to, it must be encoded to be remembered later on. Basically,
encoding refers to translating incoming information into a mental representation that can be
stored in memory. You can encode the same information in a number of different ways. For
example, you can encode information according to its sound (acoustic code), what it looks like
(visual code), or what it means (semantic code). Suppose, for example, that you are trying to
remember these three types of encoding from your notes. You might say each of the terms aloud
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and encode the sounds of the words (acoustic), you might see the three types of encoding on your
page and visualize the way the words look (visual), or you might think about the meanings of
each of the terms (semantic).
How does encoding apply to memory? Well, the way you encode information may affect
what you remember and how you recall it later. If you encoded the three things visually or
acoustically, but not semantically, you may be able to list them during a test, but you may have
difficulty recalling what each term means. If you encoded them only semantically, you might be
able to explain what they mean but have difficulty remembering the order in which they were
listed on the page.
You may be able to remember information best if you use techniques (while retrieving the
information) that are related to the way you encoded it. For example, if you encoded something
visually, you will be able to recall it most easily by drawing on visual cues. You will find that
many of the memory techniques discussed in this section are designed to help you encode the
information in different ways.
The transfer of information from short-term memory (STM) to long-term memory (LTM)
can be achieved in many ways. However, Maintenance Rehearsal and Elaborative Rehearsal are
the two main ways for transferring information from STM to LTM. Simply repeating the
information can help if it's repeated enough times. For example, frequently called phone numbers
are remembered because you have used (repeated) the number many times. Although simply
repeating or practicing (Maintenance Rehearsal) something can help move it into long-term
memory, another strategy for transferring information is to think about it deeply. That is,
Introductory Psychology
elaborate on the information, drawing connections between what you are trying to remember
and the other things with which you are already familiar (Elaborative Rehearsal). You might
learn that telephone number quicker, for example, if you notice that it includes the dates of your
friend's birthday, the numbers on your license plate, or some other familiar number pattern.
Retrieval is the process of actually remembering something when you want to. If you think
about tip-of-the-tongue experiences, when you know a word or name but just can't seem to recall
it, you will understand how retrieval is different from storage. In terms of memory improvement,
it can help to understand how the retrieval process relates to encoding and storage. Consider the
relationship between retrieval and encoding. If you encoded something visually, but are trying to
retrieve it acoustically, you will have difficulty remembering. Like encoding, information can be
retrieved through visualizing it, thinking about the meaning, or imagining the sound…etc. The
more ways information has been encoded, the more ways there are for retrieving it. Imagine that
you are taking a test in which you are given a definition and asked to recall the word it describes.
You may recall the page of your notes that the word was on and visualize the word, or you might
say the definition to yourself and remember yourself repeating the word. Thus, memory is aided
by encoding and retrieving information in multiple ways.
Retrieval relates to storage as well, obviously the memory has to be stored in order for you to
retrieve it, but knowing how it was stored can help. This is where elaboration and processing
come in. When attempting to retrieve information, it helps to think about related ideas. Eg., you
are trying to remember a chemistry formula during an exam. Although you are able to visualize
the page of your chemistry notes, you cannot recall the exact formula. You do remember,
however, that this same formula was used in the biology class you took last year. As you think
about that class, you are able to recall the formula. This is one reason why intentionally
organizing information in your memory when you are learning it helps you recall it later.
Here are the steps of memory discussed thus far. First, you select the information to which you
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will attend. You then code the information for storage (where it can be practiced and processed
more deeply). Later, when needed, information is retrieved by using a search strategy that
parallels how the information was coded and stored.
A. Sensory Register/Memory
This is the first stage of memory in which an exact image of each sensory experience is
held briefly until it can be processed. It is an experience that lasts for a very short time because it
takes a second or two for the sensory neurons and the neurons that come right after them to
recover from stimulation. It is a process of gathering information from the environment through
the senses of organs. For example, if you look at a window, then shut your eyes tight, you will
still see the window for a moment, and then see a reversed image of the window (where white
becomes black, red becomes green, blue becomes yellow, and so on).
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rehearsal not only retains information in the working memory but helps move information from
short-term memory to long-term memory.
C. Long-Term Memory
Long-term memory holds information that is well learned. Well learned information is said to
be high in memory strength. Short-term memory isn't really a place where things are temporarily
stored. It is actually more a matter of temporary cycles of neural excitement that, if repeated
often enough, eventually leave their mark as more permanent memory (long-term memory).
Contents of Long-Term Memory: there are different views regarding the way information is
stored in long-term memory. Allan Paivio suggests that information is stored in long-term
memory as either visual images, or verbal units, or both. Some psychologists also share this
view. The criticism forwarded against this view is that the capacity of the brain is not large
enough to store all the images we can imagine. Those with these critics suggest that many
images are actually stored as verbal codes and then translated into visual information when an
image is needed. Most cognitive psychologists distinguish three categories of long-term memory:
Declarative (semantic and episodic) and Non-declarative (procedural).
Semantic Memory is a memory for meaning. Those memories are stored as propositions,
images, and schema. It contains items of general knowledge or knowledge of facts- the
knowledge of the physical worlds.
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Episodic Memory is a memory of information tied to a particular place and time, especially
information about the events of your own life. It keeps track of the order of things, so it is place
to store jokes, gossip, or plots from films. E.g. birth date, date of graduation …etc.
Introductory Psychology
Recognition Method- a measure of memory based on the ability to select information from
among the options provided.
Relearning Method- a measure of memory based on the length of time it takes to relearn
forgotten materials.
Serial Position Effect- the finding that immediately recall of items listed in a fixed order is often
better for items at beginning (primacy effect) and at the end (recence effect) of the list than for
those in the middle.
Theories of Forgetting
A. Decay Theory
According to this theory, forgetting occur as a result of the passage of time. Or in other
words, memory trace fades over time if they are not accessed now and then. This explanation
assumed that when new materials are learned, a memory trace occurs but, if we are not using the
information because of time forgetting occurs. As to this theory, the simple passage of time is
cause of forgetting, both in the sensory register and short-term memory but not in long-term
memory. This is because they said; once memory trace passed into long-term memory they
appear to be permanent.
B. Interference Theory
As to this theory, forgetting occurs because similar information or memories interfere with
the storage or retrieval of information. The information may get into memory, but it becomes
confused with other similar information. This would happen in two ways.
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Proactive Interference: Proactive interference occurs when the already stored memories
(previously learned information) come in between or interfere with the recall of the newly
learned material/information. e.g., you learned psychology this semester and sociology in the last
semester. When exam was taken in psychology, material from sociology, rather than that of
psychology, kept coming into mind.
Retroactive interference: Retroactive interference occurs when the newly learned material
or information interferes with or blocks our ability to recall the previously learned material. In
the psychology-sociology example given above, when examinations were taken, the memories of
newly learned material (psychology) may interfere with recall of the formerly learned material
The theory that information stored in long-term memory sometimes changed over time to
become more consistent with our beliefs, knowledge, and expectations. Schemas are associative
networks of beliefs, knowledge, and expectations. Long-term memories often distorted,
sometimes unrecognizable because they change over time to become more with our schemas.
According to this theory, we forget because we lack the appropriate cues or retrieval cues. The
memory could be context dependent: E.g. unless students take the exam in the room that they
were learned the whole course they may face problem of remembering some information.
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The memory could also be state dependent: E.g. unless students take the exam under the similar
condition, mood, emotion they did while studying they may face problem of remembering some
This theory states that the space in our brain is not enough to store all information we
encounter. So, to store new information the already stored ones should be eradicated or removed.
In addition to the above theories of forgetting, forgetting also occur because of different
diseases/ disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Amnesia (anterograde and retrograde amnesia).
In the previous section, we have discussed memory processes and introduced you to
some basic concepts of memory. What we have presented, however, is just the tip of the iceberg.
If you review research on memory and learning, you will find that there exists a vast amount of
information on the subject. But in learning to become more personally and academically
effective, you are probably most interested in seeing how this knowledge can be put into
practice. In other words, how can it help you improve your memory? Thus, we focus on memory
techniques and strategies.
1. Pulling it all together Organizing and ordering information can significantly improve
memory. Imagine, for example, how difficult it would be to remember a random list of 62 letters.
On the other hand, it would not be difficult to memorize the first sentence in this paragraph
(consisting of 62 letters). Similarly, learning a large amount of unconnected and unorganized
information from various classes can be very challenging. By organizing and adding meaning to
the material prior to learning it, you can facilitate both storage and retrieval. In other words, you
can learn it better and recall it easier. The following concepts can help you pull various pieces of
information together in order to increase understanding and organization. This can mean
organizing material on paper, such as when you make an outline or idea web, or simply
organizing material in your memory, such as learning it in a particular order or making
intentional associations between ideas.
2. The funnel approach This means learning general concepts before moving on to specific
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details. When you study in this manner, you focus on getting a general framework, or overview,
before filling in the details. When you understand the general concepts first, the details make
more sense. Rather than disconnected bits of information to memorize, such as history dates, the
material fits together within the overall framework. Seeing how the smaller details relate to one
another, you process the information more deeply (which helps you store, and later retrieve, it
from memory). This idea is probably familiar--there are many learning strategies based on the
funnel approach. For example, the approach is used in previewing a chapter for the major ideas
as a way to enhance your comprehension of details contained in the chapter. You may also notice
that many textbook chapters are organized in a "general to specific" format. Finally, you
probably use this type of approach when studying from an outline, matrix, or concept map.
Because of their organization, these tools are particularly well-suited for learning general to
3. Organizing through meaning and association Earlier, we discussed the concept of making
intentional associations in order to improve learning retention. What do we mean by "intentional
associations"? During learning a person continually makes associations. We make associations
between what we are learning and the environment we are in, between the information and our
mental states, and between the information and our stream of thoughts. When things are
associated in memory, thinking of one helps bring the other to mind.
Have you ever actually retraced your path when you have forgotten where you put an object
such as your keys? Often, as you approach the place where you put them, you are suddenly able
to remember the act of laying them down on the table or putting them in your gym bag. This is
association. The memory of putting the keys down was associated with your memory of things in
the environment. You can make associations work for you by making them intentional. When
you are having difficulty recalling new material, you can help bring it to mind by thinking about
what you have associated it with. In other words--retrace your mental path. We will return to this
idea later when we discuss specific strategies.
a) Deep processing--relating the material to yourself One way to process information more
deeply, and also to create meaningful associations, is to think about how the information can be
personally meaningful. You might think about how the new material relates to your life, your
experience, or your goals. If you can link new information to memories already stored ("mental
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b) Grouping. This idea is probably best explained with an example. You can organize material
by grouping similar concepts, or related ideas, together. Arranging the material into related
groups helps your memory by organizing the information. For example, you could have grouped
all of the sports into one of the following categories: a) Winter sports, b) Track and Field sports,
and c) Sports using a ball. Keeping these categories in mind, try the exercise again. If you were
like most people, you will be able to remember more of the sports.
Of course, in this instance, we created a list with the intention of demonstrating grouping;
thus, there were 6 or 7 sports in each category. Still, with a little thought, this strategy can be
used in a variety of ways. For example, can you think of other ways that these sports could be
grouped? There are individual sports, team sports, sports you may enjoy, and sports you may
dislike. There are sports requiring a great deal of equipment, and sports requiring little or none.
When you are trying to remember lists for a test, the concepts and words may or may not have a
natural organization. Therefore, you may need to be creative when making associations. Finally,
the process of organizing a list into groups can often help you to understand the relationship
between the concepts better.
4. Vivid associations We have already discussed the idea of associations: aiding storage and
retrieval of new information by intentionally pairing it with something familiar. When learning
something new and unfamiliar, try pairing it with something you know very well, such as
images, puns, music, whatever. The association does not have to make logical sense. Often times
it is associations that are particularly vivid humorous or silly that stay in your mind. Some people
remember names this way. For example, they may remember the name "Robert Green" by
picturing Robert playing golf (on the green), wearing green clothes, or covered in green paint.
Or suppose for your anatomy course you have to recall names of the veins in the human
body, and the first one on the list is "pancreatic" followed by "right gastroepipeloic" and "left
gastroepipeloic" and so on. You can picture a frying pan being creative--maybe painting a
picture with bright paints and bold strokes. If the frying pan is working in a studio, picture gas
pipes with little padlocks on them (gastroepipeloic) in the left and right studio corners....
5. Active learning You will notice that the term "active learning" has come up frequently.
Active learning facilitates your memory by helping you attend to and process information. All of
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the memory techniques we have discussed require active learning. Even if you attend every
lecture and read every assignment, there is no guarantee that you will learn and remember the
information. Although you may passively absorb some material, to ensure that you remember
important information requires being active and involved, that is attending to and thinking about
what you are learning.
6. Visual memory Some people remember information best when it is encoded visually; if
that is the case for you, then code information in this manner. But even if you do not consider
yourself specifically "a visual learner," you may find that including visual memory can still help.
After all, it is one more way of encoding and storing information--and one more way of
retrieving it for a test.
There are many ways of visually encoding and retrieving information. We have already
mentioned the strategy of associating concepts with visual images. But other aids to visual
memory include diagrams, tables, outlines, etc. Often these are provided in texts, so take
advantage of pictures, cartoons, charts, graphs, or any other visual material. You can also draw
many of these things yourself. For example, try to visualize how the ideas relate to each other
and draw a graph, chart, picture, or some other representation of the material. You may even
want to make it a habit to convert difficult material into actual pictures or diagrams in your notes,
or to convert words into mental images on the blackboard of your mind.
Finally, using your visual memory can be as simple as writing out vocabulary words,
theories, or algebraic formulas. This allows you to not only practice (repeat) the information but
also to see the way it looks on the page (developing a visual memory that you may be able to
retrieve later). Another advantage is that it helps you take an active role in learning the material.
When you draw your ideas on paper or write down things you are trying to remember, you have
the opportunity to think about the information more deeply.
7. Talk it out When trying to memorize something; it can help to actually recite the
information aloud. You might repeat ideas verbatim (when you need to do rote memorization), or
you can repeat ideas in your own words (and thus ensure that you have a true understanding of
the information). Repeating information aloud can help you encode the information (auditory
encoding) and identify how well you have learned it.
For some students though they know the test information, they are surprised when they
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"freeze" and cannot give adequate responses. For some students, this "freezing" may be a result
of test anxiety. For others, however, it may be a result of overestimating how well they know the
material. If you recite the information aloud from memory (answering questions, defining words,
or using flash cards), it is often quite clear how well you know it. If you stumble in your
responses, have to look up answers, or can only give a vague response, then you know that you
need to study more.
Although reciting aloud can be a helpful memory technique, some people avoid it out of
fear of appearing foolish ("what if someone sees me talking to myself?"). If this applies to you,
work with a friend or study group. Another advantage of working with someone else is that they
can inform you when you are missing important concepts or misunderstanding an idea. Keep in
mind, however, that studying with others does not work for everyone. For example, some
students may become anxious or intimidated in study groups and would be more comfortable
studying alone.
8. Visualize yourself teaching the material An effective way to enhance recall and
understanding of dense material is to teach it to an imaginary audience. By doing so, you are
forced to organize the material in a way that makes sense to you and to anticipate potential
questions that may be asked by your students. Moreover, by articulating your lecture aloud, you
will uncover gaps in your comprehension (and recall) of the material. (Far better to is cover those
"weak" areas before a test than during it.) After you have mastered a particular section from your
textbook, try delivering an organized lecture on any topic from that section. Then check for
accuracy. Don't forget to anticipate questions that students might ask about the material as a way
of anticipating potential test questions.
9. Using mnemonics
a. Method of Loci
The ancients remembered things by imagining taking a familiar walk and placing the things to
be remembered at locations along the way. This method works because it organizes the material
to be remembered and it encourages elaborative processing and memorable imagery.
b. Context-Dependent Learning
Physical and emotional context may be inadvertently coded as retrieval cues along with the
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intended cues. Consistent with this idea, various studies show that recall is better when tested in
the same context (physical or emotional) as in which learning took place. Some benefit has been
found studying for important exams in the same room as they will be taken. However these
results are variable.
In addition to the techniques listed above the following methods are also helpful in improving
one’s memory: Paying attention- very critical in improving remembering; Encoding
Information in more than one way- using alternatives to make remembrance easier; Taking
Time- minimizing interference by taking rest; Spacing Vs Mass Practice- spacing practice is
better than mass practice (holding large information at once); Monitoring Learning-checking
(self-evaluation) how we are doing with the materials.
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5.1 Motivation
Why do some students want to get “A” in every exam & some don’t even bother about it?
Why do the skydivers love to dive down from hundreds of meters above the ground?
Why do some people run after money & some refuse even the most attractive job offers?
Why do some people leave their country for earning money and some are contented and
happy with whatever is available to them at home?
Why we want to learn/ know about the particular subject or course? Why did you choose
your current career?
Why people become doctors, psychologist, engineers, social workers, pilots, police…etc?
Why did you choose your current partner? Where would you live?
Are your goals different from other people or do we all share the same goals in life?
In this chapter issues such as: types of motivation, definition of motivation, the component
of emotion, stress and how to cope up with it, and the various theories related to motivation and
emotion will be discussed. You will also learn the different views on motivation, from those
deemed instinctual and internal to those viewed as external.
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sustaining and directing it towards the successful attainment of goals. The implication is that
Motivation involves goal-directed behavior. Motivation is a desire, drive, instinct or need that
accelerate our behavior towards some goal. Psychologists are interested in identifying, observing
and evaluating the factors that motivate or direct human behavior. So, psychology is highly
concerned with motivation.
These motives are called social because they are learned in social situation such as the
family, community, society. Or in other words, they are learned through socialization.
Depending on when and where, these motives may vary from one individual to another and it is
not universal. It includes motives such as: need for power, need for recognition, need for
affiliation (sexual motivation, for intimacy…etc), need for achievement…etc.
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Instinct theory is derived from our biological make-up. We've all seen spider's webs and
perhaps even witnessed a spider in the tedious job of creating its home and trap. We've all seen
birds in their nests, feeding their young or painstakingly placing the twigs in place to form their
new home. How do spiders know how to spin webs? How do birds now how to build nests?
The answer is biology. All creatures are born with specific innate knowledge about how to
survive. Animals are born with the capacity and often with the knowledge of how to survive for
instance by spinning webs, building nests, avoiding danger, and reproducing. These innate
tendencies are preprogrammed at birth; they are in our genes. In the case of the spider for
instance, even if the spider never saw a web before and never witnessed its creation, it would still
know how to create one.
Humans have the same types of innate tendencies. Babies are born with a unique ability that
allows them to survive; they are born with the ability to cry. Without this, how would others
know when to feed the baby, when he needed changing, or when she wanted attention and
affection? Crying allows a human infant to survive. We are also born with particular reflexes
which promote survival. The most important of these include sucking, swallowing, coughing,
blinking. Newborns can perform physical movements to avoid pain; they will turn their head if
touched on their cheek and search for a nipple (rooting reflex); and they will grasp an object that
touches the palm of their hands.
Also called the Push Theory of Motivation, this theory emphasizes on the biological factors
behind human motivation and is based on the concept of our body’s homeostasis. Homeostasis is
where an organism attempts to keep its physiological systems at a constant balanced steady
(equilibrium) level. Hull as cited in Albery (2004) suggested that physiological disruptions to
homeostasis produce drives (internal tension that motives an organism to engage in behavior that
reduces this tension). E.g. If we get too hot we take measure to try to cool ourselves down. If
you feel hunger, you try your best to gate something to eat, if thirsted to drink…etc.
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Also called the Pull Theory of Motivation, Incentive Theory maintains that external stimuli
motivate one’s behavior. Accordingly, individuals are attracted to the behaviors that offer
positive incentives (reinforcement), and discouraged from those behaviors they associate with
negative outcomes. E.g. grade in an exam might act as an incentive for those students to work
hard to maintain this level. Promotion, power, recognition, achievement, wealth, freedom, praise,
payment increment, to be appreciated…etc are some of the factors that motivate different
individuals to act in various ways.
How can we explain why some things motivate only some people and why these do not
always motivate the same person twice? Obviously, this is the role of cognition. According to
Cognitive Theory, goal directed behavior is motivated by two cognitive judgments:
The strength of individual’s expectation that engagement in a particular behavior will
lead to goal obtainment.
The value an individual places on the goal.
For a normally functioning person a certain level of arousal and excitement is needed by his/her
system. We try to maintain that level of stimulation and activity in which the maintenance may
require the reduction or increase in the existing level, depending upon the circumstances. When
our arousal state becomes too high, it needs to come down for optimal functioning and vice
versa. Too high a motivational arousal may affect performance negatively; it may produce
anxiety and irritability in the organism. Similarly too low an arousal may also have adverse
effect e.g. performance of a person suffering from depression. Therefore, this theory states that a
consistent, well balanced, and leveled arousal is needed for the optimal functioning of
individuals. This is required for instance in case of exams, athletics, interviews.
Thus people are motivated to maintain certain best level of arousal to function normally and
exert their maximum effort. Similar to Hull's Drive Reduction Theory, Arousal theory states that
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we are driven to maintain a certain level of arousal in order to feel comfortable and function
normally. Arousal refers to a state of emotional, intellectual, and physical activity.
In each of us, there is different arousals which is just optimum that we want to function
normally. Optimal Arousal Theory does not suggest, however, that there is biological need for a
moderate or an optimal level of arousal. The individual can survive at high or low level of
arousal, but he or she is motivated to achieve a comfortable, optimum level of arousal by acting
in ways that increase or decrease stimulation. Affiliation motives and achievement motivation
are of this type.
This is a theory of learning of new motives based on changes over time in contrasting/opposite
feelings. It states that it is the next experience (the opposite of the first one) not the first one that
motivate people to act in certain way. As to this theory:
Every state of positive feelings is followed by a contrasting negative feeling, and vice versa.
Any feeling-either positive or negative- that is experienced many times in succession loses
some of its intensity.
E.g. Parachute jumping is frightening at first. When the novice jumper lands, he/she is generally
in the middle of shock but soon begins smiling and talking excitedly about the jump. It also does
better to explain why people climb mountains; participate in horse riding, drug abuse, trying
various dangerous things or watch sad movies.
According to Humanistic Theory of Motivation, humans are driven to achieve their maximum
potential and will always do so unless obstacles are placed in their way. These obstacles include
hunger, thirst, financial problems, safety issues, the ruling system or anything else (both external
and internal factors) that takes our focus away from maximum psychological growth.
The best way to describe this theory is to utilize the famous pyramid developed by Abraham
Maslow (1970) called the Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow believed that humans have specific needs
that must be met and that if lower level needs go unmet, we cannot possible strive for higher
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level needs. The Hierarchy of Needs shows that at the lower level, we must focus on basic issues
such as food, sleep, and safety. Without food, without sleep, how could we possible focus on the
higher level needs such as respect, education, and recognition?
It is clear that some needs are far more demanding than others: If you are hungry, thirsty, and
gasping for air, you have to take care of the air first, the water second, and the food third.
Abraham Maslow took this idea and created his now famous Hierarchy of Needs Theory.
Beyond the details of air, water, and food, he laid out five broader layers: the physiological
needs, the need for safety, the need for belongingness, the need for esteem, and the need to
actualize the self in that order.
1. The physiological needs. These include the needs we have for oxygen, water, food, salt,
sugar, calcium, and other minerals and vitamins. They also include the need to maintain a pH
balance (getting too acidic or base will kill you) and temperature (98.6 or near to it). Moreover,
the needs to be active, to rest, to sleep, to get rid of wastes (CO2, sweat, urine, and feces), to
avoid pain, and to have sex…etc can be part of physiological needs.
2. The safety and security needs When the physiological needs are largely taken care of,
this second layer of needs comes into play. You will become increasingly interested in finding
safe circumstances, stability, and protection. You might develop a need for structure, for order,
and some limits.
3. The love and belonging needs When physiological needs and safety needs are, by and
large, taken care of, a third layer starts to show up. You begin to feel the need for friends, a
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Maslow called all of the above four levels of needs the deficit needs. If you don’t have
enough of something – i.e. you have a deficit – you feel the need. But if you get all you need,
you feel nothing at all!
5. Self-actualization The last level is a bit different. Maslow called it self-
actualization or the being needs. Self-actualization as Maslow uses the term refers to the kind
of things we have called higher motivations – creativity, compassion, wholeness, perfection,
completion, goodness, richness, uniqueness, autonomy, meaningfulness, simplicity, aliveness,
the appreciation of beauty, truth, justice, state of self-fulfillment and so on. They differ from the
deficit needs in that they become a part of your being, part of who you are. Maslow once said
that the being needs were the desire to "be all that you can be!"
Throughout our lives, we work toward achieving the top of the pyramid- self-actualization or
the realization of all of our potential. As we move up the pyramid, however, things get in the
way which slow us down and often knock us backward. Imagine working toward the respect and
recognition of your colleagues and suddenly finding yourself out of work and homeless.
Suddenly, you are forced backward and can no longer focus your attention on your work due to
the need for finding food and shelter for you and your family.
According to Maslow, nobody has ever reached the peak of his pyramid. We all may
strive for it and some may even get close, but no one has achieved full self-actualization. Self-
actualization means a complete understanding of who you are, a sense of completeness, of being
the best person you could possibly be. To have achieved this goal is to stop living, for what is
there to strive for if you have learned everything about yourself, if you have experienced all that
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you can, and if there is no way left for you to grow emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually.
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between two or more goals. We all confront some degree of conflict in every stage of our life.
We sometimes face a situation where we are supposed to choose between two or more
For example, we may have to decide whether to buy a book or go to a movie. On the one
hand, you may like to play and get company of your friend, and on the other, if you study for the
examination you may be successful in the exams. The motive to play and get the company of the
friend is thus in conflict with the motive to be successful in examination.
b) Avoidance- Avoidance This occurs when we have to decide between two equally
undesirable and negative goals. Such type of conflict involves a great deal of hesitation. Moving
closer to one of the unattractive choices increases our discomfort and leads us to retreat. This
retreat brings us closer to the other unattractive alternative, and we retreat in the opposite
direction. There is high vacillation in this type of conflict of motives. Such a conflict may arise
when you have to choose between goals that are equally disliked by you.
For eg., a student must spend the next four days studying for an examination exhaustively or face
the possibility of failure (getting F). Fear to undergo surgical operation & suffering from pain. A
woman must work at a job she intensely dislikes or take the chance of losing her income.
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c) Approach-Avoidance This is the case when we are both attracted and repelled by the
same goal. It arises when there are both desirable and undesirable feelings associated with a
single goal. The feeling of ambivalence is highly exercised here. This kind of conflict is among
the most difficult to resolve and brings emotional discomfort.
For eg., you want to marry a girl to whom you love because you love her. But assume that your
parents are not agreeable. You cannot marry her as you do not want to hurt your parents as well.
Another example A student accepted to college in another state will be in stressful conflict if she
knows that it will mean being separated from her serious boyfriend, who works in his family’s
business in her area. Attending college have both positive and negative consequences, so she
may experience considerable stress, especially as the time grows nearer for beginning school.
d) Multiple Approaches – Avoidances Such conflicts are the ones we most often face in
life. These involve situations in which several options exist, with each one containing both
positive and negative elements. Not surprising that they are the hardest to resolve and the most
stressful to cope up.
For example, suppose a woman is engaged to be married: suppose, further that the goal of
marriage has a positive valence for her because of the stability and security it will provide and
because she loves the man she will be marrying. Suppose on the other hand, that marriage is
disgusting to her because it will mean giving up an attractive offer of a job in another city. With
respect to her career, the woman is attracted to the new job but also repelled by the problems it
will create for her marriage. What will she do? Another example Tola married Ayantu ten years
ago. Both are engaged in similar job, work together for a couple of years. She want to bear child
soon because for one thing her beloved husband eager to see his son or daughter for other thing
it is a critical time for her because she is getting older around 40 years. However, if she bear
child she will stop her attractive job. Besides, Almaz has fear that her marriage would end up.
What will she do?
5.2 Emotion
5.2.1 Definition and Components of Emotions
Emotion is derived from the Latin word “Emovere” means “to excite, stir up or agitate”.
Emotions are feelings that are highly subjective personal tendencies to respond to internal and
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external variables. It is a response that includes feelings such as happiness, fear, sadness, grief,
sorrow…etc. It is the mixture of physiological arousal, the expression of feelings and the
conscious or the cognitive experience of the situation that influences behavior. This implies that
emotion has three components. These are: cognitive, physiological and behavioral components.
Our cognitive appraisals and evaluations of events in our lives are key determinants to our
emotional responses. These three main components of Emotion are discussed as follow:
B. Cognitive Component
C. Behavioral Component
This component has been called the outward expression of our emotions. Body gestures,
posture, facial expressions, and our tone of voice display what emotions we are feeling. Many of
our facial expressions are universal. For instance, if somebody has a mad look on their face, it
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doesn't matter what language they speak or where they are from, chances are... they're mad.
However, some emotional expressions are influenced by our cultures and society's rules for
displaying emotions. For example, the guards outside of Buckingham Palace (the official London
residence of the British Monarchy) are not allowed to display any emotion on their face. Some
people have described them as looking mad when in reality they are not.
Robert Plutchik (1984) identified eight fundamental emotions. They are: joy, anger,
sadness, surprise, fear, acceptance, disgust and anticipation. He named them as Plutchik’s
emotional wheel.
Function of emotion
There are possibly five main function of emotional behavior.
1. They are sources of information (they tell us if we have transgressed social and moral
standards, or tell us something important is happening in our environment).
2. They prepare us to action (arousal caused by emotional experiences makes us ready for
3. They help us to communicate with others. Example, facial expressions are involved in the
formation of attachments between mother and baby prior to language acquisition.
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4. They regulate social behavior (through reinforcement we learn to avoid situations and
people that bring about fear, shame and guilt, and seek out those stimuli that promote joy
and happiness).
5. They can create cognitive bias and maintain self-esteem (it has been shown that people in
a good mood are not only more confident and optimistic about their own abilities, they
are also more likely to rate others as being more honest, creative and helpful. The
downside is that the reverse can be true for people in negative mood).
i. James-Lang Theory
This is the earliest theory of emotion developed by American psychologist- William James
and Danish psychologist- Carl Lange in the 19th century. Nowadays mostly it is considered as
the classical approach to emotions. According to this theory, emotional experience occurs in
reaction to instinctive bodily events that take place as a result of an external situation. “…we feel
sorry because we cry, angry because we strike, afraid because we tremble” (James, 1890).
The theory states that the physiological changes create specific sensations and our brain
interprets these sensations as different emotions. Here is the sequence (according to this theory)
how emotional experience will be felt: Experience of an emotion-involving situation (the
occurrences of an event) is the first one. Then the physiological responses (physiological arousal)
which include for instance: pounding heart, sweaty palms, respiration increases and other
physiological states caused by visceral bodily changes are activated. In the next step the brain
interprets these physiological changes as emotional experience. And then finally emotional
experience will result. Thus they asserted that awareness of the physiological responses
determines our feeling/experiencing of emotion.
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It has always been assumed that the first thing that happens is that we experience an emotion
and then and only then do we start reacting to the situation physiologically. But as stated above
over a hundred years ago, William James- the father of American psychology and Carl Lange- a
Danish psychologist, separately introduced the idea that we have it all backwards: First, they
said, we have physiological responses to a situation, and only then do we use those responses to
formulate an experience of emotion. This is called the James-Lange theory.
This theory is criticized by some scholars mainly on the statement of “emotional experience
(fear) results from the physiological responses after evaluating the situation.” The critics stated
that on many occasions we experience physiological changes but no emotion. e.g. patients of
hypertension experience raised blood pressure but do not experience associated emotion. The
other is the case of runners (or others who do various physical exercises) whose heart does pound
but there is no emotional experience. How do same physiological changes create different
emotional experiences?
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Regarding the sequence how emotion is felt, this theory proposed the following: First the
perception of the emotion-inducing stimulus (event) will takes place. Next thalamus is activated.
Then thalamus sends messages to two sites i.e., the Autonomic nervous system which thereby
produces a visceral response (physiological arousal) and the cerebral cortex which receives a
message regarding the nature of emotion being experienced.
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body and/ or by environment and social situations. Our subjective perceptions affect the degree
of stress. Mainly, there are about three factors which help to reduce the stressful of events.
1. Familiarity- experiencing or familiarizing with certain events may minimize the stress.
2. Controllability- if we feel that we have control over certain stressful events, we less
3. Predictability- we may experience a certain kinds of events that we have anticipated, and
that causes less stress.
Sources of Stress
Knowing the causes of stress is the first step in understanding and coping with it. The
major sources of stress include the following factors: frustration, conflict of motives, pressure,
life events, and environmental conditions. Because we have already discussed about frustration
and conflict of motives in previous chapter we do not discuss in this chapter.
1. Pressure: is used to describe the stress that arises from threats of negative events. It occurs
mostly in two ways:
a) When we are expected to performs a certain task quickly, efficiently, successfully
within the short time. Example, if you are told that you will have an exam after one
day you are possibly stressed because of the load you will going to cover.
b) When we are expected to conform to a situation that we do not want it. Example, if
you are nominated to participate in national war.
2. Life event: major events in our lives are often stressful whether they are positive or negative.
Positive events such as marriage or entering graduation school can be stressful. The most
stressful negative life events that have been studied by psychologists include the following. A)
Crime, sexual attack, and violence, b) loss of family member, c) natural disaster, d) terrorism e)
daily hassles/bothers
3. Environmental condition: stress can be occurred by environmental threatening events which
may be above our control. These environmental sources of stress do not appear to be as potent as
other stressors but apparently contribute to our overall stress levels. There is growing evidences
that aspects of the environment in which we live (temperature, air pollution, noise, humidity,
etc.) can be sources of stress.
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Psychology
generating possible problems, thirdly selecting the possible solution and applying
Drawing Social Support (Seeking Social Support)
The magnitude of reactions to stress is considerably less for individuals with good social
support from close friends and family members than for individuals with inadequate social
support. On the other hand, we relieve the feeling of isolation and other negative feeling when
we actively participated in social activities like Ikub and Idir. In addition, they may produce
necessary information on how to dealing with stress.
Inoculation- preparing oneself for stress before it happen can minimize the intensity of stress.
This difficult, but predicting some sources of stress in one’s life situation could lesser the stress.
Introductory Psychology
Personality refers to a distinctive pattern of behavior (thoughts, motives and emotions) that
characterizes an individual’s adaptation to the situations of his or her life. It includes the
behavior patterns a person shows across situations or the psychological characteristics of the
person that lead to those behavior patterns. The term personality is used in two different, but
related ways. On the one hand personality refers to the characteristics that differentiate people-
those behaviors that make an individual unique. On the other hand, personality is used as a
means of explaining the stability in people’s behavior that leads them to act uniformly both in
different situations and over extended periods of time.
Most experts in the area suggest that the above definition of personality is not as such
complete. So, they (scholars in the area of Personality Psychology) forwarded the following
definition of personality as more comprehensive and acceptable: Personality is the set of
psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that are organized and relatively
enduring and that influence his or her interactions with, and adaptations to, the intrapsychic,
physical, and social environments.
Personality has been studied in a number of different ways. Some have developed broad
theories to explain the origins and make up of personality. Others have focused only on one or
two issues, such as the influence of heredity on personality. As a result, we have many
personality theories with the broad ones grouped into the following four categories:
Type and trait theories of personality both focus on people’s personal characteristics.
However, they differ in the ways they use those characteristics to describe people.
Type Theories: Classifying people into types is one device many of us use to try to
make sense out of others’ behavior and to anticipate how they will act in the future. One of the
first type theories that we know of was proposed about 400 B.C by Hippocrates. He grouped
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people into four temperament types: Sanguine- cheerful, vigorous, and confidently optimistic;
Melancholic- depressed, morose; Choleric- hot-tempered, and Phlegamitic- slow moving,
calm, unexcitable.
Trait theories: Among the renown scholars in the Trait Theory of Personality are
Gordon Allport, Cattelle and Eysenck. Though there are certain differences among these
scholars, what they have in common is that the base for one’s personality is the trait of that
person. If someone were to ask you to characterize another person, it is probable that you would
come up with a list of that individual’s personal qualities, as you see them. But how would you
know which of these qualities were most important in determining the person’s behavior? In
order to answer them, they have developed a sophisticated model of personality known as Trait
Theory. Traits are enduring dimensions of personality characteristics along which people
Introductory Psychology
Softhearted Ruthless
Trusting Suspicious
Agreeableness Generous Stingy
Acquiescent Antagonistic
Lenient Critical
good-natured Irritable
Conscientious Negligent
Hardworking Lazy
Conscientious well-organized Disorganized
Punctual Late
Ambitious Aimless
Persevering Quitting
Trait theorists do not assume that some people have a trait and others do not; rather they
propose that all people have certain traits, but that the degree to which the trait applies to
specific person varies and can be quantified. For instance, you might be relatively friendly,
where as I might be relatively unfriendly. But, we both have a “friendliness” trait, although you
would be quantified with a higher score and I with a lower one. The major challenge for trait
theorists taking this approach has been to identify the specific primary traits necessary to
describe personality.
Introductory Psychology
1. Structure of Personality
To describe the structure of personality, Freud developed a comprehensive theory, which held
that personality consisted of three separate, but interacting components: the id, the ego, and the
super ego.
Although Freud described these in very concrete terms, it is important to realize that they are
not actual physical structures found in certain part of the brain. Instead, they represent aspects of
general model of personality that describes the interaction of various processes and forces with in
one’s personality that motivate behavior.
The id: The id is the raw unorganized, inherited part of personality whose sole purpose is
to reduce tension created by primitive drives related to hunger, sex, aggression, and irrational
impulses. These drives are fueled by “psychic energy” or libido, as Freud called it. The id
operates according to the pleasure principle, in which the goal is the immediate reduction of
tension and the maximization of satisfaction. Unfortunately for the id- but luckily for people
and society-reality prevents the demands of the pleasure principle form being fulfilled in most
cases. Instead, the world produces constraints: we cannot always eat when we are hungry, and
we can discharge our sexual drives only when time, place-and-partner- are willing. To account
for this fact of life, Freud suggested a second part of a personality, which he called the ego.
The Ego: The ego provides a buffer between the id and the realities of the objective,
outside world. In contrast to the pleasure seeking nature of the id, the ego operates according to
the reality principle, in which instinctual energy is restrained in order to maintain the safety of
the individual and helps integrate the person into society. In a sense, then, the ego is the
“executive” of personality: It makes decisions, controls actions, and allows thinking and
problem solving of higher order than the id is capable of. The ego is also the seat of higher
cognitive abilities such as intelligence, thoughtfulness, reasoning, and learning.
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The superego: the final personality structure to develop represents the rights and wrongs
of society as handed down by a person’s parents, teachers and other important figures. It
becomes part of personality when children learn right from wrong and continues to develop as
people begin to incorporate into their own standards the broad moral principles of the society
in which they live.
The super ego actually has two parts, the conscience and the ego ideal. The conscience
prevents us from doing morally bad things, while the ego ideal motivates us to do what is
morally proper. The super ego helps to control impulses coming from the id, making them less
selfish and more virtuous.
Freud did not intend to divide personality into three separate components but rather to convey a
lively, ongoing interplay among the id, the ego and the super ego. In this interplay Freud saw the
ego acting as a sort of mediator between the id-with its blind demands for instant gratification-
and the superego-with its rigid, often irrational rules, prohibitions and ideals. The ego’s task of
satisfying both id and super ego requires a somewhat risky balancing act. The ego’s task often
involves finding a compromise between the instinctual gratification sought by the id and the
strict rule- following sought by the superego.
Thus, Freud’s general notion that our behavior s influenced by biological drives (id), social
rules (super ego), and mediating thought processes (ego) may not seem farfetched. However, his
heavy emphasis on the primitive, sexual nature of human drives and energy (libido) helped make
his theory very controversial.
Less controversial but equally novel was Freud’s notion of unconscious processes. He used
this concept to explain why people often act in ways that seem irrational. Freud proposed three
levels of consciousness, awareness: the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious.
At the conscious level, we are aware of the certain things around us and of certain
thoughts. At the preconscious level are memories or thoughts that are easily available
with a moment’s reflection.
In contrast, the unconscious contains memories, thoughts, and motives, which we cannot
easily call up. Many of life’s experiences are painful, and the unconscious provides a
“safe” haven for our recollection f such events, a place where they can remain without
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continually disturbing us. Similarly, the unconscious contains instinctual drives: infantile
wishes, desires, demands, and needs that are hidden from conscious awareness because of
the conflicts and pain they would cause us if they were part of our everyday lives.
The entire id is unconscious; the ego and the superego include material at all three
levels of consciousness.
Freud strongly believed that if people look at the development of their behavior, they
could gain insight into their current behavior. This belief led him to an elaborate stage theory
of personality development. According to him the first five years of life have a decisive effect
on the development of the adult personality. Freud put a heavy emphasis on biological
development in general and on sexual development in particular. Freud’s idea was that from
birth on we have an innate tendency to seek pleasure, especially through physical stimulation and
particularly through stimulation of parts of the body that are sensitive to touch: the mouth, the
anus, and genitals. Freud called these parts of the Erogenous Zones.
Freud argued that all people pass through five critical stages of personality development. What
is especially noteworthy about the stages is that they it suggests how experiences and difficulties
during a particular childhood stage may predict specific sorts of idiosyncrasies in adult
personality. The theory is also unique in focusing each stage on a major biological function,
which is assumed to be the focus of pleasure in a given period. Let’s discuss each as follow
In this first period of development the baby’s mouth is the focal point of pleasure. The
infant at this stage interacts with the world mainly through eating, sucking, biting …etc. To
Freud this behavior suggested that the mouth was the primary site of a kind of sexual pleasure,
and if infants either overly indulged or frustrated in their search for oral gratification, they
might become fixated at this stage.
Fixation refers to an unresolved conflict or emotional hang-up caused by overindulgence or
frustration. Displaying fixation means that an adult shows personality characteristics that are
related to an earlier stage of development. For example fixation at the oral stage might produce
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an adult who was usually interested in overtly oral activities- eating, talking, smoking- or
who showed symbolic forms of oral interests: being “bitingly” sarcastic or being very gullible
(“swallowing” anything). According to Psychoanalysis (that of S. Freud), the following are
among the major later personality for individuals either over gratified or under gratified during
oral stage:
If over gratified- optimism, manipulativeness, gullibility, cockiness, admiration
If under gratified- cruelty, self-belittlement, pessimism, dependency, suspiciousness,
envy, greedy, passivity
This stage occurs when parents are toilet training their children and teaching them to avoid
prohibited behavior connected with excretion. At this point, the major source of pleasure changes
from the mouth to the anal region, and children derive considerable pleasure from both retention
and expulsion of feces.
If toilet training is particularly demanding, the result may be fixation. If fixation occurs
during the anal stage, Freud suggested that adults might show unusual rigidity, orderliness,
punctuality- or extreme disorderliness or sloppiness (carelessness, negligence). To be more
specific, according to Psychoanalysis (that of S. Freud), the following are among the major later
personality for individuals either over gratified or under gratified during anal stage:
If over gratified- dirtiness, over-generosity, vagueness, absent-minded, messy, lateness
If under gratified- meticulousness, orderliness, compulsive cleanness, rigid,
stingingness, stubbornness, extreme punctuality, precision
This time, interest focuses on the genitals and the pleasures derived from fondling them.
During this stage pleasure, presumably, comes from masturbation, sex play, and other genital
stimulation. This is a stage of one the most important points of personality development,
according to Freudian Theory, the Oedipal Conflict.
As children focuses their attention on their genitals, the differences between female and male
anatomy become more salient. Furthermore, at this time Freud believed that the male begins to
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develop sexual interests in his mother, starts to see his father as a rival, and harbors a wish to
kill his father. But he views his father as too powerful; he develops a fear of retaliation in the
form of “castration Anxiety.” Ultimately, the fear becomes so powerful that the child represses
his desires for his mother and instead chooses identification with his father, trying to be as
much like him as possible.
For girls, the process is different. Freud reasoned that girls begin to feel sexual arousal toward
their fathers and that they begin to experience Penis Envy. They wish they had the anatomical
part that seemed most clearly “missing” in girls. Blaming their mothers for lack of a penis,
they come to believe that their mothers are responsible for their castration. As with males though
they find that in order to resolve such unacceptable feelings, they must identify with the same
sex parent by behaving like her and adopting her attitudes and values.
If difficulties arise (fixation occurs) during this period, all sorts of problems thought to
occur including improper sex-role behavior and the failure to develop a conscience will result.
To be more specific, according to Psychoanalysis (that of S. Freud), the following are among the
major later personality of individuals either over gratified or under gratified during phallic stage:
If over gratified- vanity, pride, stylishness, gregariousness, promiscuousness, brash,
bold, rude, flirtatiousness, cheerfulness
If under gratified- self-hatred (boy-effeminate, girl-tomboy), plainness, isolation,
chastity, bashfulness, sadness, low self-esteem
During this period, little of interest is occurring; sexual concerns are more or less put to rest,
even in the unconscious. As the child learns more about the world, sexuality is largely repressed
and the ego expands. Their attention shifts toward education, knowledge, mastering, creativity,
skill development, to be competent, social issues such as friendship,
During adolescence sexual feelings reemerge, marking the start of the final period, the genital
stage that extends until death. The focus in the genital stage is on mature, adult sexuality,
which Freud defined as sexual intercourse.
Introductory Psychology
Defense Mechanisms
Defense mechanisms are normal coping processes that distort reality in the process of
reducing anxiety. They are unconscious strategies people use to reduce anxiety by concealing
the source from themselves and others. People use defense mechanisms to reduce their anxiety
and guilt. Psychoanalytic theory holds that because the id’s unconscious demands are instinctual,
infantile and amoral they must often be blocked by the ego and the superego. Because of this
conflict and the persistence of unsatisfied demands, anxiety (vague fearfulness) and guilt are
The person then seeks way to protect the ego from this anxiety by setting up defenses. Freud
described several defense mechanisms by which the ego disguises, redirects, hides, and
otherwise copes with the id’s urges. The dynamic theorists who followed Freud have added
others. Many psychologists do not agree with Freud’s view that defense mechanisms originate in
conflicts among the id, ego, and superego. However, many do agree that these mechanisms
account for some of the ways people cope with their problems. Thus, defense mechanisms- an
intellectual bequest from the dynamic theories- are generally accepted as a useful way of looking
at how people handle stressful situations and conflicts. The following are some of these
Repression: Repression is an active mental process by which a person “forgets” by
“pushing down” into the unconscious any thoughts that arouse anxiety. “We forget and then
forget that we forgot.”
Regression: In the face a threat, one may retreat to an earlier pattern of adaptation,
possibly a childish or primitive one. This is called regression. That is people using regression
behave as if they were an earlier stage of development.
Reaction Formation: Reversal of motives is another method by which people attempt
to cope with conflict. A motive that would arose unbearable anxiety if it were recognized is
converted into its opposite.
Projection: Blaming others or projection is a way of coping with one’s unwanted
motives by shifting onto someone else. The anxiety arising from the internal conflict can then be
lessened and the problem dealt with as though it were in the external world.
Rationalization: This defense mechanism substitutes an acceptable conscious motive
for unacceptable unconscious one. Put another way, “we make excuses” giving a reason
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different from the real one for what we are doing. Rationalization is not lying we believe our
Intellectualization: Related to rationalization is intellectualization, which involves
reasoning. In intellectualization, however, the intensity of the anxiety is reduced by retreat into
detached, unemotional, abstract language.
Displacement: In displacement, the motive remains unaltered, but the person substitutes
a different goal object for the original one. Often the motive is aggression that for some reason,
the person cannot vent on the source of the anger.
Sublimation: Sublimation consists of a redirection of sexual impulses to socially valued
activities and goals.
Learning approaches to personality (The Behavioral Theories of Personality) focus on the outer
person. According to strict learning theorists, personality is simply the sum of learned responses
to the external environment. Internal events such as thoughts, feelings and motivations are
ignored; though there existence is not denied, learning theorists say that personality is best
understood by looking at features of a person’s environment.
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Not all learning theories of personality take such a strict view in rejecting the importance of
what is “inside” the person by focusing on solely on the “outside.” Unlike other learning theories
of personality, social learning theory emphasizes the influence of a person’s cognitions- their
thoughts, feelings, expectations, and values- in determining personality. According to Albert
Bandura, the main proponent of this point of view, people are able to foresee the possible
outcome of certain outcomes in a given setting without actually having to carry them out. This
takes place mainly through the mechanism of observational learning- viewing the actions of
others and viewing the consequences.
Bandura places particular emphasis on the role-played by self-efficacy, learned expectations
regarding success, in determining the behavior we display. Self- efficacy underlies people’s faith
in their ability to carry out behavior, regardless of how successful they have been in the past or
what barriers currently lie in their paths. The greater the person’s sense of self- efficacy, the
more likely it is that success will take place.
Compared with other learning explanations of personality, social learning theories are
distinctive in the emphasis they place on the reciprocity between individuals and their
environment. Not only is the environment assumed to affect personality, but also people’s
behavior and personalities are assumed to “feed back” and modify the environment-, which in
turn affects behavior in a web or reciprocity. In fact, Bandura has suggested that reciprocal
determinism is the key to understanding behavior. In reciprocal determinism, it is the interaction
of environment, behavior, and individual that ultimately causes people to behave in the ways that
they do.
Introductory Psychology
The roots of the humanistic movement can be found in the writings of Jung, Adler, Horney,
Kohut, Allport, Maslow, Rogers, May, and others. These theorists emphasize the uniqueness of
individuals and believe that all individuals should be free to make their own choices about the
direction they want to take in their own lives. People should be allowed to organize and control
their own behavior; they should not be controlled by society. Society is generally seen as the
“bad guy”- the enforcer of rules and regulations that stifle personal growth.
According to the humanists, a benevolent, helpful attitude toward people enables them to
grow and prosper. Most societies, they believe, by their very nature coerce individuals into
behaving appropriately- that is, normally. The result is rather dull, conventional people who
usually obey, without much question, the moral prescriptions of the majority. In other words, the
result is the average, law-abiding man or woman. The humanistic psychologists argue, instead,
for allowing individuals to develop their fullest potential. They see people as naturally striving to
be creative and happy rather than mediocre and conventional. Of course, the assumption that
what is mediocre and what is conventional is open to question, especially in a society that
encourages people to strive for excellence.
Another assumption underlying many of the humanist positions is that the universal set of
values can be specified that will provide people with a moral anchor so that they can decide what
is right or wrong and good or bad. Such a set of values, rooted in biology, would allow people to
make moral decisions by looking inside themselves, instead of relying on the judgments of
society. Yet philosophers or psychologists have never been able to agree on a universal set of
values, although numerous attempts to devise such a list have occurred.
In general, according to the humanistic theorists, all of the theories of personality that we
have previously discussed share a fundamental misperception in their views of human nature.
Instead of seeing people as controlled by unconscious, unseen forces (as does psychoanalytic
theory), a set of stable traits (trait theory), or situational reinforcements and punishments
(learning theory), humanistic theory emphasizes people’s goodness and their tendency to grow
to higher levels of functioning. It is this conscious, self-motivated ability to change and improve,
along with people’s unique creative impulses that makes up the core personality.
The major representative of the humanistic point of view is Carl Rogers. Rogers suggests that
people have a need for positive regard that reflects a universal requirement to be love and
Introductory Psychology
respected. Because others provide this positive regard, we grow dependent on them. We begin to
see and judge ourselves through the eyes of other people, relying on their values.
According to Rogers one outgrowth of placing importance on the values of others is that there
is often some degree of mismatch between a person’s experiences and his or her self-concept, or
self-impression. If he discrepancy is minor, so are the consequences. But, if it is great, it will lead
to psychological disturbances in daily functioning, such as the experience of frequent anxiety.
Rogers suggests that one way of overcoming the discrepancy between experience and self –
concept is through the recipient of unconditional positive regard from another person – a friend,
a spouse or a therapist.
Unconditional positive regard refers to an attitude of acceptance and respect the part of
an observer, no matter what a person says or does. This acceptance says Rogers, allows people
the opportunity to evolve and grow both cognitively and emotionally, as they are able to develop
more realistic self-concepts. To Rogers and other humanist personality theorists, an ultimate goal
of personality is self-actualization. Self- actualization is a state of self-fulfillment in which
people realize their highest potential. This, Rogers would argue, occurs when their experience
with the world and their self-concept are closely matched. People who are self-actualized accept
themselves as they are in reality, which enables them to achieve happiness and fulfillment.
In addition to the aforementioned Theories of Personality, the following are among the
major theories of personality which conducted rigorous research and contributed a lot in
describing, explaining and predicting one’s personality: Psycho-social Theory, The
Cognitive Theory, the Socio-cultural Theory, The Evolutionary Theory, other Learning
Theories, the Bio-psychological Theory…etc.
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Social Cognition is the way we understand the world around us while social perception is the
process of forming impression of others in our mind.
4.1 Social Perception- Impression Formation, Impression Management techniques
Why do you think that people are highly concerned with how others view them?
Impression Formation is the process by which we make judgments about others (form
impression of others). It is similar to the social perception- the process by which we naturally
form impression of others. Self-presentation is another concept pertinent to social perception. It
is the process through which we try to control the impressions people form of us. It is similar to
impression management. It includes all the activities that one does mostly in order to receive a
good impression from others. Why do people self-present?
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First, people self-present to acquire desirable resources from others. Second, self-presentation
is a way of “constructing” a self-image. Our images of ourselves—our self-concepts—are
influenced partially by how we think others view us. Self-presentations, then, help us get what
we want and help us create desired self-images. They also serve a social purpose: They help
others know how we expect to be treated; enabling social encounters to run more smoothly. In
general, then, self-presentation is useful for three reasons. It helps us obtain those things we need
and value, it helps us create and maintain desired self-identities and it enables our social
encounters to run relatively smoothly.
Self-presentation, then, is a way of strategically gaining control over one’s life, a way of
increasing one’s rewards and minimizing one’s costs.
B. Other-enhancement
Ingratiation- trying to induce positive moods in others
Expressing liking for others specially through 3rd party using both verbal flattery and
nonverbal behaviors such as smiling.
Asking others for advice and feedback- it implies respect for their (others,) expertise and
Creating similarities with others and showing agreement with them (social conformity)
Showing concern for others and interest in them
Doing favor for others
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We are more likely to focus on self-presentation when we think others are paying attention to
us, when they can influence whether or not we reach our goals, when these goals are important to
us, and when we think these observers have impressions of us different from the ones we desire.
i. Mere Exposure
Some attitudes may be formed and shaped by mere exposure, which means that simply being
exposed to an object increases our feelings, usually positive, toward that object. The mere-
exposure effect has been demonstrated with a wide range of stimuli, including foods,
photographs, words, and advertising slogans. Generally, this means that familiarity, in fact, may
not breed contempt. Familiar faces, ideas, and slogans become comfortable old friends
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iii. Conditioning
Most social psychologists would agree that the bulk of our attitudes are learned. That is,
attitudes result from our experiences, not our genetic inheritance. Through socialization,
individuals learn the attitudes, values, and behaviors of their culture. Important influences in the
process include parents, peers, schools, and the mass media. During the course of socialization, a
person’s attitudes may be formed through operant conditioning and classical conditioning,
two well-known learning processes.
In classical conditioning, a stimulus comes to evoke a response it previously did not call
up. Classical conditioning occurs by repeatedly pairing this stimulus (the conditioned stimulus)
with a stimulus that does have the power to evoke the response (the unconditioned stimulus).
How might attitudes be learned through classical conditioning? In one experiment, when an
attitude object (a person) was paired with positive or negative stimuli, participants came to
associate the person with the positive or negative emotions. In an Operant Conditioning the
individual’s behavior is strengthened or weakened by means of reward or punishment.
v. Genetics (heredity)
Various researches conducted on identical twins reared and living in different social context
and cultures; on fraternal twins; on siblings; on relatives and unrelated individuals show that
biological factors (heredity) play a role in attitude formation.
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The major factors contributing for the development and formation of attitude are: Parents,
families, culture, peer, information technology, media, religious institutions, education and other
agents of socialization.
i. Persuasion
Persuasion is a form of social influence that involves changing (the attempt to change)
others’ thoughts, attitudes, or behaviors by applying rational and emotional arguments to
convince them to adopt your position. It is a common practice in every part of daily social life.
The persuasion process goes on in the classroom, at home, on the street, in school, in parliament,
at cafeteria, church, political arena, using the media, personally…etc. Persuasive messages are so
much a part of our lives that we often are oblivious to the bombardment from billboards, TV,
radio, news-papers, parents, peers, teachers, preachers, politicians and public figures. Persuasion,
then, is a pervasive form of social influence. We are all agents of social influence when we try to
convince others to change their attitudes or behavior. We are also targets of social influence
when others try to persuade or coerce us to do what they want us to do.
Various models and techniques have been in place to be applied in the persuasion process.
Among those the well known model is that of the Yale Communication Model. Yale
communication model is a model of the persuasion process that stresses the role of the
communicator (source of a message), the nature of the message, the audience, and the channel of
According to the Yale communication model, the most important factors comprising the
communication process are expressed by the question, Who says what to whom by what
means (nowadays added ‘under what conditions’)? This question suggests that there are four
factors involved in persuasion process. The “who” refers to the communicator- the person
making the persuasive argument. The “what” refers to the organization and content of the
persuasive message. The “whom” is the target of the persuasive message- the audience. The
“means” points to the importance of the channel or medium through which the message is
conveyed such as television, radio, internet or interpersonal face-to-face communication. Finally,
“under what conditions” refers to the situation when the persuasion process is undertaking.
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For each factor, there are several variables that can potentially influence the persuasion process.
In fact, the four factors contributing to persuasion are not independent of one another; they
interact to create a persuasive effect. In practice, the content and presentation of the message
depend on the communicator, the audience, and the channel. With respect to each of those
factors there are elements that promote or hinder the effectiveness of the persuasion process.
Now let us see each of the four factors comprising the persuasion process with those elements.
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which should you choose? Generally, persuasive situations like these are governed by a law of
primacy is that, the message presented first has more impact than the message presented second.
However, the law of primacy does not always hold true. It depends on the structure of the
situation. A primacy effect occurs when the two messages follow one another closely, and there
is a delay between the second message and the audience response or assessment. In this situation,
the first message has the greater impact. But when there is a delay between the two messages and
a response or assessment is made soon after the second message, we see a recency effect—the
second message has a greater impact.
C. The Audiences
Elements related to audiences include: Their knowledge level, their personality, their
commitment, their initial position, fore-warning, their self-esteem level, Emotional level of the
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audience and even their sex. The research findings reveal that the more the audiences are
knowledgeable, educated and informed about the issue; the more they are committed for their
first position; the higher their self-esteem; the higher their emotional intelligence; the less for-
warned and the less their initial position is agreeing to the communicator, the less will be their
probability of being persuaded by the communicator and vice versa.
D. The Channel
Regarding the channels (the means of communication) the research findings show that
various media have different levels of persuasion. Research conducted in different context at
different times reveal that various the type of the media used for persuasion purpose is crucial in
determining the effectiveness of the persuasion process. The media that can serve for persuasion
purposes may include: books, bulletins, newspapers, magazines, journals, TV, Radio, internet,
face-to-face…etc. It is found that TV, face-to-face and internet are more influential in making
the persuasion more effective.
ii. Propaganda
We now turn our attention to the application of persuasion techniques on a mass scale.
History abounds with examples of persuasion techniques aimed at changing the attitudes and
behavior of entire populations. Such mass persuasion can take many forms. Advertisers routinely
craft persuasive messages we call advertisements to get you to buy one product rather than
another. Various public service persuasive messages attempt to get us to change a wide range of
behavior, including not driving drunk, vote for this party, don’t give your back to corruption,
defend freedom of expression, practicing safe sex, wearing seat belts, and avoiding illegal drugs.
Perhaps the most controversial application of mass persuasion techniques is the use of
propaganda. Propaganda is “a deliberate attempt to persuade people, by any available media, to
think in a manner desired by the source”. It is a systematic, well organized and procedural
persuasion process targeted at the mass scale.
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ii. Testimonial- This is the case in which is related to the presentation of evidences,
testimony or witnesses in order to persuade others. Eg. Someone may say “I have using
this product for about ten years. So, I advice everyone to use it”.
iii.Bandwagon- is the implication that everyone wants the product or that the idea has
overwhelming support. Eg. Ambo Mineral Water is the Choice of the generation.
iv. Transfer- this is the technique of associating the person, product, or an organization with
something that has high or low credibility depending on the intention of the message.
Example: Mandella Distance Education Centre
v. Glittering generalities- is almost similar to the transfer technique. It is the technique of
associating a cause, product or idea with favorable abstractions such as freedom, justice,
democracy, high value and certain standards. Eg. Some may advertise their products by
saying “our products have a world class quality/standard. We have a certificate of ISO
vi. Use of stereotypes: Propagandists often take advantage of our natural tendency to
stereotype people. Propaganda can eventually lead us to think of a group of people in
terms of the stereotype, rather than as individual human beings.
vii. Selection of facts: Propagandists do not present a balanced view of events. They select
specific facts that support their point of view.
viii. Repetition: In this type of technique the same message is repeated over and over again
to persuade others. Repeated exposure eventually leads to acceptance of the message.
You can take the propaganda to fight HIV/AIDS as an example.
ix. Assertion: This is a technique where by the propagandists are not interested in debating
and instead assert their point forcefully.
x. Downright lying: Falsehoods are used by propagandists to persuade others.
Introductory Psychology
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Techniques of Compliances:
Tactics based on Commitment
Foot-in-the-door technique (FITD) A social influence process in which a small
request is made before a larger request, resulting in more compliance to the larger request than if
the larger request were made alone. It is a technique used with the assumption that when people
agree to a small request before a larger one is made, they are more likely to agree to the larger
request than if the larger request were made alone. This is a two-step compliance technique in
which the influencer secures compliance to small request, and then later follows this with a
larger, less desirable request (Franzoi, 2009).
Low-ball technique In low-balling an initial request or offer is made that appears too
good to be true. Once you agree to this request, a higher request is made. It is assumed that since
you agree for the first one, there is high probability to agree to the later one too.
Tactics based on Reciprocity This is based on a norm of reciprocity (social norm reciprocity)
which states that you should help those who help you and should not injure those who help you.
That’s not all effect Extras are added to initial offers (e.g., “Buy now and we will
include another free product”), which appear to be spontaneous offers of generosity. A person is
more likely to buy the original product than if no add-ons are included. It is a two steps
compliance technique in which the persuader makes a large request, then immediately offers a
discount or bonus before the initial request is refused.
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Psychology
This chapter will review major classifications of abnormal behavior and the way in which
abnormal behavior is defined and classified. The use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM) as a diagnostic tool in identifying and classifying abnormal behavior is
discussed. The chapter ends with a review of the major disorders found in the DSM-IV and the
key symptoms and features of each disorder.
Introductory Psychology
Views of psychopathology and mental illness have fluctuated over the years. In the 1600s,
abnormal behavior was believed to be caused by evil spirits and witchcraft. Individuals
displaying odd or abnormal behavior were believed to be witches or to be possessed by demons.
In the eighteenth century, explanations for abnormal behavior shifted from a focus on
supernatural processes to medical or physical conditions. During this time, mental illness was
viewed as a disease of the mind. Today, abnormal behavior is believed to be the result of
multiple factors (including biological, cognitive, social and psychological factors). Each of the
modern perspectives in psychology offers a unique explanation for abnormal behavior.
The psychoanalytic perspective holds that abnormal behavior is the result of childhood
conflicts that were not adequately resolved. Over- and under-indulgence of desires across
infancy and childhood, conflicts with parents early in life, and the formation of personality
structures that result from these early experiences all contribute to abnormal behavior.
The humanistic perspective focuses on one’s self-concept and one’s relationship with
society as important influences on behavior. From this perspective, abnormal behavior can result
from denial, distortion or questioning of one’s true self; lack of acceptance by others; and/or
judgment and criticism by others.
The cognitive perspective holds that faulty thoughts and beliefs are central to abnormal
behavior. According to this perspective, abnormal behavior results from maladaptive and
inappropriate thoughts, distorted and inaccurate perceptions, irrational beliefs, and self-defeating
and automatic thoughts.
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Psychology
for a psychological disorder. Whether or not an individual actually develops a disorder or not
depends on the degree of stress/negative experiences one experiences. Thus, for those who have
a strong predisposition, relatively mild levels of stress can trigger a disorder. For those with a
weak predisposition, much higher levels of stress are required to trigger a disorder.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV TR) is a manual
used by professionals to aid in the diagnostic process. Published by the American Psychological
Association, the DSM-IV TR provides a classification system for mental disorders and describes
in detail the criteria and symptoms that must be present for a particular diagnosis to be made.
The DSM-IV TR classifies behavior across five dimensions, or axes. The first three axes assess
an individual’s clinical condition. Axis I assesses the presence of clinical conditions such as
mood disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenic disorders and addictive disorders. Axis II
assesses the presence of personality disorders and mental retardation. Axis III assesses for
general medication conditions that might or might not be involved in the conditions assessed in
Axes I and II. Axis IV assesses the presence of psychosocial and environmental stressors that the
individual might currently be facing. Axis V involves an overall assessment of the person’s level
of functioning.
The DSM-IV TR identifies over 300 specific psychological disorders. The most prevalent of the
various disorders include mood disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenic disorders,
somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, and personality disorders.
I. Mood Disorders
Mood disorders are characterized by disturbances or extreme fluctuations in one’s feeling or
emotion or mood. It is a disorder characterized by a prolonged and persistent positive or negative
emotion which interferes with all aspects of one’s life. It may be due to highly elevated mood-
Mania or due to highly lowered mood- Depression. The two most common mood disorders are
uni-polar disorder and bipolar disorder.
A. Unipolar disorder, also known as major depressive disorder, is characterized by
persistent and intense sadness, despair, feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, low self-esteem,
Introductory Psychology
and high guilt and shame. For individuals who suffer from major depression, the sadness they
feel is so intense that it interferes with their ability to function, to feel pleasure, and to maintain
interest in life. In addition to the emotional disturbances, major depression is often accompanied
by physiological changes, including sleep and eating disturbances and reports of physical illness
and pain.
B. Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating periods of depression and mania. An
individual who suffers from bipolar disorder experiences depressive episodes similar to those of
unipolar depression. However, depressive episodes are interspersed with periods of mania and
extreme elation. During a manic episode, an individual might be overly excited and extremely
active. They might show unrealistically high self-esteem and an inflated sense of importance
(possibly even delusions of grandeur). They might make elaborate plans, be impulsive,
hyperactive and sleepless for days at a time (without becoming fatigued). Speech often becomes
rapid and the individual might show rapid flight of ideas and pressured speech.
Introductory Psychology
than specific attributions (I am not good at psychology). Additionally, depressed individuals are
more likely to report feelings of helplessness and to believe that they have no control over events
in their lives. Such cognitive patterns and attributional styles can fuel the cycle of depression,
making it difficult to break out of a depressive state.
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Psychology
Many psychologists now distinguish between positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
Positive symptoms involve additions or exaggerations of normal thought processes and
behaviors (such as bizarre delusions, hallucinations and disorganized speech). Negative
symptoms involve the loss or absence of normal thought processes and behaviors (such as
impaired attention, limited speech, blunted affect and social withdrawal).
What factors contribute to schizophrenia? Psychologists used to speak of schizophrenic
mothers with the assumption that harsh, cold parenting contributed to the development of
schizophrenia. However, we now know this is not true. In fact, schizophrenia appears to result
from a complex interaction of genetic, biological, psychological, social and environmental
factors. For example, we know that one’s risk of developing schizophrenia increases as genetic
relatedness to an individual with schizophrenia increases. In addition, excess levels of certain
neurotransmitters in the brain (particularly dopamine) are associated with schizophrenia, and
ingestion of large amounts of amphetamines (which increase the amount of dopamine in the
brain) produces the positive symptoms of schizophrenia in people with no history of mental
illness. Even low doses of amphetamines worsen symptoms in individuals with schizophrenia.
Brain imaging techniques point to the possibility of structural differences in the brains of
individuals with schizophrenia and those without schizophrenia. Some individuals with
schizophrenia have been found to have abnormally large ventricles—spaces that house fluid—in
the brain. Certain life events and circumstances are also related to the onset of schizophrenic
episodes. For example, traumatic events and extreme stress are frequently associated with
schizophrenic episodes.
The diathesis-stress hypothesis argues that the development of schizophrenia involves an
interaction between genetic and environmental factors; it states that certain environmental
stressors are more likely to contribute to the development of schizophrenia in individuals who
have a predisposition toward schizophrenia than in those who do not have a predisposition.
Introductory Psychology
V. Dissociative Disorders
All dissociative disorders are characterized by the fragmentation of experience, memory, or
consciousness and involve a number of related disorders (including dissociative amnesia,
dissociative fugue, depersonalization disorder and dissociative identity disorder).
1. Dissociative amnesia involves memory loss that is typically highly selective (for
example, not being able to recall one’s own name, not recognizing loved ones, not remembering
one’s address). Though such individuals are unable to recall certain facts about themselves, in all
other respects they generally appear normal, maintaining memories for previously learned skills
and abilities.
2. Dissociative fugue is a form of amnesia in which one forgets who they are, wanders from
home and starts a completely new life. In dissociative fugue, people flee from their usual
environment and assume a completely new identity without any awareness of their past life.
3. Depersonalization disorder involves a separation of mind and body in which
individuals experience episodes of feeling detached from their body.
4. Dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disorder, occurs
when two or more distinct personalities develop in one individual. Each personality has unique
memories, behaviors and social relationships, and the personalities might even be a different sex,
race or age than the original personality.
Introductory Psychology
In psychology, there are about 250 different forms of treatments for psychological
disorders. Here, we will see only a few of them. In general, there are two major branches of
therapies. These are:
A. Biomedical Therapies
Biomedical therapies are physiological interventions intended to reduce symptoms
associated with psychological disorders. These therapies assume that psychological disorders are
caused, at least in part, by biological malfunctions.
I. Treatment with drugs
Psychopharmacotherapy is the treatment of mental disorders with medications.
psychopharmachological interventions in mental disorder are aimed at treating psychological
problems by using chemical agents and is the most widely used forms of biomedical therapy. We
Introductory Psychology
will refer this kind of treatment more simply as Drug Therapy. The four main therapeutic drugs
for psychological problems are as follows.
1. Antianxiety drugs –are medications that relieve tension, apprehension, and
nervousness. The most popular of these drugs are Valium and Xanax. These are the trade names
for diazepam and alprazolam, respectively. Valium, anax and others drugs in the henzzodiazepin
family often called tranquilizers. These drugs are fairly effective in alleviating feelings of
2. Antipsychotic Drugs –are used gradually reduce psychotics symptoms, including
hyperactivity mental confusion, hallucinations and delusions. Antipsychotic drugs are used
primarly in the treatment of schizophrenia. They also gave for people who have severe mood
disorders. The trade (and generic) name of some classic drugs in this category are Thorazine
(Chlolpromazine), Mellaril (Thioridazine) and Haldo(Haloperidol).
3. Antidepresent drugs- As their name suggests, antidepressant drugs gradually elevate
mood and help bring people out of a depression. The main two types of these drugs are
Tricyclics (such as Elavil and MAO inhibitors such as Nardil).
4. Mood Stabilizers-MS are drugs used to control mood swings in patients with bipolar
disorders. Lithium-was the only effective drugs in this category in preventing future episodes of
both mania and depression in patients with bipolar illness.
Introductory Psychology
neural tissue or to repair a damaged blood vessel is not psychosurgery and there is no
controversy about this procedure.
There are many schools of thought about how to do insight therapy. But here we focus on the
main four ones.
1. Psychoanalytic Therapy
S. Freud devised the psychoanalytic model of psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis is an insight
therapy that emphasizes the recovery of unconsciousness conflicts, motives, and defenses
through techniques such as free association and transference.
To appreciate the logic of psychoanalysis, we have to look at Freud’s thinking about the root of
mental disorders. Freud believes mostly treated anxiety-dominated disturbances, such as phobic,
panic, obsessive-compulsive, and conversion disorders, which were then called neurosis. Freud
believes that neurotic problems are caused by unconscious conflicts left over from early
childhood. Freud thought that these inner conflicts involve battle among and between the Id, Ego
and superego, usually over sexual and aggressive impulses. He theorized that people depend on
defense mechanisms to avoid confronting these conflicts, which remain hidden in the depth of
the unconscious.
Intra-psychic Reliance on
conflict (b/n Anxiety Defense
Id, Ego & mechanism
However, he noted
that defensive maneuvers often lead to self-defeating behaviors. Furthermore, he asserted that
defenses tend to be only partially successful in alleviating anxiety, guilt, and other distressing
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emotions. Within this model in mind, let’s take a look at the therapeutic procedures used in
f. Catharsis is the psychoanalytic term for the release of emotional tension a person
experiences when reliving can emotionally charged and conflicting experience.
Introductory Psychology
and patterns that are being maintained through some forms of reinforcement. To modify
abnormal behavior, then, behavioral approaches propose that people must learn new behavior to
replace the faulty skills they have developed and unlearn their maladaptive behavior patterns.
Methods and Techniques are Positive reinforcement or Selective reinforcement,
Behavioral Assessment, Assertiveness Training, Modeling, Relaxation Training, Systematic
Desensitization, Flooding, Token Economy, Behavioral Rehearsal, Self-regulation etc.
4. Cognitive Therapy- faulty maladaptive cognition lies as the heart of abnormal behavior.
Cognitive approaches to therapy have as their goal- a change in faulty cognitions that people
hold about the world and themselves. Unlike traditional behavior therapists, who focus on
modifying external behavior, cognitive therapists attempt to change the way people think. That is
to change people’s illogical thoughts about themselves and the world. Eg. Depression.
According to cognitive therapists, depression is caused by “errors” in thinking. So, the goal of
cognitive therapy is to change client’s negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs.