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Book Review Rubric

CATEGORY 5 3 1 0
Focus on Chosen Topic The entire writing is related Most of the writing is The student provides little to No attempt has been made
to the book report topic that related to the chosen topic no information that connects to relate the book report to
the student chose. but wanders off to the book report topic the original topic chosen; a
occasionally. chosen. summary is written instead.
Content Provides relevant and specific Provides relevant details Provides insufficient content Provides minimal to no
details for the book report with good supporting details and supporting details for the content related to the book
topic chosen; these details for the book report topic book report topic chosen report topic chosen.
are described thoroughly. chosen.

Organization The book report is very well The book report is pretty The book report is a little hard Ideas seem to be randomly
organized. Ideas flow in a well organized. Some ideas to follow. The transitions are arranged, making the book
logical sequence with clear seem out of place. Good sometimes not clear. report impossible to follow.
transitions. transitions are used.

Style Sentence structures are Some varied sentence Limited variety of sentences Language and sentence
varied and language is structures with precise and language is simplistic or structure is repetitious;
precise; there are no run-on language; there are 1-3 run- limited; there are 4-6 run-on numerous run-on sentences
sentences or fragments. on sentences or fragments. sentences or sentence and sentence fragments
fragments. cause the book report to be
Requirements All of the requirements Almost all (about 75%) the Most (about 50%) of the Many requirements were
(length, typed, book is requirements were met. requirements were met, but not met.
appropriate, etc.) were met. many were not.

Conventions (Spelling There are 1-3 spelling or There are 4-6 spelling or There are 7-9 spelling and The book report has more
and Punctuation) punctuation errors in the punctuation error in the punctuation errors in the book than 10 spelling and
book report. book report. report. punctuation errors.

Completion of Book All elements of the book Approximately 75% of the Approximately half (50%) of The book report form is
Report Form report form are completed book report form is the book report form is missing or not completed.
thoroughly and thoughtfully. completed. completed; it is completed

Effort The book report is completed The book report is The book report lacks effort No effort is made to
in a thoughtful and reflective completed in a thoughtful and is completed haphazardly. complete the book report as
manner by the student; manner overall but some required.
quality effort is evident. effort seems to be lacking.

TOTAL POINTS: ___________/40

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