Climatic-Driven Seasonality of Emerging Dengue Fever in Hanoi, Vietnam
Climatic-Driven Seasonality of Emerging Dengue Fever in Hanoi, Vietnam
Climatic-Driven Seasonality of Emerging Dengue Fever in Hanoi, Vietnam
Background: Dengue fever (DF) has been emerging in Hanoi over the last decade. Both DF epidemiology and
climate in Hanoi are strongly seasonal. This study aims at characterizing the seasonality of DF in Hanoi and its links
to climatic variables as DF incidence increases from year to year.
Methods: Clinical suspected cases of DF from the 14 central districts of Hanoi were obtained from the Ministry of
Health over a 8-year period (2002–2009). Wavelet decompositions were used to characterize the main periodic
cycles of DF and climatic variables as well as the mean phase angles of these cycles. Cross-wavelet spectra between
DF and each climatic variables were also computed. DF reproductive ratio was calculated from Soper’s formula and
smoothed to highlight both its long-term trend and seasonality.
Results: Temperature, rainfall, and vapor pressure show strong seasonality. DF and relative humidity show both
strong seasonality and a sub-annual periodicity. DF reproductive ratio is increasing through time and displays two
clear peaks per year, reflecting the sub-annual periodicity of DF incidence. Temperature, rainfall and vapor pressure
lead DF incidence by a lag of 8–10 weeks, constant through time. Relative humidity leads DF by a constant lag of
18 weeks for the annual cycle and a lag decreasing from 14 to 5 weeks for the sub-annual cycle.
Conclusion: Results are interpreted in terms of mosquito population dynamics and immunological interactions
between the different dengue serotypes in the human compartment. Given its important population size, its strong
seasonality and its dengue emergence, Hanoi offers an ideal natural experiment to test hypotheses on dengue
serotypes interactions, knowledge of prime importance for vaccine development.
Keywords: Dengue fever, Seasonality, Emergence, Climatic factors, Hanoi, Vietnam
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Do et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:1078 Page 2 of 10
year in Vietnam, with peaks in the numbers of cases (72% risk of dengue to be associated with high temperature, high
of total cases) reported between June and November [4]. relative humidity and rainfall, but inversely associated with
There are regional variations in the seasonality of dengue duration of sunshine [22]. Findings from other studies in
epidemiology in Vietnam. In the Northern and Central many other parts of the world also show climatic variables
Highland regions, dengue notifications are low during the to have an effect on dengue transmission. Studies in
winter time from December to March, while in southern Thailand [11], Barbados [12], Taiwan [16], Guangzhou,
regions, dengue transmission occurs throughout the year, China [18], the French West Indies [21] and in Colombia
even if it sharply increases during the rainy season from [26] showed a positive correlation between dengue inci-
July to September. Given that dengue is a vector-born dence and minimum and maximum temperatures, precipi-
disease and that vector population dynamics are strongly tation and relative and absolute humidities. However,
dependent on climatic factors, the diversity of climates in depending on the approach of analysis and the areas, these
Vietnam may explain the observed diversity of dengue correlations were more or less strong. In Barbados, the
epidemiological dynamics. strongest correlation was found at a lag of 6, 12 and
Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is located in the North 16 weeks for vapour pressure and minimum and maximum
of the country and known as a low transmission setting temperatures respectively, whereas in Taiwan the highest
of DF [5]. Hanoi experiences annual seasonal dengue correlations were found with maximum temperature at a
outbreaks with the pinnacle of epidemics usually falling in lag of 5 weeks and with total precipitation at a lag of
September/October and ending in November/December. 7 weeks. In Colombia, Eastin et al. [26]‘s results suggest that
Over the last decade, the number of DF cases has been DF cases increase 2 to 5 weeks after the daily temperature
increasing from year to year, reaching a peak in 2009. range remains for an extended period within the
According to the Ministry of Health’s statistics, the temperature range optimal for vector survival and disease
outbreak in Hanoi in 2009 is the most important outbreak transmission. Nagao et al. [11] in Thailand and Yi et al. [27]
of the last decade, with 384 notified cases per 100,000 in Guangdong, China, demonstrated that the distributions
individuals. Interestingly, 2009 was also the year El Niño of Aedes species and dengue cases were positively associ-
increased actively [6,7]. There are only few studies ated with high absolute humidity, which itself increases
published on dengue epidemiology in Hanoi that are with high temperature and rainfall. In San Juan, Puerto
based on the public health surveillance data routinely Rico, Schreiber [9] used a water budgeting technique and
collected through the Ministry of Health’s notifiable dis- showed that high levels of dengue are associated with
eases surveillance program. Toan et al. [8] show that there reduced actual evapotranspiration, minimum temperature
are spatio-temporal clusters of DF limited to a radius of and with high levels of precipitation. In Taiwan, using auto-
1,000 m and a duration of 29 days. This study also demon- regressive integrated moving average models, Wu et al.
strates that most of the DF cases occur between June and [20], found a negative association of dengue incidence with
November, during which the rainfall and temperatures are temperature and relative humidity. Finally, in the city of
highest. Cuong et al. [5] use wavelet analysis to relate Noumea (New Caledonia), Descloux et al. [24] recently
dengue incidence to climatic variables and suggest that all documented a high seasonality of dengue incidence, with
the tested local climatic variables (total rainfall; mean wind an epidemic peak (March-April) lagging the warmest
velocity; mean, maximum and minimum temperatures; temperature by 1 to 2 months and in phase with maximum
relative humidity) are significantly associated with dengue precipitations, relative humidity and entomological indices.
incidence around the annual periodicity: on average, In the present study, we consider vapor pressure and
dengue incidence follows the seasonal peak of rainfall and relative humidities, temperature and rainfall in order to
mean temperature with a lag of 1 to 2 months. identify which of these variables are most critical for the
Other studies have been carried out on the correlation onset of dengue epidemics. Compared to Cuong et al.
between climate and DF in other parts of Vietnam as well [5], who also investigated the links between dengue and
as in other parts of the world, using a wide spectrum of climatic variables in Hanoi, Vietnam, we here consider
mathematical and statistical modeling methods [6,9-25]. In vapor pressure in addition to relative humidity. Vapor
Vietnam, most of the studies have been carried out in the pressure is a measure of absolute humidity and this
south and the center of the country, and showed significant climatic variable is often neglected in the studies investi-
associations between climatic variables and dengue inci- gating the links between climate and disease transmis-
dence. A wavelet analysis of monthly dengue cases from sion, even though it has been proved to play a role more
the province of Binh Thuan has shown a non-stationary important than relative humidity for the transmission of
relationship between El Niño Southern Oscillation indice some diseases such as influenza (e.g. [28]). A second
and dengue incidence in the 2–3 year periodic band [6]. difference with Cuong et al. [5] is that we here work on
Meanwhile, a correlation study carried out on monthly weekly incidence aggregates instead of monthly aggre-
dengue cases from the province of Daklak has found the gates. With this finer temporal resolution we aim at
Do et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:1078 Page 3 of 10
investigating intra-annual patterns of seasonality. We first that in the above formula temperature T is expressed in °C
quantify the synchrony between weekly dengue incidence instead of K as in Shaman and Kohn [28].
and the four climatic variables between 2002 and 2009. Climatic variables were aggregated by week using sums
We then estimate the values of reproductive ratio of for rainfall and mean values for all the other variables.
dengue fever through time and characterize the trend and
seasonality of reproductive ratio. We finally discuss the Wavelet analysis
results in light of immunological and entomological fac- Epidemiological data can be substantially non-stationary
tors specific to dengue epidemiology in Hanoi, Vietnam. [31-33] as is the case for dengue in Hanoi where it is
emerging (see in particular the increase in mean and
Methods amplitude over time on Figure 1B). Here we performed
Setting: Hanoi (1,760 km2) is located in the Red River Delta, wavelet decomposition, a time-series statistical analysis
in the centre of North Vietnam (21o 2 ’ N, 105° 51 ’ E). The allowing to efficiently deal with non-stationary data. Spe-
city experiences the typical climate of northern Vietnam, cifically, we used the Morlet wavelet [34], classically used
where summers are hot and humid, and winters are, by in ecology with a non-dimensional frequency ω0 = 6. An
national standards, relatively cold and dry. advantage of using the Morlet wavelet is that it is a com-
plex wavelet, allowing to quantify the phase and thus
Data collection calculate time lags between different time series.
The data used in this study have been previously published Coherence based on wavelets allows to perform similar
by Cuong et al. [5] and Toan et al. [8]. Clinical suspected analysis as cross-correlation but for potentially non-
cases of DF in old Hanoi (14 districts of Hanoi before mer- stationary signals. Wavelet coherences were calculated to
ging with Ha Tay in 2008) are reported to the surveillance examine the association between two time series, both in
system of Hanoi Center for Preventive Health. The criteria time and frequency. Coherence spectra allow to investi-
for notification of DF disease are based on the guidelines gate whether different periodic modes of two time series
of the Ministry of Health (2006) on surveillance, diagnosis tend to oscillate simultaneously and, if yes, to identify the
and treatment of dengue, in which suspected dengue cases periodicity around which this association takes place.
are based on acute febrile illness (≥38°C) of 2–7 days Significance levels were calculated by a Chi-square test
duration with at least two of the following non-specific assuming that the wavelet coefficients are normally dis-
manifestations of dengue fever: headache, retro-orbital tributed as described in Torrence and Compo [35]. The
pain, myalgia, arthralgia, rash, hemorrhagic manifestations,
and leucopenia [29]. The data analyzed here include all
reproductive ratio
0.0 1.0 2.0
reported cases from January 2002 to December 2009, (A)
aggregated by week.
Daily weather data for Hanoi from 2002 to 2009 were
4.00 1.00 0.25 0.0 60 15 30
Forecasting. They include the records of mean, maximum,
and minimum temperatures (T, in°C), rainfall (in mm)
and relative humidity (in %).
period (year)
Vapor pressure
detailed theory for wavelet analysis has been described reproductive ratio (susceptible depletion and external
elsewhere [4]. Before wavelet decomposition, time series forcing), we assume that susceptible depletion is negli-
were square-root transformed in order to mitigate the gible before any external forcing such as climatic drivers
weights of high values. They were also zero-padded to the on the mosquito population dynamics.
next power of 2 of their length (i.e. 512), in order to Time series of the calculated seasonal factor k were
minimize edge effects [35]. smoothed by lowess regression with smoothing factors
equal to 0.05 and 0.90 in order to reveal its seasonality
Reproductive ratio and its long-term trend respectively. Confidence intervals
The reproductive ratio R is the expected number of in- were calculated by assuming normal distribution of errors.
fections caused by one infected individual. It is maximal Given the uncertainty on the infection generation length
at the start of an epidemic when the host population is and the assumption made on the number of susceptibles,
fully susceptible and then decreases over the course of estimates of the reproductive ratio will be treated with
the epidemics. It reaches the equilibrium value of 1 at caution: only their trend and seasonality will be inter-
epidemic peak and decreases below 1 after it. The initial preted, not their absolute values, on which we will have
and maximum value of the reproductive ratio is called limited confidence.
the basic reproductive ratio R0 and is the classical All analyses were conducted in R (R Core Team [39])
epidemiological statistics as its value relative to 1 and wavelet analyses were performed using the “biwavelet”
informs about the potential for an epidemic to occur. R package [40].
We followed Soper [36] as reported in Keeling and
Rohani [37] and approximated the reproductive ratio R Results
by: Dengue incidence and its reproductive ratio in Hanoi
From 2002 to 2009, 23,195 DF cases were reported in
C tþ1 α Hanoi with the average annual incidence rate of 69.22/
R≈ ð2Þ
Ct 100,000. Overall, the incidence of DF increased over the
8 years of the study, with a sharp increase during the
where Ct+1 and Ct are the numbers of cases at times t + 1 period 2005–2009. This period of increasing incidence is
and t respectively and α is a parameter that expresses the visible on the wavelet spectrum of Figure 1C. The highest
infection generation length (i.e. the sum of the infectious peak of 3,697 cases was recorded in September 2009. Over
and latent periods) in the same units as the data time steps the 5 years from 2005 to 2009, annual (1 year) and sub-
(here 1 week). The infection generation length for dengue annual (6 months) periodicities were significant. These two
being approximately 2 weeks [38], we set this parameter α periodicities correspond to a slow increase of DF incidence
to the value of 2. The other part of Soper [36]’s formula ex- from the beginning of the year to weeks 22–24 (June),
presses the reproductive ratio as a function of the number followed by a rapid increase of incidence until weeks
of susceptibles in the population: 44–46 (November) which ends by a sharp decrease in inci-
X tþ1 dence at the end of the rainy season.
R≈k ð3Þ Figure 1A shows a long-term increase in the repro-
ductive ratio (orange curve) as well as a non-stationary
where X* and Xt+1 are the numbers of susceptibles be- sub-annual periodicity with two peaks of this reproduct-
fore the epidemics and at time t + 1, respectively and k is ive ratio per year (blue curve). These peaks are of
a parameter reflecting some potential external forcings roughly equal magnitude from 2005 to 2008, the second
(such as climatic ones). This latter part of the Soper peak is substantially higher than the first one in 2004
[36]‘s equation shows that variations in the reproductive and 2009, and the number of cases are too low before
ratio are due either to variations in the number of sus- 2004 for any clear pattern to be visible (large confidence
ceptibles in the population, or to some external forcings intervals on Figure 1B).
directly affecting the transmissibility of the disease (in
our case climatic factors acting on the vector population Meteorological variables in Hanoi
dynamics and density). Given that dengue is emerging in The wavelet power spectra of temperature, precipitation,
Hanoi and that the basic reproductive ratio of dengue is and humidities (relative humidity and vapor pressure) in
generally low [38], we expect the depletion of susceptible Hanoi during the study period are shown in Figure 2.
in the population to be very slow. We expect it to be Temperature, precipitation and vapor pressure in Hanoi
even slower given the fact that dengue can actually be show significant annual periodicities that are constant
caused by four different serotypes with no permanent through time, whereas relative humidity shows both
cross-immunity between them. Hence, among the two annual and sub-annual periodicities, as observed on the
above-cited factors that can affect the seasonality of the DF incidence time series (Figure 1B).
Do et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:1078 Page 5 of 10
period (year)
of the year (76.80 ± 3.99).
4.00 0.25
Coherences between meteorological variables and DF
rainfall (mm)
incidence in Hanoi
0 300
period (year)
coherences were observed between DF incidence and
4.00 0.25
temperature, precipitation and humidity for the annual
relative humidity (%) absol. humidity (mg/L)
mean temperature
cross−correlation coefficient
0.0 0.2 0.4
vapor pressure
relative humidity
−0.3 −0.1
vapor pressure leading DF incidence by a constant delay of extended periods of either very cool or very hot tempe-
8 to 10 weeks. In addition to this strong annual periodicity, ratures. Likewise, a study in Taiwan found three turning
relative humidity displays a sub-annual periodicity, as ob- points of DF that occurred around early August, late
served on DF incidence. The annual periodicity of relative August/early September, and late October/early November.
humidity leads the annual periodicity of DF incidence by a The first two turning points were shown to relate
constant delay of 18 weeks whereas the sub-annual period- with two typhoons around early to mid August in
icity of relative humidity leads the sub-annual periodicity Taiwan that witnessed a sharp drop in temperature
of DF by a delay that decreases from 14.30 weeks in 2002 and substantial rainfall after it [16]. Similarly, other
to 5.27 weeks in 2009 at an almost constant rate of studies in Thailand and Singapore also revealed sig-
1.13 week per year. These results are in general agreement nificant associations between climatic variables and
with the findings of other studies that climatic factors play dengue incidence ([13,14,42]; Tipayamongkholgul [43,44]).
a role in the transmission cycles of DF. Interestingly, these For example, Tipayamongkholgul [43] conducted a study
two incidence peaks per year that we observed in Hanoi in the Gulf of Thailand and showed that the monthly aver-
with periods of low incidence occurring in January and age local relative humidity in the previous 3–6 months
February (the coldest months in Hanoi) and in June and was negatively associated with epidemics of dengue and
July (the warmest months in Hanoi) are in accordance with incidence of dengue cases. Woongkon et al. [44] in Chiang
Eastin et al. [26]‘s observation in Columbia where they Rai, Thailand, showed that all climatic factors including
noted a significant decreases of DF cases soon after minimum, maximum temperature, minimum and average
Do et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:1078 Page 7 of 10
4.00 0.50 0.06 4.00 0.50 0.06 4.00 0.50 0.06 4.00 0.50 0.06
phase (radians)
phase (weeks)
period (years)
0 20 40
−π 0
(B) 2003 2005 2007 2009 2003 2005 2007 2009
phase (radians)
phase (weeks)
period (years)
0 20 40
−π 0
(C) 2003 2005 2007 2009 2003 2005 2007 2009
phase (radians)
phase (weeks)
period (years)
0 20 40
(D) 2003 2005 2007 2009 −π 0 2003 2005 2007 2009
phase (radians)
phase (weeks)
period (years)
0 10 20
−π 0
time (years)
phase (weeks)
0 20 40
−π 0
relative humidity, evaporation, wind speed and rainfall larvae or eggs [45]. In the spring, when weather condi-
lead increasing DF incidence by 0–2 months. tions become favorable again, eggs hatch and adults
In our study, DF incidence is characterized by 2 quasi- emerge, probably causing the first peak on the repro-
cycles with a periodicity of 6 months with the first one ductive ratio and the consequent DF incidence increase.
showing a slow and constant increase and the second The second peak on the reproductive ratio could be due
one showing a marked epidemic. The sharp rupture to the second mosquito generation of the year (issued
between these phases can be explained by the fact that from the first one), hence its potential to be higher than
the reproductive ratio is not constant throughout the the first one and even partially conceal it. This second
year but actually exhibits two peaks per year, with the peak of higher magnitude would be the cause of the epi-
second peak at least as high as the first one. Given that demic peak observed on DF incidence during the second
dengue is vector-born, the factor limiting its transmis- half of the year. This epidemic peak would thus be due
sion is either due to the mosquito population (mostly its more to an increase of the number of infected people
population size), or the human population (mostly its than to an increase in the mosquito population size and
proportion of susceptibles). Winter climatic conditions the dengue reproductive ratio. Indeed, dengue epidemic
in Hanoi are not favorable to adult mosquitoes and most peak appears even when the second peak on the repro-
of the mosquito population survive the winter either as ductive ratio is not higher than the first one. Such a
Do et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:1078 Page 8 of 10
hypothesis to explain the mechanism of dengue epidemi- mechanism could also explain the number of detected
ology in Hanoi can be tested by collecting entomological cases from year to year, the earlier detection of the epi-
data (larvae and adult densities estimates) in Hanoi all demic, and thus the shift in the sub-annual periodicity of
year-round and translating it into mathematical equa- the DF incidence mentioned above. Such a hypothesis
tions. This would allow to check whether a model based could be tested by collecting immunological data from the
on this hypothesis can generate epidemiological patterns human population of Hanoi (by an aged-stratified sero-
that are in accordance with the ones observed on DF prevalence survey for example) and investigating whether a
incidence data. mathematical model built on this hypothesis does generate
The 2 above-mentioned 6-month cycles observed on the trend in DF incidence mean and timing that we observe
time series of DF incidence translate into the sub-annual on the data.
periodicity that we have characterized in addition to the Both DF incidence and relative humidity exhibit con-
annual periodicity, with the annual periodicity of DF spicuous annual and sub-annual periodicities and these pe-
incidence mostly accounting for the high epidemic peak riodicities happen to be strongly correlated. However, we
of the second half of the year, and the sub-annual peri- warn against over-interpretation of such correlations in
odicity mostly accounting for the slow and constant term of biological causation. One reason for such a caution
increase of DF incidence of the first half of the year. An in particular is that relative humidity is a variable that
interesting result of our analysis is that relative humidity depends on both absolute humidity and temperature (the
also shows these two annual and sub-annual periodic- former being naturally strongly influenced by rainfalls). In
ities and that the sub-annual periodicity of relative case where absolute humidity (or rainfalls) and temperature
humidity leads the sub-annual periodicity of DF incidence are not perfectly correlated (which is most likely the case),
by a lag that decreases from 14.30 weeks in 2002 to we do expect that relative humidity exhibits annual and bi-
5.27 weeks in 2009. As interpreted above, this sub-annual annual periodicities, as the resultant of two periodic signals
periodicity reflects the first peak of the reproductive ratio that are not perfectly in phase. Thus, instead of looking for
that we interpreted in the paragraph above as the first mos- a mechanistic link between DF incidence and relative
quito hatching of the year. Explaining the observed shift in humidity, it may be more relevant to look for two links: (i)
the timing of this first peak by a shift in mosquito hatching one between DF incidence and absolute humidity and (ii)
is biologically unrealistic. Alternatively, we propose that this one between DF incidence and temperature, possibly
shift is due to (i) the building-up of the human population accounting for a possible interaction between the two
immunity from year to year and (ii) the interactions climatic variables. This particular point will be the topic of
between dengue serotypes (antibody-dependent enhance- a subsequent study.
ment, ADE) as explained below. In conclusion, our analysis on the links between climatic
Most of primary dengue infections are asymptomatic variables and DF incidence in Hanoi raises a number of
[1]. Before the emergence of dengue in Hanoi (in 2002), questions of general interest on the relationships between
most of the human population may have been susceptible climate and infectious diseases epidemiology. Because of its
to the 4 dengue serotypes and hence most of the dengue highly seasonal climate (and thus potentially highly seasonal
cases may have been primary infections, most likely dengue transmission too), its important population size and
asymptomatic and thus unnoticed by the surveillance density, and its dengue epidemiological transition (current
system. As the disease progressively emerges in Hanoi, emergence), Hanoi appears as the ideal set-up to test
population immunity to different dengue serotypes hypotheses about interaction between serotypes. This is an
increases, thus increasing the number of secondary infec- issue both under-understood and potentially of high rele-
tions relative to primary ones, and thus increasing the vance for vaccine development. Further investigations on
number of symptomatic detected cases. Expected conse- dengue in Hanoi call for additional entomological and im-
quences of this mechanism is not only an increase in the munological data, as well as for theoretical developments.
number of detected cases from year to year (as visible
through the upward trend of DF incidence), but also an
Competing interests
earlier detection of the epidemics. The latter would The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
explain this observed shift in the sub-annual periodicity of
the DF incidence. This mechanism can potentially be rein-
forced by some ADE-related mechanisms. Indeed, poten- Authors’ contributions
DTT: Designed the study, developed the outline, and contributed to the
tial epidemiological consequences of the ADE hypothesis analysis, writing and revision of the manuscript. PM: Developed the outline,
that have been proposed in the literature are that it contributed to writing the manuscript. LNH: Revised the outline, contributed
increases the susceptibility to secondary infections and/or to writing the manuscript. PW: Revised the outline, contributed to writing
the manuscript. MC: Helped developing the outline and writing the
the transmissibility from individuals suffering from sec- manuscript, contributed to the analysis. All authors read and approved the
ondary infections (see for example [46]). Thus, such a final manuscript.
Do et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:1078 Page 9 of 10
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Cite this article as: Do et al.: Climatic-driven seasonality of emerging
dengue fever in Hanoi, Vietnam. BMC Public Health 2014 14:1078.