General Format For Written Report

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Learning Journal Template/Outline-C

Learning Journal Template

Outline for the Seminar Report

Hosting Institution: De La Salle Lipa
Seminar Date and Venue
Seminar Title
Objective of the Seminar
The Speaker
- Provide some basic details about the speaker, who he/she is, where he/she works,
why he/she expert, etc
The Seminar
- Write 350 to 400 words summary of the seminar i.e. what is discussed and salient
points of talk. Pictures of the event should also be included. It should importantly
be noted how the discussions are related to the set objectives.
- Write 250 to 300 words discussing your learning reflections about the seminar – is
the topic interesting? Do you think the learning is important? How well (or badly)
did it go? What will I do differently nest time? How will I put the theories into
practice? What questions did you have? How does what I have been doing lead to
becoming better at a skill? How can I use this in the future? What is the seminar's
significance to the profession.

Outline for the Field Trip / Educational Tour Report

Company Profile
- As part of the introduction, it is preferable to begin with a short paragraph which
gives a broad overview of the specific company trip taken. The name of the
company, location, type of industry, types of product and the tour date should also
be given.
Objective of the Trip / Tour
The Trip / Tour
- Includes the discussion of the process, the department procedure, pictures etc. *
Some companies do not allow picture taking inside the premises. Please respect
their policies and just take your pictures outside the venue or in areas where picture
taking is allowed.
- Write 250 to 300 words discussing your learning reflections about the seminar – is
the topic interesting? Do you think the learning is important? How well (or badly)
did it go? What will I do differently nest time? How will I put the theories into
practice? What questions did you have? How does what I have been doing lead to
becoming better at a skill? How can I use this in the future? What is the seminar's
significance to the profession.

General Format for Written Report:

For the body of your paper/report/assignment, use Times New Roman (TNR), 11
points, single line spacing, justified, with a 1-inch top, bottom, right margin, and 1.5-
inches left margin. Insert a blank line between paragraphs. Do not print back-to-back.
Place page numbers on the lower right corner of each page.

Use TNR, 11 points, bold for section headings; and TNR, 11 points, bold for subsection
headings. Insert one blank line after, and two blank lines before section headings; and
one blank line before and after subsection headings. All headings will be flushed to
the left margin. Do not number the headings/subheadings.

If you use figures, center them between the left and right margins, and place captions
before them. Preface each caption with “Figure” followed by the figure number and a.
If you have tables, center them between the left and right margins, and place captions
before them. Preface each caption with “Table” followed by the table number and a
period (all in TNR 10 points, bold).

Use the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style for references.

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