Jara B Childs Science Lesson Plan 1
Jara B Childs Science Lesson Plan 1
Jara B Childs Science Lesson Plan 1
Alignment with edTPA Elementary Education Handbook Rubrics
Part 3: Lesson Planning (150 Points, 50 Points Per Plan) - RUBRICS 7, 8, 9
1. Using the template, write three detailed lesson plans to be taught in sequence.
2. Script the lesson to include everything you plan to say and do. The evaluator should be able
to “hear” and “see” you model, think aloud, and guide your students.
3. Each lesson should contain modeling or think-aloud of the skill or strategy being taught, an
opportunity for guided practice, and an opportunity for students to work independently.
4. The language function should be directly taught before applying it to new content OR
information is included to indicate that students have prior knowledge of that language function.
Elementary and Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan Template
Name: Jara B. Childs Date: 09/27/2018
Course: Reading an Writing Across Curriculum Lesson Plan #: 1
Subject Area(s): Science/ELA Grade Level/Time Frame: 4 grade; 1 hour
Identify Curricular Georgia Standard (s) of W 4.2: Write informative/explanatory text to examine a topic and convey ideas and
Priorities Excellence, WIDA information clearly
Standard(s), etc.
S4E1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to compare and contrast the
physical attributes if stars and planets
d. Evaluate strengths and limitations of models of our solar system in describing
relative size, order, appearance and composition of planets and the sun.
Prior Academic Knowledge What prior academic knowledge and/or prerequisite skills will this lesson activate?
and Prerequisite Skills What prior academic knowledge and/or prerequisite skills will students need for this
lesson? Stating what you know about students’ academic experience with strategy
This lesson will activate students’ knowledge of the planets in our solar system and
that the orbit a central point (the sun). Students will need to have an understanding
that there are other planets in our solar system and that planets orbit stars like they
do in our solar system.
Central Focus, Overarching What are the important understandings and/or core concepts that you want students
Goal, Big Idea, or Essential to develop?
Describe the attributes of your planet using informational text
Learning Objective(s) or This (or these) should support the central focus, overarching goal, big idea, or
Learning Target(s) essential question(s); should be measurable; should indicate what students will be
able to do at the end of the lesson (These can be written as “I can” statements)
Skill: “I can identify important details using informational text”
Potential Misconceptions What potential misconceptions or developmental approximations are possible with
and/or Developmental this content and how will you address each?
• Possible misconception or developmental approximation:
ONLY if it applies Students may not be able to determine important information and
interesting information.
If the student writes interesting information in the important information
category on their graphic organizer, I will prompt them by asking what
makes this information important and help them understand that it isn’t
necessary for understanding more about the planet.
Design Type of Assessment Format of Assessment (e.g., Supports, Evaluation Criteria
Assessment quiz, test, checklist, KWL Accommodations, How will you know or
Framework INIDICATE WHAT APPLIES chart, performance task) Modifications measure if the students
have met the learning
objective(s) or learning
Pre-assessment Students will participate in a Students will display
turn and talk where they will what they know about
describe what they know the solar system and
about the solar system and the planets in them as
what they want to know with a basis for me to bridge
a partner. their prior knowledge
to new information.
Formative assessment(s) Lesson 1: Backward Designs
Students will turn in their Lesson 1: If at 75%
graphic organizers to be (about 18) of the
evaluated on if they could students can
determine important determine important
information vs. interesting information vs.
information interesting
information, that will
Lesson 2: tell me that the allow
me to know that most
Students will be assessed of the students have
using a based on a checklist met the objective
that will have what the
student needs to include on Lesson 2: If 75%
their planet poster: Name of students have a
the planet, a drawing of the complete checklist
planet, important where they have
information about the planet included each
(how large the planet is, how component on their
far it is from the sun, what it poster, then I will know
is made up of), and at least 1 that the students have
interesting fact about the met the objective
Summative assessment(s) Lesson 3: If students score a 3 or
above, I will know that
Students will be evaluated they have met the
based on a rubric to learning objective
determine if they have
exceeded the objective (4),
met the objective (3), are
reaching for the objective (2),
or did not meet objective (1),
Assessment Plan Alignment/ Will Complete Later
Standard(s) Corresponding Learning Format of Assessment(s)
Objective(s) or Learning
W 4.2: Write Lesson 1: Students will Lesson 1 Assessment format: Graphic Organizer
informative/explanatory text compare and contrast
to examine a topic and convey important information vs. Lesson 2: Checklist
ideas and information clearly interesting information.
Lesson 3: Rubric
S4E1: Obtain, evaluate, and Lesson 2 and 3: Students will
communicate information to convey informative ideas
compare and contrast the about their planet clearly
physical attributes if stars and
planets Lesson 3: Students will
d. Evaluate strengths and compare and contrast
limitations of models of our attributes about 2 planets
solar system in describing
relative size, order,
appearance and composition
of planets and the sun.
Pre-Assessment Data Summary - NA
Summarize the results of the pre-assessment data and explain how it will drive your instructional practices.
Create Materials Needed Teacher Resources (must include podcasts): List all textbooks, children’s literature,
Learning CDs/DVDs, videos, and on-line sources that are resources for you, the teacher, in
Activities determining the content and in teaching the lesson. Provide proper APA references.
• Planetsforkids.org
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHAqT4hXnMw
• KWL Chart
Student Resources: List, and include, all handouts, worksheets, and other materials,
including assessments, that you will have students use in this lesson. Please make
sure you cite your reference in APA style. Include slide shows you plan to use. Note
that slide images can be copied from Power Point and pasted into Word documents.
List all other materials needed, and the amount of each.
• Pencil
• Sticky notes
• Task sheet
• Laptop
• Graphic Organizer
Technology Connection How will you, the teacher, use technology?
How will the students use technology?
The teacher will use technology to play a song at the beginning of the lesson and
display the website planetsfrokids.org on the promethean board to read important
information about the sun during the “I DO” phase of the guided instruction.
The students will be using their laptops to conduct research on their given planet.
Supporting Diverse Learners How do you plan to differentiate your instruction related to the learning objective(s),
Support for Sub Groups learning target(s) and/or central focus (e.g., content, process, product;
representation, action & expression, engagement). Explain how the support will
assist a specific student and/or group with respect to the specific learning
objective(s) or learning target(s). For example:
• I will support my students who struggle with reading by differentiating the
content through the use of leveled reading books that address the concept
of motion.
Note: Make sure you address the needs of the learner(s) identified in the learning
description of your Context for Learning.
Culturally Responsive How is the content of your lesson connected to the students’ assets (personal,
Teaching cultural, and/or community) within your classroom? Be specific to the content of the
lesson and the assets of your students.
Topic, Text, Connection to
School Communmnity
Instructional Strategies and To begin the lesson, I will have each student grab a task sheet that describes the 3-
Learning Tasks (include day activity before watching the video. The students will gather on the carpet and
activities, discussions, or watch a warm up video on the solar system.
other modes of participation
that engage students to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHAqT4hXnMw
develop, practice, and apply
skills and knowledge related After watching the video, I will say, “Today we are going to start a project on the
to a specific learning solar system! But first, I want to see what you already know about the solar system
objective(s) or learning and what you want to learn. So, I will have them participate in a “turn and talk” pre-
target(s). Learning tasks may assessment where they will a partner one thing they know about the solar system
be scaffolded to connect to and one thing you would like to know about the Solar System. Once the students
prior knowledge and often have taken about 1 minute to share their ideas I will have a few students share what
include formative they already know and what they want to know about our solar system.
I will read the assignment that is written on the task sheet which will say, “This weeks
space challenge is all about our solar system! During our 3-day exploration we will
research important information about a planet, create a poster of your planet,
compare your planet to another one, and map out our solar system outside!”
“Day 1 Task:
Today we will focus on researching information about a planet and determine
important information vs. interesting information.”
I will then say “first let’s try investigating important vs. interesting information about
the sun together using our graphic organizer.”
I will first ask “How could you determine important information vs. interesting
information?” (Bloom’s Evaluation) and choose one student to answer
Next I will use the promethean board to display the website planetsforkids.org
and use the white board as my graphic organizer by making a T-chart with one side
that says “Important Information” and the other side that says “Interesting
I will then say “What do you think would happen if there were no sun that the
planets orbited around?” (Bloom’s Synthesis) and call on 2 students to answer. The I
will say, “Today we are going to be determining interesting information about our
sun vs. important information.”
I will then say “Since our sun is so important, let’s start by getting to know it a little
better and decide important information about our sun and interesting information
about our sun.” I will then read where it says in the website, “Solar is the adjective
from Sun and comes from the Latin word for Sun – sol, which also gives us the
French soleil. (and the word for Sun in several mother European languages)” and
then say “This would be labeled as important information because it doesn’t really
___________, however I do find it to be interesting. Let’s see if I can find some
important information.”
Then I will read “The Sun measures 2,715,395 miles (4.730,005 kilometers) right
round (diameter)” from the website and say “This is important information because
_________. Let’s try to find piece of important information together.”
Then read from the website, “The Sun is 92.96 million miles or 149.6 million
kilometers from the Earth” then ask the students “Is this information interesting or
important?” Then choose one student to answer and say why. Then we will read
from the website, “The Sun is bigger than can really be imagined, over one million
times bigger than the Earth” and ask “Is this information important or interesting”
then choose a student and have them describe why they chose their answer.
• “What do you think would happen if there were no sun that the planets
orbited around?” (Bloom’s Synthesize)
Students may say: “The planets will be cold” or “Living organisms would
go extinct”
• “Can you assess why the distance of a planet away from earth would be
important?” (Bloom’s Evaluate)
Students may say: “Astronauts may want to travel there and they need to
know how far away the planet is.”
Students may say: “Planets orbit stars and stars don’t orbit anything” or
“Stars are much hotter than planets”
Lesson Closure Once the students finish organizing the information in their graphic organizer, I will
have them turn in their graphic organizers for me to evaluate whether they could
separate important information and interesting information.
Task Sheet
This week’s space challenge is all about our solar system! During our 3-day
exploration we will research important information about a planet, create a
poster of your planet, compare your planet to another one, and map out our solar
system outside!
Day 1 Task:
Today we will focus on researching information about a planet and determine
important information vs. interesting information
Day 2 Task:
Today we will create our planet poster. Poster MUST INCLUDE: Name of the
planet, a drawing of the planet, important information about the planet (how
large the planet is, how far it is from the sun, what the planet is made up of), and
at least 1 interesting fact about the planet.
Then, find another group to complete a Venn Diagram about how your planets
are similar and different.
Day 3 Task:
class and use math to map out our solar system on the field!
Present your planet poster and the differences to another planet to the whole
MY Fact ORganizer
Important Information Interesting Information