Measurement Lesson

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Blog and Website Creation Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Measurement
Content Area: Mathematics

Grade Level(s): 4th

Content Standard Addressed: MGSE4.MD.1 Know relative sizes of measurement units within one
system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec.

Technology Standard Addressed: 3 – Blended/Online Learning

Selected Technology Tool:
☒ Blog ☐ Wiki ☐ Other: Website Creation Tool (list):

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☒ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☒ Level 2: Exploration ☒ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration

☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

Students with Disabilities: For students with disabilities for example if a student has auditory difficulties, the
students can read what the assignment is on the transcript of the lesson so that the students can participate
in the activity.

EL Students: EL students have the option to play the audio activity as many times as they need if they may not
understand the assignment. One thing that would prove to be helpful for EL students would be us reviewing
some of the key measuring units when measuring distance so that they will be comfortable using inches and
centimeter for the “At Home” activity.

Struggling Students: For students who may have a difficult time with measurement concepts, I will allow
them more time in class to utilize rulers both with centimeters and with inches with guidance so that they can
complete the “At Home” activity without struggling.

Gifted Students: Gifted students for the initial activity can discover what their non-standard tool’s
measurement is in inches or centimeter (depending on the size of the non-standard unit) and convert the size
of the 3 objects that they measured in class into standard units. For the “At Home” activity, they can use this
concept of converting from nonstandard units into standard units, but reversed. Gifted learners will measure
2 items that they measured at home and convert it to the nonstandard unit that they used in class.

Lesson idea implementation: I will begin the lesson by asking the student what they think measurement is
to engage their prior knowledge After I listen to 2 or 3 students’ ideas of what measurement is I will have
them write the official definition in their math notebooks. To begin, each group of tables will have a different

Summer 2017_SJB
Classroom Blog and Website Creation Tools
nonstandard unit to measure with. If there are 5 groups, one group will measure with paper clips, one will
measure with index cards, one with tootsie rolls, pencils, and starbursts. Each group will measure a text book,
the length of one desk, and the width of the classroom door. After the students work in groups to find the
measurements of these items, we will compare our answers. The students will see that depending on the size
of our measurement tool, the number will be bigger or smaller. So, if the measurement tool (like a paperclip
for example) is our measuring tool, then the number will be larger because it took many paperclips to
measure the object. If the tool we measure with is long (like a pencil), then the number will be smaller
because it didn’t take many pencils to measure the object. After we have compared our answers, I will have
the students measure the same items but with a standard measuring tool (a yard stick). After they have
measured the items again as a group and recorded their answers on their graphic organizers, we will compare
our answers in large group discussion. They should see that their answers are very close because they used a
standard unit of measurement. I might ask them why the answers aren’t exact ly the same. They should know
there might be some human error but that a close enough measurement is ok. I will complete the lesson by
identifying different units of measurement like centimeters, kilometers, miles, etc. For the technology piece, I
will remind the students that they must go onto the class blog to view at home activity to complete for the
following day. I will show the students how to access the site as well as email the parents a link to the

Importance of technology: It is important for the students to access the blog so that they get more individual
time to measuring object and understanding how measurement relates to the size of objects as well as
understanding how units can change a measurement of an object. The project could be done without using
technology if I were to tell them what the project was in class.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy:

For this activity, students aren’t susceptible to any potentially harmful activity. This activity also does not
require for students to input any information so the chance of any personal information being posted is highly
unlikely/ not possible. When using the blog site in general (not specifically related to this activity), it is
important that I am granted written permission from parents and guardians to post pictures of the students
or their work to make sure that I follow the Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act. To alleviate any
fears by parents/administrators, students will be sent home with photo and work release forms to be signed
by their parents and guardians. To take extra precaution, students’ parent and guardians will also be notified
before a new post is listed with a picture of their child or their work.

Reflective Practice: This lesson could be enhanced by having the technology piece of the activity tie more
specifically to the lesson so that components from the online activity are needed for another in-class activity.
For example, I could have the students practice measuring objects at home and then use the measurements
in class to compare it to other students who measured objects at home. They could arrange themselves from
largest to smallest measurements. For students who don’t have technology at home to complete the activity,
I would allow them to spend a portion of the class time completing the assignment so that they can
participate in the class activity the following day.

Summer 2017_SJB

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