Main Idea A Wampanoags Day
Main Idea A Wampanoags Day
Main Idea A Wampanoags Day
Common Core State Standards Identify the main topic and retell
Or Essential Elements key details of a text.
II. Objectives/Targets and I can statements The students will be able to identify the
What am I going to teach? main topic and retell key details of a
What will the students be able to do at the text.
end of the lesson?
What formative assessments are used to I can identify the main idea and retell
inform instruction? key details.
What challenges might students
encounter? Formative assessments used will be:
observing the students retelling the
main idea and key details of the
passage they read with their partner,
the ability of the students to give the
information to fill out a tree map.
DOK Knowledge
Recall/ Reproduction: Identify the
Main Idea and supporting details.
Skills/ Concept: Collect and display
information on a tree map.
Strategic Thinking: Cite evidence from
the reading that supports the main idea.
Extended Thinking: Applies concept of
main idea and supporting details to a
cold read of a similar topic.
Materials List
● Scholastic Reader A
Wampanoags Day
● Tree Maps
● Word Search
● Pencils
● Squanto Passage
VI. Modeling: I Do ● Use attention grabber to get
SHOW/TELL (Visual/Verbal Input) students settled to listen quietly.
● Discuss expectations and
HOW/WHAT (Questioning and Redirecting) introduce the anticipatory set
with teacher want picture.
● Model procedure of retelling
main idea and supporting details
VII. Checking for Understanding Explain how you know that is the main
Samples of questions to be asked idea
Ways in which students will respond and be Does anyone agree/disagree with that
engaged answer? Tell me why
Formative assessment strategies to be
Formative assessments used will be:
observing the students retelling of main
idea and supporting details with a
partner, treemap as a group, individual
treemaps with Squanto passage.