Lost by Accerssories
Lost by Accerssories
Lost by Accerssories
1 Introduction.
This report describes the practice of accessory losses in the Piping and Channel laboratory, this
practice is based on the investigation and analysis of a fluid that flows through a set of pipes linked
by accessories such as elbows, joints, tees, yees, reductions, etc, installed in a drive, for which the
pressure difference is measured by means of venturemeters installed for each of them. In the same
way, the respective loss equation is proposed to find the coefficient [k Ë applying linear regression
for each of the accessories as it is important to consider these accessories when handling the fluid in
the process of taking it from one place to another.
2 Methods.
Place the unit on the hydraulic bench and level. Close the gate valve at the exit of the system.
Actuate the switch that starts the motor pump and the closed circuit of the hydraulic bench volu-
metric. Verify that all piezometers are marking the same height (pressure). Under these conditions
the test can be started. The gate valve is opened in order to obtain the minimum flow possible and
to read each piezometer connected to the inlet and outlet of each accessory, at the same time that
the gauging is carried out on the hydraulic bench, by capturing a volume of water in a given time.
Continue opening the control valve for each reading and repeat the procedure until practically the
valve is fully opened. It should be taken into account that we took different measurements for the
different flows, for the analysis, 20 data were taken.
- For the calculation of Reynolds Number, the following equation was taken:
Re =
Q = Flow (m3 /s).
D = Diameter (m).
υ : Kinematicviscosity(kg/ms)
- For the calculation of losses in each accessory the following equation was taken:
hk = k ∗
f = Loss in each accessory.
= Speedhead(m).
- For the calculation of total losses by accessories:
V2 L
hk = ∗ (f ∗ ∗ Σk)
2g D
f = Loss in each accessory.
= Speedhead(m).
Table 1: Table of the resulting hk to make each graph of hk with respect to the speed head. Own
Figure 1: Graph of the hk with respect to the speed head and their respective regressions to find
the value of the constant k for accessory 1.
Figure 2: Graph of the hk with respect to the speed head and their respective regressions to find
the value of the constant k for accessory 2.
Figure 3: Graph of the hk with respect to the speed head and their respective regressions to find
the value of the constant k for accessory 3.
Figure 4: Graph of the hk with respect to the speed head and their respective regressions to find
the value of the constant k for accessory 4.
Figure 5: Graph of the hk with respect to the speed head and their respective regressions to find
the value of the constant k for accessory 5.
3.2 Discussion.
By conducting the laboratory it was observed that as a fluid flows through a conduit, tube or some
other device, there are not only energy losses due to the friction between the liquid and the pipe
wall but also losses due to the accessories to be considered, since these losses are given by the
configuration of the drive from one point to another and the phenomena that occur inside, as for
example the battering ram in the shock of the fluid in each of the accessories, such combined losses
result in a decrease in pressure between two points of the flow system. The test bench for the
execution of this laboratory, has various types of accessories as they are: the elbow of 90 much, the
elbow of 90 much short radius, the expansion, contraction and the elbow of 90 much radius, which
are studied and observed a closeness with the k-values of each of them. It can be shown that as
more data are taken from the laboratory, more precision is given in the calculation, since there is a
greater reliability and a greater approximation to the value of the coefficient k of losses when the
linear regression is performed.
4 Conclusions.
It can be observed that losses in accessories are caused by phenomena occurring at the time the
fluid passes through the accessory, given that as already mentioned there may be phenomena of
water flushing or the best known of them that is the battering ram because the water has to be
accommodated to the road that the engineer proposes for its transport. It was possible to observe
and calculate on an experimental basis how each of the accessories contributes to energy loss, and
to observe by practice some of the most common types of accessories such as the reductions used
and the elbows. It was thus possible to conclude from our study in sections without accessories and
sections with accessories that the energy loss increases proportionately according to the number of
accessories. It also depends on the type of accessory used, That is why we must study carefully
the situation and the needs when installing accessories, choosing the right ones that meet the needs
with the least possible loss of energy. Once the practice was completed it was possible to meet the
objectives, recognize the types of accessories and mathematical analysis procedures for obtaining
flows, energy losses, which are the ratios of the fittings in a pipe system for which it is concluded
that the higher the flow, the greater the losses, the same is the behavior of the losses per unit length,
with respect to flow variation.
5 Annexes.
5.1 Gross Results.
In some tables, only a part of the content will be displayed due to its great magnitude, considering
that there are 20 data taken.
Table 2: Gross results of time, volume and height taken in laboratory. Own elaboration.
Table 3: Height of each accessory for loss calculation. Own elaboration.
Table 4: Calculation of the speeds for each section with respect to the accessory. Own elaboration.
6 References.
[1] Mataix, Claudio. Fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines second edition. Ed. Oxford 1982.
[2] Sotelo Ávila, G. (1999). General Hydraulics: Vol. I Fundamentals.
174. F58 1987.).
[4] Rivas, A., Sánchez, G. (2007). Load losses in hydraulic plant components. Practice scripts from
the fluid mechanics lab, 55.
[5] Varetto, R. H. (2011). Piping. TECNIBOOK EDICIONES. Module, V. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM