Marit Ain, Instrumentalism, and The Philosophy of Experimental Science
Marit Ain, Instrumentalism, and The Philosophy of Experimental Science
Marit Ain, Instrumentalism, and The Philosophy of Experimental Science
Is jacques Maritain's philosophy of the experimental sciences, the
sciences of observation, fundamentally at odds with Maritain's causal
realist understanding of the philosophy of nature as one of the
genuinely deductive sciences of explanation? This is an important
question in Maritain studies, for on it hinges the broader question of
the coherence of Maritain's philosophy of science as a whole. Yet how
we answer it very much depends on how we characterize Maritain's
philosophy of the experimental sciences. If Maritain's conception of
experimental science is a conventionally instrumentalist one, as it at
first glance appears to be, one could well make the case that his
philosophy of the sciences of observation is truly incompatible with a
causal realist view of nature. If, on the other hand, Maritain is not an
instrumentalist, or at least not an instrumentalist in the conventional
sense, then his philosophy of the experimental sciences may turn out
to be compatible with his causal realist philosophy of nature, for not
every version of instrumentalism is incompatible with causal realism.
The purpose of this paper, then, is to find out if Maritain is an
instrumentalist, and if so, just what kind of instrumentalist he might
be. In order to do this, I must first define what instrumentalism is, and
then determine if Maritain's position coheres with that definition.
Thus, I define instrumentalism in section I, and then in section II
elaborate Maritain's philosophy of experimental science, showing
exactly how Maritain's position is instrumentalist and in what ways it is
not. I conclude in Section III that, although Maritain was indeed an
instrumentalist, his version of instrumentalist philosophy of the
experimental sciences leaves room for completion by a causal realist
philosophy of nature.
3 Ibid., 86. Nagel states that Wien's displacement law remained in place even
after the theory that explained it (classical electrodynamics) was replaced by
Planck's quantum mechanics.
6 Ibid., 98. The point here is that correspondence rules do not supply explicit
definitions of theoretical notions used in theories, but at best implicit
definitions. For example, the definition for the expression "X is a mammal,"
could be replaced by the equivalent expression "X is a member of the
vertebrates that nourish their young with milk and bear live offspring," but
the expression "X is the wavelength of the radiation emitted when an
electron jumps from the next-to-smallest to smallest orbit of the hydrogen
atom," is not equivalently replaced by "Y is the line occurring at a certain
position in the spectrum of hydrogen."
7 Ibid., 10(
8 Ibid., 129.'
may be drawn given factual premises; not as a premise from which such
conclusions are obtained." 9
Now this view of the role which theory plays in scientific enquiry
has a number of important consequences for how the instrumentalist
understands: (i) explanation; (ii) causality; and (iii) the cognitive status
of theories.
1. Explanation
As far as explanation is concerned, instrumentalists typically
embrace some form of the famous deductive-nomological {D-N) or
covering-law model of scientific explanation developed by Hempel and
Oppenheim. This model is useful and satisfies the instrumentalist's
conception of the goal of science because "it formulates the conditions
under which events of various sorts occur, the statements of such
determining conditions being the explanations of the corresponding
happenings." 10 In its most basic form, the explicandum E, or event to be
explained, is explained when certain laws are adduced which, when
joined with antecedent conditions, make E empirically necessary. The
explanans (the conditions C1,C27C31 ... Ck1 together with the law or laws
L 1,L21L31 ... Ln) answer the "why" question fundamental to all
explanation. 11
It is important to point out, however, that the explanans (at least
insofar as it contains or uses experimental laws) must in all cases be
empirical and true. The explicandum, of course, can be either an
individual event or a law, but if it is a law, or even a set of laws, the
principles used to explain them must be general rules specifying
repeatable patterns of dependence among the observed properties of
the subject matter studied. Relations are thus established between
apparently unrelated or disparate phenomena. The explicandum is
explained if it is subsumed under a general representation or principle.
Thus laws which are generalized patterns of relations are in the D-N
model subsumed under laws which identify patterns of relations which
have greater range than the laws which they subsume. But these
9 Ibid., 129-30.
10 Ibid., 4.
11 For example, if we want to know why a rod expanded when heated, we could
say, "All metals expand when heated; this rod is metallic and it was heated:
therefore this rod expanded."
2. Causality
Nevertheless, though the principles in question operate in a purely
functional way, they typically give the appearance of identifying
causes, and of thus providing us with causal explanations. Yet they do
not. Thus in a functional law of the type X = YZ, the variables can be
rearranged mathematically in such a way as to make it impossible to
know which of the variables in question is a cause, and which an effect;
that is, X = YZ can become y = ..!_
or z = X 12 As physicist Gerald
z y
Holton says, in such cases "it is on the whole more fruitful to think of
an interaction rather than simple causation, and to ask 'to what factors
is X related,' instead of 'what causes X."' 13 Indeed, the D-N model of
scientific explanation and its variants (the Inductive-Statistical, or IS
model, etc.) 14 do not embrace a realist notion of causation, but rather
some kind of regularity or qualified Humean account of causation. The
regularity model of causation simply states that events that are held to
be causally related are so related if and only if the events in question
instantiate a general regularity between like kinds of events. In other
words, A causes B if A is of a kind of event X, and B is of a kind of event
Y, such that events of kind X are regularly followed by events of the
kind Y. In that case, the regularity or law pertaining to kinds X and Y
covers or subsumes events A and B. The regularity is in turn written in
terms of a formula whose variables are related to each other as a
mathematical function. Thus it is the functional regularity that law
encapsulates, and that, when joined with relevant conditions, explains
causal realists, for realists presuppose that that type of causal law
centers on a relation of necessitation holding between the properties of
relata. However, the relation of necessitation in turn rests upon the
above-mentioned four conditions for causal law being satisfied. In fact,
however, and again, at least one of these conditions is violated by
scientific law, for the causal realist assumes that there are substances
with determinable properties which take numerous forms. And herein
lies a problem, for a substance is identified by the type of determinate
properties that it has, which in turn differentiate the substance in
question from other substances (as long as it differs in at least one form
of a set of determinable properties). Thus to assert that X is a rock salt
is to assert that it has the following forms of a set of determinable
properties: crystalline structure = cubical crystals; color = colorless;
density = 2.163 g/cm 3; melting point = 804°C; hardness = 2 on Moh's
scale; etc. 15 Using induction, one could say that, because all observed
rock salts are X, Y, and Z, therefore all rock salts are X, Y, and Z. And
this claim will acquire nomic necessity if backed up by a theory (itself a
set of laws) that shows why rock salt must have the properties it has.
Yet this law is non-causal in that it makes no claim about any
properties preceding or, in effect, causing other properties in
sequential order. For example, rock salt's color is not caused by its
hardness, nor is its hardness caused by its melting point. As a result, a
crucially important support for the necessitation relation in the causal
realist conception of law is thereby undermined.
inquiries into the thermal properties of a gas we use a theory which analyses
a gas as an aggregation of discrete particles, although when we study
acoustic phenomena in connection with gases we employ a theory that
they are held to be true or false. Yet instrumentalism does not hold that
theories or theoretical entities are mere fictions, but rather that they
are not true to the facts. One might simply call such theories
"instrument theories." Indeed, some theories are superior to other
theories; for example, if they serve as effective guides for subsuming a
greater range of experimental data or laws, or if they make it possible
to infer more observational data than other theories, or if their
inferred conclusions agree with further observation.
Of course, if theories are leading principles in accordance with which
conclusions are drawn, rather than premises from which they are drawn,
the derivations that the instrumentalist must use rely on an intuitionist
logic in which the classical law of the excluded middle no longer holds.
(Derivations in classical logic are based on the assumption that the
statements used as premises are true.) Clearly, one cannot assert "A,"
or "not-A," if one cannot decide whether "A" is true or "not-A" is true.
And since T-terms and T-sentences are meaningless because their
referents are unobservable and hence unverifiable, T-sentences
containing T-terms cannot be true or false. Hence, given that "A" is aT-
sentence and "not-A" is a T-sentence, one cannot assert either "A" or
"not-A." And if one cannot assert "A" or "not-A," then neither can one
assert "A or not-A." This is important given that the instrumentalist
must derive his predictions from theories, and these derivations must
be valid. If the instrumentalist uses the standard rules of inference of
classical logic, he is applying these rules to derivations the premises of
which are incapable of being either true or false. An intuitionist logic
which rejects the law of the excluded middle enables the
instrumentalist to escape from what otherwise might be a fatal
direction of Gerald B. Phelan (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1959), 57.
Nevertheless, the facts that are given to a mind are not mere copies
of the external world, for facts are judged by the mind that receives
them, indeed, even by the senses which also judge what they receive.
Every fact, says Maritain, is discriminated/ 1 that is, judged, either by
the intellect or the senses. But judging does not distort or deform what
is judged. Rather, judging is a matter of the senses/intellect becoming
assimilated or conformed to what is judged. And in the process of
judging, senses and intellect work together. Maritain's critical realist
epistemology will not allow him to embrace a simplistic view which
sees all facts as arising from sense, and all theory from intellect. Hence,
in the determination of facts, the intellect often intervenes with
already formulated theories, but it does so to "discern and formulate
that which is furnished by sense intuition." 22 In the determination of
theories, the intellect works with sense intuition to uncover "essences
or laws and explanatory reasons.'t23 The intellect thus picks out what is
of interest to it from the scientific standpoint, but it does so using
certain principles which give to certain facts a value and reference that
they might not assume under different guiding lights. However, this
activity on the part of the intellect (highlighting and selecting certain
facts) does not constitute creation and distortion. Certainly, basic a-
statements presuppose a number of theoretical propositions, but these
propositions are propositions having to do with what is to be measured
and how to measure it; that is, they are propositions whose terms are
operationally defined. In more complex cases, facts mediately rather
than immediately disclosed to the intellect are taken from data
conceived in reference to already formed explanatory theories, or
which are derived from these explanatory theories. 24 Consequently,
scientific facts make up a hierarchy of value wherein those facts which
bear on real physical causes assume a higher value than those which
are the result of the physical being reduced to an instrument used for
discriminating between mathematical reconstructions or theoretical
entities understood to be beings of reason (entia rationis). According to
Maritain, such mediately established "facts" belong to explanatory
theory, rather than genuine fact.
21 Ibid.
22 Ibid., 52.
23 Ibid.
24 Ibid., 58.
For Maritain, then, though fact and theory are truly distinct, they
nevertheless operate as dual partners in the scientific endeavor. Facts
are not the creations or distortions of the senses/intellect, but they are
the result of the senses/intellect exercising their judging capacity.
Following closely upon the distinction between fact and theory is
another distinction of great importance for Maritain's philosophy of
the experimental sciences: the distinction between what is observable,
and what is unobservable. As we have seen, in conventional inst-
rumentalism the 0-term/0-statement, T-term/T-statement distinction
turns on the fact that 0-terms reference what can be directly or
indirectly observed, while T-terms reference entities that cannot be
observed either directly or indirectly. This distinction in particular is
the basis for the semantical instrumentalists' claim that theories are
neither true nor false, and that consequently no incompatibility
between theories can arise. (The entities referenced by T-terms used in
T-statements are unobservable and hence unverifiable. As a result, T-
terms and the T-statements that use them are meaningless.)
Maritain, on the other hand, maintains that the best that the
experimental sciences can do is to construct theories that are true
(even though at times apparently incompatible) as long as they "save
the appearances," and are fruitful for making predictions and
determining/formulating new experimental laws.
Maritain arrives at this position precisely because the sciences of
observation necessarily employ a kind of intellection that cannot
capture essences, or lead to a direct apprehension of causes. Indeed, he
has even coined a term for this special kind of intellection, which he
calls "perinoetic" or circumferential knowing, which is to be
distinguished from what he calls "dianoetic" intellection, or
intellection which can grasp essences (though only indirectly). In
general, the intellect in its abstractive activity attempts to give us
knowledge of a thing's essence, but in the beginning it succeeds only in
revealing to us the commonest and poorest notes of intelligible being.
Maritain illustrates his point using the example of fire. 25 From the
outset, in forming the idea of fire, the intellect knows only that fire
represents some determined thing which produces certain sensible
effects like burning and glowing. But the essential characteristics of fire
25 Ibid., 30.
that explain these sensible effects or properties elude the initial grasp
of the intellect. In fact, even if the intellect were finally to succeed in
grasping the essence of fire, it would grasp it only in and through its
essential properties-it would never grasp the essence directly in itself.
Perinoetic intellection fails to grasp the essences in their specificity
precisely because, below man, these specificities belong to the purely
sensible world. For man, whose specificity is purely intelligible, it is
possible to deduce essential properties from the difference "rational."
This is not the case with species below man. Taking an example from
Garrigou-Lagrange, 26 Maritain says that we are able to identify many of
the common sensible (descriptive) characteristics, of say mercury-it's a
liquid at ordinary temperatures; silvery in color; solidifies at 40°C; boils
at 360°C; is very heavy; is very toxic; etc. The specific difference that
explains why mercury has these properties remains hidden to us. Not
even the philosophy of nature can capture the specific differences of
beings lower than man on the scale of nature.
Thus, the type of intellection employed by the experiment-
tal/inductive/ observational sciences is not able to uncover the
intelligible constituents of the beings they study. For these sciences,
essences and the intelligible constituents of essences are always
hidden; essences, causes, or reasons for being only reveal themselves in
effects-never in themselves-and even their effects must be grasped in
signs and symbols that are substituted for them. But effects do reveal
experimental constancies, which are in turn signs of necessities or
essential connections hidden in constancies. And these constancies are
formulated in science as experimental laws. As Maritain says,
experimental laws enfold essences but without revealing them.
The sciences of explanation, on the other hand, are so-called
because the type of intellection that they employ genuinely penetrates
to the essence, the cause, or the reason for being of the phenomenon or
thing that it studies, though again, never directly or in itself, but only
in and through its proper accidents. These sciences, like mathematics
and philosophy, are strictly deductive in nature. Both mathematics and
philosophy use the dianoetic mode of intellection in which "the
intelligible constitutive is objectivized in itself (if not by itself at least
by a sign which manifests it, by a property in the strict sense of the
26 Ibid., 176, n. 2.
word.)" 27 Yet, once again, even here the essence is only indirectly or
mediately known. In other words, in dianoetic intellection, essences are
known indirectly through the accidents which manifest them. More
exactly, essences reveal themselves to the intellect in and through
their proper accidents. For example, human nature is known by
rationality, animal nature by sensitivity. These are proper accidents
because they have generic fecundity. From rationality, one can deduce
docility, risibility, etc.
In perinoetic intellection, however, even the proper accidents
remain unknown. Rather, the intellect grasps sensible or common
accidents (as observable or measurable) which mask genuine
properties. Though the intellect succeeds in perinoetic intellection in
circumscribing the intelligible in the sensible, the intelligible "core"
escapes its grasp, and so fails to uncover the essence. Instead, the
substantial nature is known by signs which hide rather than manifest
the essence. While dianoetic intellection enables us to know substances
by proper accidents (which in turn are known by other accidents that
are their operations), perinoetic intellection gives us knowledge of
substances and properties by signs and in signs. These signs reference
descriptive properties such as density, atomic weight, melting point,
spectrum of high frequency, etc., which, though indispensible (for
example, in chemistry), nevertheless mask real ontological properties. 28
Hence, for Maritain, the essences or causes which the intellect
naturally seeks cannot become known in the inductive sciences, the
sciences of observation. And of course in this respect, then,
causes/essences are also unobservable. But though they are not know-
able or observable, this does not, as we shall see, make the theoretical
terms which reference theoretical entities meaningless. Maritain was
27 Ibid., 203, n. 1.
28 For those Thomists who may be wondering whether this distinction is
grounded in the texts of St. Thomas, see: In II Analyt., cap. XII, lect. 13; In spir.
creat., a. 11, ad 3; ST I, q. 29, a. 1, ad 3; Dever. I, q. 4, a. 1, ad 8; In VII Meta., lect.
12; In I De an., lect. 1; De ver., q. 10, a. 1, ad 6. These are just a few of those
places in the texts where this distinction is supported. I intend, in a future
article, to examine this issue much more closely.
32 Ibid., 47.
33 Ibid., 55.
certain entities, even if it cannot agree about their nature. This seems
to be true in the case of atoms.
Maritain's instrumentalism is therefore best described as a form of
ontological instrumentalism. Theoretical entities (here reconfigured as
entia rationis) point to the existence of something, and so entia rationis
have meaning-the meaning that all mathematical entities have insofar
as they are sign and symbol substitutes for what is ultimately grounded
in quantity, i.e. the measurable real-but their true nature entirely
eludes the grasp of the intellect. Therefore, whether such entities exist
is in the end of no real consequence for science, as long as they
function explicatively in the equations of the physical theory in
question, that is, as long as the entities in question are defined by at
least theoretically realizable operations of measurement.38 Indeed,
according to Maritain, mathematical physics is full of various kinds of
entia rationis, which together form a hierarchy of such beings. For
example, there are beings of reason that simply correspond in a more
or less direct way to experimental observations and causes. Other
beings of reason are genuinely theoretical entities like the electron or
quark, which appear to be real, but which can only be grasped through
symbol substitutes. These are mathematically reconstructed beings.
Finally, there are beings of reason in mathematical physics that,
although they are founded on the real in that they are taken from
measurements of the real, are absolutely incapable of existing as such.
In this instance, Maritain mentions "Einsteinian times." 39
Of course, these beings of reason are the direct creation of the mind
insofar as the mind is able to view the quantitative dimension of the
real quantitatively, rather than ontologically. That is, the mind is able
to formally abstract quantity from the real and see in it, "the very
relations of order and measurement which the objects of thought
discernible in it, as forms or essences proper to it, maintain among
themselves."40 When so abstracted, quantity is reconfigured by an
intuition of the internal sense, namely, imaginative intuition, which is
38 Ibid., 140.
39 Ibid., 141. Maritain is simply referring to Einstein's "space-time" as opposed
43 Ibid., 149.
44 Ibid.
45 Ibid., 150.
46 Ibid., 158.
47 Ibid., 159.
48 Ibid.
49 Ibid.
50 Ibid., 162.
51 Ibid., 163.
from the real, either directly or indirectly, and so have the meanings
that measurements taken from the real give them; but, on the other
hand, they are convenient fictions whose meanings are determined
strictly by the logical place which they hold as variables in math-
ematical formulae. At that level, they have merely the logical meaning
that statement-forms have, which are not true propositions. At that
level, their truth lies purely in their workability in terms of saving the
So conceived, the experimental sciences may well have to make way
for a non-classical intuitionist logic which rejects the law of the
excluded middle, which certainly would be more compatible, for
example, with quantum mechanics. In other words, entia rationis are
double-valenced-insofar as they are grounded in the real through
It seems then, that Maritain is an instrumentalist of sorts when it
comes to the experimental sciences. Nevertheless, as any reader of
Maritain knows, his philosophy of the sciences of observation is
incomplete without a complementary causal realist philosophy of
nature. As Maritain never tires of pointing out, empiriological analysis
must be completed by ontological analysis. The first analyzes and
resolves its concepts in the sensible, the observable; the other analyzes
and resolves its concepts in intelligible being. In the first, definitions
are sought through observation, measurement, and physical oper-
ations; in the second, definitions are sought by means of ontological
properties constituting essences. It is the task of the philosophy of
nature, operating at the first degree of abstractive visualization, to
provide this completion. This is crucially important, for it is only in this
way that science as a whole for Maritain is able to overcome positivism,
and only in this way that Maritain's instrumentalism/constructive
empiricism can be separated from the verificationist-based instru-
mentalism of the logical positivists. Indeed, it is the very possibility of
ontological analysis which is the gllarantee of a genuine (truly
explanatory) philosophy of science. ·In other words, it is Maritain's
critical realism that creates the foundation necessary for the
completion of empiriological analysis in the ontological analysis of the
philosophy of nature. Infra-scientific experience, along with the
ontological analysis of dianoetic. intellection operative in the philo-
sophy of nature, embeds or enfolds the perinoetic intellection