The first purpose of marine electronics equipment is to be used for the safety of life at sea, and
secondarily, it should satisfy users' demands for their executing shipping and ship management and
preserving their property. That is, navigation equipment have such purposes and responsibility.
Therefore, engineers concerned with production of marine electronics equipment and sales
engineers of products will make efforts to supply in expensive and high-quality products to users to
the best of their abilities. Service engineers will try to maintain the functions of the products and to
have users recognize the value of their services. Consequently, at least such three efforts should be
made together. Especially service engineers being in final contact with users should be familiar with
technical skills, knowledge and rules which are on the basis of accumulative experiences and
radio-electronics, and should always satisfy users.
This handbook has been covers the newest rule and basic technology data. This handbook is
necessarily used by service engineers all over the world, persons concerned with sales, and the
persons concerned widely engaged in this field hopefully use this as an indispensable handbook as
November, 2009
1. Enter into Force ................................................................................................................ B- 1
2. Background of GMDSS Introduction ............................................................................... B- 1
3. Outline of GMDSS Introduction ....................................................................................... B- 1
4. Image of GMDSS operation ............................................................................................. B- 3
5. Function and Advantage of GMDSS ................................................................................ B- 4
6. Terms on GMDSS ............................................................................................................ B- 5
7. Range of the application of SOLAS treaty ...................................................................... B- 7
8. Carriage Requirements for Ship Station of SOLAS Ship ................................................. B-10
9. Maintenance etc. of Radio Equipment ............................................................................. B-14
10. Duplication of Equipment ................................................................................................. B-15
11. Emergency Source of Electrical Power and Reserve Power .......................................... B-16
12. Assignment of Mariners for Radio Part on board ............................................................ B-18
13. Frequency used in GMDSS ............................................................................................. B-19
14. JRC Products for Type Approval by Countries, Classification Societies and Others ...... B-20
15. Radiocommunication-related Qualification Certificate of Liberia Flag Ships .................. B-25
16. Radiocommunication-related Qualification Certificate of Panama Flag Ships ................ B-26
17. DSC (Digital Selective Calling) ........................................................................................ B-27
18. EGC (Enhanced Group Call) ........................................................................................... B-30
19. NAVTEX ........................................................................................................................... B-32
20. Satellite EPIRB ................................................................................................................ B-36
21. INMARSAT System .......................................................................................................... B-43
22. NBDP (Shortwave Narrow-band Direct Printing System) ................................................ B-53
23. SART (Search & Rescue Radar Transponder ) ............................................................... B-54
24. MSI (Maritime Safety Information Service) ...................................................................... B-56
25. Main Classification table .................................................................................................. B-57
C. Radiocommunications
1. Abbreviation for International Telex Communication ....................................................... C- 1
2. Phonetic alphabets list ..................................................................................................... C- 2
3. DSC / NBDP Station Frequency List ................................................................................ C- 3
4. Weather Facsimile ........................................................................................................... C- 5
5. MF/HF Radio Equipment ................................................................................................. C- 9
6. International VHF (for Maritime Mobile Communication) ................................................ C-11
7. Two way VHF Radio Equipment ...................................................................................... C-22
8. Shipborne 400 MHz Communication Equipment UHF Transceiver ................................ C-23
9. Interface Standards .......................................................................................................... C-24
E. General Materials
1. Grouping of Radio frequency by Frequency Band .......................................................... E- 1
2. International Conventions related to Maritime management ........................................... E- 1
3. Abbreviation used in this document ................................................................................. E- 2
4. Method of Error expression ............................................................................................. E- 4
5. Marine Storage Battery Etc. ............................................................................................. E- 6
6. Standing Wave and SWR ................................................................................................ E-10
7. Marine Cables .................................................................................................................. E-11
8. Current rating and Voltage drop of Cable ........................................................................ E-19
9. High Frequency Cable ..................................................................................................... E-22
10. Attenuation curves of High Frequency cables ................................................................. E-24
11. List of Cables provided by JRC and Special Cable ......................................................... E-25
12. Logic Circuit IC ................................................................................................................. E-36
13. Decibel (DB) Calculation Table ........................................................................................ E-40
14. Decibel Conversion Table ................................................................................................ E-41
15. Capacitance of Various Antennas .................................................................................... E-42
16. Configuration Factor of Antenna ...................................................................................... E-43
17. Battery List (exclusively used for each Product) ............................................................. E-44
18. Conversion Table for Various Units .................................................................................. E-52
19. Organization of IMO ......................................................................................................... E-53
20. Organization of ITU-R ...................................................................................................... E-54
21. Measures for Environment ............................................................................................... E-55
22. Maintenance Guideline of Ship Electronic Device ........................................................... E-62
A. General Information
(Before you begin)
1. Cautions for high voltage
High voltages from hundreds volts to tens of thousands volts are to be applied to the
electronic equipment such radio and radar devices. You do not face any danger during normal
operation, but sufficient cares are required for maintenance, inspection and adjustment of their
internal components. (Maintenance, check-up and adjustment of the inside of the equipment are
prohibited except by maintenance specialists.)
High voltages of tens of thousands volts are so dangerous as to bring an instantaneous death
from electric shock, but even voltages of hundred volts may sometimes lead to a death from
electric shock. When you touch any parts inside these devices, before doing so, you should make
it a rule to turn off the power switch to prevent such an accident caused by electric shock, and
discharge capacitors with a wire surely earthed on an end and make sure that internal parts are no
longer charged. Furthermore, when doing so, wearing dry cotton gloves protect you from such
danger. It is also necessary to put one of your hands in the pocket and not to use both your hands
at the same time.
It is also important to select a stable foothold always to prevent secondary accidents once you
were electrically shocked. If you are injured from electric shock, you disinfect the burn sufficiently
and give medical treatment to it promptly.
2. What to do for Electric Shock
When finding a victim of electric shock, you should call a person(s) near there, and turn off the
power source and earth the circuit immediately. If it is impossible for you to turn off the circuit
immediately, you should move the victim away promptly using insulators such as dry wood plate
and cloth without touching the victim directly.
In case of electric shock, breathing may stop suddenly if current flows to the respiration center
in the brain. If the shock is not so strong, artificial respiration may recover breathing. When
shocked by electricity, the victim will come to look very bad with weak pulse or without beating,
resulting in unconsciousness and rigidity.
First-aid treatments
As far as the victim of electric shock is not in dangerous condition, you should not move the
victim and practice artificial respiration on the victim immediately. Once respiration is started, it
should be continued rhythmically.
(1) Tell the accident to persons near there loudly and ask them to gather.
(2) Do not touch the victim confusedly as result of the accident, or rescuer may also get an
electric shock.
(3) Turn off the power source calmly and move the victim away quietly from the electric line.
(make sure whether places near there is safe.)
(4) Try to contact persons or offices concerted (Clinic, hospital, doctor, emergency call, etc.)
(5) Lay the victim on his back and loosen his necktie, clothes, belt, etc.
(7) Open the victim’s mouth and take out artificial teeth, cigarette or chewing gum if any. Keep
his mouth open, stretch his tongue and insert a towel or the like in his mouth to prevent the
tongue from suffocating. (If it is hard to open his mouth due to set teeth, open it with a
screwdriver and insert a towel in this mouth.)
(8) Then, clean the victim’s mouth so that foaming mucus does not accumulate inside the
3. When pulse is beating but breathing has stopped
Give a ( Mouth-to-mouth respiration ) Fig. 1
(1) Tilt the victim’s head back as far as this face looks back. (A pillow may be inserted his neck.)
(2) Push the victim’s jaw upward to open his throat wide (to spread his airway).
(3) Pinch the victim’s nostrils and take a deep breath, cover the victim’s mouth completely with
yours and blow into the victim’s mouth strongly. Take a deep breath again and blow into the
victim’s mouth. Continue this 10 to 15 times a minute (blocking his nostrils).
(4) Practicing artificial respiration, carefully watch whether the victim has recovered his natural
breathing, soon after the victim recovered, stop respiration.
(5) If it is difficult to open the victim’s mouth, insert a rubber or vinyl tube into one of the victim’s
nostrils and take a deep breath and blow into it, blocking the victim’s other nostril and mouth
(6) When the victim recovers consciousness, the victim may try to stand up suddenly, but let the
victim lie calmly and serve the victim with a cup of hot coffee or tea and keep the victim
warm and quiet. (Never give him alcoholic drinks.)
4. When both pulse and breathing have stopped
Give a (Cardiac massage) Fig. 2
When pulse has come not to be felt, his pupils are open and no heartbeat is heard, cardiac
arrest is supposed to have occurred and artificial respiration must be performed.
(1) Place your both hands, one hand on the other, on the lower one third area of his breastbone
and compress his breast with your elbows applying your weight on his breast so that it is
dented about 2 cm (Repeat compressing his beast 50 times / minute or so).
(Cardiac massage)
(2) In case of one rescuer,
Repeat cardiac massages about 15 times and blow into his mouth 2 times quickly, and
repeat his combination.
(3) In case of two rescuers,
One person repeats cardiac massages 15 times while the other person blow into his mouth
once, and they shall repeat this combination. (Perform the cardiac massage and
mouth-to-mouth respiration)
(4) Examine his pupils and his pulse sometimes. When the both have returned to normal, stop
he artificial respiration, serve him with a cup of hot coffee or tea and keep him warm and
calm while watching him carefully. (Never give him alcoholic drinks.)
① ②
5. Observance of Safety Routine Rules at Work
1 Working clothes Wear long sleeve jacket and button the wristbands, regardless
of heat and cold, and not be untidily dressed.
Wear safety hat/helmet, safety belt, gaiters and a hard hat, a
security zone, a gaiter, safety shoes at the shipyard in particular
2 Protective goods Make sure of safety before use of protective goods.
3 Check / maintenance of Check your own tools by yourself before use of it and make sure
appliance / tools whether it is safe.
8 Work onboard ships carrying Do not transmit radio waves during cargo handling.
9 Work at ship’s bottom Make sure whether gaser are not exist by using gas (oxygen
etc) measuring devices.
At least two persons work together for emergency case.
12 Use of mobile phone If use of mobile phone onboard ships carrying dangerous cargo
etc. is restricted, obey rules of the ship.
Do not use mobile phone during driving. If telephoning is needed,
use hands-free phone not to disturb driving.
If a mobile phone is used at high place, fall-preventing
mechanism is applied to it.
13 Driving a car Check a car before driving
brake, lights, remaining amount of gasoline.
Observance of traffic rules
Use sheet belts and keep regulation speed.
Drive into company’s facilities or factory
Indicate Driving-Permission-in-yard and keep the company’s
traffic rules.
14 Use of data terminal equipment Use a camera after obtaining permission. (In particular onboard
ships carrying dangerous cargos, use flash after obtaining
While downloading data from VDR etc. and updating software of
AIS, ECDIS and others, be careful of management of PC and
media and data in PC etc are possibly minimized not to lose data
brought in.
15 Smoking Do not smoke in smoking-restricted areas, and neither smoking
while walking nor working with a cigarette in your mouth is never
Be fully careful of the fire after smoking.
6. Things taken into account at work
There are many things to know at work at radio stations. The followings below are especially
Note1 : When maintenance or test of EPIRBs is carried out onboard ships, and radio wave
shielded confined room such as engine control room etc. should be used not to transmit radio
wave outside the ship (If an antenna is there, it should be removed temporally.) and stop
transmission soon after test is over.
About GMDSS rule-
The content described in this chapter is based on Japanese rule. There are many rules
in common, but for your sake,it is best to contact with a Competent Authority or a
classification authority, since some points do differ depending on the country and /
orclassification authority. Please refer the document issued by IMO and SOLAS.
established as a link on line through ship and Rescue Coordination Center on land. Consequently,
more effective communication and search and rescue operation in distress has been possible.
For that purpose, it is necessary to install equipment which enables equipment to be much
more easily operated and exchange various information quickly. That is, the ships for 1974 SOLAS
Convention are equipped with commonly required minimum equipment, and also in accordance
with the sea areas (divided into 4 sea areas) in which each ship navigate, by using INMARSAT
Ship Earth Station, Satellite communication equipment of EPIRB,etc. using INMARSAT
Geostationary Satellite system, radio system using automation technology by the new radio
telecommunication technology using digital selective calling (DSC) and narrow band direct printer
telegraphy (NBDP) and using digital technologies, and land-based communication system using
HF Radio Telephone (RT) ,etc. , even if ships are navigating in any sea area, they can transmit
and receive distress and safety signals to and from ships navigating nearby and land search and
rescue stations Therefore, also in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), amendments
to Radio Regulation (R. R.), about the frequency used for this system and the management
procedure of the system, was adopted in World Administrative Radio Conference for the Mobile
Services (Geneva, 1987) held in Geneva in September, 1987 and resolution and guideliene,etc.
were also adopted.
4. Image of GMDSS operation
Polar oribit satellite
LUT (Local
Users Terminal)
Land Earth
Ship in distress
Rescue vessel
(SAR organization)
RCC (Rescue
Coordination Center)
Other RCC(s)
Shore Radio
(normally navigating)
Ship normally navigating
(Rescue vessel)
5. Function and Advantage of GMDSS
Communication area Communication methods Advantage
Distress report Wrecked ships VHF (Ch 70) & MF (2182kHz), - Not only ships navigating
ship DSC nearby but land stations
can be notified without fail.
Stations Radiotelephony - Stations can be linked
automatically and rapidly
INMARSAT TLX without fail
Satellite EPIRB
Search & Rescue headquarters VHF/MF/HF DSC, NBDP, and - Since the minimum
Rescue Radiotelephony communicable range is
Communication 100-150 nautical miles,
Rescue boat Ships and land stations
may be unable to be
notified other than ships
Ships INMARSAT TLX navigating nearby and
navigating close near land station.
On-site Wrecked ship
Rescue boat
Communication ships ships - Communications can be
in general established between ships
in any seas in the world
Land and/or land stations
Stations anytime.
Bridge to Ships Ships mainly VHF Radiotelephony
Bridge ---
Marine safety Land Ships - Information about safety
Information Station navigation, such as
broadcast weather information, is
6. Terms on GMDSS
6-1 Bridge-to-bridge communications
Safety communications between ships from the position from which the ships are normally
6-9 Locating
Finding of ships, aircraft, units or persons in distress.
6-11 Polar orbiting satellite service
A service is based on polar orbiting satellites which receive and relay distress alerts from satellite
EPIRBs and which provides their position.
7. Range of the application of SOLAS ( Safety of Life at Sea )
7-1 Application
Unless expressly provided otherwise, the present regulations apply only to ships engaged on
international voyages.
1. Ships of war and troopships.
2. Cargo ships of less than 500 gross tonnage.
3. Ships not propelled by mechanical means.
4. Wooden ships of primitive build.
5. Pleasure yachts not engaged in trade.
6. Fishing vessels.
* The details refer to a Regulation 1 Application Regulation 3
7-3 Radiocommunications
Unless expressly provided other wise, this chapter applies to all ships to which the present
regulations apply and to cargo ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards.
* The details refer to a CHAPTER IV Radiocommunications Regulation 1 Application
7-6 Reference
Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment
1. All ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards and passenger ships irrespective of size
shall, ・・・・・・・・・・
Echo sounder / Radar (9GHz) / ATA / Speed log / THD (300-500 gross tonnage)
2. All ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages and cargo
ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards not engaged on international voyages and
passenger ships irrespective of size shall be fitted with an automatic identification system
(AIS),as follows:
3. All ships of 3000 gross tonnage and upwards ・・・・・・・・・・
3GHz Radar 1 set + 9GHz Radar 1 set, ATA 2 sets
4. All ships of 10,000 gross tonnage and upwards ・・・・・・・・・
ARPA 1 set
5. All ships of 50,000 gross tonnage and upwards ・・・・・・・・
a speed and distance measuring device,or other means,to indicate speed and distance
over the ground in the forward and athwartships direction.
* The details refer to a CHAPTER V Safety of navigation Regulation 19
8. Carriage Requirements for Ship Station of SOLAS Ship
8-1 Radio equipment to be fitted on board
SOLAS ship: engaged on International voyage + (Passenger ships, Cargo ships of 300 GT or upwards) etc.
Gross tonnage (GT)
Number of sets
Auxiliary system
Passenger Maintenance requirements
VHF (incl. DSC) + VHF DSC
1 A1 A2 A3 A4 ship 1set 1set 1. A1,A2: one among auxiliary system, land
listening watch receiver
Cargo ship maintenance and onboard maintenance is
① selected.
A1 A4 : only when Inmarsat ship station is
MF Radio equipment (incl. DSC) 2. A3,A4: two among auxiliary system, land
Passenger selected in A3 sea area
2 + MF DSC listening watch 1set 1set maintenance and onboard maintenance are
receiver A2 A3 ship selected
Cargo ship 3. Auxiliary system
A1 A2 - Alternative apparatus: not necessary 1) VHF (incl. DSC) , unnecessary DSC
MF/HF Radio equipment (incl. when Inmarsat ship station (B,C type)+ listening watch receiver.
3 DSC+NBDP)+ MF/HF DSC Passenger 1set 1set 2) MF/HF Radio equipment (incl. DSC+NBDP)
A3 A4 ship MF Radio apparatus are equipped on
Listening watch receiver board a ship navigating in A3 sea area + MF/HF DSC listening watch receiver or
Cargo ship INMARSAT(INM-B or INM-C).
A1 A2 A4 - if equipped as an alternative to existing
MF/HF Radio apparatus, MF Radio
4 Inmarsat Ship Earth staton Passenger 1set 1set apparatus is necessary.
A3 ship - if equipped as an Auxiliary apparatus, it is
an auxiliary apparatus of MF/HF.
Cargo ship
Passenger Other than 518kHz, 490kHz 、 4209.5kHz Entered into force on 1 July 2005
5 NAVTEX Receiver A1 A2 A3 A4 ship 1set were added
Cargo ship
Passenger EGC is not necessary when naviagtng only
6 EGC A1 A2 A3 A4 ship 1set in a NAVTEX reception area.
Cargo ship
Passenger *COSPAS/SARSAT system is equipped.
7 Sattelite EPIRB A1 A2 A3 A4 ship 1set *Inmarsat system is not accepted for use in
Cargo ship A4 area.
It can be equipped instead of satellite
8 VHF EPIRB A1 1set
Passenger ② : more than 1/4 sets to the number of life
Radar Transponder (Search and 2set②
9 A1 A2 A3 A4 ship boats are to be added.
rescue locating devices)
Cargo ship 1-2 set 1set 2set → → → →
Passenger ③ : For two-way radiocommunications For a high-speed rescue boats fitted with
Two-way Radiotelephone 3set③
10 A1 A2 A3 A4 ship between ship and airplane, a mandatory system, a hands-free two-way
apparatus radiotelephony set is to be added. radiotelephony is required.
Cargo ship 2-3 sets 2set 3set → → → →
Passenger * A radiotelephony set is to be added for
AIS (Automatic Identification
11 A1 A2 A3 A4 ship 1set two-way radiocommunications between
Cargo ship ship and airplane.
Passenger not later than the first survey of the radio
LRIT (Long-range identification ship installation after 31 December 2008
12 A1 A2 A3 A4 1set
and tracking of ships)
Cargo ship
Passenger GPS fitted before 1 July 2007 is accepted.
13 GPS (Global Positioning System) A1 A2 A3 A4 ship 1set
Cargo ship
Gross tonnage (GT)
Number of sets
Auxiliary system
It can be used in common with other
Radiocommunication apparatus mandatory ships.
14 A1 A2 A3 A4 1set
between ship and land)
19 ship 1set
(Voyage data recorder)
Cargo ship
20 ship 1set
(Transmiting Heading Device)
Cargo ship
Passenger - Passenger ships: over 500 GT, Tankers: Planned as follows.
ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display over 3,000 GT, other Cargo ships: over Passenger ships: 1 July 2012
ship 1set
and information system) 10,000 GT
Cargo ship Tankers: 1 July 2013
21 Other Cargo ships: 1 July 2014
It is required if paper charts are not carried
Backup ECDIS 1set Apply to all the ships fitted with ECDIS on board. Existing ships: 2014/7/1 to be phased subject to
ship type.
* Cargo ship: ships other than passenger ships
2) SOLAS Chapter V Carriage Requirements Regulation 19 and 20 (JRC products)
Ship gross tonnage (GT) as at 26 January 2009
No Equipment The requirements for loading Remarks
20 150 300 500 1,000 3,000 10,000 50,000 JRC products examples
1st Radar (X band) (1) JMA-5200 MKII series (18 cm) MSC.192(79)/IEC 62388
Passenger ship All the ships Passenger ships
Display effective diameter (2) JMA-5300 MKII series (25 cm) MSC.191 (79)/IEC 62288
MSC192 (79) International (3) JMA-7100 series (25 cm) applies to after 2007/7/1.
Except a Othe than passenger ships
1 150-499 GT: 180-mm Convention for ≥ 300GT (4) JMA-9100 series (32 cm)
passenger ship
500-9,999 GT: 250 mm SOLAS (5) JMA-900B series (32 cm)
≥ 10,000 GT: 320 mm
(effctive after 1 July 2008)
Radar with ATA superior to EPA can be MSC.192(79)/IEC 62388
installed. MSC.191 (79)/IEC 62288
International Passenger ship <500GT Passenger ships (1) JMA-5200 MKII series (18 cm) applies to after 2007/7/1.
Electronic plotting Aids (EPA) Convention for (2) JMA-5300 MKII series (25 cm)
2 SOLAS Except a (3) JMA-7100 series (25 cm)
MSC.192(79) 300 GT ≤ △ < 500GT Other than
passenger ship passenger (4) JMA-9100 series (32 cm)
ships (5) JMA-900B series (32 cm)
2nd Radar (S band *) (2) JMA-5300 MKII series (25 cm) MSC.192(79)/IEC 62388
International Passenger ship (3) JMA-7100 series (25 cm) MSC.191 (79)/IEC 62288
MSC.192 (79) Ship
4 Convention for ≥ 3,000GT (4) JMA-9100 series (32 cm) applies to after 2007/7/1.
* X band: is acceptable if the Except a
SOLAS (5) JMA-900B series (32 cm)
Administration permits. passenger ship
(2) JMA-5300 MKII series (25 cm) MSC.192(79)/IEC 62388
2nd Automatic Tracking Aids International Passenger ship (3) JMA-7100 series (25 cm) MSC.191 (79)/IEC 62288
5 (2nd ATA) Convention for 3,000 GT≤ △ < 10,000GT Ship (4) JMA-9100 series (32 cm) applies to after 2007/7/1.
MSC.192(79) SOLAS Except a
(5) JMA-900B series (32 cm)
passenger ship
(4) JMA-9100 series (32cm ARPA) MSC.192(79)/IEC 62388
Automatic Radar Plotting Aids International Passenger ship
(5) JMA-900B series (32cm ARPA) MSC.191 (79)/IEC 62288
6 (ARPA) Convention for ≥ 10,000GT Ship
applies to after 2007/7/1.
MSC.192(79) SOLAS Except a
passenger ship
Carriage requirements for radar
(on or after 1 July 2008)
300GT 500GT 3,000GT 10,000GT
X band
180 mm X band X, S band X, S band
250 mm 250 mm 320 mm
Tracking of Ships (LRIT)
16 Convention for
to be fitted with it after 31 Dec 2008 Except a An owner
SOLAS >=300GT Other than International passenger ships
(subject to navigating sea area) passenger ship international
International - MSC.XXX (86) Carriage Requirements
Passenger ship All the ships Other than International passenger ships
Convention for (about to be adopted by MSC 86)
Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm SOLAS, MSC.128 (75) Performance Standards
17 system (BNWAS) Carriage Other than International passenger ships
to be fitted with it after 1 July 2011 requirement is to Except a An owner
≥ 150GT
be adopted by MSC passenger ship international
9. Maintenance etc. of Radio Equipment
1. On passenger ships and cargo ships of 300 GT and upwards, which are engaged on
international voyages and navigate in sea area A3 and A4, the availability of radio equipment
shall be ensured by using a combination of at least two methods shown below such as
duplication of equipment, shore-based maintenance or at-sea electronic maintenance
capability, as may be approved by the Administration. To ascertain what items are selected, a
document which describes it is to be prepared and carried on board.
(According to SOLAS, it is to be described in Safey Radio Certificate.)
2. On ships (other than passenger ships), which are not engaged on international voyages and
navigate in sea area A1 and A2, and on ships other than passenger ships engaged on
international voyages, which navigate in sea area A3 and A4, any one method among three
methods (1), (2), (3) shown above is used.
3. Satellite EPIRB
1) Annually tested for all aspects of operational efficiency.
2) The test maybe conducted onboard the ship or at an approved testing station.
3) Subject to maintenance at intervals not exceeding five years,to be performed at an
approved shore – based maintenance facility.
10. Duplication of Equipment
Voyage type Auxiliary Radio Equipment
A3 Passenger ships (a) Either the following (1) or (2) Radio Equipment
etc. (1) NBDP, R/T, DSC, DSC W/R by HF and MF
engaged on (2) INMARSAT DP
International (b) VHF Radio Equipment
Ships other than (a) Any one among the following (1) to (4) Radio Equipment
Passenger ships (1) NBDP, DSC, DSC W/R by HF
etc. (2) R/T, DSC, DSC W/R by HF
engaged on (3) INMARSAT DP
International (4) INMARSAT R/T
voyage (b) VHF Radio Equipment (however, ships of less than 100 GT, and ships navigating 2-
hour limited coastal area (3 of Article 2 of Ship Equipment Regulation), etc. are
A2 All the ships (a) Any one among the following (1) to (5) Radio Equipment
(1) NBDP, DSC, DSC W/R by HF
(2) R/T, DSC, DSC W/R by HF
(5) MF R/T and MF DSC
(b) VHF Radio Equipment (however, unnecessary for ships of less than 100 GT)
Note: Ships as shown below other than passenger ship etc engaged on international
voyage. can be fitted with a general radiocommunication equipment etc. (except
Inmarsat R/T or Inmarsat DP) or MF Radiotelephone equipment (limited to equipment
which can exert radiocommunication on ship’s navigation between ship and shore
(1) Ships of less than look GT
(2) Ships other than passenger ships navigating in a greater coasting area, as the
Administration permits.
A1 All the ships VHF Radio Equipment “Ships of less than 100GT other than passenger ship etc engaged
on international voyage. can be fitted with a general radiocommunication equipment etc. or
MF Radiotelephone Equipment (limited to equipment which can exert radiocommunication
on ship’s navigation between ship and shore continuously).”
11. Emergency Source of Electrical Power
and Reserve Power
・SOLAS CHAPTER Ⅱ-1 Part D Electrical INSTALLATIONS Regulation 42, 43
・SOLAS CHAPTER IV Radiocommunications Regulation 13 Sources of energy
11-1 Electric Power Supply (Regarding fishing ship, Japanese rules are introduced below as well)
Ocean/ near
and after February 1, 1995.
No 18H
Fishing ship
(includes product ship, Ocean/ near
No Not apply 18H
power (ES)
When electric power
constructed on and after February 1, 1995.
ES: not mandatory ship
Fishing ship apply
(includes product ship, Ocean/ near
Reserve power (RS)
Note: Maritime Competent Authority considers voyage feature of a ship concerned and admits it, required time can be
based on the time directed by the Authority. (Japan)
11-2 Power Supply system
Emergency Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Main Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Emergency Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Note: * Sufficient capacity is required to operate simultaneously equipment or system specified by Maritime Competent
* Auxiliary power is always supplied to VHF. Moreover, power can be switched to MF, or MF/MHF, or INMARSAT, and
the biggest power consumption in equipment is selected for requirement in this case.
* In equipment which the maritime competent Authority admits, there is a gyrocompass in Inmarsat of the main
The electric supply time to this is separately directed by Maritime Competent Authority.
12. Assignment of Mariners for Radio Part on board
GMDSS ship
Qualification required for maintenance
Passenger A1, A2 - - -
Non-International voyage
A3, A4 - 2 nd Class Mariner 3 rd Class Mariner
Cargo Ship A1, A2, A3, A4 - - -
A1, A2 - - -
Main equipment:
- 2 nd Class Mariner * 4 th Class Mariner
INMARSAT on board
Fishing Ship A3
Main equipment:
- 2 nd Class Mariner 3 rd Class Mariner
MF/HF on board
A4 - 2 nd Class Mariner 3 rd Class Mariner
- A mariner of each class in the list above is referred to as a mariner (electronic radiocommunications).
- The above-mentioned table does not apply, when applying old Ship Safety Law.
Example: Equivalent Fishing ships (Ships, to which the old law applies, is permitted to radiocommunicate with
Morse equipment etc.)
*: In the case of ships which are equipped with INMARSAT, if system is doubled with HF, the Third Class Mariner
(electronic communications) is required.
[ Relations between Radio Operator’s Radio Electronic Certificate of R. R. and Radio law ]
the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure the Ministry of Internal Affairs and International Convention
and Transport Communications (RR: Radio Regulation).
(Marine Personnel Low) (Radio Law)
First-class mariner First-class First-class
(Radiocommunications) General Radio operator Radio Electronic Certificate
(1st REC)
First-class mariner First-class Marine First-class
(Electronic Radiocommunications) Radio operator Radio Electronic Certificate
(1st REC)
Second class mariner Second class Marine Second class
(Electronic Radiocommunications) Radio operator Radio Electronic Certificate
(2nd REC)
Third class mariner Third class Marine General Operator’s Certificate
(Electronic Radiocommunications) Radio operator (GOC)
Fourth class mariner First-class Marine Restricted Operator’s Certificate
(Electronic Radiocommunications) Special Radio operator (ROC)
13. Frequency used in GMDSS
MF 490 kHz
518 kHz (for NAVTEX)
2177.0 kHz 2174.5 kHz 2182.0 kHz
2187.5 kHz
14. JRC Products for Type Approval by Countries, Classification Societies and Others
June 2009
NK (Japan)
RINA (Italy)
BV (France)
South Korea
CCS (China)
GL (Germany)
DNV (Norway)
and Transport)
RMRS (Russia)
Japan (Ministry of
KR (South Korea)
JSS-596 Y Y Y Y Y
JSS-896 Y Y Y Y
JSS-2150 O
JHS-780D Y Y Y Y O Y
Tron SART20 Y Y
NCR-700A Y Y
NCR-333 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Country / Country Classification Society INM
Classification Society
/ and Others
NK (Japan)
RINA (Italy)
BV (France)
South Korea
CCS (China)
GL (Germany)
DNV (Norway)
and Transport)
RMRS (Russia)
Japan (Ministry of
KR (South Korea)
INM -F77 JUE-410F Y Y Y Y
JMA-9912-10DA Y
JMA-9922-6/9XA Y Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-9923-7/9XA Y Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-9933-SA Y Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-9953-9XA Y
Country / Country Classification Society INM
Classification Society
/ and Others
NK (Japan)
RINA (Italy)
BV (France)
South Korea
CCS (China)
GL (Germany)
DNV (Norway)
and Transport)
name RMRS (Russia)
Japan (Ministry of
KR (South Korea)
JMA-5310-6 Y Y Y Y Y
RADAR JMA-5320-7/9 Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-5330-12 Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-5312-6 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-5322-7/9 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-5332-12 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-9110-6XA Y Y Y O Y
JMA-9122-6/9XA Y Y Y Y Y Y O Y
JMA-9123-7/9XA Y Y Y Y Y O Y
Country / Country Classification Society INM
Classification Society
/ and Others
NK (Japan)
RINA (Italy)
BV (France)
South Korea
CCS (China)
GL (Germany)
DNV (Norway)
and Transport)
name RMRS (Russia)
Japan (Ministry of
KR (South Korea)
JMA-7110-6XA Y Y Y Y
JMA-7122-6/9XA Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-7123-7/9XA Y Y Y Y
JMA-7132-SA Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
JMA-7133-SA Y Y Y Y
JMA-922B-6/9XA Y Y Y Y
JLR-7700MK2 Y Y Y Y Y Y
JLR-4331-NV Y Y
Country / Country Classification Society INM
Classification Society
/ and Others
NK (Japan)
RINA (Italy)
BV (France)
South Korea
CCS (China)
GL (Germany)
DNV (Norway)
and Transport)
name RMRS (Russia)
Japan (Ministry of
KR (South Korea)
JAN-901M Y Y Y Y
JAN-701 Y Y Y
JAN-701B/901B Y O
JAN-2000 Y
JAN-701/901M Y
JAN-701B/901B Y Y
VDR JCY-1800 Y Y Y Y Y
S-VDR JCY-1850 Y Y Y Y Y Y
JFE-582 Y Y Y Y
JFE-680/380 Y Y Y Y Y
Y : Type Approoved O: Under application Please ask persopns in charge of bisiness section conerned about detailes and equipment not listed here.
15. Radiocommunication-related Qualification
Certificate of Liberia Flag Ships
In GMDSS, regarding the Radiocommunication-related qualification for the Liberia flag ships,
the followings are required by Liberia Government.
1. Crew of the Liberia Flag Ships are required to have the Qualification Certificate (GOC or REC)
issued by the Liberia Government.
2. Radiocommunications Staff's Qualification and Number which are required of GMDSS Ships.
2-1. In the case that GMDSS equipment‘s maintenance in workshop for GMDSS Ships,
navigating across A1 sea area, is selected.
Two navigation officers who possess GOC, or
One full-time radio operator who posses 1st Class REC, or 2nd Class REC.
* The qualification certificate shall be that the Liberia government issues.
2-2. In the case that onboard maintenance of GMDSS equipment for GMDSS Ships,
navigating across A1 sea area, is selected.
An inquiry is required for Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.
GOC: It is "General Operator's Certificate" of Rule C, Chapter III A, Article 55th of ITU R
Radiocommunication Regulation.
REC: It is “1st class or 2nd class Radio Electronic Certificate" of Rule C, Chapter III A, Article
55th of ITU R Radiocommunication Regulation.
16. Radiocommunication-related Qualification
Certificate of Panama Flag Ships
In GMDSS, regarding the Radiocommunication-related qualification for the Panama flag ships,
the followings are required by Liberia Government.
1. Crew of the Panama Flag Ships are required to have the Qualification Certificate (GOC or REC)
issued by the Panama Government.
2. Radiocommunications Staff's Qualification and Number which are required of GMDSS Ships
2-1. In the case that GMDSS equipment‘s maintenance in workshop for GMDSS Ships,
navigating across A1 sea area, is selected.
Two on-duty navigation officers (Captain and one navigation officer, or two navigation
officer) who possess GOC, or
One full-time radio operator who posses GOC.
* The qualification certificate shall be a certificate that the Panama government issues.
2-2. In the case that onboard maintenance of GMDSS equipment for GMDSS Ships,
navigating across A1 sea area, is selected.
One full-time radio operator who possesses GMDSS Radio Electronic-First or second
class Qualification Certificate issued by the Panama government, and
One navigation officer who possesses GMDSS Radio Operator-Restricted, or General
Qualification Certificate issued by the Panama government
* A qualification certificate shall be that the Panama government issues.
GOC: It is "General Operator's Certificate" of Rule C, Chapter III A, Article 55th of ITU R
Radiocommunication Regulation.
REC: It is “1st class or 2nd class Radio Electronic Certificate" of Rule C, Chapter III A, Article
55th of ITU R Radiocommunication Regulation.
17. DSC ( Digital Selective Calling )
- DSC is the name of Communication Technology with which radio stations set up
communication links with other stations or groups and can transmit information using a digital
coded signals.
Generally, the word “DSC” is referred to as for calling the modulator and demodulator which
adopted DSC technology.
- The technical requirements of DSC is prescribed in “CCIR Recommendation 493-3 and
Position information
2187.5 kHz
(Assigned frequency)
Position information
Calling Calling Acknowledge
Frequency Identification Device
person method establishment
Morse etc. Radio operator
500 kHz Only Radio Auto keyer/
Previous by Manual/ identifies call sign unstable and low.
2182 kHz operator Auto alarm
Automatically by hearing..
MF/HF: less than
Anyone 3min,
2187.5 kHz Digital code DSC identifies
(Special-sk Watching VHF: immediately
DSC HF (9 bits) automatically not less than
ills is not DSC Call
VHF Automatic digital code called 95% within 300
Wave Modulation
DSC Baud rate Specification Remarks
type frequency
F1B 1700±85 Hz CLASS A compatible with
For MF/HF 100 bauds
J2B 1700±85 Hz CCIR full specifications IMO requirements.
( Comparison of DSC )
Composition of DSC signals. In the case of distress call
(1) Dot pattern
In order to ensure synchronization certainly and fast, a B signal and a Y
Dot pattern signal are sent out by turns.
MF/HF distress sequence: 200 bits
Except for the above, and VHF: 20 bits
Sequence (2) Synchronizing sequence
Receiver synchronizes correctly and the position of information sent is
decided correctly.
(3) Call type (format)
Assignment of Distress, all ships, individual, sea area, fleet call, or VHF
automatic service
(5) (4) Identification of the someone who is called (address)
In other than distress and all ship calls, it is applicable, and when
pinpointing the area on geography and calling, the rectangle on a
Category mercato figure can be selected.
(5) Priority of a call (category)
ID When a call other than distress call is selected in (3), the priority, of
distress, emergency, safety, the pritority decision of ships, or narmal call,
is selected.
2) (6) Identification of own station
Telecommand and informing
The nine-digit number which the Competent Authority of the Flag State
2 assigns to the ships to which are entitled to fly its flag.
(7) In * distress call, it consists of the following four reports.
3 Report 1: Kind of distress
3) Report 2: Position of the ship in distress (number 9 is used when no
position information is input)
Report 3: UTC in Distress (number 8 is used when no time information is
*) input)
Report 4: Communication type after successful call
EOS (telecommand 1)
18. EGC ( Enhanced Group Call )
18-1 Outline
- EGC is the one-way broadcasting function to send messages to the ships of the specific group
from land using the INMARSAT C communications system.
Specific ship
- Hydrographic specific fleet
Department Specific sea area
- Meteorological Agency Specific flag ships
- Rescue Cordination
headquarters All ships
- Shipping companys
- News' service
- In EGC, when its function is synchronizing with COMMON CHANNEL of NCS (NETWORK
COODINATING STATION) of INMARSAT in the sea area around there, in the condition of being
ready for receiving, the following two services are applicable.
18-3 Fleet-NET Service
This is a commercial broadcasting service for members. Shipping companys and data providers
permitted by the government, contract with CES and they broadcast to SES of the specific groups.
It is expected that service will be expanded by companies other than CIGNATRY of INMARSAT
from now on.
In the most case, members are charged. The contents is as follows.
- In order to receive the broadcast for each sea area correctly, it is desirable to interface the
device with any of proper navigational equipment, and to update own ship’s position
automatically with the data obtained from the navigational equipment.
19-1 Outline
* Free telex service from the Land station to ships within the area of about 400 miles away from
the seashore.
* Broadcast repeatedly safety and alarm information of navigation and weather by in the
common and global frequency “518kHz FIB mode” (CFEC mode).
* Shore stations are divided into each group of NAVAREA, and they sure located every about
400 miles along the main coastline.
* In Japan, five stations such as Otaru, Kushiro, Yokohama, Moji and Naha, have started their
services by February, 1992, and are operated by Japan Coast Guard.
* The NAVTEX receiver in a ship navigating near any coast station receives and prints a
message automatically.
* From August 1, 1993, mandatory ships of 300 GT and upwards are requird to be equipped with
* Regarding installation, any special procedure is unnecessary, but, equipment type-aprroved by
the Competent Authority of the ship, shall be installed.
* In order to prevent interference by the single frequency in the same sea area, it is broadcasted
periodically, and transmitted electric power is limited.
* 24 coast stations within NAVAREA are divided into four groups, each station broadcasts once
in 4 hours for 10 minutes. But distress alert or important alarms are broadcasted at any time.
* Although messages are repeatedly broadcasted for improvement of reception probability, since
the same message is not printed even if it is received, there is no waste of a recording paper.
19-2 Concept of NAVTEX System
Buoyage Authority
Electronic navaids Surveillance of
Offshore Operater the first Ice
Govt. Departments distress
Reports from ships
Message Report of the
NAVAREA coordination weather
Automatic processing
Selection by operator 518-kHz receiver
Distribution table of a transmitting schedule
(As of 2008)
NAVAREA XI air time (UTC)
C SINGAPORE SINGAPORE 0020 0420 0820 1220 1420 2020
E INDONESIA JAKARTA 0040 0440 0840 1240 1640 2040
G NAHA 0100 0500 0900 1300 1700 2100
H MOJI 0110 0510 0910 1310 1710 2110
I JAPAN YOKOHAMA 0120 0520 0920 1320 1720 2120
J OTARU 0130 0530 0930 1330 1730 2130
K KUSHIRO 0140 0540 0940 1340 1740 2140
L HONG KONG 0150 0550 0950 1350 1750 2150
M SANYA 0200 0600 1000 1400 1800 2200
N GUANGZHOU 0210 0610 1010 1410 1810 2210
O FUZHOU 0220 0620 1020 1420 1820 2220
Q SHANGHAI 0240 0640 1040 1440 1840 2240
R DALIAN 0250 0650 1050 1450 1850 2250
V USA GUAM 0100 0500 0900 1300 1700 2100
W KOREA PYONSAN 0340 0740 1140 1540 1940 2340
Printing and Decipherment of NAVTEX message
ZCZC: start of
Miswritten word is
expressed with *.
(A-Z) L A 49
Identification Code of
transmitting station
Serial number of message
(00 is printed in all the ships within the coverage)
20. Satellite EPIRB
( Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon )
Receiving Power
Frequency Position check Operation
station supply
406.025 Operated
406.028 COSPAS/ Lithium battery
About 5km Automatically
EPIRB 406.037 SARSAT Valid life: five
98% of probability / by manual
121.5MHz satellite years
Only visible range
406 MHz All over the COSPAS/SARSAT maximum waiting Calculated
time : 406.037MHz at shore station etc.
band world Polar orbitting
110 minutes (high stability
20-3 System ( COSPAS/SARSAT Satellites ) on Land and in Space
- The SARSAT system by US, Canada and French and the COSPAS system of Russia started
to operate together as the global system for the position finding of a plane in the accident at
the time of the airplane accident in 1982. Then IMO accepted the usability of it and put it into
operation from July, 1998
- At the first stage, The Cospas-Sarsat Low-altitude Earth Orbit System for Search and Rescue
(LEOSAR) orbiting at the height of 1,000km above the ground were used.
From 1996, the Geostationary Orbit Satellite Search and Rescue system (GEOSAR) of which
satellites stay on the equator about 36,000km above ground was also established.
In 2005, Medium-Altitude Earth Orbit Navigation Satellite Systems (MEOSAR) which goes
around the earth about 20,000km above the ground started to be developed.
AS of July, 2006, seven(7) LEOSAR(s) (Low-Altitude Earth-Orbit Satellite: SARSAT satellite :
five satellites , COSPAS satellite : 2 satellites), and five(5) GEOSAR(s) (Geostationary Orbit
Satellite) are in operation for COSPAS/SARSAT service. 75 satellites of MEOSAR were to be
launched in due order from 2005, but MEOSAR system is still under test.
- LUT (Local User Terminal ) : receive the electric wave from satellites.
The data relayed from a satellite is received at LUT, the position of a wrecked ship is
calculated based on the orbital data of the satellite from MCC, and it is sent to MCC.
The following LUT exists for each Satellite System used.
LEOLUT (for Low-Altitude Earth-Orbit Satellite System)
GEOLUT (for Geostationary Orbit Satellite System)
MEOLUT (for Medium-Altitude Earth Orbit Navigation Satellite System)
- MCC (Mission Control Center) : distribute data.
One LUT of the area or a country deals with the function of MCC, and controls distress alerts
and orbital demand data to all the LUT(s). It requests Rescue activities of RCC.
- RCC (Rescue Coordination Center) : coordinate rescue activities.
- From equipment onboard ships, transmit the identification signal (there are three kinds) of the
vessel which is digitally coded in the form of a burst as mentioned above. In the LEOSAR
satellite, in order to calculate a position from which was initiated by measuring the doppler
shifts of a signal, very high short-term frequency stability is needed.
- The following information is inputted into the 406MHz beacon.
(1) MMSI : It consists of nine-digit number, and the first 3 digit numbers means the ships
name, the 6 remaining gidit numbers means ship’s identification number (0-9)
which the Competent Authority of the flag state designate. (refer to APPENDIX
43 of R.R. for further details)
(2) RADIO CALL SIGN : Call sign assigned to the vessel
(3) SERIALIZED ID : So to speak, it is the serial number of EPIRB, and when EPIRB is
installed in a vessel, it is registered with the database of MCC.
20-5 Maintenace
- When the nationality of a ship is changed, it is necessary to rewrite the identification number
currently written in ROM in EPIRB. Proper device is needed for wrting. (Refer to B-44 pages)
- lithium battery JQE-3A is 11.2VDC. Installation deadline and expiration date for use is as
follows below.
- lithium battery JQE103 is 8.4VDC. Installation deadline and expiration date for use is as
follows below.
20-7 EPIRB ITU-R Coding
(1) Outline of transmission signal structure
10 bits 36 bits
Satellite-Visible Area of Cospas-Sarsat Operational LEOLUTs (December 2007)
GEOSAR Ground Segment Status (December 2007)
21. INMARSAT System
21-1 Background of INMARSAT
INMARSAT was first established as the International Maritime Satellite Organization. The process
was began with the study of introduction of satellite communication technology by IMO
(International Maritime Organization) as substitution of the maritime telecommunication which was
mainly dependent on short-wave radiocommunication so that it may aim at development of the
means of communication for maritime and quality of maritime telecommunication. As a result of
the study by IMO, the intergovernmental meeting was held in 1971 in response to the guideline "it
is appropriate that every country in the world uses a single maritime satellite system together", and
the "Treaty on INMARSAT" and the "INMARSAT Operation Agreement" were adopted in 1976.
The INMARSAT headquarters was founded in British London and the full-scale maritime satellite
communication service has started since 1982.
After that, INMARSAT revised the treaty, in order to open a Space portion subsequently to a Land
Mobile Communication, Aviation and, and it changed the name into the IIMSO (International
Mobile Satellite Organization.
Along with the trend of privatization of the communication in each country in the latter part of
1990’s, a study on privatization was made aiming at efficient management of INMARSAT and at
raising funds for next-generation satellite system etc. As a result of the study made for several
years, an agreement was made as follows. (1) Operating department is separated from
INMARSAT and only a supervisor function (Plenary meeting, secretariat) as an International
mobile satellite Organization is left. (2) The operation department is placed under control of a
commercial company which is newly established. After revising the treaty, Inmarsat was formally
shifted to the private management company from the international organization in April, 1999.
Privatized INMARSAT, in order to realize flexible financing, was aimed at IPO (Initial Public
Offering) within two years after privatization, but IPO continued to be unrealizable because the
satellite company which was planning new entry into iridium, etc. failed in administrating and
because stock quotations hovered around in those days. Under such a situation, Apax and
Permira, which were Europe leading private equity fund companies, purchased the INMARSAT’s
stocks in December, 2003 and got a majority of stocks of he holding company group (four
companies, such as Inmarsat Group Holding Ltd) newly established and became the largest
* A beam of satellite, which covers the earth surface of which holizontal line can be seen from a
satellite, is called a global beam. On the other hand, a narrow beam, which irradiates a part of
earths, is called a spot beam and therefore, high powerful irradiation is realized compared with a
global beam.
Service link
Mobile 1.6/1.5GHz
station Feeder ring
station Satellite Land earth Land earth Land earth
Administration station station station
Network Operation Communications Operation
control management Network office management
office office
Gateway Gateway
office office
network Public correspondence network Public Data
telecommunication system is a communication system using the geostationary satellites on the
geostationary orbit in the equatorial space of 36000 km high above sea level. Since the whole
earth was mostly covered by arranging three satellites at equal intervals on an orbit theoretically,
INMARSAT was also the system which used three satellites at the beginning. However, since
three satellite’s position was not equally spaced in the space because of the positions of Land
Earth Stations of each country, dead spaces of telecommunication existed in a portion of Pacific
Ocean and in a portion of Atlantic Ocean. Then, for effective use of the reserve satellites launched
on the orbit in the time of the 2nd generation satellite, and for dispersion of communication
channels, the Atlantic Ocean Western Region Satellite was launched in order to complement the
communication dead spaces as mentioned above. Finally, the 4 Ocean Space Satellite System
was established.
Furthermore, the old system was developed to the today’s high reliability system deploying the
reserve satellites which stay in the vicinity of each main operative satellite individually.
hen, from the position of effective use of the administrative resources needed by privatization, the
reserve satellite were moved to the position (about 40-degree interval between two satellites) at
which enables reuse of frequency between the present satellite in operation and reserve satellites
and reserve satellites are utilized for link lease service. Now 11 satellites are always in operation
in the sum total of the main satellites and the reserve satellites including two sets of I-4 satellite.
Moreover, the contingency plan (for emergency operation) was prepared in operation of the
satellite telecommunication system and it is applied in each case of satellite failure.
The number
of 4 4+1 Reserve 3
The number 200 narrow spot +
Wide spot beam
of Global beam 19 wide spot +
+ global beam
beams Global beam
39dBW 49dBW 67dBW
700kg 1000kg 3000kg
(dry mass)
1500kg 2050kg 6000kg
at Launching
Life time
10 years 13 years 10 years
21-4 Terminal of INMARSAT System
The system took over from MARISAT was called INMARSAT A, and then INMARSAT B, C and D
in alphabetic order was named every time system was developed. The system has been
developed from Analog to Digital, and it is now following the way of miniaturization and
improvement in the speed. The outline of INMARSAT systems is described below.
(1) INMARSAT A system
“INMARSAT A “ system was operated in supplying maritime telecommunication service for a long
life of 20 years since the system service was started in 1982. It can supply FAX and data
communication besides telephone and telex. The modulation method used in space uses the
narrow band FM analog modulation for telephone link. “INMARSAT A “ service was brought to an
end on and after December 31, 2007, from a viewpoint of effective use of frequencies for satellite
system and repair part supply.
(2) INMARSAT B system
“INMARSAT B” system was introduced as a succeeding system of “INMARSAT A “ in order to
resolve the problem of increase in Maritime satellite telecommunication traffic. Voice signal and
the whole communication channels were digitized and band became the narrower than
“INMARSAT A”. In “INMARSAT B” system, various services of telephone, telex, FAX of 9.6kbps,
data and the high-speed data of 64kbps can be used.
(3) INMARSAT M system
Digital technology was applied to it as well as “INMARSAT B” system, and the merit obtained by
digitization was applied to miniaturization of a mobile earth station terminal unit. In INMARSAT M
system, services of telephone, FAX of 2.4kbps and data can be used.
(4) INMARSAT C system
“INMARSAT C” system was developed so that it may be installed to small vessels or
long-distance transport tracks, and message communication and data communication by the
so-called accumulation transfer (Store and Transfer) system are possible for it. In “INMARSAT C”
system, communication between mobile terminals and telex terminals/ data terminals is possible,
in addition, messages from mobile terminal can be output to a FAX terminal, and messages can
be transferred to mobile terminals from land earth station simultaneously.
(5) INMARSAT mini M system
Digital technology was applied to “INMARSAT mini M” as well as “INMARSAT M/B” system, in
addition to it, it was further miniaturized more than M system by using the spot beam which was
utilized on and after the 3rd generation satellite of INMARSAT. By use of spot beams, It was
possible to attain further reduction in antenna gain and transmission power, and the merit of using
spot beams has been applied to miniaturization and lightweight of a mobile earth terminal unit. It
can offer services of telephone, FAX and data transfer as well as M system, and its service is
applied to IC card telephone service called credit card communication or SIM (Subscriber Identity
(6) INMARSAT D+ system
This system is the smallest in the INMARSAT system and has a data terminal with a directional
and hemispherical antenna. It was born as a satellite pager and can transmit the response
massage to the polling signal from land. In Japan, it ihas been used as SSAS (Ship Security Alert
System) from 2004.
(7) INMARSAT F system
This system was introduced as a successor to INMARSAT A service which ended in December,
2007, and three kinds of systems, F77, F55, and F33, are working. In order of the antenna caliber,
F77’s is the largest, F55’s is second and F33 is the smallest. .
F77 and F55 system have function of line switching type data-communications (ISDN) of 64kbps
and a packet-switching type data-communications (MPDS : Mobile Packet Data Service), and
have the function which was adapted for the Internet communications, such as always-connection.
On the other hand, F33 has functions of line switching type data-communications of 9.6kbps.and
the above-mentioned MPDS function. With the ISDN function of 128kbps added, F77 is also
equipped with the functions of distress alert communication and emergency communication in
navigation of vessels, and has the function that , in distress or emergency, cutting communication
of low priority, F77 transmits distress signals and emergency signals and surely receives distress
signals and emergency signals from land.
(8) INMARSAT BGAN/Fleet Broadband system
In INMARSAT, INMARSAT BGAN service offered by the 4th generation satellite is regarded as the
satellite version of the third generation mobile phone (3GUMTS:3 rd Generation Universal Mobile
Telecommunications System). For interfacing in wireless communication area, the TDM/TDMA
system of INMARSAT original specification, which is different form W-CDMA (Wideband-Code
Division Multiple Access), is utilized. And for interfacing with land station, called core network
(CN), .the system of the same specification as 3G UMITS is used.
This system was introduced as a land mobile communication system in the ends of the year of
2005, and Fleet Broadband (FB) was introduced as a marine mobile communication in November,
21-5 SSAS ( Ship Security Alert System )
It aims at notifying of the Competent Authorities of SOLAS Convention Contracting Governments
and management companies, without being noticed by anyone, when a vessel is attacked by
armed groups, such as terrorists and pirates, or when danger is drawing near.
SSAS is required by SOLAS chapter XI-1/XI-2 and International Code for the Security of Ships
and of Port Facilities (ISPS code).
(1) Ships to be installed with equipment as scheduled below
Object vessel At the time Until first radio Until first radio
of inspection on inspection on
Voyage New Ship type Construction and after July 1, and after July 1,
Construction 2004 2006
Existing Ship
1. passenger •
International Construction on
voyage and after July 1,
passenger craft)
.2 cargo ships,
high-speed craft)
500 G/T and
.3 Mobile offshore
drilling units; and
.4 Port facilities
serving such
ships engaged on
Construction ships(including
before July 1, high-speed
2004 passenger craft)
The following
cargo boat of 500
G/T and
Gas/bulk carrier
High-speed cargo
The following •
cargo boat of 500
GT and upwards
Mobile offshore
drilling units
Port facilities
serving such ships
engaged on
Constructed on
Non-international and after July 1, Installation: not required
voyage 2004
before July 1, Installation: not required
(2) Requirements for equipment
- Power supply
Supplied by main power supply inboard and also inboard alternative power supply.
- Alerting place
There need to be at least two alert places. One should be on Bridge.
- Operation
Adjustments for Alert equipment (tuning, change in the mode, etc.) is not needed.
Any inboard alarms should not happen.
- Transmitting system
Vessel identification ID and ship’s position are included in signal transmitted.
It is transmitted to shore stations.
(3) Installation guidance (MSC/Circ.1072)
MSC/Circ.1072 (Guidance on Provision of Ship Security Alert System) was adopted by IMO
(International Maritime Organization in May, 2003 as follows.
- Alert is able to be transmitted from ship, without being noticed by anyone onboard.
- Transmission method is possible to choose freely.
- The means and equipment, which sends alerts, should be based on the following
.1 Method of using tracking system provided by existing Vessel Surveillance system by
Satellite Communications.
.2 Method of using GMDSS equipment etc. (by equipment newly being installed or by
modification of existing equipment).
.3 Method of exchanging messages including "Keyword" between the vessel and the
company side by using satellite communication services.
21-6 LRIT ( Long Range Identification and Tracking )
Long-Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) system provides for the global identification and
tracking of ships.
- LRIT system is mandatory required by IMO.
- The system transmits the individual information belonging to each vessel (Ship’s
Communication ID, Ship’s position) periodically from Inmarsat-C equipment or other
communication equipment onboard a vessel. Transmission interval can be changed by a
remote control signal from a Land station.
- installation is required on the following ships
.1 passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft;
.2 cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 300 GT and upwards; and
.3 mobile offshore drilling units.
- to be installed until the first radio survey on and after December 31, 2008.
(1) LRIT system
LRIT system is an architecture as shown in the figure below. LRIT information on each ship to
fly the flag of each Contracting State is managed by the Data Center of each Contracting State.
The LRIT information on each ship to fly the flag of another Contracting State is obtained by
requesting the Data Center of another Contracting State to send it .
ASP: Application
Service Provider
A State
Data Center
A State
Data Center
A State’s
B State’s
Government CSP: Communication
Organization Service Provider
(Land) LRIT Data
A State’s
A2, A3 and A4, not later than the first survey of the radio installation after 1 July 2009.
However, these ships shall comply with the provisions of subparagraph .2 above whilst
they operate within sea areas A1, A2 and A3.
.4 Ships, irrespective of the date of construction, fitted with AIS unit , and operated
exclusively within sea area A1, shall not be required to comply with the provisions of this
New ships
Constructed on and Ships shall be installed
Except ships operating
after 31 December 31, with LRIT
exclusively in A1 sea -
2008 Until the first radio survey
(International Voyage after 31 December, 2008
Ships operating
exclusively in A1 sea Not required (AIS shall be fitted.)
Ships operating in
A2 sea area.
Existing ships
Ships operating in A1, Ships shall be installed
Constructed before 31
A2 and A3 sea area. with LRIT
December 31, 2008 -
Until the first radio survey
(International Voyage Ships operating in A1, after 31 December, 2008
ship) A2 A3 and A4 sea
Usually operating in
A1, A2 and A3
Ships shall be installed with
Ships operating in A1,
A2 A3 and A4 sea -
Until the first radio survey
after 1 July , 2009
(Note: Since Inmarsat-C dose not cover A4 sea area (Polar Regions), JUE-85/95LT/75C cannot be applied to A4
sea area operation.)
(6) Requirements for LRIT terminal
Required by MSC.210(81), MSC.254(83) and MSC.242(83)
- Transmit LRIT information automatically every 6 hours.
- transmitting interval (from 15 minutes to 6 hours) is possible to change by remote control
from land.
- Transmit LRIT information by polling.
21-7 INMARSAT coverage area
22. NBDP ( Shortwave Narrow-band Direct Printing System )
22-1 Outline
It is the NBDP system, that it has the function of correcting erroneous characters using shortwave
bands, direct communication between offices and ships is possible through International Telex line
as well, automatic receiving is possible and the speed (maximum about 400 characters per minute
by International method) of it is 3 to 4 times than the speed of Morse communication, etc.
Automation of communication and avoiding workloads are possible.
23. SART ( Search & Rescue Radar Transponder )
As for maritime distress, although the various kinds of methods, such as SOS alerting by
radiotelegraphy, radiophone, the emergency radio equipment, or EPIRB, etc. has been applied to
distress informing, any of methods above cannot become ideal ones.
The reason is that, firstly even if distress alert is transmitted but the information about it is not
processed fully. Secondly, a position at which a distress occurs cannot be identified rather
correctly. Due to those reasons, Search and rescue operation may be carried out in the rather
wide sea area and then it takes time. Thirdly, with the time elapsing after an occurrence of
distress, liferafts are drifted by current, wind, etc. and then the position of it also changes.
Moreover, regarding direction finding equipment searching HF and V/UHF band, there is a fault
that, as accuracy measured is not enough to search, search and rescue sea area will become
Radar Transponder system was designed for developing more effective search and rescue
operation, in the case ships or airplanes may be in distress in the sea or in the similar cases.
In any case above, it is for 9 GHz band radar (marine radars for ships, radars for search and
rescue airplanes, etc.), several dots behind every radar target detectdd are indicated on a radar
disply, and information of direction and range about target and such peculiar dotted symbols can
inform the distress.
Generally, in the case of radars for ships, the average effective range of SART is about 10
nautical miles, and in the case of radars for search and rescue airplanes, it is about 30 nautical
miles (Accoring to data in some states, it is 50-60 nautical miles). there is a report that, in any case,
after initial detection of targets, the positions of the targets can be pinpointed.
Navigation System
Communication System
Alerting Stage Planning Stage Transit Stage Search Stage Rescue stage
Incident Occurence RCC Notification SAR Resource Arrival at Search by Sighting of Object Rescue
Tasking Search Area SART
( Example: SART code on a radar indicator for ships )
SART position
Search ship
Distance to SART
24. MSI ( Maritime Safety Information Service )
24-1 WWNWS ( World Wide Navigational Warning Service )
WWNWS, which was established by WMO (World Meteorological Organization) and IHO
(International Hydrographic Organization), broadcasts weather information and navigation alarms
for ships navigating. For every sea area called NAVAREA divided into 16 in sea area,
broadcasting is carried out on CW and TELEX periodically.
Services are roughly following two types.
(1) NAVAREA SERVICE.... Service for navigation in Oceans
NAVAREA SERVICE broadcasts obstructions to navigation for ships (engaged on the
international voyage) navigating at a long distance from shores. Broadcast coverage areas
are the NAVAREA area and the neighboring areas 700 miles outside it. Broadcast is
performed in English, and in addition to A1A mode, FEC (FOWARD ERROR CORRECTION)
mode is used if required.
In GMDSS, eight waves of 4210.0, 6314.0, 8416.5, 12579.0, 16806.5, 19680.5, 22376.0 and
26100.5 kHz are used by NBDP for broadcast of MSI.
U.T.C.(Universal Time Coordinated)
It is a universally coordinated artificial time, which is always adjusted within error of 0.9 or less seconds
compared with universal time (U.T.), while the atomic time is ticking away the time.
Note: HF NBDP system can be used in order to provide the auxiliary equivalent
service to EGC Safety-NET.
C. Radiocommunications
1. Abbreviation for International Telex Communication
Abbreviation Meanings
2. Phonetic alphabets list
Identifier Pronunciation Identifier Pronunciation
Character Character
Word (based on the Latin alphabet) Word (based on the Latin alphabet)
Number Identifier
Character word
0 Nadazero NAH – DAH – ZAY - ROH
1 Unaone OO – NAH - WUN
2 Bissotwo BEES – SOH - TOO
3 Terrathree TAY - RAH - TREE
4 Kartefour KAR – TAY - FOWER
5 Pantafive PAN – TAY - FIVE
6 Soxisis SOK – SEE - SIX
7 Sstteseven SAY – TAY - SEVEN
8 Oktoeeight OK – TOH - AIT
9 Novenine NO – VAY - NINER
Decimal DAY – SEE - MAL
Full stop Stop
3. DSC / NBDP Station Frequency List
Commands used are as follows.
BRK+= cancellation of connection of radiocommunications.
CEMAILnn+= transmissions of E-mail reporting by Kanji(Japanese latter).
CFAXxy+= transmissions of FAX reporting by Kanji(Japanese latter).
CHISREP= transmissions of Chinese Ship Report (in accordance with Laws of China Authority).
CMUFAXxy,xy…+= transmissions of FAX reporting by Kanji (to multiple members).
direct connection to telex members, x means a country number which starts from 0,
y means a member’s number.
EMAILnn+= transmission of an E-mail report in a Western language to Internet/E-mail.
transmission of a report in a Western language to a facsimile member, x means a
FAXxy+= country number which starts from 00 or area code which starts from 0, y means a
facsimile member’s number.
FREQ+= reporting of hearing information (frequency) by a ship station.
HELP+(HLP+)= available Commands list.
INF+= request of information list which system can provide.
KKKK= finish of connection to land channel.
MED+= connection to medical channel.
MSG+= request of communication.
transmission of a report in Western language to multiple facsimile members, x
MULFAXxy,xy…+= means a country number which starts from 00 or area code which starts from 0, y
means a facsimile member’s number.
transmission of store and forward report to multiple telex members, x means a
country number which starts from 0, y means a telex member’s number.
request of retransmission of the latest navigation alarm number (in English) and its
list number.
request of retransmission of the latest navigation alarm number (in Chinese) and its
list number.
OBS+= transmission of ship weather information.
OPR+= operator’s operation (OCC means a operator is in communication).
QRC+= means ship AAIC information.
RPT+= request of retransmission list of navigation alarm etc.
STA+= request of distribution information of report available within 24 hours.
STS+= transmission of information between ships.
SVC+= transmission of business report.
TEST+(TST+)= request of QBF message(test message).
TGM+= transmission of radiotelegram message.
transmission of store and forward report to telex members, x means a country
number which starts from 0, y means a telex member’s number.
request the connection with the operator. this command is used only in an
WX+= request to receive a weather report immediately.
4. Weather Facsimile
4-1 WMO ( World Meteorological Organization ) Broadcasting Station and
Country Station name Call sign Frequency (kHz)
4-2 Meteorological Agency ( JMH )
Broadcast schedule and Frequency
"The following schedule table is issued by JMH."
Japan Meteorological Agency homepage: Weather Radio Facsimile (JMH)
4-3 Weather Facsimile Specification & Term
4-3-1 Facsimile
(1) Recording method
There are some methods such as electric-discharge-recording method using needles for
recording, thermal-recording method using a thermal head, etc. in storage devices.
- Recording-needle method:
supply voltage to recording paper (1 needle-method, 3 needle-method)
- Thermal head Method:
supply heat to recording paper (solid method, sliding method)
(2) Recording paper
There are two kinds of recording paper such as electric-discharge-recording paper and
thermal-recording paper, depending on recording methods.
- Electric-discharge-recording paper:
AC high-voltage destruction method (smells)
DC low-voltage destruction method (aluminum-vapor-deposition paper etc.)
- Thermal-recording paper:
reacts to heat and then colors. Its storage is taken into account.
(3) Effective width of paper
The width with which information are drawn actually is called “Effective width”. This is the
basis of the calculation of the density of scanning lines (below paragraph 4), using a
cooperation coefficient.
(4) Cooperation coefficient/ density of scanning lines
(a) When the paper size for transmission device is different from the paper size for
recording device, coefficient 288 and 576 are defined as similar figures, but in most
cases, transmission is made by using 576.
(b) The relation between recording paper width and line density is as follows.
Recording 10-inch 12-inch 14-inch 15-inch
paper size recording paper recording paper recording paper recording paper
Cooperation 288 576 288 576 288 576 288 576
Line density 3.5l /mm 7l /mm 3l /mm 6l /mm 2.5l /mm 5l /mm 2.4l /mm 4.7l /mm
(1) START signal (2) STOP signal (3) Phase signal
675Hz The number of 450 Hz At each scanning speed,
cooperation coefficient: (Common) black is 95% and white is
Select any one from 5%.
300Hz The number of
cooperation coefficient:
Select any one from 576.
4-3-2 Receiver
(1) Radio Wave Type: F3C
Although there is a subcarrier method by direct FS and SSB, the same wave type is used.
Moreover, a photograph broadcast is performed by FM method and the same wave type is
5. MF/HF Radio Equipment
Specification / Performance
(1) General
a. Transmit frequency: 1605.0 to 27500.0 kHz
b. Receive frequency: 90.0 to 29999.9 kHz
c. Frequency deviation: Less than ±10 Hz
d. Radio Wave Type: J3E, F1B (J2B)
e. Antenna impedance: 50 ohms Unbalance
f. Frequency shift time: Less than 15 seconds
g. Main power supply: AC100/220V±10%
h. Auxiliary power: DC24V+30%/-10%
(2) Transmitter
a. Output power: HF band: 150W, 250W or 500W, (depending on each model,
main power supply in use)
b. Occupied Bandwidth: J3E: within 3 kHz, F1B: within 0.5 kHz
c. Carrier power: J3E: not lees than damping ratio 40 dB
d. Intensity of spurious emission:
43 dB lower than fundamental frequency, and 50 mW or less
e. Attenuation for every frequency of unnecessary emission
J3E: 1.5 - 4.5kHz: not less than 31 dB,
4.5 - 7.5 kHz: not less than 38 dB,
above 7.5kHz: not less than 43 dB
(However, Peak power of unnecessary emission: 50 mW or less)
F1B (J2B):
Attenuation (dB)
(3) Receiver
a. Frequency stability: within ±10 Hz
b. Sensitivity (SINAD 20dB)
J3E: 6.3μV or less (1605.0 to 4000.0 kHz), 3.5 μV or less (4000.0 to 27500.0 kHz)
F1B: 1.8μV -or less (1605.0 to 4000.0 kHz), 1.0 μV or less (4000.0 to 27500.0 kHz)
c. Selectivity
J3E: 2.4 to 3.0 kHz (6dB bandwidth), within ±2.1kHz (66dB bandwidth)
F1B: 270 to 300 Hz (6dB bandwidth), within ±550Hz (60dB bandwidth)
d. Spurious response
J3E: Not less than 60 dB
F1B: Character error rate: 1% or less (when interfered by an interfering wave which is
31.6 mV and is 750 Hz off a desired wave with 10μV)
e. Sensitivity suppression effect
J3E: Interfering wave input voltage: not less than 10mV
An interfering wave causes 3dB suppression of a desired wave output with10μV and
is 3 kHz off a desired wave.
F1B: Character error rate: 1% or less (when interfered by an interfering wave which is 1
mV and is 500 Hz off a desired wave with 10μV)
f. Total distortion and noise: ratio of low frequency 1000Hz to unnecessary component
included in it: not less than 30 dB (when an input signal with 30μV is added.)
g. Electric waves etc. which are emitted secondarily:
power emitted from an antenna terminal: 4nW or less
(4) DSC Watchkeeping Receiver
a. Frequency: 2187.5 kHz/ 8414.5 kHz / 4207.5 kHz/ 6312.0 kHz/12577 kHz/ 16804.5 kHz
b. Frequency Stability: Less than ±10 Hz
c. Sensitivity: Character error rate: 1% or less, at 1μV of reception input voltage
d. Bandwidth: width 6 dB: 270 to 300 Hz, width 30dB: within ±380Hz,
width 60dB: within ±550Hz
e. Spurious response: Character error rate: 1% or less (when interfered by an interfering
wave which is 31.6 mV and is 750 Hz off a desired wave with10μV)
f. Sensitivity suppression effect
Character error rate: 1% or less (when interfered by an interfering wave which is 1 mV
and is 500 Hz off a desired wave with 10μV)
g. Electric waves etc. are secondarily emitted:
power emitted from an antenna terminal: 4nW or less
(5) DSC modem
a. Modulation rate: within 100 baud ± 30 ppm
b. Modulation: FSK (subcarrier: 1700 Hz)
c. Y signal frequency: within 1615Hz±0.5Hz
d. B signal frequency: within 1785Hz±0.5Hz
e. Protocol: ITU-R recommendation M.493
f. Operational Procedure: ITU-R recommendation, M.541, M.821
g. Code in use: Ten-bit error-detecting code
(6) NBDP modem
a. Modulation rate: within 100 baud ± 30 ppm
b. Modulation: FSK (subcarrier: 1700 Hz)
c. Y signal frequency: within 1615 Hz ± 0.5 Hz
d. B signal frequency: within 1785 Hz ± 0.5Hz
e. Protocol: ITU-R recommendation M.476, M.491, M.625
f. Operational Procedure: ITU-R recommendation, M.492
g. Code in use: Seven -bit code 4B / 3Y
(7) Antenna tuner
a. Frequency range: 1605.0 to 27500.0 kHz
b. Maximum input power: based on each model.
c. VSWR after tunned: 2:1 or less
d. Tunning: Preset or automatic tuning.
6. International VHF
( for Maritime Mobile Communication )
6-1 Characteristics
No.1 Antenna
No.1 Antenna
not less than at
least 4 m
No.2 Antenna
No.2 Antenna
Arranged on the same vertical line. Not arranged on the same vertical line or obliquely
(2) Two or more antennas are normaly arranged on the same vertical line. The distance
between antennas is at least 4 m as a minimum, and the desirable distance between
antennas is bigger than 4 m, as much as possible.
(3) When two or more antennas are not arranged on the same vertical line, a minimum
distance is found as shown in the following figure, an actual distance should be bigger than
a minimum distance (4m). Influences given to receiving by transmissions should be fully
investigated and then antenna installation is designed and carried out.
Area available
for installation - when H is 8 m and D is 3 m, these
Boundary distances are usable . (A point).
- If H is set to 4 m and D is set to 6 m,
Undesirable while transmitting, a trouble that noise
㊦ Area for of a receiver increases , etc. are
installation caused. (B point).
(4) The diameter of a mast for antenna installation, and the distance between an antenna and
a mast:
The electric field intensity pattern of an antenna changes according to the diameter of a
mast and the distance between antennas.
(5) Installation position for antennas: It is desirably far apart from a funnel, a radar mast and
other structures, which may have a shielding effect, as much as possible (because such
structures affect the field intensity pattern.).
(6) Installation of two VHF antennas: It is desirable that antennas should be vertically installed
as much as possible. In this case, the distance between antennas is not less than 4 m. If
antennas are horizontally arranged unavoidably, the distance between antennas should be
not less than 17 m. Even in such an arrangement of antennas, when one VHF transmits,
the other receiving VHF is interfered by the transmitting VHF during receiving. For
reference, the following is introduced, in order to eliminate interference completely, in the
case of the vertical installation of VHF antennas, at least a separation of 50 m is required,
and in the case of horizontal installation of VHF antennas, antennas are at least 80 m away
from another one.
6-3 Antenna Installation and Waterproofing
6-4 International Maritime Mobile Communication VHF Channel List
6-4-1 ITU Channnel (ITU-RR Appendix18)
CH TX (MHz) RX (MHz) Simplex Remarks
01 156.050 160.650 ●
02 156.100 160.700 ●
03 156.150 160.750 ●
04 156.200 160.800 ●
05 156.250 160.850 ●
06 156.300 156.300 ● Ship to Ship Communication
07 156.350 160.950 ●
08 156.400 156.400 ● Ship to Ship Communication
09 156.450 156.450 ●
10 156.500 156.500 ●
11 156.550 156.550 ●
12 156.600 156.600 ●
13 156.650 156.650 ●
14 156.700 156.700 ●
15 156.750 156.750 ●
16 156.800 156.800 ●
17 156.850 156.850 ●
18 156.900 161.500 ●
19 156.950 161.550 ●
20 157.000 161.600 ●
21 157.050 161.650 ●
22 157.100 161.700 ●
23 157.150 161.750 ●
24 157.200 161.800 ●
25 157.250 161.850 ●
26 157.300 161.900 ●
27 157.350 161.950 ●
28 157.400 162.000 ●
60 156.025 160.625 ●
61 156.075 160.675 ●
62 156.125 160.725 ●
63 156.175 160.775 ●
64 156.225 160.825 ●
65 156.275 160.875 ●
66 156.325 160.925 ●
67 156.375 156.375 ●
68 156.425 156.425 ●
69 156.475 156.475 ●
70 156.525 156.525 ● Exclusively used for DSC
71 156.575 156.575 ●
72 156.625 156.625 ● Ship to Ship Communication
73 156.675 156.675 ●
74 156.725 156.725 ●
75 156.775 156.775 ● 1W fix
78 156.925 161.525 ●
79 156.975 161.575 ●
80 157.025 161.625 ●
81 157.075 161.675 ●
82 157.125 161.725 ●
83 157.175 161.775 ●
84 157.225 161.825 ●
85 157.275 161.875 ●
86 157.325 161.925 ●
87 157.375 157.375 ●
88 157.425 157.425 ●
Note: CH87and CH88 receiving frequency used for the previous purpose (161.975Mhz and 162.025MHz)
were assigned for the exclusive use in AIS.
6-4-2 USA Channel (FCC Rule 47 CER80.371(c) and 80.373(f) )
CH TX (MHz) RX (MHz) Simplex Remarks
01 156.050 156.050 ●
02 Not used
03 Not used
04 Not used
05 156.250 156.250 ●
06 156.300 156.300 ● Ship to Ship Communication
07 156.350 156.350 ●
08 156.400 156.400 ● Ship to Ship Communication
09 156.450 156.450 ●
10 156.500 156.500 ●
11 156.550 156.550 ●
12 156.600 156.600 ●
13 156.650 156.650 ● during an initial stage, 1W
14 156.700 156.700 ●
15 156.750 Transmission is prohibited
16 156.800 156.800 ●
17 156.850 156.850 ●
18 156.900 156.900 ●
19 156.950 156.950 ●
20 157.000 157.000 ● Ship to Ship Communication
for USCG
21 157.050 157.050 ● (General use is prohibited.)
22 157.100 157.100 ●
for USCG
23 157.150 157.150 ● (General use is prohibited.)
24 157.200 161.800 ●
25 157.250 161.850 ●
26 157.300 161.900 ●
27 157.350 161.950 ●
28 157.400 162.000 ●
60 Not used
61 Not used
62 Not used
63 156.175 156.175 ●
64 Not used
65 156.275 156.275 ●
66 156.325 156.325 ●
67 156.375 156.375 ● during an initial stage, 1W
68 156.425 156.425 ●
69 156.475 156.475 ●
70 156.525 156.525 ● Exclusively used for DSC
71 156.575 156.575 ●
72 156.625 156.625 ● Ship to Ship Communication
73 156.675 156.675 ●
74 156.725 156.725 ●
75 156.775 156.775 ● 1W fix
82 157.125 157.125 ●
For the exclusive use of USCG
83 157.175 157.175 ● (General use is prohibited.)
84 157.225 161.825 ●
85 157.275 161.875 ●
86 157.325 161.925 ●
87 157.375 161.975 ●
88 157.425 ● Ship to Ship Communication
Note: In the above listed channels, “Not used” are not able to be set in USA channel mode.
6-4-3 Canada Channel (INDUSTRY CANADA RIC-13)
CH TX (MHz) RX (MHz) Simplex Remarks
01 156.050 160.650 ●
02 156.100 160.700 ●
03 156.150 160.750 ●
For the exclusive use of CCG
04 156.200 156.200 ● (General use is prohibited.)
05 156.250 156.250 ●
For the exclusive use of CCG
06 156.300 156.300 ● (General use is prohibited.)
07 156.350 156.350 ●
08 156.400 156.400 ● (General use is prohibited.)
09 156.450 156.450 ●
10 156.500 156.500 ●
11 156.550 156.550 ●
12 156.600 156.600 ●
13 156.650 156.650 ●
14 156.700 156.700 ●
15 156.750 156.750 ● 1W fixed
16 156.800 156.800 ●
17 156.850 156.850 ● 1W fixed
18 156.900 156.900 ●
For the exclusive use of CCG
19 156.950 156.950 ● (General use is prohibited.)
20 157.000 161.600 ● 1W fixed
Transmission is prohibited.
21 161.650
(Weather cannnel)
22 157.100 157.100 ● (General use is prohibited.)
23 157.150 161.750 ●
24 157.200 161.800 ●
25 157.250 161.850 ●
26 157.300 161.900 ●
27 157.350 161.950 ●
28 157.400 162.000 ●
60 156.025 160.625 ●
For the exclusive use of CCG
61 156.075 156.075 ● (General use is prohibited.)
63 Not used
64 156.225 160.825 ●
65 156.275 156.275 ● 1W fixed
68 156.425 156.425 ●
69 156.475 156.475 ●
70 156.525 156.525 ● Exclusively used for DSC
71 156.575 156.575 ●
72 156.625 156.625 ● (General use is prohibited.)
74 156.725 156.725 ●
75 Not used
76 Not used
78 156.925 156.925 ●
79 156.975 156.975 ●
80 157.025 157.025 ●
For the exclusive use of CCG
81 157.075 157.075 ● (General use is prohibited.)
For the exclusive use of CCG
82 157.125 157.125 ● (General use is prohibited.)
Transmission is prohibited
83 161.775
(Weather channel)
84 157.225 161.825 ●
85 157.275 161.875 ●
86 157.325 161.925 ●
87 157.375 161.975 ●
88 157.425 162.025 ●
Note: In the above listed channels, “Not used” are not able to be set in CANADA channel mode.
6-4-4 IWW channel (ETSI EN 300 698-1 V1.3.1)
CH TX (MHz) RX (MHz) Simplex Remarks
01 156.050 160.650 ●
02 156.100 160.700 ●
03 156.150 160.750 ●
04 156.200 160.800 ●
05 156.250 160.850 ●
1W fixed,
06 156.300 156.300 ● Ship to ship communication
07 156.350 160.950 ●
1W fixed,
08 156.400 156.400 ● Ship to ship communication
09 156.450 156.450 ●
10 156.500 156.500 ● 1W fixed
16 156.800 156.800 ●
17 156.850 156.850 ● 1W fixed
18 156.900 161.500 ●
19 156.950 161.550 ●
20 157.000 161.600 ●
21 157.050 161.650 ●
22 157.100 161.700 ●
23 157.150 161.750 ●
24 157.200 161.800 ●
25 157.250 161.850 ●
26 157.300 161.900 ●
27 157.350 161.950 ●
28 157.400 162.000 ●
60 156.025 160.625 ●
61 156.075 160.675 ●
62 156.125 160.725 ●
63 156.175 160.775 ●
64 156.225 160.825 ●
65 156.275 160.875 ●
66 156.325 160.925 ●
67 156.375 156.375 ●
68 156.425 156.425 ●
69 156.475 156.475 ●
70 156.525 156.525 ● Exclusively used for DSC
1W fixed,
72 156.625 156.625 ● Ship to ship communication
73 156.675 156.675 ●
74 156.725 156.725 ● 1W fixed
1W fixed,
77 156.875 156.875 ● Ship to ship communication
78 156.925 161.525 ●
79 156.975 161.575 ●
80 157.025 161.625 ●
81 157.075 161.675 ●
82 157.125 161.725 ●
83 157.175 161.775 ●
84 157.225 161.825 ●
85 157.275 161.875 ●
86 157.325 161.925 ●
87 157.375 157.375 ●
88 157.425 157.425 ●
Note: CH87and CH88 receiving frequency used for the previous purpose (161.975Mhz and 162.025MHz)
were assigned for the exclusive use in AIS.
7. Two Way VHF Radio Equipment
8. Shipborne 400 MHz Communication Equipment
UHF Transceiver
8-1 Outline
This equipment is used for communication at sea, during cargo handling, bringing a ship alongside
the pier, mooring, etc. and for communication between ships, between a ship and the bridge,
between a ship and a pier. There are two types such as explosion-proof type and non-explosion
proof type. Fixing type (for base station) is non-explosion type.
A explosion-proof type radio equipment is compatible with the standards related to intrinsically
safety proof and can be used on tankers such as LPG(Liquefied Petroleum Gas) tanker, on LNG
(Liquefied Natural Gas) tanker and Heavy Oil Tanker or in the Type 1 Dangerous Place.
9. Interface Standards
In this chapter, the standards related to interface (standard of physical specifications of
hardware, data format and connectors and cables) needed in data communications, such as
electronic navigation equipment, navigation apparatus, radiocommunication and personal
computer, are introduced.
and systems – General requirements – Methods of testing and required test results
IEC 61097-7:
First edition 1996-10, Part 7: Shipborne VHF radiotelephone transmitter and receiver –
Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
IEC 61162-1:
1995, Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems –Digital
interfaces – Part 1: Single talker and multiple listeners
IEC 61162-2:
1998, Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems –Digital
interfaces – Part 2: Single talker and multiple listeners, high-speed transmission
The abovementioned standards are related to IEC, http://www.iec.ch (English)
ITU-T X.27/V.11: (for low speed)
1996, Electrical characteristics for balanced double-current interchange circuits operating at
data signalling rates up to 10 Mbit/s
ITU-T V.11: (for high speed)
1996, Electrical characteristics for balanced double-current interchange circuits operating at
data signalling rates up to 10 Mbit/s, http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/(English)
NMEA 0183 Version 2.30::
1998, National Marine Electronics Association (USA) – Standard For Interfacing Marine
electronic devices, version 2.30, http://www.nmea.org (English)
EIA 485:
1991, Standard for electrical characteristics of generators and receivers for use in balanced
digital multipoint systems, http://www.eia.org(English)
Double-Shielded cable
With double-shielded cables and the inner shield used as common line C (signal ground), the
outer shield shall be connected to the chassis of the talker and shall not be connected to any
listener. However, the outer shield shall be continuous (unbroken) between all listeners (Refer
to Figure 9.2-1 and Figure 9.2-2 (b)).
With double-shielded cables and a separate wire as common line C (signal ground), the inner
shield shall be connected to the chassis of the talker and shall not be connected to any
listener. However, the inner shield shall be continuous (unbroken) between all listeners. The
outer shield may be connected to the chassis on either side if required (Refer to Figure 9.2-1
and Figure 9.2-2 (c)).
In cabling, the end of a cable should not left open cables are as short as possible. If a long
cable is required, the end of the cable should be terminaded in accordance with ITU-T V.11.
(Note: In the case of standard transmission speed, all listeners’ shield wires should be
connected only to the chassis of the talker but not to the chassis of the listeners.(Refer to
Figure 9.2-3)
Talker Listener
side side
Chassis Shield to each
Shield (Outer) to each
outer shield
Chassisi Chassis
The inner shield is isolated from
the outer shield.
*1 and *2 are connected to a
respective chassis.
Listener No.2
B B 光アイソレータ
Listener No.1
Talker Note: 注:すべてのリスナのシールドはトーカのシャーシに接続し、
Shields of all listeners should be connected to a talker’s
chassis but not connected to each listener’s chassis.
(4) Connector
No standards of connector is specified by IEC61162. Wherever possible, readily available
commercial connectors shall be used. Manufacturers shall provide means for user
identification of the connections used.
(Note: The International Standards of connector is introduced in paragraph 3.)
(5) Electrical signal characteristics
This subclause describes the electrical characteristics of transmitters and receivers.
(A) Signal state definitions
The idle, marking, logical 1, OFF or stop bit state is defined by a negative voltage on line A
with respect to line B.
The active, spacing, logical 0, ON or start bit state is defined by a positive voltage on line A
with respect to line B.
It should be noted that the above A with respect to B levels are inverted from the voltage
input/output requirements of standard UARTs* and that many line drivers and receivers
provide a logic inversion.
*:UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)
(B) Talker drive circuits
No provision is made for more than a single talker to be connected to the bus. The drive circuit
used to provide the signal A and the return B shall meet, as a minimum, the requirements of
ITU-T X.27/V.11.
Improved and compatible driver circuits (e.g. EIA-485) used in a compliant way are allowed.
(C) Listener receive circuits
Multiple listeners may be connected to a single talker. The listener's receive circuit shall
comply with ITU-T V.11. Optional termination resistors for the line shall be provided as shown
in Figure 1 and 3. The input terminals A, B and C shall be electrically isolated from the
remaining electronics of the listening device. Reference is made to (D). A termination
resistor is used as required.
The receive circuit shall be designed for operation with a minimum differential input voltage of
2,0 V 1 and shall not take more than 2,0 mA from the line at that voltage.
(D) Electrical isolation
Within a listener there shall be no direct electrical connection between the signal lines A and
signal return lines B, or the shield to ship's mains ground or power line. Isolation from ships’
ground is required.
In the case of high speed, Within a listener there shall be no direct electrical connection
between the signal lines A and B, the signal ground C or the shield to ship's mains ground or
power line. This isolation shall be in accordance with IEC 60945.
(E) Maximum voltage on the bus
The maximum applied voltage between signal lines A and B and between either line and
ground shall be in accordance with ITU-T X.27/V.11.
For protection against miswiring and for unintended connection to earlier TALKER designs, all
receive circuit devices shall be capable of withstanding 15 V between either lines and signal
ground (between A and B, between A and C and between B and C) for an indefinite period.
Logical “1”
Logical “0”
The relation between voltage and logic value is described below. For reasons of compatibility with
equipment designed to comply with earlier versions of NMEA 0183, it is noted that the idle,
marking, logical "1", OFF or stop bit state had previously been defined to be in the range –15,0 V
to +0,5 V. The active, spacing, logical "0", ON or start bit state was defined to be in the range +4,0
V to +15,0 V while sourcing was not less than 15 mA.
The following parameters are used:
- baud rate 38,400 bps (in the standard case: 4,800 bps);
- data bits 8 (D7 = 0),
- parity none;
- stop bits 1.
A unit of bps (bits per second) shows how many bits are sent per second. In Japan, 8 bits of data,
a start bit and a stop bit forms one block such as 1 byte and then 10 bits will be sent as 1 byte.
Therefore, the number of bytes sent per second is one third of the number indicated by the unit of
bps. In the case of 4800bps, about 480 characters per second can be sent.
(1) Characters
All transmitted data shall be interpreted as ASCII characters. The most significant bit of the
eight-bit character shall always be transmitted as zero (D7 = 0).
(A) Reserved characters
The reserved character set consists of those characters shown in Table 9.2-1. Except a
character “^” HEX 5E, shall not be used in data fields.
Table 9.2-1 Reserved characters
(B) Valid characters
The valid character set consists of all printable ASCII characters (HEX 20 to HEX 7E) except
those defined as reserved characters. The list of the valid character set is given in Table
Table 9.2-2 Valid Characters
Space 20 32 @ 40 64 ` 60 96
Reserved 21 33 A 41 65 a 61 97
"" 22 34 B 42 66 b 62 98
# 23 35 C 43 67 c 63 99
Reserved 24 36 D 44 68 d 64 100
% 25 37 E 45 69 e 65 101
& 26 38 F 46 70 f 66 102
' 27 39 G 47 71 g 67 103
( 28 40 H 48 72 h 68 104
) 29 41 I 49 73 i 69 105
Reserved 2A 42 J 4A 74 j 6A 106
+ 2B 43 K 4B 75 k 6B 107
Reserved 2C 44 L 4C 76 l 6C 108
- 2D 45 M 4D 77 m 6D 109
. 2E 46 N 4E 78 n 6E 110
/ 2F 47 O 4F 79 o 6F 111
0 30 48 P 50 80 p 70 112
1 31 49 Q 51 81 q 71 113
2 32 50 R 52 82 r 72 114
3 33 51 S 53 83 s 73 115
4 34 52 T 54 84 t 74 116
5 35 53 U 55 85 u 75 117
6 36 54 V 56 86 v 76 118
7 37 55 W 57 87 w 77 119
8 38 56 X 58 88 x 78 120
9 39 57 Y 59 89 y 79 121
: 3A 58 Z 5A 90 z 7A 122
; 3B 59 [ 5B 91 { 7B 123
< 3C 60 Reserved 5C 92 | 7C 124
= 3D 61 ] 5D 93 } 7D 125
> 3E 62 Reserved 5E 94 Reserved 7E 126
? 3F 63 _ 5F 95 Reserved 7F 127
(D) Character symbols
When individual characters are used in this standard to define units of measurement, to
indicate the type of data field, type of sentence, etc., they shall be interpreted according to
the character symbol in Table 9.2-3.
Table 9.2-3 Character symbols, Characters used as symbols and the meaning
Character Meanings
A Status symbol; Yes; Data valid; Warning flag clear; Auto; Ampere, ASCII
a Alphabet character variable A through Z or a through z
B Bar (pressure, 1 000 mb = 100 kPa(Pascal(Pa))),Bottom
C Celsius (Degrees); Course-up
c Valid character; Calculating
D Degrees (of arc)
E Error; East; Engine
F Fathoms (1 fathom equals 1,828 766 m)
f Feet (1 foot equals 0,304 79 m)
G Great circle; Green
g good
H Compass heading; Head-up; Hertz; Humidity
h Hours; HEX number
I Inches (1 inch equals 0,0254 m)
J Input operation completed
K Kilometres; km/h; kg/m3
k Kilograms(kg)
L Left; Local; Lost target
l Latitude; Litres; l/s
M Metres; m/s; Magnetic; Manual; Cubic metres
m Minutes; message
N Nautical miles; Knots; North; North-up; Newtons
n Numeral; address
P Purple; Proprietary (only when following "$" or “!”); Position sensor; Per cent; Pascal (pressure)
Q Query; Target-being-acquired
R Right; Rhumb line; Red; Relative; Reference; Radar tracking; revolutions/min (RPM)
S South; Statute miles (1 609,31 m); Statute miles/h; Shaft Salinity parts/thousand; Simulator mode
s Seconds; Six-bit number
T Time difference; True; Track; Tracked target
t Test
U Dead reckoning estimate
u Sign, if minus "-" (HEX 2D)
V Data invalid; No; Warning flag set; Manual; Volt
W West; Water; Wheelover
x Numeric character variable
y Longitude
Z Time
(2) Fields
A field consists of a string of valid characters, or no characters (null field), located between
two appropriate delimiter characters.
(A) Address field
An address field is the first field in a sentence and follows the "$" or “!” delimiter; it serves to
define the sentence. Characters within the address field are limited to digits and upper case
letters. The address field shall not be a null field. Only sentences with the following three
types of address fields shall be transmitted.
(a-1) Approved address field
Approved address fields consist of five digits. The first two characters are for identifing a
talker, and the type of data is identified by these two characters. Tne next three characters
define the form and format of data. These are shown in table 4, 5 respectively.
Regarding the first two characters, equipment, which can transmit data from multiple sources,
shall transmit the appropriate talker identifier. For example a device, which is equiped with
both a GPS receiver and a LORAN-C receiver, transmit GP when data is transmitted by GPS,
and transmits LC when data is transmittd by LORAN-C. If a ship’ s position is determinded by
combining both data of GPS and LORAN-C, IN is transmitted as an integrated navigation.
(a-2) Query address field
The query address field consists of five characters and is used for the purpose of requesting
the transmission of a specific sentence on a separate bus from an identified talker.
The first two characters indicates the talker identifier of a device requesting data, and the next
two characters indicates the talker identifier of a device being requested. The query character
“Q” is used for the last one character.
(a-3) Proprietary address field
The proprietary address field consists of the proprietary character “P” and manufacturer's
mnemonic code (three characters), and it is used to identify a talker issuing a proprietary
sentence. Any additional character may be required, if necessary.
Valid manufacturer's codes can be obtained from NMEA (See (C) in paragraph (3) sentence).
Talker device Identifier
gyro, north seeking *HE
gyro, non-north seeking HN
Integrated instrumentation II
Integrated navigation IN
Proprietary code P
Radar and/or radar plotting *RA
Sounder, depth *SD
Electronic positioning system, other/general SN
Sounder, scanning SS
Turn rate indicator TI *TI
Velocity sensors: Doppler, other/general *VD
speed log, water, magnetic VM
speed log, water, mechanical VW
Voyage data recorder VR VR
Transducer YX
Timekeeper, time/date: atomic clock ZA
chronometer ZC
quartz ZQ
radio update ZV
Weather instrument WI
*: Identifiers in this standard are used for electronic navigation equipment required by IMO.
This is the minimum requirements for equipment required by IMO in accordance with SOLAS Convention
(1974 amendment)
Formatter Meaning
GBS GNSS satellite fault detection
GGA Global positioning system (GPS) fix data
GLC Geographic position – LORAN-C
GLL Geographic position – latitude/longitude
GNS GNSS fix data
GRS GNSS range residuals
GSA GNSS DOP and active satellites
GST GNSS pseudorange noise statistics
GSV GNSS satellites in view
HDG Heading, deviation and variation
HDT Heading true
HMR Heading monitor receive
HMS Heading monitor set
HSC Heading steering command
HTC Heading/track control command
HTD Heading /track control data
LCD LORAN-C signal data
MLA GLONASS almanac data
MSK MSK receiver interface
MSS MSK receiver signal status
MTW Water temperature
MWD Wind direction and speed
MWV Wind speed and angle
OSD Own ship data
RMA Recommended minimum specific LORAN-C data
RMB Recommended minimum navigation information
RMC Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
ROT Rate of turn
RPM Revolutions
RSA Rudder sensor angle
RSD Radar system data
RTE Routes
SFI Scanning frequency information
STN Multiple data ID
TLB Target label
TLL Target latitude and longitude
TTM Tracked target message
TXT Text transmission
VBW Dual ground/water speed
VDR Set and drift
VHW Water speed and heading
VLW Dual ground/water distance
VPW Speed measured parallel to wind
VTG Course over ground and ground speed
WCV Waypoint closure velocity
WNC Distance waypoint to waypoint
WPL Waypoint location
XDR Transducer measurements
XTE Cross-track error, measured
Formatter Meaning
XTR Cross-track error, dead reckoning
ZDA Time and date
ZDL Time and distance to variable point
ZFO UTC and time from origin waypoint
ZTG UTC and time to destination waypoint
Table 9.2-6 Field type summary
Special format fields
Variable numbers x.x Variable length integer or floating numeric field. Optional
leading and trailing zeros. The decimal point and associated
decimal fraction are optional if full resolution is not required
(example: 73.10 = 73.1 = 073.1 = 73). The specific use of this
formatter and restrictions (for example integer, range) is
defined in the sentence definition.
Fixed HEX field hh- Fixed length HEX numbers only, MSB on the left.
Variable HEX field h--h Variable length HEX numbers only, MSB on the left.
Fixed six-bit field ss___ Fixed length six-bit coded characters only. See Annex C for
field conversions.
Variable six-bit field s--s Variable length six-bit coded characters only. See Annex C
for field conversions.
Information fields
Fixed alpha field aa- Fixed length field of upper-case or lower-case alpha
Fixed number field xx- Fixed length field of numeric characters.
NOTE 2: A negative sign "–" (HEX 2D) is the first character in a field if the value is negative. When used, this
increases the specified size of fixed length fields by one. The sign is omitted if the value is positive.
NOTE 3: Units of measure fields are appropriate characters from the symbol table (Table 3) unless a specific unit of
measure is indicated.
An approved sentence contains, in the order shown, the following elements:
The approved query sentence contains, in the order shown, the following elements:
are not included in this standard and need not be submitted for approval. However, it is
required that such sentences be published in the manufacturer’s manuals for reference.
(D) Valid sentences
Approved sentences, query sentences and proprietary sentences are the only valid
sentences. Sentences of any other form are non-valid and shall not be transmitted on the bus.
(E) Sentence transmission timing
Frequency of sentence transmission shall be consistent with the basic measurement or
calculation cycle but generally not more frequently than once per 20 ms (in the case of low
speed, not more frequently than once per 1second). It is desirable that sentences be
transmitted with a minimum inter-character spacing, preferable as near continuous burst, but
under no circumstances shall the time to complete the transmission of a sentence be greater
than 100 ms (in the case of low speed, under no circumstances shall the time to complete the
transmission of a sentence be greater than 1 s) .
(F) Additions to approved sentences
In order to allow for improvements or additions, future revisions of this standard may modify
existing sentences by adding new data fields after the last data field but before the checksum
delimiter character "*" and checksum field. Listeners shall determine the end of the sentence
by recognition of "<CR><LF>" and "*" rather than by counting field delimiters. The checksum
value shall be computed on all received characters between, but not including, "$" or “!” and
"*" whether or not the listener recognizes all fields.
(4) Error detection and handling
Listening devices shall detect errors in data transmission including:
– checksum error;
– invalid characters;
– incorrect length of talker identifier and/or formatter;
– time out.
Listening devices shall use only correct sentences. Checksum error
(5) Example of sentence
(A) In the case of the latitude and longitude of Loran C
$LCGLL, 4728.31, N, 12254.25, W091342 and A, and A*4C<CR> <LF>
In the case that the latitude and longitude of the present location is determined by Loran C.
$: Start of sentence
LC: Result of positioning by Loran C
GLL: The latitude and the longitude of the present location,
4728.3,1N: Latitude 47degrees 28, 31minutes north
12254.25, W: Longitude 122 degrees 54, 25minutes west
091342: Positioning time, 9:13 a.m. 42-second (UTC)
A: Receiver state: not in warning state
A: Display mode: Independent mode
*4C: Checksum hexadecimal number: 4C
<CR><LF>: End of sentence
CR: Data receiver
MSK: MSK receiver interface (Beacon receiver)
293.0: Beacon frequency (kHz)
M: Beacon frequency automatic/manual (manual)
100: Bit rate of beacon, 100bits/second
A: Bit rate of beacon automatic/manual (automatic)
10: Communication interval
1: Channel number
*6F : Checksum hexadecimal number: 6
(6) Others
Operator manuals or other appropriate literature provided for equipment that is intended to
meet the requirements of this standard shall contain as a minimum the following information:
a) identification of the A, B and common (C) signal lines;
b) the output drive capability as a talker;
c) a list of approved sentences, noting unused fields, proprietary sentences transmitted as a
talker, data latency and transmission interval for each sentence;
d) the load requirements as a listener;
e) a list of sentences and associated data fields that are required by, or are acceptable to, a
f) the current software and hardware revision if this is relevant to the interface;
g) an electrical description or schematic of the listener/talker input/output circuits citing actual
components and devices used, including connector type and part number;
h) the version number and date of update of the standard for which compliance is sought.
As latency, filtering, error handling and data transmission interval can have a serious
influence on the performance of a system, the manufacturer shall give careful consideration to
these aspects. Documentation should include such data where applicable.
9-3 International Standards of Cables and Connectors
Standard cables used for the connection between listeners and a talker are the same as serial
interface cables used for connecting peripheral equipment with personal computers. And three
kinds of standard cables meeting the standard for RS-232C, RS-422 and RS-485 are mainly used.
Such standards define the allocation of the signal line of the port (at terminal) of equipment and
are not the standard for connectors.
Although various types of connectors are adopted for every talker or listener, some typical types
are shown below.
9-3-1 RS-232C
This is one of EIA (Electronic Industries Association) standards and the oldest one in three
standards. Although the official name of this standard came to TIA/EIA-232-E in 1994, a name
called RS-232C usually used till then is still used in many cases.
The feature is shown in Table 7. Since a signal is an unbalanced type a logical value of which
always determined in comparison with 0V, the minimum sensitivity to an input level is high.
Therefore, since it takes time for a status to change from a logical level 0 to 1, it is not suitable for a
high-speed communication in comparison with RS-422 etc. shown blew.
D-sub 25-pin connector is used widely. The arrangement of pins and the shape of a connector are
shown in Figure 9.3-1 and the assignment of typical signals is shown in Table 9.3-2. However, as a
certain connector may have a peculiar assignment, making reference to each manual is actually
needed when used.
Table 9.3-2 Assignment of pins for RS-232C (EIA-232)
Pin number Direction Signal Name and Description*
for Signal Name
1 PG G Protective Ground
2 TxD O Transmitted data
3 RxD I Received data
4 RTS O Request To Send
5 CTS I Clear To Send
6 DSR I Data Set Ready
7 GND G Common Ground
8 DCD I Carrier Detect
15 STCE I Sending Timing of DCE*
17 SCR I Receive Timing of DCE*
20 DTR O Data Terminal Ready
22 RI I Ring Indicator
24 DCTE O Transmitting Timing of DTE*
However, DCE type is not always used for all the talkers and DTE type may be used instead of
DCE. In that case, a cable, both wire ends of which are crossed as No. 2 cable to No. 3, No. 4 to
No. 5, and No. 6 to No. 20, is used. A cable of this type is called “cross cable or reverse cable”.
Even if RS-232C standard is applied, as about nine pins are usually sufficient for simple
communication of signals, except for in the complicated signal control. Therefore, a connector of
nine pins is defined as EIA-574 standard or D-Sub9 pin. It may be called RS-232C of nine pins. It
is equipped in DOS/V computers in many cases. The connector shape of nine pins is shown in
Figure 9.3-3 and assignment of pins is shown in Table 9.3-3.
Cross cable for DTE-DTE connection Straight cable for DTE-DCE connection
Figure 9.3-3 Pin arrangement D-sub9 pin (male)
9-3-2 RS-422
In comparison with RS-232C, a high speed and a further-distance data communication is possible.
Main features are shown in Table 9.3-4.
In this standard, two signal lines are separated from ground, and when one side voltage is high,
the other side voltage is to be low. At receiving sides, as two voltages are compared and then it
is confirmed whether the result is “0” or “1”, even if a voltage difference decreases due to voltage
drop etc., errors seldom happen.
In order to avoid the distortion and the attenuation of a signal of high frequency, it is necessary to
set a terminator between two input terminals of a listener which is most distant from a talker. In
order to stabilize the output levels of Pins not used in talker side, input terminal (TLL input
side)shall be connected to GND or to Vcc. And pins not used in listener sides shall be left open, if
a fail-safe circuit is internally fitted. If a fail-safe circuit is not internally fitted, in order to stabilize an
output level, input A shall be connected to Vcc, and input B shall be connected to GND.
Regarding RS-422, a connector of 15 pins in accordance with ITU-T V.10 or X.26 or Mini-DIN-8
pin is used in many cases. Mini-DIN-8 pin used in personal computers of Macintosh is called a
modem port.
The shapes of connectors are shown in Figure 9.3-4 and the assignment of pins is shown in Table
9-3-3 RS-485
RS-485 is basically the same as RS-422. Main features are shown in Table 9.3-6.
Although the type of a signal cable and a connector of RS-422 are also compatible with the
specification of RS-485, since a data collision protection circuit is not fitted in talker of RS-422,
RS-422 cannot be used within a system using RS-485 standard.
Cited from the Technical Course of Navigation and Electric Equipment Installation held at the year
2003 for the Correspondence Course by The Ship’s Electric Installation Contractor’s Association
of Japan
D. Navigation and
Fishing System
1. Positioning System Used Now
The table of systems using satellites is shown below.
Table of Global positioning system
Number No. of semi-major
Inclination Freq
Type Country Orbit (whne orbit flatness axis Mod code Mod type in use
(degree) (MHz)
copleted) planes (km)
GPS GNSS USA MED 24 + spare3 6 0 55 26559.7 1575.42 C/A BPSK(1) ○
P BPSK(10) ○
L1C-I BOC(1.1) ×
M MOC(10.5) ×
1227.6 P BPSK(10) ○
L2C BPSK(1) △
M MOC(10.5) ×
1176.45 L5-I BPSK(10) ×
L5-Q BPSK(10) ×
GLONASS GNSS Russia MEO 24 3 0 64.8 25440 1602.0
(0.511) ○
(5.11) ○
1246.0 C/A
(0.511) ○
(5.11) ○
1201.5 P BPSK(4) ×
Galileo GNSS EU MEO 27 + spare3 3 0 56 29601.297 1575.42 L1A (15.2.5) ×
L1B BOC(1.1) ×
L1C BOC(1.1) ×
1278.75 E6A (10.5) ×
E6B-I BPSK(5) ×
E6B-I BPSK(5) ×
1176.45 E5A--I AltBOC ×
E5A-I ×
1207.14 E6A-I ×
E6B-I ×
Compass GNSS China GEO 5 - - - 42164.0 1561.098 B1 BSK(2) △
MEO 30 3? 0 55 27840 1589.742 B1-2 BSK(2) △
1207.14 B2-I BPSK(2) △
B2-Q BPSK(10) △
1268.52 B3-I BPSK(10) △
B3-Q BPSK(10) △
RNSS Japan GSO 3 1 0.099 45 42164.0 1575.42 C/A BPSK(1) ×
L1C-I BOC(1.1) ×
× 1227.6 L2C BPSK(1) ×
1176.45 L5-I BPSK(10) ×
L5-Q BPSK(10) ×
1278.75 LEX BPSK(5) ×
IRNSS RNSS India GSO 3 1 0 29 42164.0 1191.795 IRNSS (10.2) ×
IRNSS (10) ×
EGNOS SBAS EU GEO 3 - - - 42164.0 1575.42 C/A BPSK(1) ○
WAAS SBAS USA GEO 4 - - - 42164.0 1575.42 C/A BPSK(1) ○
MSAS SBAS Japan GEO 2 - - - 42164.0 1575.42 C/A BPSK(1) ○
GAGAN SBAS India GEO 3 - - - 42164.0 1575.42 C/A BPSK(1) ×
Notes 1) GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System
RNSS: Regional Navigation Satellite System
SBAS: Satellite Based Augmentation System
2) MEO: Middle Earth Orbit GEO: Geosynchronous Earth Orbit GSO: Geo-Stationary Earth Orbit
3) ○: in operation, △: under preparation, X : under plan (2007 stage)
The specification of systems except system in use may be subject to change.
There is ground system of “LORAN C” other than satellite systems
LORAN C Long Range Navigation C
Frequency: 100kHz, main station and sub station: 2-4, Type-of-radio-wave:pulse,
Useful Range: 1,000NM from main station, Accuracy: less than 100m (inside of the useful range)
(cited from LORAN C of Japan Coast Guard)
2. GPS ( Global Positioning System )
2-1 Outline
The first satellite of GPS system was launched in 1978 and 24 satellites which were originally planned were
completed in 1994.
(The system is under operation using 31 satellites, as of October, 2008.)
The whole system consists of control portion, space portion and user portion. The contorl portion consisits
of the Monitor Station (MS) which measures the orbits of the satellites, etc., main control station (MCS:
Master Control Station) which controls Monitor Stations and calculates orbital values, and Transmitting
Station (US: Up-Station) which transmits orbital information etc. to satellites. Transmitting station transmits
orbital information, clock drift and data of propagation delay to each satellite once a day. Old data are
replaced with such data and modulated as navigation signals.
24 satellites go around on nearly round elliptical orbit of orbit inclination (angle to the equator) of 55 degrees
and altitude of 20,183 km, and cycle of each satelitte is 12 hours (acculately 11-hour and 58-minute 02.
02-second: 0.5 sidereal day). Four artificial satellites are arranged on each of six orbital planes. In this case,
at least four satellites can be observed at an elevetion angle of five degrees or more and five satellites can
always be observed on the horizon.
Accuracy obtained by using L band (1575.42 MHz) is about 10m(2drms) since SA was ceased in
May ,2000.
atomic Frequency Standard of a satellite and clock compensation value transmitted from Control Segment
of the satellite. If the receiver synchronizes with GPS time correctly, three satellites are enough for
calculation, and position can be calculated based on an intersection of three spheres centering on the
respective satellite. The 4th satellite is used for error presumption of the clock of the receiver. In this case,
four unknown factors are included in the equation of position determination. That is, it is a three-dimensional
position (latitude, longitude and altitude) and the clock of the user receiver.
Since the clock which is not so accurate is used in the receiver, the measurement distance is called false
distance (Pseudo-Range) and the fixed bias based on a clock error is included in it. And a definition is
given as follows (refer to Fig. 2).
Ri=Ri+C (tAi+C (tu- (tSi)))
Ri: False distance to a satellite
Ri: True distance
C: Velocity of light
(Δtsi: Offset of i position satellite time from GPS time)
(Δtu: Offset of clock of a receiver from GPS time)
(ΔtAi: Propagation delay time and other errors)
Phase shift of PN code (false noise) generated in the GPS receiver which coincides with satellite phase is
measured, and false distance propagation time is measured. The PN code of the receiver is shifted until
correlation with the received PN code reaches the maximum. The shift time is the measured value of false
distance propagation time.
Determination of user position is obtained subtracting fixed distance bias from each presumed distance
(measured false distance). Although circles centering respective satellites are drawn at the respective
radius of the false distances, the circles do not intersect at a point. Circles with the respective radius
obtained by subtracting (or adding) C·Δtu from (to) false distances intersect at a point and it is user’s
3. GPS Compass
3-1 Outline
Although gyrocompasses and magnetic compasses are generally installed in a ship and heading is
obtained using these compasses, attention is drawn to GPS compass which replaces these traditional
compasses and is cheap and accuracy of which is equivalent to or more accurate than gyrocompasses.
According to the carriage requirement of new SOLAS-V as of July, 2002, all passenger ships and all ships
of 300 to 500 GT engaged on International voyage were required to be fitted with THD (Transmitting
Heading Device). Furthermore, ISO standard ISO 22090-3 of THD was enacted, and GPS compass was
also able to be used as THD using GNSS Principle. In revision of the MED list expected in the near future,
GPS compass is expected to be MED equipment and it is considered that use of GPS compass will be
expanded further from now on.
Progressing Direction
Current or Wind
Although heading is obtained traditionally by using direction sensor such as gyrocompass or magnetic
compass, there are an advantage and a fault respectively. Gyrocompass has sufficient accuracy, but it is
expensive and it takes time to settle. Moreover, Gyrocompass has a problem such as inaccuracy in high
latitude areas.
Magnetic compass is cheap and is easy to use, but it has a fault of instability. GPS compass can resolve
such faults and it can be said that it is a next-generation direction sensor.
Comparison of sensors aforementioned is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Comparison of sensors
GPS compass
Gyrocompass Magnetic compass
Less than 2
Settling time minutes About 2 to 3 hours not required
(About 30 seconds)
Accuracy Good. Good. (unstable, being easily influenced by circumference
environment )
Compensation not required Deflection compensation
4. Marine Radar
4-1 System and Circuit of Marine Radar
There are generally two types of Marine Radars. One consists of 3 units such as an antenna unit, a
transmitter/receiver unit and a display unit, and the other consists of 2 units, such as an antenna unit fitted
with transmitter/receiver unit in it and a Display unit, for simplification.
Moreover, Marine Radar is divided into 5 Units based on its functions systematically, as shown in the
following figure,
(1) Antenna Unit (2) Transmitter/receiver Unit (3) Display processing Unit
(4) Display Unit (5) Control unit
The operation outline of each unit is described below.
Slot anntena
Motor Encoder
Antenna Unit
Pulse Log
Trans Amplifier
Power to each
Supply unit
Transmitter/Receiver Unit
LCD Back
Control Light
circuit circuit
Display Display
Control Unnecessary to each unit
wave Power
LOG I/F circuit
Supression Supply
Display Unit
GYRO I/F Target Coordinate
circuit Tracking transformation
AIS I/F Radar
circuit Glaphics Display
Display Memory Operation Track
Memory Panel Ball
to each unit Control
Display Processing Unit Operation Unit
4-1-1 Antenna Unit
Antenna Unit radiates radar transmission pulse to space and receives the radar pulse reflected from
Simple and lightweight slotted waveguide antenna is usually used as an antenna.
An antenna is rotated by a motor and can emit a radar wave over all the directions by operation of rotary
joint. The radiation direction of a radar wave is detected by the encoder.
4-1-5 Control Unit
A control unit sends information, which are generated by operator’s operation on a navigation panel, or
operation of a track ball, to the Display Processing Unit.
Composition of
AIS information
display of Ship's
4-3 Measurement of Target
4-3-1 Measurement of Direction
When measuring a direction of small target such as a buoy, a cursor mark or EBL (electronic cursor) is
positioned on the center of an echo and the direction is measured.
Since it may be impossible to measure an exact direction due to direction expansion effect when
measuring directions of the end of a target, such as a quay, attention must be paid.
4-3-2 Bearing expansion effect
Actual target
When a beam width of a radar pulse is A in the right figure, at a position of a line
C or D, radiated radar beam will hit a target, this echo will be displayed while a B
line moves from C to D on a scope, and then a width “E” of the target will be C D
displayed instead of a width “B” of the target. (X end and Y end is expanded
with 1/2 of Beam width A)
4-3-3 Measurement of Distance
A distance is measured by positioning a cursor mark or VRM (Variable Range
Marker) on an inner side of the echo (the center side of a screen).
H Target
lower position to shorten a minimum detectable テ Target
物標 AA
ナ B B
range, a maximum detectable range will also 高
Vertical beam width: θ v (degree)
Rmin= (m)
θv Formula 2
4-5 Resolution
When detecting targets, in order to display targets as separate targets respectively, range resolution and
bearing resolution are required
4-5-1 Range Resolution
Target 1 物標2
Target 2
Range resolution depends on transmission pulse width τ
and a size of dot on a screen.
The electric wave goes and returns 150 (m) per 1(μs).
In a condition that two targets exist 150(m) away from each
other on a electric wave propagation line, when an electric Transmission pulse τ
Formula 4
Fig.8 Bearing Measurement Fig.9 Bearing Resolution
Table 1
Reference: The name of S・C・X used in radar frequency band was used as a code during World War II, and there is no meaning
in particular.
[Circularly-polarized wave antenna]
If a circularly-polarized wave antenna is used, it will be hard to be affected by the influence of rain, snow and
fog, however if the size of antenna is the same, sensitivity will fall a little.
from a radar antenna and a wave reflected by the sea surface reaches the target of point B. If the
combined wave is strong, the radar echoes are easy to display clearly.
Then, considering the ratio “F” of the direct wave and the combined wave, in the case of the distance
difference between AB and AMB and that θ is small, the following equation is obtained,
2h h
AMB-AB= 1 2 Formula 5
And this formula is changed to the phase difference of
the direct wave and the reflected wave, and then the
following formula is obtained,
4h h
φ=ψ+ 1 2 Formula 6 Fig.11 Vertical pattern
θ is a phase change at point M, and in the actually usual case that θ is less than 2˚ (degrees), even in the
case of X band or S band, even in the case of a horizontally polarized wave or a vertically polarized wave, θ
≈ π, and reflection coefficient θ at the point M is equal to “0” as well.
Therefore, setting the following formulas,
Formula 7
In the case that n is odd, F=2 of the maximum is shown. In the case that n is even, a result of F=0 is shown.
A height at the position of maximum width of the lowest robe which is important for radar, is as follows.
If n=1, h2 is as follows.
h2= Formula 8 Unit of R is (m). 1 (NM) = 1852 (m)
4-7 Propagation and Maximum Detectable Range of Radar Wave
4-7-1 Propagation
The radar wave has the characteristics that a very small amount of radar waves propagate along the
curved surface of the earth. Although this characteristics changes according to differences of density of
atmospheric layer which an electric wave spreads, a distance D (NM) of a radar wave to the horizon is 10%
longer than a distance (D) to the optical horizon, and is shown by the following formula.
D=2.23 h (NM) Formula 8
h shows the height (m) of a radar antenna and the height of a target from sea level.
Unit NM.
Unit meter.
Radar horizon
Fig.13 Propagation of Radar Wave
For example, in the figure above, and if the height of an antenna is 5 m, the echo of a cliff of 20 m in
height (NM) will appear at D≈15.
However, it may also be that D is short or is long if a climate condition is unusual.
* Long-Range effect
In the case of the extraordinary propagation due to high mountains in the distance and duct, even if
targets, etc. below the horizon are beyond a radar range, it may appear as an echo.
For example
Case 1: In the case of usual
Own ship
Case 2: In the case that the atmosphere is cold and seawater is warm
Case 3: In the case that the atmosphere is warm and seawater is cold
Case 4: In the case that the atmosphere is warm in a low layer and it is cold in a high layer and
sea water is cold.
4-7-2 Detectable range
Detectable range is determined by an output and antenna dimension, and if an output and antenna
dimension are changed, the result is like the following table below.
Table 2
magnification l/5 1/4 l/3 1/2 1 2 3 4 5
If an output is one of
numbers in the column 0.67 0.71 0.76 0.84 1 1.19 1.32 1.41
Detectable range
If antenna dimension is
one of numbers in the l/5 1/4 l/3 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 times
column above,
performance, making an
antenna dimension biger is
efficient in comparison with
increasing output.
Pause time
Pulse repetition period T
Pulse width
Rectangular pulse
In the above figure, in the case that a transmission pulse width is τ (sec), a pulse repetition period is T (sec)
and a repetition frequency is f (Hz), Duty Ratio (Du) is shown by the following formula.
Formula 9
However, since a perfect square wave shown in the above figure, is not obtained actually, a pulse width is
usually shown as a width which is measured at a point of -3 dB from peak power observing a detection
output of the transmitted wave.
Pulse width τ
Pulse repetition period T
A mean power is obtained using peak power and Duty Ratio. Since any energy is not generated between
pulses (transmission pause period), all the energies contained in Pulse repetition period T are equal to the
product of a peak power Pt and a transmission pulse width τ. Therefore, a mean power Pav is obtained by
dividing all the energies by Pulse repetition period T.
Pt × τ
Pav = = Pt × Du (W) Formula 10
Usually, Duty Ratio of a marine radar is as small as one over thousands, for example, in the case of a pulse
width of 1 μs (microsecond) and a repetition frequency of 500 Hz (a repetition period of 2000 μs), even
though a peak power amounts to an output of 25 kW, a mean power remains an output of about 12.5W.
In recent years, the solid-state transmitter using semiconductors, such as FET, as a radiating system which
replaces a magnetron is now being developed with the progress of device technology. Although the
conventional system using a magnetron can make efficient and high output, there is demerit of periodical
exchange of a magnetron or need of a high voltage circuit of kV as well.
In a solid-state system, a peak power is reduced within the tolerance of a semiconductor device used for an
output stage and a detectable range performance equivalent to a magnetron system is accomplished by
enlarging a pulse width to attain the same mean power. However, for reservation of a range resolution,
frequency modulation is applied to the radiated wave within a pulse and a received signal is processed by
performing signal processing, such as pulse compression.
strength may fall. Consequently, it leads to declination of long distance sensitivity. Especially waveguide
transmission loss is remarkably great in X-band radar. As mentioned above, as for the waveguide length
in the case of equipping 3 unit type radar, the waveguide length is generally at least 15-30m.
In the content of the ease of equipment installation, 2 unit-type radar which does not need any waveguide
is equipped in many cases in recent years with the improvement in reliability of equipment. For radars
for large ships, cables are generally installed without using junction box for amplifying a signal on the way
if those cables are 65 m or less in full length, depending on characteristics of cables (especially
transmission of video signals).Therefore, regarding the installation height of an antenna, 2 unit-type radar
is more advantageous than 3 unit-type radar because that a performance decline due to transmission
loss of a waveguide is decreased.
On the other hand, when the installation height of an antenna is low, it is hard to detect long-distance
targets, and a mast, derricks, a chimney, etc. of a ship serve as an obstacle, and the dead angles, which
cannot be seen by a radar, increase. In this case, it is desirable to install an antenna at a height so that an
angle (θ), which looks down on the peak of an obstacle (a dashed line AB in the following figure), may be
more than l/2 of an antenna vertical beam width (generally 10-12.5 degrees) from an antenna.
θ: more than l/2 of a vertical beam
Further, regarding usual radars, depending on installation heights of an antenna, electric wave phases of
a radar wave interfere due to the direct wave and the reflected wave from the surface of the sea, and then
an electric wave cannot reach around the surface of the sea over about 20 miles away from a radar,
consequently, since a power reflected from a target may be extremely weak, it is considered to be usual
except for unusual electric wave propagation that a maximum detectable range is limited and it is the
smaller than a theoretical value.
(B) As for a platform of a mast, at which a radar antenna is installed, it is desirable that it is on a keel line
and there are no obstacles interrupting the sight around it over 360 degrees. If there is a mast etc. which
interrupts a field of view, since its angle (α in the following figure) is a shade and shadowed (grade is
such that sensitivity will fall if it is 1-2 degrees) on a radar display, it is serious when there is an obstacle of
a mast or are other obstacles in the direction of a bow.
In order to clear obstacles, when raising antenna installation height in the case of a 3 unit type, since a
length of waveguide becomes longer, consideration should be paid to a performance decrement.
There are various obstacles which interrupt a visual field of radar installed in a ship. For example, derrick
posts, a chimney, a radar mast for a sub-radar, etc. may be shades or obstacles casing a false echo on a
radar display, these conditions may be cleared during designing stages or in some cause, false echoes
may be found for the first time after used for voyages for a long time.
When a structure is within a vertical beam width and a false echo is suspected, effective way is such that
wave absorbers (As there are two types of absorbers, such as
a wide band type which do not have the specific resonant
frequencies or a narrow band type which absorbs only the
specific frequencies, these are used depending on purposes
in use.) may be installed on the structure or a reflecting metal
plate may be installed between a structure and a antenna for a
wave not to hit a structure.
It is effective to install the metal passive reflectors reflected
upwards between an antenna and a structure.
In all cases, navigating officers and those who navigate a ship
Fig.18 An angle of a shade of an obstacle
should know a possibility of generation of false echos. It is also
required to discuss such items with shipyards and designers
in charge enough.
(C) Safety conditions for Structure of mast, Platform for maintenance and Handrails
(C-1) Radar mast should be such the structure that should not sway simply or it does not incline, due to
starting of rotation of an antenna, vibration of hull, shocks, etc. Depending on a size and structure of an
antenna, it is required not to cause resonance of a mast and to make resonance frequency high using
reinforcement etc. if needed.
(C-2) An antenna platform should be large because it is a place for check and maintenance of an
antenna as much as possible, and it should be taken into account that workers can work safely there.
There is a entrance to the platform, and a ladder is located for climing up to the entrance, and a lid should
be attached to this entrance.
A steel plate patterned with non-slip should be used as a platform, suitable steel plates shouudl be fitted
along the edge of the platform so that a tool etc. may not fall during maintenance and check.
Moreover, it is desirable to desgin a platform, taking into account structures around the platform, in order
to carry out easily the maintenance to the tip of an antenna radiation part if possible. Moreover, it is
necessary to take into account the design that rotation may not be barred with a rope, a signal flag,
etc.,twining round a reflector.
A handrail is raised to a height of the
A lid is fitted.
Earth cable
Silicon rubber
In connectting a coaxial cable or a flexible waveguide with an antenna case, a connection part is kept level,
and for prevention of fall by vibration, as shown in the following figure, cable supports are fitted.
In addition, a distance between a connection part and a nearest support and a distance between support is
suitable to reduce the metal fatigue by vibration.
Connection part
Connection part
Coaxial cable (it is kept level) Waveguide (it is kept level)
Cable support
Waveguide support
Scanner Unit
Scanner Terminal
Scanner stand
Flat bar
Waveguide Clamp
Flexible Waveguide
Protective Cover
Through Metal
E-Bent Radius R=200 or more
H-Bent Radius R=400 or more Transmitter Terminal
Transmitter Terminal
If a unit is not specified, a unit is mm
4-11 False Echo
Even though the actual target does not exist, its echo, which appears on the screen of a radar as if it existed
really, is called a false echo. The following cases can be considered as a cause of a false echo.
Radar antenna
False Echo
Secondary reflected
Electric wave path When a distance between a radar antenna and a funnel is
short, both echoes appear at a nearly equal distace from the
center of a display.
As shown in the above figure, when an obstacle onboard is a cause, a false echo and a true echo appear
in an equal distance from an own ship.
Since these echoes are displayed at an equal distance, generations of false echoes are found by setting
VRM on the false echo or the true echo. Under such circumstances, false echoes present generally an
unnatural motion in many cases.
4-11-3 Side lobe
A beam radiated from a radar antenna always generates some side lobes.
Depending on circumferential conditions or gain adjustment of a radar, a circular Heading
Heading Heading
However, when radar with a frequency of a near repetition period is close, interference appears circularly on
a display. It may not be removed by interference elimination processing.
4-11-5 Shadow
A shadow differs from a false echo, and consideration should be given to shadows for antenna installation.
That is that, a radar wave is interrupted by a mast and a funnel near a radar antenna,
an echo of a target which exists in the direction of a mast and a funnel is hard to appear on a display.
In order to investigate whether there are shadows, at the sight of sea clutters on a display, confirmation is
carried out that the echoes of sea clutters are thin or that there is a zone at which no echo can be seen.
Such shadows always exist in the same direction as ever.
Moreover, as described in the paragraph (3) side lobe, false echoes are apt to appear in the inside of such
Since the signal strength reflected from targets also declines, echoes of targets may be removed by signal
processing etc.
4-11-6 Secondary echo
As shown in the following figure, target echoes from distant places are not displayed within the transmission
repetition period, but during the next transmission repetition period, such echoes are displayed at a nearer
position than the true position. These echoes are called a secondary echo.
The thing of the phenomenon displayed is said.
Target Echo
Secondary echoes are reduced by changing a transmission repetition period at each transmission and by
carrying out reduction of interference together.
4-12 Magnetron Table
Typical models of Magnetron manufacturers are shown in the following table.
A type which aims at extension of life-span and spurious reduction is developed in recent years.
X band S band
9375MHz 9410MHz 9445MHz 3050MHz
MAF1560N M1568
MAF1610B RMC-2
MSF1421B M599A
MG4004 JP9-25D
E3571 JP9-25F
4kW MG5248 MSF1421C
MAF1561N MRF1421C
2J42 9M61
M1347 M5108
JP9-7 MSF1425B
12kW MSF1615N
9M40 9M90
20kW 2J42A
M1304 M1312
22kW M513B M598B
YJ1110 JP9-18
M1311 9M72
M5039 9M72A
E3509L E3509
QKH1535 M1437(A)
25kW 2J70A
M1475A M1458A
30kW M1302
2J55 9M31 2J55H
60kW M5063
Life of Magnetron
Even when a radar is used in a standby condition for a long time, a life of a magnetron becomes short by
consumption of a cathode electrode etc.
Magnetron type for JRC RADAR Typical Model
4-13 Waveguide Loss ( X-BAND )
E, H Bent about 0.04 Loss is smaller in using each one of E,H Bent in
comparison with in using twisted
Twisted waveguide about 0.3 waveguide.
X band S band
3 3 10 2.3
4 2 12 1.9
5 1.5
6 1.2 θ=2.3×λ/D
λ: wavelength [cm]
8 0.9
9 0.8
5. Raster Scan Radar
5-1 High-intensity Radar Display
5-1-1 Outline
The Type of Display used for marine radars has changed from a display fitted with Analog type PPI monitor,
then a display fitted with Cathode-Ray Tube CRT monitor, to LCD monitor fittd with LCD panel.
The problem of a analg type of display fitted with PPI monitor (Analog display type) is that, CRT brithtness is
related to a sweep time of a trace, since CRT brightness dose not reach the maximum brightness in the
case of selection of a short range, it is sometiems difficult to use the display in a britht place without a shade
Distance (nm)
To resolve this problem, In some case, received radar echo signals are once written in a memory (Video
Memory) in real time, next, while reading out and displaying, read-out time is expanded more than 80 μs, a
trace may be synchronized with this time-extended radar echo signals, and a trace time is expanded and
then the maximum brightness is able to be accomplished in any range scale,. For example, radar JMA-650,
JMA-850, etc. are this system.
A raster scan type of display exists in display types of CRT monitor fitted with Cathode Ray Tube (digital
display type), and information for PPI scan is transformed for Television scan (Raster Scan) and is
displayed in high brightness.
For example, JMA-8000 series, JMA-6000 series, JMA-9700 series, JMA-9800 series, and color radar are
this system.
Regarding a LCD monitor type of display fitted with LCD panel, information for PPI scan is also transformed
for Television scan (Raster Scan) and is displayed in high brightness. For example, JMA-9900 series,
JMA-9100 series, JMA-900M series, and JMA-900B series are this system.
A LCD monitor type of display fitted with LCD panel is not only a high brightness display for displaying radar
videos, but to memorize radar information, the following functions are able to be added easily and distortion
of a picture etc. is able to be improved.
- as for a common PPI display, the brightness of radar video decays with the progress of time, but it
can keep the brightness constant until the next video is updated.
- trail of moving target can be displayed.
- radar data from two or more sensors can be displayed synthetically, For example, spectral
indication of target symbols, speed, course and routes, etc. are possible to superimpose on a
display like an ARPA display.
- distortion of a picture by earth magnetism, a color gap, etc. such problems are pointed out on PPI
monitor/ CRT monitor, it is hard to receive such problems.
Now, a display of LCD monitor type (Raster scan display) fitted with LCD panel is in use.
Vertical scanning
525 lines
448 lines
448 dots
(a) TV picture
That is, the display which consists of 448x448 dot matrix is refreshed 30 times per second. Although a
raster scan radar displays the PPI scan radar data on this TV picture, a polar coordinate is used for a PPI
display which uses a distance “R” from own ship and bearing “θ” from heading to display a target.
Rectangular coordinate is used for TV a picture which displays targets by X and Y component of
rectangular coordinates. In order to display Radar data received by the PPI scan, the data needs to be
converted to TV scan. A device which performs this conversion is called Scan converter.
For this scan converter,
PPI display TV picture
there are two types of converts such as an analog type and a digital type. An analog type converter uses a
Storage Tube, and digital type converter uses IC memory (radar data written into the memory by PPI scan
is read out in the form of TV scan). Now, since the digital scanning method is used in many cases as for the
raster scan radar, in this book, a digital scan converter is to be described.
X = R·Sin θ Formula 1
Y = R·Cos θ
The principle of this scan converter is shown in Fig. 5. A distance R is acquired by counting with Range
Clock. Moreover, a direction ”θ” is convertible to Sin θ and Cos θ using a signal characterizer. The formula
(1) is realized by multiplication of these signals,
A minimum unit value of a distance which a range clock counter is set to Δr, and Δx and Δ y of a respective
change component in X axis and Y axis to Δr is shown as Fig. 6.
In Fig. 6, the rectangular-coordinates component (xn, yn) of a quantization point Tn can be expressed with
the following formula.
The rectangular-coordinates component (xn, yn) of the quantization point Tn can be obtaiend by adding the
change component of X axis and of Y axis. A block diagram of a scan converter is shown in Fig. 7. Signals
from an antenna are convertd into digital signals with a Sin/Cos function generator (ROM), and the
converetd signlas become Rate input signals to B.R.M. (Binary Rate Multiplier) and the signals are
multiplied by Range signals in B.R.M. and then the procesed signals are outputted from B.R.M.. These
outputted signals are counted by a address counter and become address data of the rectangular
coordinates (xn, yn) of TV display.
Signal characterizer
Signal characterizer
Sampling point
Sampling interval
change component
Range clock
X-Address Counter
Bearing signal
Y-Address Counter
6. Target Tracking System
6-1 Basic Concept of Collision Prevention
The following two items, such as prediction and avoidance of collisions, should be considered for
prevention of collisions.
In an extreme case, regarding prediction of a collision, prediction of the case that two or more vessels may
occupy the same point at one and the same time is carried out, and avoidance is that navigation of each
ship is carried out so that each ship may not occupy the same point at one and the same time.
It is necessary to consider one blockade area in actual navigation, and this can be caught by the concept of
CPA (Closest Point of Approach). Moreover, regarding prediction, time taken to reach CPA about prediction
must be taken into account, and danger of collision is judged by using TCPA (Time to CPA)
Time to reach CPA
Target ship
rectangular Relative Vector
Own Ship
6-2 Rule
According to the new IMO radar performance standards in effect on July 1, 2008, the rule relating to target
tracking function is as follows.
Therefore, a target tracking function called ARPA/ATA/EPA is now called TT (Target Tracking). With the
revision of the standard, in the following description, a target tracking function is described as TT function,
and a tracked target is described as TT target.
6-4 Description of Term of Operation
AZ Automatic acquisition zone Setting of zone with EBL/VRM/Cursor
(Acquisition Zone) Automatic acquisition of target entering automatic
acquisition zone
Generation of New Target alarm
The same as for the automatic activation zone for
Past POSN Past position Display of the maximum of ten(10) past
(Past POSitioN) positions at convenient intervals.
TT Test Menu Functional Check of system
Association Identification of Tracked Target and AIS Target as the
same target.
6-5 Example of Display
(NORTH UP, Relative vector mode)
Associated target Cursor marker CPA Ring Associated target Vector for tracked target
Priority is given to AIS targets Priority is given to TT targets
Fixed Range Marker (Range Ring) / Variable Range Marker (VRM) / Electronic Cursor other than
the above (EBL) displayed symbols etc. are displayed.
In the relative vector mode, CPA Ring is indicated as a solid line.
7. AIS Superimposition Display
7-1 Basic Concept of System
7-1-1 The 1st step : reception/decoding of AIS target information
Data of an AIS target (VDM sentence) are transmitted as compressed data. These data are received and
decoded, and dynamic data, such as latitude/longitude, COG, SOG, and navigation status, and static data,
such as ship's name, call sign, destination, etc. of an AIS target are acquired.
7-1-2 The 2nd step: Complement of target position
AIS target data are transmittd at intervals of 2 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on target speed, turning
round, etc. When an interval between neighboring transmissions is long, the present target position is
predicted and displayed using COG/SOG received last time.
7-1-3 The 3rd step: Judgment of ship in danger of collision
This step judges whether ships are in danger of collision. Once speed and course of target are found, it is
easy to calculate CPA (Closest Point of Approach) and TCPA (Time to CPA). Such calculated CPA and
TCPA are compared with a limit of CPA and a limit of TCPA which have been beforehand set according to
situations surrounding own ship and danger of collision is judged. At this time, a function, which simulates
how a target vector changes by simulating speeds and courses of own ship, is called “Trial Maneuver”.
7-1-4 The 4th step: Filtering
If AIS filter is set, AIS targets in such area can be displayed preferentially, or only AIS targets in the area can
be displayed. The form of filter can be chosen from the three following types.
- a circle centering on own ship
- a shape of a fan enclosed by two bearings positioned on either side from right ahead
- a zone enclosed by two bearings positioned on either side from right ahead and by two lines based
on own ship
7-1-5 The 5th step: Judging of being the same target
Complicatedness of a radar display can be reduced by displaying one association symbol instead of
displaying two symbols such as AIS symbol and TT symbol, when AIS target and TT target can be judged
as the same target. Judgment of being the same target is carried out by a difference in course/speed of
each target, and bearing /distance from own ship.
7-1-6 The 6th step: Display
The changing situations of the targets processed in the above steps, are displayed
on a display and ship navigators are notified of these information. Usually, AIS target
is displayed as a symbol of sleeping target shown in the right figure. Sleeping target
Direction of vertex of a triangle shows a heading or a course of a target.
AIS targets entring an automatic activation zone are activated automatically or
activated by manual, such activated AIS targets are displayed as a symbol as
shown in the right figure. A heading is displayed as a solid line and a course Activated
vector is displayed as a dotted line. A line perpendicular to a heading line shows
a direction of turning.
Moreover, ship navigators’ attention are called by audible alarm or alarm indication
other than symbol indication.
COG or CTW Course Over the Ground (Course relative to the ground) or
Course Through the Water(Course relative to the water)
SOG or STW Speed Over the Ground (Speed relative to the ground) or
Speed Through the Water (Speed relative to the water)
Trial Maneuver Setting of Trial Maneuver Setting of Manual Simulation, Course/Speed and Dynamic
Vector Target vector Information of a course and a speed of an AIS target are
displayed as a vector on a target echo.
TCPA limit Setup of the safety limit of Time to Closest Point of Approach
Activation Zone Automatic activation region Sector setup using EBL/VRM/cursor
Sleeping AIS target in the zone is activated automatically.
Generation of alarm for New Target
The same as for the automatic acquisition zone for target
tracking function
7-3 Example of Display
(NORTH UP, TRUE vector mode)
In addition to the above markers, Fixed (Fix) / Variable (VRM) Range Marker, Electronic cursor, etc.
are displayed.
In the relative speed vector mode, a CPA ring is displayed as a solid line.
8. ECDIS and INS
8-1 Outline
ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display System) can display information such as own ship position, course,
speed ,etc. required for safe navigation other than Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) which has been
published under Each Government Organization such as the Hydrographic Department.
ECDIS consists of a display part, a control part, and a processing part, and in the processing part,
hydragraphic information displaying, input signal processing and realtime route monitoring are carried out.
The conceptula scheme and the example of ECDIS display are shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2 respectively.
ECDIS is described in the Performance Standards for ECDIS adopted by IMO (International Maritime
Orgatinzation ) as follows.
“ECDIS means a navigation information system, which, with adequate back-up arrangements, can be
accepted as complying with the up-to-date chart required by regulation V/20 of the 1974 SOLAS
Convention, by displaying selected information from a system electronic navigational chart (SENC) with
positional information from navigation sensors to assist the mariner in route planning and route monitoring,
and by displaying additional navigation-related information if required.”
ENC is a vector method type of Hydrographic Chart which is compatible with IHO Transfer Standard for
Digital Hydrographic Data “S-57” about hydrographic information sepcified by International Hydragraphic
Organization, but since it is not suitable for being displayed as a hydrographic chart due to its data structure,
it is transformed into SENC (System ENC) for use. The hydrographic chart is updated by taking the latest
information periodically published about ENC into SENC. SENC is displayed as a hydrographic chart which
is processed according to Standard S-52 Appendix 2 "Colour and Symbol Specifications for ECDIS"
published by IHO.
Display Part
Processing Part
Navigational Sensors
GPS navigation equipment
Gyro Compass
Speed Log
- There are two steps such as the first step of "cautions" by indication and the second step of the
"alarm" by a visible alarm and an audible alarm. An alarm is be provided when own ship is going to
cross the safety depth contour or reaches a dangerous area closely.
- An alarm should be provided when the actual position of own ship deviates from the planned
track beyond a preset cross track limit, or when own ship is reaching the next waypoint.
- A caution indication should be provided when the planned route crosses a safety contour line or a
dangerous area.
- can preserve the record of the previous 12 hours and of the voyage track to reconstruct the
- may display radar image information and other ships’ information of a radar and an AIS (Automatic
Identification System)
Integration of systems like Integrated Navigation System (INS), which is a combination of systems, such as
a Conning Display, which indicates various navigation information, Radars, an Autopilot and ECDISs, which
are interconnected between or to, aiming at safe and efficient navigation, and the other integration of
systems like IBS (Integrated Bridge System), which is a combination of INS, Machinery systems and Cargo
systems, etc., have progressed. And ECDIS serves as a core of such systems.
As future trends, expansion of ships which is fitted with ECDIS, and development of S-100 that a data
structure type and time-varying information like a current is added to S-57 has been also considered.
8-2-1 ENC and its Updating
Since ENC is not suitable for being displayed as a hydrographic chart due to its data structure, it is
transformed into system ENC (SENC) for use. The hydrographic chart is kept latest by taking the
up-to-date information periodically published about ENC into SENC. SENC is displayed as a hydrographic
chart which is processed according to Standard S-52 Appendix 2 "Colour and Symbol Specifications for
ECDIS" published by IHO. This structure is shown below.
office of each
country or
distributors Electronic
8-2-2 Electronic hydrographic charts applicable to JRC ECDIS
Since ENCs published by the Hydrographic Office of each country have not covered the whole world yet,
other types of charts overing the area uncovered by ENC are used as well. Types of Electronic
hydrographic charts which are applicable for JRC ECDIS are shown below.
Table 1
This does not cover all This covers charts in the This covers charts in the
Cover area
charts in the whole world. whole world. whole world.
Feature This covers charts for the Since this is the digital
The electronic
hydrographic chart
whole world and it is facsimile of UK paper
known all over the charts,
officially accepted by IMO.
world. However, it cannot the completely same
It can be used instead of
be used instead of paper charts as paper charts are
a paper chart.
charts. displayed on LCD.
According to the Performance Standards for ECDIS adopted by IMO, it is defined that, when ENCs are not
produced or not published, RNCs can be used in ECDIS instead to satisfy the carriage requirements of
charts on board a ship. However, when using RNCs in ECDIS, an appropriate portfolio of up-to-date paper
Charts are carried onboard a ship and are used together with RNCs.
If a computer reads these data and displays such data, it is shown in the following figure. Moreover,
for an attribute, it is possible to define data such as the coastline and depth contour other than color
and the types of lines freely.
(x3,y3) (x5,y5)
Fig.4 Raster
own ship’s position can be always displayed on the screen.
(7) The recorded last 12 hours’ voyages can be played back.
(8) Have the following alarm function.
- when planned routes cross safety contours.
- when own ship’s position deviates from the planned track beyond a preset cross track limit.
- when approahing a waypoint.
- when interfaced equipment is abnormal.
(9) The display size for route monitoring should be not less than 270x270 mm.
Safety contour
Own ship
Japan Radio Ship Owner Distributor of ENC
Chart CD Chart CD
Japan Radio
Ship Owner
Chart Chart
Install CD Shipment CD
License Shipment License
* eToken and its number
eToken is an option item and the device shown below is inserted in USB memory jack of ECDIS.
Heading Control
(2) Characteristics of Track Control System
Track Control System (TCS) keeps a ship’s position on a preset route automatically, by computing a new
direction with a planned route and a present position and sending the new direction to a autopilot. A ship
is drifted by the wind, the wave or the tide and then ship’s course may deviate from the preset route.
Compensation signals for such deviations are sent to a steering system for keeping a ship’s route.
Waypoint-1 Waypoint-2
8-5-4 Route Keeping and Turn performance
(1) A brief outline of route keeping in a straight line route
Command directions are calculated for Category-B and C practically according to the following formula in
TCS of JRC to keep planned routes.
Next waypoint
dL D
θs = θr − ( a1 LD + a 2 ) (in the case that own ship is at the right side of a route.)
dL D
θs = θr + ( a1 LD + a2 ) (in the case that own ship is at the left side of a route.)
b) Category-C
An alarm is generated before own ship reaches a WOL, and a turn is initiated automatically.
9. Echo Sounder
9-1 Outline
An echo sounder transmits an ultrasonic wave into water like a fish finder and receives echoes reflected
from the seabed and a shoal of fish and records those data, and measures the depth of water. Although a
fish finder aims at various information in water such as a shoal of fish or the seabed, an aim of echo
sounder is to search only the seabed and to measure the depth of water and to display it. An echo sounder
is a mandatory equipment for large vessels and should meet IMO Resolution MSC.74 (69). Annex
[ Frequency ]
The typical frequency currently used for an echo sounder is 50 kHz and/or 200 kHz. The overwhelming
majority of customers have chosen 200 kHz. Some customers who demand deep sounding exceeding a
standard depth have chosen 50 kHz. As a general character, 200 kHz is short in wavelength and is
resistant to air bubbles caused by the navigation of a ship. Although 50 kHz is long in wavelength and its
sounding range is much longer, it is easily affected by the influence of air bubbles. Therefore, a mounting
position should be selected carefully.
9-2 Example of Echo Sounder Configuration
Transducer Switching of
(Oscillator) Transmit/
A recording method using discharge recording paper is used to be applied for previous echo sounders. For
present models, a color LCD is used for displaying echoes, and sounding records of more than 12 hours
are able to be displayed on a screen as well. In the case of a paper recording method, sounding data are
drawn on a long continuous sheet of paper. Therefore, in order to confirm sounding data of 12 hours
recorded, it is necessary to trace back the rolled recording paper unrolling it in order.
Features of a color LCD are summarized below in comparison with a recording paper method.
(1) Since there is no mechanical rotation part, the wear of parts does not occures. And, a mechanical
malfunction rate is low.
(2) Since the strength of a signal was displayed with multiple colors (for example, eight colors, 16 colors)
in proportion to the intensity of signals, it is easy to identify the seabed.
(3) Sounding records for the past 12 hours or the past 24 hours, such as the depth of water, time and
position (only when a position data is inputted.), are stored in at regular intervals. These data are
displayed as a form of a line graph and data are able to be displayed by placing a cursor on a line
(4) Recording paper is not necessary for a color liquid crystal dysplay and the cost of running can be
9-4 Mounting Position of Transducer
When mounting a transducer of an echo sounder on the bottom of a ship, it is important to take into account
not receiving the influence of air bubbles generated during navigation of a ship. If a position at a ship’s
bottom is not suitable, air bubbles coming in from the bow at the time of navigation will cover the surface of
transducer oscillators and causes the generation of noises, the pausing of recording of images, etc. and
then it turns out to be impossible to bring out the best performance.
Moreover, as the number of high speed ships increases, it has been difficult to determine a mounting
position of a transducer. Therefore, a mounting position should be selected with care.
Regarding a mounting position of a transducer for commercial ships, a flat surface, which is as near to the
bow as possible, is recommended. However, as the shape of a bow normally belongs under the
know-how of each shipyard, it is difficult to predict the flow of air bubbles. It is effective to follow mounting
positions of similar types of ships which are being constructed in series or in which similar or the same
equipment were installed, etc. As the number of large ships increases, the case increases where a
transducer is mounted at a bow and at a stern respectively. Mounting at a stern is still more difficult because
a stern part is subject to the influence of air bubbles
9-4-2 Ships with a bulbous bow:
Between the point at which crosses a line of upper bow and a bottom line and a bow.
Cross point A
( A transducer is installed in here )
9-5 Trial Running Test
Sensitivity (GAIN)
At the time of finishing installing an Echo sounder,
0 Range m
a trial running test is carried out and the performance
Rotation frequency: r.p.m.
of sounding and the influence of noises should be
confirmed during the trial test. At a deepest point in an
area where fishery is performed actually, at first, a trial
running test is carried out at a speed of dead slow, and
while a sensitivity knob is set at every point of 0 to 10,
the performance of sounding is confirmed. Next, with
a speed of a ship being increased gradually, the same
test is carried out several times and ascertaining up to
which speed (Revolution) sounding performance is
available at the deepest range without the influence of
noises is carried out.
Next, after an above mentioned test is over,
at a sea area of depth of 20 to 30 m Fig.2 Example of the result of Trial test
The recording of the generation of (3)
Echoes of the
air bubbles is shown in a figure.
seabed are much
As shown in a picture on the right broken off due to
air bubbles.
side, the seabed may not be Noises like dots
may not come out
identified due to the influence
of air bubbles. In this case, since a The echoes of the
mounting position of a transducer seabed can hardly
be seen.
is not suitable, it is necessary to
ascertain it.
Fig.3 Example of recording of bubble generating
9-6 Judgment of Quality of Oscillator ( 500V Megger should be used. )
a. P= (W)
b. P= (W)
2. In the case of measuring between one side and a ground, formula b is applicable.
R: Load impedance
Example: A voltage between one side and a ground is 500 VP-P, in the case of load 100Ω.
10. Fish Finder
10-1 Introduction
A fish finder transmits a supersonic wave into the seawater and receives echoes reflected from the seabed
and a shoal of fish and is one of fishing equipment aiming at development of a catch of fish. The reason
why a supersonic is used for a fish finder is that other methods except for a supersonic wave are not used
for the purpose of a fish finder. That is, a radio wave cannot propagate through the seawater, and light is
able to be used only for measuring a closely near distance precisely and the maximum range is about 200
m due to the characteristics of excessive attenuation. Moreover, the wavelength of light is very short in
comparison with the wavelength of a sound wave and light cannot be used for searching objects on the
seabed (through the seawater) at all. Sound wave attenuation is much less than light attenuation in the sea
and its propagation range is far longer. As a result, a sound wave is used for a fish finder.
The speed of sound relates to the density of materilas as described above, the higher the density is and
the higher the temperature is, the faster the speed is. Therefore, although the speed of sound chages to a
certain extent in the seawater, 1500 m/s is used for designing. The speed of sound changes depnding on
temperature, salt content and pressure of seawater, and since the amount of the change is about within ±
4% as a maximum, a supersonic wave functions well for a fish finder.
[ Diffusion loss ]
A sound wave transmitted from a transducer spreads radiately. The face of a sound wave increses in
propotion to the square of a distance, and as the strength of a sound wave is defined per unit area, the
strenght of a sound wave gets weak in inverse propotion to the square of a distance. This kind of
attenuation is called “Diffusion Loss”.
This is expressed with a logarithmic function as follows.
= 20log (X/X0) (dB)
X: Distance (m), X0 : unit distance (1 m)
[ Absorption loss ]
A sound wave is affected by the influence of viscosity etc. during the propagation of it. A sound wave is
absorbed at a regular rate in proportion to a propagation distance. This kind of attenuation is called
“Absorption Loss”.
Absorption Loss is expressed as follows.
Absorption Loss = α X (dB)
α: Absorption index (dB/m)
note: α is usually a unit of “dB/km” for easy of understanding it.
A propagation loss is the sum of a diffusion loss and an absorption loss. In the case of a round -
trip propagation, it is expresed as shown Fig.1. The following is obtained obviously from a figure below.
The higher the frequency is, the bigger an absorption loss is. As a result, a propagation loss inreases and a
reaching range becomes short.
Propagation attenuation
of a round trip
(db) Lw of
[ Relation between Wavelength and Reflection ]
Generally, In the case that a wavelength is shorter than the size of a reflective object, the sound wave is
reflectedd well. However, since attenuation is also large if a wavelength is short, a frequency in use is
determined based on fish species and operating depth.
(1) Reflectivity that reflection occurs well at the boundary between two different substances
(2) Straightness of propagation
(3) Uniform velocity
A sound wave pulse transmitted downwards from near the ship's bottom, hits a shoal of fish or the seabed,
etc., and a part of a sound wave returns to the original direction of a transducer according to the principle of
reflectivity (1). A receiver is fitted at a transmission side and the receiver receives returned signals and the
received sound signals are converted to electric signals. The electric signals are displayed on a screen as
a shoal of fish and the seabed.
Since a supersonic wave has the straightness of propagation (2), if the beam of a supersonic wave is
narrowed, it is possible to determine the direction of a signal to be transmitted and to identify the direction of
a returned signal (echoes).
Using the nature of uniform velocity makes distance measuring possible. The elapsed time between the
time of transmission of a supersonic wave and the time of reception is measured and a round trip distance
can be obtained by multiplying the elapsed time by the sound velocity. And then, a half of a round trip
distance is a distance to a shoal of fish.
Take reflection from a depth of 1500 m for example, if a supersonic wave is transmitted from a transducer
fitted onto a ship’s bottom towards the seabed, since it propagates straight in seawater at a speed of 1500
m/s, it reachs the seabed one second after it is transmitted. A pulse reflected at the seabed returns to a
transducer one second later. It takes two senocnds for the pulse to go and return. That is, the relation
between depth and the elapsd time is drawn as follows.
Depth: N (m)
Elapsed time: T (s) (time taken to go and return along a depth of N)
Transducer Switching of
(Oscillator) Transmit/
10-6-2 Feature
A Color Fish Finder is mostly characterized by being able to use a wide dynamic range (for example, 40 dB).
Since a paper recording type of fish finder indicated only the strength of echoes, was expression of only a
shade, its dynamic range was at most 20 dB. Moreover, for a color fish finder, a dynamic range can be set
up freely.
The strength of signals returning from a shoal of fish and the seabed depends on reflective objects, and
how to display such data is shown in the following figure.
The followings are characterized below in comparison with an outdated recording paper method.
1. Since there is no mechanical rotation part, the wear of parts does not occures. And, a mechanical
malfunction rate is low.
2. Since the strength of a signal was displayed with multiple colors (for example, eight colors, 16 colors)
in proportion to the intensity of signals, it is easy to identify the seabed.
3. Since records cannot be reserved, if necessary, a hard copy unit is required outside.
Example of display
Multiple echoes
Like a picture on the left, two or more echoes other than an
direct from the seabed, and the reflected echo is called “the
1st echo from a ship's bottom (the sea surface) and it reaches the
“Multiple Echoes”.
If other ship near own ship is using an ultrasonic
equipment, a picture shown on the left side is
displayed sometimes.
It is because that own ship and other ship use nearly
equal frequency for Fish Finder and signals
transmitted from other ship are displayed as echoes.
This is called “interference by other ship”. If the
Fig.4 Multipule echoes and Interference In order to remove such interference echoes, shifting
a transmission cycle is effective. It is effective to shift
a transmission cycle on a adjust menu and/or to
change a range.
10-7 Installation Position of Transducer
For mounting a transducer of an echo sounder in the bottom of a ship, it is important to take into account not
receiving the influence of air bubbles generated at sea. If a position on the bottom plate of a ship is not
suitable for mounting, air bubbles coming in from the bow at sea may cover the surface of oscillators and
causes the generation of noises, the pausing of recording of images, etc. and then it turns out to be
impossible to bring out the best performance.
Moreover, as the number of high speed ships has increased, it has been difficult to determine a mounting
position of a transducer. Therefore, a mounting position should be selected with care.
For an installation position for a fishing vessel, at first, the overall area between the keel head and a
propeller is divided into three equal areas as shown in Fig.6, like a picture in the first raw, and a center area
among those three areas is suggested for an installation position. Moreover, after the central area is divided
into three equal areas again as shown in Fig.6, like a picture in the second raw, it is necessary to ascertain
which area in such areas is suitable, taking into account the structure of a ship’s hull.
Below, an installation position for a fusing vessel is shown under fish type and tonnage in paragraph 8.
Since various shapes of hull exist and a certain shipyard may not issue such information, the determination
of an installation position should be taken into account. If existing equipment is replaced with another one,
the place at which equipment was removed is normally used again for reinstallation. Otherwise,
reinstallation may costs much because of appurtenant works. Therefore, frequency, character, etc. of
existing equipment, in use is checked in advance, and it should be ascertained whether the place is suitable
for reinstallation. Normally, by confirming a good installation in the same model of ship and referring to it and
determining a position, a good result can be obtained in many cases.
Side view
Bottom view
The installation tolerance for a
transducer is shown. Notes * --
This gas is as large as possible in
odder to avoid air bubbles. However,
Sectional for grounding, this is normally almost
view equal to the depth up to the keel
surface or a little shallower than the
keel (one centimeter)
10-8 Tolerance for Transducer Installation classified by Ship’s Type
Various cases of installation positions are shown below. A,B,C,W: Refer to Fig.6
Tolerance: A-B-C
W : 1300-1700 mm
Since freezers, auxiliray machines and a propeller are close to a engine, a installation position of a
transducer is apt to receive vibrations and noises. Such things should be taken into account.
10-8-2 Bonito Pole and Line fishing vessel (around 200-400 GT)
Tolerance: A-B-C
W : 1300-1700 mm
Since fishery warehouses are used for keeping sardines alive as a live bait in seawater as well, in order to
circulate seawater, draft is enough deep to install a trancducer.
10-8-3 Fishing vessels for such various fishes as bonito, tuna and cuttlefish fishing
(around 59-100 GT)
Tolerance: A-B-C
W : 800-1000 mm
Fishing vessels which belong to a small type to a midium type have been speeded up.
Therefore, shapes of such ships are showing a tendacy to change. Smaller ships are taken into account.
10-8-4 Fishing vessels for one-hook fishing, cuttlefish fishing, and All round fishing boat
(around 10-20 tons)
Tolerance: B
W : 800-1000 mm
An area for mounting a transducer in especially high speed ships made from FRP is limited. Moreover,
because fishery warehouses are close, mounting of a transducer near a engine room should be avoided.
* Regarding
Trial Runnig Test ,Judgment of Quality of Oscillator (500V Megger should be used.) and
Calculation method of Transmitted Electric Power , refer to the same sections in the chapter 9
Echo Sounder
11-1 Outline
SONAR is an acronym for sound navigation and ranging (combined with SO (SOund), N (Navigation), A
(And), and R (Ranging).
It derives from the arms term of the U.S. navy.
11-3 Scanning Sonar
11-3-1 Theory of operation
As for the searchlight sonar, a transducer is directed to a certain direction and a narrow beam of sound
wave is transmitted from a transducer. A transmitted sound wave is reflected from a shoal of fish etc. and
reflected sound waves are received. And then, the transducer head is changed to a different direction
mechanically by using a transducer turning mechanics and a sound wave is again transmitted from the
transducer and reflected signals are received. Such process for searching is repeated horizontally.
However, the speed of sound wave propagating through the water is slow (1500 m/s), for example, in the
case of searching at a depth of 0 to 750 m, if 10 degrees is selected as a width of sound wave (called beam
width), it takes 18 seconds to search a width of 180 degrees by turning a oscillator. While an oscillator
faces a certain direction, another direction is in a blind angle. Therefore, an omission in search occurs.
A new type of scanning sonar has been developed to compensate for the fault of aforementioned
searchlight sonar. For this type, a transducer to which many oscillators are fitted is used, and during a
transmission interval, strong supersonic pulses are transmitted over all the directions simultaneously, and
during a receiving interval, oscillators of the transducer are scanned electronically at a high speed. By
repeating such operations, targets around a ship can be observed at a time.
As a basic structure, it consist of a display, a transducer which is fitted with oscillators, a circuit of
transmitter/receiver unit which consist of a transmission circuit of high power output and a receiving circuit in
which is fitted with a electronic circuit of a high speed electronic switching of beams, etc.. A block diagram of
a scanning sonar is shown in Fig. 1.
The whole system operating is controlled by a timing circuit, and this functions is basically similar to the
function of searchlight sonar. During a transmission interval, supersonic sound waves are transmitted
simultaneously in all directions from all the oscillators which are cylindrically arranged. When supersonic
sound waves are transmitted at a tilt angle, an electric effect that a transmission frequency sent to each
vertical layer of oscillators is phase-shifted is applied. During a receiving interval, target echoes in a
designated direction are detected and identified, by switching receiving sharp beams electronically in turn at
a high speed. Receiving sharp beams are made by combining some horizontal oscillators in a beam
combinig cirucuit. A certain tilt angle for receiving is made by adding a different phase of signal generated in
a local oscillator to signals received. A distance and a direction of a received target echo are detected by
switching beams electronically, and the coordinates of the distance and the direction of a target is
transformed for display and is displayed. Based on this method, it takes only 1.3 seconds to search a
range of 1000 m, and the omission of searching which occurs in the searchlight method does not occur in
this method.
The aforementioned describes an omnidirectional scanning sonar. A semicircular type (180 degrees) of
scanning sonar is used widely as well.
A distance to a target displayed on a screen corresponds to a direct distance between a target and a
transducer and it does not means a horizontal distance. If a tilt angle is big, it is taken into account that the
difference between a direct distance and a horizontal distance becomes big as well. Accoring to the
relation between the direct distance, the horizontal distance and the tilt angle, the relation between a sound
wave and an echo is shown in Fig.2 (Omnidirectional sonar: 360 degrees) and Fig.3 (Semicircular sonar:
180 degrees) in the case of an omnidirectional scanning sonar and a semicircular scanning sonar
Shoal A
of fish
Trail Shoal A of
Shoal B
Shoal B
of fish
of fish
Sound wave
(2) Search of a shoal of fish living near the seabed
Shoal A
of fish
Shoal A
of fish
* If a tilt angle is applied, a sound wave becomes narrower circularly like a closing umbrella.
Shoal A of fish
Shoal A of fish
Shoal B of fish
Shoal B of fish
Own ship
(Sound wave) position
(2) Vertical plane search ( Rapids, Fish living near the seabed )
(Sound wave)
Seabed A shoal of
A shoal of fish
(3) A shoal of fish in a rope
contoling a
A shoal of
A shoal of fish
(Own ship)
contoling a
Rope rope
(Sound wave)
11-4 Installation position for each component and How to install
According to hull drawings, installation positions of equipment will be determined, and then cabling routes
between equipment will be discussed. Generally, a display unit is installed in the bridge and
transmitter/receiver units are installed in a sonar room. Avoiding installing equipment in places of high
temperature and/or of high humidity and in places with excessive vibration, and is installed in places where
equipment are maintained easily. Particularly, temperature and humidity in a sonar room should be taken
into account, and ventilation fan, a fresh air inlet, etc. are fitted if necessary.
Regarding existing ships, since hull drawings may not match the present status of ships, the present status
of each ship should be confirmed actually.
Especially an important matter for installation of a transducer is to select a place where influence of air
bubbles is less.
The example of standard installtion is shown in Fig.7
11-5 Installation of Transmitter / Receiver
Taking the followings into account, installation positions should be determined.
(1) A position at which a transducer projects enough into the sea from a ship's bottom (keel).
(2) normally at a position of about 1/3 of the overall length of a ship from the bow of a ship.
(Refer to Fig. 4)
(3) normally installed on a keel or within 800 mm from a keel (Refer to Fig. 5, 6 )
(However, in the case of installation on a keel, after confirming with a shipyard enough, the guarantee
on strength of the keel should be obtained)
(4) a position at which air bubbles do not come or seldom come during running.
(5) a position out of which a transducer does not come in the air in a stormy weather.
(6) a position which does not receive noises from a propeller, Maine engine, generators, etc.
(7) a space enough for maintenance or test around transmitter and receiver is repair.
(8) compartment for transmitter and receiver is prepared and is waterproofed.
within 800
12. Doppler Log / Doppler Sonar
12-1 Outline
A Doppler Sonar and a Doppler log transmit an an ultrasonic wave to the tilted forward direction in the water
from a transducer fitted on the bottom of a ship, and receive waves reflected from the seabed or from the
water and mesure a ship speed.
The difference between Doppler Sonar and a Doppler Log cannot be defined clearly. Geneally, a
Doppler Log indicates only the forward and backward direction of a ship seepd, and in additon, a
Doppler Sonar indicates the right and left direction of a ship speed as well.
(4) The amount of Doppler shifts is computed based on the following formula.
(Doppler equation)
(5) After this Doppler shifted signal is amplified, it is detected in a processor, and it is converted to a ship
speed for indication of it.
Theoretically, a ship speed can be calculated only by a signal of one way. However, according to the
Doppler equation above, if a transmission angle changes, the amount of Doppler shifts will also
change. As a result, it leads to a big error (A transmission angle changes according to a pitching of a
Therefore, in order to compensate a pitching, a supersonic wave is transmitted to the other opposite
direction as well, and this pitching error is compensated using a reflected signals from an opposite
direction. This system is called a "dual beam" system.
A Doppler SONAR has a function to track a ship speed over the ground up to hundreds m. And since an
accurate motion of a ship is obtained by using this function, this type of Doppler SONAR can be used
effectively during docking. Therefore, three-axis type of Doppler sonar may be called “Docking Sonar”.
Moreover, since the information of this accurate ship’s motion is also outputted to external equipment, ARPA
and navigation systems function more effectively. (If it is used in ARPA, the motion of own ship can be more
exact, and the motion of another ship can be obtained more correctly.)
T Transducer
13. Doppler Log / Doppler Sonar Adjustment Procedure
13-1 Scope
A Doppler Log should be adjusted for the compensation of a mounting angle of a sensor. This adjustment
procedure is applied to a work of obtaining data for the adjustment of a log.
Note: When a test is carried out while a ship is laid down in a dock, (1), (2) and one of two stopwatches
may be prepared by a Dockyard.
13-5 Measurement Procedure
(1) A round-trip speed test may be normally carried out at a revolution of 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 of a main
engine rated revolution one time each and totally four times be carried out.
(2) A propeller revolution and a course should be kept steady at least one (1) mile before a ship enters a
speed test line, and the test condition of the ship should not be changed until speed test
measurement is over for each test.
(3) When the ship passes A point in Fig. l, stopwatch 1 and a distance meter are reset.
(5) When the ship passes B point in Fig. l, stopwatch 1 is depressed and the time required t1 is
confirmed. At this time, the reading of a distance meter is also confirmed.
(6) Stopwatch 2 is depressed as the ship passes as a distance meter shows 1.01NM. And the time t2
required for the ship to run 1 NM measured by the Log is confirmed.
Constant speed = a x (KT) a: Distance between mileposts (NM)
Log speed =1x (KT)
t: Time required (second)
(8) Furthermore, the ship runs the other test course off the outward course as shown Fig.1. When the
ship enters a homeward course from an outward course, it should take a large roundabout route and
a steady speed and a straight course are maintained between two mileposts and the same
measurement as on an outward course is carried out on a homeward course.
Milepost Milepost
Point A Point B
Point B Point A
(1) A round-trip speed test may be normally carried out at a revolution of 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 of a main
engine rated revolution one time each and totally four times be carried out.
(2) A propeller revolution and a course should be kept steady until a ship runs completely one mile.
(3) When the ship passes C point (on a fixed marker) in Fig. 2, stopwatch 1 and a distance meter are
(5) When the ship passes D point in Fig. 2(2) (D point is one (1) mile away from C point.), stopwatch 1 is
depressed and the time t1 required for the ship to run one (1) mile is confirmed. At this time, the
reading of a distance meter is also confirmed.
(6) Stopwatch 2 is depressed as the ship passes as a distance meter shows 1.01NM. And the time t2
required for the ship to run one (1 ) NM measured by the Log is confirmed.
(7) Each speed is calculated according to the respective the times required.
Constant speed = a x (KT) a: Distance between point C and D (NM)
Log speed =1x (KT)
t: Time required (second)
(8) Furthermore, the ship turns 180 degrees after an outward course test is over and runs a homeward
course and the same speed measurement is carried out.
a= 1 mile
X is a target.
Reference: A table on the next page is an example of data for Doppler Log measurement.
Table 1 Example data for Doppler Log measurement
14. Doppler Finder ( Current Meter )
14-1 Outline
The principle of this equipment is fundamentally the same as a Doppler sonar and a Doppler log, and
directions of fishes etc. are searched at each depth three-dimensionally. Supersonic waves are transmitted
from a transducer, which is fitted onto the bottom of a ship, at tilted angles of four directions such as forward
and backward, to the right side and to the left side, and waves, which are reflected from the seabed and a
shoal etc, such as moving objects in the selected layer of the water, are received and then actual speeds
and directions of such shoals etc. as moving targets can be obtained free from any ship speed.
This device can measure tidal currents and directions in the surface layer of the sea and the deep-sea layer.
However, since this is based on the Doppler-effect principle of detecting speeds of acoustically-reflective
objects in the water, a measured speed is not actually a tidal current speed. On the other hand,
acoustically-reflective objects moving in a tidal current are small organisms etc., which may have a certain
relative speed to a tidal current, and when the relative speed is very small, indicted speed is considered to
be almost the same as a tidal current. Therefore, this device is useful for predicting a tidal current speed and
14-2 Features
(1) Speeds and directions of shoals etc. at three points in desired layers of the water can be measured
(2) It is possible to assume easily how much a fishnet spreads since a relative display on the basis of
the speed of a desired depth can be made.
(3) A speed over the ground at a depth of up to 400 m, and a speed of a shoal etc. at a depth of up
to100 m, is possible to detect stably.
(4) A measurement error caused by a ship movement has been reduced by using 4 direction beams.
(5) A source of failure can be easily discovered by a self-diagnostics.
14-3 Explanation of Principle for detecting speeds of moving objects in the water by
the Doppler Effect
Generally, when sonic or electric waves transmitted from a certain objects return from other objects, if a
relative speed between both objects exists, a frequency difference between a transmitted wave and a
received wave is caused. While an object is moving out, a received frequency is lower than a transmitted
frequency, and conversely, while an object is coming toward, an adverse effect is caused.
When a sound source moves at a speed of “ν” in the same direction as a sound wave transmitted, the
relation among the frequency “f0 “a sound source, the velocity of the sound “C” and a wave length “λ” is
given by a formula (2-1) as follows.
.................................................................................................................. (2-1)
When this wave refelcts from a fixed object and a receiver, which is moving at a speed of “ν” in the direction
of the sound source, receives the reflected wave, a frequnecy at this time is given by a formula (2-2).
When the frequency “f0” of a supersonic wave transmitted at a tilted angle of “θ” in the water in a direction in
which a ship is moving at a speed of “V0”, the frequency “f1” of the supersonic wave in the water is given by
a formula (2-3).
....................................................................................... (2 - 3)
When this wave reflects from the seabed and the ship moving at a speed of “V0” receives the reflected
wave, the frequency “fB” of the received wave is given by a formula (2-4).
The next subject is to consider waves reflected from moving objects such as a shoal etc. in the water.
When the wave with the frequency “f1“ reaches a object moving at a speed of “VM” in the water in the same
direction as a ship is moving, the frequency “f2 “ of the wave at the object is given by a formula (2-6).
The frequency “f3 “of a wave reflected from this object moving toward a sound source is given by a formula
When this reflected wave is received at the ship, the frequency “fM “of the received wave is given by a
formula (2-10). This is a wave reflected from a moving object.
As a result, the following formula is obtained.
Since VM is the smaller than C (VM ≪C) in a formula (2-13), members below the third member of a formula
(2-13) can be omitted and it can be approximated by a formula (2-14).
According to the aforementioned, a speed of a moving object can be obtained on the basis of a wave
reflected from the seabed and a wave reflected from a moving object.
For Doppler Finders, in order to cancel changes of a reflection angle “θ” caused by the rolling and pitching
motion of a ship, one beam each in a forward and a backward direction, and one beam each in each side
direction, 4 beams of supersonic waves in all are actually used.
Moreover, Doppler finders (Current Meter) such as JLN -610/612/615/616/626/627/628 / 650 type are
manufactured based on patent No. 805192.
Washing Hidden
Rock Rock Depth of the water
15. Color Plotter
15-1 Outline
A color plotter is connected with GPS navigation equipment etc. and draws wakes of own ship continuously
on Mercator charts in color on a screen.
By using the function of indicating coastlines, it is easy to confirm an own ship position visually, and
consequently, it contributes to safe navigation and increase in efficient fishery work.
In addition, as shown below in the paragraph “Specification”, there are many functions, and it is possible to
indicate necessary data according to users’ demands.
15-2 Specification
Others External event input
External buzzer output (log pulse)
Tidal current data input
GPS buoy data input
direct connectable to DGPS212, GPS112 receiver
Many data are sorted into several functions and arranged intelligibly.
By giving the gradation of the depth of the water which is based on not only coastline data, but isobath data
and isobaths (depth contour lines), it is easy to confirm the ups and downs of the seabed visually.
Note: All Copyrights are reserved. Copy and use of this as a chart is prohibited.
16. AIS ( Automatic identification system )
16-1 Ouline
Universal shipborne AIS has been developed newly, in order to ensure the safety of navigation of ships
more and it was introduced into ships as a mandatory eauipment as of 1 July, 2007. AIS transmits ship’s
name, position, course, speed, etc. to the coast stations using VHF band frequency with TDMA method and
displays information transmitted from other ships. If AIS is interfaced with Radar or ECDIS and if AIS
information are superimposed, other ships’ status can be confirmed visibly. Consequently, safety of
navigation of ships is able to be improved further.
16-3 SOTDMA Communication Protocol
A SOTDMA (Self-Organized Time Division Multiple Access) protocol is used for Class A AIS communication.
This is characterized by transmitting AIS information including reservation information of time slot
information for the next transmission. The conceptual figure for time slots in use is shown in Fig. 1.
AIS communication is carried out as shown in Fig.1. AIS of ship A transmits own ship’s information and
reservation information for the next own slots as a one packet, and AIS of ship B transmits own ship’s
information and reservation information for the next own slots, avoiding the slots reserved by ship A. AIS of
ship C transmits own ship’s information and reservation information for the next own slots, avoiding the slots
reserved by ship A and B. SOTDMA is a communication protocol that such processes is repeated by each
AIS and each AIS avoids collisions between transmissions. Two channels are used for AIS. Therefore, a
conceptual image of slot allocation is that the above slot is doubled actually
(10) GPS receiving signal
(position information, course over the ground, speed over the ground)
(11) Gyrocompass signal (Heading, Rate of turn)
Control part
a heading,
TDMA receive part a turn rate
DSC receive part
PPS (operation board
Is included)
GPS receive part
AIS transponder
270° :0.18NM JRC MARU1
35° :0.29NM JRC MARU2
22° :0.92NM JRC MARU3
10° *8.20NM JAPAN RADIO>
17. VDR / S-VDR
VDR (Voyage Data Recorder) maintains continuously sequential records of preselected data items
relating to the status and output of the ship’s equipment, and command and control of the ship, such as
date and time, ship’s position, heading, speed, conversations in the Bridge, other ship status, etc. to
investigate causes of an incident.
S-VDR (Simplified Voyage Data Recorder) is for existing cargo ships, and requirements for data
recording and the capsule are relaxed.
The carriage requiremnts for VDR/S-VDR is as follows. (SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 20)
3,000 - 20,000GT
July 1, 2007
to July 1, 2010
17-3 Data items to be recorded
The main alarm ALR, ALA, FIR, WAT Required IEC61162 is outputted
17-4 Performance Requirements for Protective Capsule
range 1800m-3600m ( subject to environments)
17-8 Reproduction Software for Investigation Authorities
According to the IMO Resolution (MSC.214 (81): amendments to A.861(20) and MSC.163(78)), the
software for the investigators, which is compatible with the following requirements, is required to be provided
together with VDR/S-VDR installed after 1 June, 2008. The software etc. for VDR/S-VDR provided by
JRC is described below.
- Download of stored data
It is possible to download the stored data from a sub-medium (CF-card etc.) in the Rerecord Control
Unit using LAN. *1
- Data format conversion (additional function)
It is possible to change the data stored in an original format into general-purpose formats.
Setting data: Text file
IEC61162-1/-2 Sentence data: Text file
Voice data: WAV file
Radar image data: PNG file (BMP, JPEG2000)
- Playback software
Special purpose software for playing back the stored data downloaded
*1: According to the amendments to the original performance standards, a means was required to
download the stored data to an external computer for Investigation authorities. Termination of the
recoding should be executed upon request by an investigation authority.
Before amended, it was only possible to download the stored data from the protective capsule.
- the overall condition of the equipment is satisfactory (no alarms are present)
- external power removal test (Only voice in the bridge should be recorded for 12 hours.)
- the acoustic beacon for the capsule is functional and validity of its battery
- data have been recorded correctly for 12 hours
- validity of batteries reserved in a main unit
- alarm function (receiving error for input data)
- existence of software for investigation authorities
Issuance of test report
The manufacturer must complete a review, record any changes and issue the completed test report
within 45 days.
The period of the annual testing is specified as follows.
- Passenger ships: Testing may be carried out up to 3 months before the due date
(The maximum period between subsequent testing: 15 months)
- Cargo ships: Testing may be carried out up to 3 months before or after the due
- date for a cargo ship. (The maximum period between subsequent testing: 18 months)
E. General Materials
1. Grouping of Radio frequency by Frequency Band
Frequency band Name (normally used)
(9)~30 kHz VLF(Very Low Frequency) Extreme long wave
30~300 kHz LF(Low Frequency) Long wave
300~3,000 kHz MF(Medium Frequency) Medium wave
3~30 MHz HF(High Frequency) Short wave
30~300 MHz VHF(Very High Frequency) Very short wave
300~3,000 MHz UHF(Ultra High Frequency) Ultra short wave
3~30 GHz SHF(Super High Frequency) Micrometer wave
1~2 GHz L band
2~4 GHz S Band
4~8 GHz C Band
8~12 GHz Microwave band X Band
12~18 GHz Ku Band
18~26.5 GHz KB and
26.5~40 GHz Ka Band
30~300 GHz EHF(Extremely high Frequency) Millimeter wave
300~(400)GHz Sub millimeter wave
Value in ( ) means upper limit or lower limit distributed in RR.
International Conventions
3. Abbreviation used in this document
Abbreviation Structure of Original Words
UAIS:Universal AIS
MES Mobile Earth Station
RR Radio Regulations
SVDR:Simplified VDR
4. Method of Error expression
4-1 Probable Error
When measured data have a normal distribution
and a half of these data are distributed within a
deviaition from the mean of a normal disitribution,
the value of a deviaiton is called “probable error”.
In the graph below, the value of “P0” indicates
“Probable Error”.
4-9 R95 ( 95% Error Probable )
When 95% of measured data are expected to be included within a circle of a radius centered
about the mean, the value of this radious is called “R95”. It is considered to be the maximum error.
5. Marine Storage Battery Etc.
5-1 Lead storage battery for Auxiliary Power
5-1-1 Principle
If lead peroxide (PbO2) and lead (Pb) are immersed into dilute sulfuric acid, a voltage of about 2 v
occurs between this PbO2 and Pb, PbO2 serves as an anode and Pb serves as cathode. The
above-mentioned is the principle of lead storage battery, and anode, cathode and electrolytic
solution (dilute sulfuric acid) change with charge and discharge as follows. However, all the active
substances of two poles do not change to lead sulfate and all of the electrolytic solution do not
change to water, respectively, with the progress of electric discharge.
Hour rate
Minute rate
5-2 Alkaline Battery for Auxiliary Power
5-2-1 Alkaline battery
Generally an alkali storage battery is a nickel cadmium storage battery, and nickel oxide is used
for an Anode and a cadmium compound is used for a Cathode and caustic potash is used for an
electrolyte. During discharging, chemical reaction of nickel oxyhydroxide occurs at an Anode and
chemical reaction between metal cadmium and cadmium hydroxide occurs at a Cathode, and
the caustic potash of an electrolytic solution cannot participate in a reaction directly and
concentration of an electrolytic solution can be disregarded mostly.
Electric discharge
2 NiOOH+Cd+2H 2O 2nickel(OH) 2+Cd(OH) 2
5-2-3 Feature
(1) Charges and discharge of 500 times or more are possible. (JIS conditions)
(2) Internal resistance is very small and large current discharging is possible.
(3) Voltage variation under electric discharge is small.
(4) It is equal to overcharge and overdischarge and handling is easy.
5-2-4 Characteristic
(1) Charging characteristic
If charge is continued, charge voltage, inner gas pressure, and battery temperature change with
the elapse of time. Such characteristic is affected by the influence of charging current, ambient
temperature, etc.. From a final stage of charging to a stage of overcharging, oxygen gas is
evolved from an anode plate and it is absorbed at a Cathode. If charging is continued without
control by a current of more than an allowable current, the amount of evolved gas increases and
inner gas cannot be absorbed adequately. Consequently, a pressure of the gas increases
abnormally and then a safety valve activated to release the electrolyte. As a result, poor
contracting may be caused due to the dirty of the overflowed electrolyte.
5-3 Battery currently used for Shipborne equipment
5-3-1 Nickel-metal hydride battery (Ni-MH battery)
(1) about Nickel-metal hydride battery
The Nickel-metal hydride battery (NiMH) uses a hydrogen-absorbing alloy for the negative
electrode active material instead of cadmium (Cd) of a nickel-cadmium battery. Eelectromotive
force of a Ni-MH battery is nearly the same voltage of 1.2 v as a nickel-cadmium battery.
(3) Feature
a. Charges and discharge of 500 times or more are possible.
b. In comparison with a nickel-cadmium battery, energy density is high and capacity is
c. Since the cadmium of a toxic substance is not used, an impact on environment is low.
d. There is memory effect (Ni-Cd battery gradually lose its maximum energy capacity,
if it is repeatedly recharged after being only partially discharged.) like a nickel-cadmium
e. in comparison with a nickel-cadmium battery, it is weak to overcharge.
Electric discharge
(3) Feature
a. Electromotive force per cell is high, and one cell can be used for memory backup.
b. Since energy density is very high, it can be miniaturized.
c. Self-discharge is very low, and it has a life time of about five years.
d. Voltage drop is small till the last stage of electric discharge.
e. Its characteristic is not deteriorated even at lower temperatures and can be used even
at lower temperatures,
f. Since energy density is high, it is necessary to pay attention very much to generation of
heat in the case of a short circuit accident.
5-3-3 Lithium ion battery
(1) about Lithium ion battery
In a typical Lithium ion battery, carbon as anode, lithium transition metal oxide as cathode, and
organic solvent + lithium hexafluorophosphate(lithium salt), such as ethylene carbonate or
diethyl carbonate, as electrolyte, are used respectively. Lithium ion in electrolyte acts as
electrical conduction. There are two types of lithium ion batteries such as the primary battery
which is not rechargeable, and the secondary battery which is rechargeable.
(3) Feature
a. Electromotive force per cell is high, and one cell can be used for memory backup.
b. Charges and discharge of 500 times or more are possible.
c. Energy density is very high, and it can be miniaturized.
d. Voltage drop does not occur due to memory effect which exists in nickel-cadmium
e. Self-discharge characteristic is good.
f. Since the difference between a common use range and a safety use range is very small,
a protection circuit is necessary to supervise charging and discharging for safety
g. Since electrolytic solution is an organic solvent, a fire may be caused by its volatilization.
6. Standing Wave and SWR
Standing Wave
Standing wave excitation is used for feeding high frequency currents to an antenna wire. If
both ends of an antenna wire are electrically open, a state is presented that an infinite load is
connected, and traveling waves are reflected completely at both end. That is that, regarding a
standing wave excitation, traveling and reflected waves are feeded to an antenna wire to radiate
electric waves.
A traveling wave and a reflected wave are nothing more than electric energy currents
substantially. However, only the differnece between both waves is that directions of both waves
are reverse to each other. As both waves are advancing, the phase of each wave is delayed.
At points which are λ/4 odd times separate from a receiving terminal, a traveling wave and a
reflected wave are in phase and emphasize each other. Conversely, at points which are λ/4 even
times separate from a receiving terminal, two waves weaken each other. Such points always stay
at the same points. Therefore, such waves are called “Standing Waves”.
Standing points stay on a feeding wire as well (If a load impedance is equal to the
Characteristic Impedance of a feeder, a reflected wave does not exist.). SWR (standing wave
ratio) is used to indicate the state of a standing wave.
When SWR is indicated by the ratio of the maximum voltage to the minimum voltage of a standing
wave, VSWR is used especially as a unit of SWR.
SWR usually used is obtained from the following formula by measuring a traveling wave and a
reflected wave with CM type power meter.
7. Marine Cables
Marine Cables for power and signal /communication used in Japan should comply with JIS C
3410 (1999). JIS C 3410 (1999) is compiled based on the following IEC standards relevant to
marine cables. In 2004, JIS C 3410 was reviewed periodically, and the latest version of JIS C 3410
is 1999-revised one. For High frequency signal, cables compatible with US Military specification
MIL-C-17 (or the Defense Ministry specification DSP C 3102 in Japan) ,such as RG(Radio Guide)
cable, are normally used. Marine Cables for power and signal /communication (telephone) use is
specified in Regulation 45 (Precautions against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin),
5.2 (SOLAS II-1, Part D, Electrical installations), Regulation 45 requires that all cables are flame
retardant, and it is specified that installation of cables should be flame-retardant. However, the
Administration permits that high frequency cables, such as RG cables, are installed onboard
IEC 60092 Electrical installation in ships
IEC 60092-350 :1998 Shipboard power cables - General construction and test requirements
IEC 60092-351 :1983 Insulating materials for shipboard power, telecommunication and
control data cables
IEC 60092-353 :1995 Single and Multicore non-radial field power cables with extruded solid
Insulation for rated voltages 1 kV and 3kV
IEC 60092-359 :1987 Sheathing materials for shipboard power and telecommunication
IEC 60092-375 :1977 Shipboard telecommunication cables and radio-frequency cables -
General instrumentation, control and communication cables
IEC 60092-376 :1983 Shipboard Multicore cables for control circuits
7-1-3 High Frequency cables
This type of cables is used in particular for Radiocommunication signal transmission. It is called
RG (Radio Guide) cable and specified by US Military Specification MIL-C-17(or The Defense
Ministry specification DSP C 3102). In addition, there are other types of high frequency cables (i.e.
3C-2V etc.) which are specified by JIS C 3501. As to RG cable, RG-10 or RG-12 cables are often
7-1-4 Others
Nowadays, LAN cable is often used for intercommunication between systems onboard ships.
Normally, for LAN cable onboard ships, steel-wire-braided armored LAN cable is used. Additionally,
cable(s) prepared by a manufacturer for the specific purpose is used.
Note 1: 0.6/1.0 kV is assigned for lighting and power use. 250V is assigned for
communication / instrumentation/ control use.
Note 2: As for material for wire braided arming, in the case of steel wire braided cable, symbol
“C” is used, and in the case of copper alloyed wire braided cable, symbol “CB” is used.
Note 3: Insulation symbol for SPY (PVC insulated wires for controlling machines and
apparatus) and for SCP (Flame retardant cross-linked poly ethylene (XLPE) insulated
flexible switchboard wire) is not indicated on cable symbol.
Note 4: Asbestos insulated flexible switchboard wire is revoked and 0.6/1 kV SCP (Flame
retardant cross-linked poly ethylene (XLPE) insulated flexible switchboard wire) is
newly specified.
Note 5: For PVC protective covering cable, protective covering symbol(Y) is added to the end
of cable symbol (MPYCY) (refer to table 3)
Note 6: Cable symbol for lighting and power is based on number of conductor and nominal
sectional area of conductor. Cable symbol for multicore is based on number of
conductors, and twisted -pair cable symbol is based on number of pairs.
Twisted pair, PVC insulated, PVC sheathed and steel wire
FA- TTYCY-3 braided flame retardant telephone cable with PVC
250V protective covering.
“S” added to symbol means “with common shield”. “-S” added to symbol
means “with individual shield”.
2(3,4) core, EP rubber insulated and polychloroprene (PCP) 2(3,4)
sheathed flexible cord cores
Single core, flame retardant cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)
SCP (1.5-95
0.6/1 kV insulated flexible switchboard wire 2
mm )
SYP PVC insulated wires for controlling machines and apparatus (0.75-16
mm )
7-4 Characteristics of cables
Characteristics of cables which are normally installed are summarized below.
7-4-1 Lighting and power cable cited from JJIS C 3410(1999) table 1,2,3 Table 4
0.6/1kV EP rubber insulated, PVC sheathed and steel wire braided cable
0.6/1Kv EP rubber insulated, PVC sheathed and steel wire braided cable
with PVC protective covering
Nominal overall diameter Approximate weight
mm Kg/10m
of No.
core sectional
2 /Diameter
7-4-2 Multicore cable ( for pilot lamp and alarm signal ) Table 5
250V EP rubber insulated, PVC sheathed and steel wire braided cable
250V EP rubber insulated, PVC sheathed and steel wire braided cable
with PVC protective covering
Nominal overall diameter Approximate weight
mm Kg/10m
of Nominal
core sectional
2 /Diameter
2 10.0 12.0 1.55 2.05
1 7/0.43
4 11.2 13.2 2.05 2.6
7 13.2 15.2 2.90 3.5
12 16.8 19.0 4.45 5.3
7-4-3 Twisted pair cable ( for communication, instrumentation and control )
Table 6
250V EP rubber insulated, PVC sheathed and steel wire braided cable
250V EP rubber insulated, PVC sheathed and steel wire braided cable
with PVC protective covering
Nominal overall
Approximate weight
Conductor diameter
No. mm
No. of
of Nominal
core No.
pair sectional
2 /Diameter
1 2 9.2 11.0 1.3 1.7
0.75 7/0.37
1T 3 9.9 11.7 1.55 2.05
1Q 4 10.6 12.6 1.8 2.3
7-6 Current rating of EP rubber insulated cable
First 10 items of Nominal Sectional area 1.5-300mm2 are shown here. Current is shown at
continuous rating.
Table 8
Single core (d.c.) Double core (a.c., d.c.) Three core (a.c., d.c.)
section Ambient temperature Ambient temperature Ambient temperature
al area
2 40℃ 45℃ 50℃ 40℃ 45℃ 50℃ 40℃ 45℃ 50℃
1.5 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
2.5 30 28 26 25 24 23 21 20 19
4 42 38 36 34 32 31 28 27 26
6 51 48 45 43 41 39 36 34 32
10 71 67 63 60 57 55 50 47 45
Remarks 1. The values given above are for 6 cables or less bunched or laid together. When more
than 6 cables are bunched or laid together, correction factor 0.85 should be applied to
the values given above.
2. Frequency is 60Hz in the case of A.C.
7-7 Current rating of EP rubber insulated and PCP sheathed flexible cord
Table 9
Double core Three core Four core
sectional Ambient temperature Ambient temperature Ambient temperature
2 40℃ 45℃ 50℃ 40℃ 45℃ 50℃ 40℃ 45℃ 50℃
0.75 12 11 10 10 9 8 10 9 8
1 15 14 13 12 11 11 12 11 11
1.5 18 17 16 15 14 13 15 14 13
2.5 25 24 23 21 20 19 21 20 19
4 34 32 31 28 27 26 28 27 26
6 43 41 39 36 34 32 36 34 32
Remarks: Frequency is 60Hz in the case of A.C.
cited from JIS C 3410(1999) informative reference table 4
7-8 Maximum Length of cable
7-8-1 DC and 2 phase AC.
1000 × e × A
Simplified formula = (m)
35.6 × I
e = Voltage drop 5% (V)
I = current (A)
A = conductor nominal sectional area (mm2)
Example Table 10
2 2 2 2
Cable→ 1.25 mm 2.0 mm 3.5 mm 5.5 mm
4 10 44 16 70 29 122 46 193
6 7 29 11 46 19 81 30 128
20 3.3 14 5.8 24 9.2 38
30 3.9 16 6.1 25
1000 × e × A 3
Simplified formula == x (m)
35.6 × I 3
8. Current rating and Voltage drop of Cable
8-1 Current rating of Insulated cable ( rubber insulated , PVC insulated )
- Ambient temperature: 30℃
- This is based on “Electrical Constitution
Technical Standards”.
Remarks :
Cable size should be determined taking into
account both current rating and voltage resistance Current
(voltage drop). Rating
30℃ : 1.0
35℃ : 0.91
40℃ : 0.82
45℃ : 0.71
50℃ : 0.58
8-1-2 Decrease in Current rating due to
bunching cables.
(cables in a steel pipe)
3 cores : 0.7
4 cores : 0.63
8-2-2 AC220V, 3φ AC Voltage Drop ( Conductor Nominal Cross Section of 1.5-185 mm2 )
Voltage Drop
8-2-3 DC24V DC Voltage drop (Conductor nominal cross section of 1.5-50 mm2)
Voltage Drop
8-2-4 EP Rubber Insulation cable ( 2 conductors, 3 conductors ) AC voltage drop coefficient
Frequency: 60Hz
This table is based on Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Rules for the Survey of Steel ships, Chapter H Electrical
Equipment Survey H2.9.6-1. Voltage Drop calculation is as follows.
1. DC circuit
9. High Frequency Cable
9-1 RG Type High Frequency Coaxial cable
Protective covering
Insulation material
impedance Z0 Ω
Outer diameter
Outer Braided
Outer cover
rate %
30 200 2,000 conductor Remarks
for cable m/m
Symbols in table
PE : polyethylene, Rub : synthetic rubber, Tef : Teflon (polytetrafluorethylene), C :single annealed copper wire braided sheath
with lead cover, CC : double annealed copper braided sheath, CL : single annealed copper braided sheath with lead cover,
S : silver plated annealed copper wire, T : tinned annealed copper wire, CW : copper welded (or cladded) steel wire, N :
Nichrome wire, PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride, Chloro : chloroprene (neoprene), F.G : fiber glass
9-2 Symbol for RG cable
RG type high frequency coaxial cables are specified by US military specification “MIL-C-17
(or the Defense Ministry specification (DSP C 3102) in Japan).
RG - □□□ □ / U
Use (Universal )
Revision number (A, B, C …..)
Serial number
Category (Radio Guide)
Protective covering
Insulation material
impedance Z0 Ω
Outer diameter
Outer Braided
Outer cover
rate %
30 200 2,000 conductor Remarks
for cable MHz MHz MHz m/m
Cables for High frequency use except RG Cable specified by JIS C 3501 are shown.
Gap between Characteristics
Purpose Conductor compress coefficient
conductors Impedance
Feeder cable for TV 7 x 0.29 m/m abt 9 m/m 300Ω ± 15 85
200Ω Feeder 7 x 0.70 m/m abt 17 m/m 200Ω ± 10 75
150Ω Feeder abt 6 m/m 140Ω ± 10 75
10. Attenuation curves of High Frequency cables
10-1 RG type high frequency coaxial cable
Frequency (MHz)
(cited from Mitsubishi Cable Industry standard product )
10-2 50ΩPVC insulation braided covering 10-3 75ΩPVC insulation braided covering
coaxial cable coaxial cable
Attenuation Attenuation
Cables meeting JIS C 3501 (cited from Mitsubishi Cable Industry standard product )
11. List of Cables provided by JRC and Special Cable
11-1 JRC Provided Cable List Oct.2008
Equipment Standard Maximum
Name Cable number Interconnection 1 Interconnection 2 Purpose Cable edge treatment Remarks
Model name length length
Drum 300 m
Radar JMA-9100/7100 2695110056 Display Antenna Antenna Control and Signal 37m 65m Cutting
Refer to cable outline drawings
Drum 300 m
Radar JMA-9100/7100 2695111153 Display Interswitch Interswitch Control and Signal 10m 50m Cutting
Refer to cable outline drawings
XX=10,20,30,40,50,65 (m)
Radar JMA-5300MKII CFQ-6912-XX Display Antenna Antenna Control and Signal cable 65m Connector
Refer to cable outline drawings
RJ-45 connector necessary
ECDIS JAN-701B/901B H-7ZCNA0483 ECDIS Display HUB,Radar Data Signal transmission cable 15m Cutting
Refer to cable outline drawings
ECDIS JAN-701B/901B H-2695110006 ECDIS Display Radar Display Radar Signal cable 10m Cutting
3C-2V Six
ECDIS JAN-701B/901B 6CXBV ECDIS Display Remote display Unit Video Signal cable 30m Cutting
BNC connector necessary
Record Control
VDR/S-VDR JCY-1800/1850 6CXBV Radar Image Signal - 30m Cutting Refer to a specification
Record Control Waterproofing relay
VDR JCY-1800 H-7ZCAF0200 Capsule data communication - 30m Cutting Refer to a specification
Unit box
Record control Waterproofing relay
S-VDR JCY-1850 H-7ZCNA4021 Capsule data communication - 30m Cutting
Unit box
Record control Data acquisition Refer to a specification and cable
VDR/S-VDR JCY-1800/1850 H-7ZCNA0483 Data communication - 30m Cutting
Unit Unit outline drawings
Display control
Echo Sounder JFE-680/380 CFQ-9129 Joint box Transducer 10m Both-ends connector Fixed length
Display control
Echo Sounder JFE-680/380 CFQ-9130 Joint box Power supply 10m Both-ends connector Fixed length
Display control
Echo Sounder JFE-680/380 CFQ-9133 Joint box Signal 10m Both-ends connector Fixed length
Equipment Standard Maximum
Name Cable number Interconnection 1 Interconnection 2 Purpose Cable edge treatment Remarks
Model name length length
DGPS navigational
JLR-7700MKII CFQ-8921 Display Unit Other apparatus GPS data 3m One side Connector
DGPS navigational
JLR-7700MKII CFQ-3598B Display Unit Power supply Power supply 2m One side Connector
DGPS navigational
JLR-7700MKII CFQ-8921-1 Display Unit Other apparatus GPS data 10m One side Connector
DGPS navigational
JLR-7700MKII CFQ-3598B-1 Display Unit Power supply Power suppliy 10m One side Connector
DGPS navigational
JLR-7700MKII CFQ8921-XX Display Unit Other apparatus GPS data One side Connector XX=15,20
DGPS navigational
JLR-7700MKII CFQ3598B-XX Display Unit Power supply Power supply One side Connector XX=15,20
DGPS navigational
JLR-7700MKII CFQ-8773 Display Unit Receiver Extension of receive data 15m Both sides connectors
DGPS navigational
JLR-7700MKII CFQ-8919 Display Unit Receiver Receive data 5m One side Connector
DGPS navigational Power supply / other
JLR-7700MKII CFQ-8410 Display Unit Power supply /GPS data for 1.5m One side Connector
system equipment
DGPS navigational
JLR-7700MKII 2164111240 Display Unit Receiver Receive data 50m Cutting
Plotter Plotter 33-298 Control Unit Other equipment Air navigation data 3m One side Connector
GPS Compass JLR-20/30 CFQ-7257 Display Unit - Power supply 2 - Cutting Φ6
GPS Compass JLR-20/30 CFQ-7248 Sensor Unit Display Unit Connection cable 10 - Connector
refert to cable outline drawing
GPS Compass JLR-20/30 CFQ-5374 Display - Data 3 - Cutting Φ7
GPS Compass JLR-20/30 CFQ-5404 Display Unit - Data 3 - Cutting Φ7
GPS Compass JLR-20/30 CFQ-7249 Sensor Unit Display Unit Extension cable of data 20 - Connector Φ7
GPS Compass JLR-20/30 CFQ-7250 Sensor Display Unit Cable for beacon connection 0.4 - Connector Φ7
GPS Compass JLR-20/30 CFQ7249-10 Sensor Display Unit Extension cable of data 10 - Connector Φ7
GPS Compass JLR-20/30 CFQ-7251 Sensor Display Unit Y cable for Sub display 1.5 - Connector Φ7
GPS Compass JLR-20/30 CFQ-5469 Display Unit Radar Data 10 - Cutting Φ7
One side
International VHF JHS-770S/780D H-7ZCJD0299A Controller Transceiver Cable for controller 5m
International VHF JHS-770S/780D CFQ-5397 Hand set Controller Extension cable for Hand set 10m Connector
International VHF JHS-770S/780D CFQ-5398 Hand set Controller Extension cable for Hand set 20m Connector
NAVTEX NCR-333 H-7ZCJD0254A Printer NAVTEX receiver Printer control 1.5m Connector DPU-414, NKG-91
NAVTEX NCR-333 7ZCJD0270A Printer NAVTEX receiver Printer control 10m Connector DPU-414, NKG-91
One side
NAVTEX NCR-333 H-7ZCJD0257C Printer NAVTEX receiver Printer power supply 1.5m DPU-414
One side
AIS JHS-182 H-7ZCJD0214A Controller Connetion Unit Control 10m
One side
AIS JHS-182 CFQ-6961 Connection unit PilotPlug Pilot plug 20m Connector: PilotPlug.
11-2 Special Cable
Sectional view
Cable Pair
P4 P2
Drain wire
12. Logic Circuit IC
The basic element of logical circuits is as follows.
- Gate circuit (AND, NOT, OR, Exclusive OR)
- Memory circuit (Flip-Flop)
Input Output
As shown in the figures above, a mark “O” means that a signal is reversed (NOT).
This mark “O” is not used independently of others but used together with logic input or output.
12-3 OR Circuit
The example of OR sign and 2 input OR Input Output
Input side
Output side
12-4 EXCLUSlVE OR Circuit
Example of a symbol of an Exclusive OR and 2 input Exclusive OR
Input side
Output side
Truth Table
Input Output
Input S
Input Output
Input R
Output Q
Output Q
* : negation
: The previous state is held.
12-6-2 J-K Flip-Flop
Clock CK
Input K
Output Q
Input T
Input Output
Output Q
Output Q
Input CK
Input Output
Input D
Output Q
* :H or L Output Q
Q0, Q0: The previous state is held.
12-7 Latch Circuit
This logic circuit is requisite for microcomputers to store data for a certain period.
Input G
Output Q
Output Q
Q0, Q0: The previous state is held.
* :H or L
12-8 Decoder
Binary-coded information inputted into a decoder are decoded and its output are determined.
It is used well as a chip selector for selection of ROM and RAM,
12-9 Buffer
It does not reverse inputs unlike inverters.
Since only up to 10 gates cannot be connected to a terminal of In standard TTC-IC. Therefore, a
buffer is used for connecting more than 10 gates.
13. Decibel (DB) Calculation Table
Voltage and current: dB= 20log10 [Amplification ratio or Attenuation ratio]
Electric power: dB=l0logl0 [Amplification ratio or Attenuation ratio]
dB dB
Amplification Attenuation Amplification Attenuation
Voltage and ratio ratio Voltage and ratio ratio
Power Power
current current
14. Decibel Conversion Table
15. Capacitance of Various Antennas
15-1 Capacitance of Two- Rowed Antenna
15-2 Capacity of Vertical Antenna
A value (α) obtained from the above formula is called “Configuration Factor”.
Effective height is obtained from the following formula by using a field intensity measuring
λ (m): Wavelength
D (m): Distance
E (V/m) : Electric Field intensity
Io (A): Current at an antenna base
* in the case of electric field intensity at a point of 1 km far and a frequency of 500 kHz, effective
height is obtained from the following formula below.
17. Battery List (exclusively uesd for each Product)
Type Maker Battery model JRC code Shape size/validity Remarks
Yuasa 3/V80H0747763 5ZBAE00075 φ15.5×18.0mm
Panasonic CR2032 5ZBCJ00012 φ20×3.2mm New type
CR2032-THB 5ZBBJ00001 φ20×3..2mm Old type
Toshiba 17500V-C 5ZBBJ00009 φ17×50mm
Yuasa 3/V80H0747763 5ZBAE00075 φ15.5×18.0mm
VL2320/1HF 5ZBBD00006 φ23×2.0mm Secondary
Panasonic CR2032 5ZBCJ00012 φ20×3.2mm New type
CR2032-THB 5ZBBJ00001 φ20×3..2mm Old type
Panasonic CR2032 5ZBCJ00012 φ20×3.2mm
IVR-2025 φ20×2.5mm
Toshiba ER17500VC 5ZBBJ00014 φ17×50mm 2 pcs
Panasonic CR2032 5ZBBA00006 φ17×50mm
JSS-296 NDZ-127J1
Toshiba 17500V-C 5ZBBJ00009 φ17×50mm B:: not
SSB TEL Panasonic CR2032-1HS 5ZBAB00047 φ20.0×3.2mm 2 PCS
Type Maker Battery model JRC code Shape size/validity Remarks
VHF Not used
NAVTEX Not used
17500V-C 5ZBBJ00009 φ17×50mm
Yuasa 2-51FT-A 5ZBAE00065 φ15.0×14.0mm
IVR2430THE 5ZBBJ00011 φ24.5×3.0mm
Panasonic VL2330/1HF 5ZBAB00067 φ23×30mm
AIS Not used
6 years after
NDH-288A/B 7ZZJD0056 7ZZJD0056
for VDR
6 years after
NDH-316/317 7ZZJD0057 7ZZJD0057
Type Maker Battery model JRC code Shape size/validity Remarks
JHP-44M01T JRC NBB-141 NBB-141 68W38D63H explosion
JHP-44E01T JRC NBB-143 NBB-143 68W38D63H
JRC NBB-248 NBB-248 62H40D58.5H
Secondary JRC NBB-248 NBB-248 62W55D64.5H
5 years
Primary battery
JRC NBB-389 NBB-389 after
invalid if label 62H40D58.5H
Type Maker Battery model JRC code Shape size/validity Remarks
JRC NBB-345A NBB-345A φ35.0×190mm
3 years
JQE-2A JRC NBB-184A 6ZXSC75014 65W65D126H after
4 years
Normal parts 7ZZSC0021 after
Release sensor JRC
4 years
HK-approved 7ZZSC0022 after
5 years
EPIRB JQE-3A JRC NBB-303A 6ZZSC00023 70W34D123H after
4 years
Normal parts 7ZZSC0023 after
Release sensor JRC
4 years
HK-approved 7ZZSC0024 after
5 years
JQE-103A JRC P-35 7ZZSC0082 after
2 years
Normal parts 7ZZSC0080 H20-YSE/HAMMAR after
EPIRB Release sensor JRC
2 years
HK-approved 7ZZSC0081 H20-YSE/HAMMAR after
HF 5ZBAD0009
Sanyo Same as φ21.0×3.2mm
JST-145 above
Sanyo 5ZBAD00096 φ21.0×3.2mm
JMA-3500 Maxell ER3N4 5ZBAU00006 φ14.5×30.8mm
Sanyo CR12600SE-T1 5ZBAD00076 φ12.0×59.0mm
Type Maker Battery model JRC code Shape size/validity Remarks
Maxell ER3N4 5ZBAU00006 φ14.5×30.8mm
Sanyo CR2477-1VC φ24×7.7mm
Panasonic CR2450 φ24×5.0mm
Maxell ER6 5ZBAU00003 φ14.5×54.3mm
Sanyo CR2032-FT6-1 5ZBAD00096 φ21.0×3.2mm
JMA-9100 5ZBCJ
Panasonic CR2032 φ20×3.2mm
series 00012
Sanyo CR2032-FT6-1 5ZBAD00096 φ21.0×3.2mm
JMA-9800M1 5ZBCJ
Panasonic CR2032 φ20×3.2mm
series 00012
Panasonic CR2477-1FT 5ZBBD00011 φ24×7.7mm
JMA-9800M3 5ZBCJ
Panasonic CR2032 φ20×3.2mm
series 00012
JMA-9900 5ZBCJ
Panasonic CR2032 φ20×3.2mm
series 00012
Panasonic CR2032-T14-1 5ZBAD00089 φ20×3.2mm
Maxell ER3N4 5ZBAU00006 φ14.5×30.8mm
Type Maker Battery model JRC code Shape size/validity Remarks
Radar 5ZBCJ
Panasonic CR2032 φ20×3.2mm
JRC CBD-1626 CBD-1626 UPS
JAN-3598 JRC
JAN-1290 CR14250-SE
5ZBCJ Mother
JAN-1290 Panasonic CR2032
00012 board
5ZBCJ Mother
Panasonic CR2032
00012 board
Same GPS core Refer to same GPS
Maxell ER3N4 5ZBAU00006 φ14.5×30.8mm
as above core as above
Type Maker Battery model JRC code Shape size/validity Remarks
Panasonic BR-2/3AGE2P 5ZBCJ00010 φ17×33.5mm SENSOR
Sanyo 5ZBAD00081 φ12×59mm
PLOTTER NWU-53A Same as above
Sanyo CR2032-T9-2 5ZBAD00073 φ20.5×3.2mm
Type Maker Battery model JRC code Shape size/validity Remarks
To be
JFV-200 Seiko S-22S12i10 5DEAK00016 NVRAM 98BSAL0001
Sanyo CR2430-FT 5ZBVD00001 φ25×3.0mm
JFE-380/680 Sanyo CR2032L/B 5ZBCJ00012 φ20×3.2mm
Hitachi/ Lead
JCV-26 HP3-6/NP3-6 /5ZBAE0008 135W35D57H
Yuasa shielded
18. Conversion Table for Various Units
1. Length 1 Sun(寸)=0.030303 m 1 Chou (町)=109.09m 1 Mile = 1609.344 m
1 ken(間)=1.8182 m 1 Ri(里) =3927.3 m 1 NM (Nautical Mile) =1852 m
In Ft Yd cm m km
Shaku (尺) (Inch) (Foot) (Yard) (Centimeter) (Meter) (Kilometer)
2. Area 1a (Are) = 100 m 1 Acre =4046.86 m2
1ha (Hectare) =10,000 m
尺 2 In2 ft2 yd2 cm2 m2
(square inch) (square foot) (square yard) (square centimeter) (square meter) Summary
(square shaku)
1 tsubo = 3.305785-m2
1 Se = 99.174-m2
1 Chou = 9917.4m2
lb kg t
kan 貫 (ton) Summary
kin 斤 (pound) (kilogram)
5. Speed
6. Pressure
atm. 2
lb/in (pound per Mercurial column Water column
bar kgW/cm
(m: meter) Summary
(atmospheric pressure) (kilogram weight per square inch) (m: meter)
square centimeter)
1 at
(Technical Atmosphere)
7. Power
8. Work or Energy
19. Organization of IMO
TTC (Technical
Co-operation Committee)
DSC (Dangerous Goods, Solid
Cargos and Containers)
FP (Fire Protection)
(Facilitation Committee)
STW (Standards of Training and
General Secretariat
20. Organization of ITU-R
SG1 :No.1 Study Group
PP : Plenipotentiary RA : Radiocommunication Management of
ITU-T Conference Assembly spectrum
For Uppermost decision
-making Settling the subjects of
held every 3 or 4 years studies and approval of
ITU-D recommendation SG3 :No.3 Study Group
Radio wave propagation
RB : Radiocommunication Bureau
Management of ITU-R jobs SG7 :No.7 Study Group
f WP5B WP5C* WP5D*
Land mobile- Radio positioning, Station communication IMT system
Radiocommunication Fixed Wireless
Aeronautical mobile- systems
Amateur mobile- Radiocommunication
Radiocomunication (HF station
Marine mobile- Fixed /Land Mobile
Amateur satellite- Radiocommunication Communication)
21. Measures for Environment
Environmental pollution caused by Industrial activities broke out in the wide area. As a result,
it expanded into the Global Environmental Problems. The International Chamber of Commerce
announced “the International Charter of Sustainable Development” in 1996 to resolve the Global
Environmental Problems. And then in 1996, "the Environmental Management System ISO 14001
standard 1st edition” was published through it etc.
"The Environmental Management System” was standardized as an Internationally Standard
for Product Management system based on Environmental Program.
Japan Radio Co., Ltd. acquired a certification of ISO 14001 in 1998, and has been promoting
reduction of loads to the environment together with company’s activities, aiming at a sustainable
Operation of Environmental
Management System
[Basic Policy]
(1) The company’s business activities, products and services are in accordance with the Lows
related to Environment and others required by Society
(2) Through the company’s business activities, products and services, the conservation of
resources, energy and the reduction in wastes will be carried out. Especially, the expansion of
products which are manufactured, taking account of environment, is to be promoted.
(3) Through a sustainable improvement of the company’s business activities, products and
services, “Environmental Management system” is to be established in order to prevent
environmental pollution.
(4) An environmental goal and a target are set on “the Environmental Management System”
established by the company, and every effort is to be made for the company to reach the goal
and attain the target.
(5) The environmental purpose and an environmental goal are set up in the environmental
management system which a company defines, and make an effort of the best for the
achievement at it.The environmental purpose and an environmental goal shall be improved
(6) About this environmental plan containing basic philosophy and a basic policy, in order to
obtain an understanding and cooperation, carry out common knowledge thoroughness at all the
people that work for all workers and a company.In addition, release this environmental plan also
to external through a homepage etc.
As a trend of legal controls, the Promotion Law for Preventing Global Warming and the Energy
Conservation Law were revised partly and these were entered into force at 1 April, 2006. As
measures for factories and yards, grouping of the previous “Heat and Electricity” was abolished
and the designated factories were to be specified by a combined amount of “Heat and
Electricity” (its equivalent in crude oil). In our company, Mitaka factory is “the Designated Class I
Factory” and Saitama factory is “the Designated Cass II Factory”. These factories are required
to promote the conservation of energy. As measures for transportation, shippers, which have a
transportation volume of 30 millions ton/kg per year, have been required to register the volume
of transportation as a specified shipper since April, 2007. The amount of our company’s
transportation does not correspond to a specified shipper.
Furthermore, in section 3, clause 6th of Article 12 of the law, the above-mentioned "industrial
waste management sheet (manifesto)" issuers are required to draw up a report about the
industrial waste management sheet, and submit it to governors of the administrative divisions of
Japan or to mayors of the ordinance-designated cities. In addition, industrial waste discharging
companies are required to ascertain that works of industrial waste collection/transport and
disposal, which are entrusted, are within a handling ranges of industrial waste
collection/transport and disposal company entrusted and meet entrust requirements. And then,
trusters are obliged to make a contract in writing.
It has been decided that Category 8 (Medical equipment) and Category 9 (Contorl and
Measuring equipment) are to be included in RoHS Directivethe. There are many opinions about
commencing time. And there are items for exclusion of application, for example, substance used
for a special sensor and lead for radiation shileding are taken.
the law of the Chinese version RoHS. The whole of electronic and electric equipment (However,
refrigerator, washing machine and air-conditioner are excepted.) and packing materials used in
distribution are included in products subject to Chinese version RoHS. After 1 March 2009, a
label of the content subject to Chinese version RoHS, recyclable /non-recyclable, including a
mark which specifies a period of safe use, shall be put on a product (if no space for a label on a
product, it may be described in an instruction manual for the product.).
EuP requirement is on the basis of a Life Cycle concept (LCA: Life Cycle Assessment), and
there are items which can be indicated by a measurable physical value (environmental load)
and a certain particular environmental aspect at a special life stage of a life cycle, for example, a
particular reference value is set to standby mode electricity in use. Targeted product field and
regulations are subject to implementing measures which are provided by EU committee
All chemicals of more than 1 ton per year manufactured in EU and imported to EU are required
to be registered in three phases, on the basis of the treatment of these chemicals, by 2018.
About 30 thousands of chemicals are assumed to be registered. A goal of REACH is to be able
to trace the composition of chemicals, which are placed on the EU market, up to a substance
level, and is to be able to identify the manufacturers of such substances (establishment of a big
The content of the Law is ”Restriction on the use of hazardous substances in Electrical and
Electronic Equipment and Vehicles”, and is “Establishment of Recycling System for Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment and End-of-Life Vehicles”, and the hazardous material
content and types of substances which are restricted are the same as EU RoHS.
Producers and importers should announce “the hazardous content level and the status of
observance of a recycling rate, which is annually declared, to “Operation and Management
Information system, which was established by the Ministry of the Environment, or broadcast it
on their website and notify the President of Operation Management Organization of it.
Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives, none of the
environment-related directive by the federal government is settled yet.
However, since the law of restriction on chemical substances and waste of electrical and
electronic equipment recycling, etc. was enacted in each state individually; the notification in
accordance with each environment-related regulation in each state is required.
Various things, such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, forestdecline, desertification,
marine pollution, etc. were caused, and environment is getting worse. In order not to leave over
negative legacy to the future, many things such as saving electricity and water, waste sorting, etc.
should be carried out nearby. Each person should consider environment and observe rules
concerned and take care of the earth.
Secondly, regarding shipbreaking (The word “Ship Recycling” has recently been used instead of
shipbreaking or ship scrapping because the efficiency of recycling of ship is so high compared with
the efficiency relating to the recycling of cars etc.), in the 1980’s, demolition of ships was active
and Shipping Industry used to use the private form of contract for the sale of vessels. In 1987,
BIMCO prepared “SALESCDRAP 87” as a form for sale of vessels for scrapping. After that, the
issues of environment of ship scrapping yards and their worker’s safety and health was often
pointed out amongst countries, and then organizations related to Shipping Industry co-operated to
develop the “Industry Code of Practice on Ship Recycling” (Hazardous materials are listed in
it.) and accepted it in 2001. Accordingly, BIMCO reviewed “SALESCDRAP 87” and published it
namely DemolishCOM in 2001. Green Passport is introduced in “Industry Code of Practice
on Ship Recycling” for shipbuilders to use it for new ship building. However, such Code or form
was not legally binding instrument. At the same time, from the point of view of inhibition of
movement of hazardous materials to other countries through sale of ships, and from the point of
view of sound environment, safety and health at ship scrapping yards, Parties to Basel Convention
developed ”Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of the Full
and Partial Dismantling of Ships” (Hazardous materials are listed in it. It is referred to as “the
Guidelines”) and accepted it in 2002. This “the guidelines” is not mandatory as well, but Parties to
the Basel Convention are encouraged to recommend it. IMO, in 1998, started to consider the
issues related to environment, safety and health at ship scrapping yards on the basis of “the
Industry Code” issued by the Shipping Industry and “the Guidelines” issued by the Parties to the
Basel Convention, IMO prepared “IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling” and accepted it (IMO
resolution A.962(23)) in 2003. This includes the Hazardous Materials Lists annexed to
aforementioned “ the Industry Code” and “the Guidelines”. Green passport is cited from the annex
to “Industry Code” to this Guideline which recommends shipbuilders to minimize the hazardous
materials at design stage and construction stage of new ship building. As for even the existing
ships, shipowners are required to make every effort to minimize the hazardous materials and
hazardous wastes aboard the exiting ships as well. For new ships, Green passport for individual
ship should be prepared by shipbuilders and shipowners during shipbuilding, and for the existing
ships, after commissioning, shipowners maintain it for the life of the ship, and when sold for
recycling to recycling yard, it is to be handed over to recycling yard. Manufacturers may be
required to co-operate with shipbuilders and/or shipowners and to submit the information of the
hazardous materials in equipment to shipbuilders and/or shipowners if required.
Guideline etc. related to ship recycling, differ from RoHS etc. and is not to inhibit the hazardous
materials, but it is intended to maintain the sound environment and workers’ safety and health at
recycling yards. IMO guideline shows the list of hazardous materials and their locations and
amounts according to each item indicated in Green passport.
Green Passport
Green Passport is comprised of three parts such as Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. (Detail is omitted)
(1) Part 1 (Potentially hazardous materials in the ship’s structure and equipment)
1A. Asbestos
1B. Paint (on vessel’s structure) - Additives
1C. Plastic Materials
1D. Materials containing PCBs, PCTs, PBBs at levels of 50mg/kg or more
1E. Gases sealed in ship’s equipment or machinery
1F. Chemicals in ship’s equipment or machinery
1G. Other Substances (e.g. Mercury, Radioactive materials etc.) inherent in ship’s machinery,
equipment or fittings
(2) Part 2 (Operationally generated wastes)
2A. Dry Tank Residues
2B. Bulk (non-oily) waste
2C. Oily Waste/Oily Residues
(3) PART 3 (Stores)
3A. Gases in store
3B. Chemicals in store
3C. Other Packaged items in store
Manufacturers of navigational equipment should take into account hazardous materials at design
stage and/or production stage and at Green Procurement stage and pay attention particularly to
handling of equipment in which hazardous materials are included. If the hazardous material is
included, persons concerned should be informed of the way of handling of such equipment. Take
radar wave oscillator for instance, as it corresponds to radioactive materials in 1G of Part 1,
attention should be paid to handling it. After equipment or parts or component etc. including the
hazardous materials, is replaced, removed one(s) should be managed according to the company’s
rule for the handling of hazardous materials.
As the aforementioned guidelines are not legally binding instrument, in order to accomplish that
ship recycling yards should recycle ships at their sound environment keeping worker’s safety and
health under the legally binding instruments, the Convention on ship recycling has been
developed by IMO in time for adoption of it in 2009. All conditions of adoption of it assumed to be
achieved in 2011 and if so, it will enter into force in 2012.
22. Maintenance Guideline of Ship Electronic Device
Since the Japan Marine Equipment Association has published “Navigation Equipment and
Radiocommunication Equipment Maintenance Guideline”, for reference to maintainable period of
products, it is introduced in this handbook together with JRC Product List.
(The permission for printing of this document was obtained from the Japan Marine Equipment
1 July, 2008
Note: This policy applies to the products for ocean-going and coastal vessels only and does not
apply to the products for fishing and pleasure crafts.
Applicable Equipment
In principle, this policy includes all types of navigation and Radio Communication equipment for
ocean-going and coastal vessels but excludes the following categories.
a. Equipment manufactured to special customer specifications.
b. Certain equipment such as satellite system-based emergency position indicating
radio beacons (satellite EPIRB), etc., which has less than a 10-year service life.
c. Equipment which utilizes consumer products such as personal computers, etc.
Maintenance Support
Maintenance support should be assured on all equipment for a minimum period of ten years from the end of
production. In addition, ongoing maintenance support should be provided beyond this period, depending
on the availability of the parts necessary for equipment repair. In cases where such parts are no longer
readily procurable and if requested by the user, the equipment manufacturer should consult with the user
regarding relevant aspects such as delivery and pricing of the required parts in coping with this issue on an
individual basis.
However there may be unavoidable circumstances where maintenance support on equipment cannot be
provided because of the unavailability of the required parts or other factors.
Information Disclosure
Information pertaining to discontinuation of specific equipment and maintenance periods should be
provided as appropriate on the equipment manufacturer’s website, in instruction manuals, etc.
Prior information should be furnished in cases where the manufacturer may be unable to provide
maintenance support on equipment because of the unavailability of the required parts or other factors.
These Guidelines have been established in agreement with each member company and reflects the views of
the Group. These Guidelines do not in any way compel individual companies to deal with individual
cases, nor are they intended to bind the companies in any manner.
JRC Service parts supply status list for discontinued models
As of March 2009
Discontinued Service Parts
Product name Model Year supply status* Replacement Model
Discontinued Service Parts
Product name Model Year supply status* Replacement Model
Bibliography and Reference Data ( titles of honor omitted )
1. Radio law, Ship Safety Law for Telecommunication Class
2. Shipborne Electric Equipment Installation Technical Course
AIS/VDR/GPS course (Published in 2008)
The Ship’s Electric Installation Contractor’s Association of Japan
3. Electric Equipmenrt Design / Fitting data Charts (Published in March, 2001)
The Ship’s Electric Installation Contractor’s Association of Japan
4. INMARSAT System Outline (Published in July, 2007)
work of Eiji Chiba / supervised by Masayuki Yasunaga
The Association for Promotion of Telecommunications of Japan (Denkitsushin Shinkou-Kai)
Reference Homepage
1. the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
2. the Japan Meteorological Agency
3. Mitsubishi Cable Industries, Ltd.
We would like to thank you very much for the cooperation of the organs concerned and
associations, etc. in editing this booklet.
Editor's postscript
It took six months after the kickoff of this booklet edition to manage to finish and issue it at last.
The newest rules and technology were incorporated and most of the items are outlined and it is
possible for each person concerned to make efforts for further information. Moreover, nowadays,
customers’ demands are rather severe, and high quality but inexpensive services are required,
and to satisfy them, it is important that we in charge of installation, repair, etc. should make much
more efforts for contributing to the ship’s relief and safety and make daily efforts to be able to
obtain customers’ reliance.
Since in recent years "Earth Environment" has been reported in news, JRC’s management for
“Earth Environment” is incorporated in the edition of this handbook to have readers understand the
importance of “Earth Environment” somehow or other. It comes from our desires for readers to
think about things which peoples in the world can do for “Earth Environment” prevention and act.
Finally, we greatly appreciate many peoples’ cooperation and instruction in the edition of this
“Marine Products Maintenance Handbook”. Editor