JOTRON TRON UAIS TR-2500 - Operation - Installation Manual

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that it discusses the outline drawings, specifications and registration process for a TR-2500 AIS Transponder.


Some of the connectors mentioned include BNC connector, FME Connector, TNC Connector, N Connector and a 24VDC Power Connector.

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EC Declaration of Conformity, available at Abbreviations and definitions

AIS -Automatic Identification System. A shipborne broadcast transponder system in which ships continually transmit their position, course, speed and other data to other nearby ships and shoreline authorities on a common VHF radio channel. ALARM Message by which the navigator signals the occurrence of an event. The alarm is indicated by an audible tone and/or a message (or icon) on the display. ALTITUDE The height of the antenna over mean sea level. AMBIENT Surrounding or encompassing environment. ANTENNA HEIGHT The height (over the waterline) in which the antenna is installed. ASM AIS Service Management Controlling entity for the whole AIS service AUX Auxiliary Port -A communication port on the AIS transponder, which can be used for NMEA or RTCM, input. BAUD Transmission rate unit of measurement for binary coded data (bit per second). BIT Short form of Binary Digit. The smallest element of data in a binary-coded value. BPS Bits Per Second. BSC Base Station Controller CHARACTER STRING Continuous characters (other than spaces) in a message. CHECKSUM The value sent with a binary-coded message to be checked at the receiving end to verify the integrity of the message.

CLICK (KEYBOARD) The audible tone generated when a key is activated CLOCK A precisely spaced, stable train of pulses generated within an electronic system to synchronize the timing of digital operations within the system. CLOCK OFFSET The differences between the times at the CDU/processor tracking a satellite, the satellite itself, and GPS system time.

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COG See COURSE OVER GROUND COURSE OVER GROUND Course made good relative to the sea bed. CURSOR A flashing rectangle superimposed on a character position in the display window, indicating that a character may be entered in that position, or that the existing character may be changed via the keyboard. DEFAULT A condition that the navigator assumes automatically if no other condition is initiated by the operator. DGPS See DIFFERENTIAL GPS. DIFFERENTIAL GPS (OOPS) A method of refining GPS position solution accuracy by modifying the locally computed position solution with correction signals from an external reference GPS CDU (monitor). ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System (GPS is mostly used) ETA Estimated Time of Arrival. Calculated on basis of the distance to the destination and the current (or estimated) speed. FATDMA Fixed Access Time Division Multiple Access -Data link access protocol used by base station transponders to allocate transmission slots on the data link. These slots are fixed and will thus not change until the base station transponder is reconfigured. FM Frequency Modulation -The method by which a signal offsets the frequency in order to modulate it on a data link. Position (latitude, longitude, altitude, and time). See DILUTION OF PRECISION. GFSK Gaussian-Filtered-Shift-Keying -A standardized method of modulating digital data prior to transmission on a data link. GMSK Gaussian-Minimum-Shift-Keying -GFSK using BT products and modulation index, which optimizes the modulated signal. GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System -A common label for satellite navigation systems (such as GPS and GLONASS). GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System, which consists of or-biting satellites, a network of ground control stations, and user positioning and navigation equipment. The system has 24 satellites plus 3 active spare satellites in six orbital planes about 20,200 kilometers above the earth. GLONASS A satellite navigation system developed and operated by Russia.

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GMT Greenwich Mean Time. See also UNIVERSAL TIME COORDINATED. GPS SYSTEM TIME Time corrected to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and used as the time standard by the user segment of the GPS system. HEADING The direction in which the vessel is pointed, expressed as angular distance from north clockwise through 360 degrees. HEADING should not be confused with COURSE. The HEADING is constantly changing as the vessel yaws back and forth across the course due to the effects of sea, wind, and steering error. IALA International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities IEC International Electro-technical Commission. IEC 61162-1 Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems Digital interfaces Single TalkerMultiple listeners: Closely related to NMEA0183 version 2.3, communication at 4800 baud. Definition of both electrical and protocol to be used. IEC 61162-2 Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems Digital interfaces Single Talker- Multiple listeners, High speed transmission: Closely related to NMEA0183HS version 2.3, communication at 34800 baud. Definition of both electrical and protocol to be used. IEC 61993-2 Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems Automatic Information Systems (AIS) Definition of the sentences used for AIS in addition to those mentioned in IEC 61162-1 and IEC 61162-2. IMO International Maritime Organization INTERFACE Electronic circuits that permit the passage of data between different types of devices; For example, the speed and heading interface circuit permits data from a speed log and compass to pass to the navigator processor. IP Internet Protocol (IP) is the central, unifying protocol in the TCP/IP suite. It provides the basic delivery mechanism for packets of data sent between all systems on an internet, regardless of whether the systems are in the same room or on opposite sides of the world. All other protocols in the TCP/IP suite depend on IP to carry out the fundamental function of moving packets across the internet.

ITDMA Incremental Time Division Multiple Access -Access protocol for pre-announced transmissions of temporary or nonrepeatable character. It is also used during data link network entry. ITU International Telecommunication Union. LED Light Emitting Diode. LSS Logical AIS Shore Station. A LSS is a software process, which transforms the AIS data flow associated with one or more PSS into different AIS-related data flow. The SW process of a logical AIS station can run on any appropriate computer at any appropriate place.

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MMI Man Machine Interface NMEA National Marine Electronics Association. The NMEA electronics interface specifications have been developed under the auspices of the Association. The NMEA 0183 is an internationally recognized specification for interfacing marine electronics. NMEA 0183 version 2.3 is identical to lEC 61162-1. POLLED MODE A transponder is in a polled mode during a request-response session only. Distinguish this from a station, which is polled into certain slots. This station is first polled and then enters assigned mode. POSITION UPDATE The redefining of position by analysis of satellite orbital data as referenced to time. PROCESSOR The processor circuit card in the console that controls system operations and computes the positioning/navigation solutions. PROMPT A message on the display instructing the operator to make a keyboard entry. PSS Physical AIS Shore Station. The PSS is the most basic AIS-related entry, which can exist on its own in a real physical environment, as opposed to an AIS base station or AIS repeater station. PULSE SPEED SENSOR Speed log whose speed output signal is defined by a pulse mte output. RATDMA Random Access Time Division Multiple Access -Access protocol for transmissions which have not been preannounced. This is used for the first transmission during data link network entry or for messages of non-repeatable character. REFERENCE COMPASS The compass against which the steering compass (see STEERING COMPASS) may be calibrated. REFERENCE ELLIPSOID A mathematical description of the Earth's ellipsoidal shape (see ELLIPSOID), which is the reference frame for positioning computation. RESET To return stored values to either the default value or zero in memory. RMS See ROOT MEAN SQUARED. ROOT MEAN SQUARED (RMS) A statistical measure of probability stating that an expected event will happen 68% of the time. In terms of position update accuracy, 68 position updates out of 100 will be accurate to within specified system accuracy. SENSOR A device that detects a change in a physical stimulus and turns it into a signal that can be measured.

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SET AND DRIFT The direction and the speed of the water over ground (current). SIGNAL- TO-NOISE RATIO (SIN) Quantitative relationship between the useful and non-useful part of the received satellite signal. A high SIN indicates a good receiving condition. S/N See SIGNAL- TO-NOISE RATIO SOFTWARE Values programmed and preloaded into memory. The values represent a permanent set of instructions for running the automatic functions (computations) of the navigator. SOG See SPEED OVER GROUND SOTMA Self Organized Time Division Multiple Access -An access protocol, which allows autonomous operation on a data link while automatically resolving transmission conflicts. SPEED OVER GROUND Speed in relation to the seabed. TCP Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides a reliable byte-stream transfer service between two end points on an internet. TCP depends on IP to move packets around the network on its behalf. TCP/IP TCP/IP is a name given to the collection (or suite) of networking protocols that have been used to construct the global Internet. The protocols are also referred to as the DoD (dee-oh-dee) or Arpanet protocol suite because their early development was funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the US Department of Defense (DoD). TDMA Time Division Multiple Access. An access scheme for multiple access to the same data link. UDP User Datagram Protocol provides a packetized data transfer service between end points on an internet. UDP depends on IP to move packets around the network on its behalf. UNIVERSAL TIME COORDINATED (UTC) Greenwich mean time corrected for polar motion of the Earth and seasonal variation in the Earth's rotation. UPDATE See POSITION UPDATE. UTC See UNIVERSAL TIME COORDINATED. VDL VHF Data Link. VHF Very High Frequency -A set of frequencies in the MHz region. VSWR Voltage standing wave ratio

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Amendment Record
AMENDMENT NO. 1 INCORP. BY ES DATE PAGE(S) VERSION REASON FOR CHANGE Operators manual v.E Installation manual v.F Software update CN05326 New release New front and rear sides. Cleaned language Class A and Class B info. ISGOTT info. New text in registration form. New GPS module New Service menu New software v. 01.02.04 Moved configuration menu Change of abbreviations. Removed Service menu. Added Indication messages and corrected errors. Added procedure to restore display intensity and contrast and info about MMSI number








1-1, 1-3 and 11-1 2-1 5-4 to 5-25 8-1 5-2 to 5-25 1-3. 5-23 to 5-25 , 8-2 5-1 and 5-3

4 5


24.02.09 08.09.09


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22.03.10 07.04.10




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The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.

Jotron AS reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or modules described herein to improve reliability, function or design. Jotron AS does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the described product.


1. Do not place liquid filled containers on top of the equipment. 2. Immediately turn off the power if water or other liquid leaks into the equipment. Continued use of the equipment can cause fire or electrical shock. Contact a Jotron AS agent for service. 3. Immediately turn off the power if the equipment is emitting smoke or fire. 4. Do not operate the equipment with wet hands. 5. CAUTION!
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This equipment contains CMOS integrated circuits. Observe handling precautions to avoid static discharges which may damage these devices.

1 GENERAL ................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Features ................................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2 TR-2500 description............................................................................................................................. 1-2 1.2.1 Front board ................................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.2 Digital board................................................................................................................................. 1-2 1.2.3 RF board ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.4 Power board ................................................................................................................................. 1-2 1.2.5 Connector board ........................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.3 System overview .................................................................................................................................. 1-3 1.3.1 1W transmission power during tanker loading ............................................................................. 1-3

SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 TR-2500 environmental specifications and integrated GPS ................................................................. 2-1 2.1.1 Transmission Intervals ................................................................................................................. 2-3 2.1.2 Load requirements as listener ....................................................................................................... 2-3 2.1.3 Data Transmission ........................................................................................................................ 2-3

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

TR-2500 UAIS CONFIGURATION .......................................................... 3-1

Not all ships carry AIS ......................................................................................................................... 3-2 Use of AIS in collision avoidance ........................................................................................................ 3-2 Erroneous information.......................................................................................................................... 3-2 AIS in an Operational Environment ..................................................................................................... 3-3

INSTALLATION......................................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Antennas............................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 GPS antenna location ................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 VHF antenna location................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.3 GPS/VHF combined antenna ....................................................................................................... 4-2 4.2 Cabling ................................................................................................................................................. 4-3 4.2.1 Cable installation .......................................................................................................................... 4-4 4.2.2 Cable between Transponder and Junction Box ............................................................................ 4-4 4.3 Mounting of transponder unit ............................................................................................................... 4-4 4.3.1 Desktop Mounting ........................................................................................................................ 4-5 4.3.2 Roof Mounting ............................................................................................................................. 4-5 4.3.3 Bracket mounting hole measurements.......................................................................................... 4-6 4.3.4 Flush Mounting ............................................................................................................................ 4-6 4.3.5 19``Rack Tray Mounting .............................................................................................................. 4-7 4.4 Junction Box......................................................................................................................................... 4-8 4.5 Wiring Tables ....................................................................................................................................... 4-9 4.5.1 Connections to Junction Box........................................................................................................ 4-9 4.5.2 Interconnection Diagram ............................................................................................................ 4-11 4.5.3 DC Power Input/output of Junction Box .................................................................................... 4-12 4.5.4 Description of 24VDC connection to transponder ..................................................................... 4-12 4.5.5 Description of Pilot Plug connection to Junction Box................................................................ 4-13 4.5.6 Description of Junction Box Connector at TR-2500 .................................................................. 4-13

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS TR-2500 ................................................ 5-1

5.1 Description of keys .............................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 Menus ................................................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2.1 Menu Flowchart ........................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2.2 Select menu/submenu:.................................................................................................................. 5-3 5.3 The first start up ................................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.3.1 Configuration Menu ..................................................................................................................... 5-5 5.4 Normal use ......................................................................................................................................... 5-13 82693_Op&Ins MAN_TR2500_H 9

5.4.1 Display received vessels ............................................................................................................. 5-13 5.5 Main menu ......................................................................................................................................... 5-14 5.5.1 Navigational Status .................................................................................................................... 5-14 5.5.2 Entering Voyage data ................................................................................................................. 5-14 5.5.3 Current Sensors / Dynamic Data menu ...................................................................................... 5-17 5.5.4 Internal GPS Menu ..................................................................................................................... 5-17 5.5.5 Messages Menu .......................................................................................................................... 5-18 5.5.6 Regional Settings........................................................................................................................ 5-19 5.5.7 Add Regions ............................................................................................................................... 5-21 5.5.8 Diagnostic Menu ........................................................................................................................ 5-23

6 7

EQUIPMENT LIST .................................................................................... 6-1 WIRING AND CONNECTIONS ............................................................... 7-1

6.1 Standard supply 80400 ......................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Optional supply .................................................................................................................................... 6-1 7.1 Description of Connectors .................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2 7-1 7.2.1 VHF Antenna Connector .............................................................................................................. 7-2 7.2.2 GPS Antenna Connector .............................................................................................................. 7-2 7.2.3 24VDC Connector ........................................................................................................................ 7-2 7.2.4 Ground Tag (GND) ...................................................................................................................... 7-2 7.2.5 Extra I/O Connector ..................................................................................................................... 7-2 7.2.6 Programming Connector .............................................................................................................. 7-2 7.2.7 Junction Box Connector ............................................................................................................... 7-2 7.2.8 LAN Connector ............................................................................................................................ 7-2 7.2.9 Description of 24VDC connection to transponder ....................................................................... 7-2 7.3 Description of LAN connector (UDP) ................................................................................................. 7-2 7.4 Connection between JOTRON UAIS TR-2500 and PC through RS422 to RS232 converter .............. 7-3 7.5 Connection between JOTRON UAIS TR-2500 and serial port (9-Pin) ............................................... 7-4 7.6 Connection of External Alarm to JOTRON UAIS TR-2500 ............................................................ 7-5 7.7 Interfacing External GPS to Jotron UAIS T ......................................................................................... 7-6 7.8 R-2500 .................................................................................................................................................. 7-6

ALARM AND INDICATIONS .................................................................. 8-1

8.1 Ship navigation status and reporting interval ....................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 Alarms .................................................................................................................................................. 8-1 8.2.1 Receiver malfunction ................................................................................................................... 8-2 8.2.2 Receiver tests ............................................................................................................................... 8-2 8.3 System indicators ................................................................................................................................. 8-2 8.4 Position Sensor fallback conditions ..................................................................................................... 8-3 8.5 List of navigation status ....................................................................................................................... 8-3

9 10

LIST OF VHF CHANNELS ....................................................................... 9-1 OUTLINE DRAWINGS ........................................................................... 10-1

10.1 TR-2500 AIS Transponder ................................................................................................................. 10-1 10.2 AIS Antenna Splitter .......................................................................................................................... 10-2 10.3 Procom CXL 2-1/h Maritime VHF Antenna ...................................................................................... 10-3 10.4 Procom GPS 4 Antenna...................................................................................................................... 10-4 10.5 BNC connector 95299, Suhner 24BNC-50-2-13/133NE ................................................................... 10-5 10.6 FME Connector Female 80588, Holund 40100 ................................................................................. 10-5 10.7 BNC Connector Male 80577, Suhner 11BNC-50-2 / 133NE............................................................. 10-6 10.8 TNC Connector Male 80578 Suhner 11TNC-3-6 / 133NE ................................................................ 10-6 10.9 N Connector Male 80581, Suhner 11N-50-7-5 / 133NE .................................................................... 10-7 10.10 24VDC Power Connector 81509, AMP C091AT3261001 ........................................................ 10-7


REGISTRATION FORM ......................................................................... 11-1

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1.1 Features The TR-2500 is a universal ship borne AIS Class A transponder (Automatic Identification System) capable of exchanging navigation and ship data between own ship, other ships and coastal stations. It complies with international standards: IMO MSC.74(69) Annex3, A.694, ITUR M.1371-1, DSC ITU-R M.825, IEC 60945 and IEC 61993-2. The TR-2500 system consists of a transponder, a junction box with connections for Input/Output of signals for associated units, a cable and connector to connect between the junction box and the transponder, a power cable for 24VDC input to the transponder from the junction box, VHF and GPS antenna or a combined VHF/GPS antenna and several associated units. The main features are: Safety of navigation by automatically exchanging navigational data between ships (Class A transponders), coast stations and Class B transponders (from SW version: AIS 01-01-02). Static data: - MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity). - IMO number (where available). - Call sign and name. - Length and beam. - Type of ship. - Location of position-fixing antenna on the ship. Dynamic data: - Ships position with accuracy indication and integrity status. - UTC. - Course over ground (COG). - Speed over ground (SOG). - Heading. - Navigation status (manual input). - Rate of turn (where available). Voyage related data - Ships draught. - Hazardous cargo (type). - Destination and ETA (at masters discretion). Short safety related messages and other short messages . LCD panel satisfying the IMO minimum requirements. Interfaces for radar, ECDIS, PC, LAN for future networking expansion. GPS and VHF antenna, separate or combined, for easy installation available. Built-in GPS receiver for UTC synchronization and backup position fixing.

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1.2 TR-2500 description The transponder consists of: 1.2.1 Front board The Front board consists of keyboard, LCD panel and four status lights for alarm, power, RX and TX. The Front board communicates directly with the MMI micro controller at the Digital board. The LCD panel displays all required information about static data, dynamic data, voyage related data and short safety related messages. The information and messages are automatically updated according to the necessary international standards. 1.2.2 Digital board The Digital board consists of DSP section, timer/MMI section, PC module and DGPS module. DSP section The DSP sections main task is to decode and code AIS. Timer/MMI section The main task of the Timer MMI section is to receive DGPS information and consider synchronization of the Tron AIS against the GPS system or against other transponders in the AIS system. Embedded Controller(EC) The EC module is the communication centre for the Tron TR-2500 Transponder: analyzing data, building and controlling data base, communication with external units and controlling RX and TX messages into the right time slots. DGPS module The DGPS board receive GPS information from the GPS network. The internal GPS is a 12 channel all-in-view receiver with a differential capacity, and provides UTC reference for system synchronization to eliminate synchronization problems among multiple users. 1.2.3 RF board The RF board consists of three receiver units and one transmitter unit. Two of the receiver units are TDMA receivers. One of the receiver units is dedicated to receive DSC messages. The transmitter unit is transmitting TDMA messages. 1.2.4 Power board The Power board consists of a DC/DC converter giving the necessary internal voltages to operate the TR-2500. 1.2.5 Connector board The connector board is the interface between the internal modules in Tron AIS and external units.

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1.3 System overview The system is based on the IMO regulation for Universal AIS using Self Organized Time Division Multiple Access (SOTDMA) technology based on a VHF Data Link (VDL). The system operates in three modes: Autonomous (continuous operation in all areas) Assigned (data transmission interval remotely controlled by authority in traffic monitoring service) Polled (in response to interrogation from a ship or authority) The system is based on the IMO regulation for Universal AIS using Self Organized Time Division Multiple Access technology based on a VHF Data Link (VDL). The system is synchronized with GPS time to avoid conflict among multiple users. The VHF channels 87B and 88B are commonly used in addition to local AIS frequencies. AIS transponders onboard ships exchange various data as specified by IMO and ITU on either frequency automatically set up by the frequency management telecommand. The DSC receiver in the transponder receives these frequencies. The VHF transmit power is set automatically at 2W or 12.5W. 1W transmission power during tanker loading


Implementation of ISGOTT demand stating 1W Transmission power during tanker loading. This implementation is included in SW version: 01-01-00. See paragraph and 8.3 in this manual. Two new parameters describing power level associated with 1W output power. These parameters can be set with proprietary JOT nmea message which now accepts 22 parameters. When Type of ship = tanker, nav status = moored and SOG < 3kn (or SOG is default due to lack of sensor input), the AIS will substitute the 2.5W power parameters with the 1W power parameters and enter low power mode. When the criteria is not met, the AIS will revert to the 2.5W power parameters, and enter the power level associated with high sea area or the current region.

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2 SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 TR-2500 environmental specifications and integrated GPS


Temperature range Humidity Seal standard See Declaration of Conformity -15C to +55C (operating) -40C to +70C (storage) 90% at +40C (non condensing) IP20 (transponder)

Size Weight Color Enclosure Compass safety distance Frequency range Data ports Supply voltage, DC Power consumption

244 x 108 x 146mm 2.8kg Slate Grey (RAL7015) / Black (RAL9004) Polycarbonate / Aluminum Standard magnetic: 0.9m Steering magnetic: 0.65m 156 162.025MHz RS232, RS422 and LAN 21.6 - 31.2VDC negative ground. <100W

304 x 227.2 x 46.5mm 1.6kg Black (RAL9005) Coated steel Standard magnetic: 2.30m Steering magnetic: 1.05m

Display Keyboard LED Monochrome STN-LCD, 24 characters x 4 lines. Adjustable backlight. 19 keys. Adjustable backlight. 4 LED for identification of: Alarm, OK, RX and TX.

No. of channels Tracking Frequency RX code Velocity Acceleration Accuracy Timing Acquisition/Reacquisition DGPS interface 16 channels parallel 16 channels simultaneously L1 1575.42MHz C/A code >500m/s Up to 5G Horizontal: <3m (CEP), 5m (2dRMS). 3D:<5m (SEP). DGPS: <1m (CEP) < 100ns (absolute), < 40ns (1 sigma). <4s with almanac, time and pos. <40s cold start RTCM SC-104

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Modulation spectrum


GMSK BT=0.4 and modulation index=0.5 GMSK BT=0.3 and modulation index=0.25

Adjacent channel power Frequency range Output power Frequency error Channel switching time Data transmission bit rate Transmitter attack time Transmitter release time Spurious emission Maximum transmission time DSC Frequency B DSC Frequency Y Frequency error on B and Y Mod. rate/Baud rate

< - 60dBc < - 70dBc 156 162.025MHz 1W (see chapter 1.3.1), 2W or 12.5W (selected automatically). < 0.5kHz < 25ms. 9600bits/s 50ppm. < 1ms. < 1ms. <-36dBm (150kHz to 1 GHz), < -30dBm (1GHz to 2 GHz) Maximum 5 slots (133ms.) In case of failure: Automatic shutdown after 1.4 sec. 2100Hz 1300Hz < 1% 1200 bits/s 30ppm

Sensitivity Packet error rate Receive BT product Co-channel rejection Adjacent channel selectivity Modulation Frequency range Frequency error Spurious response rejection Intermodulation rejection Blocking /desensitization Large signal PER Transmit to receive sw. time Spurious emission from RX -107dBm (n.c.) -101dBm (e.c.) 20% at sensitivity 0.5.GMSK > -10dB 70dBm (n.c.) 60dBm (e.c.)

TDMA 12.5kHz
-101dBm (n.c.) -98dBm (e.c.) 20% at sensitivity 0.3/0.5.GMSK > -16dB 50dBm (n.c.) 50dBm (e.c.)

-107dBm (n.c.), -101dBm (e.c.) BER shall not exceed 10e-2 at high lev. input

70dBm (n.c.) 60dBm (e.c.) PSK, 1200 bits/s Ch. 70, 156.525MHz 2ppm. > 70dB two channels away from frequency

GMSK , 9600 bits/s 50ppm. 156 - 162.025MHz 3ppm. > 70dB two channels away from frequency

>=74dB at PER 20% for 1 tone 15dBm at > 65dB FO 5.725MHz and 2 tones of -27dBm at +500kHz and FO +1MHz, when usable signal has a level of -101dBm. > 84dB, except at spurious < 1% between -7dBm and -77dBm 0.75ms. < -57dBm (150kHz to 1 GHz) < -47dBm (1GHz to 2 GHz)

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2.1.1 Transmission Intervals See Technical Manual 2.1.2 Load requirements as listener See Technical Manual 2.1.3 Data Transmission See Technical Manual

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Figure 3.0, Complete Tron UAIS TR-2500 system. (Dotted lines in the figure above, means options)

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3.1 Not all ships carry AIS It is important to remember that not all ships carry AIS, in particular leisure crafts, fishing boats, warships and some coastal shore stations including Vessel Traffic Service Centers. 3.2 Use of AIS in collision avoidance As an anti-collision aid the AIS has some advantages over radar: - Information provided in near real-time. - Capable of instant presentation of target course alternations. - Not subject to target swap. - Not subject to target loss in clutter. - Not subject to target loss due to fast maneuvers. - Able to detect ships within VHF/FM coverage. IMPORTANT When using the AIS for anti-collision purposes it is important to remember that the AIS is an additional source of navigation information. It does not replace other navigational systems. The AIS may not always give the right picture of the traffic in your area separately. 3.3 Erroneous information Erroneous information implies a risk to other ships as well as your own. Poorly configured or calibrated sensors might lead to transmission of incorrect information. It is the users responsibility to ensure that all information entered into the system is correct and up to date.

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3.4 AIS in an Operational Environment This illustration shows a typical AIS system where equipped ships, vessels and shore-based systems are automatically communicating with each other.

Figure 3.4, The total UAIS system.

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4 4.1


4.1.1 GPS antenna location Install the GPS antenna unit referring to figure 4.1.3. When selecting a mounting location for the antenna, keep in mind the following points. 1. Select a location out of the radar beam. The radar beam will obstruct or prevent reception of the GPS satellite signal. 2. There should be no interfering object within the line-of-sight to the satellites. Objects within the line-of-sight to a satellite, for example a mast, may block reception or prolong acquisition time. 3. Mount the antenna unit as high as possible to keep it free of interfering objects and water spray, which can interrupt reception of GPS satellite signal if the water freezes. 4.1.2 VHF antenna location Location of the mandatory AIS VHF-antenna should be carefully considered. Digital communication is more sensitive than analogue/voice communication to interference created by reflections in obstructions like masts and booms. It may be necessary to relocate the VHF radiotelephone antenna to minimize interference effects. Install the VHF whip antenna referring to figure 4.1.3. Separate this antenna from other VHF radiotelephone antennas to prevent interference to the TR-2500. To minimize interference effects, the following guidelines apply: 1. The AIS VHF antenna should be placed in an elevated position that is as free as possible with a minimum of 0.5 meters in the horizontal direction from constructions made of conductive materials. The antenna should not be installed close to any large vertical obstruction. The objective for the AIS VHF antenna is to see the horizon freely through 360 degrees. 2. The AIS VHF antenna should be installed safely away from interfering high-power energy sources like radar and other transmitting radio antennas, preferably at least 3 meters away from and out of the transmitting beam. 3. There should not be more than one antenna on the same plane. The AIS VHF antenna should be mounted directly above or below the ship's primary VHF radiotelephone antenna, with no horizontal separation and with a minimum of 2.8 meters vertical separation. If it is located on the same plane as other antennas, the distance apart should be at least 10 meters.

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4.1.3 GPS/VHF combined antenna See figure 4.1.3. Select a location out of the radar beam. The radar beam will obstruct or prevent reception of the GPS satellite signal. There should be no interfering object within the line-of-sight to the satellites. Objects within lineof-sight to a satellite, for example, a mast, may block reception or prolong acquisition time. Mount the antenna unit as high as possible. Mounting it this way keeps it free of interfering objects and water spray, which can interrupt reception of GPS satellite signal if the water freezes.

Horizontal separation distance:

VHF antenna for AIS: Other VHF antenna or GPS antenna

>aa meters

Vertical separation distance and distance from mast or other object of metal:

Vertical separation distance:

Vertical separation distance:

VHF antenna for AIS:

VHF antenna for AIS:

See article in chapter 4.1.2 explaining an example.

> 2.8 meters

Other VHF antenna

> 2.8 meters

GPS antenna

>0,5 meter

>0,5 meter

Figure 4.1.3, Examples of distance between antennas

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4.2 Cabling The cable should be kept as short as possible to minimize signal attenuation. The table below gives recommendations on cables that can be used for the GPS antenna connections: Type Attenuation Remark @1.5 GHz (dB/100m) 90 Default for use if length< 20 m and antenna = Procom GPS4 35 If combined GPS/VHF antenna from either Procom or Comrod is used, this or better can be used 30 Cable with lower loss

RG58 RG214 RG225

For optimum performance of the transponder approximately +10dB gain should be available when the cable attenuation has been subtracted from the GPS antenna preamplifier gain. Note that Procom AIS2/GPS and Comrod AC17-AIS are combined VHF/GPS antennas and additional attenuation from connectors/ diplexer must be taken in consideration. Some examples below: Cable Type RG58 RG214 RG225 Antenna Procom GPS4 Procom AIS2/GPS Comrod AC17-AIS Procom AIS2/GPS Comrod AC17-AIS Preamplifier Gain (dB/100m) 30 28 20 28 20 Recommended cable length (m) <20 meter 10-30 meter 10-20 meter 10-40 meter 10-30 meter

The table below is gives you the attenuation on the VHF frequencies with different cable types:

Cable Type

RG214 RG225

Attenuation @150 MHz (dB/100m) 7 8

Diameter (mm)

Weight (kg/100m)

10,8 10,9

18,5 23,3

Example: A RG 214 cable with length of 40 meters will have an attenuation of 2,8 dB. Please keep the cables as short as possible, and be aware that 3 dB losses mean only half the output power. If you have a transmitter delivering 12,5 W, and you have 3 dB losses in the cable, only 6,25 Watts will be at the antenna.

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4.2.1 Cable installation All outdoor installed connectors on coaxial cables should be fitted with preventive isolation such as vulcanizing tape to protect against water penetration into the antenna cable. Coaxial cables should be installed in separate signal cable channels/tubes and at least 10 cm away from power supply cables. Crossing of cables should be done at right angles (90). The minimum bend radius of the coaxial cable should be 5 times the cable's outer diameter.

4.2.2 Cable between Transponder and Junction Box The cable is connected to a 37-pin D-sub male connector and is delivered in 10m length.

Figure 4.2.2, Connection cable

4.3 Mounting of transponder unit The transponder unit can be installed as desktop mounted, roof mounted, flush mounted in a panel or mounted in a 19`` rack. Install it on the chart table or near the steering place. When selecting a mounting location for the transponder the following guidelines apply: 1. Keep the transponder out of direct sunlight. 2. The temperature and humidity should be moderate and stable. 3. Locate the unit away from exhaust pipes and vents. The mounting location should be well ventilated. 4. Mount the unit where shock and vibration are minimal. 5. Keep the unit away from electromagnetic field generating equipment such as motor and generator. 6. Leave sufficient space at the sides and rear of the unit for maintenance and repair. Also leave slack in cables for the same reason. 7. A magnetic compass will be affected if the unit is placed too close to it. Observe the following compass safe distance to prevent disturbance to the compass: Standard Compass: 1.0 meters Magnetic Compass: 0.4 meters

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Desktop Mounting

Use the standard Mounting Kit. For mounting hole measurements see Figure 4.3.3

Figure 4.3.1, Desktop Mounting 4.3.2 Roof Mounting Use the standard Mounting Kit for desktop mounting. The bracket plates 1 and 2 must be switched over to opposite sides and the bracket turned 180 degrees in order to get the bracket in place for roof mounting. For mounting hole measurements see Figure 4.3.3.

1 2

Figure 4.3.2.a, Roof Mounting

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Figure 4.3.2.b, Roof Mounting


Bracket mounting hole measurements

Figure 4.3.3, Bracket mounting hole measurements

4.3.4 Flush Mounting Use the Flush Mounting Kit 80586. For mounting hole measurements see Figure 4.3.4.b.

Figure 4.3.4.a, Flush Mounting

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Figure 4.3.4.b, Flush Mounting Panel cutout

4.3.5 19``Rack Tray Mounting Use the 19`` Rack Tray Mounting Kit 80587. For mounting see Figure 4.3.5.b

Figure 4.3.5.a, Rack Tray Mounting

Figure 4.3.5.b, Rack Tray Mounting

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4.4 Junction Box Mount the junction box where it is protected from rain and water splash. For mounting hole measurements see Figure 4.4.b

Figure 4.4.a, Junction Box with cover Use the four 5mm mounting holes

Figure 4.4.b, Junction Box mounting hole measurements

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Wiring Tables

4.5.1 Connections to Junction Box There are three input ports for sensor 1, 2 and 3 which are based on the IEC 61162-1/2. The protocol is RS-422. Data transmission rate is selectable between 4,8Kb/s and 38,4Kb/s.

Junction Box Functions Inputs/Outputs 1 2 Isolated GND 3 AIS port 1 (B) Sensor 1 4 AIS port 1 (A) IEC61162-1/2 5 Isolated GND 6 7 8 Isolated GND 9 AIS port 2 (B) Sensor 2 10 AIS port 2 (A) IEC61162-1/2 11 Isolated GND 12 13 14 Isolated GND 15 AIS port 3 (B) Sensor 3 16 AIS port 3 (A) IEC61162-1/2 17 Isolated GND 18 AIS port 4 (B) External Display 19 AIS port 4 (A) IEC61162-1/2 20 Isolated GND 21 AIS port 4 (B) 22
23 24
AIS port 4 (A) Isolated GND

External GPS Isolated GND

Gyro or TDH
Isolated GND

Isolated GND

Isolated GND

Table 4.5.1.a, Junction Box connections 1 - 24

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Junction Box Functions Inputs/Outputs AIS port 5 (B) Aux Displ/Pilot 25 AIS port 5 (A) IEC61162-1/2 26 Isolated GND 27 AIS port 5 (B) 28 AIS port 5 (A) 29 Isolated GND 30 AIS port 6 (B) Long Range 31 AIS port 6 (A) IEC61162-1/2 32 Isolated GND 33 AIS port 6 (B) 34 AIS port 6 (A) 35 Isolated GND 36 37 38 Isolated GND 39 AIS port 7 (B) DGPS data 40 AIS port 7 (A) ITU-R M.823-2 41 Isolated GND 42 AIS port 8, TD, RS232 43 AIS port 8, RD, RS232 44 Signal GND, RS232 45 Dry relay contact, Referred to pin 48 46 Dry relay contact, Referred to pin 48 47 Dry relay contact, Referred to pin 46 & 47 48 Spare 49 GND 50
The RS-232 can be used as an ECDIS port, else it will function as a sensor port. Table 4.5.1.b, Junction Box connections 25 - 50

Aux Displ/Pilot

Isolated GND Long Range

Isolated GND



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Interconnection Diagram

37 Pin D-sub TR-2500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Connection Cable Wire Colors white brown green yellow Grey Pink Blue Red black violet grey/pink red/blue white/green brown/green white/yellow yellow/brown white/grey grey/brown white/pink pink/brown white/blue brown/blue white/red brown/red White/black brown/black Grey/green yellow/grey Pink/green yellow/pink green/blue yellow/blue green/red yellow/red green/black Yellow/black

Junction Box Terminal Block 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Junction Box Functions Inputs/Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 AIS TD1-B AIS TD1-A Isolated GND AIS RD1-B ( External GPS) AIS RD1-A (External GPS) Isolated GND AIS TD2-B AIS TD2-A Isolated GND AIS RD2-B (Gyro or TDH) AIS RD2-A (Gyro or TDH) Isolated GND AIS TD3-B AIS TD3-A Isolated GND AIS RD3-B AIS RD3-A Isolated GND AIS TD4-B (External Display) AIS TD4-A (External Display) Isolated GND AIS RD4-B AIS RD4-A Isolated GND AIS TD5-B (Aux Displ/Pilot) AIS TD5-A (Aux Displ/Pilot) Isolated GND AIS RD5-B AIS RD5-A Isolated GND AIS TD6-B (Long Range) AIS TD6-A (Long Range) Isolated GND AIS RD6-B AIS RD6-A Isolated GND AIS TD7-B AIS TD7-A Isolated GND AIS RD7-B (DGNSS data) AIS RD7-A (DGNSS data) Isolated GND RS-232 TX RS-232 RX RS-232 GND Dry relay contact, Referred to pin 48 Dry relay contact, Referred to pin 48 Dry relay contact, Referred to #46 & 47 I/O Spare Future warning for Backup Power GND

Input / Output

Reserved Reserved In In Reserved Reserved In In Reserved Reserved In In Out Out In In Out Out In In Out Out In In Reserved Reserved In In Out In Alarm Out (NC) Alarm Out (NO) Common

Table 4.5.2, Interconnection Diagram For definition of signal state, see chapter

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4-11 Signal state definitions Junction Box interfaces Port 1 to 7 are RS422 with A and B lines. The idle, marking, logical 1, OFF or stop bit states are defined by a negative voltage on line A with respect to line B. The active, spacing, logical 0, ON or start bit states are defined by a positive voltage on line A with respect to line B. It should be noted that the above A with respect to B levels are inverted from the voltage input/output requirements of standard UARTs and that many line drivers and receivers provide a logic inversion. 4.5.3 DC Power Input/output of Junction Box Function GND 0VDC +24VDC MAIN GND 0VDC FUSED +24VDC FUSED GND 0VDC +24VDC BACKUP Input/Output In In Out Out In In

Junction Box Terminal Block 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Table 4.5.3, DC Power Input/output of Junction Box


Description of 24VDC connection to transponder


+ 24VDC


Figure 4.5.4, 24VDC Connector for cable, front side

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1 4 5 6 9

Description of Pilot Plug connection to Junction Box Name

Pilot Plug Pilot Plug Pilot Plug Pilot Plug Pilot Plug

Pin No.

Connected to Junction Box at In/Out

AIS port 26 AIS port 25 AIS port 29 AIS port 28 AIS port 30 TDA Out TDB Out RDA In RDB in Floating Ground

Table 4.5.5, Description of Pilot Plug connection to Junction Box 4.5.6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Description of Junction Box Connector at TR-2500 Name

AIS 1 in (B) AIS 1 in (A)

Pin No.

AIS TD1-B AIS TD1-A AIS RD1-B ( External GPS) AIS RD1-A (External GPS) AIS TD2-B AIS TD2-A AIS RD2-B (Gyro or TDH) AIS RD2-A (Gyro or TDH) AIS TD3-B AIS TD3-A AIS RD3-B AIS RD3-A AIS TD4-B (External Display) AIS TD4-A (External Display) AIS RD4-B AIS RD4-A AIS TD5-B (Aux Displ/Pilot) AIS TD5-A (Aux Displ/Pilot) AIS RD5-B AIS RD5-A AIS TD6-B (Long Range) AIS TD6-A (Long Range) AIS RD6-B AIS RD6-A AIS TD7-B AIS TD7-A AIS RD7-B (DGNSS data) AIS RD7-A (DGNSS data) RS-232 TX RS-232 RX ALARM Out NC to #33 ALARM Out NO to #33 ALARM CO switch between #31 and #32 I/O Spare Future warning for Backup Power Ground Chassis GND

Reserved Reserved In In Reserved Reserved In In Reserved Reserved In In Out Out In In Out Out In In Out Out In In Reserved Reserved In In Out In

AIS 2 in (B) AIS 2 in (A)

AIS 3 in (B) AIS 3 in (A) AIS 4 out (B) AIS 4 out (A) AIS 4 in (B) AIS 4 in (A) AIS 5 out (B) AIS 5 out (A) AIS 5 in (B) AIS 5 in (A) AIS 6 out (B) AIS 6 out (A) AIS 6 in (B) AIS 6 in (A) AIS 7 out (B) AIS 7 out (A) AIS 7 in (B) AIS 7 in (A)

GND Cable screen

Table 4.5.6, Description of Junction Box Connector at TR-2500

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Figure 5, Front view TR-2500


Description of keys

Nav Menu Enter

: : :

Shortcut to insert navigational data Show main menu


Accept current setting. Takes you one menu level forward. Enter sub-menu : Escape from current menu without saving. Takes you one menu level back.


Delete character at cursor

Scrolling menus

Adjust light intensity in display and keyboard buttons. Press Del button to restore default value. Adjust contrast in display. Press Del button to restore default value. Digits 0-9. Press keys with a short time interval to convert to alphabetical characters.


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Page 5-1

5.2 5.2.1

Menus Menu Flowchart

Rotating bar as alive indicator

RNG BRG Name: \ 1/6 Esc Menu 1384 124 NIKITA 1754 124 COLOR FESTIV 99.1 098 PETER VESSEL Main Menu 1/8 1 NAV Status 2 Voyage 3 Current Sensors 4 Internal GPS 5 Messages 6 Channel Management 7 Diagnistic 8 Config

Esc NIKITA 1/16 MMSI: 444 MO: Call: ETA: ----:0000 Enter Type:0 LAT: N58d52.58 LON: E010d45.51 ROT: 0 SOG: 10.0 KT COG: 3.2 Head: 45 Length: --Beam:--Dest: VIKSFJORD Draught: NAV.Stat:

Enter key 1 to 8


Menu: NAV status Under way using engine


Default ( not defined)


Menu: Current Senso 1/8 LAT: --LON: POSN Accur.: Low POSN Source: Internal HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY SOG --COG --HDG --Menu: Voyage 1/5 Dest: LARVIK ETA:30/09 23:59 Persons Aboard:2 Type of Ship: 0 Draught: 00.0 m

How to navigate in the menus/submenus If there is a number in front of the menu/submenu, you can select it directly by pressing the numeric key with the corresponding number. When no number is present in front of a submenu, use the arrow up/down keys to choose and press [Enter] key to select. The [Esc] key takes you one step back. Passwords: Password A: OP Password B: SE 1



Menu: Internal GPS LAT: --LON: Status: NoFix HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY SOG COG -


Continued on next page

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1 Esc Menu: Message 1 Read Message 2 Send Message 1/2 Password A


Menu: Reg. Settings 1/4 1 View Current Region 2 View Defined Regions 3 Edit Defined Regions 4 Add Region

Password A


Menu: Diagnostic 1/5 1 BITE 2 Alarm 3 System Indicators 4 History 5 SW Versions


Menu: Config 1 Antenna POSN 2 Ship Data 3 I/O Ports 4 Long Range 5 Buzzer 6 Silent mode 7 Ch. Password

1/7 Password B

Figure 5.2.1, Menu Flowchart.

5.2.2 Select menu/submenu: The different menus/sub-menus can be selected directly by the numeric keys (1-9) or the arrow keys and Enter. The [Nav] key gives direct access to change Navigational Status.

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5.3 The first start up After connecting the antennas and Inputs/Outputs, the DC power can be connected to the TR-2500 from the junction box. The input voltage must be within the specifications for supply voltage in chapter 2.1. At start, the TR-2500 will look for connected sensors and equipment for approx. 40 seconds. The display will show:

Loading Please wait

The TR-2500 will not start to transmit own ship static data, or receive other stations before the MMSI number is entered and the unit is rebooted. See chapter for entering the MMSI number. After a reboot it will then start to transmit within 2 minutes. Static data includes MMSI number, IMO number, call sign, ship name, ship length and width, ship type and GPS antenna position. The ships dynamic data like the ships position with accuracy, SOG, COG, rate of turn, heading, etc. is also transmitted in intervals between two seconds and 3 minutes depending of the ships speed and course change. See chapter 8.1 for list of Ships navigation status and reporting interval. After a while the alarm status will be indicated. See chapter 8.2 for Alarm messages. Press [Del] key to reset the alarm settings. Press [Menu] key to enter Main menu. Select 8 Config by numeric key [8] or [arrow down] key and press [Enter ] key.

Main Menu 1 NAV Status 2 Voyage 3 Current Sensors 4 Internal GPS 5 Messages 6 Channel Management 7 Diagnostic 8 Config


Showing the number of sub-menus available below the selected menu

Showing the number of selected sub-menus.

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5.3.1 Configuration Menu This menu is for configuration of your own AIS system. When entering a submenu in the Config menu you have to enter password B. When the password is accepted you have access to all parameters in the Config menu. If you escape from the Config menu you have to re-enter the password to change the parameters.

Menu: Config 1 Antenna POSN 2 Ship Data 3 I/O Ports 4 Long Range 5 Buzzer 6 Silent mode 7 Ch. Password

1/7 Antenna position Select Antenna POSN. menu by pressing numeric key [1] or [arrow up/down] keys and press [Enter ] key.
Menu: Antenna POSN 1 Internal GPS 2 External GPS 1/2

Select 1 Internal GPS by [Enter] key or numeric key [1].

Menu: Internal GPS. POSN A: 0 POSN B: 0 POSN C: 0 POSN D: 0 1/4

Press [Enter] key to continue. Enter Password B and press [Enter] key. Fill in the different ranges according to Figure Press [Enter] key and type in the value for A. Then press [Enter] key again. Select next POSN with [arrow down] key. Repeat the procedure for the B, C and D positions. Press [Esc] key to return to Antenna POSN menu. Select External GPS with numeric key [2] or [arrow down] key and press [Enter] key. Repeat the procedure as described for Internal GPS. Press [Esc] key twice for return to Config menu.

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A: Distance from bow to GPS antenna position (000 m) B: Distance from stern to GPS antenna position (000 m) C: Distance from port to GPS antenna position (00 m) D: Distance from starboard to GPS antenna position (00 m)

Figure GPS Antenna position. Ship data Select Ship Data menu by pressing numeric key [2] or [arrow up/down] keys and press [Enter] key.
Menu: Ship data Name: JOTRON 8 MMSI: 2522938 IMO: 0 Call Sign: LJ6247 1/4

Enter the necessary data line by line by selecting the line with [arrow up/down] keys and press [Enter] key, enter data and [Enter] key. Select [Esc] key and repeat the procedure for next line. Press [Esc] key twice for return to Config menu. I/O ports Select I/O Port menu by pressing numeric key [3] or [arrow up/down] keys and press [Enter] key.
Menu: I/O Ports 1 Speed 2 Priority 3 Checksum 4 External Display 1/2

Press [Enter] key or numeric key [1] to select data speed.

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Menu: I/O Ports - Sp P1 (Sensor1) 4800 P2 (Sensor2) 4800 P3 (Sensor3) 19200 P4 (Ecdis) 38400 P5 (Pilot) 38400 P6 (Long Rng) 38400

1/6 Speed This menu allows the setting of data speed at port1 to port 6 of 4800 b/s, 19200b/s or 38400 b/s. Press [Enter] key to select P1.

Password _


Type password A and press [Enter] key.

P1 (Sensor1) 19200 =4800 =38400

Select speed using [arrow up/down] keys and press [ Enter] key Repeat the procedure for all ports. Press [Esc] key to return
Save Changes ? No = No = Yes

Confirm changes by [arrow up/down] keys and press [ Enter] key Priority From I/O Ports menu select numeric key [2] to select Priority menu.
Menu: I/O Ports - Pri 1 Positioning Data 2 Heading Data 3 ROT data 1/3

From this menu the priority for each port can be set individually.

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Position Data Select Position Data by pressing [Enter] key.

Position Data P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 1-6

Use [arrow up/down keys to manoeuvre between the different ports ( P1 to P6) and the numeric keys [1 6] to select the priority for each port. Press [Esc] key to return to I/O Ports menu. Heading Data Select Heading Data by pressing numeric key [2] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Heading Data P1, P2,P3,P4,P5,P6 1-6

Repeat the procedure as for Positioning Data. Press [Esc] key to return to I/O Ports menu.

Rot Data Select Rot Data by pressing numeric key [3] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
ROT Data P1, P2,P3,P4,P5,P6 1-6

Repeat the procedure as for Positioning Data. Confirm changes by [arrow up/down] keys and press [ Enter] key

Save Changes ? No = No = Yes

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5-8 Checksum From I/O Ports menu select numeric key [3] to select Checksum menu.
Menu: Checksum`s P1 (Sensor 1) ON P2 (Sensor 2) ON P3 (Sensor 3) ON 1/3

Press [Enter] key to select P1.

Password _ 1 0/7

Type password A and press [Enter] key. Select the checksum for P1, P2 or P3 to be ON or OFF. Press [Esc] key to return to I/O Ports menu. External Display From I/O Ports menu select numeric key [4] to select External Display menu.
Menu: I/O Ports - Pri Interface RS-422 Own LAN settings EXT displ. IP add. Default gateway 1/4

Press [Enter] key to select Interface RS-422.

Menu: Interface TCP

= RS-422 = UDP Select between RS-232, RS-422, UDP or TCP Press [Esc] key to return to I/O Ports-Pri menu.

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Select Own LAN settings

Menu: Own LAN Sett. IP = Mask = ---.---.---.--Port = 5000 1/3

Press [Enter] key to select IP.

IP = -0. ---. 0. ---. 0. ---. 0. ---

Insert IP address for External display. Press [Esc] key to return to Own LAN Sett. menu. Select Mask.
Mask = -0. ---. 0. ---. 0. ---. 0. ---

Insert Mask address for External display. Press [Esc] key to return to Own LAN Sett. menu. Select Port.
Port = 5000_

Do not change Port address without asking the IT responsible person. Press [Esc] key twice to return to I/O Ports-Pri menu.

Select Default gateway.

Menu: Default gateway DGW = 0. 0. 0. 0. 1/1

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DGW = -0. ---. 0. ---. 0. ---. 0. ---

Press [Esc] key repeatly to return to Config menu. Long Range Select Long Range menu by pressing numeric key [4] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Menu: Long-Range Response: AUTO 1/1

This menu allows the user to decide whether the request for information from an outside source will obtain this information automatically or manually. Press [Enter] key to set.
Response: AUTO_ = MANU = AUTO

Select by [arrow up/down] keys and press [Enter] key Press [Esc] key to return to Config menu. Buzzer Select Buzzer menu by pressing numeric key [5] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Menu: Buzzer 1 Keyboard LOW 2 Info Beep On 3 Messages On 1/3

Select Keyboard menu by pressing numeric key [1] or [Enter] key.

Keyboard: LOW = Off = On

Select keyboard status with [arrow up/down] keys and [Enter] key. Repeat procedure for Info Beep and Messages. Press [Esc] key twice to return to Config menu.

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5-11 Silent mode Select Silent mode menu by pressing numeric key [6] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key
Menu: Silent mode Silent mode: Off 1/1

Select Silent mode status with [arrow up/down] keys and [Enter] key.
Silent mode: Off_ = Off = On

Press [Esc] key twice to return to Config menu. Change Password Select Ch. Password menu by pressing numeric key [7] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Change Password: =-------< >

Press [Enter] key Follow instructions Press [Esc] key twice to return to operational display

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5.4 Normal use Follow the instruction for Menu navigation in chapter 5.2.1 5.4.1 Display received vessels

Normal use operational display

Range to ship in nautical miles Bearing of the received ship.. Name of the received ship.

RNG 1384 1754 99.1


Select the name of the ship by pressing [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.

NIKITA MMSI: 444 IMO: Call: ETA: ----:0000 Type:0 LAT: N58d52.58 LON: E010d45.51 ROT: 0 SOG: 10.0 KT COG: 3.2 HDG : 45 Length: --Beam:--Dest: VIKSFJORD Draught: NAV Stat


Select specific information by pressing [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.

ETA: 30 /09 23:59




Press [Esc] key to go back one step.

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Main menu

Press [Menu] key to enter Main Menu.

Main Menu 1 NAV Status 2 Voyage 3 Current Sensors 4 Internal GPS 5 Messages 6 Channel Management 7 Diagnostic 8 Config 1/8

To select Navigational Status press numeric key [1] or [Enter] key.



Navigational Status
Default ( not defined)

Menu: NAV Status Under way using engine

This shows the Navigational Status of your own ship. To change status, press [Enter] key or [Nav] key. The [Nav] key takes you directly to menu. Press [Esc] key twice to return to Main Menu For changing of Navigational Status use [Arrow up/down] keys and [Enter] key. Select from table 5.5.2 5.5.2 Entering Voyage data

Menu: Voyage DEST: LARVIK ETA:30/09 23:59 Persons Aboard:2 Type of Ship: 0 Draught: 00.0 m

Select Voyage from Main Menu with numeric key [2] or using [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.

Type in correct data and press [Enter] key. Press [Esc] key to return to Voyage Menu.
82693_Op&Ins MAN_TR2500_H 5-14

Menu: Voyage DEST: LARVIK ETA:30/09 23:59 Persons Aboard:2 Type of Ship: 0 Draught: 00.0 m


Select ETA with [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.

ETA 30/09 23:59



Type in correct data and press [Enter] key. Press [Esc] key to return to Voyage Menu. Select Persons Aboard with [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Persons Aboard: 22 Range: 0 to 8191

Type in correct data and press [Enter] key. Press [Esc] key to return to Voyage Menu. Select Type of Ship with [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Type of Ship: 0 Range: 0 to 255

Type in correct data and press [Enter] key. See table 5.5.2 Press [Esc] key to return to Voyage Menu. Select Draught with [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Draught: 00.0

< >

Type in correct data and press [Enter] key. Press [Esc] key twice to return to Main Menu.

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Identifiers Used by ships to Report Their Type

First Digit 0 Not used 1 Reserved for future use 2 WIG ( Wing In Ground ) 3 see table A below 4 HSC ( High Speed Craft ) 5 see table B below 6 Passenger Ships 7 Cargo Ships 8 Tankers 9 Other types of Ship Identifier Number Second First Digit Digit 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 Identifier Number Second First Digit Digit 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 5 Second Digit 0 All ships of this type 1 Carrying DG, HS, or MP IMO hazard or pollutant category A 2 Carrying DG, HS, or MP IMO hazard or pollutant category B 3 Carrying DG, HS, or MP IMO hazard or pollutant category C 4 Carrying DG, HS, or MP IMO hazard or pollutant category D 5 Reserved for future use 6 Reserved for future use 7 Reserved for future use 8 Reserved for future use 9 No additional information Table A: Identifiers Used by Other Ships to Report Their Type

Fishing Towing Towing and length of the tow exceeds 200mtrs ( ft) or breadth exceeds 25 mtrs ( ft) Engaged in dredging or underwater operations Engaged in diving operations Engaged in military operations Sailing Pleasure craft Reserved for future use Reserved for future use Table B: Identifiers Used by Special Craft to Report Their Type

Pilot vessel Search and rescue vessel Tugs Port tenders Vessels with anti-pollution facilities or equipment Law enforcement vessels Spare for assignments to local vessels Spare for assignments to local vessels Medical transports (as defined in the 1949 Geneva Conventions and Additional 8 Protocols) 9 Ships according to Resolution No. 18 (Mob-83) DG = Dangerous Goods HS = Hazardous Substances MP = Marine Pollutants

Table 5.5.2 Type of ship identifiers.

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Current Sensors / Dynamic Data menu


Main Menu 1 NAV Status 2 Voyage 3 Current Sensors 4 Internal GPS 5 Messages 6 Channel Management 7 Diagnostic 8 Config

Select Current Sensors with numeric key [3] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.

Menu: Current Sensors 1/9 LAT: --LON: POSN Accur.: Low POSN Source: Internal HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY SOG --COG --HEAD --ROT 128

This menu shows the data from the selected sensors onboard that the transponder is transmitting to the AIS system. Press [Esc] key twice to return to Main Menu. 5.5.4 Internal GPS Menu From the Main Menu select Internal GPS by pressing numeric key [4] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.

Menu: Internal GPS 1/6 LAT: --LON: Status: NoFix HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY SOG 0.000 COG 0.0

This menu shows the data from the internal GPS module. Press [Esc] key twice to return to Main Menu.

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Messages Menu

From the Main Menu select Message by pressing numeric key [5] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Menu: Messages 1 Read Messages 2 Send Messages 1/2

Select Read Messages by pressing [Enter] key or numeric key [1].

Menu: Received msg 0/0

The number of received messages will show in upper right corner. The transponder will show up to 100 messages. The latest received message will always be on top of the list. Select a message by [arrow up/down] key and [Enter] key to read the message. Press [Esc] key to return to Message Menu. From the Messages Menu select Send Messages by pressing numeric key [2] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key. When you try to Send Message, you must enter password A. (see chapter 5.2.1)
Password _ 1 0 /7

Type password A and press [Enter] key. Then you will be able to write a message as shown below
Menu: ADDRESSED msg Write Message Msg. Type: ADDRESSED MMSI Channel AUTO Send Message 1/5

Select Write Message by pressing [Enter] key. Write message, select ADDRESSED, select MMSI and type in MMSI number to the receiving part. Select Send Message and [Enter] to send.

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Regional Settings

The Channel Management is to define areas around the world that use specific frequencies and power output for that area only. From the Main Menu select Channel Management by pressing numeric key [6] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Menu: Reg. Settings 1 View Current Region 2 View Defined Regions 3 Edit Defined Regions 4 Add Region 1/4

Select View Current Region by pressing the numeric key [1], or press [arrow down] key and [enter] key. View Current Region

Menu: Current Regio 1/7 Ch. A: 2087 BW: Narrow Ch. B 2088 BW: Narrow Mode: Tx:A+B Rx:A+B Power Low Zone : 4

This menu shows the settings for the current region. Press [Esc] to go one step back. Select View Defined Regions by pressing the numeric key [2], or press [arrow down] key and [enter] key. View Defined Regions
Menu: Ch. Manag. 1 *N59 E010 N58 E009 2 N62 E011 N61 E010 1/9

This menu shows defined regional settings for various regions. For more specific information, press [Enter] key.
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This menu shows the specific information for one region.

Ch. A: 2087 1/16 BW: Narrow Ch. B 2088 BW: Narrow Mode: Tx:A+B Rx:A+B Power Low Zone : 4 NE LAT: ----.-Direction: South NE LON: -----.-Direction: West SW LAT: ----.-Direction: South SW LON: ----.-Direction: West

Press [Esc] twice to return to Reg. Settings menu Select Add Regions by pressing the numeric key [4], or press [arrow down] key and [Enter] key. When you try to Add Regions, you must enter password A. (see chapter 5.2.1)

Password _


Type password A and press [Enter] key. Then you will be able to add a new region, as shown in next sub chapter:

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Add Regions

Ch. A: 2087 BW: Narrow Ch. B 2088 BW: Narrow Mode: TX:A+B RX:A+B Power Low Zone : 4 NE LAT: ----.-Direction: South NE LON: -----.-Direction: West SW LAT: ----.-Direction: South SW LON: ----.-Direction: West

In this menu all data can be edited by selecting the actual line, by [arrow up/down] key and [Enter] key. Press [Esc] key to go one step back, and repeat procedure for all lines. Press [Esc] key twice to return to Main Menu. Regions should be as large as possible. The minimum limit is 20 nautical miles and maximum limit is 200 nautical miles.

Figure 5.5.7.a, Region definition

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In addition to the limits of the region, a transition zone must be defined between 1 and 8 nautical miles. This is done in the menu line marked ZONE This zone is used for frequency transition so only one frequency is changed at a time. There are defined rules for how the AIS will behave through this zone. The AIS will continuously monitor for its own position and range to the regional areas defined. When entering transition zone for Region 1, frequency is changed on the primary channel. The AIS is now sending the primary frequency defined for each of the regions. When the boundary for the Region 1 is crossed, the second frequency shall be changed. Then the primary frequency for the old region (or default setting) is switched with the secondary frequency for the new region. Then both frequencies have changed. When entering another region, frequency transition is performed as described above with the frequencies (settings) of the new region. When leaving a region, frequency transition is performed back to default values.

Figure 5.5.7.b, Frequencies used when entering a new region

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5.5.8 Diagnostic Menu From the Main Menu select Diagnostic by pressing numeric key [7] or [arrow down] key and [Enter] key.
Menu: Diagnostic 1 BITE 2 Alarm 3 System Indicators 4 History 5 SW Versions 6 Service 1/6

This menu gives access to different submenus for readout of parameters. The only submenu which can give access to changes is the Service menu which is only for factory use. BITE Select BITE menu by pressing [Enter] key or numeric key [1].
Menu: BITE SWR:.....: REFL. Power.: FWD power.: TEMP...: RSSI AIS ch.1..: RSSI AIS ch.2..: RSSI DSC.....: 1/7

This menu gives BITE readout values from the transponder. The SWR readout will show 10 times the real value that is calculated like this: SWR=( FWD power+ REFL Power / FWD power- REFL Power) Press [Esc] key to go back to Diagnostic menu. Alarm Status Select Alarm menu by pressing numeric key [2] or [arrow down] key and press [Enter ] key.
Menu: Alarm Status ROT 1 Jan 00:00:18 HEAD 1 Jan 00:00:18 COG 1 Jan 00:00:15 SOG 1 Jan 00:00:15 POS 1 Jan 00:00:15 EPFS 1 Jan 00:00:15 1/6

This menu shows the log over momentarily status alarms that have been visualized in the AIS display and acknowledged by pressing [Del] key, but are still valid. These alarm messages are also sent to External display/ pilot port. See paragraph 3.2.3 in the Technical Manual. Press [Esc] key to go back to Diagnostic menu.

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5-23 System Indicators Select System Indicators menu by pressing numeric key [3] or [arrow down] key and press [Enter] key.
Menu: Indicators Isgott Pwr Setting Int. SOG/COG Int. GNSS 1/3

This menu shows the momentary status of all sensors connected. These messages are also sent as TXT messages to External display/ pilot port. See paragraph 3.2.8 in the Technical Manual. Press [Esc] key to go back to Diagnostic menu. History Select History menu by pressing numeric key [4] or [arrow down] key and press [Enter ] key.
Menu: History Off 19 Jan 2038 03:14 On 30 Dec 2030 02:07 Off 14 May 2029 23:44 1/xx

This menu shows when the transponder have been turned on or off. Press [Esc] key to go back to Diagnostic menu. SW version Select SW Version menu by pressing numeric key [5] or [arrow down] key and press [Enter ] key.
Menu: SW-Version AIS 00.02.00 EC 00.03 MMI 0.02.04 LINK : 00.01.00 RF:01.01.03 HW --1/6

This menu shows the different software versions installed in the transponder.

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5-24 Compilation date To get the compilation date for each software version, select the software by [arrow up/down] keys and press [Enter] key.
Compilation date AIS 00.02.00 Sept 26 2003

This shows the compilation date for this specific software. Press [Esc] key to go one step back. Repeat the procedure for the other software versions. Press [Esc] key twice to go back to Diagnostic menu. Service menu

Menu: Diagnostic 1 BITE 2 Alarm 3 System Indicators 4 History 5 SW Versions 6 Service 6/6

The Service menu is only for factory use. Press [Esc] key twice to go back to Main Menu.

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No. 1 2 3 4 5

Standard supply 80400
Name Transponder unit Standard Bracket Kit Junction Box Plug Kit consisting of: AIS Distribution Cable TNC connector BNC connector Power connector Pilot Port Connector including cover 9 pin D-sub cover 15 pin D-sub cover AIS Viewer Type TR-2500 For Desktop or Roof mounting of TR-2500 Stock No. 80401 81540 80560 81533 80579 80578 80577 81509 81541 80593 80594 81650 Qty. Remarks 1 1 1

10m with 37 pin D-sub TNC for RG-58 BNC for RG-214 For 24VDC

Windows software

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Optional supply
Name GPS/VHF combined antenna Plug Kit for 80748 Signal splitter to 80748 VHF antenna Plug Kit for 92598 GPS antenna with mounting bracket Plug Kit for 80611 GPS/VHF combined antenna Plug Kit for 80747 VHF antenna with mounting bracket Plug Kit for 80617 GPS antenna with mounting bracket Plug Kit for 80618 Flush Mounting Kit 19`` Rack Tray Mounting Kit Type Procom AIS 2/GPS Stock No. 80748 81535 81649 92598 81534 80611 81534 80747 81536 80617 80597 80618 81534 80586 80587 Remarks

Procom Procom CXL 2-1 LW/1 Procom GPS4 with FLG bracket Comrod AC17-AIS

Transvoice type 206-147 with 200-240 bracket Transvoice type 202-968 with 200-456/200-233 bracket

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Figure 7 TR-2500 rear connections and plugs


Description of Connectors BNC type antenna connector to be connected directly to an external VHF antenna or antenna splitter to receive and transmit VHF frequencies. TNC type antenna connector to be connected directly to an external GPS antenna or antenna splitter to receive GPS information. Connector to connect 24VDV power to the transponder. Ground Tag is to be connected directly to the ships metal. 9 pin D-sub connector

VHF Antenna Connector

GPS Antenna Connector

24VDC Connector Ground Tag (GND) Extra I/O Connector Programming Connector Junction Box Connector
LAN Connector

15 pin D-sub connector is for programming of the Transponder by Program Engineers only This 37 pin D-sub female connector gives connections between the transponder and the Junction Box 9 pin D-sub connector


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VHF Antenna Connector This is a BNC type antenna connector to be connected directly to an external VHF antenna or antenna splitter to receive and transmit VHF frequencies. For further information see chapter 10.5 and 10.7. GPS Antenna Connector This is a TNC type antenna connector to be connected directly to an external GPS antenna or antenna splitter to receive GPS information. For further information see chapter 10.8. 24VDC Connector This is a connector to connect 24VDV power to the transponder. Ground Tag (GND) This Ground Tag is to be connected directly to the ships metal. Extra I/O Connector Factory use only. Programming Connector Factory use only Junction Box Connector This 37 pin D-sub female connector is described in chapter 4.5.6. LAN Connector This 9-pin D-sub connector is described in chapter 7.2. Description of 24VDC connection to transponder This is described in chapter 4.5.4. Description of LAN connector (UDP)










Contains Ethernet 10Mbit Twisted pair interface. Service connector, 9 pins Dsub:
Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name Ether TX+ Ether TXEther_RX+ Ether_RXGND Function Ethernet Transmit Data+ Ethernet Transmit DataEthernet Receive Data+ Ethernet Receive DataGround For service only For service only +14 V, max 300mA. Not Connected In/Out Out Out In In -

+14V NC

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Connection between JOTRON UAIS TR-2500 and PC through RS422 to RS232 converter

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Connection between JOTRON UAIS TR-2500 and serial port (9-Pin)

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Connection of External Alarm to JOTRON UAIS TR-2500

In this configuration, both the external relay and the alarm unit are powered from external power source, and the alarm unit is grounded through the external relay if an alarm occurs or the main power to the AIS is removed/defective. Other configurations may be used, but remember that the Alarm must be functioning both on AIS Alarm conditions, and power failure to the AIS.

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7.7 7.8

Interfacing External GPS to Jotron UAIS T R-2500

From GPS with RS232. Pin no. At 9-pin D-sub connector.

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8.1 Ship navigation status and reporting interval Reporting interval: The different information types are valid for a different time period and thus need a different update rate. Static information: Every 6 min or, when data has been amended, on request. Dynamic information: Dependent on speed and course alteration according to 5.2 Alarm messages. Voyage related information: Every 6 min or, when data has been amended, on request. Safety related message: As required.
Ship navigation status Moored 0 14 kt speed 0 14 kt speed with course change 14 23 kt speed 14 23 kt speed with course change Speed higher than 23 kt Speed higher than 23 kt with course change Reporting interval 3 min 10 s 3 + 1/3 s 6s 2s 2s 2s


Alarms Description
(Shown at TR-2500 MKD)

Alarm messages
(Sent to external display/pilot port as ALR messages) TX VSWR RX1 RX2 RX70 GENF EPFS POSN SOG COG HDG ROT

System action

TX malfunction Antenna VSWR exceeds limit RX channel 1 malfunction RX channel 2 malfunction RX channel 70 malfunction General failure (Can be missing MMSI) External EPFS lost (GPS) No sensor position in use No valid SOG (Speed Over Ground) information No valid COG (Course Over Ground) information Heading lost / invalid No valid ROT (Rate of Turn) information

Stop transmission Continue operation Stop transmission on affected channel Stop transmission on affected channel Stop transmission on affected channel Stop transmission Continue operation, will use table below for priority of POSN data Continue operation with (Manual, Dead reckoning or No position.) Continue operation using default data Continue operation using default data Continue operation using default data Continue operation using default data

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Receiver malfunction

If the error messages RX1, RX2 or RX70 appears on the LCD Display, this indicates that the test of the TDMA receivers 1 or 2 or Digital Selcall receiver has failed. The test for these receivers is as follows:

8.2.2 Receiver tests Every time a transmission is made and the receiver is on the same channel as the transmitter, the receiver measures the signal level (RSSI) and will give an alarm if the signal level is too low. This means that this test will include the complete receiver chain. The alarm messages are as follows:
Display indication RX1 RX2 RX70 Alarm ID in ALR sentence on IEC61162-1/2 ports ID 003 ID 004 ID 005

TDMA receiver 1 error TDMA receiver 2 error DSC (Digital selcall) receiver error


System indicators Text messages

(Sent to external display/pilot port as TXT messages)

(Shown at TR-2500 MKD in System Indicators menu) UTC clock lost Ext. DGNSS in use Ext. GNSS in use Int. DGNSS beacon Int. DGNSS msg 17 Int. GNSS Ext. SOG/COG Int. SOG/COG Heading valid ROT in use Other ROT in use Ch. mng param chng Isgott Pwr Setting Isgott Removed MMSI not defined

UTC clock lost External DGNSS in use External GNSS in use Internal DGNSS in use beacon Internal DGNSS in use msg 17 Internal GNSS in use External SOG/COG in use Internal SOG/COG in use Heading valid Rate of turn indicator in use Other ROT source in use Channel mngmnt params changed Entering ISGOTT power setting Leaving ISGOTT power setting MMSI not defined

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Position Sensor fallback conditions

Position sensor priority: 1 2 3 4 5 External DGNSS Internal DGNSS External EPFS, uncorrected Internal GNSS, uncorrected No sensor position


List of navigation status

7 = engaged in fishing 8 = under way sailing 9 = reserved for High Speed Craft 10 = reserved for Wing in Ground 11 13 = reserved for future use 14 = reserved for AIS-SART 15 = not defined (default)

0 = under way using engine 1 = at anchor 2 = not under command 3 = restricted maneuverability 4 = constrained by draught 5 = moored 6 = aground

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Frequency 156.3000 156.4000 156.4500 156.5000 156.5500 156.6000 156.6500 156.7000 156.7500 156.8000 156.8500 156.3750 156.4250 156.4750 156.5250 156.5750 156.6250 156.6750 156.7250 156.7750 156.8250 156.8750 156.4125 156.4625 156.5125 156.5625 156.6125 156.6625 156.7125 156.7625 156.8125 156.8625 156.3875 156.4375 156.4875 156.5375 156.5875 156.6375 156.6875 156.7375 156.7875 156.8375 156.8875 156.0500 156.1000 156.1500 156.2000 156.2500 156.3500 156.9000 156.9500 157.0000 Channel no. 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1278 Frequency 157.0500 157.1000 157.1500 157.2000 157.2500 157.3000 157.3500 157.4000 156.0250 156.0750 156.1250 156.1750 156.2250 156.2750 156.3250 156.9250 156.9750 157.0250 157.0750 157.1250 157.1750 157.2250 157.2750 157.3250 157.3750 157.4250 156.0625 156.1125 156.1625 156.2125 156.2625 156.3125 156.3625 156.9125 156.9625 157.0125 157.0625 157.1125 157.1625 157.2125 157.2625 157.3125 157.3625 157.4125 156.0375 156.0875 156.1375 156.1875 156.2375 156.2875 156.3375 156.9375 Channel no. 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2218 Frequency 156.9775 157.0375 157.0875 157.1375 157.1875 157.2375 157.2875 157.3375 158.3875 160.6500 160.7000 160.7500 160.8000 160.8500 160.9500 161.5000 161.5500 161.6000 161.6500 161.7000 161.7500 161.8000 161.8500 161.9000 161.9500 162.0000 160.6250 160.6750 160.7250 160.7750 160.8250 160.8750 160.9250 161.5250 161.5750 161.6250 161.6750 161.7250 161.7750 161.8250 161.8750 161.9250 161.9750 162.0250 160.6625 160.7125 160.7625 160.8125 160.8625 160.9125 160.9625 161.5125 Channel no. 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 Frequency 161.5625 161.6125 161.6625 161.7125 161.7625 161.8125 161.8625 161.9125 161.9625 162.0125 160.6375 160.6875 160.7375 160.7875 160.8375 160.8875 160.9375 161.5375 161.5775 161.6375 161.6875 161.7375 161.7875 161.8375 161.8875 161.9375 161.9875

Channel no. 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1007 1018 1019 1020

Channel 2087 = Channel 87B

Channel 2088 = Channel 88B

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10.1 TR-2500 AIS Transponder

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10.2 AIS Antenna Splitter

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10.3 Procom CXL 2-1/h Maritime VHF Antenna

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10.4 Procom GPS 4 Antenna

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10.5 BNC connector 95299, Suhner 24BNC-50-2-13/133NE

10.6 FME Connector Female 80588, Holund 40100

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10.7 BNC Connector Male 80577, Suhner 11BNC-50-2 / 133NE

10.8 TNC Connector Male 80578 Suhner 11TNC-3-6 / 133NE

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10.9 N Connector Male 80581, Suhner 11N-50-7-5 / 133NE

10.10 24VDC Power Connector 81509, AMP C091AT3261001

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11 REGISTRATION FORM Please tear off this page, fill in the form and return to Jotron AS in order to have a valid 24 months product warranty. Fax.: + 47 33 12 67 80 - Attention Service Department.

Tron UAIS Installation registration form

Vessel Data
Vessel name: Flag State: Owner / Company: On-Board Contact Name Superintendents Name: Type of Vessel: L.O.A.: Comments: Tron UAIS serial number: Junction Box serial number: Antenna Location
A= Distance to Bow: B= Distance to Stern: C= Distance to Port Side: D= Distance to Starboard:

IMO Number: MMSI Number: Radio Call Sign: Telephone Number(s): Office: GSM: Telephone Number(s): Office: GSM: Gross Registered Tonnage: mtrs Beam: Tonnes mtrs

External Position Source, Option A or B GNSS Antenna mtrs mtrs mtrs mtrs

Tron UAIS Internal Position Sourse GNSS Antenna mtrs mtrs mtrs mtrs

All necessary information is logged in paragraph 5.3.1 Installation completed and successfully commissioned by:
Technician, (type name):

Service provider / company:




Please fill in with capital letters

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