Individual Plan For Professional Development (Ippd)
Individual Plan For Professional Development (Ippd)
Individual Plan For Professional Development (Ippd)
Strengths (At least 3 strands Strand 1.1. (1.1.2) Teacher’s actions demonstrates value for
that you think you are most learning
competent) Strand 2.5(2.5.3) Creates a healthy psychological climate for
Strand 4.3.(4.4.4) Makes good use allotted instructional time
Professional Development Strand 2.2.(2.2.1) Makes the classroom environment safe
Needs (At least 3 strands and conducive
that you think you need to Strand 6.1. (6.1.1) Involves community in sharing
enhance most) accountability for learners’ achievement
Strand 2.1.(2.1.2) Creates an environment that promotes
My school’s priority for staff Staff trainings on the use of ICT in teaching and learning
Are my professional development needs related to any of my school’s priority improvement areas? Yes__⁄__
Online study on contemporary learning activities. Web Quarterly from June- March
B. To involve community resources in students Engage in community projects especially in Education aspect. Look for NGO focused on helping
learning. Community resources include officials, Open communication to community stakeholders. communities.
colleagues, family members, etc. Encourage
community stakeholders to spearhead students January
learning. Research study on how the students can be of help to the Community visits
community and vice versa Interviews with community
Quarterly from June- March
C. To provide students with a variety of learning Thorough research on the needs of the students. Library Works
experiences. Analysis of learning experiences suited to them. Web Every Saturdays,
Interviews from June-March
Continuing Study Enroll in post graduate courses June-March