It Consists of Aggregates of Facts

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It consists of aggregates of facts:

In the plural sense, statistics refers to data, but data to be

called statistics must consist of aggregate of certain facts.

A single and isolated fact or figure like, 60 Kgs. weight of a

student or the death of a particular person on a day does not
amount to statistics.

For a data may amount to statistics it must be in the form of a

set or aggregate of certain facts, viz. 50, 65, 70 Kgs. Weight of
students in a class or profits of a firm over different times etc.
is liable to be effected by multiplicity of causes.

2. It is effected by many causes:

It is not easy to study the effects of one factor only by ignoring

the effects of other factors. Here we have to go for the effects of
all the factors on the phenomenon separately as well as
collectively, because effects of the factors can change with
change of place, time or situation.

Here, the overall effect is taken and not of one factor only as in
other natural sciences. For example, we can say that result of
class XII in board examination does not depend on any single
factor but collectively on standard of teachers, teaching
methods, teaching aids, practical’s performance of students,
standard of question papers and as well as of evaluation.

3. It should be numerically expressed:

A data to be called statistics should be numerically expressed

so that counting or measurement of data can be made possible.
It means that the data or the fact to constitute statistics must
be capable of being expressed in some quantitative form as
weights of 60, 70, 100 and 90 Kg. or profits of Rs. 10,000, Rs.
20,000 etc. Thus these data must contain numerical figures so
that those may be called as numerical statement of facts.

4. It must be enumerated or estimated accurately:

As stated above that the statements should be precise and
meaningful. For getting reasonable standard of accuracy the
field of enquiry should not be very large. If it is infinite or very
large, even enumeration of data is impossible and reasonable
standard of accuracy may not be achieved. To achieve it we
have to make on estimate according to reasonable standard of
accuracy depending upon the nature and purpose of collection
of data. e.g. we may measure the height of buildings in metres
but we cannot measure the length of small things like bricks in
the same unit of metre.

5. It should be collected in a systematic manner:

Another characteristic of statistics is that the data should be

collected in a systematic manner. The data collected in a
haphazard manner will lead to difficulties in the process of
analysis, and wrong conclusions. A proper plan should be
made and trained investigators should be used to collect data
so that they may collect statistics. If it is not done, in such cases
reliability of data gets decreased. So to get correct results the
data must be collected in a precise manner.

6. It should be collected for a predetermined purpose:

Before we start the collection of data, we must be clear with the

purpose for which we are collecting the data. If we have no
information about its purpose, we may not be collecting data
according to the needs. We may need some more relevant data
to achieve the required purpose, which we would miss in the
event of its ignorance.

Suppose we want to get data on imports and exports, we have

to know about various segments such as electronics, consumer
articles, grains and such other segregations also. If some
person on govt. duty is counting the vehicles passing through a
road in a unit time is statistics, but same work done by any
other person not related to this field, is not statistics because
the former is doing it for the Government which wants to make
it four lane road-if needed.

7. It should be capable of being placed in relation to

each other:

It is last but not less important of the characteristics of the

statistics. The collection of data is generally done with the
motive to compare. If the figures collected are not comparable,
in that case, they lose a large part of their significance.

It means, the figures collected should be homogeneous for

comparison and not heterogeneous. For example,
Heterogeneous data like sale of Rs. 20,000 result of 80% cases
and mileage of 80 kms can never be placed in relation to each
other and compared for analysis and interpretation which is
the ulterior motive of the science of statistics. It can be
concluded that all statistics are numerical data but all
numerical data are not statistics unless they satisfy all the
essential characteristics of statistics, depicted as above.
Functions of Statistics:
1. To Present Facts in Definite Form:

We can represent the things in their true form with the help of
figures. Without a statistical study, our ideas would be vague
and indefinite.

The facts are to be given in a definite form. If the results are

given in numbers, then they are more convincing than if the
results are expressed on the basis of quality.

The statements like, there is lot of unemployment in India or

population is increasing at a faster rate are not in the definite
form. The statements should be in definite form like the
population in 2004 would be 15% more as compared to 1990.

2. Precision to the Facts:

The statistics are presented in a definite form so they also help

in condensing the data into important figures. So statistical
methods present meaningful information. In other words
statistics helps in simplifying complex data to simple-to make
them understandable.

The data may be presented in the form of a graph, diagram or

through an average, or coefficients etc. For example, we cannot
know the price position from individual prices of all good, but
we can know it, if we get the index of general level of prices.

3. Comparisons:
After simplifying the data, it can be correlated as well as
compared. The relationship between the two groups is best
represented by certain mathematical quantities like average or
coefficients etc. Comparison is one of the main functions of
statistics as the absolute figures convey a very less meaning.

4. Formulation and Testing of Hypothesis:

These statistical methods help us in formulating and testing

the hypothesis or a new theory. With the help of statistical
techniques, we can know the effect of imposing tax on the
exports of tea on the consumption of tea in other countries.
The other example could be to study whether credit squeeze is
effective in checking inflation or not.

5. Forecasting:

Statistics is not only concerned with the above functions, but it

also predicts the future course of action of the phenomena. We
can make future policies on the basis of estimates made with
the help of Statistics. We can predict the demand for goods in
2005 if we know the population in 2004 on the basis of growth
rate of population in past. Similarly a businessman can exploit
the market situation in a successful manner if he knows about
the trends in the market. The statistics help in shaping future

6. Policy Making:

With help of statistics we can frame favourable policies. How

much food is required to be imported in 2007? It depends on
the food-production in 2007 and the demand for food in 2007.
Without knowing these factors we cannot estimate the amount
of imports. On the basis of forecast the government forms the
policies about food grains, housing etc. But if the forecasting is
not correct, then the whole set up will be affected.

7. It Enlarges Knowledge:

Whipple rightly remarks that “Statistics enables one to enlarge

his horizon”. So when a person goes through various
procedures of statistics, it widens his knowledge pattern. It
also widens his thinking and reasoning power. It also helps
him to reach to a rational conclusion.

8. To Measure Uncertainty:
Future is uncertain, but statistics help the various authorities
in all the phenomenon of the world to make correct estimation
by taking and analyzing the various data of the part. So the
uncertainty could be decreased. As we have to make a forecast
we have also to create trend behaviors of the past, for which we
use techniques like regression, interpolation and time series

We should know how statistics is important in business and how it provides them with a greater
confidence. It allows them to make smarter decisions. Statistical analysis helps to provide the
company with accurate information that they can rely on for reference. They use the data from the
statistical analysis so they can avoid a problem in the future. Sampling is an important part of
business statistics. The accuracy of statistical data is very important. The best to maximize your
company’s profit is to use statistical data.

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