BBA116 Basic Statistics Weekly Summarised Notes
BBA116 Basic Statistics Weekly Summarised Notes
BBA116 Basic Statistics Weekly Summarised Notes
Introduction to statistics
Stages in statistical Analysis
Main divisions of statistics
Importance of statistics in business
Limitations of Statistics
Statistics may be defined as the science of collection, organization,
presentation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data. A modified form
of this definition is given by Professor Yan-Lun-Chou in whose words,
statistics is a method of decision making in the face of uncertainty on the
basis of numerical data and calculated risks.
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Organization of data: Data collected from published sources are generally
in organized form. However, a large mass of figures that are collected from a
survey frequently needs organization. The first step in organizing a group of
data is editing. The collected data must be edited very carefully so that
omissions, inconsistencies, irrelevant answers and wrong computations in the
returns from a survey may be corrected or adjusted. After the data have
been edited the next step is to classify them. The purpose of classification is
to arrange the data according to some common characteristics possessed by
the items constituting the data. The last step in organization is tabulation.
The purpose of tabulation is to arrange the data in columns and rows so that
there is absolute clarity in the data presented.
Presentation of data: After the data have been collected and organized,
they are ready for presentation. Data presented in an orderly manner
facilitates statistical analysis. Data collected may be presented in graphs and
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Statistics should be placed in relation to each other. If one collects data
unrelated to each other, then such data will be confusing and will not lead
to any logical conclusions. Data should be comparable over time and over
Limitations of Statistics
Statistics has a number of limitations, pertinent among them are as follows:
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There are certain phenomena or concepts where statistics cannot be
used. This is because these phenomena or concepts are not amenable to
measurement. For example, beauty, intelligence, courage cannot be
quantified. Statistics has no place in all such cases where quantification is
not possible.
Statistics reveal the average behaviour, the normal or the general trend.
An application of the 'average' concept if applied to an individual or a
particular situation may lead to a wrong conclusion and sometimes may
be disastrous. For example, one may be misguided when told that the
average depth of a river from one bank to the other is four feet, when
there may be some points in between where its depth is far more than
four feet. On this understanding, one may enter those points having
greater depth, which may be hazardous.
Since statistics are collected for a particular purpose, such data may not
be relevant or useful in other situations or cases. For example, secondary
data (i.e., data originally collected by someone else) may not be useful for
the other person.
Statistics are not 100 per cent precise as is Mathematics or Accountancy.
In statistical surveys, sampling is generally used as it is not physically
possible to cover all the units or elements comprising the universe. The
results may not be appropriate as far as the universe is concerned.
Moreover, different surveys based on the same size of sample but
different sample units may yield different results.
At times, association or relationship between two or more variables is
studied in statistics, but such a relationship does not indicate cause and
effect' relationship. It simply shows the similarity or dissimilarity in the
movement of the two variables. In such cases, it is the user who has to
interpret the results carefully, pointing out the type of relationship
Statistics does not reveal all pertaining to a certain phenomenon. There is
some background information that statistics does not cover. Similarly,
there are some other aspects related to the problem on hand, which are
also not covered. The user of Statistics has to be well informed and should
interpret Statistics keeping in mind all other aspects having relevance on
the given problem.
Misuse of Statistics
Many people, knowingly or unknowingly, use statistical data in wrong
manner. The misuse of Statistics may take several forms some of which are
explained below:
Sources of data not given: At times, the source of data is not given. In
the absence of the source, the reader does not know how far the data are
reliable. Further, if he wants to refer to the original source, he is unable to
do so.
Defective data: Another misuse is that sometimes one gives defective
data. This may be done knowingly in order to defend one's position or to
prove a particular point. This apart, the definition used to denote a certain
phenomenon may be defective. For example, in case of data relating to
unemployed persons, the definition may include even those who are
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employed, though partially. The question here is how far it is justified to
include partially employed persons amongst unemployed ones.
Unrepresentative sample: In statistics, several times one has to
conduct a survey, which necessitates to choose a sample from the given
population or universe. The sample may turn out to be unrepresentative
of the universe. One may choose a sample just on the basis of
convenience. He may collect the desired information from either his
friends or nearby respondents in his neighbourhood even though such
respondents do not constitute a representative sample.
Inadequate sample: A sample that is unrepresentative of the universe is
a major misuse of statistics. This apart, at times one may conduct a
survey based on an extremely inadequate sample. For example, in a city
we may find that there are 1,000,000 households. When we have to
conduct a household survey, we may take a sample of merely 100
households comprising only 0.1 per cent of the universe. A survey based
on such a small sample may not yield right information.
Unfair Comparisons: An important misuse of statistics is making unfair
comparisons from the data collected. For instance, one may construct an
index of production choosing the base year where the production was
much less. Then he may compare the subsequent year's production from
this low base. Such a comparison will undoubtedly give a rosy picture of
the production though in reality it is not so. Another source of unfair
comparisons could be when one makes absolute comparisons instead of
relative ones. An absolute comparison of two figures, say, of production or
export, may show a good increase, but in relative terms it may turn out to
be very negligible. Another example of unfair comparison is when the
population in two cities is different, but a comparison of overall death
rates and deaths by a particular disease is attempted. Such a comparison
is wrong. Likewise, when data are not properly classified or when changes
in the composition of population in the two years are not taken into
consideration, comparisons of such data would be unfair as they would
lead to misleading conclusions.
Unwanted conclusions: Another misuse of statistics may be on account
of unwarranted conclusions. This may be as a result of making false
assumptions. For example, while making projections of population in the
next five years, one may assume a lower rate of growth though the past
two years indicate otherwise. Sometimes one may not be sure about the
changes in business environment in the near future. In such a case, one
may use an assumption that may turn out to be wrong. Another source of
unwarranted conclusion may be the use of wrong average. Suppose in a
series there are extreme values, one is too high while the other is too low,
such as 800 and 50. The use of an arithmetic average in such a case may
give a wrong idea. Instead, harmonic mean would be proper in such a
Confusion of correlation and causation: In statistics, several times
one has to examine the relationship between two variables. A close
relationship between the two variables may not establish a cause-and-
effect-relationship in the sense that one variable is the cause and the
other is the effect. It should be taken as something that measures degree
of association rather than try to find out causal relationship
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Key terms in Statistics
A statistic:- is a summary measure that is computed to describe a
characteristic from only a sample of the population. Thus, one major aspect
of inferential statistics is the process of using sample statistics to draw
conclusions about the true population parameters. The need for inferential
methods derives from the need for sampling. As the population becomes
larger, it is usually too costly, too time consuming, and too cumbersome to
obtain our information from the entire population. So, decisions pertaining to
populations characteristics have to be based on the information contained in
a sample of that population.
A parameter:- is a summary measure that is computed to describe a
characteristic of an entire population.
A population (or universe):- is the totality of all things under consideration.
A sample:- is the portion of the population that is selected for analysis.
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Statistical data
Quantitative and Qualitative data
Primary and Secondary data
Statistical data
Statistical data are the basic raw material of statistics. Data may relate to an
activity of interest, a phenomenon, or a problem situation under study. They
derive as a result of the process of measuring, counting and/or observing.
Statistical data, therefore, refer to those aspects of a problem situation that
can be measured, quantified, counted, or classified. Any object subject
phenomenon, or activity that generates data through this process is termed
as a variable. In other words, a variable is one that shows a degree of
variability when successive measurements are recorded.
In statistics, data are classified into two broad categories: quantitative data
and qualitative data. This classification is based on the kind of characteristics
that are measured.
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Nominal data are the outcome of classification into two or more
categories of items or units comprising a sample or a population according
to some quality characteristic. Classification of students according to sex
(as males and females), of workers according to skill (as skilled, semi-
skilled, and unskilled), and of employees according to the level of
education (as matriculates, undergraduates, and post-graduates), all
result into nominal data. Given any such basis of classification, it is always
possible to assign each item to a particular class and make a summation
of items belonging to each class. The count data so obtained are called
nominal data.
Rank data are the result of assigning ranks to specify order in terms of
the integers 1,2,3, ..., n. Ranks may be assigned according to the level of
performance in a test, a contest, a competition, an interview, or a show.
The candidates appearing in an interview, for example, may be assigned
ranks in integers ranging from I to n, depending on their performance in
the interview. Ranks so assigned can be viewed as the continuous values
of a variable involving performance as the quality characteristic.
Data sources could be seen as of two types, viz., secondary and primary. The
two can be defined as under:
Secondary data: They already exist in some form: published or
unpublished - in an identifiable secondary source. They are, generally,
available from published source(s), though not necessarily in the form
actually required.
Primary data: Those data which do not already exist in any form, and
thus have to be collected for the first time from the primary source(s). By
their very nature, these data require fresh and first-time collection
covering the whole population or a sample drawn from it.
Unpublished sources
There are various sources of unpublished statistical material such as;
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Records maintained by private firms or business enterprises who may not
want to release their data to any outside agency.
The various departments and offices of the government.
The researches carried out by the individual research scholars in the
universities or research institutes
Diagrammatic and Graphic presentation of data
Classification of data
Frequency distribution
Bar Diagrams
Bar diagrams are one of the easiest and the most commonly used devices
for presenting most of economic and business data.
Consist of a group of equidistant rectangles, one for each group or
category of the data in which the values or the magnitude are represented
by the height or length of the rectangle, width being arbitrary and
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All the bars drawn in a single study should be of uniform (though
arbitrary) width depending on the number of bars to be drawn and the
space available.
Proper but uniform spacing should be given between different bars to
make the diagram look more attractive and elegant.
The height (length) of the rectangles or bars are taken proportional to
magnitude of observations.
The scale being selected keeping in view the magnitude of the largest
All bars should be constructed on the same baseline
Where possible, bars should be arranged from left to right.
Classification of data
Classification is the grouping of related facts into classes. Facts in one class
differ from those of classification.
Objectives of Classification
To condense the mass of data in such a manner that similarities and
dissimilarities can be readily apprehended.
To facilitate comparison
To pinpoint the most significant features of the data at a glance.
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To give prominence to the information gathered while dropping out the
unnecessary elements
To enable a statistical treatment of the material collected.
Types of Classification
Data can be classified broadly on the basis of the following 4 criteria:
1. Geographical i.e. area-wise e.g. cities, districts e.t.c
2. Chronological i.e. on the basis of time
3. Qualitative i.e. according to some attributes
4. Quantitative i.e. in terms of magnitude
Geographical Classification: Data are classified on the basis of
geographical or vocational differences between the various items like states,
cities, regions, zones, areas e.t.c.
Weight in No. of
(lb) Students
90-100 50
100-110 200
110-120 260
120-130 360
130-140 90
140-150 40
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Total 1000
Such a distribution is known as empirical frequency distribution or simple
frequency distribution.
In a survey of 35 families in a village, the number of children per family was
recorded and the following data obtained:
1 0 2 3 4 5 6
7 2 3 4 0 2 5
8 4 5 12 6 3 2
7 6 5 3 3 7 8
9 7 9 4 5 4 3
Represent the data in the form of a discrete frequency distribution.
Frequency distribution of the number of children
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Class limits: These are the highest and lowest values that can be included in
the class. For example take the class 20-40. The lowest value of the class is
20 and the highest is 40. The two boundaries of class are known as the lower
limit and the upper limit of the class.
Class intervals: The difference between the upper and lower limit of a class
is known as class interval of that class. For example, in the class 100-200, the
class interval is 100 (i.e. 200-100).
If the salary of 100 employees in a commercial undertaking varied between
£500 and £5, 500, and we want to form 10 classes, then the class interval
would be:
L = 5, 500
S = 500
K = 10
5 ,500−500
= 500
The starting class would be 500-1000, the next 1000 – 1500 and so on.
The question now is how to fix the number of classes, i.e. K. The number can
be either fixed arbitrarily keeping in view the nature of problem under study
or it can be decided with the help of Sturge’s rule. According to him, the
number of classes can be determined by the formula:
K = 1 + 3.322 log N
Where: N = total number of observations
Log = logarithms of the number
Thus if 10 observations are being studied, the number of classes shall be:
K = 1 + (3.222 x 1)
= 4.322 or 4
And if 100 observations are being studied, the number of classes shall
generally be between 4 and 20 – it cannot be less than 4 even if N is less
than 10 and if N is 10 K will be 1 + 3.222 x 6 = 20.9 or 21
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Sturges suggested the following formula for determining the magnitude of
class interval:
1+3 .322 log N
Where range is the difference between the largest and smallest items. e.g. in
the example above; and by applying the formula, the magnitude of class
interval shall be:
1+3 .22 log 100
= 7 .644
= 654.1 or 650
Class Frequency
The number of observations corresponding to a particular class is known as
the frequency of that class or the class frequency.
Midpoint =
There are two methods of classifying the data according to class-intervals:
i) Exclusive method
ii) Inclusive method
Exclusive Method
The class intervals are so fixed that the upper limit of one class is the lower
limit of the next class.
Income No. Of Persons
1000-1100 50
1100-1200 100
1200-1300 200
1300-1400 150
1400-1500 40
1500-1600 10
Total 550
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Inclusive Method
The upper limit of one class is included in that class itself.
Income (£) No. of Persons
1000 – 1099 50
1100 – 1199 100
1199 – 1299 200
1300 – 1399 150
1400 – 1499 40
1500 – 1599 10
Total 550
Arithmetic Mean
Geometric Mean
Harmonic Mean
For the purpose of statistical decision it is essential to extract from the data
just a few numbers, which summarize the essential information. These
summarized numbers are called:
(i) Statistics if the information is from a sample and
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(ii) Parameters if the information is from the whole Population, where
here by population we mean the totality of all possible observations.
Types of averages
- Arithmetic mean
- Geometric mean
- Harmonic mean
- Median
- Mode
Arithmetic Mean
i) For discrete data/ungrouped data:
∑ xi
Where: Xi = individual observations
N = Number of observations
For Example, given the data below find the mean:
2 3 4 5 6
∑ xi
2+ 3+4 +5+6
= 5
ii) For grouped data/continuous data
Σ fx
Where x = mean
f =frequencies for each class
x = midpoints of the class intervals
For example, given the data below; compute Arithmetic Mean
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
No. of 5 10 25 30 20 10
Marks Midpoint (x) F Fx
0-10 5 5 25
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10-20 15 10 150
20-30 25 25 625
30-40 35 30 1050
40-50 45 20 900
50-60 55 10 550
Σ fx 3300
Σx =100 = 33
Another method:
Σ fd
x= A+
20-30 25 25 -10 0
30-40 35 30 0 0
∑f =100 ∑fd = -
Σ fd 200
x= A+
Σf = 35 - 100 = 33
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Advantages of Arithmetic Mean
- It can be easily understood.
- It takes into account all the items of the series.
- It is not necessary to arrange the data first and then calculate
arithmetic average.
- It is capable of algebraic treatment.
- It is a good method of comparison
- It is used frequently
- It is affected by extreme values to a great extent.
- It may be a figure which does not exist in a series.
- It cannot be calculated if all the items of a series are not known.
- It cannot be used in case of qualitative data.
x (x - x )
10 -20
20 -10
30 0
40 +10
50 +20_______
∑x = 150 Σ( x−x)=0
Here x = 5 = 30
Due to this property, mean is characterized as point of balance i.e. the sum of
the positive deviations from it is equal to the sum of the negative deviations
from it.
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Σ xi
3. Since N or N x=Σx in other words, if we replace each item
in the series by the mean, then the sum of these substitutions will be equal to
the sum of the individual items.
N 1 x 1+ N 2 x 2
x 12=
N 1+ N 2
N1 = 25
x 1 = 61
N2 = 35
x2 = 58
(25×61 )+(35×58)
x 12=
= 59.25
Geometric Mean
Is defined as the Nth root of the product of N items or values. If there are two
items, we take the square root; if there are three items, the cube root; and so
on. Symbolically:
GM =
N √( x 1 )×( x 2 )×( x 3 )×. ... .
Where x1, x2, x3, ……e.t.c. refer to the various items of the series.
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For example, compute GM for the data below:
2, 3, 4
GM = √3 x 2∗x 2∗x 3
= √3 2×3×4
= √3 24
= 2.88
When the number of items is three or more the task of multiplying the
numbers and extracting the root becomes excessively difficult. To simplify
calculations logarithms are used.
GM is then computed as follows:
Σ log x
GM = antilog N for ungrouped data.
For grouped data:
Σf log x
GM = antilog Σf
Where: x = midpoint of class intervals
f = frequencies of each class
Daily income of ten families of a particular place is given below. Find out the
Geometric Mean.
85 70 15 75 500 8 45 250 40 36
X log x
85 1.9294
70 1.8451
15 1.1761
75 1.8751
500 2.6990
8 0.9031
45 1.6532
250 2.3979
40 1.6021
36 1.5563
∑logx= 17.6373
Σ log x
GM = antilog N
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GM = antilog
=antilog 1.76373
Find the geometric mean for the data below:
Marks Frequency x (midpoint) Log x f log x
4-8 6 6 0.7782 4.6692
8-12 10 10 1.000 10.000
12-16 18 14 1.1461 20.5303
16-20 30 18 1.2553 37.6590
20-24 15 22 1.3424 20.1360
24-28 12 26 1.4150 16.9800
28-32 10 30 1.4771 14.7710
32-36 6 34 1.5315 9.1890
36-40 2 38 1.5798 3.1596
∑f=109 ∑flogx=137.1936
Σf log x
GM = antilog Σf
137 . 1936
= antilog 109
= antilog 1.2587
= 18.14
Uses of Geometric Mean
GM is specifically useful in the following cases:
a) Gm is used to find the average percent increase in sales, production,
population or other economic or business series. E.g. from 1996-1998,
prices increased by 6, 10 & 18 percent respectively. The average
annual increase is not 11 percent ( 3 ) as given by
arithmetic mean but 9.65 percent as obtained by the GM.
b) GM is theoretically considered to be the best average in the
construction of index numbers. It satisfies the time reversal test and
gives equal weight to equal ratio change.
c) It is most suitable when large weights have to be given to small items
and small weights to large items, situations which we usually come
across in social and economic fields.
Harmonic Mean
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Is mean based on the reciprocals of numbers averaged. It is defined as the
reciprocal of arithmetic mean of the reciprocal of the individual observation.
Thus for ungrouped data:
HM = xi
x 1
2574 0.0004
475 0.0021
85 0.0133
5 0.2000
0.8 1.2500
0.08 12.5000
0.005 200.0000
0.0009 1111.1111
Σ 1x
Therefore: HM = x
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= 1325 . 0769
= 0.006
Compute HM from the following data
Class f x(midpoint) 1
10-20 4 15 0.267
20-30 6 25 0.240
30-40 10 35 0.286
40-50 7 45 0.156
50-60 3 55 0.155
∑f=30 Σf 1x
= 1.004
HM =
= 1. 004
= 29.88
Hrs per km
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Quartiles and Percentiles
Refers to the middle value in a distribution when these values are arranged in
ascending or descending order. The formula for finding median item is 2
Where n = number of items. When the half value is required then median is
more suitable.
Compute median from the following data
2 8 5 9 3
= 3rd item
When the number of data items is even, median is obtain by the formula
Median =
For Example
Obtain median from the data below
112, 115, 140, 110, 108, 116
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So the following formula will apply
Median =
We now arrange the data in ascending order to obtain the following series
1 6
Median = 2 2
[ thitem+
6+ 2
[ 3 rditem+4 thitem ]
= 2
[ 112+115 ]
= 2
= ½ x 227
= 113.5
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f = frequency of the median class
c= cumulative frequencies of the class preceding the median class
Compute the median for the following frequency distribution:
Marks No. of Students
45-50 10
40-45 15
35-40 26
30-35 30
25-30 42
20-25 31
15-20 24
10-15 15
5-10 7
Arrange the data in ascending order and then find out the median.
Calculation of median
Marks F cf
5-10 7 7
10-15 15 22
15-20 24 46
20-25 31 77
25-30 42 119
30-35 30 149
35-40 26 175
40-45 15 190
45-50 10 200
N = 200
M= 2
= 2
= 100th item
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Compute median from the data below:
Weight in gms No. of Apples
410-419 14
420-429 20
430-439 42
440-449 54
450-459 45
460-469 18
470-479 7
Since we are given inclusive class intervals we should convert them to
exclusive one by deduction 0.5 from the lower limit and adding 0.5 to the
upper limits.
Weight f cf
409.5 - 419.5 14 14
419.5 – 429.5 20 34
429.5 - 439.5 42 76
439.5 – 449.5 54 130
449.5 - 459.5 45 175
459.5 – 469.5 18 193
469.5 – 479.5 7____ 200
N = 200
= 2
= 100
Median lies in the 439.5 – 449.5 class
L = 439.5
i = 10
f = 54
c = 76
L+ (m−c )
median = f
439 . 5+ (100−76 )
= 54
= 443.9
Find median from the data below:
Marks No. of Students cf
0-5 29 29
5-10 195 224
10-15 241 465
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15-20 117 582
20-25 52 634
25-30 10 644
30-35 6 650
35-40 3 653
40-45 2 655
Median = size of 2 th item
N 655
M= 2 = 2 = 327.5th item
Median lies in the 10-15 class
M = 10
f = 241
c = 224
L+ (m−c )
median = f
10+ (327 . 5−224 )
= 241
= 12.15
Calculate the median from the following data
Marks f cf
0-10 5 5
10-30 15 20
30-60 30 50
60-80 8 58
80-9- 2 60
N = 60
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M= 2
2 = 30th item
Demerits of Median
- To compute the median, it is necessary to arrange the data: other
averages do not need any arrangement.
- Since it is a positional average, its value is not determined by each and
every observation.
- It is not capable of algebraic treatment e.g. median cannot be used to
determine the combined median of two or more groups as is possible
in the case of mean.
- The value of median is affected more by sampling fluctuations than the
value of arithmetic mean.
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- The median, in some cases cannot be computed exactly as the mean.
When the number of items included in a series of data is even, the
median is determined approximately as the midpoint of the two middle
- It is erratic if the number of items is small.
- The median is useful for distributions containing open ended intervals
since these intervals do not enter its computation. Also since the
median is affected by the number rather than the size of items, it’s
frequently used instead of the mean as a measure of central tendency
in cases where such values are likely to distort the mean.
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N +1
Thus Q1 = size of 4 th item (for ungrouped data/individual series)
For grouped data,
Q1 = size of the 4 th item.
i ( N −C )
Thus Q1 = f 10
Where 4 = M
3( N +1)
Q3 = size of 4 th item (in ungrouped data)
For grouped data
Q3 =
L+ (
i 3N
f 4
−C )
4 ( N +1)
D4 = the size of 10 th item for individual series
For grouped data:
D4 = size of 10 th item
D4 =
f (
i 60 N
−C )
th item
Compute the lower and upper quartiles, 3 rddeciles and 20th percentile from
the following data:
Central value : 2.5 7.5 12.5 17.5 22.5
Frequency: 7 18 25 30 20
Since we are given midpoints, we will first find the lower and upper limits of
the various classes. The method for finding these limits is to take the
difference between the two central values, divide it by 2, deduct the values
so obtained from the lower limit and add it to the upper limit. In the given
7 .5−2. 5 5
2 =2
The first class shall be -05, second 5-10 e.t.c.
Calculation of Q1, Q3, D3 and P20
Class group f cf
0-5 7 7
5-10 18 25
10-15 25 50
15-20 30 80
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20-25 20 100
Lower quartile i.e. Q1 = size of 4 th item
= 4 th item
= 25th item
Q1 lies in 5-10 class
i = 10-5 = 5
f = 18
5+ (25−7 )
Q1 = 18 = 10
Upper quartile
Q3 = size of 4 th item
= 4 = 75th item
Q3 lies in the class 15-20
Q3 =
L+ (
i 3N
f 4
−c )
L = 15, f = 30, c = 50, i = 5
15+ ×5
Q3 = 30 = 19.17
Third decile:
D3 = size of 10 th item
= 10
= 30th item
D3 lies in the class 10-15
L = 10, i = 5, f = 25, c = 25
D3 =
i 3N
f 10 (
−c )
10+ (30−25 )
= 25
= 10 + 1
= 11
20 percentile
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20 N
P20 = size of 100 th item
= 100
= 20th item
P20 lies in the 5-10 class
L = 5, I = 5, f = 8, c = 7
P20 =
f (
i 20 N
−c )
5+ (20−7 )
= 18
= 8.61
It is that value in a series of observations which occurs with the greatest
The mode of a distribution is the value at the point around which the items
tend to be most heavily concentrated. It may be regarded as the most
typical of a series of values.
A set of data may have a single mode in which case it is said to be unimodal,
it may have two modes which makes it bimodal or it may have several modes
and be called multimodal.
( )
Δ1+ Δ2
Mode = L +
where: L= lower class
Modal group = class with the highest frequency
Δ 1 = difference between the highest frequency and the
of the preceding class
Δ 2 = difference between the highest frequency and the
frequency of the succeeding class.
i= class interval of the modal group.
Page 33
Another form of this formula is:
( )
f 1 −f 0
L+ i
2 f 1−f 0 −f 2
Mode =
Where: L = lower limit of the modal class
f1 = frequency of the modal class
f0 = frequency of the class preceding modal class
f2 = frequency of the class succeeding the modal class
i= class interval of the modal group
While applying the above formula for computing mode, it is necessary to see
that the class intervals are uniform, throughout. If they are unequal, they
should first be made equal on the assumption that the frequencies are
equally distributed throughout the class, otherwise we will get misleading
results. Where mode is ill defined, its value may be ascertained by the
following formula based on the relationship between mean, median and
mode: Mode = 3median – 2mean
Compute the mode from the following data:
Marks No. of Students
Above 0 80
Above 10 77
Above 20 72
Above 30 65
Above 40 55
Above 50 43
Above 60 28
Above 70 16
Above 80 10
Above 90 8
Above 100 0
Since this is a cumulative frequency distribution, we first convert into a
simple frequency distribution.
Marks No. of students
0-10 3
10-20 5
20-30 7
30-40 10
40-50 12
50-60 15
Page 34
60-70 12
70-80 6
80-90 2
90-100 8
By inspection, the modal group is 50-60
Therefore: L = 50
Δ1 = 3
Δ2 = 3
i = 10
( )
Δ1+ Δ2
Mode = L +
= 50 +
( 3+33 ) 10
= 55
Find the value of mode from the data given below:
Weight (Kg.) No. of Students
93-97 2
98-102 5
103-107 12
108-112 17
113-117 14
118-122 6
123-127 3
128-132 1
By inspection, mode lies in the class 108-112. But the real limits are 107.5 –
( )
Δ1+ Δ2
Mode =L +
L = 107.5
Δ1 = 17-12 = 5
Δ2 = 17-14 = 3
x=107 . 5+ ( )
= 110.625
Thus modal weight is 110.625Kg.
Merits of Mode
By definition mode is the most typical or representative value of a
distribution. Hence when we talk of a modal wage, modal size of shoe or
modal size of family, it is this average that we refer to. The mode is a
Page 35
measure which actually indicates what many people incorrectly believe the
arithmetic mean indicates. It is the most frequently occurring value.
- The median, mode is not unduly affected by extreme values. Even if
the high values are very high and the low values are very low we
choose the most frequent value of the data.
- Its value can be determined in open-ended distributions without
ascertaining the class limits.
- It can be used to describe qualitative phenomenon. E.g. if we want to
compare the consumer preferences for different types of products, say
soap, toothpaste, e.t.c or different media of advertising we should
complete the modal preferences expressed by different groups of
- The value of mode can be determined graphically whereas the value of
mean cannot be graphically ascertained.
Limitations of Mode
- The value of mode cannot always be determined. In some cases we
have a bimodal series.
- It is not capable of algebraic manipulations e.g. from the modes of two
sets of data we cannot calculate the overall mode of the combined
data. Similarly the modal wage times the number of workers will not
give the total payroll-except, of course, when the distribution is normal
and then the mean, median and mode are all equal.
- The value of mode is not based on each and every item of the series.
- It is not a rigidly defined measure. There are several formulae for
computing the mode, all of which usually give somewhat different
answers. In fact, mode is the most unstable average .Its value is
difficult to determine.
- While dealing with quantitative data, the disadvantages of the mode
outweigh its good features and hence it is seldom used.
The mode is employed when the most typical value of a distribution is
desired. It is the most meaningful measure of central tendency in case of
highly skewed or non-normal distributions, as it provides the best indication
of the point of maximum concentration.
Page 36
and Median = mode + 3 [mean-mode]
In a moderately asymmetrical distribution, the mode and mean are 32.1 and
35.4 respectively. Find out the value of median.
Mode = 3 median – 2 mean
32.1 = 3 median – 2 x 35.4
3 median = 32.1 + 2 x 35.4
3 median = 102.9
102 .9
Median = 3
= 34.3
The median and mode of the following wage distribution are known to be
£33.5 and 34 respectively. Three frequency values from the table are
however missing. Find these missing values:
Wages in (£) No. of Workers
0-10 4
20-20 16
20-30 ?
30-40 ?
40-50 ?
50-60 6
60-70 4
Total 230
Let the missing frequencies be:
20-30 x
30-40 y
40-50 230-30-x-y
Since median and mode are 33.5 and 34, they both lie in the 30-40 class.
L+ (m−c )
Median = f
L = 30
i = 10
c = 20 + x
(115−20−x )
33.5 = 30 + y
33.5y = 30y + 1150 – 200 – 10x
3.5y = 950 – 10x
3.5y + 10x = 950……………….(i)
Mode is 34, so modal class is 30-40
L = 30,
Δ1 = y - x,
Δ2 = y - [230 – 30 – x - y]
= y – 230 + 30 + x + y
= 2y – 200 + x
Page 37
Mode =
Therefore: 34 =
y− x
= y− x +2 y−200+ x
=30× + (
10 3 y−200
10×) 1
3.4(3y – 200) = 30(3y – 200) + (y – x)
10.2y – 680 = 9y – 600 + y – x
0.2y = 80 – x
2y = 800 – 10x
2y + 10x = 800………………..(ii)
Solve equation (i) and (ii) simultaneously:
3.5y + 10x = 950 200 + 10x = 800
2y + 10x = 800 10x = 600
1.5y = 150
y = 100 x = 60
Thus, the missing frequencies are:
Class intervals frequencies
20-30 x=60
20-40 y – 100
40-50 200 -60-100 = 40
o Range
o Inter-quartile range and quartile deviation
o Mean deviation and average deviation
o Standard deviation
o Variance
The degree to which numerical data vary (spread) about an average value is
called variation or dispersion of data. A small value for a measure of
dispersion indicates that the data are clustered closely, say, around the
arithmetic mean. The mean is therefore considered representative of the
data. That is, the mean is a reliable average. On the other hand, large
measure of dispersion indicates that the mean is not reliable; it is not
representative of the data.
Page 38
Various measures of dispersion or variation are available, the most common
being the range, mean deviation, quartile range, semi-interquartile range and
the standard deviation.
Is defined as the difference between the value of smallest item and the value
of the largest item included in the distribution. Symbolically:
Range = L – S
Where: L = largest
S= smallest
The relative measure corresponding to range is called the coefficient of range
and is obtained by this formula:
Coefficient of range = L+S
The following are the prices of shares of AB Company from Monday to
Day Price (£)
Monday 200
Tuesday 210
Wednesday 208
Thursday 160
Friday 220
Saturday 250
Calculate range and its coefficient.
Range = L – S
L = 250
S = 160
Page 39
R = 250-160
= £90
L−S 250−160
Coefficient of range = L+S = 250+160 = 0.22
Continuous Series
There are two methods of determining the range from data grouped into a
frequency distribution.
The 1st method is to find the difference between the upper limit of the
highest class and the lower limit of the lowest class.
The second method is to subtract the midpoint of the lowest wage
class from the midpoint of the highest wage class.
Limitations of Range
- Is not based on each and every item of the distribution.
- It is subject to fluctuations of considerable magnitude from sample to
- Range cannot tell us anything about the character of the distributions
within the two extreme observations.
Interquartile Range
It represents the difference between the 3 rd quartile and the 1st quartile
Inter-quartile Range = Q3 – Q1
Very often the inter-quartile range is reduced to the form of semi-inter-
quartile range or quartile deviation by dividing it by 2.
Page 40
Q3 −Q1
Quartile Deviation or Q.D = 2
Quartile deviation gives the average amount by which the two quartiles differ
from the median. in asymmetrical distribution the two quartiles (Q1 and Q3)
are equidistant from the median i.e. Med – Q 1 = Q3 – Med, and as such the
difference can be taken as a measure of dispersion. The median ± Q.D
covers exactly 50% of the observations.
Compute quartile deviation and its coefficient from the following data:
Wages in (£) No. of wage Cf
Less than 35 14 14
35-37 62 76
38-40 99 175
41-43 18 193
Over 43 7 200
Q3 −Q1
Q.D = 2
N 200
Q1 = size of the 4 th item = 4 = 50th item
Q1 lies in the class 35-37
( )
Q1 = L + f
L = 35
4 = 50
Cf = 14
f = 63
Q1 = 35 +
62 )×2 = 36.16
Page 41
Q3 = size of 4 th item
3 x 200
= 4
= 150th item
Q3 lies in the class 38-40
Q3 =
L+ (
i 3N
f 4
−c )
L = 38
4 = 150
Cf = 76
f = 99
i= 2
Standard Deviation
It measures the absolute dispersion (or variability of distribution). The greater
the amount of dispersion or variability, the greater the standard deviation
since the greater will be the magnitude of the deviations of the values from
their mean. A small standard deviation means a high degree of uniformity of
the observations as well as homogeneity of a series; a large standard
deviation means just the opposite.
Computation Procedure
1. for ungrouped data
a) Sample standard deviation
√ ∑ ( x i−x ) 2
S= n−1
Where: xi= are the individual observations
√Σ fx2 Σ fx
( )
δ= −
Σf Σf
Where: x = midpoint of each class
f= frequency of each class
Page 42
The data below shows the weight of 6 students in a college.
72 48 70 40 52 60
Calculate the standard deviation.
Xi ( i
x −x ) ( xi−x )2
72 15 225
48 9 81
70 13 169
40 -17 289
52 -5 25
60 __ 3 9____________
Σxi =342 Σ ( xi−x )2=798
√ ∑ ( x i−x ) 2
S= n−1
= 6−1√
5 √
=√ 159 .6
= 12.63
The data below relates to wage distribution in a large textile industry:
Wage(000’s) No. of Midpoint fx fx2
ksh employees (f) (x)
0-10 5 5 25 125
Page 43
60-70 21 65 1365 88725
Σ fx2 Σ fx
( )
δ= −
Σf Σf
√√ 378600 8075
( )
= 200 200
= 1827.375−1630.141
= √ 197 .234
= 14.84
Combined Standard Deviation
Combined standard deviation is denoted by:
δ 12 and is computed as follows:
δ 12=
N 1 δ 21 + N 2 δ 22 + N 1 d 21 + N 2 d 22
N 1+ N 2
δ 12 = Combined standard deviation
δ 1 = Standard deviation of first group
δ 2 = Standard deviation of 2nd group
d1 =
|x 1 −x12|
d2 =
|x 2 −x 12|
The above formula can be extended to find out the standard deviation of
three or more groups, thus;
δ 123=
N 1 δ 21 + N 2 δ 22 + N 3 d 23 + N 1 d 21 + N 3 d 23
N 1+ N 2+ N 3
|x −x12|;
Where: d1 = 1
|x −x 123|
= 2 d3 =
|x 3−x 123|
The data below shows some particulars of the distribution of weight of male
and female employees in an organization
Males Female
Number 100 50
Page 44
Variance 9 4
a) Combined SD =
δ 12=
N 1 x 1+ N 2 x 2
x 12=
N 1+ N 2
100(60 )+50(45 )
= 100+50
= 55
Thus: N1 = 100
N2 = 50
δ1 = 9
δ2= 4
d1 =
|x 1−x12|=60−55
|x −x 12|=45−55
= 2
δ 12=
150 √
100(9 )2 +50( 4 )+100 (5)2
= 150
= 7.57
900+200+ 2500+5000
Page 45
C.V (girls) = x
= 45
= 4.44
Since CV is more for distribution of weight of boys, the distribution shows
greater variability.
The variance is a measure of how broadly distributed the random
variable tends to be. It’s defined in terms of the expected value:
Var (X) = ∑((X-E(x)) 2)
The variance is often denoted δ2, and its positive square root, δ, is
known as the standard deviation.
Lorenz Curve
Lorenz Curve
This measure of dispersion is graphical. It is named after Dr. Max Lorenz. It is
generally used to show the extent of concentration of income and wealth.
The steps involved in plotting the Lorenz curve are:
(i) Convert a frequency distribution into a cumulative frequency table.
(ii) Calculate percentage for each item taking the total equal to 100.
(iii) Choose a suitable scale and plot the cumulative percentages of the
persons and income. Use the horizontal axis of X to depict
percentages of persons and the vertical axis of Y to depict
percentages of income.
(iv) Show the line of equal distribution, which will join 0 of X-axis with
100 of Y axis.
(v) The curve obtained in (3) above can now be compared with the
straight line of equal distribution obtained in (4) above. If the
Lorenz curve is close to the line of equal distribution, then it implies
that the dispersion is much less. If, on the contrary, the Lorenz
curve is farther away from the line of equal distribution, it implies
that the dispersion is considerable.
The Lorenz curve is a simple graphical device to show the disparities of
distribution in any phenomenon. It is, used in business and economics to
represent inequalities in income, wealth, production, savings, and so on.
Page 46
The above shows a Lorenz curve. The straight line BD is a line of equal
distribution, whereas BC shows inequality. Curve BC is a Lorenz curve.
In the Lorenz curves figure as above, as the first curve is nearer to the line of
equal distribution, it has more equitable distribution of income after taxes
than the second curve of income before taxes and benefits. Prior to taxation
and benefits, the curve shows greater inequality in the income of the
households. After taxation and benefits, the company’s data results into a
curve, this is closer to the line of equal distribution. In other words, as a result
of taxation and benefits, the inequality has reduced.
Measures of skewness help us to distinguish between different types of
distributions. Two distributions may have the same mean and standard
deviation but may differ widely in their overall appearance. The term
'skewness' refers to lack of symmetry" i.e. when a distribution is not
symmetrical (or is asymmetrical) it is called a skewed distribution.
Page 47
Symmetrical Distribution: In symmetrical distribution, the values of mean,
median and mode coincide. The spread of the frequencies is the same on
both sides of the centre point of the curve as shown in the diagram below.
Page 48
the mode. It is this relationship, which provides a means of measuring the
degree of skewness.
Tests of Skewness
In order to ascertain whether a distribution is skewed or not the following
tests may be applied. Skewness is present if:
(i) The values of mean, median and mode do not coincide.
(ii) When the data are plotted on a graph they do not give the
normal bell shaped form i.e. when cut along a vertical line
through the centre the two halves are not equal.
(iii) The sum of the positive deviations from the median is not equal
to the sum of the negative deviations.
(iv) Quartiles are not equidistant from the median.
(v) Frequencies are not equally distributed at points of equal
deviation from the mode.
On the contrary, when skewness is absent, i.e. in case of a symmetrical
distribution, the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) The values of mean, median and mode coincide.
(ii) Data when plotted on a graph give the normal bell-shaped form.
(iii) Sum of the positive deviations from the median is equal to the
sum of the negative deviations.
(iv) Quartiles are equidistant from the median.
(v) Frequencies are equally distributed at points of equal deviations
from the mode.
Kurtosis is another measure of the shape of a frequency curve. It is a Greek
word, which means bulginess. While skewness signifies the extent of
asymmetry, kurtosis measures the degree of peakedness of a frequency
Page 49
distribution. Karl Pearson classified curves into three types on the basis of the
shape of their peaks. These are mesokurtic, leptokurtic and platykurtic.
From the diagram below, mesokurtic curve (normal curve) is neither too
much flattened nor too much peaked. In fact, this is the frequency curve of a
normal distribution. Leptokurtic curve is a more peaked than the normal
curve. In contrast, platykurtic is a relatively flat curve.
Significance of Studying Correlation Analysis
Scatter Diagram
Page 50
a) Determining whether a relationship exists and if it does, measuring it.
b) Testing whether it is significant
c) Establishing the cause and effect relation if any.
Types of Correlation
Positive or negative
Simple, partial and multiple
Linear and non-linear
Page 51
The distinction is based upon the constancy of the ratio of change between
variables. If the amount of change in one variable tends to bear constant ratio
to the amount of change in the other variable then the correlation is said to be
If the amount of change in one variable does not bear a constant ratio to the
amount of change in the other variable, correlation is called curvilinear.
Page 52
Merits of the Method:
- It is a simple and non-mathematical method of studying correlation
between the variables. As such, it can be easily understood and a
rough idea can very quickly be formed as to whether or not the
variables are related.
- It is not influenced by the size of extreme items whereas most of the
mathematical methods of finding correlation are influenced by extreme
- Making a scatter diagram usually is the first step in investigating the
relationship between two variables.
- By applying this method, we can get an idea about the direction of
correlation and also whether it is low or high. But we cannot establish
the exact degree of correlation between the variables as it is possible
by applying the mathematical methods.
WEEK 10:
Karl Pearson’s Correlation Analysis
Rank Correlation Analysis
Page 53
Is the most widely used method in practice. It is denoted by the symbol r. It
is one of the very few symbols that are used universally for describing the
degree of correlation between two series. The formula is:
∑ xy
r can also be computed this formula: √ ∑ x2 ∑ y2
Where x = X −X and y = Y −Y
The following table gives indices of industrial production of registered
unemployed (in hundred thousand). Calculate Pearson’s coefficient of
Year: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
No. 15 12 13 11 12 12 19 26
Method 1
Production Unemployed
x x2 y y2 xy
100 10000 15 225 1500
102 10404 12 144 1224
104 10816 13 169 1352
107 11449 11 121 1177
105 11025 12 144 1260
112 12544 12 144 1344
103 10609 19 361 1957
99 9801 26 676 2574
Page 54
Σx= Σx2= Σy= Σy2= Σxy=
832 86648 120 1984 12388
nΣ xy−ΣxΣy
r= √[ nΣx −( Σx ) ] [ nΣy −( Σy ) ]
2 2 2 2
= √[8×86648−8322 ][8×1984−1202 ]
= √ 960×1472
= -0.619
Method 2
Year X x−x Y y− y y− y
x x2 xy
y y2
2000 100 -4 16 15 0 0 0
2001 102 -2 4 12 -3 9 +6
2002 104 0 0 13 -2 4 0
2003 107 +3 9 11 -4 16 -12
2004 105 +1 1 12 -3 9 -3
2005 112 +8 64 12 -3 9 -24
2006 103 -1 1 19 +4 16 -4
2007 99 -5 25 26 +11 121 -55
ΣX= Σx= Σx2= ΣY = Σy= Σy2=184 Σxy =
832 0 120 120 0 -92
∑ xy
√ ∑ x2 ∑ y2 −92
= √ 120×184
= -0.619 note, the two methods yield the same answer.
Page 55
Assumptions of the Pearson Coefficient
Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation is based on the following
There is linear relationship between the variables, i.e., when the two
variables are plotted on a scatter diagram a straight line will be formed
by the points so plotted.
The two variables under study are affected by a large number of
independent causes so as to form a normal distribution. Variables like
height, weight, price, demand, and supply e.t.c are affected by such
forces that a normal distribution is formed.
There is a cause and effect relationship between the forces affecting
the distribution of the items in the two series. If such a relationship is
not formed between the variables, i.e., if the variables are
independent, there cannot be any correlation e.g. there is no
relationship between income and height because the forces that affect
these variables are not common.
- The correlation coefficient always assumes linear relationship
regardless of the fact whether that assumption is correct or not.
- Great care must be exercised in interpreting the value of this
coefficient as very often the coefficient is misinterpreted.
- The value of the coefficient is unduly affected by the extreme items.
- As compared with other methods this method takes more time to
compute the value of correlation coefficient.
Page 56
- By adding and subtracting the value of probable error from the
coefficient of correlation we get respectively the upper and lower limits
within which coefficient of correlation in the population can be
expected to lie symbolically.
ρ=r±P . E
Where ρ (rho) denotes correlation in the population.
Let us compute probable error, assuming a coefficient of correlation of 0.80
and a sample of 16 pairs of items. We will have:
1−(0 . 8 )2
P.E = 0.6745 √ 16
= 0.06
The limits of the correlation in the population would be r ± P.E
i.e. 0.8 ± 0.06 or [0.74, 0.86]
If r=0.8 and N=36, find out the probable error of the coefficient of correlation
and determine the limits for population r.
1−r 2
P.E.r = 0.6745 √ N
= 0.6745 √ 36
= 0.04047
Limits of population correlation = 0.8± 0.04 = [0.76, 0.84]
Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination equals r 2 and is a convenient and useful way
of interpreting the value of coefficient of correlation between two variables.
If r = 0.9 then r2 = 0.81 and this would mean that 81% of the variation in the
dependent variable has been explained by the independent variable. The
maximum value of r2 is unity because it is possible to explain all of the
Page 57
variation in dependent variable, but it is not possible to explain more than all
of it.
The coefficient of determination (r 2) is defined as the ratio of the explained
variance to the total variance.
explainedvariance¿ ¿
Coefficient of determination = ¿
The ratio of explained variance to total variance is frequently called
coefficient of non-determination. The coefficient to non-determination is
denoted by K2 and its square root is called the coefficient of alienation, or K.
The K and K2 values may also be used as the measure of the degree or
relationship between two variables. For example, the higher the unexplained
variance with respect to total variance, the higher will be the value of K 2 and
the value of K.
K2 = 1 – r2
explainedvariance¿ ¿
=1- ¿
K= √ 1−
n= number of paired observations
=difference between ranks
In case of tied ranks, the formula is modified as follows:
Page 58
Where t= number of tied ranks
Calculate Spearman’s coefficient of correlation between marks assigned to
ten students by judges x and y in a certain competitive test as shown below:
S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Marks by x: 52 53 42 60 45 41 37 38 25 27
Marks by y: 65 68 43 38 77 48 35 30 25 50
We assign ranks and then calculate rank correlation coefficient.
Marks by Rx Marks by Ry Rx – Ry
Judge x Judge y d2
52 8 65 8 0
53 9 68 9 0
42 6 43 5 1
60 10 38 4 36
45 7 77 10 9
41 5 48 6 1
37 3 35 3 0
38 4 30 2 4
25 1 25 7 25
27 2 50 7 25
∑d2 =
6 Σd 2
R= n(n 2−1 )
= 1 - 10(10 −1 )
= +0.539
There is a high positive correlation between the marks awarded by the two
Page 59
Merits of Rank Method
The method is simpler to understand and easier to apply compared to
the Karl Pearson’s method. The answers obtained by this method and
the Karl Pearson’s method will be the same provided no value is
repeated, i.e. all the items are different.
Where the data are of a qualitative nature like honesty, efficiency,
intelligence, e.t.c, this method can be used with great advantage. E.g.
the workers of two factories can be ranked in order of efficiency and
the degree of correlation established by applying this method.
This is the only method that can be used where we are given the ranks
and not the actual data.
Even where actual data are given, rank method can be applied for
ascertaining correlation.
The method cannot be used for finding correlation in a grouped
frequency distribution.
Where the number of items exceeds 30 the calculations become
tedious and require a lot of time. Therefore, this method should not be
applied where N exceeds 30 unless we are given the ranks and not the
actual values.
WEEK 11:
TOPIC: Functions
Concepts and definitions
Types of Functions
Page 60
Constant: is a quantity whose value remains unchanged throughout a
particular analysis e.g. a fixed cost such as salary or rent in a given
Variable:Is a quantity, which assumes or takes various values in a
particular analysis.
Suppose an item is sold for Shs.35 per unit and
Let S = Sales revenue
Q = Quantity sold
The price of Sh.35 is a constant but sales revenue (S) and quantity sold (Q)
are variables. However, these variables are of two types: independent
variable and dependent variable.
Types of Functions
Some of the more common functions in business include the following:
Constant functions
Polynomial functions
Multivariate functions
Logarithmic functions
Exponential functions
Continuous versus Discrete functions
Step functions
Linear Functions
Constant Functions
A constant function has the same value for the dependent variable
irrespective of the values of the independent variable.
Page 61
Example is the function, y = 4x where x = independent variable and y =
dependent variable.
An example of a constant function in business is fixed costs (such as rent and
salaries) which do not change in the short run.
Explanation: “Short run” as used in business usually means a period within
one year.
Polynomial Functions
This is a function which takes the forms
y = a+ b1x +b2x2+ ………….bnxn
Where y = dependent variable
x = independent variable
a, b1, b2, bn = constants
n, the highest power of x, is known as the degree of the polynomial.
Examples of polnomials
1st degree polynomial (linear function) = → n=1
y a + bx
(l) y= l0 - 3x
(2) y = 20 + x
(3) y = 2x
2 degree polynoinial (Quadratic functions) → n = 2 and b2¿ 0.
y = a + bx + b2x2
(1) y = 25+2x—3x2
(2) y = 20 + 0.3x2
(3) y = x2
3 degree polynomial (Cubic functions) n = 3 and b 3 ¿ 0
y = a + bx + b2x2 + b3x3
(1) y = 15-x+2x2+ l0x3
(2) y= x3
(3) y= x2-2x3
Page 62
In most of the business applications, we do not usually go beyond cubic
functions. As such, we will study only the first three types, i.e. linear,
quadratic and cubic functions.
Multivariate functions
These are functions with more than one independent variable.
Functions with one independent variable are known as univariate
Functions with two independent variables are known as bivariate
functions; while
Functions with three or more independent variables are known as
multivariate functions.
Logarithmic Functions
These are functions where at least one of the terms is in logarithmic form.
This term could be in the independent or dependent variable or both, for
(1) 3 log y = 7x
(2) y= 7 log2x
(3) 5 log 3y 6 log x
(1) Y = 3x - 4Z2 - Bivariate function (x and z are independent variables)
Y = 2x - 12z3 + 2w2 - Multivariate function (x, z and w are independent
Exponential Functions
These are functions where the predictor variable is at least part of an
exponent or power:
1) Y= l02x
2) Log y =15- 2x2 +12
3) 3 log y= 7x +2w- 3z2
Note: A function need not be classified in only one way. For example, number
3 above is, in addition to being an exponential function, also a multivariate
and a logarithmic function.
Page 63
From the graph, note that for y = x2 there is no gap.
Examples of discrete functions are:
1) y = x where x = number of children in a household
2) y x where x number of typographical errors in a textbook.
Step Functions:
These are functions which take a constant value (for a given range), and then
the constant changes e.g. fixed cost for production with increasing capacity.
e.g. The following function can be plotted graphically as follows:
Linear Functions
Page 64
The linear function is a polynomial of the form y = a + b x
a = y intercept i.e. value of y when x 0
b = The slope or gradient i.e. change in y per unit change in
Sketches of the linear function
Page 65
WEEK 12:
TOPIC: Functions
Application of Linear Functions in Business
Computation of Commissions
A salesman’s daily income is composed of a fixed amount and a
variable component. The variable component is dependent on the
number of units sold. He finds that when he sells 10 units on a given
day, his income is Sh 600 whereas when sales double, his earnings
increase by only Sh. 100.
i. Fixed daily earnings;
ii. Level of commission per unit sold and hence;
iii. His earnings when he sells 30 units.
iv. On a certain day the salesman is determined to earn Sh
3,500. Suppose that on the previous day he had guaranteed
orders of 20 units, how many more units must he sell in order
to achieve his target earnings?
E = total daily earnings
Q = total quantity of units sold in a day
E = a + bQ
1. 600=a+0b
2. 700a+20b 600a+ 10(10)
600a+100 a600- l00
and substituting when a = 500; we have b = 10
Equation: E = 500 + IOQ
Page 66
i) Fixed daily income, a = Sh.500
ii) Level of commission per unit sold b = Sh.10. This is the slope
iii) Salesman’s earnings when he sells 30 units:
Q = 30
E =500 + 10(30)
E = 500 + 300
iv) Expected or target earnings E = 3500 Let number of units
required be x
E = 3500
3500= 500+l0(20+x)
3000= 200+ l0x
3000—200= l0x
2800 =l0x
x = 2800/10 x = 280 units
Page 67
The General equation is
P=-4000+ 1l.5Q
This is a supply function since it has a positive slope i.e. b 11.5
(2) Substituting:
p a + bQ
(1) 2525a+lOOb
2) 1525a+200b
Solving simultaneously, we get b -10
Substituting for a in (1) using the value of b, we have:
2525a+ 100 (-10)
We find a = 3525
Since b -10, we conclude that this is a demand function (the slope is
Equation P 3525- 1OQ
Qd = 3525-10Q
Qs = -4000+11.5Q P
Page 68
Q=350 units
a) Determine the linear function v = a + bt which relates the book
value v and time t in years. Interpret a and b.
b) What is the book value at the end of the 2 year of the truck?
c) Determine the disposal value of the truck stating any
assumptions you may make.
Equation 1: 4,200,000 = a + b(0)
a Sh.4,200,000 …………………………purchase price
1800000 = 420000 - 3b
1800000 - 420000 = 3b
2400000 = -3b
b =2400000
b =-800000
b = Sh 800,000
V = 4200000 - 800000t
b = Sh. 800,000 = annual depreciation (the value is negative since
vehicle loses value each year)
Page 69
b) When t = 2
v = 4.2- 0.8(2)
v= 4.2- 1. 6
v = Sh.2.6 million
c ) When t = 5 v=4.2-0.8(5)
= 4.2 - 4
v = 0.2 v = Sh.200, 000
How does management manipulate factors which determine profits in
order to achieve the objective of maximizing profits?
Page 70
v) There is no demand restriction i.e. there are no constraints as to the
quantity that can be sold.
vi) All factors which influence profits are known in advance with
Equation approach
Let R = total revenue in monetary terms
P = unit price
V = unit variable costs
X = sales quantity (physical units)
f = fixed cost
C = total cost
∏ ¿¿= profit
V = total variable costs
a) Sales in physical units (x)
i. Profit equation
By definition:
R = px
p - v = Contribution margin
C = vx + f
= px- (vx +f)
= px – vx -f
= (p- v) x - f
= cm*x - f
CM = Contribution margin per unit
2. Unit sales X for target profit, T (Sh)
From equation above, = T
Hence T = CM * —f
Making x the subject, we have:
x = T +f
3. Breakeven sales units, X b/e (b/e = breakeven)
At B.E.P, R = C so that ∏ ¿¿= 0
From equation 2 above T at B.E.P = 0
x(b/e) = f
Graphical Representation
Page 71
Let actual sales (beyond breakeven sales) be Xa
Xa - Xb the extent by which actual sales exceeds breakeven sales is
known as Margin of Safety (M0S).
This is also the extent by which sales would have to fall before the firm
begins to make losses.
B.E.P. is given by the formula:
b) E ( in units) = fixed cost CM = p-v 200—140 = Sh60
= 720,000 = 12000 units
b) The profit function is:
∏ ¿¿= 60 x 20000- 720000 Sh.480,000.
c) If the target profit is Sh T, then units, x, required to make this profit
is given as:
f +T
x = 720000 + 2000000 = 2,720,000
60 60
x = 45333 units (to the nearest whole number).
Page 72
I 100000 60000 20000
II 150000 90000 40000
Assume the price, unit variable cost, and fixed costs are the same in
the two periods.
a) Determine the fixed cost;
b) Determine the breakeven sales revenue;
c) What is the profit when sales are Sb. 600000?
d) What is the sales required for a profit of Sh.1 10000?
e) Determine the profit if variable cost incurred is Sh. 300000
a) When sales are in monetary terms, profit function is given as:
∏ ¿¿ =CMRX(R-f)
We substitute the two given points to get the following equations:
(1) 20000 =CMR X(100000-f)
(2) 40000 =CMR X (150000-f)
To eliminate f, we subtract thus: (2) -(1):
20000 = 50000 CMR
CMR = 0.4
Using equation (1):
20000=0.4 X 100000-f
20000 =0.4 X 100000-f
f=-20000+0.4 x 100000
f= Sh. 20000
b) B.E.P.= f
B.E.P. = 20000
= sh. 50000
c) ForRsh.600000
∏ ¿¿= 0.4x600000- 20000
= sh. 220000
Page 73
R= 20000+110000
R= 130000
R = Sh. 325000
e) To answer this part, we need to know the sales revenue which is
consistent with a variable cost of sh. 300,000. We use the
CMR + VCR = 1 and since CMR 0.6, it follows that VCR = 0.6
300000 = 0.6/R
= R = 300000
R=Sh 500000
Hence profit, ∏ ¿¿= 0.4 x 500000 - 20000
=Sh 180000
WEEK 13:
Definitions of Regression Analysis
Uses of Regression Analysis
Regression Lines
Page 74
to predict is called the dependent variable or the ‘explained’ variable, or the
‘response’ variable.
The term ‘linear’ means that an equation of a straight line of the form y = a
+ bx, where a and b are constants, is used to describe the average
relationship that exists between the two variables.
Regression Lines
If we have two variables x and y, then we shall have two regression lines and
consequently two regression equations.
i) The regression equation of y on x denoted by y = a + bx
Page 75
y = dependent variable
x = independent variable
a and b are constants to be determined in the equation.
ii) The regression equation of x on y denoted by: x = a + by
x = dependent variable
y = independent variable
a and b are constants to be determined in the equation.
We can also obtain the values of a and b by solving the following normal
equations simultaneously
Σ xy=aΣx+bΣx2
b) In case of the regression equation of the form X = a + by
we obtain a and b as follows
Page 76
99 25 9801 676 2574
832 120 86648 1984 12388
nΣ xy −ΣxΣy Σy Σx
2 2 a= −b
b = nΣx −( Σx ) n n
8×12388−832×120 120 832
−0 .77
= 8×86648−8322 = 8 8
= 960 = 15 + 79.23
= -0.766666 = 94.73
≈ -0.77 y = 94.73 – 0.77x
With this equation, we can estimate the value of y given any value of x. e.g.
Estimate y when x = 120.
Therefore: since
Y = 94.73 – 0.77x
Y = 94.73 – 0.77 x 150
Y = 2.33
≈ 2 people
ii) X = a + by
nΣ xy −ΣxΣy
2 2
b = nΣy −( Σy )
= 8×1984−1202
= 1472
= -0.5
Σx Σy
a= n n
832 120
−−0 .5
= 8 8
= 104 + 7.5
= 111.5
Therefore x = 111.5 – 0.5y
Therefore, when y = 30
x= 111.5 – 0.5 x 30
x = 11.5 – 15
x = 96.5
WEEK 14:
TOPIC: Matrices
Page 77
Order of Matrix
Types of Matrices
A matrix is any rectangular array of numbers, written in the form:
Aijs stand for real numbers and are the elements of the matrix.
In particular, a is the element in the ith row and the jth column of the matrix
(1) A matrix is denoted using capital letters
(2) Each number in the matrix is an element a11 of the matrix where i
represent the row position and j represents the column position.
A=¿ [1 2 6 ¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
¿ is of order 2x3 since ith as rows and three columns.
Types of Matrices
Row vector is a matrix with only one row. E.g. V 1=(l0 -3 4 6) is a 1x4 row
Page 78
3¿ [ 7¿ ] ¿ ¿
Column vector is a matrix with only one column e.g. V 2= ¿
is a 2x1 column vector.
Square Matrix
If the number of rows and the number of columns of a matrix are equal, the
matrix is said to be a square matrix. i.e. if in n, the matrix is a square matrix.
=¿ [5 4 9 2¿ ][10 4 3 −1¿] ¿ ¿¿
Let the original matrix be P. If P ¿
B2=¿ [5 ¿ ][10¿ ]¿ ¿¿
¿ 2 , 3 and 4 columns omitted
nd rd th
B3=¿ [ 4 3 −1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
¿ 1st column, 1st row omitted
Diagonal Matrix
This a square matrix whose every element other than at least one element in
the leading diagonal equals zero.
Page 79
D1=¿ [ 1 0¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
i. ¿
S1=¿ [−5 0¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
I 2=¿ [1 0¿] ¿ ¿¿
¿ 2x2 identity matrix
Transpose of a Matrix
Let A be a matrix. If the rows and columns of the matrix A are interchanged -
so that the 1st row becomes the 1St column, the 2nd row becomes the 2nd
column and so on, then the new matrix formed is known as the transpose of
A, denoted A’ or AT.
A=¿ [1 2 3¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
For example, if ¿ then the transpose of A is
Page 80
A =¿ [ 1 4¿] [2 5 ¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
Symmetric Matrix
If a matrix its transpose is equal, then the matrix is said to be symmetric
(about its main/leading diagonal)
M 1=¿ [ 3 0 ¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
M 2=1¿ [ 5 7 1¿ ] [ 7 3 −2 ¿ ] ¿ ¿
WEEK 15:
Equality of Matrices
Addition of Matrices
Subtraction of Matrices
Multiplication of Matrices
Determinants and Inverse of Matrices
Equality of Matrices
Two matrices A (aij) and B = (bij) are equal if and only if A and B are of the
same order and aij = bij for all i and j.
Page 81
Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
The matrices to be added or subtracted must be of the same order. The
operations are carried out by adding or subtracting corresponding elements.
[ 1 −3 1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [ 20 40 −2¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
Let p = ¿ and Q= ¿
Find (i) P+Q (ii) P-Q (iii) Q-P
[ 1 −3 1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [ 20 40 −2¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
(i) ¿ ¿ +
[ 4+20 −3+40 1−2 ¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
[ 24 3 −1 ¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
= ¿
[ 4 −3 1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [ 20 40 −2¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
(ii) P-Q =¿ ¿ -
[ 4−20 −3−40 1−2 ¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
[−16 −43 3 ¿] ¿ ¿¿
= ¿
[ 4 −3 1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [ 20 40 −1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
(I) p = ¿ Q= ¿
[ 4 −3 1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [ 20 40 −1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [ 24 37 0 ¿] ¿ ¿¿
P+Q =¿ ¿
+ = ¿
[ 4 −3 1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [ 20 40 −1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [−16 −43 20 ¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
P-Q =¿ +¿ =¿
[ 20 40 −1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [ 4 −3 1¿ ] ¿ ¿¿ [−16 43 20 ¿ ] ¿ ¿¿
Q-P = ¿ - ¿ = ¿
Properties of matrix addition
i. Matrix addition is commutative i.e. A+BB+A
ii. Matrix addition is associative i.e. (A+B)+CA+(B+C)
iii. If denotes the null or zero matrix of the same order as that of matrix
B, then
Page 82
B+ = + B= B
Multiplication of Matrices
Matrix multiplication can occur in one of two ways; by a scalar i.e. a real
number or by another matrix.
Page 83
(v) If I is an identity matrix and matrix multiplication is defined, then
To each square matrix A, there corresponds a single value known as its
determinant determined by A
If the determinant of a matrix is equal to 0, it is said to be a singular matrix.
Otherwise it is non-singular.
[+ − +¿][− + −¿]¿¿¿
For example, suppose we wish to calculate C 23, which is the cofactor of
element a of the matrix A. The element a 23 lies in row 2 and column 3.
Consequently we delete 2nd row and 3rc column as indicated below:
Page 84
Thus the cofactor of a23 is: C23 = - 1(a11a32 - a31a12).
The same procedure is repeated for all the elements of the matrix.
Matrix inversion
Obtaining the inverse of a matrix is referred to as matrix inversion. Inverse by
adjoint of a matrix.
Step 1
From the matrix A, form a new matrix by replacing every element a by its
cofactor, which we may call C.
Step 2
Transpose this matrix (C) - writing rows as columns and columns as rows.
This new matrix is called the adjoint of A.
Step 3
Inverse of a 3 x 3 matrix
Let matrix be A.
• Obtain the determinant.
• Determine the matrix of minor elements, M (minor matrix)
• From M, above, obtain the matrix of Cofactor elements, C (cofactor
• Transpose the cofactor matrix C to obtain C transpose, C T also called
the adjoint /adjunct matrix of A.
- The inverse of A will be:
A−1 =
|A|xC T
[3 1 2¿] [0 5 1¿]¿¿¿
I) N1 = ¿ Determinant of N1 /N1/ = -51
- Minor element matrix M = ignore the row and column of
Page 85
e.g. element 3 i.e.
1 1 2
= -3 2 4 and remain with = -5 -2
= ¿ [−3 -3 −9¿ ] [ 6 -11 1¿] ¿ ¿
51 ¿
7 -3 6
4 2 8
(ii) N3 = -1 0 2 determinant = N3/ = 88
−1 [ 4 6 −36¿] [-16 20 -3 2¿ ] ¿
= ¿ ¿
88 ¿
Page 87