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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 03 Issue: 11 | Nov -2016 p-ISSN: 2395 -0072

Design of Prestressed Concrete Bridge using Limit State Method

Kruthi A
Student, Dept. of civil engineering, Dayananda Sagar college
Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Abstract –The bridge should withstand every action, span may range from 80 to 200 ft therefore we shall
which includes applied induced loads, accidental loads and consider California wide flange girder for design of the
it should also withstand the loads caused due the action of prestressed bridge of specifications are as below.
earthquake without damaging the property or without
causing any causative event. Safety, serviceability, durability Modeling of the structure is made via STAAD software
by using plate of 80mX0.2m which represents the deck
and economy are the terms which decide the performance of
slabs. A tapered main girder of depth 2m and rectangular
the bridge. Keeping this into account a project has been
cross girders of depth 2m are made use to represent the
done based on the national highway standards. The thesis prestressed beams:
involves construction practice and properties of pre-stressed
concrete in comparison with reinforced concrete design.
Also, a per-cast post-tensioned continuous beam and slab 1.2 Possible load combinations
bridge deck for a national highway crossing of span 80m
has been modeled, analyzed and designed with the help of According to IRC 006-2014 the minimum nose to tail
STAAD software. distance between 70R and class A vehicles are 30m and
18.5 ,clearance of 0.15m and 1.2m from kerb to wheel
edge and 1.2 between the overtaking vehicles respectively.
Key Words: Prestressed concrete, bridge, limit states, Based on this criteria following are the load combinations.
staad , national highway.

2. Design of slab and beams

The loads and moments so obtained from staad are used in
the manual calculations. limit state method of design is
The structures such as long span bridges, long span used to design and as follows.
roofs, nuclear containment vessels and ocean
structures are constructed with pre-stressed
Table -1: Moments of beam obtained from staad
concrete are in the trend. The methods of design in
pre-stressed concrete has been through reasonable Moments
changes during last 50 years .Working stress method loads
of design was introduced many years ago and now it
dead load 1382 kNm
has been replaced with limit state method of
designing. The ultimate strength design method was Live load
6585 kNm
invented in the fifties, but the limit state method
overtook this method by gaining the vast acceptance. Total load kNm

Pre-stressed concrete is known as the concrete in Factored load

which the effective internal stresses are artificially
induced with steel in tension before the structure is
loaded. An example of simple engineering structure
Confirming to IRC 600- 1983 select the diameter of the
those used the principle of pre-stressing from many
strand of maximum size of 15.2mm with breaking load of
years is the formation of wooden barrel. 260.7 KN
1.1 Modeling of the structure

The thesis is about modeling and designing a prestressed

concrete bridge using deck slab for a national highway of
span 40m and width of roadway being 7.5 m. The span
considered in the thesis ranges between 40 to 80 m i.e. the

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 415
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 11 | Nov -2016 p-ISSN: 2395 -0072


[1] Dr N krishnaraju , “Prestressed concre,” Handbook,

[2] Gongkang,“Bridge design and evaluation,” LFRD and
Chart -1: An example of possible load combination FFRD, USA .

According to IRC to possible load combinations are defined BIOGRAPHIES

in staad and the moments so obtained in staad are used in
the design calculations. Mtech student in dayanada Sagar
college, Bangalore, karnataka,

Fig -1: Cross section of the bridge

According to manual calculations and the design the beam

consists of the parabolic cable. which has an eccentricity of
750mm at the support section and 350mm at the mid
support section.

Also the balance moment which cannot be provided by the

prestressing force can be compensated by the
reinforcement bars .


By dealing with the tactics of the design various aspects of

the designs are understood such as the modulus of the
section plays a very important role in the design of
prestressed concrete bridge. The depth of the section is
one of the most important characteristics which govern
the design. Even though the fiber stresses does not seem
to be an important aspect it has to be keenly taken care of.
It seems to the edge beams do not takes the live load but
the edge beam should take the dead load moments of the
cantilever slab. therefore the edge girder should be
provided with the same pre-stressing force to that of the
middle girder.


I would like to thank my friends who gave me shelter in

their home while doing the thesis.

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 416

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