Bridges & Structure
Bridges & Structure
Bridges & Structure
Annual Report 2010-2011 Bridges & Structures
Annual Report 2010-2011 Bridges & Structures
Annual Report 2010-2011 Bridges & Structures
for scour at piers for different bed conditions. The casting of three RCC Box girder specimens (5m
A state of the Art Review Report on Bridge Pier Scour long) completed & Thermocouples installed.
has been prepared. Laboratory Equipments namely Data collection by temperature measurements on the
Acoustic Doppler Profiler and Acoustic Doppler box girder specimens is in progress.
Velocimeter have been procured. Sanction for procurement of ANSYS software and
Identification of Bridges for filed investigation and for anemometers obtained. ANSYS software and
installation of monitoring equipments/ protective anemometer have been procured.
measures has been done. Laboratory experiments FEM Model has been developed on ANSYS.
were conducted and a report on design formulae for 2nd installment of fund Rs. 2.64 lakhs been released to
bridge scour based on lab and filed observations has Osmania University. Temperature measurements on
been prepared. unventilated girders with ballast cushion depth of 300
For review of current practices for control and protective mm and 400 mm has commenced.
measures against scour, visit to University of Auckland TDC : Sept., 2012
and various sites having control and protection
measures under leadership of professor of University of Inspection of Fabrication of Steel Girders
Auckland who are leading expert in the field was During the year a total of 27,770 MT was cleared
proposed earlier as pre MOU but not agreed by Board. against annual target of 15,000 MT, which is the highest
Board has now directed RDSO to send fresh proposal. ever inspection done by RDSO.
University of Auckland has now indicated availability of Workshop on “Fatigue Assessment of Steel Girder
slot in May 2011. Accordingly, proposal is being Bridges – New Fatigue Provisions”
processed. This activity has significant bearing on other A one day workshop on “Fatigue Assessment of Steel
activities of project. Girder Bridges – New Fatigue Provisions” was
TDC : August, 2013 organized on 11 June, 2010 by B&S Directorate,
Study of temperature gradient in concrete box RDSO to apprise the Dy.CE/Design, Ex.Engr/Design
girder Bridges (Approx. Cost 19,71,500) and Design Assistant about the new provisions as per
A lecture by Dr. Prakash Rao on project topic was Correction Slip No. 18. The workshop was attended by
delivered on 16th Extra Ordinary BSC at IRICEN, Pune. 27 delegates of various zonal railways.
Equipments such as K type thermocouples (150 nos.),
Data Logging System, Computer procured.
Literature Survey Report submitted by the PI.