Bridges & Structure

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Annual Report 2010-2011


RESEARCH, DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Composite Girder for 25t Loading

Heavy Axle Load Operation Design and drawings of composite plate girder for
12.2m, 18.3m, 24.4m and 30.5m spans for 10 million
BS 106 i.e. Broad Guidelines issued to zonal railways
for instrumentation of bridges for running of higher axle
Plate Girder for DFC Loading (32.5t axle load)
loads. RDSO was also associated with Zonal Railways
Design and drawings of 12.2m, 18.3m & 24.4m steel
for Instrumentation of Bridges to assess the actual
plate girder welded type for 10 million cycles.
loadings on the bridges and to access the capacity of
Open Web Girder for DFC Loading (32.5t axle load)
bridges to carry Heavy Axle Loading. In this connection,
fourth consolidated report for instrumentation of Indian Design and drawings of welded type open web girder for
Railways were issued in July, 2010 as BS 108 30.5m & 45.7m for 10 million cycles for “DFC loading
(32.5t axle load)”.
Codes, Manual & Specifications n Design and drawing of Man Refuge on open web
Concrete Bridge Code girder for safety of work man.
n A&C Slip No. 13 revising load factors and n Design of alternative elastomeric bearing for
specifying coefficient of friction in calculation of 24.4m plate girder for 25t loading.
pre stressing loss due to friction has been issued
on 25.11.2010 based on recommendations of
n Channel sleeper for DFC Loading.
BTDG and 79th BSC.
n Modified drawings for H. Beam sleeper suitable
Bridge Manual
for all Loadings including DFC Loading.
n A&C Slip No. 21 has been issued on 02-07-2010
n Standard design of composite girder ROBs
regarding underwater inspection.
Standard design of 18m, 24m, 30m & 36m span
n A&C Slip No. 22 regarding PSC assessment of composite girder ROB have been issued.
loss of camber has been issued on 28-03-2011.
Manual on the Design and construction of Well and
Pile Foundations BRIDGES
n A&C Slip No. 2 regarding allowable bearing RCC Slabs
pressure for well foundation has been issued on n Design and drawings of RCC slab for spans of
09.03.2010. 0.6m, 0.9m, 1.22m, 1.88m and 2.44m for “25t-
loading 2008”.
n Design and drawings of RCC slab for spans of
Standard Designs of Steel Bridge Girders 0.6m, 0.9m, 1.22m, 1.88m and 2.44m for “DFC
Plate Girder for 25t Loading Loading (32.5t axle load)”.
Design and drawings of 12.2m, 18.3m & 24.4m steel n Design and drawing of RCC slab for composite girder
plate girder welded type for 10 million cycles. of span 12.2m, 18.3m and 24.4m for 25t – 2008

Annual Report 2010-2011 Bridges & Structures

PSC Slabs Consultancy / Proof checking Works

Design & drawing of 9.15 m and 12.2 m post-tensioned Consultancy was provided to E.C.Railway for
PSC slab for “25t loading – 2008”. addressing failure of cross girder of Rail-cum Road
Sub Structure bridge on river Ganga near Mokama.
n Design and drawing of Mass concrete Pier and
Abutment (M-25) for 6.1m & 9.15m spans for
PSC slabs for “25t loading – 2008”.
n Design and drawing of Mass concrete Pier and
Abutment (M-25) for 12.2 m 2 I girders for “25t
loading – 2008”.
n Design and drawing of Mass concrete Pier and
Abutment (M-25) for 12.2 m composite girder for
“25t loading – 2008”.
n Design and drawing of Mass concrete Pier and
Abutment (M-25) for 12.2 m composite girder for
“25t loading – 2008”.
n Design and drawing of Mass concrete Pier and
Abutment (M-25) for 6.1m & 9.15m spans for
PSC slabs for “DFC loading (32.5t axle load)”.
RCC Box Culverts
n Design and drawing of RCC Box Culvert for
various span height combinations and earth fill
heights up to 5.0 m for “25 t – 2008 loading”.
n Design and drawing of RCC Box Culvert for
various span height combinations and earth fill
heights up to 10.0 m for “DFC loading (32.5t axle
n General arrangement drawing for limited height
subway using segmental boxes.
Checking of Suitability of Existing BGML,
RBG and MBG Designs for 25t – 2008
n Plate girder (BGML and RBG) of 12.2m, 18.3m
and 24.4m spans.
n Open web girder (BGML ) of 30.5m span.
n Plate girders (MBG loading – 4 x 106 cycles and
107 cycles) of 12.2m, 18.3m and 24.4m span.
n Plate girders (HM loading) of 18.3m and 24.4m Inspection and Testing
span. B&S Directorate is having a well furnished laboratory
with following facilities:
n RCC slabs (MBG and RBG loading) 0.61m,
0.915m, 1.22m, 1.83m and 2.44 span. n Impact & Static Testing Facility for full scale
n RCC single box and twin box (MBG loading) for
various combinations of height and spans up to n Concrete Core Cutting Machine.
6m and fill depth up to 10m. n NDT Testing of Concrete Bridges with Corrosion
Analyser, Profometer, Rebound Hammer, CAPO
n NP – 4 class RCC Hume pipe of 300mm, 600mm,
Test & Lock Test, WINDSOR Probe etc.
900mm, 1000mm, 1200mm and 1800mm
diameter. n Testing of Steel Bridges by Acoustic Emission
n Post tensioned PSC 2-I girders (MBG loading) of
12.2m and 18.3m span. n Residual Life Assessment of Steel Bridges.
n Testing of Brick & Stone Masonry by FLAT Jack
n Post tensioned PSC box girder (MBG loading) of
24.4m span.
Oscillation trial and speed certificate of various

Annual Report 2010-2011 Bridges & Structures

for moving loads having any number of

predefined axle loads.
n Field measurements indicated that:
v Displacement of bridge at a location
cannot be obtained reliably by numerical
integration of acceleration measured
v Measured frequencies cannot be used for
updating model reliably due to large spatial
variation and uncertainties in material
n Thus it has been concluded that the traditional
Corrosion Analysing Equipment (CANIN) vibration measurements and signature analysis
techniques may result in significant errors when
applied for condition assessment.
n The experimental work and analysis of field
observations has led to the conclusion that it is
not feasible to deploy this technology for
condition monitoring of concrete bridges at
n In view of above, the project was recommended
for closure vide RDSO's letter No. RB/1988 dated
10.08.2010 summarizing various project
activities and respective achievements. The
project has been closed from Mission-22 by
Railway Board vide letter No. 2010/E&Rl3400
Pulsator for Sleeper Testing 114 dated 18.10.2010.
Training of RDSO officials organized at
IIT1Mumbai in Nov.'2010.
Development of guidelines for seismic design of
Railway bridges (Approx. Cost : 21, 24,000)
The provision of seismic design are very old and after
the major earthquake of Bhuj, need was felt for re-
looking the existing provisions of seismic design for the
Resistivity meter, Profometer, Pull off tester, Permeability tester, design of new bridges considering the developments in
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity meter and Corrosion Analyser BIS and other international standards.
rolling stocks A project was taken up with IIT/Kanpur. The project
B&S Dte has a major role in issuing the speed certificate started in 2007-08 and followed up regularly. The
and finalizing the oscillation trial reports for all new guidelines have been developed and have been
rolling stock including locomotives. In last one and a half circulated to zonal railways. Training to Railway
year more than 200 speed certificates and more than 40 Engineers was given from 2nd to 6th May, 2011.
reports for trial of various types of rolling stocks were The Project is completed.
dealt. TDC : December, 2010
RESEARCH PROJECTS COMPLETED Continuous Scour Monitoring of Bridge Pier/
RECENTLY Abutment Foundation Using Time Domain
Condition Assessment of Bridges Using Vibration Reflectometry etc. (Approx. Cost: 1,61,51,000)
Signature Analysis (Approx. Cost: 1,04,00,000) This project has been taken up with IIT/Kharagpur with
following objectives:
n Mathematical models of two bridges have been
created by which static analysis can n Formulae for estimation of scour depth at Bridge
be performed for self weight, dead loads, pre- Pier for alluvial, sand, gravel and layered beds.
stressing forces and live loads. n Identification of suitable instruments for
n The module can be used to compute natural measurement of scour depth and monitoring real
frequencies and mode-shapes. time scour in different bed conditions.
n The analysis of the bridge can also be performed n Effective and economical protective measures

Annual Report 2010-2011 Bridges & Structures

for scour at piers for different bed conditions. The casting of three RCC Box girder specimens (5m
A state of the Art Review Report on Bridge Pier Scour long) completed & Thermocouples installed.
has been prepared. Laboratory Equipments namely Data collection by temperature measurements on the
Acoustic Doppler Profiler and Acoustic Doppler box girder specimens is in progress.
Velocimeter have been procured. Sanction for procurement of ANSYS software and
Identification of Bridges for filed investigation and for anemometers obtained. ANSYS software and
installation of monitoring equipments/ protective anemometer have been procured.
measures has been done. Laboratory experiments FEM Model has been developed on ANSYS.
were conducted and a report on design formulae for 2nd installment of fund Rs. 2.64 lakhs been released to
bridge scour based on lab and filed observations has Osmania University. Temperature measurements on
been prepared. unventilated girders with ballast cushion depth of 300
For review of current practices for control and protective mm and 400 mm has commenced.
measures against scour, visit to University of Auckland TDC : Sept., 2012
and various sites having control and protection
measures under leadership of professor of University of Inspection of Fabrication of Steel Girders
Auckland who are leading expert in the field was During the year a total of 27,770 MT was cleared
proposed earlier as pre MOU but not agreed by Board. against annual target of 15,000 MT, which is the highest
Board has now directed RDSO to send fresh proposal. ever inspection done by RDSO.
University of Auckland has now indicated availability of Workshop on “Fatigue Assessment of Steel Girder
slot in May 2011. Accordingly, proposal is being Bridges – New Fatigue Provisions”
processed. This activity has significant bearing on other A one day workshop on “Fatigue Assessment of Steel
activities of project. Girder Bridges – New Fatigue Provisions” was
TDC : August, 2013 organized on 11 June, 2010 by B&S Directorate,
Study of temperature gradient in concrete box RDSO to apprise the Dy.CE/Design, Ex.Engr/Design
girder Bridges (Approx. Cost 19,71,500) and Design Assistant about the new provisions as per
A lecture by Dr. Prakash Rao on project topic was Correction Slip No. 18. The workshop was attended by
delivered on 16th Extra Ordinary BSC at IRICEN, Pune. 27 delegates of various zonal railways.
Equipments such as K type thermocouples (150 nos.),
Data Logging System, Computer procured.
Literature Survey Report submitted by the PI.

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