Office of The Controller of Examinations: Ifet College of Engineering (An Autonomous Institution)
Office of The Controller of Examinations: Ifet College of Engineering (An Autonomous Institution)
Office of The Controller of Examinations: Ifet College of Engineering (An Autonomous Institution)
1. The pattern of the question paper for UG/PG programmes (Except Mathematics Subjects
and Engineering Graphics) is as follows:
A 10 (Answer All the Questions) 10x2=20 Ask 2 questions from each unit
A 10 (Answer All the Questions) 10x2=20 Ask 2 questions from each unit
4. In Part-B, Use Appropriate Marking System (Ex. : 13 or 6+7 or 7+6 or any other
combinations subject to maximum of three subdivisions namely i, ii & iii)
5. Question paper format should be strictly as per the template given in the attachment.
6. Font type :Times New Roman , Font size : 12, Line spacing : 1.5
8. Submit images and symbols in jpeg format and embed them in the question paper
9. Clearly state the policy on permission of data books, calculators, requirement of graph
sheets etc. in the question paper itself
Controller of Examinations