Week 10
Week 10
Week 10
1. 1.Declaring ineffective the extrajudicial foreclosure of Ibid., 57-58.
the mortgage over Lot No. 4731 of the Cadastral Ibid., 63.
Survey of Cebu; Ibid., 65.
2. 2.Ordering the cancellation of Transfer Certificate of 893
Title No. 68041 of the Registry of Deeds of the City VOL. 208, MAY 8, 1992
of Cebu in the name of defendant Cebu City Savings
Medida vs. Court of Appeals
and Loan Association, Inc. and the corresponding
petitioner bank.7
issuance of a new transfer certificate to contain all
The first submission assailing the judgment of respondent
the annotations made in TCT No. 14272 of the
Court of Appeals is meritorious.
plaintiffs Pascuala Sabellano, married to Andres
Said respondent court declared the real estate mortgage in
question null and void for the reason that the mortgagor
3. 3.Ordering the plaintiffs aforenamed to pay the
spouses, at the time when the said mortgage was executed, were
defendant Cebu City Savings and Loan Association,
no longer the owners of the lot, having supposedly lost the same
Inc. the unpaid balance of the loan, plus interest; and
when the lot was sold to a purchaser in the foreclosure sale
reimbursing said defendant the value of any
under the prior mortgage. This holding cannot be sustained.
necessary and useful expenditures on the property
Preliminarily, the issue of ownership of the mortgaged
after deducting any income derived by said defendant
property was never alleged in the complaint nor was the same
from the property.
raised during the trial, hence that issue should not have been
taken cognizance of by the Court of Appeals. An issue which
For this purpose, defendant Association is given 15 days was neither averred in the complaint nor ventilated during the
from receipt hereof within which to submit its statement of the trial in the court below cannot be raised for the first time on
amount due appeal as it would be offensive to the basic rule of fair play,
892 justice and due process.8
892 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Nonetheless, since respondent Court took cognizance
Medida vs. Court of Appeals thereof and, in fact, anchored its modificatory judgment on its
it from the plaintiffs Dolino, with notice to them. The payment ratiocination of that issue, we are inclined to liberalize the rule
to be made by the plaintiffs shall be within ninety (90) days so that we can in turn pass upon the correctness of its
from their receipt of the order approving the amount due the conclusion. We may consider such procedure as analogous to
defendant Cebu City Savings and Loan Association, Inc. the rule that an unassigned error closely related to an error
No award of damages or costs to either party. properly assigned, or upon which the determination of the
SO ORDERED.” 4 question properly assigned is dependent, may be considered by
Not satisfied therewith, herein private respondents interposed a an appellate court.9 We adopt this approach since, after all, both
partial appeal to respondent court with respect to the second and lower courts agreed upon the invalidity of the extrajudicial
third paragraphs of the aforequoted decretal portion, contending foreclosure but differed only on the matter of the validity of the
that the lower court erred in (1) declaring that the mortgage real estate mortgage upon which the extrajudicial foreclosure
executed by the therein plaintiff spouses Dolino is valid; (2) was based.
permitting therein Cebu City Savings and Loan Association, In arriving at its conclusion, respondent court placed full
Inc. to collect interest after the same foreclosure proceedings reliance on what obviously is an obiter dictum laid down in the
and auction sale which are null and void from the beginning; course of the disquisition in Dizon vs. Gaborro, et al. which we
(3) not ordering the forfeiture of the capital or balance of the
loan with usurious interest; and (4) not sentencing therein _______________
defendant to pay damages and attorney’s fees to plaintiffs. 5
On September 28, 1990, respondent Court of Appeals Ibid., 4-6.
promulgated its decision modifying the decision of the lower
court, with this adjudication:
Vencilao, et al. vs. Vano, et al., 182 SCRA executed between them but also in so far as the agreement
491 (1990); Gevero, et al., vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, et affects the rights of the third party, the purchaser Bank.
al.,189 SCRA 201 (1990). xxx
Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank vs. Court of “Under the Revised Rules of Court, Rule 39, Section 33, the
Appeals, et al., 159 SCRA 24 (1988); Roman Catholic judgment debtor remains in possession of the property
Archbishop of Manila, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 198 foreclosed and sold, during the period of redemption. If the
SCRA 300 (1991). judgment debtor is in possession of the property sold, he is
894 entitled to retain it, and receive the fruits, the purchaser not
894 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED being entitled to such possession. (Riosa vs. Verzosa, 26 Phil.
86; Velasco vs. Rosenberg’s, Inc., 32 Phil. 72; Pabico vs.
Medida vs. Court of Appeals Pauco, 43 Phil. 572; Power vs. PNB, 54 Phil. 54; Gorospe vs.
shall analyze.10 For, as explicitly stated therein by the Court, Gochangco, L-12735, Oct. 30, 1959).
“(t)he basic issue to be resolved in this case is whether the xxx
‘Deed of Sale with Assumption of Mortgage’ and the ‘Option “Upon foreclosure and sale, the purchaser is entitled to a
to Purchase Real Estate,’ two instruments executed by and certificate of sale executed by the sheriff. (Section 27, Revised
between petitioner Jose P. Dizon and Alfredo G. Gaborro Rules of Court). After the termination of the period of
(defendant below) on the same day, October 6, 1959, constitute redemption and no redemption having been made, the purchaser
in truth and in fact an absolute sale of the three parcels of land is entitled to a deed of conveyance and to the possession of the
therein described or merely an equitable mortgage or properties. (Section 35, Revised Rules of Court). The weight of
conveyance thereof by way of security for reimbursement or authority is to the effect that the purchaser of land sold at public
repayment by petitioner Jose P. Dizon of any and all sums auction under a writ of execution has only an inchoate right to
which may have been paid to the Development Bank of the the property, subject to be defeated and terminated within the
Philippines and the Philippine National Bank by Alfredo G. period of 12 months from the date of sale, by a redemption on
Gaborro x x x.” Said documents were executed by the parties the part of the owner. Therefore, the judgment debtor in
and the payments were made by Gaborro for the debt of Dizon possession of the property is entitled to remain therein during
to said banks after the Development Bank of the Philippines had the period for redemption. (Riosa vs. Verzosa, 26 Phil. 86,
foreclosed the mortgage executed by Dizon and during the 89; Gonzales vs. Calimbas, 51 Phil. 355).
period of redemption after the foreclosure sale of the mortgaged “In the case before Us, after the extrajudicial foreclosure
property to said creditor bank. and sale of his properties, petitioner Dizon retained the right to
The trial court held that the true agreement between the redeem the lands, the possession, use and enjoyment of the
parties therein was that Gaborro would assume and pay the same during the period of redemption. And these are the only
indebtedness of Dizon to the banks and, in consideration rights that Dizon could legally transfer, cede and convey unto
thereof, Gaborro was given the possession and enjoyment of the respondent Gaborro under the instrument captioned Deed of
properties in question until Dizon shall have reimbursed him for Sale with Assumption of Mortgage (Exh. A-Stipulation),
the amount paid to the creditor banks. Accordingly, the trial likewise the same rights that said respondent could acquire in
court ordered the reformation of the documents to the extent consideration of the latter’s promise to pay and assume the loan
indicated and such particular relief was affirmed by the Court of petitioner Dizon with DBP and PNB.
of Appeals. This Court held that the agreement between the “Such an instrument cannot be legally considered a real and
parties is one of those innominate contracts under Article 1307 unconditional sale of the parcels of land, firstly, because there
of the Civil Code whereby the parties agreed “to give and to do” was absolutely no money consideration therefor, as admittedly
certain rights and obligations, but partaking of the nature of stipulated, the sum of P131,831.91 mentioned in the document
antichresis. as the considera-
Hence, on appeal to this Court, the judgment of the Court 896
of Appeals in that case was affirmed but with the following
“The two instruments sought to be ref ormed in this case appear Medida vs. Court of Appeals
to stipulate rights and obligations between the parties thereto tion ‘receipt of which was acknowledged’ was not actually
pertain- paid; and, secondly, because the properties had already been
previously sold by the sheriff at the foreclosure sale, thereby
___________ divesting the petitioner of his full right as owner thereof to
dispose and sell the lands.” (Emphasis ours.)
10 It was apparently the second reason stated by the Court in said
83 SCRA 688 (1978).
895 case which was relied upon by respondent court in the present
VOL. 208, MAY 8, 1992 case on895
which to premise its conclusion. Yet, as demonstrated
by the relevant excerpts above quoted, not only was
Medida vs. Court of Appeals that obiter therein unnecessary since evidently no sale was
ing to and involving parcels of land that had already been concluded, but even inaccurate, if not inconsistent, when
foreclosed and sold extrajudicially, and purchased by the considered in the context of the discussion in its entirety. If, as
mortgage creditor, a third party. It becomes, therefore, admitted, the purchaser at the foreclosure sale merely acquired
necessary, to determine the legality of said rights and an inchoate right to the property which could ripen into
obligations arising from the foreclosure and sale proceedings ownership only upon the lapse of the redemption period without
not only between the two contracting parties to the instruments his credit having been discharged, it is illogical to hold that
during that same period of twelve months the mortgagor was _____________
“divested” of his ownership, since the absurd result would be
that the land will consequently be without an owner although it 11
Sec. 29 (b), Rule 39, Rules of Court.
remains registered in the name of the mortgagor. 12
De Castro vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, et al., 165
That is why the discussion in said case carefully and SCRA 654 (1988).
felicitously states that what is divested from the mortgagor is 13
Kling vs. Ghilarducci, 3 Ill. 2d 454, 121 NE2d 752, 46
only his “full right as owner thereof to dispose (of) and sell the ALR 2d 1189.
lands,” in effect, merely clarifying that the mortgagor does not 898
have the unconditional power to absolutely sell the land since 898 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
the same is encumbered by a lien of a third person which, if
unsatisfied, could result in a consolidation of ownership in the Medida vs. Court of Appeals
lienholder but only after the lapse of the period of redemption. rule has always been that it is only upon the expiration of the
Even on that score, it may plausibly be argued that what is redemption period, without the judgment debtor having made
delimited is not the mortgagor’s jus dispodendi, as an attribute use of his right of redemption, that the ownership of the land
of ownership, but merely the rights conferred by such act of sold becomes consolidated in the purchaser.14
disposal which may correspondingly be restricted. Parenthetically, therefore, what actually is effected where
At any rate, even the foregoing considerations and redemption is seasonably exercised by the judgment or
arguments would have no application in the case at bar and need mortgage debtor is not the recovery of ownership of his land,
not here be resolved since what is presently involved is a which ownership he never lost, but the elimination from his title
mortgage, not a sale, to petitioner bank. Such mortgage does not thereto of the lien created by the levy on attachment or judgment
involve a transfer, cession or conveyance of the property but or the registration of a mortgage thereon. The American rule is
only constitutes a lien thereon. There is no obstacle to the legal similarly to the effect that the redemption of property sold under
creation of such a lien even after the auction sale of the property a foreclosure sale defeats the inchoate right of the purchaser and
but during restores the property to the same condition as if no sale had been
897 attempted. Further, it does not give to the mortgagor a new title,
but merely restores to him the title freed of the encumbrance of
VOL. 208, MAY 8, 1992 the lien897
Medida vs. Court of Appeals We cannot rule on the plaint of petitioners that the trial court
the redemption period, since no distinction is made between a erred in declaring ineffective the extrajudicial foreclosure and
mortgage constituted over the property before or after the the sale of the property to petitioner bank. The court below
auction sale thereof. spelled out at length in its decision the facts which it considered
Thus, a redemptioner is defined as a creditor having a lien as violative of the provisions of Act No. 3135, as amended, by
by attachment, judgment or mortgage on the property sold, or reason of which it nullified the extrajudicial foreclosure
on some part thereof, subsequent to the judgment under which proceeding and its effects. Such findings and ruling of the trial
the property was sold.11 Of course, while in extrajudicial court are already final and binding on petitioners and can no
foreclosure the sale contemplated is not under a judgment but longer be modified, petitioners having failed to appeal
the proceeding pursuant to which the mortgaged property was therefrom.
sold, a subsequent mortgage could nevertheless be legally An appellee who has not himself appealed cannot obtain
constituted thereafter with the subsequent mortgagee becoming from the appellate court any affirmative relief other than the
and acquiring the rights of a redemptioner, aside from his right ones granted in the decision of the court below.16 He cannot
against the mortgagor. impugn the correctness of a judgment not appealed from by
In either case, what bears attention is that since the him. He cannot assign such errors as are designed to have the
mortgagor remains as the absolute owner of the property during judgment modified. All that said appellee can do is to make a
the redemption period and has the free disposal of his property, counter-assignment of errors or to argue on issues raised at the
there would be compliance with the requisites of Article 2085 trial only for the purpose of sustaining the judgment in his favor,
of the Civil Code for the constitution of another mortgage on even on grounds not included in the decision of the court
the property. To hold otherwise would create the inequitable
situation wherein the mortgagor would be deprived of the ___________
opportunity, which may be his last recourse, to raise funds
wherewith to timely redeem his property through another 14
Mateo vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 99 Phil. 1042 (1956).
mortgage thereon. 15
55 Am. Jur. 2d, Mortgages 781.
Coming back to the present controversy, it is undisputed 16
Alba vs. Santander, et al., 160 SCRA 8 (1988).
that the real estate mortgage in favor of petitioner bank was 899
executed by respondent spouses during the period of VOL. 208, MAY 8, 1992
redemption. We reiterate that during said period it cannot be
said that the mortgagor is no longer the owner of the foreclosed Abejaron vs. Court of Appeals
property since the rule up to now is that the right of a purchaser a quo nor raised in the appellant’s assignment of errors or
at a foreclosure sale is merely inchoate until after the period of arguments.17
redemption has expired without the right being exercised.12 The WHEREFORE, the decision of respondent Court of
title to land sold under mortgage foreclosure remains in the Appeals, insofar as it modifies the judgment of the trial court,
mortgagor or his grantee until the expiration of the redemption is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The judgment of said trial
period and conveyance by the master’s deed.13 To repeat, the court in Civil Case No. R-18616, dated January 12, 1983, is
SO ORDERED. successors in interest of the Mañoscas. However, their supposed
Melencio- title or right over the property is unregistered and, as such, the
Herrera (Chairman), Paras, Padilla and Nocon, JJ., concur. same cannot affect third persons. This is because it is
Decision reversed and set aside. registration that is the operative act to convey or affect the land
Note.—The one-year period to redeem a mortgage of land insofar as third persons are concerned. A deed, mortgage, lease,
covered by Torrens Title is not stopped or suspended by any or other voluntary instrument, except a will, purporting to
TRO issued by the courts (People’s Financing Corporation vs. convey or affect conveyance involving registered land, shall not
Court of Appeals, 192 SCRA 34.) take effect as a conveyance or bind the land but shall operate
only as a contract between the parties and as evidence of
——o0o—— authority of the Register of Deeds to make registration.
Same; Same; Sales; When a conveyance has been
G.R. No. 169541. October 9, 2009.* properly recorded, such record is constructive notice of its
GERMAN CAYTON and the HEIRS OF THE DECEASED contents and all interests, legal and equitable, included therein,
SPOUSE CECILIA CAYTON, petitioners, vs. ZEONNIX and under the rule of notice, it is presumed that the purchaser
TRADING CORPORATION; SPOUSES VICENTE MA- has examined every instrument of record affecting the title; The
ÑOSCA and LOURDES MAÑOSCA; MAXIMO rule that all persons must take notice of the facts that the public
CONTRERAS, Ex Officio Sheriff; and PABLO L. SY, Senior record contains is a rule of law.—When a conveyance has been
Sheriff for Makati, Metro Manila, respondents. properly recorded, such record is constructive notice of its
Redemption; Words and Phrases; “Successor-in- contents and all interests, legal and equitable, included therein.
Interest” and “Redemptioner,” Explained; Right of redemption Under the rule of notice, it is presumed that the purchaser has
is the prerogative to reacquire a mortgaged property after examined every instrument of record affecting the title. Such
registration of the foreclosure sale, and exists only in the case presumption is irrefutable. He is charged with notice of every
of the extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage; There is no fact shown by the record and is presumed to know every fact
right of redemption in a judicial foreclosure unless the which an examination of the record would have disclosed. This
mortgagee is a bank.—Right of redemption is the prerogative pre-
to reacquire a mortgaged property after registration of the
foreclosure sale. It exists only in the case of the extrajudicial
foreclosure of the mortgage. No such right is recognized in a 143
judicial foreclosure unless the mortgagee is a bank. An sumption may not be overcome by proof of innocence or
attaching creditor acquires the right to redeem the debtor’s good faith. Otherwise, the very purpose and object of the law
attached property subsequently foreclosed extrajudicially by a requiring a record would be destroyed. Such presumption may
third party. The “successor-in-interest” of a judgment debtor not be defeated by proof of want of knowledge of what the
includes one to whom the debtor has transferred his statutory record contains, any more than one may be permitted to show
right of redemption; one to whom the debtor has conveyed his that he was ignorant of the provisions of the law. The rule that
interest in the property for the purpose of redemption; one who all persons must take notice of the facts that the public record
succeeds to the interest of the debtor by operation of law; one contains is a rule of law. The rule must be absolute. Any
or variation would lead to endless confusion and useless litigation.
Same; Same; Writs of Attachment; A writ of attachment
_______________ that has been levied on real property or any interest therein
belonging to the judgment debtor creates a lien which nothing
* THIRD DIVISION. can destroy but its dissolution.—The writ of attachment entitled
the attaching creditor to exercise the right to redeem the
foreclosed properties. A writ of attachment that has been levied
142 on real property or any interest therein belonging to the
more joint debtors who were joint owners of the property judgment debtor creates a lien which nothing can destroy but its
sold; or his spouse or heirs. A “redemptioner,” on the other dissolution.
hand, is a creditor with a lien subsequent to the judgment which Same; Requisites for Valid Redemption; In exercising the
was the basis of the execution sale. If the lien of the creditor is right of redemption, the tender of payment must be for the full
prior to the judgment under which the property was sold, he is amount of the purchase price.—To constitute valid redemption,
not a redemptioner and, therefore, cannot redeem because his the amount tendered must comply with the following
interests in his lien are fully protected, since any purchase at requirements: (1) it should constitute the full amount paid by
public auction of said property takes the same subject to such the purchaser; (2) with one percent per month interest on the
prior lien which he has to satisfy. Unlike the judgment debtor, purchase price in addition, up to the time of redemption; (3)
a redemptioner must prove his right to redeem by producing the together with the amount of any assessments or taxes which the
documents called for by Section 30, Rule 39 of the Rules of purchaser may have paid thereon after purchase; (4) interest on
Court. the taxes paid by the purchaser at the rate of one percent per
Same; Land Titles; A deed, mortgage, lease, or other month, up to the time of the redemption; and (5) if the purchaser
voluntary instrument, except a will, purporting to convey or be also a creditor having a prior lien to that of the redemptioner,
affect conveyance involving registered land, shall not take other than the judgment under which such purchase was made,
effect as a conveyance or bind the land but shall operate only the amount of such other lien, with interest. In exercising the
as a contract between the parties and as evidence of authority right of redemption, the tender of payment must be for the full
of the Register of Deeds to make registration.—They are amount of the purchase price. Otherwise, to allow payment by
installments would be to allow the indefinite extension of the On September 1, 1981, a Deed of Absolute Sale with
redemption period. Assumption of Mortgage6 was executed between the Mañoscas
Same; Same; The amount tendered by the redemptioner and the spouses German G. Cayton and Cecilia R. Cayton
may be considered sufficient for purposes of redemption, even (Caytons) over the subject house and lot for the amount of one
if it failed to include the amount of taxes paid by the purchaser hundred sixty thousand pesos (P160,000.00). As part of the
where the former immediately paid the amount of taxes when consideration, the Caytons assumed payment to FSB of the real
apprised of the deficiency.—The amount tendered by Zeonnix estate mortgage amortizations on the property. The Caytons
may be considered sufficient for purposes of redemption, also paid the real estate taxes on the property beginning in
although it failed to include the 1982.7 The Deed of Absolute Sale with Assumption of
Mortgage contained the following stipulations:
“2. That the Vendee shall pay Vendors the sum of ONE
amount of taxes paid by the Caytons. The payment of the amount of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FIVE
full amount of the purchase price and interest thereon should be HUNDRED SIXTY THREE PESOS and SIXTEEN
deemed as substantial compliance, considering that Zeonnix CENTAVOS (P118,563.16) of which have been paid by the
immediately paid the amount of taxes when apprised of the former unto the latter and the balance of FORTY ONE
PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and EIGHTY FOUR CENTAVOS (P41,436.84) to be paid by the
resolution of the Court of Appeals. Vendee unto the Vendors within six (6) months in six equal
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. monthly installments commencing December 7, 1981 and every
International Legal Advocates for petitioners. 7th of the
Antonio M. Chavez for respondent Zeonnix Trading
Corporation. _______________
M.R. Villaluz & Associates for respondents.
NACHURA, J.: 4 Rollo, p. 125.
5 Id.
Before the Court is a petition for review 6 RTC Records, Vol. III, pp. 726-728.
on certiorari assailing the Decision1 dated September 27, 2004 7 Rollo, p. 124.
and the Resolution2 dated September 5, 2005 of the Court of
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 71294.
At the heart of the controversy is a three hundred fifty-seven 146
(357) square meter residential house and lot located in BF month thereafter until fully paid, said installments shall be
Homes, Phase III, Sucat, Parañaque, covered by Transfer covered by postdated checks of the Vendee.
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. S-90836 of the Registry of Deeds 3. That as part of the consideration of this sale, the Vendee
of Manila in the name of Vicente Mañosca, married to Lourdes agrees to assume as [he] hereby assumes, all the duties and
Mañosca (Mañoscas).3 obligations of the Vendors imposed upon the latter on the Deed
On May 24, 1980, the Mañoscas executed a deed of real of Real Estate Mortgage executed by the Vendors in favor of
estate mortgage over the house and lot as security for the loan Family Savings Bank denominated as Doc. 388; Page No. 79;
of one hundred fifty thousand pesos (P150,000.00) that they Book No. V; Series of 1980 of the Notarial Registry of Notary
Public Fe Tengco Becina; that Vendee’s assumption of the
_______________ mortgage obligation shall be limited only to the amortization
that will fall due [in] September 1981 and that all arrears in the
1 Penned by Associate Justice Roberto A. Barrios, with amortizations, penalties and charges that have accrued before
Associate Justices Amelita G. Tolentino and Vicente S. E. said date shall be borne and paid by the Vendors.
Veloso, concurring; Rollo, pp. 8-19. xxxx
2 Id., at pp. 21-23. 7. That Vendors hereby warrant that save to the
3 Id., at pp. 8, 124. restrictions annotated in the Transfer of Title, the said property
is free from any lien and encumbrance and that Vendors
undertake to defend title to the same from whatever claim.”8
obtained from Family Savings Bank (FSB). On June 2, 1980, The Caytons failed to register the deed of absolute sale with
the real estate mortgage was annotated on TCT No. S-90836.4 assumption of mortgage because the owner’s duplicate copy of
On July 21, 1981, a levy on attachment was annotated on TCT No. S-90836 was in the possession of FSB in view of the
TCT No. S-90836 in favor of Zeonnix Trading Corporation loan of the Mañoscas wherein the property was used as
(Zeonnix) pursuant to a writ of preliminary attachment issued security.9
by the Court of First Instance of Pasay City in Civil Case No. Meanwhile, on February 3, 1984, a Decision10 was rendered
9225-P, a case for recovery of a sum of money, entitled by the RTC in Civil Case No. 2173, the dispositive portion of
“Zeonnix Trading Corporation v. Vicente D. Mañosca, doing which reads:
business under the name and style of Vic D. Mañosca “WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered sentencing
Brokerage.” The case was re-raffled to the Regional Trial Court defendant Vicente D. Mañosca, doing business under the name
(RTC) of Makati and re-docketed as Civil Case No. 2173, due and style “Vic D. Mañosca Brokerage” to pay plaintiff
to the judicial reorganization in 1983.5
[Zeonnix] the amount of P167,037.00, with interest thereon at include the amount of real estate taxes paid by them, amounting
the rate of 12% per annum from May 12, 1981, until fully paid. to two thousand one hundred seventy-five pesos (P2,175.00).18
On June 4, 1985, Zeonnix tendered to the Clerk of Court of
_______________ Makati the additional amount of P2,175.00 to cover the real
estate taxes paid by the Caytons. The latter, however,
8 RTC Records, Vol. III, pp. 727-728. maintained that the tender of the deficiency amount
9 Rollo, p. 126. representing the real estate taxes did not cure the defect because
10 Penned by Judge Ansberto P. Paredes, Regional Trial the payment was done beyond the period of redemption, which
Court, Makati City, Branch 140; RTC Records, Vol. I, pp. 140- lapsed on April 26, 1985.19
141. On March 20, 2001, the RTC rendered a Decision in Civil
Case No. 10316, the dispositive portion of which reads:
“WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court hereby
147 renders judgment in favor of the plaintiffs [Caytons] and against
Defendant is likewise ordered to pay plaintiff the amount of the defendant [Zeonnix], holding that:
P20,000.00 as and for attorney’s fees and the costs of suit. 1) defendant Zeonnix Trading Corporation has no right of
SO ORDERED.”11 redemption over the property in question as against the
plaintiffs [Caytons];
Subsequently, the Caytons defaulted in the payment to FSB 2) plaintiffs [Caytons] are the legitimate owners of the
of the monthly amortizations, and the property was property in question.
extrajudicially foreclosed. On April 23, 1984, the property was SO ORDERED.”20
sold at public auction. The Caytons were declared as the highest
bidder, in the amount of ninety-five thousand pesos Zeonnix filed an appeal with the CA, assigning the
(P95,000.00). A Certificate of Sale12 was issued by the Ex following errors of the trial court: (1) the RTC erred in
Officio Sheriff, and the same was annotated on TCT No. S- considering the Caytons as owner-bidders in the foreclosure
90836 on April 25, 1984.13 sale of the
On April 15, 1985, the Caytons filed before the RTC of
Makati a civil case for quieting of title and/or removal/pre- _______________
vention of cloud on title against Zeonnix. The case was
docketed as Civil Case No. 10316.14 The Caytons claimed that, 17 Id., at pp. 10-11; RTC Records, Vol. I, p. 89.
with the execution of the deed of absolute sale with assumption 18 Rollo, p. 127.
of mortgage, all the rights, interests and participation over the 19 Id., at p. 11.
property had been transferred to them by the Mañoscas, 20 Id., at p. 130.
including the right of redemption. Thus, Zeonnix had no more
right of redemption to speak of.15
On April 17, 1985, the Caytons filed an amended complaint, 149
in which they impleaded the Mañoscas and the then Clerk of property and not as ordinary bidders or buyers; (2) the RTC
Court and the Senior Deputy Sheriff of Makati City, as erred in ruling that Zeonnix was not entitled to redeem the
additional defendants.16 property, which was foreclosed by FSB; (3) the RTC erred in
On April 18, 1985, Zeonnix, as judgment creditor of the not finding that Zeonnix had a superior or better right, by virtue
Mañoscas in Civil Case No. 2173, offered to redeem the of the prior attachment/lien on the subject property, than the
property by tendering to the Clerk of Court of the RTC of Caytons who were negligent in buying it despite the recorded
Makati one hundred six thousand four hundred pesos or existing attachment lien thereon by Zeonnix; (4) the RTC
(P106,400.00) through Manager’s Check No. DV008913 dated erred in ruling that the deed of sale with assumption of mortgage
April 15, was not spurious or fictitious in character; and (5) the RTC erred
in not ruling that Zeonnix was entitled to damages and
_______________ attorney’s fees.21
On September 27, 2004, the CA rendered a
11 Id., at p. 141. Decision,22 the fallo of which reads:
12 RTC Records, Vol. I, p. 91. “WHEREFORE, the appeal [is] GRANTED and the
13 Rollo, pp. 10, 127. appealed Decision is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. In its
14 Id., at p. 10. place judgment is rendered dismissing the complaint, and
15 Id. ordering the ex officio Sheriff of Makati to accept and receipt
16 Id., at p. 127. for the redemption price paid and to issue the corresponding
certificate and other papers of redemption to Zeonnix.
1985. The amount tendered represented the purchase price of In reversing the decision of the trial court, the CA
the property and interest that had accrued thereon.17 ratiocinated that:
On May 7, 1985, the Caytons filed a supplemental “The levy on attachment was duly annotated and registered
complaint in which they alleged that assuming that Zeonnix had in the title of the property on July 21, 1981[,] while the deed of
the right of redemption, still the amount it tendered was sale with assumption of mortgage was executed on September
insufficient to effect a valid redemption because it failed to 1, 1981. The registration of the levy created a constructive
notice to the whole world and served to protect the interest of “Sec. 27. Who may redeem real property so sold.
Zeonnix. The Caytons therefore could not raise their mere Real property sold as provided in the last preceding section,
childlike reliance on the real estate agent to justify their or any part thereof sold separately, may be redeemed in the
ignorance of the recorded levy for they should have checked the manner hereinafter provided, by the following persons:
title with the Register of Deeds (tsn Oct. 3, 1986, p. 28). The (a) The judgment obligor, or his successor in interest in
Caytons did not even cause the registration of the deed of sale the whole or any part of the property;
with assumption of mortgage. Notable too are the pay- (b) A creditor having a lien by virtue of an attachment,
judgment or mortgage on the property sold, or on some part
_______________ thereof, subsequent to the lien under which the property was
sold. Such redeeming creditor is termed a redemptioner.”
21 Id., at pp. 13-14.
22 Supra note 1. Right of redemption is the prerogative to reacquire a
23 Id., at p. 18. mortgaged property after registration of the foreclosure sale. It
exists only in the case of the extrajudicial foreclosure of the
mortgage. No such right is recognized in a judicial foreclosure
150 unless the mortgagee is a bank.27 An attaching creditor acquires
ments of the monthly amortizations by the Caytons with FSB the right to redeem the debtor’s attached property subsequently
wherein the bank in its receipts simply acknowledged payments foreclosed extra-judicially by a third party.
in the following manner: “Paid by Cecilia Cayton for the The “successor-in-interest” of a judgment debtor includes
account of Vicente Mañosca” x x x. This means that the bank one to whom the debtor has transferred his statutory right of
while it received payments from the Caytons, however it did not redemption; one to whom the debtor has conveyed his interest
fully recognize them as the new owners.”24 in the property for the purpose of redemption; one who succeeds
to the interest of the debtor by operation of law; one or more
The Caytons filed a motion for reconsideration. However, joint debtors who were joint owners of the property sold; or his
the CA denied the same in a Resolution25 dated September 5, spouse or heirs.28
2005. A “redemptioner,” on the other hand, is a creditor with a
Hence, this petition. lien subsequent to the judgment which was the basis of the
The Caytons submitted the following grounds in support of execution sale. If the lien of the creditor is prior to the judgment
the petition: under which the property was sold, he is not a redemptioner and,
therefore, cannot redeem because his interests in his lien are
I fully protected, since any purchase at public auction of said
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING THAT property takes the same subject to such prior lien which he has
PETITIONER GERMAN CAYTON AND DECEASED to satisfy. Unlike the judgment debtor, a re-
TO CLAIM AROSE FROM A MONEY JUDGMENT. 27 Huerta Alba Resort, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
128567, September 1, 2000, 339 SCRA 534.
II 28 Magno v. Viola and Sotto, 61 Phil. 80 (1934).
ITS FAILURE TO PERFECT ITS RIGHT OF REDEMPTION demptioner must prove his right to redeem by producing the
OVER THE SUBJECT PROPERTY.26 documents called for by Section 30, Rule 39 29 of the Rules of
The petition is without merit and must be denied. In the instant case, the Caytons aver that as successor-in-
interest of the Mañoscas by virtue of the deed of absolute sale
with assumption of mortgage, they have a better right than
I Zeonnix to redeem the property. This stance deserves scant
Indeed, they are successors in interest of the Mañoscas.
However, their supposed title or right over the property is
Section 27, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court provides: unregistered and, as such, the same cannot affect third persons.
This is because it is registration that is the operative act to
_______________ convey or affect the land insofar as third persons are concerned.
A deed, mortgage, lease, or other voluntary instrument, except
24 Id., at p. 14. a will, purporting to convey or affect conveyance involving
25 Supra note 2. registered land, shall not take effect as a conveyance or bind the
26 Rollo, p. 34. land but shall operate only as a contract between the parties and
as evidence of authority of the Register of Deeds to make
_______________ registered, filed or entered in the office of the Register of Deeds
for the province or city where the land to which it relates lies,
29 Sec. 30. Proof required of redemptioner.—A be constructive notice to all persons from the time of such
redemptioner must produce to the officer, or person from whom registering, filing or entering.
he seeks to redeem, and serve with his notice to the officer a 33 Garcia v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. L-48971 &
copy of the judgment or final order under which he claims the 49011, January 22, 1980, 95 SCRA 380, 389.
right to redeem, certified by the clerk of the court wherein the
judgment or final order is entered; or, if he redeems upon a
mortgage or other lien, a memorandum of the record thereof, 154
certified by the registrar of deeds; or an original or certified amination of the record would have disclosed. This
copy of any assignment necessary to establish his claim; and an presumption may not be overcome by proof of innocence or
affidavit executed by him or his agent, showing the amount then good faith. Otherwise, the very purpose and object of the law
actually due on the lien. requiring a record would be destroyed. Such presumption may
30 Regalado, Florenz D., Remedial Law Compendium, Vol. not be defeated by proof of want of knowledge of what the
I, 8th Revised Edition (2002). record contains, any more than one may be permitted to show
31 PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1529. that he was ignorant of the provisions of the law. The rule that
SECTION 51. Conveyance and other dealings by all persons must take notice of the facts that the public record
registered owner.—An owner of registered land may convey, contains is a rule of law. The rule must be absolute. Any
mortgage, lease, charge or otherwise deal with the same in variation would lead to endless confusion and useless
accordance with existing laws. He may use such forms of deeds, litigation.34
mortgages, leases or other voluntary instruments as are Zeonnix has acquired by operation of law the right of
sufficient in law. But no deed, mort- redemption over the foreclosed properties. By virtue of the RTC
decision in Civil Case No. 2173, it had the right to redeem the
property. This is pursuant to Section 6 of Act No. 3135, 35 as
153 amended by Act No. 4118, which provides:
The unregistered sale of the house and lot to the Caytons by “SECTION 6. In all cases in which an extrajudicial sale
the Mañoscas cannot prejudice the right of redemption granted is made under the special power hereinbefore referred to, the
by law in favor of Zeonnix. The levy on attachment of Zeonnix debtor, his successors in interest or any judicial creditor or
on the subject property was duly recorded on TCT No. S-90836. judgment creditor of said debtor, or any person having a lien on
Thus, the levy on attachment created a constructive notice to all the property subsequent to the mortgage or deed of trust under
persons from the time of such registration.32 The record is which the property is sold, may redeem the same at any time
notice to the entire world. All persons are charged with the within the term of one year from and after the date of the sale;
knowledge of what it contains. All persons dealing with the land and such redemption shall be governed by the provisions of
so recorded, or any portion of it, must be charged with notice of sections four hundred and sixty-four to four hundred and sixty-
whatever it contains. The purchaser is charged with notice of six, inclusive, of the Code of Civil Procedure, in so far as these
every fact shown by the record and is presumed to know every are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.”
fact which the record discloses.33
When a conveyance has been properly recorded, such The writ of attachment entitled the attaching creditor to
record is constructive notice of its contents and all interests, exercise the right to redeem the foreclosed properties. A writ of
legal and equitable, included therein. Under the rule of notice, attachment that has been levied on real property or any
it is presumed that the purchaser has examined every instrument
of record affecting the title. Such presumption is irrefutable. He _______________
is charged with notice of every fact shown by the record and is
presumed to know every fact which an ex- 34 Id.
gage, lease, or other voluntary instrument, except a will
purporting to convey or affect registered land shall take effect
as a conveyance or bind the land, but shall operate only as a 155
contract between the parties and as evidence of authority to the interest therein belonging to the judgment debtor creates a lien
Register of Deeds to make registration. which nothing can destroy but its dissolution.36