2nd Round KALAW
2nd Round KALAW
2nd Round KALAW
Viewing the present scenario of the world, the issue of eco-sensitive and cultural
preservation must be raised by the architects and we as an architect can alter built form for
which we need to understand and be responsible for its far-reaching consequences. The future
is hard to predict but some things are certain. There will be rise in urban population in
developing economies and an increase in levels of income. This study will pay its attention
towards the development of tourism though it us a worthless effort to give impact in global
scale, but it will certainly create an example and impact locally as there is saying, think
locally, impact globally. This study could be the masterpiece of all resort that are functioning
today and will approach to give it global identification.
It influences how we interact with others and with the world around us. People who
are culturally sensitive are able to function in other cultures. They value and respect diversity
and are open to learning things from the point of view of others. Environmentally Sensitive
Design in terms of Promoting Environmentally Sensitive Design & Building
Practices. Environmentally sensitive design places the same amount of homes / properties in
the same area as a standard subdivision design would, but saves room for "Green Space".
2. The Philippine Primer News, Callao Cave in Cagayan: The Pride of Peñablanca, 2018,
7. Baccay, Oliver T. "Tourism office ties up with NGOs to develop Callao Caves".
Ugnayan.com. Retrieved on 2013-10-01.
10. Kasnesis, Panagiotis, et al. "An IoE Architecture for the Preservation of the Cultural
Heritage: The STORM Use Case." Harnessing the Internet of Everything (IoE) for
Accelerated Innovation Opportunities. IGI Global, 2019. 193-214.