Title Proposal: Bulsu-OP-CAFA-03F1 Revision:0
Title Proposal: Bulsu-OP-CAFA-03F1 Revision:0
Title Proposal: Bulsu-OP-CAFA-03F1 Revision:0
ULINGAN Industry: An Environmental Sustainability Redevelopment of Charcoal-
Making Community in Tondo Slums through Alternative Solid Fuel Livelihood
Production from Biomass Material
written about at greater lengths (Trossero 2002a). Charcoal trade provides income to rural folks
whose labor is hugely required in harvesting, processing, transporting and trading of the fuel.
Studies reveal that the wood fuel trade, including charcoal, generates 20 times more local
employment than other forms of energy within the national economy and on a per unit basis.
But because the trade occurs as a small-scale informal sector, no comprehensive statistics on
the magnitude of its employment and income generation exists (FAO 2001a as cited by
Trossero 2002b).
Sustainable charcoal production can be promoted as a tool in poverty reduction. As
such, this study aimed to analyze and assess the environmental sustainability of charcoal
production in Ulingan, Tondo. Specifically, it was designed to profile the charcoal producers
and charcoal production area; develop and test suitable criteria and indicators for
environmental sustainability analysis of charcoal production; and used the criteria and
indicators in examining the environmental sustainability of charcoal production.
charcoal-making as a means to augment income while the third type was lured into full-time
charcoal-making because of unemployment and the opportunity to have stable income.
Arnold, M., Kohlin, G. & R. Persson. 2006 Woodfuels, livelihoods and policy
interventions: changing perspectives. World Development Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 596-611
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). 1998.
Department of Energy. 2005. 2005 Update of the Philippine Energy Plan. DOE,
Elevitch, C. R. and J.K. Francis. 2006. Special profiles for Pacific Island forestry.
Fernando, E. S. 2004. Flowering plants and ferns of Mt. Makiling. Seoul, Korea:
ASEAN-Korea Environmental Cooperation Unit.
Municipal Government of Mulanay. 2009. Socio-economic profile of Mulanay,
Quezon. Mulanay, Quezon, Philippines.
Nahayo, A., I. Ekise and A. Mukarugwiz. 2013. Comparative study on charcoal yield
produced by traditional and improved kilns: A case study of Nyaruguru and Nyamagabe
Districts in Southern Province of Rwanda. Energy and Environment Research, 3(1). Canadian
Center of Science and Education.
Staples, G.W. and C.R.. Elevitch. 2006. Special profiles for Pacific Island forestry.
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