I. Modified TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is TRUE and write the correct
WORD OR PHRASE if the Statement is FALSE
1. Human beings are the most immature at birth and have the longest period of development.
2. Behavior and personality characteristics are influenced by events that occur during the early
years of life, until maturity.
3. The Id, Ego and Superego work together and cannot be separated.
4. Motor development after birth follows a regular sequence.
5. Children whose learning opportunities are restricted during the first two or three years of
life, are seriously behind the in language and intellectual skills.
6. The capacity to learn is determined by heredity and environment.
7. Sound judgment in the result of wisdom, common sense, and does not allow him to fall into
hasty generalizations, bias and prejudice.
8. Finding one’s personal identity is the major psychosocial crisis of adolescence.
9. Old age is the time of reflection, of looking back to the events of a lifetime.
10. During the first year, the child’s feeling of trust in other people is largely dependent on his
relationship with his mother.
II. Identification. Identify the following. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. It is the progressive and continuous change in the individual from conception up to death.
2. It refers to the appearance of specie-specific behaviors like talking and walking.
3. Defined as a theory that describes changes in person overtime.
4. Concerned with needs fulfillment, pleasure seeking and avoid pain.
5. Quickness in observation, understanding, and reaction.
6. He developed the theory of psychosexual developmental stages.
7. A reality principle that concerned with what exists in the environment.
8. A psychologist that developed the psychosocial stages.
9. He made the most intensive study of children’s cognitive development.
10.He developed the hierarchy of needs.