104 288 1 PB
104 288 1 PB
104 288 1 PB
Background: The environment is very risky to the health of motorcycle taxi drivers because it can affect the
health of motorcycle taxi drivers which will cause bad effects especially on the respiratory system. Respiratory
system disorders will reduce the ability of lung function, where the disorders of lung function decline can be found
from the air volume. Based on the preliminary survey were conducted on 10 motorcycle taxi drivers, obtained
information that 60% of vital capacity motorcycle taxi drivers had abnormal lung. The purpose of this research is to
know related factors to lung vital capacity of motorcycle taxi drivers at the Port of Suka Bangun Ketapang.
Methods: research observational analytic cross-sectional approach. with 54 motorcycle taxi drivers who
worked at the Port of Suka Bangun Ketapang. The test used is the Chi-square test.
Result: The research results showed that there was no significant correlation between age (p value = 0.718) ,
duration of work / day (p value = 1.000) , and nutritional status (p value = 0.355) to the lung vital capacity of
motorcycle taxi drivers at the Port of Suka Bangun Ketapang and there was a significant association between
smoking habits (p value = 0.003 ; PR = 2.514), the use of masks (p value = 0.034 ; PR = 1.948), and work times (p
value = 0.014 ; PR = 2.632) to the lung vital capacity of motorcycle taxi drivers at the Port of Suka Bangun Ketapang.
Suggestions : The Unity of Motorcycle Taxi Drivers Suka Bangun - is able to provide personal protective
equipment standards as masks to protect the respiratory systems from harmful gases and for the motorcycle taxi
drivers to be routinely checked on health cares.
Keywords : Vital Lung Capacity, Age, Smoking, Masks, Motorcycle Taxi Drivers
Variabel f %
Berisiko 25 46,3
Tidak Berisiko 29 53,7
Kebiasaan Merokok
Merokok 30 55,6
Tidak Merokok 24 44,4
Pemakaian Masker
Tidak Memakai 31 57,4
Memakai 23 42,6
Masa Kerja
Berisiko 38 70,4
Tidak Berisiko 16 29,6
Lama Kerja/hari
Berisiko 17 31,5
Tidak Berisiko 37 68,5