3313-Article Text-10565-1-10-20240610
3313-Article Text-10565-1-10-20240610
3313-Article Text-10565-1-10-20240610
1 2024 | 13-19
Medan Estate, Kab. Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara 20371
[email protected],[email protected]
*Corresponding author
[email protected]
endurance for work. Fatigue is generally Drivers on all routes work alone without a
characterized by a loss of motivation to work, substitute when making a trip. So minibus drivers
which can be caused by physiological factors or have a greater risk compared to bus drivers who
psychological factors.(Hardi, 2020) have substitutes in taking a change of driving
Accidents are becoming more frequent due to when making a trip. PT Executive Tiomaz Trans
the continuous and rapid development of traffic minibus drivers also carry out work such as
and roads, causing an increase in the number of loading passengers' belongings apart from driving,
injuries and deaths every year. According to the which can increase the incidence of work fatigue
“Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road due to the additional workload. Work fatigue
Safety 2011-2020” released by the World Health while driving is one of the causes of the risk of
Organization (WHO) the annual global death toll accidents and impacts the health and safety of
caused by road traffic-related accidents is almost minibus drivers. As usually happens in cases of
1.25 million. Traffic accidents have become the traffic accidents on buses caused by drivers who
third cause of death worldwide.(J.J et al., 2022) are sleepy and not focused while traveling.(A, n.d.)
Public transportation and other means of Seeing that human factors which are influenced by
transportation must be driven by drivers correctly fatigue are the factors that most dominate the
and carefully. This gives the driver full occurrence of traffic accidents, researchers are
responsibility for the safety of himself, passengers interested in conducting research on "Analysis of
and goods. Driving is a part of work that is quite factors that influence work fatigue in minibus
tiring, driving is a monotonous job, the activities drivers at PT Executive Tiomaz Trans, Medan city.
carried out are repetitive activities and require Method
good conditions and special attention. The need This The research used in this research is a type
for a fit and healthy body condition when driving, of quantitative research with the research design
especially good eye condition because driving used is a cross sectional approach. Research with
requires focus and sharp eyes when driving. a cross sectional approach is an observational
(Maulina & Syafitri, 2019) research design that is used to collect data on
PT Executive Tiomaz Trans is a company that dependent and independent variables in the same
operates in the field of passenger and goods period. The aim is to analyze the factors that
transportation services using minibuses. To date, influence minibus driver fatigue at PT Executive
PT Executive Tiomaz has service destinations Tiomaz Trans Medan, and a sample of 54 minibus
spread across several areas in North Sumatra, drivers using a total sampling technique. The data
namely in the cities of Medan, Pematang Siantar, analysis used was univariate and bivariate using
Tarutung, Sibolga, Padangsidimpuan. Each route chi square and Fisher exact.
has a different distance, this can affect the driving
duration for each driver. Results and Discussion
Based on PT Executive Tiomaz Trans's annual Table 4.1 Age Distribution of Respondents
accident data, the implementation of PT Executive Respondent
Tiomaz Trans's minibus operations is not free Age Frequency Persentage
from traffic accidents. From 2019 to 2022, there > 40 year 18 33.3%
were approximately 12 cases of accidents with ≤ 40 year 36 66.7%
various types of accidents. It is known that 20% of Total 54 100.0%
accidents are caused by human factors. Mini bus Based on table 4.1, it is known that the age of
drivers are often given a target time for drivers in the > 40 years category is 18 (33.3%),
passengers to complete their journey. The drive to while in the ≤ 40 category there are 36 (66.7%).
achieve these targets can cause drivers to feel Table 4.2 Distribution of Respondents' Nutrial
forced to drive at higher speeds and take Status
unnecessary risks.(Hikmah, 2020)
Quantity of -
Respondents' 3.535)
Work FatigueFrequency Persentage Based on Table 4.11, it can be seen that the
High 25 46.3% incidence of work fatigue in abnormal nutritional
Low 29 53.7% status in the high fatigue category was 14 people
Total 54 100.0% (66.7%), in the low fatigue category it was 7
Based on table 4.9 above, it is known that the people (33.3%).(Vanchapao, 2020) Meanwhile,
distribution of work fatigue of respondents in the the incidence of work fatigue in normal nutritional
high category is 25 people (46.3%), while the status in the high fatigue category was 11 people
distribution of work fatigue of respondents in the (33.3%), in the low fatigue category it was 22
low category is 29 people (53.7%). people (66.7%).(Sabaruddin & Abdillah, 2019)
The results of statistical tests using chi square
Table 4.10 Distribution of the Relationship showed a p-value of 0.034 (p-value < 0.05), which
between Age and Work Fatigue among Minibus means that there is a relationship between
Drivers at PT Executive Tiomaz Trans nutritional status and work fatigue in minibus
Age Work Fatigue p- PR (95% drivers at PT Executive Tiomaz Trans.
High% Low % N value c. Relationship between physical/health
conditions and fatigue
>40 13 72.2%5 27.8%18 0.0162.167
Table 4.12 Distribution of the Relationship
year (1.258 -
between Physical Condition and Work Fatigue
≤40 12 33.3%24 66.7%36 3.731%)
among Minibus Drivers at PT Executive
Tiomaz Trans
Based on Table 4.10, it can be seen that the
Physical Work Fatigue p- PR
work fatigue of drivers aged >40 years in the high
Condition (95%
fatigue category is 13 people (72.2%), and the
value CI)
work fatigue in the low category is 5 people
(27.8%). while the work fatigue of drivers aged High% Low % N
≤40 years in the high fatigue category was 12
people (33.3%), in the low fatigue category there UnFit 21 46.7%24 53.3%45 1.0001.050
were 24 people (66.7%). (0.474 -
Fit 4 44.4%5 55.6%9
The results of statistical tests using chi square 2.324)
show a p-value of 0.016 (p-value < 0.05), which Based on Table 4.12, it can be seen that the
means that there is a relationship between age incidence of work fatigue in unfit physical/health
and work fatigue in minibus drivers at PT conditions in the high fatigue category was 21
Executive Tiomaz Trans. people (46.7%), for conditions in the low fatigue
category it was 24 people (53.3%). Meanwhile, the
Table 4.11 Distribution of the Relationship incidence of work fatigue in fit physical/health
between Nutritional Status and Work Fatigue conditions in the high fatigue category was 4
in Minibus Driver at PT Executive Tiomaz people (44.4%), in the low fatigue category it was
Trans 5 people (55.6%).(Juliawati, 2020)
NutritionalWork Fatigue p- PR The results of statistical tests using chi square
Status (95% show a p-value of 1,000 (p-value > 0.05), which
value CI) means that there is no relationship between
High% Low% N physical/health condition and work fatigue in
minibus drivers at PT Executive Tiomaz Trans.
Abnormal 14 66.7%7 33.3% 210.0342.000
Normal 11 33.3%22 66.7%)33 (1.132
d. The Relationship between Working Period (23.8%) in the high fatigue category, 16 people
and Job Fatigue (76.2%) in the low fatigue category.(Agustian et
Table 4.13 Distribution of the Relationship al., 2019)
between Work Period and Job Fatigue among The results of statistical tests using chi square
Minibus Drivers at PT Executive Tiomaz Trans show a p-value of 0.018 (p-value < 0.05), which
Work Work fatigue p- PR (95% means that there is a relationship between driving
Period CI) duration and work fatigue in minibus drivers at
High % Low % N value PT Executive Tiomaz Trans.
the work fatigue in the low category is 5 people Jurnal Professional FIS UNIVED, 6(1), 42–
(27.8%). while the work fatigue of drivers aged 60.
≤40 years in the high fatigue category was 12 Amalia, I., & Widajat, N. (2019). Analisa Kelelahan
people (33.3%), in the low fatigue category there Kerja Secara Obyektif Berdasarkan
were 24 people (66.7%). The results of statistical Reaction Timer Pada Tenaga Kerja Unit
tests using chi square show a p-value of 0.016 (p- Pengerolan Besi PT.X. Journal of Health
value < 0.05), which means that there is a Science and Prevention, 3(1), 16–24.
relationship between age and work fatigue in Ardian, H. (2019). Hubungan Antara Stres Kerja
minibus drivers at PT Executive Tiomaz Trans. Pada Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Umum
Daerah (RSUD) Dli Serdang Lubuk Pakam.
Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan Medik,
Conclusion 1(2), 16–21.
Based on the results of the research and data
Hardi, S. I. (2020). KELELAHAN KERJA.
processing and data analysis carried out, the
following conclusions can be drawn: Hikmah, I. . (2020). Tingkat Kebugarann dan
1) Based on bivariate analysis, there is a Kelelahan Kerja Terhadap Kejadian
relationship between age and fatigue in minibus Kecelakaan pada Pengemudi Bus. Higeia
drivers at PT Executive Tiomaz Trans, Medan and Journal of Public Health Research Adn
city. Development, 1(3), 84–94.
2) Based on bivariate analysis, there is a A, K. (n.d.). Kajian Faktor- Faktor Resiko Yang
relationship between nutritional status and
Berhubungan Dengan Kelelahan
work fatigue in minibus drivers at PT Executive
Tiomaz Trans, Medan city. Pengemudi Truk Trailer di PT AMI
3) Based on bivariate analysis, there is no yTahun 2012 = Study Of Risk Factors
relationship between physical condition and Associatd With Driver Fatigue On Trailer
work fatigue in minibus drivers at PT Executive Truck PT. AMI.
Tiomaz Trans, Medan city. Agustian, I., Saputra, H. ., & Imanda, A. (2019).
4) Based on bivariate analysis, there is no Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Manajemen
relationship between workload and work
Terhadap Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan
fatigue in minibus drivers at PT Executive
Tiomaz Trans, Medan city. di PT.Jasaraharja Putra Cabang Bengkulu.
5) Based on bivariate analysis, there is no Jurnal Professional FIS UNIVED, 6(1), 42–
relationship between length of service and 60.
work fatigue in minibus drivers at PT Executive Amalia, I., & Widajat, N. (2019). Analisa Kelelahan
Tiomaz Trans, Medan city. Kerja Secara Obyektif Berdasarkan
6) Based on bivariate analysis, there is no
Reaction Timer Pada Tenaga Kerja Unit
relationship between rest time and work
fatigue in minibus drivers at PT Executive Pengerolan Besi PT.X. Journal of Health
Tiomaz Trans, Medan city. Science and Prevention, 3(1), 16–24.
Ardian, H. (2019). Hubungan Antara Stres Kerja
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