Case Study: Trade Is Important
Case Study: Trade Is Important
Case Study: Trade Is Important
To understand stories about how trade works, relatively less of primary products, especially
it is useful to know some of the key facts about fuels. In manufactured products, industrialized
trade. A good start is a broad overview of the countries export relatively more of chemicals,
products traded and trade’s growing importance. while developing countries export relatively more
How large is international trade? What prod- of textiles and clothing. Industrialized countries
ucts are traded? The table below shows exports are relatively strong in exporting services. We will
by major product categories, for the world overall use this kind of observation—looking at trade
and for two broad economic groups of countries, across product categories—as we examine why
the industrialized (or developed or advanced) countries trade with each other.
countries and the developing countries. How important is international trade in the
In 2012, world trade was nearly $23 trillion, economies of various countries? The second table
with the industrialized countries contributing in this box examines one measure of the impor-
a little over half of world exports. Most goods tance of trade to a country, the ratio of the sum
are traded across national borders, as are many of a country’s total trade (exports plus imports)
services, including transportation, computer and to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP, a
information services, as well as insurance, con- standard way of measuring the size of a country’s
sulting, and educational services. For the world, economy). These measures are not completely
about half of trade is in manufactured products, comparable (exports and imports measure full
with the rest of trade split between primary prod- sales values, while GDP measures value added).
ucts and services. By comparing the details across Still, they provide a reasonable way of comparing
the columns, we can see that the broad pattern the importance of trade across time and across
of exporting by the industrialized countries has countries.
some differences from the pattern for develop- Here are a few observations about what we
ing countries. Industrialized countries export see in this table. First, for each of the countries
Note: Sum of primary products, manufactured products, and services does not equal total because of a
small amount of unclassified goods.
—Continued on next page
18 Part One The Theory of International Trade
Exports Plus Imports as a Percentage of GDP rising international transactions increasingly link
together what had been relatively separate
1970 2012
national economies. Second, trade tends to be
United States 11.1 30.4 more important for countries with smaller econ-
Canada 42.0 62.1 omies (such as Canada and Denmark) and some-
Japan 20.3 31.3 what less important for very large economies
France 31.1 57.1 (such as the United States and Japan). Third,
United Kingdom 43.6 65.3 both China and India have gone from being
Australia 25.9 41.5 mostly closed to trade to much more open and
Denmark 57.3 104.5 involved. The experiences of China and India in
China 5.3 51.3 the past several decades are rather close to the
India 8.0 55.4 approach we will take in Chapters 2–7—imagin-
Korea 37.7 109.9 ing a national economy with no trade and then
Brazil 14.9 26.5 drawing out what will happen when the country
opens up to free trade.
Source: International Monetary Fund, International
Financial Statistics. DISCUSSION QUESTION
shown in the table (and for most other coun- Given the trends shown here, do you think that
tries), international trade has become more international trade should have become more
important. Trade’s increasing importance is one controversial or less controversial than it was
part of the process of globalization—in which several decades ago?
Figure 2.1A, the consumer surplus is the difference between the total value to consum-
ers (area c 1 t 1 u) and the total payments to buy the product (area t 1 u). Consumer
surplus thus is equal to area c, the area below the demand curve and above the price
line. This contribution to the economic well-being of consumers through the use of
this market is $32 million, equal to (1/2) 3 ($3,600 2 $2,000) 3 40,000.
A major use of consumer surplus is to measure the impact on consumers of a change in
market price. For instance, what is the effect in our example if the market price of motor-
bikes is $1,000 instead of $2,000? Consumers are better off—they pay a lower price and
decide to buy more. How much better off? Consumer surplus increases from a smaller
triangle (extending down to the $2,000 price line) to a larger triangle (extending down
to the $1,000 price line). The increase in consumer surplus is area t 1 d. This increase
can be calculated as the area of rectangle t, equal to ($2,000 2 $1,000) 3 40,000, plus
the area of triangle d, equal to (1/2) 3 ($2,000 2 $1,000) 3 (65,000 2 40,000). The
increase in consumer surplus is $52.5 million. The lower market price results in both an
increase in economic well-being for consumers who would have bought anyway at the
higher price (area t) and an increase in economic well-being for those consumers who
are drawn into purchasing by the lower price (area d).
What determines how much of a product is supplied by a business firm (or other pro-
ducer) into a market? A firm supplies the product because it is trying to earn a profit