MT 2 Week 1 Day 1

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School Grade Level Two

Teacher Learning Area MTB - MLE

Time & Date Quarter Third
Week 1 Day

I. Objectives:

A. Content The learner possesses developing language skills and

Standards cultural awareness necessary to participate successfully
in oral communication in different contexts.

B. Performance The learner uses developing oral language to name and describe
Standards people, places and concrete objects and communicate personal
experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings in different

C. Learning Relate one’s own experiences and ideas related to the topics using a
Competencies variety of words with proper phrasing and
intonation. MT 20L.IV-b.10.1

II. CONTENT: Relating One’s Own Experiences and Ideas

Song: Katurog Na
by: Agnes M. Camposano

Values: Taking good care/Show love to one’s family


A. References:

1. Teacher’s
Guide Curriculum Guide 2016 p. 112
2. Learner’s
Material p. 156
3. Textbook
Pages: MTB – MLE p. 85 – 88

4. Additional
(LR) Portal
B. Other
Learning Picture illustrated by Camillea B. Azul, Chart
A. Reviewing 1. Motivation
previous lesson A. Show a picture of a mother cuddling a baby
or presenting
the new lesson

Ask: What do you think the mother is doing with her baby?
Did you experience the same?
Do you have a baby brother or sister?
Does your mother rock her/him to sleep?
Let the pupils share their stories and experiences about

B. Establishing Do you know the song of Sarong Banggi?

a purpose for Singing of the Song “Katurog Na” to the tune of “ Sarong Banggi”
the lesson (Please refer to LM. p. 85)

Katurog Na
ni: Agnes M. Camposano

Katurog na, O aki ko

Ta maluto ako nin lugaw na kakanon mo.
Digdi ka lang sa duyan mo
Ika sakong tataningan
Pagturog mo.


Kukuguson, hahaproson simong piad

Padaba ko, O aki kong garo anghel
Na mabooton.

Sa simong pagmata
Laomon mong yaon ako, kataning mo
Padaba ko, O aki ko.
C. Presenting Let each group sing with you then divide them into four groups to
examples / sing a stanza with you.
instances of the
new lesson

D. Discussing Ask the following questions based from the song, Katurog Na.
and practicing 1. Siisay kaya an nagkakanta?
new skills #1 2. Nata ta nagkakanta an ina? Para kiisay an kanta?
3. Ano an gigibuhon kan ina kun turog na an beybi?
4. Sain papakatutogon an beybi?
5. Ano an gigibuhon kan ina tanganing magkaturog an beybi?
6. Sa paghuna mo mangatutog kaya an beybi? Nata?
7. Narumdoman mo pa kan ika beybi pa? Ano kaya an piggibo kan
saimong ina para mangaturog ka?
Naiistorya na niya saimo? Sisay an gusto mag istorya sa

E. Discussing Let the learners familiarize the song – “Katurog Na” and have them
new/concepts sing together with actions.
and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing Let them divide into three groups. Each group will present the song
Mastery (leads to with an action.
assessment 3) Criteria:
5 – Sing all of the lines of the song with correct
phrasing and intonation all the time.
4 – Read 50% of the lines of the song with correct
phrasing and intonation all the time.
3 – Read 25% of the lines of the song with correct
phrasing and intonation.
2 – Read 10% of the lines of the song with correct
phrasing and intonation.
1 – Does not deliver the lines of the song with phrasing
and intonation.

G. Finding practical Each group will be given an activity to share in front of the class.
application of
concepts and
skills in daily Group I Group II Group III Group IV
Draw the Act out how Draw pictures Compose a 2-
things that your mother let feeling how line song
help you to you sleep your parents expressing
sleep when when you took care of thanks or
you were still a were a baby. you when you gratitude to
baby. were still a their parents.
Each member Tell something
will talk about about the Assign a
the picture actions you reporter in
he/she draw. did. your group
who will talk
about the

H. Making How will you show love to your baby brother or sister?
and abstraction
about the lesson
I. Evaluating Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. An kantang “Katurog Na” nagpapahiling nin

a. pagpadaba asin pag-asikaso

b. pagpabaya sa aki
c. pagkaungis sa aki

2. Kaipuhan kan sarong aki an _____________________

a. pamilyang magpapabaya
b. pamilyang maasikaso
c. pamilyang nag-iiriwal

3. Kun dakol an aki nin mag-agom __________________

a. dai napapagalan an magurang sa pag-ataman

b. diit an kaipuhan sa laog kan harong
c. dakol man an pangangaipo sa laog kan harong

4. An pamilya nabibilog kairiba an __________________

a. tiya, tiyo asin mga pinsan

b. ama, ina asin mga aki
c. kabaranggay

5. An kantang Sarong Banggi pigkomposo nin sarong


a. Bisaya
b. Bikolano
c. Tagalog

J. Additional Write a simple thank you message to your parent for taking care of
activities for you.
application on


A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other
School Grade Level Two
Teacher Learning Area MTB - MLE
Time & Date Quarter Third - Week
1 Day 2

I. Objectives:
A. Content The learner demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with
Standards sufficient accuracy, speed and expression to support comprehension.

B. Performance The learner reads with sufficient speed, accuracy and proper
Standards expression in reading grade level text.

C. Learning 1. Read aloud grade level text with an accuracy of 95 –

Competencies 100% MT2F-IIIa-i-1.4
2. Read grade level texts with appropriate speed. MT2F-IIIa-
II. CONTENT: Istorya: Maogmahon si Angie
ni: Agnes M. Camposano

Values: Self-confidence, love of family

A. References: Curriculum Guide 2016 p. 112

1. Teacher’s
Guide p. 160 - 163
2. Learner’s
Material MTB – MLE p. 86-87
3. Textbook
4. Additional
(LR) Portal
B. Other
Learning Picture illustrated by Camillea B. Azul, Chart
A. Reviewing Sing the song “Katurog Na” (to the tune of Sarong Banggi) together
previous lesson with the pupils.
or presenting
the new lesson Motivation: Have you experienced joining a contest? How
did you feel?

B. Establishing Show picture of a girl.

a purpose for Ask: What do you think the girl is doing?
the lesson

Unlocking of difficulties: Through Context Clues

• entablado – Lugar o espasyo na puwedeng gibohon
an sarong programa o aktibidad.
An karantahan ginibo sa entablado.
• kampiyon - An pinakagana sa sarong kontes o
pa tiribayan.
Si Biboy an kampyon sa kawat na
Badminton sa rehiyon Bicol.
• aktibidades – Iba-ibang gigibohon.
An mga paratukdo dakol an
aktibidades sa eskwelahan kaya
banggi na nakakauli sa harong.

C. Presenting Motive Questions: What contest did Angie join that make
examples / her so happy?
instances of the
new lesson Read the whole story “Maugmahon si Angie” without interruption.
(LM p. 86 – 87)

D. Discussing 1. Anong kontest an inintrahan ni Angie na naging maugmahon

new/concepts siya?
and practicing 2. Sain piggibo an kontest?
new skills #1 3. Siirisay an kaintra sa contest?
4. Ano an nakapagpamundo saiya bago mag abot an aldaw kan
6. Pano siya nakabawi kan kamunduan?
7. Ano an nangyari kan si Angie na an nagkakanta?
Maogma kaya siya? Nata?
8. Ano an kinanta ni Angie?
9. Siisay an kampyon sa karantahan?
10. Ano an nakatabang ki Angie para manggana sa kontest?
11. Anong importanteng pangyayari sa buhay an nalingawan
niya? Nata?
12. Ano an nakapagpaugma ki Angie sa saiyang kumpleanyo?
13. Kun ika si Angie, gigibuhon mo man an ginibo niya? Nata?
E. Discussing Fill up the graphic organizer.
and practicing Titulo kan Istorya
new skills #2

Mga Tauhan Pinangyarihan Mga


F. Developing Choose from the box the events that happened from the story that
Mastery (leads to show an action. Read it aloud.
assessment 3) • Aroaldaw an pagpraktis ni Angie kan
saiyang kanta
• Nadadangog na niya na pig-aapod na an
mga kabali sa pagkanta.
• Pighahanap na siya kan saiyang mga
• Angie! Angie! kurahaw kan ina na kaibahan
an saiyang ama.
• Kan inapod an saiyang pangaran suminakat
siya tulos sa entablado.
• Paralakpakan an gabos kan madangog an
saiyang boses.

G. Finding practical Form three groups to perform the activities. Setting of standards for
application of • Read
group activity. Angie!
theMaswertihon ka sa
part of the story bybirthday
group. mo.
concepts and • Napanganga siya saka nag-ulok ta lingaw
skills in daily Group I Group II Group III
living “Matibayon si niya an saiyang birthday.
Angie! Matibayon “Sobra an saiyang Napanganga siya
si Angie!” Kurahaw kaugmahan kan saka nag ulok ta
kan mga tawo. madangog na siya an lingaw niya an
Magayonon niyang kampyon sa saiyang ikapitong
ipinadangog an karantahan. Kinugos taon na bertdey.
pamusong kantang siya kan saiyang mga Nag uli na sinda sa
“Sarong Banggi,” magurang,”matibayon harong kaiba an
Tapos na an ka talaga Angie! mga kabarkada
karantahan dai pa Maswertehon ka sa niya.
naghaharali an bertdey mo!”
mga tawo.
Pighahalat ninda
kun sisay an

H. Making What attitude or values is being developed from the story that you
generalizations have read?
and abstraction
about the lesson

I. Evaluating Read the story. (Guided by the teacher)

Si Noel

Si Noel an saro sa mga miyembro kan basketbol team.

Siya an lider ta matibay magkawat. Saen man sinda ilaban pirming
nanggagana an saindang team.
Tanganing maging makusog an lawas niya dai siya nalilingaw kan
tamang pagkakan nin masustansyang pagkaon. Kada hapon
pigtatawan niya nin oras an pagpraktis nin basketbol. .


5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points

Read all of the Read 50% of Read 25% of Read 10% of
lines of the the lines of the lines of the lines of the
story with the story with the story with story with
appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
speed in a well speed with speed softly. speed too
modulated inconsistent softly.
voice. of voice

J. Additional Practice reading the story at home.

activities for
application on

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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